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Curatorof Antiquities

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axp:\xutnagoxprlrou fleqc,Ldouv06touv
onorrE The founding ofpiraeus
pryd),egloroglx6g rr€Qr./r€rs
rsEotqv lorog(o,rr1g cvOgon6rqrag. and its rise and fall comprrseone
E(vaL110aupcodl ."osr: puogru6i.r1g, humanity's great historical adventures.It is the marvellous
,ro, 1qr*A q y6wr1o.r1 history
rqEoro 6gapaxaLtri 06l.r1o.q of a city which owes its birth to the
ev6Ecn6 rouf n),6ovo[u8eqxeig vision and will of
one of the most far_sightedpoliticians
rrlgoq1aL6rr1rog, rrlv ng6rurnlFoqq4rqgoro peyo).6_ in the ancrentrvorld.
its exemplaryform to the visionary
nvooo166r,o rou nar6gcqg nol,eo6oprcE, schemesof the father of
rq provcdLx(cvdnrufir1 town-planning,and its unique
rIE orq eorlop€vl rlyeolaq.urotnou developnfentto the eniightened
66rooe ro 6vogarou oro p€_ leadershipof
ydlo crrbvarou el.l.r;vlxotnol"LrLogori. the man who gavehis nameto the golden
Baow(1ngoun60eor.1 centu_
qE ry of Hellenic civilisation.Basic
u0lvaixrlEourozqo.tog(oE, o.xQoyovrc(og prerequisite for theArhenian
l.i0ogxcr xag0LdrqE Empire,cornerstone
o0qvoizrlE6rlp,oxgat[og, andheartof Atheniandemocracy,piraeus
o re Lgar,dgoa oxpr,oirncL0o,naqo,x_ was to
pooeLpo[i trr"e rise and fall togetherwith Athens and
ro Aoru xo,rrrEgayd]"eg the great ideas
L66eg nou drlpLotgyr;oov that generated
ro Oatp.au1Ex)raowilgEl.),o6cg. r the miracle of classical Greece.l


Piraeusmade its first appearancein

O fle qardg epQav([eraLorqv rcto.o(a history just before the
],iyo ngLvo,n6rs Mr,16r,xd, Persian
pt rl'iv ofioQooq rou @epr,otoxl,{ Wars, with the decision by Themistoclesto fortify
ylo,nlv o1{rgcoorl rrov rqrbv its three harbours.The reasonfor the
l.Lpavrbvrou. H o,lt(o,yLarqv xa0uoregqp€vl1 delay in recognizing
ovoyvrbgLoq rrlg the strategicimportanceof the
orgarqylxrqgor;pao(ogfl1gnsgLolrlg area was its initial separa_
unqqle q aqr,xrl o,nopr6vrrr- tion from
the routeslinking Athens with the outer
of r1g o,n6toug 6q6pouEnou olv66eo,v worid. It
qv A01vo pr^e rov 6lut is very probabre,as the ancientsbelieved
x6opn.E(val no),rinL0sv66rL,6norg (thrs information
n(oreuqvoLc,glcioL(r1n),q- is communicated
goQog(ana,po,6(6ero,r. to us by Strabo) and as its name appears
un6 rov )tgdBovo) xar 6natE
Qa(verulva to declare,that piraeuswas initially
a barrenislet on a cove
Orll.rbver ro 6vopd rou, o lle4oldE {1ravagXLzo
6va legovrloL of the Saronic Gulf which
oro puxo rou Xcgcovrxot,nou t6re nq6neL at that time must have extended
vo,exreLv6rsvo,vdur_ betweenthe promontory
oo oro argor{igLo rou Ay. fr,tiigyrlrou of Ayios Giorgios at phaleron and
@alflgou xoLro Bqdlo the rock of Eetioneia,the stony outcrop
tqg HerLove(cg,tr1 Bqolrir6qaurrl oru6),q[q of Aigaleo. Like its
rou Ar,yd].ero. )rug neighbourSalamis,it had hills at its two
06o dxpegrou 6Xel -6moE xo,r y€trovrxf extremlties:ro the
I )o),op(va_ 6rjo xo northeastthe peak of Munychia (altitude g6
qu06S,ors BA qv an6xgrlpvrlMouvryia m.), to the west
({rV.86 p.),6unxd to the high groundof Akre (aititude5g m.)
utf [me6orrlg Azrlg (ilV.5g p.) ruouevrbver linked by an isthmus
6vc,gr,o0pog rip. 17p., 17 m. high createdby alluvial sedimentation.
611 plougyrlprevogcn6 a).oupr,cx6gemliiroelg. There was a
io peyd)"ol.Lpdvr, largeharbouron the
oltlpor(Lerar,B6pelo rrlg llelgoixrlg northernside betweenthe island and the
legoovrloor_r, ev6 dl.),a6to Eetioneiarock opposite,and anothertwo
pr'zg6tegoovo(yovro,Lors v6tro xaL smalleroneson the
NA rqE. H 0ai,aooa zqr, southernand
southeastern sides of the hill. The sea,and then
orrl ouv61eLo, ro 6l.og(Al.he6o, A),pugiq Al,o(),
t nou 1rbgr.[e subsequentlythe marsh (Halipedon,
to fegovrloLaut6 a,n6rr;v tln6lolrn1 lru*4,ord0r.1xe Halmyris or Halai) that
yr,anol_ separatedthis waterlessisland from the remainder
l.origcubvegepn66r,oorlv efirxolvoJv[ap: of Attica
triv A0r1vc,1 ono(a for many centuries,
posedan obstacleto communicationsr,r,ith
XQrlorponorotosirrg),r,pdvL ro no).ri nl,rlor,6orego@dl.r1go.An6
Athens,which madeuse of the much nearerport phaleron.
ro @dl"qgoo,valtr;geio Orlo6cgyr,crqv Kq{q of
xor,o Meveo0etrg
yia r4v Tgoio,.Exetltrlu on6 ruol"l"oilg
oLrbveg_ 0o orrcBfaore (
xoL o An6orol'og flari),og. Tr.1orlpcoia rou
enwe[ouq,ruo8e lxvrj_
eLto peyo,7,,o nqtoroa,rrlx6(715_600 ru.X.)vezqoraqeLo tr,gg7
;.re O KiQoq rcu @tporoxLrj ouTu IIeqaLx4 Azrfi.
ro,QrE,nou avaord,Qrlxe rua),l6reqaoro
A6]"rs, 6noiExaL _}.(yo
The tomb ofThemistocles on the piraiki Coasr.


*j*#*: 1 ,,:'', l.' ',
; ":-.

.i" .iii

sQyorrQo_q (o.roliQool> (o a,norupnav

wpbglueLxovtd, pr,ag It was from phaleron that Theseus
oupprog(agllelgotcitv.2E[ceeor.1 departed for Crete and
oqv oru6].utr1_oe oriyzgiori pe
to euQ4poro,dlJ"on ruoqa),lrr;v Menestheusfor Troy. It was there,
6ripov, 6rutgn.y.r1)o],apivo, 11 many centuneslater, that
Ar[ovr1,to [I6pto pdQ'1_ egrlpo St Paui was to disembark.Some idea
,ou otyliovor _tleLqcLd of its importanceas a
ono_ harbourmay be gieanedfrom the large proto_Anic
t6l.eoeo Bqdlog pe ro ltpavdr, (715_600
r,ig lr4oru,i(ag nou e),6y1eLro BC) cemeterywith its eighty-seven
Qo),r1gLx66ppo xcL ol.6zh1qoro Aezavon66r,o gravesdiscoveredin the
migAgrlvcg 6o9 courseof archaeologicalexcavations
ro oqp(o fiou ouvc,vr, in the Delta, and from
ffi ;[:ilff :[-ffi ;? :Wil;
the somewhatlatercruciflxion
ity.zOne exceptionto the absolut"
of a gangof piratesrn its vicin-
nqoiotog[ag-ro ng6ro euqrlpcroe(vaL pou".,y of present_day pi-
xa 6orqaxa_ raeus,from the archaeological
lqovo)"oye(ra,Li6gruor1, viewpoint _ by comparison with
on10urr,xi1 dxqq rou l,Lpc,vLori,rou findings from other coastalmunicipalities
Leporirrlg MouvLl[agAqt6pL6oE, ro ono(o0o cnore].6oe such as Salamis,
r,yio Aixone, and porto Rafti _ is
nol.),otgaubveg-U€ p(o povo,uve[r1yr1rr1, the rock with the iittie port of
OLoxornl or"4Muxrl_ Munychia that controis the
voixrl fle g(obo_ro p,ova6r, x6 xarcmqpAvo Bay of phaleron and the entire
oqpe[o rou fle4rad,. Athensbasinas
Tq orgcrqyr,zfc[iu ror (6rcurou ],6Qou far as the point of intersectionof the mountain
0a expara]J"eure ( nqrb_ ridgesof Hymettos,pendeli
roEo Innfug,nqolotqrbvrcg and parnes.The establishment of
oqv oltqoorl rou orgrel.euro,[ou
the sanctuaryof Artemis Munychia at
roraQuy[our4Emqa,wiog(A0.ilo].. 19 the harbour,swestern
.2),w ano].traqy6tegc, boundary can
ulv enoyfi"m1g be dated as far back as the early prehistory
eyxar,uorco4E exeitou paxsdovlzori of
Qgouq[ou, Attica - the first finds are neolithic potsherds.
oLA0rlvcrioL 0c 0upq0o6v rqv ngoQqreic This sanctuary
rou Enr,gtv[6!yrorov was for many
centuries,with the exceptionof a srngle
zivduvonou 6zquBerlMouvry[a(fll.our. unex-
)6],cuv12,Atoy.Au_ plainedintervai
during the Mycenaeanera,theonly inhabited
sectionof Piraeus.The first to exploit the
H agllxf rrbpq rou fleLqar.d strategicvalue of
Qo(veral 6rL,6reQo, oxro- the hill was Hippias, who proceeded
re)"o{.roe,pol( pe ra yelrovLxd. to fortify rt as the last
1otgr,d,roug trr"er6nelrc6{poug refugeof tyranny(Ath. pol. 19.2) whllemuch
rqE Eun6trlE(Moo1oro, Ka),1"106o), later, when the
rou @c),{gou (IIa},o6 Macedonianfortresswas built there, the Athenrans
Odl.rlqo) xor rov @upar,rd,6tov were to
(Keqaro(vr.),roug ono[oug o rememberthe prophecy of Epimenidesconcerning
K),ero06vqg0a xarcrvs(p^eL the hid_
oe 6la,Qogerlx6g Qu),6E,6na ter[d_ den threatposedby Munychia (plutarch;Solon
xolrov, n).4gov6po,fu.cog, T2,Diogenes
p[ogan6 tLg12 n6LetErcuK6zgonog,
Laertiusi. 114).
ge z6vtgo ro Leg6tou Hgox),r1orcr Kop(vr,a.3
Kard, ta d),i,o The large village that comprised the first settlement pi_
e]"d,y.grc-av elalg6ooup€ ro mq6 rqg Mouvr,liug,
e[,vo,L at
nou raeus seemsto have formed, together with the later
rupoovoQ6gOIXc- ro, o,q1cr,ol.oyr,xd demes of
ilvq nou oQqor o na,),16g, Xypete (now
Moschato,Kallithea), phaleron (paleo Faliro)
ngo0ep,or6x)"er,oE fleqa,Ld,g.To (6r,olo16eL6po_lg xaLyLc,ro 0r1_ and Thymaetades(Keratsini),
the tetrakomorr_ successor,xrou6rlpr,ougy{0rixEWxrl p^eraqqt0pr,oq rou K}.eLo06vq. O perhapsto one of the twelve cities of Cecrops_
brlpogrou lle Lqcuirgp€ rouE 9 , riilr;.rg centredon
10,Boll,elt€g nou the sanctuary
of Heraciesat Kaminia.3But generallyspeaking,
otrl Bou),r1, frq,v, coot6oo,ltoqiEopQr,po),io o peya).tregogaru6 archaeologicaltraces
of the old pre-Themistocleanpiraeus.
toug 6qporg trlE aorlzrlErqlmriog trlg Inno0orvri6og
Qu),tlE(or except for the aforementioned sanctuary of Munychia, are
un6),.or.nor, .
fro,v or,@upor,td6eg, o Kogu6olJ,6g,or,uOqvoixo( minimal. The
sameaiso appiiesto the demescreatedby the
611pol Koil,4 xoLKeLgrd,Oeg). H E),euo(va,x{qLog0qpogrqg na_ reforms
of Cleisthenes.Neverthelessthe deme of piraeus.
gd),r,agrqlrttog r4g Quftg, (tav neghou (or;oe paye0og
F€rov with the nine or perhapsten representatives that it sent to
lleqcld, evdi notrt pLxg6reqrl q Aex6}.era,
{rcv xriqLog 6{poE the Boule (Council of the 500), was undoubtedly
rqg gso.6ye LcgrgLrttog r4S Qultg. the largest
deme of rhe urban trittys (third) of the Hippothontis
(the othersbeing Thymaetades,Korydailos and the
demesof Koile and Keiriadai).Eleusis,the principal
To auvtoyprHMA Toy @EMr:ToKAH demeof
the tribe's coastaltrittys was about the samesize as piraeus.
O flepoLdg elvcu,ouoru,otr,xdto br.lprotQyltrs
rou @epr,orox],{, while Dekeleia,principal deme
of the tribe,s inland trittvs.
og L66cxo,rcogext6f,eor1. fLo,vc,ne(oeL ro 6tpo ,s ,reoErq o.xo_ was much smaller.


nrporrrc rrE oxtQoolrErou snrvsiou(4g3

n.x.),o @eprotoxl.fg T H B u l s r o c l E s '
;mogoiloevo.enLxcr),eo.0ei ooBcqotg apuvrlxoirgl,6yolg, xcOcitg
Piraeusr,vasessentiallythe creationof Themistocles,
{rav cx6p1 nq6oQaregor a,vc,pvrlo.eLE as a con_
rt.lEorroQrLo,rr,xrlE an6_ cept and as a reality.To persuadethe deme
ofthe advisability
Buorlgtou 511n.X. oro ongoordreuroOdl.r;qo(Hq66. 6.116)
of fortifying the harbour (493 BC), Themisrocies
xoL napd;vo ziv8uvoEev6garyqv[tlrou 11 was able
ev6grwgoLxoric,LQvl_ to appealto the
needfor defence,given that memoriesrvere
OLcopoit,oq,vxLo.lr6v nou enq6xenopard on6
rg[c lqovLa _ro still fresh of the Spartanlanding of 511 BC at
490x.X., vo oneeel xoy fiayLy"6ollv A0r1vo. unprotecred
Aev anox?,,elersr, Phaleron(Herodotus6.116),
ev roi.rtoLg,ro ev6eX6p,evo and given the currentdangerof
vo,6nc.l[o,vxd,non p6],o oe cutfl tnv a surpriseattack by Aegina or by the persians,
o,noQuorlxaLoLl,av0d,vouoego,0r1vc,ix6g such as that
QL),o6o[ieg yLarr;v o.vd_ which was to sow panic in
Athens three yearslater - in 490
inrfiq picg no entlr.rtx\g epnoqLxilgorgctr;yLx1g,
xcOrbg6].o BC. It is nevertheless possiblethat somerole in this decision
Qaveg66rLto nol.L6eniveLoe),d.1Lorc,, wasplayedby latentAthenian
ambitionsof developinga more
ru),6ov, ngooQeg6tavyLo,rov el,),LpevLopr.o trov p.eyal,tteQovouy_ aggressivetrade strategy,
as it was becoming increasingly
1g6vov eprnogLxtirv x,atnoLep.txuvnl.o(ov, nou
frav a,no,po,(tqta, obviousthat the old port was no longer suitablefor
yLo,u1v nqoypctonoilorl rIE. O olv6r.raop6g docking
rot olupori ),6gou the larger merchantships and warshipsthat were
tqg MouvLl[oEp€ ro rq(a ooQc]"r1],LpdvLo, necessary
ra x].eLord].Lpdvr.a for implementingthis strategy.
The potentialrepresenredby
rqgztag xo'LrrE Mouvryiag orouE6urLzotgxo,L
roug o,,1- the combinationof the fortified hili
of Munychia and three
xoug,avzfutoLlc,ng6no6eErol ),6Qou,x,orrou
Kav0d,pou,nou safeharbours- the enclosedharboursof Zea and Munychia
nqoora,tetreL aru6ra butLxd,11HerL6vslo,,6ev0o,pnoporiosva
6r_ at the foot of its westernand easternslopesrespectively,
aQriyeLtrlE nqooop1g xar(nLounou 6p),enero prel,),ov and
qg A0fvag the harbour of Cantharus,protectedon its western
otq 0dtraoo'c.Ta ruvsiiparo yro,rqv cruo6o1f trlg xoopoiorogr_ side by
Eetioneia- could not fail to be noticedby anyoneforeseeing
xl19otpoQrlg,nol np6teLveo @epLorox),f g,etyu,,,npoetolpoo0ei a maritime future for
Athens. The frame of mind required to
ono tE oq16g116Itou 6ou aL.n.X., p€rouEay6veEyLau1\\r'_ acceptthe momentouschangeproposedby Themistocles
xr,qoqxr)Enovrlvrlg Xc)"ap[voExor l,E poxQrv6gexorqcte had
[eErou beendevelopingsincethe early 6th centuryBC with the strug_
X6trotvaxo.r, rov flelolotgatL86v oro BA Alyo(o xq,roro Xyer,o, gles
for conquestof neighbouringSalamisand the far_flung
tou Mrl"trd6rl o'tr1Xepo6vqoo,t1 Arlpvo xo,r.rqv ,IpBqo.
An6 campaignsof Solon and the peisistratidsin the northeastern
tqv d).),r1ru),euqdI poxQoxQovrlpovopcl(a pe q p^e1ol"r.i,
r6re, AegeanandSigeionandof Miltiadesin Chersonese, Lemnos
egnogLxr.l 6rivapr.1
rou )c.qrovLxori,tqv A[yLvo.,nor.r
l3pLon6rc,v oe and Imbros. On the other hand the long_standing,on_going ,
el6),Llr1,eile r.1611
otov unepELn),c.oLo,opo rcuv20 m\o(ov feud with the island of Aegina, the great commercialpor,ver
nou oLA0r1va(oLeilov o-re[].sL orq M0,r;ro (Hp66. 5.90,6.S0).O in the SaronicGulf at that time, had alreadyresultedin more
@epLoroxl,{1g {1rovo no},LtLx6g nou 611p6vo _nr.ot6goe aurrl rr;v than doubling the 20 ships that the Athenians had sent to
ncgd.6oorl-ogo,pn'r(otrlxetr1vaurLxil xugLcqlio qg A0{1vog
xal Miletus (Herodotus5.90,6.S0).Themistocles was the poiiti_
xcro,v6qoeq o'rlpaoic yL,autrlv tov mr,po,lntbv],Lpavr,titv,
c].].d cian who - faithful to this tradition - not oniy had the vision
xaLo 0e).qpa,rr,x6g dvbqcrgrou nogrqo,(tourrlg Oorla, o ono[og to anticipate
the future naval supremacyof Athens, he also
14 Oepr),icr;oe pa pLaoeL*od,zoo;r.oiotoqLxfEorltrrco.icgano$doe_ understoodthe
importanceof the piraeusharboursin accom,
cov,cg1(ovto,E U€rlv oltgcuorl -f6q to 493n.X._totr l.r.pevog,
plishing it. He was the wiilful man of the Ostia portrait,rvho
rrlv (6guor1tou or6l"ou 1n ro vc,urLx6v6po rol 4gZn.X.,
oulv laid the foundationsfor this supremacyby a seriesof deci_
onolo xord.QrQevo exrq6rpeL rq.6oo6a rou 6fpot an6 ra, pa- sionsof historic signiflcance,
startingas early as493 BC with
ro.l.),eio,t6)"ogtrlv xoraoxetrl ttov nqd;rov vsooo(xov xo,L
rltv the fortificationof the harbourand building of the fleet(naval
opycvrr;oqtou vcrt otd,0pou .
law 482 BC), for the pulposesof which he had succeededin
H enL).oyfrol @epu,otoxi.fenol.qOerirrye6ygpovoge ro
96)"o divertingthe deme'sincomefrom the mines,andfinally build-
ruou6pel,),,e vc na[fieLoe ].iyo Xg6vLco ot6log orc M46Lxd, a],],d
ing the first shipshedsand organisingthe dockyard.
xst an6 rqv l6la trlv avd,nrulq rol fleqa,ld,, nou _6nog
exe(_ Themistocles'decisionwas vindicatednot only by the role
voEeile opopctLore(-eng6xertovq o,norel.eoel rov rruqrlvarqE that the fleet was to play just a few years later in
the persia.ri
:rQcirrqg trreooyeLcxf g preycn6),erogxolrqv rupotru60eor1 r;g otpc- Warsbut also by the growth of piraeusitself which. as he had


no)'nmi6 xot otftovofuxrlg
avdntulr1gqE a0qvcixrlg
outoxgatoqlag'/LaLtrlE al,),r11'6vdtrrE envisaged,becamethe nucieus
of the first megaroporrs on the
p,'aut{v arlpoxgorioE.
Aev 61eLosxetd rovLo0e( or ftor,o Ivledite*aneanana the sine ,
tua non for the militarv-potiticar
r3aopo,r L6r,osoqQ(c
rou rrer-
ga-Ldenriq6ooe op.eoa ?{o,r,
ro6,orono},(reupa "".
;:::::: ::::i::::.
to pal')'ovtrlg A0rlvcg'
Metotg6novK:,Er'nv A0qvc
or vour,-
speciarnatureof piraeushad a direct
xt1 6tvoprl' 1 on6@oor1to, and substantiar influence
@epLotox)"r'1 60eo'str,gBaoeLgyr.c
tI 01p'ougy(apLcgLolugqgv6ag on uoth the polity and the future
rdfir1g'rou (v''urL,ori 61]'ou, of Athens has not beensuf-
tcov oqtdv xtr,rq)'otcilv (ott1v ficientryemphasised. TransformingAthensinto a navalpower,
axptltou o o16)'o9np6nervo cnc-
oxol"otoensphou 20 000 xcom4)'cteE;' Themistoclespaved the way fbr the
emergenceof a powerfur
n.r" .rurr, the ,,'aval gang,,of paid
eyytqorl yLcq 8lc*lqloll xo' rowers(at its peakthe fleet
tttv ngrbrarvbrlpoxpcrLxrbvpa-
toqguopbeov(x)'{gtlorlapl6vtrov'er'ooY'lYtoorgcxLogoilB},. must have employedarouna z0,...rowers)
who guaranteed
rhe upholding of the first democraric
Eev'A0 troL' 1'2'll)'orit' @ep' 19'4) reforms (office hord-
realotg60vapq 60r1o'qg yLo ers chosenby rot, introduction
tlv o)'ox)'qgoorltqg 6qpoxgat(oE' of osrracism;see Xenophon:
H el6l'L[rf ig Aorlvog ndvor
constitutionof Athens i.2, prutarch:
otq 6Lnl'{ aurf zatetouvoq, rrE vauuxilgouroxprcrogfoE ThemistocresigA) and
x,o,r actedas a driving force for the
consummationof democracy.
o'xo)'ou0foouv xor.
onthe basis
H gL(o_,";;r;il;.
oxaouxfi out{1 on6Qcorl yr'a6vc'#'pa nqog ro
:** ff:j::;T #::::flTT:
ep^ng6g orlpor,ve goal in the direction of which
ouolq'ott'zorr atEr pe trlv nagd6ootl the following generationof Athe_
xot rl'lv eyxa'tdl'er,rl,1rou nian leaderswas to work consistently.
dorerrlg'To v61pc trlg enLl'oyf1E This radicardecisionin
tol ouvotf(leLo @ouxu6(64g(A
favour of a greatleapforward amounted
93'3-7) l'6yovzcq6tL <rugrbtog effectively to a breach
cut6g (o @splo'toxl.fg)t6),p.4oe
with tradition and abandonmentof rhe
vc nsL6tl 6ngeneotq odl'aooc v'cvclqtrloer, city. The significance
q Aor1vc rr1 6[- of the choicewas expiainedbriefly by Thucydides
vap4 trlg xcL ngrbtogdglLoeva eqyd[etcL (A93,3_j)
yio va oeire]'LrboeL rr1 whenhe wrote rhat.,/ze(Themrstocres)
arivapq aur'\" ' olrl tou qv npooolil was the first who crared.
'EB)'ene' rqv uyeotg6peLoto ot6- to say that Athensshould seekto builcl itspower
)'o' vop([to' 6tL rltav euzo]"6tegoy'o ,o"g at sea and.the
ll6qoeg vc f.rst to start workingtowardsthe estabrishment
6qlovtot' cn6 tr1odl"cooo nagd on6 oteqio'' of tharpower...
fl(oreue ncogo fler- He devotedall hisattentionto the
qcr'dE{tcv no}'il nr'o fleet. He coultLsee, I believe,
lgiloLpoEfloQd r a,ndvo n6},q(tov fleLgcrd that
it would be easierfor the persians to come
oQe)'ip6teqovev6ple trlg dvol n6leog)> (Pr0s by sea than
A.B)'a1or). overrand.He berievedthat piraeus wasmuch
otL r; otgctq ytxfircu @eprotox)'6oug moreuseJurthan
o6rlyorioeavayxuottxu the uppercity"
-cv 6ev .ThatThemistocles, strategyled of necessity- if
{tcv oJroQxng o'aut6 orrl petoQo- it wasnot alreadythusoriented
pa rqg ngonerio,oq'qoro l'r'pavL' "gooono"o}'tprevrl- from the outset- to transferring
0c y(veLovtL)'riin6otq ouv61eLc, the
capitaito the harbour,wijl becomecrearfrom
6tcv n)'6ovor'Aolvcio. 0o cvcyxo'ototv what follows,
va por,pdoouvrLg6r- when theAthenianswere obiigedto divide
vapeLgrouE orrlv dpr-rvoorio their forcesfbr the
xolqLottilvn6l'eov, totr dorsrog, defenceof two separate
:ropc6oor'cxo'bnoltwwot zat ogqoxelrLxoti cities:Athens, the Asty,thetraditionai
x6vtqou, xcrL r,o1) poiiticaiandreligiouscentre,andpiraeus,
lleLgcLd' ndvtgouopuvcgxcLcveQoor'coFo{J, the defenceand sup-
r oLxo66pLr1or1 rou , piy uu.", whoseconstructionhad got
ono[ou eixeuglioe L cpeooE way immediately
ltrtd q Qryf talv lleqo6v, ro nr,- uri". tt persiansfled, - asrecentarchaeological
0cv6tego' 6na)gaeilvouv ve6tepoctvaotaQlxd most probably
oror,xeh,yrigor evidence "
indicates- between 4r0 and460 BC,and
ota 410-460n'X'' ndvoroe o166n tou was based
nct6ga ,,ig notreobop(ag on plansdrawn
up by the fatherof town-pranning, Hippodamus
Irurobdprou tou ML)'rloiou'Tr1061'qor1 vu 6latlg{1o'e,orylq6u,rf of ttril"trr. Athensdemonstrared its desireto mainrainits duar
ro 6Ln)'6otsp'ov6 xatvuu"rw6lagoxt{gc
triE q Aor1vc ano- maritimeand terrestrialcharacterby deciding,
aeLxvteLaxqLBrbgp^etr1 -o1e66v oriylgovrl- armostsimurta-
orroqoo,l yr,orqv neously,to constructa doubrewarl 12kmin
xcnaoxeu\ ev6g6Lnl,otr,t(yougouvol"Lzot length- the Long
Moxprbv TeLlcirv, nou 0s n1 ouv66eepe rq 0dl.cooo.
H el6l,r.!r1
rou 6pyouotq en6peveg6ilo 8exaer[eg
0o o,xo],ouO{oe r,rLgne_ ToKovauerc
pLa6teLeE rdToqt4ElreLpaizfig AxrryE.c
tr;g c0qvaixilg no)'r'ttx(E' Tqv xanaoxeu(1
fto 461-45u Traces
oJtheCononian wailonthepiraikicoast.


