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hh yg Thermodynamics €2) -Huk Faey Phase Choages ) 1c apmatanomte- bois. he ena Onan GS Tiemerenmanat : x Theat GhaCbl- wher obuanobyectismaconsinententacl, —& heal cat teens Pec Fram Me —cbfect oF huger ben pelatuce be the ehject of Gwenbemperalace ———_——— . , x Heak-SEnecgy 1b ts the senvlgytsrancforced=s across the __- : boundary of a Syston due tea keomparcbre—tiFlecence - between the systow 1k sutoun deag.s units =_caletie_ 5/_Toule, + _aieeeelteieaae — pa re se - te - — pwe objects : = = Co once tal eplihnae« TSR alabpec= ay Heak Enery & Phase Chaige + SpectfresHeab oP Substance s- st 1s the amoubie shee eneyy —cepuces ey to carsexbewpaatuce, °P dg. oP substance by EE, * In Generals, QUSNMEMAT, wencrcene 7 a depos on sibtice 5 lamp — oc ign “ia the some Phase" Tn General—s- > = ——L, amountaofebeat-cepuced for dik, — b eg Pe the Phase Diagrams @) _#Coaservalen oF Enugys- Sy he ba tes a eat ex. Por a bullets that Wibs 4 weed batier s- Gt. Mieetre-esergy 1S -conveted ty heat energy = Soule” «KE = GQ.» +. ES ROMEACT, ex Fer_on e\ject that 15. dtopped. From «height <- “Fading the Feel tenpertive SF eal) seesat Hate t— alabnanete (meyiee? > Comedy? the final state = swaber- 2 nedeee > meee, > be find states toe OP we ceach water state eg = eae AT + ttaeclw + thea eysAT sees <2 —+ faal state . BC mice ft LF __s Faal states aware Mice My >/B Raat shite veces wate + se, KEXs- 1P we teach waterstate 2. - _ S gigs My So bh = Oye CV AT + Meely. xoe-1F we teach water + Vapor stibe + - Co sctia puntata MLy = Mace by + Mree Ca AT A Mapa ele cack bat Cet svP we teach 4ee-+-wabec—state.— G assume Tp = 0° SH Myly My Cy AT = DN Lim 2 Pinata char OC t fad @+- —_——S _ 7) De ee = Titerid Bietty Fa Syston G Sut oF all enotyies of all Mebedes _O*B ae siemeseleee, an nes chon ORE associated withthe satecmmlecidaraliuclwexfotees. ¢ State Nanables sescnbes lhe stale Pa Qysten' - Gers %, VTE ¥ TunsterNlatiables —s osseciates wil a process Cehage atte) byes (A PV Te Be ao - 77 Be capele gle 2Qa ew Te At Law of Thatresyranics Ee-E; IF Cewpansun J (yes ve— Ks Qaisutddeds Cheat] Goatees 1f Gesusetisks Levey). _GQuse=verw «for the “unt. done. bya ges. _aganes ee i = SL uasr~stahePeecess = aired ent egmlonain I~ i ~ dy = Fy =0 = — Pdets - — ~@ Ge Expansion "tethers “ Eangyete-loumg-—54slon @ ForCompressien 4- wor doe = we e Seremtisinintiten @ For Sayed volume s- work Avie = ere == “pi dst oy Syst = ©) Wal dete syste “Kor the. Peoxsare=ve=Noluwe=Geaph “Ps consinat* | sears = Tea = BOVe=M), | Lda tine 7 H# Thermal Processes — Fsovolunetie YEsbaric secosbueovelne semimsinpamecme- wubeeral enceyy depoidsioits- © caoref males _ ® absoluletenferabuce: - @ hype oF gas a _ Ly Honsabame J Dratontc/ Trraboete —— DV aote Gaz ay We mle - \ e+—Noble-Gas-/-He—Ne—Ae——~ —— x foe the ote_atou 2 Can Move ke ya 2 os Q we ~ EES = Te Pe _vedeaboante dees NoT=depad or the pair ce on he «State , a “at constant pressure” — (Cfree bo wove») Wey ~ BOk-W) ~ RAV rte Gases 1. AM. A _ eae bees ¢ WeaRar > =a specthic beat af const P ‘Qe (C heat gwen > changes In enecgy 9) fr Taal Gases oy BYE AE =(™\(SR)CAT) =) (47) => niGvAT® {Gis HoaR specific heat (4-wele— 4°) L, Gisitaesur mse Far acroalome ges #Helae Specie Heab—s heal repuirel fo tsetemperalure of wenale. oF the gas by 420). O Samerateatielon—» & = apa — @ For enstank= Presue.