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Hello dear Jury Members

This is a short manual, showing you how to log-in,

stream the movies and vote for your favorite one!

There are two possibilities to Log In:

either you use the Juror access
(in the upper-right corner)
or the Jury Login (down-left corner).
If you enter the page for the first time,
you need to use
your Voucher Code,
which you will have received
by your supervisor.
Next, you have to enter your e-mail address:
Now you will be asked to enter your name
and to choose a safe password
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What if…
You need to login again?
You forgot your password?
No need to worry!

In case you don’t remember your password:

choose the option “login again”

and then “access via e-mail”

an e-mail will be sent to your address,

containing a link where you can choose a new password

If you just need to login again,

choose the option “Use e-mail + password”
Click on one of the “Vote for the winner” buttons
and the Voting Process can start!

Do not worry, if the buttons

don’t appear immediately.

As soon the voting officially starts,

the buttons should appear!
Now you can start VOTING

You have six points to vote:

3 for the first place
2 for the second place
1 for the third place
As soon as you spent all your points,
click on submit
and your votes can be counted.

Q: What if I forgot my password?

A: As mentioned above, that is not a problem. You can just request an e-mail and choose a new one.

Q: What if I want to watch the movie together with another Jury Member?
A: This is no problem. Your friend just needs to remember to vote, with his own account.

Q: What address can I e-mail with questions or a problem?


Q: What if I share my account with a family member?

A: Please contact us directly for details, if for some reason, you need to vote twice.

Q: Can I change my Vote?

A: Once you have voted, the vote is in the system and cannot be changed.

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