ii'i '"-u,u

i ,'

rr.X.)rov 6rjo ozel.6v,p6geLouxal Oc,h1gr,xorj,

nor xa).i_rnrouv Walls - to link it with the sea.The progress
on6 frlpdE to Qal,qpr,x669po, ono),ou0e(ro 44615 of the projectover
n.X., p*a the following two decadesreflectedthe vicissrtudes
u1v eLqi.1vr1
rou Katrl"(o xoLro 16),o9tqg negL66ourqg oneqcvrrlg of Athe_
nian politics.The consrrucrion(in 461-456BC) of rwo
oO4voixilgatronenoiO4orlg,q cv6yegoqc.n6tov arms,
fleqlnl.f rou the northern and phaleric walls, which protected the
8Lopeooute(1oug.To ovoLxr6rq[yrovo,nou 6z].eLve bay of
peoc ror_r6va Phaleronfrom the landwardside,was
followed In 44615BC,
peydl,opegogrou eriQogoul,exavofi€6fou,c,vtr,xo0forcro,r.
u€rov after the peaceof Kallias and the end of the period of unlimited
tq6no o,ur6(ro Oa),r;qLx6reflog eyxaro}.efneto,Logr,or 413 Athenian self-confidence,by the construction
n.X.) cno 6vavorev6dLddgopro, of the Middle
n)"dtougpol;,gev6goradiou (1g4 Wall under Pericles.
The open triangle that encloseda large
p.),nou paL( Uerr,golugrboeLg A0rlvcExc.r,lleLgaLd, 0a snotel6_ part of the fertile basin was replacedin this
way (the phaleric
oer yLd,navo an6 6vav aL6vo,to oupno,y6g,an6g0r1ro
a,n6rqv wall was permanently abandonedin 4I3 BC) by a narrow
hqd QgotgLoUro,E vo,ur,xr1g,
n).6ov,o,utoxgo,topia,g. corridorbarelya stade(184 m.) in width which, togetherwith
the fortificationsof Athens and piraeus,was to constitutefor
i more than a centurythe solid fortress,unbreachable from the
H eru' Toy IIEI'ATA
landwardside,of what was now a naval empire.
Xdgrl otov lleqr,x),r1-ouvelLorrl oe rotro trlg OepLor6xl,elcg
naqd6oorlE*o fleLqcLdgele),i1Oqrenol.t ygfloqo, oro
antx6, epnogr,x6xau oe xd,nolo
Ba0p6 ro,Lnol.Ltlx6x6vtgo tr1g P l n , q s u sI N r r s p R I M E
nol"Lreiagrotv A0qvofurv.
Thanksto Pericles,who continuedthe traditionof Themisto-
Efi(oou orlpavrlx6EF€rov orQo,rmnw6,L6r,aireqo, oto o1e6L- cles in this, Piraeusdevelopedvery rapidly into the military,
aopn rrlg lleg(x)"eLoEorgaqyrxrlg, unnQEso g6log rou flepard
commercialand, to some extent,even politicai centreof the
otgepnoglxof x6vtqou. An6 to neLgaix6Etrrn6gr,ov e[cBrdtoL Athenianpolity.
oXLpovo 11ouxovopLxrl eurlp"eq(o,
o),),dxaL cudl q tnogfi1 n1g Equally as significantas the military role, particularlyin forg_
A0r1vog.To l.r,pdvre[coQa].((eLrov e$o6lc,op6rlE n6]"1go.e ing
Pericleanstrategy,was the role of piraeusas a commerciaj
Baolxd ayo0d, 6nog eivol ro o,vuyxc,ioyla tq OLargoQqrou centre.Not only economicprosperitybut alsothe very exlsrence
nl.rlOuopotoLrd,pr,, 11anoqa(tr1rqyro rqv xctc,oxeuf ttov nl.ol_ of Athenswas contingent
on the PiraeusEmporion.The harbour
ov ful.eio,,ra patctrtreipar,arKr.L or,6ot],o1.Xe 6etreqrl po(gc ensuredthe provisioning of the city with basic goods,
such as
6gXovto,r, ro, 6oo6o,un6 rolg ),r,;revLxorSg
Q6qoug,rqv xrcvr1_ the grain necessaryto feed the populationand the timber usedin
xootfi (2Vo)en[ rqg o[[cg rou Qoqtiou tcov eLoeqXo;ravov?ro,L shipbuilding,
'efieglopevcov as well as mineralsand slaves.Secondin orderof
rou e].].utrrav[ou,s
nou enLBdpuvenl_ importancewas the income from the port taxes,thepentekoste
0av6g touE enr,Bd,reg. I6Lolregcououlqoi eivsr,or.xo,v6vegnou (2Vo)duty on the value of the cargo of incoming and outgoing
6#notv to oLtepn6qLo,6roLrbors vo, e[coQa],((eraLq endg_ shipsaand the
harbour dues5payableby passengers. The rules
xsro,yro.rrlv A0r1va, 11nevr,1g1nogoyoy{1rrlg ono(cE np6neL govemingthe grain
tradev;ereparticularly strict so as to ensure
vc. ouptn).qqtrl0e( p eLoa,ycr;y6garuotov fl6vro, r4v A[yunro, trl sufficiencyforAthens, whosemeagrelevelsof productionhadto
Aftq, qv Ktngo 11rq Xlxel,(c.A0r1va(oL xal gerolxoL6pnogor, be supplementedby imports from the Black Sea,Egypt, Libya,
unolgedvovrql 6rol ibote vcrfieQogtriroouv6troro oLrd,pL otov Cyprus or Sicily. Athenian and immigrant merchantswere thus
fleqara, evd;ta [6vc oltaytriyo n].oia nou n],eug(louvoro ],1_ obliged to unload grain
all at Piraeus,while foreign grain ships
pd,vr,e(vcrL o,vayxaop6vava 6r,q,06ooluy exttta 6to rp(ro. rou docking at the port were obliged to sell two thirds of their cargo
Qoprloutolg. T1v eQaqUoy4rotv v6pov e],6y1el to eL6r,x6 orbpa there. Enforcementof the laws was in the handsof a special
rov olroQul,axay,xat ol nolv6ge[vaLelovrr.orLx6g. fl6qa on6 corps of sitophyLakes(com inspectors)and the penaltiesrvere
6).a uurd,,q A0fva 1dqr.1oro l"lpdvLc,no"a:n:'r1vaiy\qproE ,rQo, extremelyharsh.Beyond
all this, becauseof its harbour,Athens
retoroog rou x6otrr,ou. O lleLgcrdge(var,,nl"6ov,ro clearinghouse acquiredthe prestigeofbeing a greatworld capital.piraeus
rrlE Meooye[orr,o r6nog unolgeotLxrlEouvdvrriorlgrrov epn6_ becomethe clearinghouse
of the Mediterranean,the indispensa-
QrovrIE oLxoli-revqE, ro ng6ro Or,e0v6E rgcne[Lx6 x6vrpo xc,r, ble meetingplacefor merchantsfrom all over the world, the first
lqlpnrLoulgLo epnogeupdrrovxcl vc,tl.ov, xor ouylg6voE 6vc internationalbanking centreand commoditiesexchanAe,and at


BLotelvlxllg 8gcorqgL6rqrog. the sametime a fast-growing
Mo[( pe ro oQyuQop€td].reuporol Aouqe[or.r hub of industria-lactivity. Along
0o aruore],6oeL with the silver mines of
rqv n)"ouol6regr1 Laurion, it was to becomethe richest
qy{1 eo66ov yLo,ro xQorrx6 rapeio,
ncOcbg sourceof revenuefor the statetreasury
)roLrqv u),r,xrinpotn60eoq pr,ogaveno,vdl.r;nt4E and the materialprereq_
orlv loroq[a uisite for a flowering of arts and lettersthat was
rtlg ovOpcon6trltogdv0rlolg rov telvcirv xo,r, without parallel
rov yqappdrcov. in the history of humanity.*They
<Xtgq6ouoL6e eLgrlpog bx ndorlg yqEr, come to usfrom evet))corner
0o.negqQo,veure( o of the eartlt", periclesproudly declared(Thucydides,
llegLx)"{g(@oux.B, 3g) ngaypa nol, nc,qd II. 3g),
rqv ogvqtLxrlrou somethingwhich, for all his negativeattitudeto ir,
rono06rqoq,otre o A0qva(oEo),r,ycq1Lx6g not evenrhe
ouyyQoqsoErlE Athenianoligarchicwriter of the Constitutionof Athens(2.7).
geu6o[evoQrbvreLc,g A0qvaiov [o].Lte [ag (2.7)pnoqe( v, o,QVq_
falsely attributed to Xenophon, can deny. The picture
0e[.H eLx6vorrov c.ya0cbvnou oupg6ouvorov of the
IeLquLd xo,r.11 goodsflowing into piraeusfrom
a host of different geographi_
noLxr,),hr1g yeoypaQLxrlgroug ngo6),euoqg,
6nrr;g6(veraLa,no cal origins, asportrayedby the
'EgpLnno comic writer Hermippusaround
tov xtrtplz6 ytgot ora, 430n.X. (B),.A0qvoio, Aelnv.
430 BC (seeAthenaeus,Deipn., I.27e_f),is worthy
1.27e-f1,elvaL a,vrdfio, pro,gotylgovr1g pa,gxo,rava].artxhc of the
present-dayconsumersociety: ,,From Cyrene comes
n6l.qg:<o,n6rqv Kuqrlvq 6gXerclro o(),Qr,o silphium
xcr, 66(pota, anJ [rosinweed]and animnl skins,from theHellespontmackereland
rov El,l"r'lonovroox,ottpnQ (xatxa}t e(6ouEnoot6 qdpr,,
an6 rn every \tpe of salt fish, from Thessalycartilage and beef ribs...
@eooal,(o16v6gogxoLl3o6Lvd nafbLa...yougotvr.cxc,r,tug[ cno pigs and cheese
from Syracuse,from Egypt canvasandpapyrus,
rlg Xu.oo,xo{.roeg,on6 rrlv A[yunro xo,qo,B6na,vo xcL nd,ruuqog, from Syria
frankincense,from Crete cypresswood, ivory from
o,norrl )uqfu l"LBdvL,oru6tr;v Kqrprl xtnc.qiooi, e)"e$ovroororiv Libya,
from Rhodesraisins and figs, from Euboeapears and
un6 tr1ALBriq,an6 tr1p6bo oraQi8 tgxarouxu,cn6l1v
Etpolo app l es,from Phryg ia slaves,from Arcadia mercenari es, setn
c1l.d6LuxoL p(tra, an6 q Oqryic oxl.dBoL,cn6 trlv ants
Agxc8h from Pagasai,acornsand almondsfrom paphlagonia,dntesand
pLo0oQoqoL,6otr),or, cn6 rLEfloyoo6E,Bal"avi6LozcL cpty6a),o semolina fro m Phoenicia, carp ets and muIti _coloured *t shions
on6 u1v llaQ)"ayov(o,Xougpd6e g xci oLpry6d),ucn6 q @oLv(xr1, from Carthage".
ya\w xat no),t 1g orp.apol Ll.dpLao,n6rr;v Kcqlq 66va>.

Tgg popurerloN oF PIRAEUS I N T H EC L A S S I C AALc E

O n , , r H o y : t r , t o >T o y I I E I P A I A : T H N K n A z - I K Hf I E p I o A o (Numbers; mobility; ethnic, class and occupational
(A p t0p ti g, x tv ryr m drr7r a, civ 0cor1e?vw(, r a mi
$ composition)
One result of economic developmentwas the rapid demo_
Aruot6).eopnrlE orxovoprx(gurqgfie 11gay8aia 6r;p.oyqaSr,xf1
graphic growth of Piraeus,very largely fuelied by the ser_
ovdrnufir1rou fleLgo,ld,,ot4v onoic,oe gayd].o ouv6Ba],e
Bo0Uo I tlement of a growing number of newcomers,including both
xaL intemal migrants and foreigners.Its population,numbering
lttroixan,E),),r1vcrrvxo,L[6vov. O n]"ri0r.ropog rou, p€ rLg20.000_ 20,000-30,000in an Artica of 200,000-300,000
30.000p6oo oe ph, ArtLzt 200.000-300.000 xoroixrov, g0dveL was approximatelyequalto that of Athens
by the outbreakof
rupLv o,n6.rov llel,onowrlor.o,z6n6l,epoc.ur6vu1EAO{1voE. Ev ,thePeloponnesian War. But it was a heterogeneous popula-
rollroLEllQoxsrro,t yLo,6vcv n]"r10uotrr6
o.vopoLoyev{1 og npogr4v tion whose numberswere subject to frequent large uprvard
apo6)'euor1,U€p€ydll xwqrtx6rqru. o onoiog un6neLtcr oe
ou_ and downwardfluctuations,both periodic and evenseasonal.
yv(:gxat H"eya),eg oulopLcboer,g xo.raruegr,66ou g \ xat tnoyrxl.E. It was, one might say,the thermometer
of Athenianprosp€r_
E(vai, 0s pnogorio'cprva notp"e,ro 0eqgop^etqo qE euqpeqiaE ity: the metics (immigrants)and foreignerscame
and rvent
t1g AO1vaE:or,lttrolxol xc,Lor,[6voL6glovroLxc,L o,vd,_ in accordancewith the favourability or unfavourabiliq of
),oycrpe rLEeuvoix6E{ [rI or]tovoprx6g xcrLno],Ltux6g ouv0f xegr1 the economicand/orpolitical circumstancesor the priviieges
rc rreovopro,nou roug nap6leLq n6)"r1.'Evo p^eyd)"o
irepogtor grantedto them by the city. A large pafi of the population
;ra"r'10uoporinou cno,oXol"e [taL orrl vo,utr,],iaxc.LoLxcrrnrl],oraL which was empioyedin
shipping,inciuding the rowersof the
tou otol.ou anouoLd,[ouvyLc nol],orig prlveg,on1 6r.d,gxelc,
rou fleet, were away for monthson end, throughoutthe summer
06pouqxoLrrov vcutLxcbvenLleqf oeotv.
and for the durationofnaval ooerations.


IulxexgLp6vc, otoLXe(o, yra rr; otvOeon rou nepaixot n).q_

In the absenceof statistics,it is possibleto compile
0uoproriotqv xl.ooLx\ enoyf pruogotpevo specific
ouyxsvrQrboorpe dataon the demographic
-ei").e[qeLorc.rLorLxrirv_p6vo compositionof piraeusby inference
pe ro ouv6uo,opono],].drvnn_ alone,drawing
^1c0v. on a varietyof differentsources . Alongsidethe
Ainl"o oroug o,Qxlxorig64p6reg, oi ono[oL
otpQcuvc pe citizens,who on the basisof the
figureof 9_10membersof the
rov cql0p6 rcov9-10pou),eurdiv(xoLrriv cvrLotoLl[o,
ev6EBou_ Councilor Boule(anda ratio ofone councillor
),eurr1rugog42 }ryhrcg) 6ev np6ner,va to every42 ctti-
leneqvot oav roug 420 zens)could not have numberedmore than 420
dv6geE,uxrIQXso p^e1dl"og men,therewas
cpL0p6Erov pero(xov xat^rtyvnav, the large
numberof meticsand artisansattractedbythe city,s
nou e(Xercqooe),xtoeL q ovdnrulr1 tou |Ieqc,Ld,.,H6q o @epr_ economic
development.According to Diodoros (11.43.3),
otox)"fig(xazu rc Ar,66otqo11.43.3),otr1vnqoond.0erd,
rou vo, Themistocles,in his determinationto pre-empt
ngo),dBeL Spartanreac-
rqv ovt(6qa,or1tov Ao,xe6alpov(ovotrlv avcrnu["4
tion to the growth of Athenian naval power, had persuaded
tqg cOrlvoixqgvc.utr,xrlE 8tvapqg, e(1eneloeLto 611po va 1oqr.1- the city to grant tax exemptionto metics,o, and artisans,,sothat
orouE petolxougx,o,rrouErelv(reg, <6ntoE61],og
large numbersmight come into tlrc city
no)"riEno,vrc.160eve6 r{v n6}"Lvxcr6}"0r1xc,Ln}.e(oug from everylocaliry ancl
r6.yvag exercisetheir skillsin avariety ofcrafts".It
xsr,aoxtuasotoL eulep69>. ynol,oy([etou (pa
Bdo.r1ra ov6prrtro (on the basisof the namesof mericsof known
tov perolxov p"eyvoor{ OLcpovrl)6tr otov 5o sL.
n.X. tou}.d_ the 5th centuryBC at leasr20Voof the30,000
meticsin Attica,
Xrorov20Votoly neginou30.000paro(xov rIE Ammfig,6q),a6il t.e. approximately
6,000of them, were residentin piraeus.In
neg[nou 6.000,rltov eyxareorqp6vororov lleLgo,rd,.
)ro paoa the middle of rhe4th centuryBC, Isocrares(g.21)
rou 4ou qL.n.X. o Iooxqdrqg (g.21)ruoqanovL6to,r, yr.oto n),{_ aboutthe hordesof merchants,foreignersand
meticswho had
0og ralv epa6qcr-lv, l6votv xc.r,petoixcrtv,nou xsraxl"t(ouv trlv floodedthe city. Funeraryinscriptionsindicatethat,apartfrom
n6l,r1.OnoE 6e(1vouvor enLttpBLegsnr,ypoQdg, q npo6l.euo{1 personsfrom Helleniclands,almostall
of themcamefrom the
r oug -exto g tor_rel.l.oOLxof yb g ou_ e[vo,Lo.1e66v cnox],e
Lotlxd easternMediterraneanregion:Asia Minor, phoenicia,Cyprus
an6 qv c,va,rol"LxfMeo6yeLo,tq MLxgc Aoic,rrl eorvfxq,
r4v and the Black Seacoast.
Krinpo ?.r,0.r rov [lowo There were great inequitiesbetweenthe different sections
Meyc),eE{1rc,vor,6nqoqeg lr'o,t, oE nQoEr1v o,nao16}.r1oq xa,L of the populationof Piraeus,in terms of both occupationand
oE xrQog rrlv or,xovopr,xrl
xard.otcor1tou netpo.ixorin),r10lopot. financial status.
The data at our disposal,chiefly from 4th
OLn),r1qoQoq[eg, xr.rqicuE
an6 6rxovrxotg olyyga$e(g rou 4or; centurycourt records,
appliesequaliy to the 5th century.The
sL. n.X., LoXtouv%o,tyro,tov 5o o,Lrbva. Trlv ruLoetnoqq to!1 wealthiestclass were those engagedin merchantshipping:
crruote],of oc,vo.uro(nou aolo),orivtav p€ rlv epJToQrx{1 vo,utL_ merchants,naukleroi (merchantswith their own ship)
),[c, 6pnopor.xol vatx]"qgor,(6pnogoLpe brx6 touE n].o[o) xc,r
bankers.For eachmemberof this minority, amongwhom were[reg.Xe auroriEtoug ].(yolg, on6 toug ono[ouE,reo6Q-
to be found the peoplewho financedgamesand warships,there
XovroLor,1ogr11o(tov o.yrbvorv no,uoLrqLr1qc,g1oL, cvrLoroLle( was a correspondinglylarge numberof peddlars,fishermen
6vagp"eydl.og agl0pog xcrn4l"rov(),r.avepn6qrov), rpcqd6ov xcr other self-employedpeopie,merchantseamenand above all
it)"),crtve),eu06qorv eno,yyel.potr.cirv, oi vo,trreErclv epnoBlxritv rowerson warships,craftsmenand workers
employedin light
xc,L,xuqlog, ol xrr;nq]"oreE totv no]"epLxcbvn].oirrtv,or,relv[reg industryin Piraeus,notablyin the shipyardsandin workshops
xaL egyd,teErrou o,fio,oxo),,ix6g plorelvhE, makingitems suchas shields,swords,domesticfurnitureetc.,
xc,rc xrigr,ol.6yo oto vaunqye[o,xsLra eqyootqqLc(oonL_
with a workforce numberingbetweentwenty and {ifty work_
6 onoLeia,f LQonoLeiu, enLnl"onole(q,, x.),n.),ro 6tvo,pLx6rov ers,most of whom were of courseslaves,but alsoin building,
ofio(olvxupo,ivera,L perc[i.r 20-50egyartirv,an6 roug onoioug, in the extensive
stonequarriesof piraeusand in processrng
B6pcLa, oL neqLoo6regol {rav 6ori}.or,,a}.},d,xal orqv oLzo6op{1, porphyry,as evidencedby the numerouspits and depressions
orrE s%r€ro,p6veg neLguix6g),r0oropieE).(o,r ortjv enelepyaolc, to be found along the waterfront atZea and,by inscriptions
tqE nopQriqcE,rrou rrroronoLorjvrc no)"udqL0paxor.l" on graves.6
Those employed in the agrarianeconomy _ and
otqv axtrl rqgZtagxor, enr.ygcrQ6g.6 Awlorol1o, ].(yoLnq6neL va, that only as a secondaryoccupation- must have beencorre_
f tav exeivoLruouaolol.otvto,v -xoL roi.rro6euregel6vroE_p€ spondinglyfew in number.It would nevertheless
be wrong to
n1v aygotLxrl oLxovop(o.Aev nq6ner,, oot6oo, va rucrqoyvarpi_ ignorethe dark side of the growth of this new city. Doubtless


ITtipyog rttv Maxpcov TeLyau oro Mooyaro.

Base of tower in the Long Walls in Moschato.