—. Cy = Evo 8 = = BDr-abone Gass 2 ats im lhe molecule. _ Geox Ha Op NE --- —_____— for Khe tuo akotts me > cot weve in ony ye when we ove loosing heat, \, Wee S/ Grae. * Condi biens 4- @Lsolgted @ vsuatonlyy Coceues vecy gue) — A= Ae, Wy, Zee +P expansion’ Uyasve, BESEve, 1P compression + Why = ave, > Lsstherma vs Adsatatre (ate = Zeee tae Aare eral 64. - Us Garey ¢ Remember s- Oscu— ion at sylenesn tin @ Cp — Melee Specific heak at P constant gee — &-@s , fe] Moalouie + Gish epemigh —~ » Vee @Dr abomic + Grange aL + (8-1) Wy 20 bey. talting Un” IaT 4 (8a) toy = conchs ——_ et G bn TV = cost. G (ESSe — 0 By using PvenAT e Sumwiar'y — % For Ideal Gases, PV= ART a 4% law of Thermodynqutcs — Gm AU+ Ww # Werk Wesavel Pod! % the. degree of Freedom — “F” Specific heat ab constant volute —, Cyt PR speafie heat—at — censkant: Pesce x Seneioett = Pocesses B~ (ZI Teevolunetere / Lee chorte + * volume ts consbul : Pe +2 goles, * B=» Th Te AU = 1.Cy AT. a ad 22 Volume» constant, * We O- * aten under cutve.” Qeseay =< 0G,AT! 2| Tcebarie ; “ pressuce 1s constant! Ms Z Va oO * Pressute—y conshank , * + a - Ay = nC, AT a w= PAV = oR AT QeAvew = NCAT 13 Tactherwal “ Fenpecaluce 1s constant” se bonpetaluce.—» constant —, t RY = RY stbenpecabice—» constant, tv AU= 64 fo WaaBT la(yy a ART aCe), 7 eBteey™ QE W = aR ELA p)! oe 0BT Wh) FL yee, ces ot : : We ay = BEE a Qs Bere u 3. geactal. ease of process for gas” PyX = constant —» Py Vy" = Re Ve™ VEIT = constant! VT, = VT et ext ext Pt LT. eashak aT. BS Ay = Cy AT. ce “w= efit Re RY Beebe Auth a oe a ee ane eee i) UalieiuaesPoceas 2 Py . Pave! : TA ya pu = 4G At , No = aren uader_the curve oP Psy vi = Q= AU aw TO vweeeeee = efor the Schemabe. Represedabien:- P i ee A Heat: Engmes & EFF ictency o Heat Eague—y aay engue tat converts hea—cteegy mks Wechaateal _eAel gy Hoxie Stoo Engine! Fael—heats te water: Vapst—expands dees wok _agarast —pisten» a back to water and epee * cad _pus* Sa v = Fon 4st baw2- AE = Zero wclesed cycle” ZQ = EW» Whyp = Qu=| eh — desired output _ Qual et => Thelnal Ef Ficieaty = TE Wa ~~ "On fee e. abt bajae = time of one cycle “AF we wide tye Inoue” eopabions tc Bae Bp ee 8. © Rn nck prs eee. ab 1s Qn wth Qi jg ayer ab ts Qos aren wider curve.” _ O Mach = Wr We +s : 7 T eeainaaempee The “Second_Law of Theme dynamics = sixth, sR \ tog NOT state Hue nel het => cold osecotd Laws L, Bel —Plesck, 1k 1s anpossible. ts construct a device Bale, nyse As Que Vag equating ma yell, will Produce te ef ch other than “Coveted — edt Conplobely- sain week * Cacaat Engine s“ ecrbrcat* assumig that the gasis Ideal. cattaraed a a Mebable pisloy, the qocess ts “Reversible => “ne fac) uchon” the cycle cotslsts oF —» Qexpansets [ Leo terwal:— Adiabatic Ly at Tp Te D compress Cte thrnal - Aldvabebic] Qy = Ws © Gotheml Expanses aT My -4E 4 Qr-0 % @ ‘ndabatic Equesen — Fyate tw Q=n" @ Qs = Ws! ate Wee SaEt — Miy== AE y! 2 Qy=0! x © Prabatre Cupnpresces Te—Ter =< Cas Sia} aet Cc Qe ORT. WC%,) “xvel a Qe RE WB) Yong egue <& Aranay : Pa er tore’ etl nel = Mw feo Glteh —> &- Ths c ae ee, ee, “ae, "From cold te hob AThe Heab Engines ib Fron hot teyps 8 QE Prom cold temp aud Wyo * 15 cealeased . AE = 2elo , so npu =oulpts—» Oy = Ware + Qe = \% 2 6% = Seat + The Refigerata] Hort Rorps- Ge? Fron ld boop. & Qiy Fran but tong. aa Way's coguiced ~ AE = Zero, so pub zoufput—> Qe +Wnt =Qy —> Wook =|Qp— Ie} Ty or €% = We do Nol defue cFioncy CoP. “coeff oF porforamce. CORN ~ Fhe: K \ he ceEngontac | AC. + COP) ot nay = oe __PV= diagewns —_ o heal engine + clockwise. closed cycle Ohl Erpuasin — CEyAdiababc Expat Neon catpot Qe. Th lc woke Entropy CS) G HE is bhe weaswe of dtsorder / Candonaess 14 Hieculer of sy stom L sold < lywd < gas =the Change tA Entropy Sips atta uades.. Te S diag Fann — 4 A, Tale Ace ao id Ti, ae + eas S-5 = Jie Oi TS const: sy, 43-2 “agn Q~ sign 4s” TG sethgqual® Oil Te cask. ms A ie) a wi mee —» Qons alle Wut oP Sdee.—, Qsslyst ~ For tleal gasess. © Lsomunetics QanGe aT — 5 S= 0G oC) — @ Gobarta s-_QanCp ar, as~ nlp a EY # Tips aid Trets._6 er PV Ts diagramsr— — efor the processes» (We curve se PHVi- O ealve Shape > negative Stipe curve x. @ Are, ——> Work done Camas shen © Gonplete-Gycle—> clock. anki. chackwt se onan TS te, © -Gpve-Shape —> Postbiue slope curve. aS. @ Aten ——» Heat(Q) (Pos Qnse [rhe s @a-ve) @ Guplote-Yyele —sclock-oc abe clockivige Sqme og Pes a) Teothetwal. Rocess +- ota PV curve. ein T= S—s horr-zontal Une =) Swetumabee a pe

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