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Tamar Kahn Unit PLAN TEMPLATE (This is what you will turn in)

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A. General Plan for the Unit 1. Class Description: First Grade, regular education, 20 students

2. Title of Unit: Family Curricular Theme: Identity 3. Objectives Students will be able to understand their basic family history. Students will be able to understand and make inferences about characters in books who are preparing for a move. Students will be able to conduct an interview. Students will be able to complete a venn diagram as means of helping compare characters feelings. Students will be able to transfer interview information and photographs into a timeline using a website. Students will be able to write a poem or a short story describing the feelings of one family member that moved. 4. Standards 4.1.1 understands and creates family timelines to show events in a sequential manner. 4.4.1 understands how knowledge of family history can be used to make current choices 2.1.1 understands that when individuals and families make choices about meeting their needs and wants, something is gained while something is lost. 3.2.3 understands why families move 5. Strategy There will be several lessons leading up to the project that culminates the lesson but takes place as we learn. The interview process will be practiced as a class as we role play being the interviewer and the interviewee. Then the class will brainstorm

and discuss possible questions to ask their family members before embarking on the process. Finally after the interview is complete we will work together in the computer lab on putting our individual family moves onto a timeline. See flow chart for brief description of events. 4. Rationale Students will learn the standards cited because they ill actually be creating a timeline as stated. Students will see from the interview, photographs and timeline that our history, the places our family members have been influences choices of schools, traditions and even religious observance. This discussion during the interview and presentation of timelines will allow children to see or hear from a peer about how the moves helped as well as may have hurt people in the family. It will be clear that if people are moving, there is a reason that is sometimes big and sometimes small.

Content The students will hear the books Im not Moving, Mama by Nancy White Carlstrom and Ira says Goodbye by Bernard Waber. They will act out parts of the book and do some role playing as I read in order to encourage them to feel like the characters in the books. They will use Venn diagrams to compare the feelings of the characters in the books that are moving. The students will engage in discussions about moving and the reasons the characters in the books are moving. The students will share text to self connections and describe if they have ever moved, how it felt and why they had to move. We will create several quick tally charts recording, grouping and sorting the students who have moved, why they moved and how they felt. When working towards the project, the students will interview family members by asking questions about the moves in their life and recording the answers on a graphic organizer. I will present my graphic organizer to the class and model how to use an interactive time line website based on the interview and information I gathered. We will also write a short poem or story reflecting a family memebers feelings about moving. Students will complete a Venn diagram as described in order to help them compare and contrast the feelings of people who move. Students will be experience and perform a mock interview to gather more information about the feeling of the characters in the books, to allow them to role play, and to see what an interview consists of. Students will work in groups to brainstorm interview questions for a grandparent and parent in order to discover the moves they experienced in their lives. Students will watch on a smart board how I transfer my interview to the web site that will aid my setting up of a timeline depicting my grandparents moves, my parents and my own.

8. Motivation I think the students will be motivated to learn about their families and discover pieces of information that they did not already know. Students will enjoy having a deeper understanding of their family situation ie, location, economic situation after learning about their familys history. Additionally, after reading the picture books which illustrate two different opinions about moving, students will be curious about their own personal moves and how people felt in response to them. 9. Technology I will teach the students how to use the web site. The site will allow them to type the events from the interview into the slot on the screen that says event. The students will continue to add events to the site by clicking the tab, add event. The site also asks the dates of the events. After putting in each event and date, the site allows you to import pictures. I will also teach the studemts how to use clip art or google images in the case that they do not have photographs to import. The children can see each others work on the site. 10. Student Product/Performance The site asks for you to type in the starting date and ending date and to title the event. It also asks you to upload pictures as you put in each event. After you do one event, you can add another by clicking on add event. Then you put in the appropriate dates etc 11. Assessment During class discussions I will take note of insightful comments and encourage those not participating to think about the characters feelings in the book and try to share a thought. I will collect the written work each step of the progress in order to monitor understanding. Venn diagram will be collected Interview questions for the family members will be collected / conferenced about before conducting the interview. Completed interviews will be collected before creating timeline in order to ensure that pertinent information was gathered. Rubric excellent Written work was always presented neatly with appropriate punctuation good Written work was mostly neat and consisted on mostly correct punctuation satisfactory Written work was sometimes neat and had some correct punctuation Needs improvement Written work was mot neat and did not have punctuation