[eroL 11oxorsrv{1n},eupdrIE ovornu[qE rqg v6ogruo}"rlE, Xogig in the midst of this motley waterfront population,itinerant
opQr,Bo),iopr"eoa o'o,ur6v rov ct."va4tLxxo,ovf ouxo, xrvo6ijsvo and restless,therewas - as in all ports - an unclerwolld.For
d,r10uop6tou )"rpLovr.ot, xgtBetot,6rucog oe 6l.a ra )"r,pd.vLo,
o conservativeAthenians,Piraeuswas a haunt of criminalsand
ufioxoopog.I(sxoruor.of zul n6gvegO[vouvorouEouvn1QqtL_ . plostitutes:the imageof the city asperceivedfrom
on hi_ehbv
xotg A0rlvcriougro otlypa tou lleLgo.Ld.: 11er.x6vo, tqg n6],qg, Trygaios(Aristophanes, Peace)is characteristically condensed
nou 6XeLon6 pr1)"do Tpryciog (AproroQovrlE,ELq{1vq164), as that of a man "defecating
next door to the brothels".
olprruxvcbvero,r, Xo,Qo,rrnpLotLxd. o' aurrl ev6gavopcfnou ,rou Nevertheless, it is rn the multi-layeredcornplexityof rhe
*ytlet d[nAaora noQy€ictr. city's population,with the working elementvery much in the
Xrqv n),otror,o6Lootgcrrpd,tcuollrou nl.r10uopori, pe uiv 6vto- forefront,and the overallcontextof dependence of the people
vtl ruo,gouo[otou ].q,ixo{r,Orltrxot otoLXe[or_r,xaL,yevLxo,otqv of Piraeus,rich andpoor,on masteryof the seas,thatthe cleeplr
elaprqol tou fleigcld, d,ouoicuvxo,LQtoXcirv,o,n6rqv zugr._ and persistently democratic orientation
of the Piraeots \\,as
o.pXlarorv 0o.),.s,oocbv, 0epe].Lrivero,Lev rottoLg o Ba0rigxoL founded.This orientationis confirmedby panicLrlar
e:ripLovog 611pox,qotlx6E ftQooo,vo,rol"r.op6g trov llerqaLcutri,rv, by thecity'srole in thegreatcrisesof 411,404,286andS8-S6
.i/rGrov ono[o pr.].oriv'16ootcr yeyov6ro,,ouyxexqr.p6vc o g6]"og BC, andby writers,with somesimply noringthe fact. like.{r-


rouEol.E lisyd).rExQ(,osrE rou 411,404,296xorgg_g6n.X.,6oo

o Lolryyeoge[q, 6].i,.orb r.crnr.ot c.i:vovto,g crn].6E"co1e1ov6 g,
6ncogo AgLotot6)"qg,yrclrov ono[o or
pox g arr.xo( (<p ri)")"o
v 6 t7po r r.xo [>), d]"],oL
B],6novrcg oe ur.rt6
tqv aLr(o,t4g xa,xodaLpov(og rrlg A0rlvag. Xtoug te),euroior.rg
ngd;rq 06o11xat6leL o rll.d,tc,lv,yro,
rov oao[o 11l6avLxr1ruo_
hte(o,, rugoxeLp6vou vo ruqoQul,a10e i on6 rr1 po),uvoq an6ra
onolx(}.o,ncL Qotl,o i]0r1ntor l.LpavLot,
nq6rueLv, an61eLa,n6
aur6 tou)"d,1Lotov80 otd,6La,6q),a6ll pr.o,o,n6oto,or1
o'Lc,c,n6uunl nou 1rr;g(ler,rrlv A0{va cn6 tov fleLgoLd.
rqv ol.)"r1rul.eugdoLv6eEL66egnou enexqd.rqoo.v o.r1vidpuorl
x,cLrlv no),eo6opLx{;oqldvoorl rou fleLga,rd,, orlg onoleg 0o.
cvaQeq0oripenaqaxd.rcrt,xo0drgxq,l or orev6geno,Q6g xcL
r; xaOr1peqr,vf tgrpt pr rouE [6voug, e(re enp6xelroyro,rxru_
o xtmeE, e(re yla p6vr,pusyxateorrlp6vou rpxroQsu 6 pevotrg,
obrlyqoov o' 6va no),Lr,oilrxoo.volypq,orov x6opo,
otrlv o,vop'1c?,,),dxsL orq oupperoyi1ortg
[6veg ],orqe(€E,nou
6pog rug6rueL vo,ouv6Bo,),,e orqv unol6vrooqo,n6toug no).6nr,o
ouvrlQl1rrxotg A0r;vololg. fLo rr1
lcog[gnqoqyo{_rpevo u}.Lx{1
xo,Lrrvrufrortx\ ux,1l1rqgru6),r1g poqruporiv ro 06arg6 tqg,
fiou o,vro,y0Jv[[erc,L o,ur6 tiriv A0r1v6v, xatywrxa
n Isprfq
totv eoqrcbvtqg, 6ncugaurf trlEBev6(6og, uig ono(o,E o
Xroxgdrrlgxo,reBa(ver, orov ller,go,r,d. Aq 6f pog o lleLgc,La,g 6L_
a06rer,,e[a),"],ou,orlpo,vrLxa,oe otyxqLorl p d].]"oug6{1poug,
er,o-o6(pato,,L6La(reqa an6 Qoqoug,6nrr;gto eyxtltrx6v xo,L
to pstoixlov , xcn un6 ta uprl)"d plo0rbparu rrov 6qpotlxtitv
16qov, orrc0g
rou OedtgouyLoro ono(olnd,glouv sxrryQoel_

AtorrurtrH A N E E A p T H : r A: T o N t r E I p A r A
Xqv ei6lxrl 06o11nol xc cbyerob(poq rou lleLqcLd,cDE ro rl_rno_
glx6 xaL otgcrLrorlx6x6vtqo rqg aOqvaixrlgc.uroxqaroplo,g,
xaL oxn 6lpoygcQLxf xor oLzovoplxiltou d,v0r1o1, o$e(l.ero,L
ro ei6l1t,6
nol"Lrrz6xaOeortitgzo,Lq 6Lorzqtm\ tou opydvroorl,
nou o,vrlororyt( o' exetvltrlE bioixqrLxrlgnegLolilgrou o,oter.r.rg,
to onolo, cDorooo,neqLe),dppavs n6vreb(poug. OnoE Qciveral
or1v rrsQryQo,Qrl tou cOqvoixori xgdtouE ofi6 rov Aqr,oror6_
o lleLgaldg 6ev 61er,r[norc ro xoLv6p"errlv ogldvo]o1 rcov
lnol"oincr;v6{pov. O 6r1pcq1ogtou lleqo,Ld,e[voL611p6oLog
6ritra6{16va,gdqlovrcg ruoux}.r.1q6veraL a,n'6}.oug
roug A0r1va,[oug. Avtlorollo oLcg16g,nou e]"6y1ouvtrlv tdlrl
onlv ;16l'1xo,Lorlv ayoqit (nol"eobopLx{1rd[r1, xo0oqL6n1ta., Xci),xwo ci"yal1taA9ryuciE,4ogat. t,X. (AQXanTolttxd X,Iouotio IItLoato
zctt noL6r.1rc,cyo0rbv xo,r ux[qQ€oubv),xa,ro,v6povro,t Bronle stattteof Atltena,4th cent.BC (ArchaeologicalMuseunto;f pirtteus.t.


istotle,for whom the piraeotswere the most democraticpeople.

and otherswho perceivedthis as the reasonfor the
of Athens.Foremostamong the latter was plato, for whom
ideal state,in order to protect itself from contamination
by the
"multifariousand viciousmorals,,of the harbour,shouldbe at
least80 stadesawayfrom it, i.e. a distancetwice asgreatas
separating Athensfrom Piraeus.on the otherhandthe new ideas
which had prevailedwith the founding of piraeusand irs
planning arrangements,which we will analysefuither
and the close links and everyday contactsthey enjoyed with
foreigners,whethervisitors or pennanentresidentsengagedin
trade, led to a culturai opening-upto the world, as evident
their toleranceof - and even panicipation in _ foreign cults,
which must have contributedto their alienationfrom the much
more conservativeAthenians.The city's unprecedented material
and culturalzenithis evidencedby its theatre,which rivaredthat
of Athens,and more generallyby the brillianceof its fesrivals,
suchasthatof Bendis,for the sakeof which Socrates usedto go
down to Piraeus.As a deme,piraeuswaspreparedto spendcon_
siderablerevenues, in comparisonwith otherdemes,especially
from taxessuchas theenktetikonandthe metoikionandfrom the
high rents chargedfor the hire ofpublic premises,such as the
theatre,aboutwhich information exists in inscriptrons.

T u n e o v l x t s r R A T I V EI N D E p E N D E N C
o FE p T R A E U S
The special political status and administrative organization
enjoyedby Piraeus,which was equivalentto that of the ad_
ministrative district of the city proper - although the latter
included five demes- is attributableto the distinctive position
it occupiedas the commercialand military hub of theAthenian
Empire and to its demographicand economic growth. As can
be seenfrom Aristotle's descriptionof the Athenian state.the
mode of govemmentof Piraeushad nothing in common with
the organisationof the other demes.The mayor of piraeusrvas
a public functionary,i.e. a notablechosenby lot from among
all the citizensof Athens.Authority for maintainingorderin the
city andthe market-place(obseruanceof town-planningregula_
the pricesand qualityofgoods andservices)
was distributedequaliybetweenAthensandpiraeus:of the ten
police commissioners,
market inspectorsand conr inspecton
balloted each year,half were stationedin piraeus,where apart
Xd).xuog apyaixdE Arc),),au, apytg 5ou at. nX. (Aqyatd,oylx6 Mouoeio
Ileqarci) from the abovementionedoff,cials, the two joint overseersof
Bronzearchaic ApolLo,early 5th cent. BC. (ArchaeologicalMuseum of piraeus).
the Emporion and the Shipyardsalso had their headquarters.


roop€QOE cxvo,F€ooorqv A0lvG tto,Lrov ller,qaLd:an6 ror_rg10 Tue postrtoNoF pIRAEUS

I N T H EH I S T o R yo F -A T H E N S
aoruv6p.oug,a.7oqcv6p.oug xo.r,or.roQt).o,1r€g,
fiou xl,qgiirvovtuL The positionof Piraeusat the centreof developmentsand the
xoOe1g6vo,or,pr,ooirono0eroitvro,rorov lleLqcLd,6nol ext6g politicalleaningsof the Piraeotscanboth be seenfrom thekey
o,xroroug no,pundvco 61ouvulv 66garoug xq,LoL6to ouvo,gl[eg role it playedin the history of Athens.Piraeus,the walls and
tcuv enlp"e)"qtdlv
tou Egnogiou ?ro,rrcrJvNealpirrlv. its populationconstitutea truly democraticmilieu, at the same
time providing a backdrop for all the crisesof the Peloponne-
sian War. The evacuationof the Atheniansprior to the naval
H o e > H T o y n E I p A I A : T H N I > T o p I AT a N A @ H N o N battle of Salamishad already set the tone. The entire tragedy
H 06oq tou fleLqcrLd, oto x6vrqo tov e[e],fieurvxo.rrl no].lrL- of the Peloponnesian
War can be summarizedin the wretched
x{1tono06rloq rou neLqaixot n},r10uopori Elo,xp(vovto,r,
otov pictureof theAthenianpopulationjam-packedinsidethe Long
q6),orou r,otoqiaqg A0(vag. O ller,par,- Walls,the festivesceneof the departureof the fleet for Sicily,
ag, ro Tei11, o neLqoix6gn)"1Ouopog ouv06rouv,nqoypatr,zd, the defeatof the oligarchiccoup at Eetioneiain 411 BC and
tov xa,tefol(v ErlpoxqotLxolrbgo xo,Lnaq6louv ouylp6vcrig the spreadof grief and panic up the Long Walls with rhe news
to oxlvrx6 oe 6l"eErr,gxgioer,grou flel.onovvrlolc,xo{_r
no},6- of the calamityat Aegospotamoithat was broughtinto Piraeus
por. 1 neqLlqaQq vlg exxtvwang rcov A0qvtirv nglv a,n6 by Paralosone night in 404 BC.
11 vo,upcl(c rrlg Xc).op(vag e(,1ediiroelro or[ypo,.O],6x],r1qr1
11 Neverthelessthe new urban unit of Athens-Piraeus,
rQoyLxorqro,rou llel.onowqolaxori no),6pouot frruxvcbvers,r was closelyassociatedwith the seaand the navalempire,was
otq 0)"LBegr1
eLx6vorou ouvcuotLopivougeoc,oro Muxqd Te[1r1 simultaneouslybeing cut off, and for a time was completely
c0qvaixoir rul,10uopoir,oxqv no,vqyuQtxil oxrlvfulE cva16qr1- cut off, from the surroundingrural Attica, which had always
oqg rou ot6hot yLc q Xixe),[o,orTlvaQtyqo1 t1g avorponf g been the foundationof its political traditionsand its ethical
tou ol"r,yaql,xot nqcfir,xorur1pcroE
orrlv HetLdvelo,to 411n.X., values. The unity of Athens with its surroundingagrarian
6noiExo,r,r4E efidn]"ooqg,xotd prlxoEtrrrv Moxprbv Terydv, rou demeswas being replacedby the new wider network, an is-
Og{1vouxoL rou ncxvrxotun6 tqv elOqorlrIE ouU,qoQuE orouEland empireto which Athens attemptedto annexall the cities
Ary6Elloropotg, nou 6Qeqeotov ller.go.rd,
q llcqc).oE, puavi_r- with which it happenedto be allied, such as Megara,Argos,
Xro,rou 404n.X. Patrasand Corinth, binding them to the seathroughthe con-
Qot6oo, 11v6o oorlxq ev6tlru A0{1vag- fleLqcLd,nou eile structionof long walls.
ouv6e0eldpeoa p q 0a)"aooaxo,Lrrl vo,urLlr,{1
autoxqatoqio,, The prospects for this undertaking must have seemed
0o,q,noxone(our11g6vcog,yrcr6vo,pd,h,ora,6r,dor1pcrel.e[otg, problematiceven to Themistocles'contemporaries. The ad-
on6 rrlv oygorlxl Ar,r,m\, nou cv6xo,0evanore),o6oero 0e- verse effects of this island strategy on the social and moral
rqg notrr,tr,xr1g
ncgddooqg ?io,rrov rl0lxrbv ofildlv tqE. H plane, above all during the great war, when the entire
ev6tqtc, t1g A0rlvog xo,trov 1,tqtooyqorlxrbv 6{glv naer,v' population of the Attica countrysidewas forced to gather
on6 6vc,v6o, eupfreqo, n].6yp,c,pro,gvqoliftr,- inside the city, are obvious in the writings of Thucydides
xllg o.uroxQo,rog[crg,
otqv ono[a q A01vu 0o,nqoono,0rloer,
va. and Aristophanes.The crowding togetherof the population
npooogrrloeL,66vowag pr q 0d),aooo,p€ n'lv xo,tuoxeu{ po,- fosteredthe spreadof plague and destrgyedmorale: "Hav'
xpcbvrer,ltirv,6l"eErlg exdorote otppaleE ru6l,elg
tqg, orur-rg
ta' ing no houses,and living as they did during the hot season
Mfyaga, ro Aqyog, qv flctga xor r1v K6pr.vOo. in stifling huts, they died one on top of the other, or drag-
alt6E ng6nelvo eilov {611rugop}.qpcriosl
rolrE ging themselvesabout half-dead in the streets or flocking
ouylp6voug ror Oeprotoxlr'1.Ta agvlrr,xd,a,norel"6opa,to,
oro around the fountains in their unquenclmblethirst for water.
zoLvovLx6xo,r,to q0ux6 en[ne6oaur{1Eu1g vrloLrriruxf;g
orgo- The precincts of the temples in which they camped werefztll
u11Lr{1E,rbLcr[tegootq bld,gxeLorou peyd,].orno],6pou,6tc,v of the dead bodiesof people who had died inside rhem.For
o),6x)"qqogo nl.rl0uopogr4g a,ttr,x{1g
va the evil was so great that men, not knowing wlmt would
ouyzevtpcr;0eigeocxorlv n6).r1,e(vcr,Qaveqdoto @ouxu6(61, happento them next, becameindffirent to every rule of re-
oncl! xcu"orov Apr,otoQdv4.H ouyx6vrqcoorleuvoeiniv elc- ligion or of law." The long-term consequences
of the city's
ru,irlor1rou )'oLl"roitxoLtrlv ri0 r,x{1
e[o0],io o1: <<
pr1tyo vr aEonlr n estrangementfrom the conservativecountrysideof Athens.


X ai.zuo rpay Lzd npoouneio. 4o E o t. n.X . (Apyatotroyutd

Mo uoetoIl t qa rcit. Bronp tragedymask.4th cent.BC (ArchaeologicalMuseuntoJpiracust

oLne1oluytE louoau oe nuryqgigxaArjBeE pioa oro xd,oxatpt and the parallel transfer of the economic and in part the
xat nt9auctu auaxa.ra o tvag nriva orou ri)"),o oiqvovrau ptoa political centre of gravity to the harbour was to becomea
oroug 6pdpougptoorc.)aptvot, evcba),AotaM rqu aoBqorq 6h1ta particularpreoccupationof the philosophersof the 4th cen-
rouEpaledovrau ytpa ani rry Bpt)oeE. Otnepipd"otrav u&@v, tury BC. As Plato bitterly remarked(in Gorgias),,thanksto
6nou etyauxaraoxrludtoet,rloau yeparot vexpotE nou ni1q.wav Themistoclesand Cimon and Pericles, the authors of the
exe[,ytarI xa9ritgQoduraveto xaxd ot civ1parct
Bl.oayLolttuoL city's woes - who they say made it great - prosperity and
atrb rqu aqpatorm tQrauav oe an1yuaoq xt a\rcpopouoav fiLcr. democracydependmore and
more on the fleet; the Athens
yn ra rcqa xaL ra 6on> (yn$p. A. B)"dXou).Or poxgoXp6vr,_ of
former times is dominated by the port. It has flled tLp
eg enLnt6oer.g rqg ono[6voorlErIE n6]"r1gon6 tq orvrrlgrlrix{1 with shipyards, walls and taxes and other such
cyq otxrq Atttx'{ xo,rrrl E noq d),),r1
),1g ;r"ercr6nLor1
g oro ).Lpdvr, and has developedinto a city which no longerknowsmod.era-
rou oLxovop,rnori xc,L-ev p:qel- rot nol.lrlxot x6vtqou Bdpoug tion,justice and restraint". After the catastrophicconclusionof
0o anoolol.rloouv L6r,o(reqo, rouE Ql)"oooQolgrou 4ou n.X. crr- thePeloponnesian War,the policiesof navalempiresummarised
6va. OnrognLxgd nc,qo,rqqe(o lll.drcov (oto fogyla), nXsQq in the threefatal words: "ships, taxesand democracy"metwith
orov @eprcroil.r1,rov Ktpaua xaL rov IIegtx)"q, aurodE rouE a reactionthat was typical and in no way fortuitous.This was
an[ouErau xaxcuu,rcu)"tvefut peyct),atoav qv rwlq, eurlpegh the most important reasonfor the festive atmosphere,complete
xat \rlpoxparta e[agratvrat r)tou 6)"oxat neprcodttpo and ro with womenflute-players,that accompanied the demolitionof
ofi).o, 11nalm A9fiua xuptaqyekat ano rc ),ryavt,yiprce vecb- the harbour fortifications and the Long Walls by the Spartans
pn, reiyq xat Q1pouExat al)"eg rtroteg avorlokE, e$il"ty?qxe and their oligarchicallies in 4048C, followed by the seiling
ot. pta nil,r1 rou 6ev yuagllet na ro ptrpo, rr1dtxarcotuq xaL of the shipshedsand limiting of the ffeet to twelve rriremes.
rq oaQpooduqr,. Ewut, otven6E, Xo,Qo,xr4Qror tx\ xar xa06l"ou The repulsion expressedby the oligarchic supporterof the
tulaia 11cvt[6qoor1 nou ouvd,vtqoetrr"erd m1vnctcorgoQr,xrl Spartanswho wrote the pseudo-Xenophon's Constitutionof
xord),1[1 rou lle],onovvrlolaxoi-rno],6pouq no].nr,x{ rlg vou- Athenswas now symbolisedby a changein the orientationof
rr,x4gouroxgaroqlag,nou e[1eorprruxvto0eiorrErQ€rgporpaieg the Pnyx, turning the gazeof the Assembly(Ekklesiatou de-
<ra nAoia,ot Qdpotxat 1161.,
tr6ler,g: poxpadar. Totro ur4p[e o mou) awayfrom the seatowardsthe hills of Attica (Plutarch:
xtqr,oE).6yoEyr,orqv rro,vrlyuQLxn,Wtq
crutr1rpibov, Themistocles19.4).
xare6dQlorl r1g opigoorlg rou )"lga,vr,otxo,Lrrov Moxgrbv Tel- It was, by contrast,the democraticpositionof the Piraeots,
1ri:v cn6 toug )nc,grr,d,mE r<,o,t
roug ol.Lyaqlr,xotgQfl.ougrouE the samecharacteristicthat had determinedtheir stanceagainst
rc 404n.X.,triv onofa q,xo],ouOel to [eruot],qparotv veroooixrov the oligarchic rebellion of 411 BC that once again,in 404,
xoL o fisQroQLop6E tou or6l,ou oe 12 rqr,r1qer,g.Tqv crnootqo$f.1, savedthe city, supportingthe protracted,persistentand flnally
x6 g rtlg rper 6o[evoQrb-
nor exQg d[e r o Qil,o],dxovag o]"r,yo,g1, victoriousstruggleofThrasybulusto expelthe Thirty Tyrants.
welc,g A0lvo,lcrrvllol.r,re(o,g,oupBoi"([er.rd;qo,xcn l o],].cyf rr;g Then, when communicationwith Athens was cut off for six
xoretOuvor;grqg llvtxag, nou, anootq6Qovrcgto B).6ppcl1g months,Piraeusfelt for the first time the painful consequences
exxl.qo(oEtou 6r1pnuo7[orI Od,]"aooq,, ro %creu0ilveLotoug ].6- of this isolation.By about 399 BC, the port had becomeiittle
Qorg rr'19ArrLx{g (Il}"otr. @ep.19.4). morethan"a big hollow shell",to bonow the expressionof the
Eivo,r,avr[0era o Erlpoxqo,rrx6Engooo,vo,ro]"lop6g
rrov <ev contemporarycomicpoetPhiliscus(CAF II p. 11fr.2).But not
fleqcrLei'>,o [6r.ogruoueile xuOogloer.
t1v no],LrLxf1
otd,oriroug for long.The restorationof democracywas accompanied
by a
v"axaxool.r,yaglLxongalLx6m4pcr rcu 477fi.X., fiou ro 404,yw resumptionof Themistocleanpoliciesand rehabilitationof the
pr.aox6pr,4Qogd,6ooos rrlv n6l.r1,orlqilovrctE rr1paxgd, ernpn- memory of Themistocles himself, for the construction of
vq xar relLxd vr.x1Q6gopalq rou @paotBol),ou ylo r11vex8iro[r1 whose tomb a prominent place at the entranceto the harbour
rcovrgud,xovraruqd,vvov. T6re -6tc,v yr,cr6lr,o),6xl,1qouEp{1veE was symbolicallychosen.T The desireto regainnavaihegemo-
6Lax6rnlxeq enaQ{ p: to d,otu- 6vLrDo'e o fleqclcg rTla ngriltrl ny in Aegeanis illustratedby Conon'srebuildingof the walls
Qoqd rr,Eobuvlg6E ouv6nemg rqg anop6vrlior1g cn6 rrlv AOfvo. of Piraeusand the Long Walls - even before the victonous
Itqrrr oto 399x.X. ro sniveLoe(yexar,avr\oer,,6ntogtr6er,o oty- navalbattleof Cnidus(394 BC), andbeforeeventen yearshad
XQovoE^atopa6gOL),ioxog(CAF II o. Ilfr.2), <tua peyri),oxotQL.o passedsincetheir destruction- and by the persistentendear.'-


j-{!{+;{ rij: --1o. tutt,o;. 4o,< at. tX . (ApXatd"olttxb Mouoei,o Iltpaul) Two bronze statues of Artenti,s, 4th cent. BC ( MLt.reum of pir*tts ,

l&Qtdt>>.O1, yr,anol.t 6prrrg.H nol"lv6q0oor1trlg 8qpoxga,tlag our to reconstructthe fleet, whosesize within 50 years,from
ouvobetrrlxe o,n6rqv cnoxsrcorool IIE 0epr,or6xl,eLag nol"L- 317 to 325 BC, increasedto 397 ships(317l6 BC 106, 351l6
rr,xf g xar,qg pvlpt'lg rou ('6r.ou
tou @epr,otox],r'1,
yr.ctqv i8guorl BC 283,35312BC: 349,32514BC: 397),with the shipsheds
rol raQou rou onoiou enr,l"61ercrL
ouppol.r,xaylc neglonrq 06- now choking the perimeter of the military harbours of Zea
oI orlv eiooSoror l,Lpo.vLoi.? yKr rqv avd,xrlorl tqg
T1 06l.11o11 andMunychia.Even thoughthe parallelattemptin 377 BC to
qyepov(agoto Alyalo rexpqql6veu11ovolxo66p1or1 reconstitutethe DelianLeaguein a new form would ultimately
o,n6rov K6vorvo, 1161nqLva,n6tr1vr,xrlQ6govc,trpc1ic qE Kv[- cometo grief with the revolt of the allies in 354 BC, the reck-
6ou (394n.X.) xol npr.vxa).d,,xq,).d,
xl"e[oor-rv66xs 1p6vla oru6 lessnessand the ultimatefailure of this last attemptto restore
roug,torv ter,ldrvror-rlleqa,r.d,xaLtr;rvMoxpcitv hegemonyin the Aegean did not discouragethe Athenians.
Ter,16v,xal 1 eni,povrlnqoond0erayro r1v cvo,ol^yxg6trlonrou The vision of PericleanAthens inspired Euboulusand then
ot6l,ou, q Otvaprl rou onofot peoa oe 50 1q6vr,c-ax6 rc 3]l Lycurguswhoseaim was to maintain the Athenian commercial
tagro 325n.X.- 0s Q0doer,oro 391n\oia (377-6 n.X.:106,35116 and miiitary presencein a world which was falling increasingly
n.X.:397),petougveoooixougvo, underthe dominationof Macedonia.
xl"e[vor-rv,n],6ov,o,oQuxtr,xarrlv neq(perQotcovnolepr,xcbvl.igc- Among the flrst measuresto be taken in the framework of
v Ltirv11g Ztug r,at n1gMouvLl[aE.Av xar 1 naqd]"].1]"qan6neqo, this policy was the implementationof the proposalsthat had
yro r4v ovuotota,oq r,o 317 n.X., i.l€v6o popQrl,rrlg A0rlvci- beenput forward by Xenophon(Revenuesof Athens3.13) at
oglorrxd p: qv encvd,orool1rrov
xrlg Xuppal[ag 0o vcuorTrloeL the end of the war with the Allies to reorganisetrade in Pi-
ouppdy.'rv to 354 n.X., or.neqr,n6tewg
xcL 11re),Lx{1
o,notulic, tqg raeusby attractingmeticsand upgradingthe port installations.
rel.euralcgcrur{g nqoond0er,ag qE qlepoviag
o,fioxo,rd,oroorlg The particularlyattractivetermsfor permanentsettlementby
oto ALyo.io0ev cno0clqgtvouvtoug A0qvuloug.To 6gapa rr'1E foreign merchantsintroducedafter 350 BC, such as the new
A0{1vogrou lleqr,x},{ epnv6elrov ErSpou},o?.(o,r, ro
ou'l ouv6Xer.o, shorterprocedurein commerciallitigation and the extension
Auxotgyo, nou 06rouv og ot61o rr18Lcrdlqrloql1g cr0qvoix{1E to meticsof the right to resortto it (Demosthenes
noqouo[ogtrmoao'6vcv x6opo nou or the right to purchase land (enktisis) amounted in many
6oo nd,elxcxL
sn6 tq Mare6ov[4. respectsto a granting of juridical equality with the indlg-
An6 ro rugdxcrprerqaa,ud1gqg notrr,tLx{1g
0o,e[var,q u].ono[1o1 enouspopulation.A host of inscriptionstestify to the favour
rov nqord,oeovfiou eile euorlyq0e[
o EevoQrbv (ll6goL 3.13)oto shown towardsforeign reiigious practicesunder the policie:
16l,ogtor-r)uppalr,not llol,6pou yLorrlv uvoouyxg6tqoq rou tt€t- of Lycurgus,and there was a proliferationof resolutionsir
galxori ei.rnop[ouge trlv npoo6],ruoq petolxov xoLr4v ev(o1uor1 praiseof foreign merchants,many of which were linked tc
eyxoroordoeov. OLLbLCr(teqa
torv trr.pevLxrilv el.xuotuxoi6gor.yLa the needfor provisioningAthensduring the difflcult periodo1
p6vLprleyxatdotaoq torv l6votv etrrnoqeuop.evov, fiou er.ooyo- the grain shortageof 330-320BC. At the sametime therewal
vror p€rd ro 350n.X.,6norge(vo,r.11v6c (nr,ootvtopl) 6Lo.6Lxooio an intensificationof efforts to re-establishthe dockyardant
torv e;rnoglxcirv6lxdv xor.1 logflyrlorl orouE petoixoug tou 6t- strengthenthe fortifications,a projectwhich got underway it
xaLrbtrrotogtrlg ruagootaosogos out6g (Ar1poo?.32.1,33.3) t1to 311 BC.In parallel with the repairsto the wall in 346 BC, I
(eyxqoeog), te[vouv otq vopLxtl
bLxaioprcqg ayoqag crx,Lvtltarv moat 9.5 m. in width was constructednext to it (a sectiono
e[op.oloorlrouEo€ no].].doqpeiap.etoug vt6nuoug.lltrr10og
cn6 which was found during excavationsat the site of the Popula
enr,lgaQ6g texprlqLrbvotvtqv euvoixrl crn6vcrvtLotLg[6veg ]'a- Bank building at the cornerof GounariandNavarinoustreets
tou Auxotpyol, evibno},tranlaor,dfovtctxot to
rpeiegnotrr,tr,x{1 for protectionfrom the most advancedtypesof batteringrams
no].],,dcrru6tc, onoia
rlpr'1rLxaQrlQ[opotcryla l6voug etrrn6goug, The new style of warfare,typical featuresof which include
orv66ovrar, pa qv ovdyxq enlolttopn{-rrr;g AttLx{E ota 6toxo- ambushes,sabotageand surprise attacks such as those b
)'a 1g6vLatrlg oLrobeio,g330-320n.X. llagd),)'1lo evtelvetcr.11 Teleutiasat Deigma (387 BC) and by Alexandrasof Pher
ngoorud0elayLo r1v cvooulrxg6r'1o1xou vcuotd0pol xaL r1 rai (361 BC) once again, as during the Peloponnesian Wa
n1g oltporoqg, nou e[ 37] n.X. XtLylqo- necessitated the closing of the harbourentrancewith a chait
vcrg pa rrlv enLozeutltou re[1ougro 346n.X. xctsoxeudfetar. After an attemptby agentsof Philip to burn down the shiJ
xctro.lrilxogtou rdQqog,n),dtouE9,50p. (tp{1parutqg ono[cg sheds(Demosthenes18.132-3),a specialcorpsof 500 -euarc


