Elevator Instructions

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University West

Dept of Engineering Science

Gabirel Sebastian June 2021

PLC task 1

Programming in LD and FBD, including function blocks Program and

debug in simulated PLC with virtual elevator

This compulsory PLC task will be individually examined during scheduled assessment time. Each student shall
execute and explain their own PLC program for the supervisor. The focus is on program quality (the goal is not
to make the elevator run perfect).

1. Use the TwinCAT Virtual Elevator project from Canvas.

2. Functionality for the elevator:
a. Elevator should be able to move to all 3 floors according to the input from buttons.
i. On press of a button elevator should move the respective floor and should wait until the
next input.
ii. Doors of the elevator can be left unused for this task.
b. Buttons both inside and outside should be working.
i. Both inside and outside buttons can have the same function.
ii. Button presses when the elevator in motion can be disregarded.
iii. Green and Red buttons can be left unused.
iv. Display Inside the elevator can be left unused.
c. Lamps both inside and outside should be working.
i. A lamp should turn on when a respective button is pressed.
ii. The lamp should be on until the elevator serves that floor.
iii. Lamps inside and outside the can have identical function.
3. Write all PLC program in LD (Ladder Diagram).
4. Standard function blocks can be used in the program to improve the elevator functionality.
a. Example Standard FB: Timers, Counters, Trigger.
5. At least 3 types of function blocks should eb used in the program including the individual and standard
function blocks.
6. Execute and debug your LD program to reach desired elevator function. Structure and clean up your
program to reach good programming quality (see examination requirements below).
7. Change the view of the LD program from LD to FBD (Function Block Diagram) by selecting View and
View as function block diagram in FBD/LD/IL menu.
8. 6. Make some changes in your program to become familiar with FBD programming. Execute and debug
your program in FBD view.
9. 7. Compare similarities and differences between programming, debugging and readability in LD and
FBD programs

The PLC programs shall be made, executed, debugged and verified in advance at school or home.
Scheduled assessment time are intended for examination of the verified PLC-programs.

Examination requirements:
• No unnecessary global variables
• Follow the naming standard of IEC 61131
• General comments and "contact" comments for easy reading, do not comment too much
• Split rungs in logical ways for easy reading and debugging
• No complex expressions, avoid branches on the input side as far as possible
• No branches on the output side

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