Work was always completed and submitted on time Interview asked all the necessary questions Timeline on computer reflected all the information from interview and had excellent photographs or pictures Student always worked nicely when collaborating in groups

Work was mostly completed and submitted on time Interview asked most of the necessary questions Timeline on the computer reflected most of the information from the interview and had good photographs or pictures Student mostly worked nicely when collaborating in groups

Work was sometimes completed and submitted on time Interview asked some of the necessary questions Timeline on the computer reflected some of the information and had some photographs or pictures Student sometimes worked nicely when collaborating in groups

Work was not completed or submitted on time

Interview did not ask necessary questions Timeline on computer reflected none of the information from interview and had poor photographs or pictures Student had trouble working nicely when collaborating in groups

12. ALSO - Modifications/accommodations When class works in groups to create interview questions for mock interview of characters in book, one student will be selected as writer. When interview questions are brainstormed in pairs, student will be paired heterogeneously and the friend can do the writing. We can make a copy for the child with need to accommodation. When child interviews family member, information can be recorded as opposed to written. Goals for child on rubric may be different. 13. B. *Session by Session PROCEDURE/IMPLEMENTATION PLANS (step by step how the project will be presented to the students and how they will do it). List each session separately, and for each session, in sequence and detail, describe who does what in order for this units objectives to be achieved. Account for time,

student grouping, discussions activities feedback etc. Present this in both a) a short overview statement of what will happen in the implementation of the unit and - b) give a session by session description of what will happen. Include: 1) Time and time flow - how many sessions? how long will each session run? Account for the flow of time within in each session (i.e. whole group discussion/ 10 minutes, distribution of materials/ 5 minutes, hands on work/20 minutes, put materials away/5 minutes, whole class debriefing/ 5 minutes, etc.)

Session Title and/or Number - 1

Time overview 10 minute introduction 5 minute read aloud of Im Not Moving, Mama 10 minute brief re-read, picture walk 10 minute acting out session of book Materials and Resources - book Lesson : 10 minute introduction will consist of a discussion amongst the class in a teacher directed form. Questions will be posed such as: Who has ever moved? How did you feel? Why did you have to move? Discussion concludes with explanation of our new unit regarding families moving around. 5 minute read aloud (only listening no discussion) 10 minute brief picture walk with some discussion as we look closely at the story 10 minute acting it outstudents will volunteer to be the characters in the book and act out the story for the class as I read. Goal(s) students will know the unit of study they are embarking on today students will understand the hardships of moving the students will be motivated to hear more about moving and connect it to their personal lives

Logistics Students will be at their desks during opening discussion. Students will be on the rug during read alouds and acting out of book. Teacher Narrative: I will voice to students this characters perspective on moving and connect it to any of the students that shared similar sentiment during the initial discussion.

Session Title and/or Number - 2

Time overview 5 minute review of session 1 discussion of book as opposed to what the character in todays book is going to feel about moving 5 minute read aloud of Ira says Goodbye 10 minute brief picture walk with some discussion as we look closely at the story 10 minute acting it outstudents will volunteer to be the characters in the book and act out the story for the class as I read. Materials and Resources - book Lesson will all take place on the rug, children remember the flow of the lesson from previous day and look forward to volunteering to act out the characters in this book after hearing it twice. Goal(s) to introduce another perspective on moving will be presented and internalized as a possibility for how people can feel when they have to move. Logistics students will be on rug Teacher Narrative we will focus on the opposite feelings that this character is feeling because he is happy to move as opposed to the character in the other book who is sad to move away.