pg60r1xavor1.]vo.vool(q,${1 rou xrLq[ourrlE Aaixlg Tqdrue[og was formed

to protect the dockyards.In 326 BC. alongside
on1 8Lcotoriqcooq rcovo66v lorivogrl xul Na,ua,p(vou xc.rornv the generalin chargeof piraeuswho oversawthe docktards
HerrdveLc),yLclrqv xreooro,oiasn6 roug elel"Lytrrevoug
no),lopxr1_ and the fortiflcationsof Munychia, a secondgeneralship
trzoi< rug.loug.O v6ogtrinogrou nol.6pal,nou
loquxrqpi(etoL createdto patrol the piraeus waterfront.The follolving
aro er,66pe g,o.LQvr,6LcopoitE vear
xcL6o).LoQ0op69,6nog e[va,lol aLQ_ - accordingto the last extant chart of the
overseersof ihe
vrbLcrorrx6g enL6gopeg oto Aeiypo, tou Te),eurio,(3g7n.X.) xaL dockyards- the
fleet reachedthe peak of its strength.rvith
rou A),e[dv6Qourov @eqd;v(361n.X.), xd,veLo,vo.yxulo,
nd.],r,, 360 triremes,40 quadriremesand 7 quinqueremes,with
o;rorgorov llel.onowqor,oz6 n6l,epn,ro xl.e[or,pop"ecluoibc
trlE Arsenal of Philo, constructionon which had staned under
ero66ourou l"Lpovr,ot,evrbp^erdtqv cn6ner.po, ep^ngrlopotrov Euboulus,also being completed.It is a tragic irony of fate
vrruoo(xo.rvcrc6torg ngdxroqegtou @ll"irunou (A1poo0. lg.l32_ that the final and greatestmonument
to this last_ditcheffort
3)brlprolpye(rareL6rx6odrpc 500
Qgouq6vro,rvveogirov.To by the Athenians was finished only a few years before the
326n.X., 6in)"o.oro (orQcrr4y6eni rov lleLgo,ld,>, nou e?, definitivedestructionof the Athenianfleet at the naval banle
vutoro.0po xa,r, to o1ug6rrlg MouvLlicg,6lprougyeira,lxau6etr_ of Amorgos (322
rrQog orQs,rlyoE,yLozr.1v (neLqaixrl)Atrz\.Tov en6pevo
11brivcrprlrou or6l,ou -otpQova p: ro tel.eutc,b oo[6prsvo 6Lcr_
Tacppc(tov enlpel.r;r6vrov verop(ov_61eLQ0doer, oro o,n6yel6 T H e H S I - L S N I S Tpr cE R r o D
ril!, p€ 360tgr,r1qeLg,40 rergrlgeLE
xo,r,7newfgeLg,eviit,oly1p6- The key eventin the history ofpiraeus in the third centuryBC
'c'x, 6XeLtetreucooelxo.r,11Xxeuo0r1xr1rou Oil,cuvog,nou d,glLoevo. was the posting of the Macedoniangarrisonat Munychia by
oLr"o8opeiro.L o,n6tov EtBou),o.Anotel,e[puarqayLxileqrovelc Antipaterin322BC.This
unprecedented eventwasa blow to
trlg rf11g, 6rLro re)"eutaloxul preyal.ilreqo pvrlpe[or1g torcrrqE theAthenians'self-esteem:a whole seriesof signsand proph_
altrlg nqoond0er,og rrov A0r1v6v 6p:)"),evc, ol.ox).r;qo0e(l,(ya ecies were said to have anticipated
it. Even more dramatic
pol,Lg1q6vr,ongr,vc,n6rqv oqlotLx{ xctaorgoQf rou oOqvcixo{.r were
the actualconsequences. Democracywas uprooted:the
o't6i.ouou1vo,upoXlc, rrlg Apoqyotr (322n.X). leaders,Demosthenes and Hyperides,were killed and a grear
multitude of republicans (approximately 12,000 citizens)
lost their political rights and in most caseswent into exile.
E , , r , , t u N t : r r K Hn E p r o Ao x For the greaterpart of the century Piraeuswas to constitute
To xcrOopLotLx6 ysyov6Erqg lorogloE rol lleuga,ld,orov 3o o,r,. - along with Demetrias,
Chalcisand Corinth - one of a chain
e.X. unr'1p[e11eyxaraorool rng paxebovLx{EqQouQo,g orq of fortresseson which Macedonian sovereigntyin Greece
lfouvLlic. ctir6tov Avrinatpo r,o 322 n.X. To npotoqavsE yLo, rested.Its dockyardwas used
as a baseby Cassanderand by,
touq A0'rlvcriougyeyov6groqole rr,gQo,vtc,oleg: oer,pdoloxl.rl_ Demetriussuccessively. The garrison,which was reinstalled
pq apoQrlreLcirv xaLoqp"e larvl"6yeroL6rLto el1o,vnqoavo,yyei),er,. in 317 BC by Cassander, did not leaveagain,exceptfor the
Az.opcr nLo 6pa.patLxf.gfruv or rrQo.ypo.rrx6g ouv6ner,eg. H yearsbetween307 and 294, until 229 BC. For the spaceof
brlpoxparia[egL[cbOqxe: or oq1r1yoi,o Aqpoo06vqE, o ynegei_ an entiregeneration(294-262BC) Piraeusremainedentirely
bq; eiovtrb0?11to.v xo,ro 6rlpoxqa,rr,xog 61),og (neglnou 12.000, cut off from the political, economicand religiouslife of free
roiiteg) 6lcroav ta nol.r.tlxd,toug bLxa,lrbporoxo.r,nflgra,vor, Athens,which onceagain- this
time for good - turnedtorvards
:regtoo6tegoL to 696po rrlg fievLrer,dg. Kord to pr^eyc],ttepo p^e- the rural hinterland.The effects were felt immediately.The
Qo; rou sLcbvs,o fleLgoLdg0a q,norel,6oer nl.6ov _pcr[( p^ernl archaeologicalpicture of Piraeusin the 3rd century BC is
.lqpqrpLir6c, rq Xcl,rl6a xaLxny K6gLv0o- tqv a,l"uoi6a, torv stampedby the dominatingpresenceof the Macedoniangar-
o7r'gc'ov ndvcoorc. ono[c otrlq[[eral q po,xs6ovlx"4 xuqr,agl(a rison at Munychia,to which may be ascribeda well-presened
oqv Ei)'dba. O vct{-rorcOp6g rou 0a,lqrloLponorq0e[orEBdorl tower,probablyalsothe settlementat rhe top of the hill of the
dtcr8olLzd. o.rrorov Koooavbqo Ar1prltpr.o. H Qpoupc, ProfitisIlias, andthe simultaneousdesolationof the surround-
:rou tono06tloe na,l.Lro 311n.X. o KaoocvbgoE oro
eQouQro ing areas.Worship at the sanctuaryof Artemis. panicularll
n1: l,fouvLl(ag6ev 0a to eyxoral.eflreLn],6ov,[oiqeoq qv the processionofthe virgins,sufferedfi.omthe obtrusivepres-
er-r{reric(301-294n.X., ncrgop6vo ro 229x.X.flq, ro 6Ld,otnu.q, enceof the garrison,and perhapsalso
from the distrustof fte


pa).r,oraplag o).6xl,r1gr1g
yevrag(294*262n.X.) o ller.qauag0c faithful in a goddesswho proved unable to defend her own
no,qupelvelrel"e[oEunoxopgevoEan6 rrlv no].r,rixr1, orxovopl- house.The Bendisprocessionwas transferredto Athensuntil
xf xat Ogloxerrrxrl Lo4 rtts etreriOegrlg A0r1vcE,q onola ylo, reunificationin262BC. The samevoid appeared in the man,
plo, o,?lolrqQogd -xuL rrbpa oqr,orr,xdnl,6ov_orq6Qeto,r,otrlv ner of celebrationof the festivalof the Dionysia,the only one
uygorlx4 11gev6o16go.Ta a,notel"6op.o,tu y[vovro,raprocoEc,r,_ of the official feastswhich seemsto have survived.The Hip_
oOr1rd.Trlv oglcLol,oyLxf elx6vo,tou fleLpo,Ldtou 3otr oL.n.X. podameianmarket and the processionalroutesseemto have
laqaxrrlqi(el 11xug[agXr1naqouo[a,rou pcxebovLxotSgoup(_ beenabandonedfor a period, and in parallelwith this - a sign
ou rnE MolvtXiag, oro ofioio ovrlxeLtvug xa),6 8Lotlgqgrvog of the times - economicand socialinequalities,in the form of
nuQyoE, m0av6v xal o olnLop6gorlv xopuQ{ tou }.6Qoutou new lavishhomes,madetheir appearance, signifyingthe death
nqoQ(t1 H),io, naLq raur6lqovq eQllporontrlg ytgrrl reqr,o1r.1g. of the democraticideal of Hippodamus.The only information
H ),otqelo oro mq6t1g Apr6pL6og,Ldraitego,q nopn{1rov no,Q- we haveconcernsthe activity of foreignreligiousassociations
na,qouo[ar1g QgoupcE,(ootg and comesfrom the areawest of Zea towardswhich, at this
06vtrtv,tnoQ6qeLan6 rrlv o1l,r1qri
xat ctn6tt1 6uonr,or[atrov mor6v on6vsvtr oe plo, Oednou 6ev period,the city's centreof gravity was graduallyshifting.
pn6qeoevc{un€Qoofirote I ro oxkt vlg. H nop^nrltqg Bevbibog Nevertheless,the symbol that was Piraeusdid not disap-
percxop[lel, 6togn1v encrv6voorl"tou 262 n.X., otqv A0r1va. pear entirely.The military and economicimportanceof the
To i6r,oxev6 epQcvi(€xoL?1,o,r
orrlv r6l.eoqrr.uvALovuoirov,rqg harbour,and the city's democratictraditions,which as lare
p6v1g an6 tr,geniorlpegeoqt6g nou Qa,[verar, va enLBr,cbveL.H as 291 BC had beenmanifestedin the Piraeots'resistanceto
Inno6dplc Alogo )tcr oLxsvrQrxoInopnlxo( 6q6p,oL pola[ouv the dictatorLachares,made its loss even more painful to the
vo eyxurctreLfiovro,L yLo,6vct6r,coqpo, evtitnuqd),),r1l,o-0e iypc Athenians.The desireto retakethe harbourwas manifestin
rrrtv xo.r,gtiiv-xdvouv rrlv epQdvr,orlrouE, ofil poaOI rcovv6ov all the resoiutionspassedduring the periodprior to the Chre-
or,oLxovo;tx6Exol %owovlu6g6r,cQo- monideanwar and was the basic reasonfor the outbreakof
nou o8lyotv oro 0d.vatotqg 6qpoxqorr,x{gr.66ag that catastrophicconflict. The reunificationaccomplishedin
rou Imrobopou. OL p6vegnl.qgoQoq[egoQogotv ot1 6gooq- 262 BC took place under Macedonianrule.
gr,6t1rc [6vrov ].crrgeutlxtirv0ldoolv xo, When liberation came tn 229 BC, the harbour had been
negr,o1i16urr,xar,qgZLag,6nou otcr6iaxd,,oe q,ut6 to,or1- reduced to merely local significance. The long-standing
pa,,petotonl[eto,Lto x6vtqo pupougtrlg no].qg. eclipse of Athens, which now found itself outside the orbit
To otppol.o nou lmlg[e o llelqcr,dE6ev 1dOqxe, otor6oo.H of the new centresof power and the new traderoutes,had the
orgc,runrlxrl )tur Tlolxovoprxrl olpco(a rou l.Lpavlot xoL q 611- effect of leading Piraeusgradually into stagnation.Its suc-
poxqotr.xl tou no,pa6oo1,nou p6l.q rup6o$ara G,o291n.X.) cessor,the new centrefor tlade in the Mediterranean,was to
e[1e6lorqcv6oeu 11uvr(oruoq rcDv<<IIetparcrc(tu>, xar,o.rou 6r.- be Rhodes,anotherHippodameiancity at the crossroadsof
o6uvrlqf tqv ambl,eLd.
rou the new trade routes.
ororg A0qvo,ioug.H 06),4o1yLo,xljv uvaxr4oq tou ).lpcvLo{l The period of the gradual spreadof Roman power in the
tov([ero,r.oe 6tra,to, lllQioparo t1g negr,66ou nqr,vcrn6ro Xqe- HellenisticEasternMediterraneanthus saw the dreamcome
povi8er,on6trepozoue[vo,L o,utr1nou snor6]"eoero BooLx6]"(yo and supportersof the oligalchy
true of conservativeAthenians
ylo rlv xtquEn rou xo,roorQoQuxo{.r
aurot no?'"6pou.
H enqv6- in 404 BC. The Long Walls were not to be included in the
vcDo1,fiou 0o nguypatonoLq0e
i to 262n.X.,0a eivoLxd,trooa6 renovationof the walls of the two separatecities of Athens
po,xebovtxrlx uqLcqXic,. and Piraeus,which was carried out after their liberation b"v-'
Mercr trlv cne),eu06qoror1"rou
229n.X. ro l"r,pdvl61eln),6ovro- two political leadersfrom Kephissia,the brothersEurycieides
nLxf p6vo ot'1pao[c.H paxqolgovq 6x].er,r]rr1
ralv A04v6v, nol and Micion. Piraeushad for a long time beenessentiailycut
BgioxetaLtdrQo,nto,oro nepr,06qr,o
tatv v6ov x6vrgtrrve[ouoiog, off from Athens,which was more and more linked to its os'r
xo,Lrorv v6ov epnoqr,xdlv
6q6prov,eile og anot6leopo vc o6rl- hinteriand.In the namesof office-holdersand the lists of ta-r
o lle Lgmdgorabr,axd,,os po,Qo,o'po.
Ar.d6o16g v6o
rou ?4crr payers,the families of the rural Mesogaiaarea acquiredin'
z6vtpo rou p€ooyeloxoriepnop[ou0a e[vo,Lpra,d],],1 Lnnobctrrar,a creasingprominence.The generosityof the new kings, abor,<
6q6ptrrv,11P66oE. all the Attalids who gaveAthensits new Hellenistrcface,rva:
l6l,i1 oto otcuqobg6trllrcrrvv6ov egnoqr,xrbv



To il),4vtortxd 0tcLrpo rr1gZtctE.

The Hellenistic tlteatre o.f Zea.

H ;rap(o6ogrqg 010,6Lo,xi1g qopaix1g e[dn]"cuor1g orlv extendedto Piraeus.The rebirth of the sanctuariesof Mun,r,_
ei.irlvLotLxilo,voro).LztMeo6yeLoB),6rue1 6roLvci .1(veto.L
npoy- chia,which had sufferedfrom theMacedonianoccuparion. is
pcrrrlzortlrrxro 6vsLQorou ouvrlQlrrxof A0r1va(oux,cl tou evidencedby the statuesof the MunychianAsclepius(in the
oi,Li,a,pXLxotrou 404n.X. Ts Mcxgd Te[p1 6ev 0a ou;.rnepil,,r1-.NationalArchaeologicalMuseum)and the
gOoiv otlv crvo,xc.ivrolr[r]v teLltbvtov 6rlo
lorgLotcbvn6].ecuv tion of the goddessthat was found in the sanctuaryof Artemis
rr1: A0{1vag}1,o.t rou llelgaLd,,nou 0crftQoyU,c(ronou10e( pLeto Munychia, the archaizingstatueof her as light-bearerr,r,hich
rrlv creieu06pcr;o1crn6roug 6rio KrlQr,oLeig ruo)"LrLxotgqy6reg, is now in the PiraeusArchaeologicalMuseum,u,hile it is
rouc cbs).QotEEupuxl.s[6r1 rcrLMLzicovu.O lleLgaLdgsivo,L an6 unknown whetherthe constructtonin Zea of a nen,theatre.a
[exopLgevog o,n6tqv ru6[1,r1ono[a otrv66e_ classicistimitationon a smallerscaleof the Atheniantheaire
rcrLot.o xctrrrsQloo6rrQop€ trlv ev6oXd,rgo. r1g. )to. olLd;poto, of Dionysus,is evidenceof the shiftingof the citv centreand
o:r{D:zcrLorouEx0,T0.}.6youg rcuveroQop6v,x,uQrcrQxouv TcD_ the abandonment of the theatreof Munychia,ivhich coniin-
gcror oLxo.,,dversE rIE ayqorLxrlgMeooyoiog. H yevvo,Lo8cug(o,ued to be referredto in inscriptionsas the ancienrthealre.
rr,,tr.r,6cov xup(otgrrov Atrs,),Lbcbv,
BcroL),e(cov, ruou6(vouv orrlv As for the empty,but still intact,facilities of the docklard oi
Afii1r,crro v6o rqg e?,.l.r1vLonx6
nB6oono,enex,te[,L xo,rorov Piraeus,whosepowerhad now beenreducedto a mereihree


T1v o,va,y6wqoqrov Leqd;vr4g Mouvr,liaE,nou un6_ triremes,they were to be put to use again during the secon
Qegov an6 n1 pane6ovLx{1xatoy\, poqtupo{Lvra otylpova, Macedonianwar, though this time to host the allied Roma
oyd)"pcro rou Aoxl.qnLot tqg Mouvrlla,g(oro E0vLx6AploL- f l e e t( L i v y 3 1 . 2 6 . 53, 1 . 4 5 . 13, 1 . 4 1 . 13, 2 . 1 6 . 9 )T. h e m i l i t a r
ol.oylx6 Mouoe[o) xaL 11povaduxll o,neLx6vLor] rTlE0edg nou importanceof the great port was, however,confirmedby th
odr[eto,Lq,n6to Leg6l1g MouvLl[agAgripL8og,to a.p1o,iorr.x6 suddenattackon it by Philip V in 200 BC and by the installz
d1o),pd xnE 0lg @rooQ6qou(oto Aqlauo),oyLx6Mouoe(o fIeL- tion of a 500-mangarrisonin Munychia by Flaminiusdudn
ev6 eivar d.lvooro o,vI xorooxst{i orrl Zta r,t6gvi.ou the ensuingwar againstAntiochusIII.
0ed,tqou,x),aouxLo'tlx!ganop(pr1or1goe pLxq6teqrlxl.lpuxc,tou
cOr;vcixoriALovloLq,xotOedrgou,61l,diver, tq parat6nioq tol
x6vrpol tqg n6lqg xor rqv syxctcl"eLrpq
tou Oed,tqouqg Mou- T u E ,n o n e x P E R T o D
to ono(oef uxo],o!Oeiva avoQ6qetur, orLgenLrTguQ6E
ir;g The beginningof the periodof Romanrule - andthe beginnir
ro aplalov 06a.rqov.Ooo 1Lo,rLgd,6eLeg, o),),dox6pr1ax6paL- of the end for Piraeus- was markedby the protractedsieger
rou neLpolxot vc.uotoOpou,1 Otvopri rou the city and its destructionin 86 BC as a consequence
of ri
oruoiou61eLtrbgc nl.6ovouqgLrvcD0e
I os p6vo tgeLgtqLlgeLg,0a Athenians'coliusion with Mithridates.Piraeus,a bastion ,
lpqor,patoouvyLacl")"qino Qoqd xara nl8Ld,pxeLcr totr 6erjre- democraticresistanceto the power of Rome,encounteredtl
QouMoxs8ovr,xot nol"6;.r.ou,
ttirqo,6prr;g,yLavcrQil.o[evf oouv full force of Sulla'ssavageryandwas put to the torch,togeth
ro ouppoxr?ioqorpaix6 o16),o(AiBr.o
E 3L26.5,31.45.1,31,41.1, with the symbolsof Athens'navalpower:the dockyardsar
32.16.9).Tr4otqatmtr,xrl orlpoo(c tou p:ydl.ou ).Lpo.viotenL- the arsenal.ln one of the burned-downwarehousesof tl
peBar,6veL,oor6oo, 11alQvl8Lcorr,xqcn6ruepc tou @il.(nnor-r port, to which they had been conveyedfor safekeepingfro
E'to 200 n.X., 6norgxo.Lq eyxa,ta.oroolorq Mouvr,licrofi6 ro sanctuariesin Piraeus,Attica or Delos, a precioustreasure
otov c,x6l"ou0on6l,eponctd rou AvtL6lou f piag
@).apr,vivo, four bronze statues,among them the Apollo and the Athe
$poupcg 500otgotLrottirv. of Piraeus,survived to the presentday and now are sho
piecesof the city's ArchaeologicalMuseum.Piraeusbecar
depopulated,the settlementcontracted,accordingto Strat
P e N 4 n i r Hf l E P I o ^ o > to no more than the area aroundthe harbourand the tentl
gopuixtbv lgourn -xaL q cgyrl rou t6houg
H aQXrltrriv xr-rgliog of Zeus Soter.Crossingthe SaronicGulf in 45 BC , Sulpicl
tor lleqc,ld,- orlpcbetnlxe cn6 tr; panp6lgovl nol.Logxiaxal Rufus mused- doubtlesswith a touch of rhetoricalhyperbr
rou ro 86 n.X., triEotv6neLa,tqg o'tpnpc[19 ttov
rqv xo,ro,orQoQq - on the "onceflourishing cities now lying in ruins (prosn'r
AOqvrirvpe to Mi0gL8crq.O lleqaroE,6qpoxgctLx{1eoticrqE et diruta), Aegina,Megara, Piraeusand Corinth".
ovtr,popaix{1go.vr[orooqg,yvtbgr.oe6trr1tr1 pcv(o tou )t]"].4 xsr That life in Piraeussoon found its way back to norma
noqa660r1xeotrEQl"6yeg,poLi U€tu otirpo).o trlg vcutLxrlE6t- can be seenfrom details such as the renewal by the mar
voplg rarv A04vtirv,touEveoroo(zouE Xe p,c
?{otrrl ox€uo0r1xr1. police of Piraeus,in the immediatewake of the catastrop
xop€vn aruoO(xr1 tou l.r.povLot,6rou eilov p.ero$eq0eiyLc Qt- of an inscription establishingmaximum prices for meal
l.a[1 ano xd,nololeg6tou flelqor,d,qE Ar,ztx\g\ 4ru6tr1.A!].o, can be seentoday in the ArchaeologicalMuseum of Piraet
od;Or1xe0lgrrE p€Q€gpag o 0r1ocr969tcrtvteooagov lolxlvtrtv Despitethe unfortunatechoicesmadeby Athensin the cou
oycrtrpdrov, preta[t tov onoirriv o Ano]"].ov xoL 11A0r1vd,tou of Rome's civil wars and the destructionwrought on Pira'
nou s,notel,otvto x6opr,r1gc
ller,poLrirE, tou Mouoe[ot. H ruotrr1 by Caesar'sgeneral Calenus,both Julius Caesarhim:
ep{1pooexoL q xcrto[xr1or1 negLogloqxe,6ru1g]"6e1oXtpdpcov, and Augustus made significant contributions to the po
ltgor on6 to ).Lpd,vtxaL to vc6 tou Xcot{1qog Ar,oE.To 45 n.X. recovery.From anotherinscriptiondatingfrom the end of
o )oul,nlxr,ogPotQog,xcOrbg6r,co1[(eL to Xogcr;vrx6svanole( century,recordingrepairson sanctuaries, on the port insta
-p€ pLo66o11grltoqr,xi;Euneppo).\a- d.).ore axpa(ouoeg tionsandon the islandof Salamis(IG,II'z,1035)ewhich n
xat ofiptegaxarcotgaptptutEn67eq (prostrateet diruta),tr1uAi' thanksto a private donation,hasbeenrestoredto Athens.
y Lva,ra M ty apa, rov II uqarc xal rrlv Kdp tu9o>>. evident that things had beenput in order quite satisfact'rr
OrL 11[co( orov llaLgcLaotwopa ficvcBg{xe to 6g6po tqE The particularemphasisgiven to the harbourcan perhap'


N eo ar r md g d nxo optrT
r md E niv cLXaEp€ ap yai,o"rtx t q naQa o t a o €Lg, N eo-Attic decor ative p laque w ith archctisti c rep resentari c,ns.
2og at. p.X. (AgXaLoToytxbMouoeio Ilttpatd). 2nd cent.AD (ArchaeologicalMuseuntoJPiraeusi.

QolvetcrLo,n6 ).erutop.6Qs€9,
sivcr I o,vo,v6c0on
cfi6 rov explalnedby its usefulnessas a port of conveniencefor the
o,yoQovoporou lIsLQor6E,
ou€ooEU€rorllv xc{roorQoo{lpLog Roman fleet, but its primary use must have been to serve
rftLyQootEH€rLEo,v6ro.rsgrrF€glLo ro xQ6o,ro(oro Mouoe(o the needsof Athens' revitalisedeconomiclife aftel the civil
tcovA0lvoirov orouEQcrl- wars.The shipyardsof CantharusandZea were onceagainin
llogd tLgoruxslgenL?,"oy6g
porxotg epQu),ioug xcr tLg[r1pL6g
nou un6oxr]o lleqo,r.d,g
ro the position of being able to carry out ship maintenance,and
otpotrly6 tou Ko.lougo,Calenus,t6oo o l6LoEo Ka[oopo,gooo we learn incidentallythat the Deigma (we will have more to
xor,o Atyouorog ouv6Bo),o,volpa,vtLxc otlv crv6g0oorltou say later about that magnificentportico in the sectionon the
An6 plov o)")"r1
sftLveiou. -lpovol"oyoripevrloto 16l,og
enLypctQq Emporion)had alreadybeenrestoredby Pompey.The picture
xolr or6vo- I ofiolo xoroyQdQelrlg €xrLottru6E
oro LeQd. xoLorrg of the harbour conveyedthrough the list of repair r'vorksis
ryxo,ro,ord,oslg xoL trlg Xcr)'apivog(lG II'?1035),'
tou ),LpavLori the sameas that of the 2nd centuryBC which lve have fiom
nou rcbgo,ldgrl oe LbLcorLx{1
otriv A0{1vo,Qal- a commentaryon Aristophanes(Peace 145).Apart from the
vstoL 6rLra npcxypora61ouvnl.6ovtaztonoLrl0ei.H LbLoiteql port installations,referenceis made to the ancientCouncil
6pQctorlnou 6(vsro,roto ),LpcvL
o,rcori1 lqloLpo- buildings (restoredperhaps),the military headquarters.the
l3dolg rou grlpo,ixot ot6)"ou,nuq[org
trltd tou oE suxcLQtoxng ancienttheatreand a numberof sanctuaries:theAsclepieion-
6pcugrrrgonopdOpogyLornv e[unr1q6qo1rrlg ovoyewrl;rev1g the Dionysion, the shrine of Agathe Tyche, a sanciuafl
-petd to t6)"ogtcrrvepQul.icrrv-
epnopLxtlg[6v19 t1g A0r1vcg. foundedby Themistocles,and others.Alreadv there is an


Outopoo.va6eg(rlrtztgcLxur vecbqLc) tou Kuv0d,pouxcit rIE overseerof Piraeuswhom we seein the mid-first centuryAD
Z6.agt[var nd,),,1
oe 06oqva efiunlqedloouv rq ouvdlqqoq rtrlv dedicatinga statueof Claudius (IG II'?3268) to which may
rutroklv,xo,LU€rrlv euxc,r,g[o
paOcl(voupa Aelypc,(11o,to beiong the head of the emperorwhich is on exhibit today at
rreAiQqFouut6 xdpLo neqLoo6regc0s elnctOo{rv oto xeQd,}"oLo the PiraeusMuseum.
yLaro Epn6gLov)e[1er'1611 enr.oxeuo,oOel
an6 rov flopnrlfo. H But the renaissanceof Piraeus is attributable above all
aL%6vatol l"Lp.o,vLot
nou 6[vetoLpeoa cn6 trlv crnaq(0pr1o!roJv to Hadrian and to the Antonine dynasty in general and is
enLoxsudv6ev 6r,cQ6qeLa,n6exe[v1rou 2ou a,L.n.X., nor 61oup.e linked to the renewedprosperityof Athens as capital of the
otov oXol.r.o,or{1
tou AgLotoQdvrl(Er,q.145).Ext6g o,n6rlg }.r- Heilenic world, seat of its university and centre of tourism
pavLx6Eel,xcraotctoer,go,vuQ69ovta.r.(ovaotq).trrpevaiocug)tcr as well as a production centrefor copies of (and variations
oqlalu xt[gr,o.tou l3ou]"eutr1g(ou,
rou orQq.rlyeiol, ro o,p1o,io on) classicalworks on a variety of scalesand in a number
06otqo xo,rpro oeLpo, Leqibv:to Aox).qnLe(ov,ro ArovtoLov,ro of different forms (statues,decorativereliefs and vasesbut
r6pevogtrlg Aya0{1gT{rXttS,6vuLeg6nor (6quoeo @eprotoxtrflg also sarcophagi)exported all over the world from the har-
x.o. r6qc epSavl[ercrL 6vo,genLpe],1ti1g
tou IeLgaL6g,tov bour of Piraeus.One item among otherson display in the
onoio Btr6noupe oro, p6oo tor 1ol cr,.p.X. va crQLepibver.6vaPiraeus Museum is a cargo of neo-Attic decorativerelief
dya)"patou Ktroubiou (IG II'?3268),oto onoio 0q.pnopotoe v' plaques from a vessel which was shipwreckedin the har-
avlxeL to xeQdl,r,tou uuroxgdroQc fio1lext(Oetq.rorlprqc oto bour. Hadrian's personal interest in safeguardingthe free
Moroe[o lIeLpcLtilE. developmentof commercecan be seenin his 1awfor the fish
H ovo.16vvr1or1 tou fler,qcndo$eitretcrl,opoE, xugftog otov market which was set up, as statedin the text itself,"tnftont
Abplovo xol yevlxa ot1 buvo,oteiatorv Avttrtvivtrlv,xo,t.ouv- of the Deigma" which appearsonce againto be the centreoj
66eror pe tq v6a axpl 11g A0r1voE,66gagtou llcrvel)'r1v(ou, the Emporion. Not far from there (at 70 Filonos St) next t(
xlovsfirorl1U,toxouxcxtxouQrortx,oilx6vtqou, atrtra xcll x6vtpou a Roman temple, two identical colossal statuesof Hadriar
nopayoy{1EctvttyqdQovxoL ruagotr}'oytitv t}.ooLxtbv6gyorvoe were found, which if they were not destinedfor export a:
6ldQogegx)"QtaxegxoLttnoug (aydl"pctta,6taxooprltr.xocrvo.- may well be the case give an idea of the gratitudefelt bl
y),uQoxuLcryyeio,ol,i'd xal oagxoQolout), nol efdlovtat ono the people of Piraeustowards their philhellene emperor.I
to l"rpdvLtou llelgcld, o'e6)'otov t6op,o.)ro Mouoe[ollelgal6g numberof luxurioushouseswith courtyardsbuilt at that timr
ext[Oetal,pr"etcr[td].].ov,xcl to Qogtio o,n6veoc,tttxotg6r,cxo- on top of classicalruins (they are visible today and can b,
nivareg ev6gn},oiou nou voucytloe peoo oto trupdvL. visited at the archaeologicalpark in Rondiris and Terpsither
ev6rcQ6govtou Abgr,ovo{Lylo qv oprr}'{1}"eltor-rg- squares)and honorary inscriptions"from the traders of Pi
To rugoor-,;nlx6
yia rou e;rnoglor anobeLzvueL o v6pnErou yLo,to L10lepn6pLo, raeus" (ton en Peiraei pragmateuton)to Regilla, the lvif,
nou {pav otrlp,evog,6norg}.6e1ro 16loto xe[p.evo,,rpnpoora oro of Herodes (IG IVIII'? 3607) and "from citizens residenri;
lti,ypa>, ruouQa[vetal vo, o,note],s(ruc].tto x6vtgo tot e;r^noq[- Piraeus" to his son Bradua (IG II/III'z 3978) testify to th
ou. Exei xovtd, (otr1vo66 Ofl"c,lvog 70), 6in).c o' 6vq,vgopcixo rebirth of commercial activity in the city of Piraeus,rvhicr
vo6, pg60r1xov6i-ronavoptot6tlnor, tol.oooLq,ioL a,vbqLdvtegtou eventhen doesnot appearto extendbeyondthe zone linkin
AbpLovot, oLoruoioL, av 6evngoogi(owov yr,oelayory(, nqrlyps the harbourwithZea. At its far end, on the waterfrontat Ze
nou 6ev anox)akr u, 6ellvouv rnv tu yvaJW o{svq r wv IIe r,pa on the ruins of the dockyards,we have today the ruins of
crurorpdtoqc. Megr,xonl,orior,aonltr,c ;re
rcirv otov Qr,l,6).)"qvo single,particularly wealthy house,constructedon a numbe
o[0gr.o,nor xr[fovtar, o,ut! r1v enoX{1ndvor oe xtroor,rd,epei- of different leveis,which from its layout, seemsto havebeer
nr,o(e[voLopord ro,r enr,ox6rplpo, ndpxo rrlE
oro crglar,oloyr.x6 designedto servethe needsof visiting dignitariesor r'vealth
xa0rbExau ot
n).atelcgPovrrlpl xor ornv nl.a,relaTegrpr,06ug), privatebusinessmen.
tr,pr,r1rr,x6g <<ruv€v lleqatel npaypateurau>>otrl o6- Two texts,a descriptionby Strabo(9.1.14-15)from the 1:
fuyo tou Hg66ou Prlyi),).qvIG IINIz 3601xat <<r@u rou lleqaru centuryBC - 1stcenturyAD andanotherby Pausanias (Attic
xaromouutav no)"ncitv> oro ylo tor Bpo,8oudv(IG IIAII'?3978), I2.4) from the 2nd centuryAD, show a parallelevolutionc
t expqp uiirvouv <<r oq >>tt1g eprnog Lxrlg 6gaotq p r,6t1-
rl v auay tu v11 the image of Piraeusin Roman times.The differencesdo nc
roE orlv n6).4 tou llelgo,ld,,o onoiog,ndvtcug,otre rrbgcr6ev reflect the evolution of the city but the interestsof the tw


Qolvetol vcr ernxrelvetq,Lr[€Qo.o,noq [6vr1 nou ev6veLro ]"r.pa_ periods:on the one hand,the ageof Augustus,with memorie_c
vt p€ rn Zia.2ro oxqa(o oqpr"e(o nlg, orqv no,go,l,[arygZ6uE, still freshof the Mithridatic and civil wars,and livelf itieresi
no.vcooro, egeinr.c,
rrlv vecDoo[xov61otpr,e r6pa 6va povo,1Lx6, in fortiflcationsand harbours,and on the other,the ageolthe
n],otoLo ankt,xrwp|vo oe notr]"den[rnba, nou crn6tn Antonines,for whom Greecewas a countryof archaeoio_eica1
6Lopgt0porltol Qa[vercrL ngoogropevo yr,ar1v e[uqq6tqo.I rov interestand little more.
neqootrxcirvenLo{1;ur;vr1xc,Ln}.orioLalvr,6xor6vepn6pcuv. Even into the third centuryAD, Piraeuscontinuedto be a
Ato xe[pevo,1 nsqLyqcSi] ror )rgdBtovo(9.1.14-15)
tou tou vital centre of foreign trade. This can be infened from the lou au.p.X. xc{.trou llauoav[s (AttLxa I2.4)zou2ou au. continuationfor sometime of neo-Atticproductionand fiom
p.X.,6e[1vouvqv nogd]"].q].q, l-€oqotq gopaix{1enoXt,e[6],r.h scatteredtestimonies,whether regardingthe Piraeot priests
tqg er,z6vog tou fleLgcrLd,.
ovtcvq,n),otv61,n1v e[6- of the goddessBelela (iG Iini'?) or the settlementin Piraeus
).l[r] r1g notr1E,a].],aro ev8r.crQ6govto
rtov 6to enoybv,uQevog of the sophistProciusof Naucratiswho was engagedin the
r1g enol{19rou Auyotrotou, !r€rLEnq6oQoregax6p1 pvllpegtctv import of products from Egypt (Philostratos:Lives of rhe
M u0qr,8ctLxrbvxo,LrcDvepQu),(ov no),6grr:vxo,r,ro f tovto,v6evbLo,- Sophists,603).The crisis of the Empire in conjunctionrvirh
Q6pov1,LotLEoluprboer,g xo,Lto.hLpc,vlo,,
o,$m6gol t1g eruof1gtcov the Herulianraids in 261 AD must nevertheless haveacceler-
Awovlvov, ylc tqv onola q E]"]"d6oe('vor, {1611 pic 1tbqc, o1e66v ated its decline.It is quite possiblethat Piraeuswitnesseda
o,glo,Lol"oyLxoisv6LoQ6povro g. final renaissancein the time of Constantinethe Great, per-
O lleLgoLdgefioxo],ou0e[o,x6po,xo,l pnoo orov 3o oL.p.X. vo, hapsinducedby the transferofthe capitalto Constantinople.
qnotel"e(6vo,x6vtqo eloltegr,xoriepnog[ou.Totto ougnego,[- Tracesof truly remarkablebuilding activity in theselateyears
vero,Lc(fi6tr1 ouvelL[6psvq, yro xd,noro6Ldor1pa, veoc,ttlxr.1 can be observedfrom the reconstructionof the wharfs on the
ncgayc,:yi1xo,Lo,rroox6gnLsgpogtlgieg, e[re ng6xeltar yLo,roug Akti Miaouli, which probably becamenecessaryat that time
fleLqoL6regogyerbveg rqE @edgBe),{l}.IE[G IIiIII,2361),e[teyLc becauseof a rise in sealevels,the building of warehousesin
trlv eyxo,raota,orlebcbtou ooSLoulflgoxlou cn6 tr1 Narixpc- FilonosStreet,but aboveall from the constructionof magnifi-
rL, o onoiog o,o1o?,"eitoL
aiyunrlcxcbv ngol6vrtrtv centthermalbaths,which seemto haveoccupieda numberof
(@il,,ootq.B(,orXoQ.603).H xqiol l1g artoxpcrogicg o€ ouv- building sitesin Kolokotroni Streetand II MerarchiasStreei
6uoopo p€ rqv eruLEgopr1 rrrrv Egot),ov r,ou 261 p.X. nB6.neL, in Troumpa.The housesin Rondiris and Terpsitheasquares
cuot6oo,vo, enrto,Xuvo,v
rIV x[o,Qo.]tpr1ror. Aev o,nox].eietaL
o continuedin use until the 4th centuryAD. The shatteredre-
lleLgaldgva yv6qme plcttel"eutaia avcy6vvlorl ota 1g6vlo mainsof an early Christianmosaicfloor in Alkiviadou Street
rou Kovotc,vrlvou rou Meydtrou,[orr;Ep^eoQoqp{111 p"eto$o- andthefoundationsof a basilicafound not far from there,next
Qo n'lE npcureriouoagorqv Kovorq,vrLvotiro).r1.Xto, riotega to the theatreof Zea, mark the city's ultimate topographical
ctutd 1g6vr.cnagorqge(ta,i, ngaypotL, orlpavtlx{1 oLxo6opL- andchronologicaipoint of expansion.The flnal end musthave
xq 6poot1gr,6r1tc ge rqv o,vo,xo,ro,oxeu1
trrlv nqoB),r1t6vn1E come with Alarics raid in 396 AD.
axdlg Mnoil.q, nou 61lvenL0o,vrirg
avayxo[a on6 qv ovtrpotol Very iittle evidenceremains of the Emperor Constantine
exeivqrrlv neg(o6orrlg ordOprlErqg 0dtrcooog,tr1vxuto,ox,eu{1 II's sojourn of severalmonths in Athens in 6621663AD on
onoOlxcbvollv o66 @il.crrvog,
rrlv oLxo66pr1orl the way to lta1y.The only surviving remnantfrom the late
nou Qa(veraL6rLxd),urto,v pLo.orL- Byzantine period is the runic inscription on the feet of the
o6ot Kol.oxorqtbvqxa2aEMegcgllog orlv huge sepulchrallion placed at an unknown date at the en-
Tporiprna.Ta on[rLutr'19ru],uteloEPovtf qr1rto,rr1g Teqrfr06oE tranceto the harbour,where it was seen,in the 15thcentun'.
eluxolouOotv vc Bg('oxovroroe 1g{o1 6orgrov 4o or,.p.X. To by Cyriacusof Ancona (Epigr. Repertaper ll$r. XYI: et ad
ondgoyp.a ev6g no,l"o,LolgLorLc,vlxot
rl.rqQr,btototoqv o6o Atr- faucem ingensmarmoreusleo). From this singlestatuethe bv
nou eilcv Bpe0si61r, now desertedand anonymoustown took the name of Porto
xLBLitbolxo, Oegttrlcpr,cgBooLl"rx{1g,
poxpLd,an6 eail,6[n].a oro 06atpo r,ygZ{.ag,orlpo,8etouvto Leone.Morosini, who was responsiblefor the first large-scaie
axp6raro -tonoygo,Q Lxdxar lgovo),oyLxd-or1peio eni.xruoqq destructionof the Piraeusantiquities(throughthe dig-tingof
va {}"0e g"etrlv enLbgopfl alargedefensivemoat linking Zeawtth the centraiporil took
rrlg notr1g.To ogr,otLx616),ogng6ner,
tou AtrcgiXou,to 396p.X. this last monumentwith him when he left. In the latterpait of


,\ry6 i€QooroLl€lod4,!oEI rroLtpll\q n4oto\.r.] oq\r Ae!!cr. the period ofTurkish rute righr up to its ngenerationin 183J.
ro 662/663! lltlro)lgdroQo Krijlmowo( 8,, mo bQ6Fo Potu Leonc or Porto Drako (he etynotogy renains subjcct
ro! tur '!Iv To !ovoiD{6 roidt omoqq tfr€Alq
fuqovir, to dispute)was a strcrch of deserredcoasr.where the oDty
wtgmQu)6o!sh,olI QolJvuiit€-nyaooi mo Jrl)6lr:1 1or r€Adorrc! buildingsweretheMonasreryofAgios Spy don.rhcCustoms
ro+r)iot tr6owi:r, rro! ord0lx€ dt\,ooro rior€orl.y €ioo6oro! buildirg (or Dogana)and onc horse.
r',rBEvoq, 6nir! ,to! €iIs 6€rrov l5o or. o KrQrrkor o Ayroral
qS Gpigr.RepcfaperIllyr.XVI: et adfaucennrse.smamoreus
otlr6d1o)40nilpe11tplp xnr,ardngq B ,T H EA N T I Q U I T I DOSFP I R A E U S
nro rol"t ro iwouoio! II6QroA€6\,s.O Mopo(i\,r,orovo oio
ooafiovrcrr ornQrir.r Fq'(:!).€!
iov ire(rxov oA T r E D t s c o v E R yo F A N C I E N p TI R A E U s
Toiov(oJIl)q 6rdvoElTltgpeld).ryoXrpoparuirlqrcapor, nor T l e o n g \ " 1 J . o l e . ^ i r i . n J " w e l r r t e . . , J c o r ' . 1 r .. , o
:v ! | 1 7 o p r o a f l o ' ) . ol J u o v . . o i - u o , q , u y o ,r o ! z u j - o ofrhe ruins ofthe ancientcity altowedrhem ro be preseNed
r€I raio 11!16Uivlfurio.:rlv 1Jfi€AI TollaxorQ(iTin xclLioE q\r over the centuries.Thc pictureprcsentedby ite lirsr visjrorsLo
o!a./a\.vlort ro!, ro I6Qxo ,\8o1,€1 I6Qro AAdro (rt draw up mapsofthe ciry - ravellers E. Dodwctl (180i-1806)
oflJBo)"o.fionaao!€v€r cr$(|roprFo!g€vD €i.vol
Fro aatpl o){4, andW.M. Leake(1821).rcsearchers slrchasE CuLrjus(184j)
6no! lJ]reQxourFo1'oI Mo!1 ro! A./io! lxlQiiorvd, ro ,I€),ov€io and H.N. Ulrichs (1843), xnd sulaeyols like C. von StraDrz
(t AoTov0)rL6v(}tt€td).oonirr. (1861),supplemented by rhe resrorarionofrhe ancienrcitt, in
the Kartenwn Auikaby E.
Cunius andA. Kaupedin cooperadonwjrh lhe sLrrveyorc.
B . O TN E I P A I K E ! A P X A I O T H T E T . o n A l r e nv r l r F ' r ' ) A L 1 ' ,I i e r - , o l o ! " r e . .
The d€sr,.uctionbegan with ihe transfcr of ttre capitat ro
H ANAtA,\Y,r,HToy ApxAroy IIEtpAIA Athers in 1835and the |apid conslrucLnr ofmodern Piraeus
H r r / J U v q , A l t u , I o \ / o x u , n o l t r u o o 7 : , r f , .\ , p l in the hISt decadesafter the nid-l9th cenrury.which was
Iio! rlq oAtoioEd),€og, €n€iQ€l,i1v ilt blo.iiArtoitxolr! U€oo dcsliied. at an even fastef pace and with more deshrcrive
motlgodwg. H €ftolll no! olJrortlnri)(]lkE on6 ro!S nQ6iorjE meansjto be rcpeatedexactly a cenrurylarer.Wirh the ercep
Idproyqdoot|qr!( rol.E0rq, n€Aqllriq (E.Dodwelll80l 1806, tion ofthe walls and gaLesthat remainedstandinguntit qLue
W.M.Leake 1821)rorop€uqriE6rtu!oE.Curlius(1841),oH.N. recently,mostly intactevenihough s.ientilically uncxplored,
Ulrichs(1843)it rono.fAd4,orE,
6noEo C.vonStrantz (1861)../[o lraving suffercd onty the wear and tear of Limc.ancieni Pi-
!a ol.odlpo0rip€rlv fl'Io1laxdmoolqq cQrdor nirlE moljg fteus, of which coveredthe errtiresurfaceof the new
Xdar€!rlqAr 46 r0r!E.Cuftius A. Kxupen.I€olveQ1ooio clty, entcred irlo a pmcess of instantaneousannihilarion
io! ronolooOo!G v.Alrcnraorr€itr€loxo! A. Mitchh6fer.,0
6€\, beforeit was elen noticcd.:fhe first vjciims of the fegenera-
lion ofPincus were $e nonumenLsin the main commerrixl
To 6atortE korampo4,lqa'AXLo€ U€xlt prro$oAdro t835rIE pon known by the ancien$ as rise ir the ser
nporr€iiol]oaEoqv Aeip.l rol rrlv roxirorrl o!|< re6reg 6sto- level had alrcadycovereda large part of the ancien!harbour
too, o,uvuornobo, I of ,o o ,ytrQovuuillstallationsas early as laie antiquity, including rhe wharf.
fL oL,o,1o, p ].i.f. rJ or'r: pou.oxo,rlQU0,ro,- . or /o-o thc porticosand the Deigma. Parlsofthem. which were srill
oipoQD{6raAo U€oo.vo €rara},!O0siF€rdoir6 6vavorerp(bq visible early in the l8th centurya1lalorg the coasL,alongside
ardvo.M..Ecriaso!icr{Ery!rcrfl! nil.€g,no! !"elprrp6rrloq latef,post'Romar liers, disrppearedmpidly, wjthn jusr rv\]o
nop€F€!.l!,lr1r)ior €flr"or!FovLr(lo!06€Qelryrlro, rorrl"dturov 0r< of threeyears,under the foundaLionsofthe quays.moresaro
€ni ro ni€iorov or'i6Q.rux, llnoQ6AolroqFo\'oorrnrI Q0o0dxol . o J ' l b e l o r e i n p. h ' " u o f r - r - " . . . r r.. llepre.. j
I06vorJ. o.18x':![og nsecrdr,rc aflI ro! onoio!{:r)16 of time and the lack of funds did not permit even a rougn
JrI o7,6xlitA1t
ntl Efl4dve|o rtq v6oqrio),IE,e|oltlo€n{oroi xo.v recordingofthc arandom ald fraginen
vcrtilEr rorlro o\,rlilrwo. o€Fia 6 r6oiooio oorQo-'urio! sEoq,tl t.t.y manner,uDderthe mosi uniavorableexcavationcondi
ltl'lt.. Ta jTadrraoipc.ra iIE rle,rixrt5 o!cr.r,6w!olE !nrtA!o! trons, were revealedwhen foundatjonsand dralnagedilches


paolij t.r /1!tuz?haQ., Aden rait,20. o ! tt .X I Aago),otun n, ^rx.xe.haooq Kiaraio! tDq ar !.X lAaf;aeia,rpn