Session Title and/or Number 3

Time overview: 5 minutes independent work in pairs 10 minutes, going over the work as a class Materials and Resources individualized venn diagrams and a large one on chart paper

Lesson : Students will be given a Venn Diagram and work in pairs to complete the comparison of the two characters feelings regarding their move. A big venn diagram will be drawn on the board and students will contribute their ideas Goal(s) are to review the feelings of characters and to notice similarities as well even if they are small. The group discussion following the work in pairs allows the students to see what others thought of. Logistics students can work with partner wherever it is quiet and comfortable for them. We will regroup on the rug with partners sitting next to each other with their venn diagrams in hand Teacher Narrative stress once more the variety of feelings that can be felt during the time of a move

Session Title and/or Number - 4

Time Overview 10 minutes to introduce assignment and break up the class 10 minutes group work 10 minutes interviews Materials and Resources notebooks for writing down questions Lesson: Students will discuss what an interview is and why we would interview someone. What does an interview look like? We will be interviewing the two main characters. Now that we know, from our diagrams, a lot about how they feel about moving, we may have further questions for them. The class will be divided into two groups. Each group will be an interviewer and an interviewee. The group will work together to create 4 questions for the other character. The questions must be thinking questions not ones that are answered by the author in the book. Goal(s) practice for writing interview questions and conducting an interview

Logistics groups will form circles so that the students can see one another as they work collaboratively. Then groups will open up circle and face each other for mock interview. Teacher Narrative Good questions are ones that we did not already know the answers to Questions written for an interview like in general have question marks Good to ask one question at a time and wait for the answer before asking the next question

Session Title and/or Number - 5

Time Overview 10 minutes - overview 10 minutes independent work Over the course of the day conference 1:1 about work Materials and Resources - notebook Lesson: Students will be introduced to the project. I will explain to the students that just like some of us have moved or some have not some of our families, parents and grandparents have moved for a variety of reasons as well. Lets interview them and see how when the moved and how they felt. We will be placing the moving information into a time line so it is essential to get dates even if they are approximate. Keep that in mind when you list you interview questions for your family members. We will be writing the feelings section in the form of a poem or a story. Finally, we will invite another First Grade class to see our work as a culminating activity. Bring in photographs of those family members or upload photographs to a USB stick. If no photos are available student will use clip art later in project. Independent work: (First we will model some examples.) Students will brainstorm questions for family members in their notebook. Throughout the day, I will meet with students and look over the questions Hw: discuss with parents who best to interview. (students will choose on grandparent and one parent) Goal(s) First step towards learning about the history of their family

Logistics discussion and introduction to project will be at rug. Independent work on questions will be at desks Teacher Narrative the more specific the questions the more information you will gather. Ask for dates Reasons for move? Who has examples of questions they may ask their relatives?

Session Title and/or Number - 6

Time Overview 15 min.- I will model on smart board how to transfer interview to 15 min- Students will begin transferring their information onto the site.

Materials and Resources smart board, chart paper with my interviews posted so that students can see the enlarged version of what we are working off. Lesson: I will model how to take the answers from my interview and place the information in a timeline of the site called I will do it on the smart board so that the children can have an opportunity to help me with each step. They will be invited up to partake in the transfer. This will allow the students to be actively engaged in the process of transferring material with guidance before completing it independently. Goal(s) students will learn how to use the program and post their timelines on the internet. Logistics students will be in classroom during the lesson and at their desks viewing the lesson on the smart board. They will be getting up to help me make adjustments by touching the features on the smart board to create my timeline. The students will go, with me, to computer lab so that all the students can be working at one time and children can ask the computer teacher for help, they can ask me and they can ask the neighbor sitting next to them. Teacher Narrative begin with the grandparent when you start your timeline because we go farthest back in history first. The look at the interview of parent and finally think of your own life.