Rt!.jnie Etu?itt Uldran,2nl tut AD (!itd! Mt:.uhj oj pj|oeur Run.Jlt tjitpetut (.tdtdnl, I ! .!r |\D tAjtnderlaEnal Mwrn t)i h,eu,l

ro pvrl|ctaro! r!\rQnoi €&.Io0rxo! )nutvo!,ror Kov0dQor.H werc drg. A sxnilar faLebetdl

many of the most sjsnificant
oviruool rrtqord(]U; rltr 0id,.looag.iXrxoilI+,EL.rto! llrc ro monurnenisof arcient piacus. \:/hoseexacr
iiioE i!! eXor6qro!. g€tdl,ol1!{o(ar6 IE olxoEq ^qL!!rze! fosrLronrs to
Llris day unknown. such as the Hiplo.tameian nafker and
rrroiodrdorrg. } nooxrjtrciorq oroiq rl:tlro AriTUaTuitlr'
the sanctuaryof Zetrs Sorcr.Others.such as ihc Dionlsian
xi 1o|r, m! itlci! oz6trt oQorllolrg fte/6qror I uor (iLtrrcr
os theatreof Munychia ard rhe sanctrary ofAsclepius. $.hich
o/|oro $lrloEil( nopdJ(rg,brd.oo g
![rdl,l:rLorr{€g.r]mspo wefe rdcntifiedlast ccnnrryxt rhe nofhern an.t s.,uLhrlesrern
piDtt^1iliE ]laol3llrtrE,*c/(])o\jio0rtxc.!]a!loao. s€o(1or LiIo. toot rcspectivelyoI the tilt ofNlunychia were coveredo!e.
2 rt :l Ip6!La.,rirIo(1]16 io npltrr6drlorofl]q nao{!prirdq,rou( betbrc therewas e\.ci
nme to recordrheD. Very 1ew kro\.
[a/.0uEriorro!! 60otrrolq ro]r )"r.ta!Diril< !!og nAolraotloo! Fimeus monunents rvefedixcorered
on rhc oc.asidr of th.
lli€ol ro! IpololrxoLoLr{olotirr{ri ft61j1opia bsvsmrQsllr.r! orl n.stj of conLcnponfy secord. nodern rebuit.lingofpjraeuj,
1€xd! rrt nlaxeQl orirlirn irll .iov fLvrtgeiov. tuIr rlrtol0 ,rilr To the first pcriod belong the ,\?orottol (.,shipsheds.,)
'isr'..i(o! a,d
urootuoF.llua,!. zi|ftdond6!o$vamc.isEor o:oncl}rz6q tlreatreoI Zea, the southern
''"t ..,o- porico nt the Enponan. ne
€,,.r.r-v r..i S.ial7gen, and Lhcresidenceofrhe DionysiastsTh€ second
rd+,piD\,.llaaogrra uqq!|I rlTJl nol,irirr aIiJ to mo w i t h l h c e x c e p t i o f
o f r f i e s a n c r u a r vo I A r t e n i \ M u n \ c h j a
orHovILao U!I[.iri io]r(lQX&tou ll.Lo|id. iur! onoio! noAogr\,€l whi.h was excavaredin t935, $,asthe iecenr
exca\raoirs or
|lxotrxlror oli!€0(rdl\'oo"q rla}to,i}tqllaol,6roq itq Ir!-ro6il t h e A r r e n a l
o I P h i l . j .r h eM . r k r d , t / o 4(.L o n gc a i t c r ! ) a n o , r e
!.LriEAlo{dr rc.rrolr €Q(,irro! Afjq :rdooq. Aiid roi .,6rn q rve.?rolft,tofMurychia, as s,cll as a targenLrnrber
ro A .o\.r, O6ar0orI g Mo!l LXiag x(Ir{o .0Q6 iolr Aor.t- cisternsald quaries Evcn wot\e was ihe fate olrhe ctxjsical


;Eo!, rTori€wonio0llirlv xov rrsQl:|opavoattilva or!

06QeEE11(rl cemetery,isolatedenclosuresor gEves which were orscov
NA o\,"iiororlo ni:!Q!O€g1{)! ).600r qE MollvLliog,]rl:t1oXdr0l
ercd periodicaily atongPnaios and Thilon stree!s.
71r! Iarv vo nQo)dpolrv 1tcv !' crvarunoroo{rv.Eld1n.l €ivoLIl1
Theconclusionsfrom the fiNt period,essenritltyrheexcava
trvoord rr.LQrxixd$qF€i0 r1]! o'loklltriJ4rertxo! F€fltv Eljrceio trors of Dragatsisbetween1880ar l 920,weregarherednr the
rllS na(bxlE )i11rrtEoirUQo\litE lltG 6e!.r€QIq rwo|,11066ptolgro! stif valuablebook of W. J\td,ejch.ropognthie nnAthenllst
neLQnLo.:ntv nQrbllI n€Qiodoo\qio!.v or N€6ooD{or Lft ro oao
edition 1905.2nd cdition 1931)rthoseof the secord period,
po t I. Ztd:. I vuTuro- o rou I
"rropo 'o )4po- ) ary. /c whicn include the excavationsof rhe ArchaeotogicatService
o ofuoq ioa Arc\4rou:rordv.:T1l 6€rlr€pt, ro €A6 rIE Mowryioq berween1960and 1990.can be ibund in rhe doctoraldisserta-
AAt$boE, rori ovooridihk€ io 1935xaroLnA6oqm€Eoai:|no ton of VK. v. Eickstedt(Beitldge zur Topo|raphiedes an-
Inu€q xltr:r!€!o01xlq ro! OiL,.yoE,T1tqMoxQdE:rodq x(1l
tikenPiraeus,l99lJ.Thete is also a very usefutenrryenritled
rrdr NlcDooi,{ro! fltE MolJlrlioq. xao(irs 1l|a\,o! ''Piraeus"
Fqd},oq .lAreFoE written by John Tr^\tos i rl1e Doni Encflapedja
ortrIr6v, 6€Eop€v6! )1(l[ Ll1xog€ir,r.,i.XEA6r€AI l1]r/ta€E (1969). Based on the excavationmateriat.W Hoepfnerand
! UoiAo
ro! rl"ooD.ioli v€,rQoxo+€io!, U€tLov0ru€\,or n€Aii3o).or1 id4)or rorJ L. Schwandner(,tJarr Stadtim klassischen GfieLhenland,
oiroio! cnor.|(|hlrno!1c! tord b|i:torillLirro rcird ptaos ro! oo{!.v ""d
NeubearbeiLorg. Munich, 22-50)reachedinteresfrg
IleaariJq ]ilx[ OIBdv. conclusionsregardingthe plan of itre ancienrcity and thc rype
or$I:Qdofaro q( ne6qq r€Qro6or, ollotdmord o1,rri ro\r of the Pincot house.The tunlrcr uiilisatjon of rhescfindings
o!vooxo(|(i! io! AQcrydlol ffi6 ro i 880 6(l) 1920,orpi€\.rQd) conslitutesone ofthe purloses of the presentbook.
{]ryrnvmo nx6pu1 :oLirr.po ll$ xo! W.Judeich,
von TH! crrY oF TEEMtsrocLDS
Athen11I er6. 1905,2I€x6.1931), €vd)qr bEi,ftalgmaLo6o!, This sectionis dedicatedto rhe tdptych Foiifications - Dock
dl.imow or ovsoxoQ6g rlq Aplcrol.oylxiqYrqpeoiaq yard Emporion, which delined the identjry of Pira€us,as
cno ro 1960iL€IQr mQiroxro 1990,mI6.dLiliAfi ro! V K. v. rt wrs envisionedby Thenistocles, and was compleredby
Eickstedt (BeitriigezurTopgraphiedesantitenpilaeus,I 991).nol,i a seriesof lcadersthat began with Peicles and ended wilh
Xailorfo €ilor rior ro ).!fFd <IsAo'crj? oqv Elr{ll]il.oJmib€u:r Lycurgusand Dernosthenes.
AoU{(1969), nolj dyQclJ€ o L Tp(1!),6s. BoourFe\roLo€ 0!16 xo
avooxooft6rlLro oLW Hoepfner xcrL Schwandner (Hausund
Sladtim klassischen criechmirnd.NeubeaJbeitung. Miinchcn.194,1. T H E G A T E SA N D w A L L s o F A N C I E N TP t R A E U s
o.22-50)ob!}.ite!ro! o€ u!6rao6Qowo o!Jrr€Qdopoio Tr.oro It is logical for a tour of the city's moDumentsto begin with
oX66Lo fltE oQ1cio!nohtEror ro! nrno rolj rrseoixotl omrurt. H lhe forlilicaiion whose c.eation may be said io have becD
'reo,!Ac oEronoilortro\r E!Qr1tr:ro\,ll!fiiv cnor€)"Ei6vov{Ino Themistocles'fint act in founding Praeus. The fo{ificd en
rorq JiooD{oiiqo'ioroiiq r0' ror mp6moq pqBlio r r d n , eo h e . : r r : l J l p o r p . r - . r' e p b r l h e o e r . o l d 1 ;
or the carriageroad from Alhens. on ihe inside of the Long
Walls, mus! have been an extmordinxry expefieDcebecause
H no,\H ToY OEMrxro(,\H ol the awe prcvoked bt their sizc and strength.The ruins ot'
To 7,€4,dl"oro orrd ailor dqJ|€porU.€1ro oro rQirnrxoOpQ(i)o€r6 lhe torliJicatiors are today not only the oldest. but also the
\ , m . 0 / 0 . f u " o o ' . m r ' 0 r : ' , t . i : r u - o - r l rooL r v . u u best Uresen,edmonumentalgfoup from antiquity,so rhat this
II p,:rrir,
6ftDqro! op(:tpoxtorlr€o O€tumo)r,r]q ror olor].il is still a signincantpari ofthe appeararceof the moderncity
pooe rt osed io'v !r€r6v no! aQXi!€ron6 ro! IleQLrll rol for the person approachingPiraeuseilher fiom thc scx or
rEiErLbv€roro,Mxo{iQyokol xo AIFooe6q.

O r f l y , \ E :K A rr a r E r x t i r o y A l x A r o y I I E T T A I A T H E c l r Y c A T E s . \ N DT H E N o R T HW A L L
Eilar ioyrxortrrE0lltnotmc pvlf€id'ilq rn)bE\,o d0xio€r,1no The nost impressivelno ume ts in the clty, whch aLlowthe
. o):, . ., '' J.o'rovur -r c .nn , .
/ioooup r,] rro.FJ. moden visjtor to rcalise the functioDalu ny of the Pnaeus
rriq:F I,rpitf ibelolEro! Iloao,it omrro O€Uoro1ill.H oxri- foltilicarions, arc rhe trvo large city the ends of the

Qil€iooSoq xo! Ileeotd rqr ot nil.Egfio! dvririQ(€orrxdErorl wallthatuntilrecently

by iittleKodrcuSreer.
epl6rov n:mqr Ae{vc xcrd ptxos r!( A!aELx!( (o6oi) 1 U6oi1 The gates are also the most ancient feature of the Pjraeus
ono io Nldaed l EitI edr€r 1'adror€).oior lrc ol]l,Xtroarcriit fodfica.ions: in 493 BC Themisrocles srarted work on the wau
epre4ia,1|o ro 6iog nm qori<rl"oioero pt60og ncr l r.o1ig somewh€renear here by erecting a Herm in f.onfof-ihe -sate.
qq. To eQ€irtro rtE oy,iQoolq€ivdL.€!ol.).orJ.o1lU€Ao6XrFovoro betorethe city had even begun !o be bnilr. The coiDcideme
oa1aurrEaooi,id xr:ll,roro),irEAo oo!6!,Llo Frrl!€ror6 oiloio of the ancient gares with rhe enrmnce to rhe modem city, and
T]lqoQ1ourrl-roq, ftor6meoL|T6vd reooiroQiq€r frr6pllqv 6VI PiralosStreeiwith the lireofthe Long Walls is noraccldentatl
ntEoirlrQo'yllqn6l"IE.),r'o!i6v ro! rd,rloLdlEr
xo! I€aau1 .l?rcrI theif position is ai the only naturalpassaSerhat ensuresthe
0d),oool]it crftrnt u€a|,0qE AolvaE. closest access!o the port. At lhis loint. which bore ine mam
weight of the city's defence,wasrhethickest(5 m.) pan ofthe
wall, the strongest,mosrsolid construction,and protccrio. by
O t e : r t r g > n y A E : K A I T o B o p E I or E I x ( J ) a denscarrayof enomous circulartowersl0 m. h olamererrn
To mo €\'ruiooLcx6 $\'!fLeiot1q xrohg, crird ftrr ttrprrrr oro ftont of the wall, additional protection from siege rowe6 was
o!1AQo!o€morETril1'oo\rrrtrtQe€iq l,ELroua"/|,]{lt *6r1,l1crrlS prcvldedby ihe outwofk ard the noat. Themisrocles' bLritding
r€eoll,iiq olirQ{rotg,shar orSrlo!€ydl"Eqoo ra( flir},€E. mo 6{jo of the walls war described by Thucydides wirh addntion (A
oliQoior x0i.Xo!S Jrlr! pEIQr,
na6o4,orord],t|Jrls! !r,ei 066( K6- 93): "The tllicknessoJ the Piraeus wall ||as btliLt acco ing t.)
bao!. Or im)€goriorel.oriv,eqdl"io!, ro oQlcru)r€pomorx€ioqq Thenistocl.s'advice,as can be Nen to.L']".Twa at the wagoij
olirQootgro! fl0elrrd: ono €&l xo.',rdE€riiutosio 493n.X.I that carry stone.:L,uldpasseachothel Thespae berweenthe
xoloox€trll ro! i€ixolq onr ro @€lumord.rlF€qr, i6Q1lole1,6( aurer surJaceswas not etl with either nud ar rubble, but anlj
( Eeprl na6qrI ml.ibu,, r{n, or6Fd qer{lilo€r oLro66p!o1t wilh larye blocks ol stane aftached
! tagether onthe outsi.Je th
rlq noUE. H orFrn.:ljor.lro\r oQXGtovnul,6v B€rlv €ioo6oorrt iron and leatl. The height of the wall wasjust hdlf that planne.t
or1l,XQov1 nol"1, 6mr:Eror.TtEo6oirIEe.rLdrEU€qr noQEiarorv b! Thenistacles. Hb thought \|as that the bred!*h and height oaf
Mcx0rir!T€q6\r,60! €irorflrtoio:I e6o! rolg si.vororo tLo.,,o the wall woul.l thwan ary enemyplans an I that aJew lessuse
(b!ol',i6'r€pao$xno! Eql:lo$oliE$rI o!\,
eoor€l,ilo1l lrl men couLddelen(l the wall, so Aat the athers could naa the
rol trqrclroi :ro ol[€io o!x6.7ro! 6QeA€ ro xiArc pdAoqxIE l€er." Regardingits height and consiructioD,we are infomrd
dprlnq r1g nol"1g,ro cilog EiXoio tr€./al.iJr€Oo ndlo! (5 p.), b i A p p r dr o l A e \ a n o r : do .e r l b n 6 ' e o - . \ e . e . r \ l o. p p u .
t1'v:no lopq!, or;r.n:r/1,r(x.ioox€!!xor rlv rQomooia1uo< up by Piraeusto Sulla'sseigein 86 BC (Mith. 30). rhat ,??e
nL)]1!!E dioElq i€adm'{fl, 6nF€raor l0 tL, r.'rJrl"|,1ldrv n!0- wdlls were40 cubns 118.5m.) high,anlbuib of largesquared
l0r\,.IlQooorrrtnaomtxoioomrrollEnolrcAxtrnoig nijQ./oljq
66rvov,tnQoordoro r€i oS.ronQolEitrolr1 rorI rilOQoE. TI! T l , - r \ v og d r e .u f P r . e J . r e r e n ^ r b u r l l
xfioori€u] ro! ftixo'uEorrir1o 6€|llo1o,{l,i ruarladoar lr,€l]orj No chronologicaLexplanaiionis lecessary,howevcr. rc ex
UooBoo 6our!6i6lg (A 93):<Tord\oq rcL .rdy.o1)E rorj n €AaLd plain the presenceof two gatesJusl 100 m. aparr.As in lhe
ro axxLo.tyxaki xI orttloul4 rou @ttl.Loroxli, oTkD(tbatuE11l caseof Keraneikos. they serveddiffercn! roads.The older
. t ott,.po.llua.irob . ana the pre'eminentCity Gaie (Arrttrr P)loa), was fardresrwest
aoioar ya 6&atuuaa9or.!.tro Eoexerxdq<rcLxo,o$iE 6tr and located to the right of the person enterlng |he ciry. on
tlld,Ia,r o1:)t)dorLl o1)rtXuii.xL,et)").(ipbyo tLft .Eq,xallayLkd. Pylis the ruins ofthe rowersllalkiDg ir, rwo phases
r':^€xl piy.E ftra€q ouaQ\oophet !€ruE1jxouqrQoqrct iEa !€ of constuction can be discerned.which correspondro dre
oi'eQax td.IiBL.To t\o -rxour eiNaryiyoe, x€^na,.rothoa two majof pedodsofthe to|tiRcationof Piraeus:the circular
exeilo1)rtu €iX€o\t dldo.Lo OtpLorcl{)tiE.H cniVl xar ix1y le (or to be preclse,oval) towers of the initial, Thenisloctean
ra lrqaq xru tu rVo€ xar r rAoL( 11.i tJroqapaljyEL xde€EXeaMtj phase, were.eplaced during Conon's reconstrucdon b!
oI 6,0>a w p vrou ).ya,.t.tjot.. o, \t t ., Ao\Qln pot o rectangtrlarones.The distancebetweenthe towers was lj
Qddyt tu r€iLo.,€yd,oLttMot 0a nkiy'aaydy ra o jJ,o>(Wqa. m. The 8-metreprotrusion of the westerniower crearedan
A. Bldlox). ll.r ro ir!,ogliorqv roraor€ltl !i( nilao(,oAeirot oxlside spacein which to receivethe enemy,who is erposed
o AJnr|oivog, r€Qn/Q0oo'yroE rI l€\,!dio l1lrrioxoorlro! n€eod on his right side. before he is sunoundedand fapped in rhe

ort! rc),roarionr6 ro:ND,o io 86r.X (MOO.30):(?a ?rtlI

ti-/"tr th\t\ind n\teq (6\1.. t8.5a!t.) xuraoxtrcl
ou;ro tliti utytilol)qrcradyoliLtpiyaNt ).iqo)rg,.
OLbironr,Lrrro! nrlpoLrbq6sl €ilor oii/IQor0ro! naoEro
po.ol1r',.1. I. o .'go o u o r|v uoJ
prxAlt.mieirm! l0{l p.. .1ir6olao!,6!r 'lp€Ll1(0ior. oor6oo ra
r0tLrt!.!rciXQo1oiop1d. Onrl)qx oroaKea[€Lzo.€qurnter-
roioor broQoa€inoirq 6Adpo,:q. H iroi.rL(ire0,o {cr' elo1itv
Aoru6! lhi(i\,, oi\rdrrt 6|1n6reAl, 'ior Foiox.rororcr6rELa

nirp/i,rvro! rltv rrl"riroLdrvori!6r&riQt\o!r,16iro orxo6oprri!

Qoo€rq, or orolEqc{wloroljtot!orq 6!0 prtd}"€cr€Ar6dorgxtq
nsLQciirt!oX-irQ0rotg: oLr.r!rlr,{oi('/L,rrl! d}rQipEr,tl oo€rlri!)
nra"/orilt! oarLartE, eEpto'i6xLEro( Qaotqo\rrLraraordorlxs!
r,,aiolrt! r.1r!6!|l,11
olov.oa6utol aflr oQeotdr!m!(.Homoi.r'
orl c1\,opro.i morq niQtotlqEi1'oL 15[ Mr rf] nAolloii zmd 8! 6rirrzoirnireyo! 8l$torei,rirur i1EjrAdloEeE0rrEAn6q
ri,rporl]nodoxiE io! €xeaoll,no!€ivo'c"ril),rnroE ori6q 60Erd
io! nl,.!ad,rraoron o!i6! Etx).rirljtoeEixsr rl,lrbg!ftiorn eoo
' p" ' u1'.1 o, i 14u o olol .,. o,.
uioo oro i06$o. na6n€r !' orrororooroe€ir10r'.r.!.rtro{orQoq
ro -ou.'o ,or : V'u u0 | u u' r' r.r-
tldboriEilor }l.) mproior] o rnaLoc ba6uo( trn 1I! Aeit./o,o
orrciog zaro!v66EE oEava!rortr6sdEovorrorq6io n6l,o!qr!q a ( ),tt' tu1)11tatLi., inlr .ii.da turN.lroi.iqnor rl< B... ri.ra.
|r0!!oiri! o1r'io'/ ro ],rUrvrflorI! ArQdnol!. Mgid The Liar aJPi rru: tt thr btxlr! !. tllr t rire Da.tuad
zcn,roxerl ror 6n6p6lLourrn! lU.rxodr!Toryri\,.xo P60€ro
ArtifDd'|)o:O " |i@ or turaatLJq, 6rijr Eia.darar ) rlira; a
od).oEr0)\,onoiovFQioa.iorrairo onoq! 1166ll€eoubE,6!
uror"etiertarr oldlz,t rt(1rI 6rdao'E!ptctqb!nr€a!! ' rh!, Cof), Th. Li,t t I Pitlrlu: rt th. ert on e a] I'na.u\ t01l
tur o€mpimoor nol,rcaxios€a €EaoQdirll:irt! lnaoworlio
rL€rtr,{0i!11 Eoo oJllr lvlo%ad TEi'trt.
Toiro cErtrcirooo l r',- or ,d lr'r..' . . i r,'e.1b.... ', . o-
lrnli,:lort rrLrrMo mld!.i,oo x(Irrl ioEitrQorrltviroe€|aror taken flrough the road, sbould bc rcstond in a sirillar wa,!
r.iXorq iorol]aqof qq vE6r€prtg mtrlq, rrclJ0oiolal:ioroQroiD !o the s€condgatc Llrathas survive.l.Thfougl lhis latter (ihe
!o rou lLo0Qt6B.rorr oiry nd)nt,$ioElj rov ob6r Ll]a|'xilor, openhg of lhe ertEnce is 6 75 m.). pxsscdthe rlll]h road to
Zovui.:€ ,rlri0€ort$ ro! Amrzo! II!],ri!iI,I rrirnlatl1lt Adrens,whi.h loined o. an imaginuy aiis lhc n!o potesof
Eix€aroroir4,I]sioi6ahot. Eilor (l(!8e6Eorolourltreq F€ro lhe Afierran empire:the tort wilh the Acropolis.
r.or€aoo0lrcixo dinrlo.o! x,1L ro ota6rcmry ruU ro! nn After lhe cofridor of the LoDg $Iails was buili. rhe north
:: p.oro or \ r o ou o : . i o r , r J C o -o - | \all of (hich is now bufied udeneaLll Piraios Street,lhe
.,ri,rtixrj|trixoql8 p ri(rlnldro! 16,5tr.,rodlor1w fltE€roo3o! needaroseto bnild a sccondgaiewhi.h. nr the evenLolsiege.
eilcr4 p :riior ror inrl nxdForiorclnoxo tDucr!rotro qq 0ir0c1!. would eDsurecorrlnunicarionwith AdrcDsinside the Long
z(udr! z.u orc1aporoie0){16. ro| 6a6Fo1. nor q ltlrorro. Walls.Tlis explanrsboth lhe proxjrn ry of thc two gates,and
H irpo: &,opdg'iol Foolio1rieitro!! rol fJceoLir drc obliquepositior of the morc rcccrrtore in relanonto LLc
/ o.,o,, oroe vx.-o/rvo.r o line oft]re wall. rvhichis to the left of thc pcrsonerlerinS the
rlroolclort:r€qii.o!5 p FoQoir,r: rlE F6Q€LtrE ntrs1.Qda rlE 060i c(y, bel{ een Evripidou .tnd Zand streets.In contrastto the
. i , r -i rJH , !.^ CiIy Gate, fiis secondone has been unear'thedconflctcly

b|orlQ€i rl oliui(r^fl xci loor€ljil lior-io U€ldl.o ? d'ro_<nor nr There arc visible simiiailies with the laler AthenianDipylon
ArtAdUoB€.Eivor ruoovo1 o! xor b€v Urr6Q€o€ v' .irl(r6erl0ri gate.althoughthe dcsign iu the caseof the Piraeusgale wa5
o\loor.rQrd 61rnLrQoFoioq 3LaqQot\r1.nrx(||I r1!r),w11poA- more advancedand the dimensionsmuch smaller:the coun
4l rio! IaeoriqaiErLro!q tqr niQ./o!< €xci6aoeE! r{rv nu}.rb\,, is 18 nl. long and 16 5 m wide, the openingof the entrince
curoro! rlalo oq 6roordirAoo! rov o66v A[{'16B01J ror Kil is 4 m. Tracesca| slill be seenof the gale mechanism,s \!€ll
adrirzori6015 €xsivol'Jrlr!o6qEroro'6\,0 tlnoyarcn cLojil loio as of chadot wheel ruts.
xllE 060{r fli}.lq. Mio rdQQoq,ri}.dlotlq 9,50U..r!o! durnffidr- The wesiwardline ofthe northernwall ofPiraeus has beer
elx€ o tl'Eroxo4i r0r! eEu€l.ilD!rls Ao[11,iqTad'isldE oirt coDfirmedby rnearsof a seriesofexcarationsalongthe Dorth
Srooro!QCtroIio! 066! fo{rloQrl xor NcljoQlvo!,r' mo olF€io side of Gounai Stree!about 5 m. to the nortl of the slleet
6fio! io rf.ilog orili6€r(xr FerI MaxQ{i :rod, }idaoLm}.1j Jl|oovri front.Alongihis linc up lo Eeiioneia,thewall retarnsdresolid
qv ilnoQql oio olp[io o!x6 lroqrQixlE olprfi ]l( nx],lE ro! constructionand greai width describedabove.11is posslble
I}q,ruis, oqv nrfeqplan]r o6oirO!06v. althouShthis has not beenproved by excavations that lhe
circular forn characieristicof the six towers or boih stdes
of the gateswas r€tanredfrom the lower ai the intenection
H o x Y P a t E K A I H I I Y A HT H : H E T I o N E I A : of Distomou and Karaiskousneetsio the one that has beeD
:10oi1lYu{6 erbno6Qo\, ,1\,aloi,o F€ro! Aoru.tiiv Illknv Jltrao! preservedil] a basementrag and bone shop on Pylis streer.
odqE! l"o,/orqq il6otErlq, nor leoroEerorlv €ioolo ror fl€reod A trench 9.5 m. widc. which was discovercdwhen diggirg
onon] odloooa, r1tqiq o0rE6I€1a1 maoniil fiI,)"]q qE Hfir- lbc foundationsof the Popular Bank buildirg at the corner
o1'eioq,orc ).6Q0Koo iQ{ixr,.or! 6!io.ot(BA)nk|Qd io! MefdtrorJ of Gounariard Navadnoustrceis,iLat the poini al which the
\ p voc Hrul to\r, Io_ovo t o . / ' u o u 1 r .ror/ I o ' r r ' C r { ) ] 4 ' wall is connectedwitlr the Maka Stoa,mrkes it very tkelY
)"rt)d]Io. Amle)"oixoroin) fio (rLldrorJq 3J0 p) €ioo3o|r€liSrD,I that therewas a third imporiant gatc to drc
0,1.o.m, tuo o.uluv6, o tuoy^.,C/ /n ocoo/,;,\ or.o o,mur. beginningofThivon Sl
riqrd rdoo ro0ov6qxo. ot , eLhvLmuaitonird €P.'{odoqxl:ll
oe l,|!x),rxonq.broFtiao! nlplm! 10!L (xatd fl U€,/d.ttftaogE;
1 o 3r1rrx6(. m! I3pior8xoL 6eEur'io!eroeQl6Fr!o!). Or ni,QIoL T H E F o R T t r t c A T r o N sA N D T H El t E T r o N E l AG T E
o6Lo1r irxro"4tL€Qo p.
o€iiUoq3 xor 5 o\"rimoqo. H nl).I, 6n1rE)idr There is sLrategicinterestanalogousto the City Gate iI the
'io i€i)(oEqq H€iLor1,Eiag,l'vd-rplou 6n,foqeg,rorii,ryrl-novrpe4,or- thi.d Piraeusgatetolave beendiscovercd,the EedoneiaGate.
rc6our{6Eodor4. H oQlra! (0epor6xL.Li1) qItaoot oromlollor becauseof its posirion overlooking the enFanceto Piraeus
ollv6xr|l:t qE B6percrg olipoortEro! IIEaaur,I omio SLdoliqo fron the sea,on the Kastrakihill on the northwestside oflhe
wcg rc rr,pdvrano qr:i.ctEio KoQrlioridx!6r'rEio K(:lmp&rfltq Main Harbour.':Thisis a sirnpleiype of gaie,wiihoul a recess
Ae&neroiryoq(o IEt6r€loE K0rO6(AMr 6€! itrol' fload Evou€- or internalcourllxrd It co sisrsof an eDtrxnce(3.70m. wide)
q o c - q . r ) . 5 o \ ) " 0 , 5c , o v ' 1 r t o , | 0 , u r Y A a r lr c r o with a rwo paneledgate,flankedby two towen which were
1600ftr! xT,Eiv cv() rd b1lrwdrro!6QBoq< KQo!{ru6oQmr! r.roL. initiaily rectangularbut which, very likely fi the HellenLstic
oxolorJlj(i\'rogorl oov4etfl qv oxrolpi:lppit,xordhl€ oq zl?i era, were enclosedin circular ones with a diameterof aboul
rrro or6uo xo! iqr€voq H xffioori€riitro! rcilou(,6rr'rq b€ixlEr 10. \l ,e*({rr frhcpe o e " I
to oeprlrcmr o6leror xdtoram'in'Ko161'€Ldnu).I,ilrov oti somewhatlarger).Tlre towershavebeenpreservedtoday to a
J i o / 1 . . ^ : ry v p ' - u u u . o r 0 r , v . o , r ' v , / r ' i \ o u l u a , L r r - 4 heightof 3 and 5 ll1.fespcctively.Tbe gatc.and lhe Eelioneia
nohyorr(oiJ ,r04o!s 'Ijr! otEbldoqrc r +oro"/a'4!ery€ rov waLl as well, went thmugh al leastthrce differenl slagesoi
r€Qoopi'vocltrivo no!0r oro 16{0 TlF KaoppliJsaolE. Av x,:!l constmction.The initial fotilication (ThemistocLear)rvas a
continuationot tle northen foftiilcation of Piraeuswhich.
aftcr crossing the harbour from Ka.aiskakis square up to
Kastraki,Drapetsona(the so caLledKoufos Limen rvasnorh
C H tull to, Aax.a< lAarEaq nl).6r) ing more Lhanparl of the swampy Halmyis) contintredin
Tht Mdi, Gdt. of Ihe Cir'. a straightiine to the hill that closed Krcnmydarous ba! on


b€r(nope\r€'lorvo o60!rc rinorodrroro onQ6qg HsrLt|rvsios,the west side, and following the shorelineended up at thc
BLoorDrdoLoLpQXLXoi io 41I lI'X..6€roro ,0i0xar, i - r e J \ki e r i e m o u r lo f r h - , i o ' r l . \ , o . r u r o r , J .
..o^. ourovdm \'.r ^. iro6v!,! rlc Kovu!. ocotrc shorvnby the foundationthat has bccn savcdunderConon's
olg,l onrio UEIry xilrlox€ril €\i6qiLoreLXioluro-( irrv11orjE3J5 Gate, was solid. On the conirafy, we do not know where a
1 0 r ' o ,o { . 1 u .y ,
,.\ d).ztar-X\,!,5u. J o p oc L i T
r oC , . small sectionof a polygonal wall belongswhlch was drawr
{or ldoritt). JlrQrcoiooTi0. rrl,6lr!,oq XEao6 '1loofltg Hm o1r€loE, and phoioSmphedLastcenturyon rhcKrcnmydarous hill.Al'
l]Qit\rovroq iEurrov nao.flo4caoi\rro 6Al]0qE K0o!&uScraoiq. thoughit is not anticipatedthatanylhinghas beensavedofLhe
T6IEXQovolol,0iloL kft I nQ6q ni).!, ! orl1ioeiXeop€o(ljvur!!, Eetioneiafodficalion which was buill lraslilyby the oligarchs
6rtur!1tlltro !m),oLm i€ilog, niQyollq.H o/rQorol oro6ffd €v- in 411 BC, lt may possibly have constilutedthe fo!€mnner
q 0./, o';, k oor' r/ojro/u ruQoo'oc. 'oro,orDCo^Ln of ilre ConoDianfortification which, wilh the constructionof
oirut"1tQl]rl!po qnhq ri,qrl y6$!ao, rtE orroiaEl]6(0\,,1111 6{io a partition 3.75 m. widc using lhe cnllrLrd technique(two
D , o ^ o n o t r o u-a o / / t o u i i . y ' ,1 , ! i : f q r o r T o f o u- oc u slonesirriacesfilled with rubble and clay). was lrmited to thc
i€iIorq )iorq! %sioornrl'lxo!rljl,ifuiidvr!€!6oiool6p[ll1' mQ Eetioneiapeninsula,leaving out ihe bay of Krommydarous.
t0r! UE alov roxla6 naopoxdrvo oraop|1e\ro nQoq 1o lo4o rIE The lilst gate also datcsfrom this pcriod. which had recian
lQopptllopoir. Apl6reQfl.11.1^'omo fiors, !€ ilv nQooellxlsv6g gular towers,as did the remainingwall Thc lorlillcation was
?u., bo"ErorloJmlin0no4' q-ou ',,4?olxo' ruo/01r...r,o graduauystrergthcncd,flrst by an ouivofk and moat(thc very
ommqa 6lgrorp{06 urQomoml! nitrt e\r6!tdrQo!x(r/{b€! nafow passagewas suppleneniedbyalvoodendrawbridgeof
orlqro! €rorr€6u€r,or. which two piershavebeenprese.ved),and then,whenthe wall
was being widened ard the circulaf to\ters buiLl, bl a stout
bastionfacing Krornmydaioushill. At sone undefinedlaLel
To rEIxo>TH: A(lH: time. with tlre additionof an angularwa1lon the fxcadeofthe
O llo(iJqg ror o E6vo<no]Jn{ooan{c! clrioq od}..tooa easterntowef, m aLtemptwas madeto createa spaccin front
ro1rIl€Aad l:,!uyv6pr,Lol ono tLl:llaaLd olo n€pioalo or6l4|(tr of the gatein $,hjch an attackcrcould be traplcd .
rov reLl6r' ilc Isrpcrixilq il bilopit ttor rlt or,orlard,flnd
xartry nrxpl Firol rlq aolvalxis ol]lorqcioQics.To xeiIoq
op)i:rci).or.| {o,ro-oor u, t'lt^. x0r1nx T H D c o A s r w A L L
2,5xLl|oll€leo! ond ql l]1oo5o qq Z:oq 6togxltv €ioolo ro! Ffom sone distanceaway,the islandefor strangerapproach
Kur0^fouo-o flo^urolr.v ro .; Fr.or o t+ C . | \n oro :1u) ing Pimeusfrom lhe sea would be able to r€cognisein the
slrxn|0o|tlxdpquii(Iro! n0eod. To €ilog ro! O€$mod,a- famouscrown onrhe walls of Piraiki, tbe power andcetanriy.
otlg(493-40a 'i.X.).noin sria6r€pooro ro oo!6Fvo Kov6lerc as well asthebittertasrcofiheAtheDiaDempire The wallilraL
(ri:rrdr lo Oo!x!bi8l I oxiiporolt ro! Ila{o|(i €it€ti]rioq60mo falrly good conditlon,along a distance
6io,\r!!a11rr0r! 13xlp. ! 70oxo6l0rv ro! 184F.,nolj bivolv o,. of 2.5 km. from the Zea entunce io rhe Cantha s enirance
g€ieio€Lq oi|]€ao).silar ru0ovo6116€1r ad).!m€o).dx),Io1rlv at Palataki,constilLties lo lhis day one of the most nnp'esstve
czroyAop|ritrltE l-l€e(ixig X8Qoolloor,xlv ol1o[a!no].o./i monunents ol Plraeus The Tlremistocleanlall (493-404
, . - ' o ' o ' o ^ , . / ^ € a o r l o - t l - 0 1 l . \ o r u ! 0 . , , ' u - , r ! BC). much shortcrihan the Cononianlvall that hasbeenpre'
fiooio ioriKlllodao! {rrolcr6x€Qa ritero]jT|oo€itr€o1)-i6 tld served(accordjngto TlrLrcydides. the Ioriification of Piraeus
p. A1. $ a \ / , / , \ l o n g . o , p d r c au h lr \m or [, .,J /
7oF€vooltprAo xpiltLor€i1olqnldro!! 2 buD{d xo! o 0
B.1o0,€ior). K.rrd rI\' ororiirrc{o}i€lril xrlgori6rov Kblorra I srdde= 184 m. given by measurenen$today),mry nol have
otie(0o11 immdlelr€, rirorsvo )l(rtrir{eL, nl':ov,otr6rir]al tlr coveredthe eitire coastlineof the PiraLkiPenlnsula.wh'ch
r€piU€rpo fl tEXlOoo\rioo!.crJtoxl€iovro! 6xorxd0€btivol6tl- it is calcllaled to have crcssedobliquely ftom dre n]ddl€ ot
ra cr:r6lloolql|,a ro! i6ro1,6yoI onoor.rol on6 tI edloooo the southem*ore to the Cantharusmouth (earlierii hxd been
br(rfait0lx€ oio 20 40 p.,6l)I,8l).sbi, €ivctoit[.0Qo t{oodr-< identilled with a now losl seciionofthe waU 2 n wid€.west
rt a:ro7,arlp\,f ax t €IdrxrmanQamrvo DqQf.doortxs ari6tlv ofAyios Vasiliox).When Uononrcbuilt il. the fodificationwas
.rrodo l; ord8[lg rtc edklooc<.To r€i1oqeivotoi€vor€Qo extendedio cover the entire lerimeter of the Fninsula rhus


;", .l, ':*'l


t t i ,: . \ , ttr),ji;r t.t,t,

i l . 5 r l r . 1 1 l1r . i 7 r . , r 7 , ) r ' ) rr r f f , , , , r r ) L r 1 . r , r r L :r r L i i r , : r ' t : ; r ( l r L i ] r ] ] r: r l r r \ \ i h i l i L \ , ) Il L , i l| i l o i t r r \ i . r r . r r t i : , , 1

1 , / L ' n r i r l : . ; L r - r r t L | ( r r n r , ! ; r f , r r r r r r f n L r l t r n . r l n r | l r r r t ; r L t L r r r rrrht j!{(/l i \ t r r r . r l n n r L h .l L r i . n r r r . l r t : f ) . 1 l
( l L s i . n .i es r r r l . r \ 1 | . r ' L ! r ! . i t f o r :\1L r . t L lr, .Lr r r , . i . . :
. t rr r o I | ( - { 1 , i 1ir I ' r o r o r f i i . t z r . \ , r . u , ) 1 1 f 1 \ ' ti ) r ( f 17 ( 1 ( , r . $ , L 1 i ( 1 Lbr!d r l r e \ . i r L l n , 5 e , ! \ t ' l l l r f , , r . l . . t
rinr . I!.tr,i,r rj lL!'.'rTrrlLrlrt.I].-rlnfirr: Tor|i7o:'r, i l i r l i l r l r ) r r . . r h o f t h r L lt l t r s d i l r . f : r r M l l l f ' ,
- r r i - 1 , r r ! r r l r L r f r t r L , : i l l , ir fr , . : f L/1a , r3 l , , L Lr r z o . rr r Tr / . r i : l r \ ' ! . f . r i ( D . r h i t l ( r r r 1 . .. r I r i n f J h f t l r ' ] i l d . ft L r r t _ rr f .
'rr'i.:r :. ,rr ftn!!r!rr'rI|x ,JI rrilir: fr r r{^ r. I t Io: i tr',()!,1 o L l ( L ( . L1 \ 1 h e. e r ! f J r | c \ . | J . L , r \ l ! . t j . L r 1 , I i r : ) -
oi )r lrt/.o.] /i.rt Lotlliorr(r.L.ur,,a,5lo: rlot ,rrol|t'(l
: ,: l . r . i . n i . i r : i , ! i 1 r . u 1 l L i ! ! r r r ( l l r r r t r r t u \ r
t L r . r t L , - . (1 r h r l : . t r ( r r ( r rf i r r r i l i r r : . l ) ! r 1 1L r r l r r I L : r . Ti: I .'
l l , , ! r ( ' t ) \ l r r r r r! ; o r 1 . 1r i a rr . r j r 1 r t i l ,r I r t r r i L , ) , i l o , ) L r j . r ( .t
)ftr !(rr!! ) r t r r . . r , . ( l i . r j f l , . r t ' ( rirL ( l r ! i r r r r r ( r o r 1 o r t i o r

( , 1 . i . r t , | ' r r , f , r . / .I r . o r ; L l i n n ( l o t ' t r l. , r r . m , . ' o r : o l t . ( t ! r


I 11|Qvara I ttt| tt\i rdr tu|ti)t dil.r< ort dQtt<r.r 4tirr Tntro ii1I'e Mll hrtlN(.r th. NdJ.t,arl)' ir ttft 2lrh.rnoil
|tF.troyAaAid1 4tRrL,a| Aatdu,),orut.1iI ||inalltut) ( (; ! rnan ^ k:h.rr li tnl I hrtnt |( tlLatuBae11

irpe.-04,11.)rlr riLooiorrro! , ! o'loioo€m0d6o uq,r\rbirorJ thology olthc coastlire)22 r€ctaogular l()\lcrs (1x6 m ) hr\e
{oro\rn8),oro1'rrlolnx6 r6trepo,6rt,q]{ul grra tq rnLbpopig beenfrcsered, partially rcpaired,LrsuxlLy \yjth a postc )g.rtc
or.. 387rof 361ri.X.)ixLcLrr $s trio o),roib.t(. ,€ieau).t\11 besklc thcnr. Of the jnside 01 lhc toscr, tr'acesot rhe sronc\r\ x|€igAalraiay,o\1(\, riro soor.QLX6 dzAorori(l)LJouoir staiway can siill be sccr rt nany poinis The fortifica(h
z(\'o7noirrtg.ro6iolr 'ior Llltllloir, iro' 'irorso cri'BolfoE!c c1i.1not co|rirre insidc thc porlr it endedwirh two rectangu
isyrl€isr.1r trr0o{'lil oIlt! o}.lJoii(1
0cii"6U"eroq ori6 ftlroir. lar towers ai ihe t$'o brcakwatersat eithef si.le of its unrLh,
Or jriiglor odiolrcr o./6tr! orl 64Ld (oroiol,ulrt)rr).erAd rltq which m timc oidarger (in rhe PeloporresianWar, and aftcf
Eroolorrtq Zi(( r.drrrtglvlourLlioq, €\droro Mftirl,o ,{qrar.1 t h e r a i d s o f : l 8 7 a n d 1 6 lB a ' ) w a sc l o s e dw i t h i c h a i r l n Z c a
zorErira.lQrto.l!,!!ro ro 1835,oq i(bolor €nLri\lbraor ]Ln q the chain was on llre iisidc cdgc of the natrfal .anal leadlng
into thc that tbe irrvaderlvoLrklle Lmppcd ircnt ol
E;.irtrollr€iroLr(ror)ordo!prpa i ulr1q oXipr,!€cr thc chxin and atiackedtron all sidcs Thc to\rcrs,,avc rca.
ijot€oi,oov!o n.1!oxo)"o!elool)!€ rt tripo:ll q.noaricq rlq |rese'v€don the nght (easterr)sidc ofthc cDtrrnceto Zea and
r^cioi rr( rl: Zi.r:-.6nnrq(1!iil ollf[L(i]\rfiaroiorq rioioL6r€- Munyclria. while nr rhe mrjD po|t tley lvere destroyedaftcr
!.r: /({trf: Ar|i!rolr o1.ri+mlta rlqZdo('{orqq Mo1rlryic. 1 8 3 5a sb c i n ga h a z r f dt o s h i p f i n s .


lFilFo qE bk:J.a a7o u'IQdf y Etov, ^A L!ia& 6xo

odq€xol,tLr.,.iQ6 Ttrere are very few visible tracesof the fotullca.ion leii

XdQoiolr NolJ1rliol Opd.ol' xo oX!Q6€Qotlg Molvryicts AQxt today thal would helPus to foliow its path eastofZfl as irn
p5oq. A\riomcr,6x €Eooovro(]€i1d0€ix\ioqIr't! olof€oo olo notedonoldermaps.Belweenlhe harboun of Zea and Munr
i.rfd\,r rtE Molr\,Ltioqr.rLr( Aottx6q IIil€q. chia a snall sectionof the wall has beenpreservedbiside fie
Serangeion,and mside the grcurds of the Yaclrl Club is lne
fbrtified sanctuarlofArtenis Munyclia On dre conran au
TA NrA(!A TErxHLr traceof thc wall betweerthe Munychia harbourand the Cir\
To |tltdtro 0itpc oxlv olo]{).iaool ro! ol€6io! loti Oo|l"loro
)tI!, dol€ro B€xo or loirro c1rc16).sos tLtQo(ro! oa1r)tot ror
olrSio!, ]JnitoErI xorl:lo]{€1lilrov MorAdJl T€qtirl. ptn 1'r'/o
\ €nrlolQlo! Eloflrilolc qE ldoE [€ rtv rotrrd ]roll. no! T H E l o N G w A L L s'
olt$16€1,€q UoA(|! ,totiotruioir ronio!. H L56ob€vlllovxol The grcat step fbrward nr rcalising Themistoclesplals re
io c7,.oo.o'.,roln-ll],,.{orLo o}n{^r8,cn,r'.o{t-. gardlessof whetheror not this was pan of his itiaL plan,
1 {\'1. \ ' aooq o : r / o r r JD U' o o r o J cl o - o i / u r - L r. ' u c a - : u a I e b i . d n 3 o . r \ . L o ' g w . . a p , " 3 r ,i
Diacrpt(r nQoxrtxilllcrotit oro ro naoioroALxdil6!
Qlq 7d)ao-c, ing the old an.l new city, which ieft an indeliblc nurk on ih.
was nol a nelv onc Building a \rall ro
X Q 6 ! | c . 0 0 1 6 0 ( r . n o r o e v d o , o t I i 4 x l o 1 r i i b s ! a 4 , o a B o o o l x € Attic terrain.The idea
o€ -iarord i)i.raot (yro no0d6.ryln io r€ixo< xo! Io0Foi 6€1' isolatean areacapableof offering refugeto the inhabiiantsof
qsmavd rd 9 x).t.|,')xo! ft€ i6ol otilinEKt 6noq oxl\r A011o, the bfoader region was a praciice known liom lhe prchrstonc
6rrc! oxlil ofiorll€o€ ro1,.rxpo1ouoio tri0o!.rogvioE orQofll period.Howeverthis principlewas not appliedanvrvhereeLse
' . r n t c .r l . o m r o . , l u r ' o | . D r . i ! - o u . b r u . l o o t l c n c r o v to suchan extenl(e.g.the wall oflhe Isthmusdid not exceed9
:rolnrx6 npooorotolrogo, ecrlmlpttioolr olor otry6req r1g km.lorg) or with suchconsistercyas it was inAihens, wlrere
(tetroklr roltiftlq o'[o io O€proloJ].ll x0[to! K(prolc t{l)E itconstituledthe come$toneofa rew strategy,which desllte the drflbrenccs betweenthen in ten of ther poiitical orienLa_
H rdxaoxErit r(!)! Ma)iQdrv'fEqdry(1o! oz€,l,j/. orr{rEolo tion,would scde all lhe LeadeIS ofAihenian polrticallife from
-o Themistoclesand Cnnon up to Pericles.The consLrucnorot
t , ( o v r u v " l p c r . : r o o l : u t r .u 4 l A o o r r o : , / ' ; 8 l o n .
g€yr€ogrlq orioioq 6irot{o)'opnoQ0i!o }iv€ro\"t,Iifio on6 ra th€ Long Walls (the rft?1.,or "legs" as fiey were called) was
oc.lra otlri n I a n0 T! o, v^i no Llnoc \ r0r' \ tr '1u\ truly a vast entcryrise,the magniludeof which ca' o! eastl)
iti{x! lE X)"p.,iastq +oea! ooo 1o I€iIoE io! doiaog To @tr be graspedby the ruins visibte today The total length oi fte
itpD.i6 orfloq. nor elxarcislo0lre !.€1d10 413 rX raL b€! threewalls was 18 hn. three tlmes longer thaDthe city wall.
.'!0r.la060Fi0trac|L€rdro 404 r.X., rndXroro i{q ac.r olro Minimal traceshave been found of the Phalericltall which
ou4,r.op1tro{iF€1'o- 6xs' oolo€L Avriosro, daLoq (loiv€Ior vo was abandoDed after,1l3 BC and noLrcbuilt after404 BC.but
eivor,16ux! p1o1 prldLov ,[t t Fortrr 11)!3toda6Fo!, r diolq they are controversixl.On tbe conirary.large seclionsol llre
!\,6E ord6io! ( 184 p.) , n^rr oX! pi11[!o} rlx 6no ,roodl ]'IlJ:, oxt corldor that linkedAthcDSand Piraeusin a straightline aPPear
l{, ro 06a.|o (roij'io 0o 1alo+r€irosro! o€p€Iur1!g onTxaollq to be in excellentcoDdidon:it was one stadcwide. 180n. and
o6oii Aol!tu ll€eordr!) )lct 10 btoprjool, (10]\,6{io dll"o\, consistedoftwo parallel"tegJ': the nonh wall (wni'h {'s to
- , l vo o! otr ^o-. ulu, o t ouv \: ro rr ro rlv . )io_ be usedasthe forndatioDIor the mode Alhens-Piraeus .oad)
r'. !
rdlE4rl lo! OoIlArt1oi oloFoorIX€,lio! otiv6SEa!os |L[cl and the Mkldle wall (betlveenthe tlvo otherwallt or soulhem
e!l]€totA(rpplt rtv A01t!c1tt€to! II€Qod Oq npogrovrQono of rhe Phaleric
1eg,xs il was latcr calledaftcr ihe abandonment
7,|1rdox€lic 6rorQivovri:tr6iro ttrior, ro! nQ6n€r!a o!v66o' wall. With regaJdto thc melhodofconstruction,tivo lypes'm
wiLhthe maLnphasej
bc discemed.which nusi be associated
v-, F l - r 1 o r , -. o r / o o n / r r ' - Q U L ' . L o p l o u r r ' . u o l ^ i ,
1clroo)lErildQo o10 tr€ooro! 50! l]r.,Iry o\lorarooxExi ctnd
ro! K6wrv(r ro 394 ri.X. 36l.0 Xp6lto !.srd 1t1'llorEbd4,$il
Tlitat.r u.ra41::tu1a:idr rror' 5
10! ono roljg :tioQll,aIEE)10rXolrqxp|arovlc )r(rllLq e]uox€11
orLlo 1Eryo(
6! io! 3:10)ror307J'X. (m! ollralEt(l €i.r(11Y\,roo1o Sedbr.l i ntt bLh\.ert)e !dt. t.