Session Title and/or Number - 7

Time Overview 7 minutes model how to upload photos 20 minutes time to complete timelines and photos in computer lab Materials and Resources smart board and computers Lesson: Class will revisit smart board and learn how to upload pictures or use clip art to illustrate the time line Goal(s) all students will be busy but possibly at different stages of the project. Each child to complete the timeline. Extra time will be allotted later in the day back at computer lab for the few that are not done. Logistics students will begin in classroom with smart board activity then go down to computer lab. Teacher Narrative pictures of grandparents come first, then parents, then you

Session Title and/or Number - 8

Time Overview 10 minute introduction share poem written by someone who moved 10 minute- part of the interview was unused for the timeline the section where the person moving shared their feelings lets discuss some of those feelings that surfaced. Materials and Resources poem, chart paper and notebook with interview in order to revisit the facts Lesson: Students will hear a poem depicting feelings of a character moving and then students will share the feelings of their family members who had to move Goal(s) Children will see how different people felt moving from place to place Logistics poem and discussion will take place on the rug Teacher Narrative interesting feeling word.. lets put that on chart paper

Session Title and/or Number - 9

Time Overview 10 minutes lesson to introduce options for second part of interview project 10 minutes to work independently 10 minutes to work independently later in the day (First graders do not have the stamina to work on an assignment straight without a break.)

Materials and Resources quick outline, notebook Lesson I will remind the children of the picture books we read depicting the characters feelings during a move and the poem. I will explain that they have a choice of which way they would like to present the feelings of one of their relatives upon moving. The students can write a short story describing the feelings and the move or they can write a poem. ( We have already learned poetry and he students are aware of how to write cinquians.) students will begin working while teachers circulate Goal(s) to have a short way to show the feelings of the relatives in conjunction with the timeline that will show the different moves. Logistics children will be on rug for discussion and will work at desks. Teacher Narrative remember the poems we wrote earlier this year look at the bulletin board for a reminder If writing a story, you should first create a quick outline in order to brainstorm your ideas before writing. Quick outlines forms can be found in the class work bin. Later students will return to work and continue the writings while meeting with a teacher to go over spelling and content.

Session Title and/or Number - 11

Time Overview 15 minute set up in computer lab

20 minutes to circulate the computer lab and view other friends timelines as well as the poem and story that will be published Materials and Resources computer with timeline, story or poem on display Lesson the students will have invited the other First Grade classes to see their work. Goal(s) To give the other students in the class as well as other First Graders a chance to see the work created by different students. To allow the students themselves to show their work and feel proud. Logistics presentation will be in computer lab because everyone can have their timelines open at once on the computer Teacher Narrative Quick run through of where the unit began and how far we have come.

Name: ______________________________________

Please complete the following Venn diagrams comparing the feelings of the two main characters from the books.

Sample work connected to Session 4

1. Why was Reggie excited to move? 2. How did that make Ira feel? 3. What could Ira do to make Reggies move a little easier for him? 4. How did Reggies family feel about moving?

Sample work connected to session 5

Students will brainstorm some questions for family members aloud as a class. Then they will do some questions independently then the class will reconvene. All questions that are relevant and suggested will be listed on the board in case other classmates like the question and want to use it for their family members. 1. Where did you live when you were born? 2. How long did you live there before you moved? 3. Did you like that neighborhood? 4. How did you feel about moving? 5. How many times did you move? 6. Did your parents want to move? 7. Did your friends make you a goodbye party? 8. Do you remember your first day in your new home? 9. Did you like your new home right away or did it take time to adjust? 10.When you got older and moved again did you feel the same as when you moved when you were younger?

Sample work connected to session 11

Cinquain poems follow the following rules Line 1 - One word (a noun) naming the subject of the verse. Line 2 - Two words (adjectives) describing the subject. Line 3 - Three words (verbs) describing the subject's actions. Line 4 - Four words giving the writer's opinion of the subject. Line 5 - One word (noun) giving another name for the subject.

Moving sad, worried packing, leaving, driving

Moving was hard when I didnt know anyone in my new neighborhood House

Some students may choose to write a short story.

When my grandfather was 12, his family had to move because his father got a different job. My grandfather was partly happy and partly sad. He was happy because his father needed a new job and the family needed more money but he was sad because he was going to need to make new friends. My grandfather was the oldest of the children in his family so he had to be brave and help reassure the other children that the new apartment, neighborhood and school would be kind of like the one they go to now. He said goodbye to his friends at the end of the school year and felt worried that his new friends would not be like the kids he had known all his life. When he got to his new apartment, he was surprised to discover that his next door neighbor was also 12 and very friendly. He played with this neighbor and his friends all summer and by the time school started again, he felt at home in his new home.

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