t1.4) r 1r Ttu Eeti.,aa Aote tdr th the2Ath.entu,

" (Gemor Atthae.kli.aLh$tute ?hrt.gturh)
f q ldrrxol Aexae lof dan bar ronro! )

To A!yo),1r1€Qo
E./xcr1.r).0iQ0IX€). tLtQoqr{fl ooq6pe!0r! oit of the building projcci: the initial constrnctionm ibout the
lL€porFlFdxo! 1o\r Mo]lQ!b! T€qdrr dnoi€IEilcr, c\]dtrolo mjd 5th centuryBC, its rcconstructionby Coron in 194 BC.
ps io €3o4,oq,on6 6!01 aoq lioooQtq l6Fo!E eEpotriovrol ten yearsafter it had beentom down by the Spanansand the
6,rovorpnan oreqeopilrl,irl,o]Jr 3 4 66ul!)! (otl\r.i\tors 1J0 ThirLyTymnts.andthc repairsof 330 and 307 tsC Afterwads ,
: 0 n l . , { l 1 . r ) d r o ' o v . l F . , c , . 5 - 4 . 0 0.1r u r y ' . 0 0 . ; o l u c v o the lvall is known to have been abardoned.The grcitLerpart
Q0oo€Lox! pdo1l'ro! mo 5.50F.:e rxur\rd 6n!DgtoQr,o[8r ot of the Long Wall sectionslhat have beenpreservednp to tlre
otrpiiro€Lqno! llQloroyior o€ ru6d6cr btoorilFox.I, 0\'6 n€- presentconsisted,accoding to the lenain. of bellveenone to
four coursesof foundadonsand a solid stereobate 3-4 courses
Qiiio! 50 p..roI€iIo! ovrolt€r.tL F€mjpToxErilolorlg5,00 5J0
$. (orL(!'|l {bl]d!o!v'io 6,a0i lr)iol,l ricrio 8,40p ), ro! nQo high llotaLheight 1.70'1.00n.) ard a breadthofusuall) 3 75'
F!6/orl r€air.15 p. or() xo tsiloq laorlEtlJqAl:xoi\,ifl Fr 6rio .1.00m. which could also at the basehavc beenas much as
(r'tLzqLord J.rardFltxogto! ieitol)E x).1[cxoordoto, ntrutorg 5.5 m. At fairly closenrteNals,as suitablefor forlificationson
1'1.,10$. H 7qovol'dnort ror o!Uncrtoirii€ixollE lE! Eivot pa- level gound, i.c. about50 nr. apaft,rhe wall lvasremforcedbv

l](rl O rQono! roroox€rlq rcrel,&ler,pt xlv maLtpoQlt lou iowers 5 5.50 m. in width (on mre occa$onsthey may bc as
O€$o16zl,€ro! rsaxo!q cn6 io Oo!x!6i6rt, ov xar leino!\' wide rs 6.40m. or cven8.40)wlich jut our abou!5 m tron the


or ori!6€oj.ror. Avdo€1a,o r.Inrrc(ioq€Q€ljvlxiq(D. Conwell, wall and aft seNed by lwo stajrways opposite fte wal]s at our
1992)on$(|ovatr€rI ],olLxilqq eEdl,EIqqq nolmarll.irxitc, I 1.40m. wide. Thc datingof the soiid lvall is or cEr@n
th'r qv (t1,1rp€rrirrno! xo! rLrrarr€kdv, oEcDQ€i q ou$.To\/ilx0- The node of constmction fits ThucJ'dides' desc-npdoaai
loore!! {nEo\rrrrQoo{rnr1jrrxit rltg IQixlg, Ipo.vo,loloipe\it! the Thcmistocleanwall. al$oughthe lron and leadclanps:r"
oxl 6€kd€-riolErd flt Xoerb1laro. ou{obop'ritEQdolE.,\i1,1 missing.On the contrary,accordingto rhe reasoninsb.hitxi
. v l r o o u c o L , v n r r r J a r od . : r . o r I . r ^ o ) t : u a - t \ o t , f i l the developmentofsiege srrategyand dealingwiih carapula.
'rlrroli 6ut"exio rExvui{.rc onoirr),6"710 r1q opo611rcqF€ the ost recentschol:r (D. Conwell, 1992)]€gmdsthe solid
io Kovdra€|o r€i1oqqq II€IQairi4E r&rTIE I-IEru,r\,eior €i!,rr constructionasbeingrepreseniative of the thjd buildns slage.
fleo!6r€ao 6rr.alrt?ior! or!\, olorroi6FroI ror 394n.X. H datingto the decde after Chaeroneia.Very few sectionsha\e
o\r0r6oFrt6!Ioi6! ro rpilro rdv{, ono ro oreo€ol]dr! itrci\'. been preserveddra! were built using the known enp1.t"on
6nog ano6erxvrlercl| cro fl! em,TAaQ:q r!! pioo0rqqio! EA- lechnjquewhlch, becauseof its sjlnilarity {Jirh rhe Conon-
Yn^' v / ^ U o " ' U c r ^ | 1 \ | v h o ' 'u. ' J ' \ Q ' 4 i o ian waU of Pi|aiki and Eetioneia,is more Lihelyto belong to
xaL6ifeQ€€ndr).E€rg.Tootlvo]'[1i6iUoE1.JtlrEilotlqqEnQ.lxrlq .econsnactionol 394 BC The ulper couNe, j.e lhe secrron
{dortE !no}.oyilsxcr. o€ 9 p. lJio {rVoE ro! rieQr6p6po!, €!d) " b o c r ' r e . t e - e o b d - . c . ! Jbrc p " ' e d L ) r . n p o r . e . d d
nord ntr oroLxob6Flot ro! 404nX. €ivorno),r:n0.r\,6 6rr ng paymcntior tle works,was bLriltof ftw bdcks with morru
qEri6Qoo€ rd l0 F H ]mQol,okr6ir)..l mo! ruplo lr.ogml"i6oE and had batdements.The total heighr of the wa1lin rhe lirsr
b €i\,cLiooo or1fil,6nig oro r€i1oqqS l€ear)iilq. K(pLd stageis calculatedat9m. a! the level of the suroundirg \ral}:
d o p oo - t c o t n ' | ' , o Q \ .,,r. ' o ^ . r ' r r ' r x o c ..^o. . afler nle recoDstruction of404 BC it may lery possibiyhave
H tdQc€I io! r8itotls.mad irt! r] m6! !oo(|i ro1]X6ao!, exceeded10 m. Thc prcsencebesidethe toirer of a posrem
€[X€!o o\rxr.F€rlDrio€r Eufl6bw.6]tuSI 6rd0oo! iov rioroiuiv, gal€ was rot as frequeni as on the Piraiki wxll. Sometimes
xraiog iori K!4Looi, x,tri,.1 nmq!1 tor 6lorEtor A).ni6or. therewas a drainageguitef in this posnion.
no! ilorve rov IIaAcr,i( orn, nepmX!rol Or:rl!po!. Oqnaosro DespiLetbe Sattemlll,drere $ere problens !o be overcome
na6ro or poleq grE nl,looooAi€_< ri\lor crv{rorio+rxaE: ryldQorol h building the wall, such as .fossjng the ivers, malnly rhe
roiloL 4)oi\,€xcro-irn]"oroi0rvo!xo mrdl-u o€xdnoLc6mool Jr€rd Censsus,ard the existenceof the marshof Hahpedonin de
u or u o 11.I. da0 ^v,o- ,o I roc 11 | t\ Phaleronarea.With regardto the fonner, thc only information
oQl.rlxo!nolilFot,E\'dr rwp,)ql,n1 qo! ro! neprcpr[drov(o!L wc haveis fiom excavations:transversewalls appearto have
ofior6!1oElov rcxr6tQovd,/tor!\r dp6srol p! q 61016r oI f r n l . e d r l e r r " f o r - r i e d r d r .". J r e r ' r - o f l a J i. . o L t . '
Bqd).oljlrQolq io!!6d o! 6.f%o!.n€o\,6voXL!n!o rtE llmQ protechngthe wall from the surgeof the iver while, at the
Xar.urlE,trlo0r €v6s oloriluoroq rr(:!Qdl.).!).ov ri!).il0rv. I Ooo lL(r sametime. irs flow was curtailed(urilising n simLrlraneously
ro [€]d],o €luvr8|oio! a].o!q1Ir!A].ul!6ox,r r],rao+oaioro! for irrigation) by the channellingof lhe grealer pan of rhe
Illolida1or (Ku I3.7)6iLo Kipov io EEr.paoaF€rr i)rl$oratio volume of water,possibility not oDly the overllow.ihfough a
u n c o ) C t c \ a o c 0 r -, 6 : . n o / r a u 4 / o o r L t \ Q r o l t - J c , systemof parallelfloodgates.rJ Regardingthe greaihirdrance
ovooxo$aE,&or 60Ie !a $l\, o'iJ'),0Grft | roitLltQit1Jm[)ffI rI< whiclr was t|e marsh of Ilalipedon, Plutarch'sinfonnarion
€m).odg |LlogtibQool(|Inllr uroQQoridE ro! x€ilo1lru€q eeF€l"i (Cim. ll.?) that Cimon overcameit by filling it wjth ro.ks-
ooiiro! rfiivo orovrddr|,!ooQ60!10io! 67,0!9. hasnoibeen confirned by excavationsup io this rbal
:xr{ 6irod)1QeE ro1J,oio olF€lo6no! o!i6 o1rv(rvrd rorg }.6 we camot prccludethc bold hypothcsisLhathe chosehydro
Oolrcro!Aorydrvx:![ro! neA.(1.x,io x€iloE(6mDg rollno1Liro\i staticeqxilibdlm for the wall by building its foundationon
b€in€r !.'.xA6rglttrl:tno! orjrqaxoL oro!! olorrol"r]loiiqrpdm6sE the warerhoriz-onofrhe ma|sh.
ro! 1"6+(r!fltq Mo!\,rXioE)lr!€A16ro! ro ).6+0!€ ov(rpoeuoirs At ils iwo ends,wherei! encountersthe hi11sofAthens dd
f€oypo4,[xd,I xoraox€riitx.ovMcrQ6v Tsrxlir!€iI€,6mdq Pirrcus,the rvall (at leasrl]s shownby a snall sectio0savedai
I n , r n .u c o : t ] . o . r o . t 6 r ' . o r r t - o ! : X . c . - ^ r o . u the eastemfoot ofMunychia) was gradateduplvardnr sreps
- u v \ ' 1 p v r o o 6 u o 1 ' - c ;l o r r ^ o ' , t r v u\ / u O o a oo r o o , o v a Geoglaphically,ihe building oflhe LongWalls. as *e ha\e
oauoaq,norixolv 60r r6Aa nAllyporomLt(]ei oio Odl"rlAo rior seen.fesuhedin inreuupting the contiruily ofthe LandscaF
laljAiirqoxoMooIilio 1'!r e|k6voror i:r'rrrxolronior e6l0.6rirdq tu the lownships they crcssed This is shown clearh b\ fte


r.u ofll! ftrcfl).l(xi mo Mro6]€ro,nQoodrooilouv orcil,Aorrioi excavanonsthrt have nlcn place up to the presentin Neo
lpopor pr rrEEeoolL0#g,Io!Iorpiloljvro XrrOd4JLo, €!6 orLE Faliro and nainly in Moschab. Here rhe pictrue of rhe Auic
llooxo1jQ6o€q tlJrlrQ€ilc!
FQ!o€i6!n 'n d3r E60r .rcrElroJIt landscape,as on the coast or ar Mesogia, had been defined
itror rdftrrc €Q6.6n{rEolo Od} i,roor6 xcr +0,o}.q,L1id by mfal roads wirh drystonewalts dllir separaredfte ields;
r€8olLw Ex€trrb6v, 6cfi 6ftr! neo6Q1ovrcfi rl16rJo.fvoorcr i:rvo at lhe intersectionsthere may have bee a welt. Herc d
1n!go ror Eo.vLr.ioi ApXo|ol.o.fD{oi Moloeio!, 1 mo Mooldrro theresomesnall shllre mighr havebecn
tlaced, suchas that
€r'3ivo qg MlrQ6grrovOrdr!.i?OrE€Qo),r0l€q ijLclr.offio\rror €oro of ihe Echelidaii6i! Neo Fatircn. well know. from literary
zi:!rexEi0nnJ.t]vI FrLoijaor€Ao!! ro(1)u.ioiE n€Qr,06l.o!q, oye016 sourccs,wherenro famousrcliefs werefbund thar are ow in€povrDFrvo I o€ uxQ6E opd6€(. ]il1Loni1!r61eQ0 x.w6v0 the NatioDalArchaeologicalMuseun, or N Moscraro wnere
r1€poF€ eQyoolilpro. M6ol1oDatlI6 xo ouorof.osQo n1,61,!n that of tle Moiher of thc cods was The drysrone
6p6prLr\,. or fl.drvrior rd$rdv1Q0€I d)1olr.rrlD1)o€io ro! Mo, walls werc irteffupted here and there by more nonumental
1 p ' i i v TI,U ! v o r B , r : u v o , o / ] , . . A r o r . o , o , r . v . 1 , , . ! , tomb enclosures.
fafmhousesisolated o. tu smatl ctusrers,
- |Llr!!o!E!6!€\req orq rQo6royalt46g.r|l:lrorg eo"/o).d0ouE, rrol and mofe rarcly a ce|amic workshop. Wirhin rhis uniform
ritov ovo).dpe|i1t!o!ou{o66p!olrou 0oADiorodt"olE 0c iI: network of roads.housesand gfaves,the unbending
463, a1.\20 122)-lriLta xoL6r66orE?Ldrll Equr4Q6qol ro\j lme ofthe Long Walls irnposeda new logic.Accordjng ro rhe
crxrrx6rIQ6UN no! 6[(lr6rnorr(xl c.n6ro x€i1og.o\rc(or{o4oid specificationsser out for the conractorswho had underrakcn
l|(Inroi60lx€ tLo\ro Uio,oq broorortQootror o6drln€eordrq to rebuild the north leg (IG ll1 463,1. 120 122). of rhe ex
)torKoAl:lo),lA!flrAio! oro N.6d),tao.Ar.6trolrl:lroLmlibeq pecled gatesand passagesto serve thc Attic roads Ltrarwere
n()aner vo rtrc(\' 6ri0rEei8c$, onin€g. O opa6E 6rir6AofoE rnte(upted by the wall. only one has becn conlinned, ar the
riD!Mcrcdr! T€rIib!ril]Qroqt.iidrpartrio\rdn6Luo mo.o o 1nte cction of Pinios and Karaoli Diminiou sireersin Neo
xor or6Q6!nrno! 10 o!\ro6€iotj!sqor€qrkd)1('l€oorrsQu{d !o- Falifo. Even thcposterngatesmust havebeen.aspoinredout
lo&rloirl'rlv Eiftrot'v(Dlio o!d!€oc!orq 6{10no}.eLq. earlier, very infrequent.The fortilied corridor of the Long
H blprolQ.l,iocrlroi-rori d!ov0 eq,o6ooe,6prog.:npc on6 Walls now dominatedthe landscale lotally aDddre foadstbal
rrv du€otn€arcxit b'al"€1]olqro!. ol6x1,!Aoro o6'1dbfirroqq accompaDied n. both externally and inrernally,monopolised
A iflxrtq, ro xi\rtao pdpolq rorr oririo! F€ro#t11rr€, nL.o\'. orov com'nunicarionbetweenth€ rwo cities
og:rln6 6,oo9onor evrirsr rry Aofr,a pr ro lq[ivr, O opirlr.r6g The cmation of this axis. xpat ffom the area ir passed
oflrlrrd rrirQotq oltpaoio $ ql I€Qd066 qr E).€!ohaE,e\r(J throughdlrectly.also affecredrhe cntire road nerworkof A!
or SAdFoL no! 6v0r\'o.ytv A01\,.rtL€rc lrr6loho rrvr.o( tS i1ca,whosecenire of gralitt had now sbifted Lothe caffiage
Amrlq m4tolr oe8e{i.irpt poia.l,drm€!o urtr E0xu,a((or, rtro, road linkiDg Athens with rhe port, which now rook on equaL
.iQtorcl.oyrl{6q, a'rorouqorl,on! oyaoflxon!6a6tlo!q.+ nnpofiancewith the SacredWay .o Eleusis,while the roads
ihat jonred Athens widr the orhcr rowns in Atiica becane of
O t l y o , r r r r o y r r t r o l A E o N E tr H : n o ^ b o : sccondarysignificanceso that Dow,archaeologically. they are
H Lbr.oLtepdtryru toLlIlcLpardnaooiloQi!€rorcno xlv rljpioQ indistinguishablefron ordinary rultl foads *
'' Ao oi,'rvb u o o r 4 Q oo p / o l i ' i f u . l
/.ErlorplL6! ror, oQ€.yoq ro! vo!€[oir rlq Aot]voE xor
orO(iLorirx!q l]do!q l! o0lrl1i,{itq o!roxAaroQioE, r0|, o4,s T I I E T w o F U N C T I o N AALx E s o r r H ! c I T y
rEQor oq ro! eprioQuio!zivrQol, iIE A!aro),rki! MEoo.felo!. The specialnatue of Piraeuswas determinedby the doninart
Ot ierroupyiEqotlIig JrQoo6ropi(orvt1v mkobopr,]{i1 gop(r!, sjmultaneouspresenccof ils nvo independentand stdcdy oF
-r J, r^
0 o f / , t , o x o F u v " i t o v e . o l x o rv . v x o - r : , , , i f - ganisedfunctions.or the one handasdreAtheDsdockyardand
rait.. €!/0 €Ertloi\, nt povn6n6flFo rrE SroDqrrxlqrrlg €6o!q military basefor theArheDianempirc,andon tlreoiherascon1
oro (r0l!|1l'1ooijoqKr. mercial centreof the EastcrnMeditercnean.TlresefuncrioDs
deten ned iN urbanplan, denographics,social composition
and life h the city tn geDeral,andexplanrtheuni{lueness
of its
administEtivepositronin the Atheniansystem.


ta]I ttrtd*n Otu1ao Atu r,t ttq okjt rc! Aptatti aftt ll Mtto,:i.)L n €Ipuut< \new.Itddnl aj ttk.rrh..t Si.dt ntutrtn rl Pir.ttl



Or Dr(ATA>TA:EI: ToY NAY:l AoMoY T H E D o c K Y A R Dt N s r A L L A T l o N s

O| €?roraorcroe|grotrr€euixoi 1rctrordeFor1 in 0E8rn"/QLl_ The nrst"llalionsof the Piracusdockya.d were divided inro
the pat of Cantharusbelween lhe E lporio.
Orrd 01o [l]!EIor- ro! NsoQio! , xotcwi]lro!1oL oe IQ€Lgn€Ato/,'rq three regions:
rori IIErpoLil:mo B€IiIEirxo! EFropio! liot nlc tr.o66otirotr aDd the pon enrance, ard the lerimeter of ihe two smaller
),rjr€loq'rpril{Iro! KoledQou , lior nl! roQip€IQor0rv blro urxQ6 harbouN of Zea al]d Munychia which a.e at the foot
iEao! l$a!r rt! Zia€ rio' rtE MorlvLtioq,no! Faioliovror and easi respecnvely)of rhe hill of Munychia Every public
ororq e6nol€E (!6110r oraro)'|1{6ixvtiororya) rou ]'6(|0! area,including ihe dockyards,was designatedbv a mdkrng
iltg Molu1iog. Onoq xd03 6lFooro! 16Qoq,iro z.!. o v.riJ .ror"L/./o,'r.Ibo,edp,p r:nngrrc nr'ro Ico blj
o r J d l - o - J o r ( oa v r r o q u o r l , o . o c n . ) 1 ' o r o d 0 . : n 0 l u u bay which was tbund wesl of Zea.
fl poolo!", ro! ppaolx€ 6 rxtxt.I1llsZt.r.a. The dockyaJdsincludedvarious typesofstorage facilrties
O \ronorcoWE 'iEp .dupirl!8 6roodQov eLbd^'ono0l)r,e1lIt mailriy buildings. suchas the,€droliri. or shipshedsi e the
)id, xroloq. rriQLo, rolJq!€oooixolq -1o !r6orsltl1, blLobi, roofed slips in \rhich trifenes were tcmporaril) laid up. the
'i!r\r naoooQr\rofloponLoul1lo1l IaL1aifi , rrs nlloio! €Yj.(a- ie )y ske .rhekdii.e."^tsenals" or storeroomsusedIo stofe
xsoilfL€lEg ox€1ro01x€q, rox xploip€tiix\r lLo rI snk'El io! equipnent, and tlrc shipyards.The monunetlal aDd al the
€qofllrcgoi ioiiE, xoLto vollrqr/Eio.TI ArI!.€rrjr61l sane time functionalform ofbuildings suchns ihe shedsand
arsenalsthai gave dre poll its specialarchitectLrral
tfti o!ua6!0rE ]loa4,rtXQImLx6\,'irQituv, 6m0-(orlEdooolo!
xcL ! :rfloolril, ]Iirx nQood6oroo',mo €ni\'€toiov |3Lairseo rvhichwas so greatly adnired in anliquiry.we could rccreare
xxLQL&n6 ror XoQ.rrrilQcxoL16(100o!llrr.orlrcrv xoxd.ilv L1Q loday on the basisof rhe ruins thaLhave beendiscovered On

Xordrlro, lnoQoiF€ orltr€Qo!o o\'ontrdooxll! gt oo€rlQici Ilx the cortrary, we knon very little about thc shipyads. lvhich
oiD!6prlo Ea€tnc. ArxtoEill, olrr )'i'/o nQdYpdra1,v0rQilolifL€ lverenot disringuishedfrom the dockyardsin dre textsofthc
yL.11l:t1li:rljrntl€io, Ii:l orlrio ejl|lQ.t$Didrq b3! bto,{plvovrft o]r(r ancientinscdptionsi moreover,very few tracesof thc ship'
ro \r€6alo. )tol]LiEot)Id €Ilx1Lolflo|1'oboll|rd ryq lxlou€1'E1oi yard buildiDgswill have remaired. as tbev were obvlousl]'
!,tr iXo1jr or4)ito€r, 6E6oU€vo!6fl 3€! iliov iinol€ n€QLoo6r€Qo nevermore than simple woodcn huts.
l:!no 0ni'6E ElrlLlrq roPdT,l€q.

The Siipsherls wefe the most ancient pubiic blildings nr

OLv€6oootoLElvotti:!oexa!6rral:t3!Footl:lx{iaro lotr flEQoto. Piraeus.Acco.ding to Plato. it $rasTheIx(ocles ivho had
Kord ro! Ildrrovo or na6r€s $6VL|I!E Eyxor(xoido.q o+Eilo the first permanentinstallationsbuilt Ne$' shedswere buih
!ior.illl oro O€llmoxli. Naol \reoootlior]{iioO!)r.o\rF€r.tllv peacetinein.146/445BC (And 3.7).The resoiutrns
lrl]ltllt lori446/45 n.X. (A\rb.3,7).:1o !4Qiopn,a ror, of Callias thal can be daled to ihe eve oi the Pelopomesran
waf. and supposedLy prolosed!rcparatorymeasures, provided
no! Iaolotroloivror, r1l\rriop0ftovil licr lr?io1io€rsroit nQo
isirolv !€-iQd ,reo€iortrroioE 1rl! fl€lofiolvlotoxoir trc)"6Fotl, that the remainderoIall thc sacredmoniesbe made availablc

reoflI€norc\r, €qd]'tro!,I 6rdotol oL6x\Qo! 1o1rrnoi.oinol] for docklards and fortifications Althongh lhese shedshad
rt'w upriw lplpdtow ltcr ro v€ioQr.o ror.1!v o/,iraool. OL1€dr_ cost 3.000 talentsof silver {lsocr' 7 66), thev wefe sold oft
oorroLEr.i€ilo r q€no!),i elrov nE litrrx6ono 1o!( 30 rtipdwolrg as constructjonmatcrlalby the 30 tyralts lbr ree ralefl\' an
amountthal seemslar too low, taking into conslderatron Lhat
yr.,rtqin rdtr,rltcr. evrireiXovxooiiorr 3.000(IooxQ.766),6vono
u F
I e.e rL.,u'es e c^n ide r o d . ' o r \ ' e q J' l o l e A ' p o
1]6nor (])oilsror1]mQpoluicitr)tQ6..1\').dljErxlxl'€iq!fto1rl bll L,o/,,Eou',,0 gnu'rur r o n 6 o " , r . 1 . ri u
' r Lis monuments(Demosdl.2276) That dresewere cenarnl)
rqq Ax0onolr0rq (Alttroo0.22.76). o€ k.rpLdn€ahrtDol6€v not woodenstructurescar be provedby. in additionto Detn
osthenes'pfaise,lheparallel wo*s on Sarnosard bl the use
of many column drums from the slieds in the foundation tor
C O o/.ei< inOaqrI, H.ttrr,tiue atira atut tu i4r.irt
the Arsenalof Philo.Information about the iotal numk' anc
1tu f.niful hrlt af E?1bnid,dbareth. P.n

Apx^ ot nE PA Al


r-.i!ri.i tt,r i,/ '11rr rir rf,rcr, !ir2 r,{r

;- : - !.,,1, ri,r:qrir r. j,, ti.rlj trr\t ir\,) it 112.1 rtt;l i) la ar /a'



ll, ;l


siQ6)1Elro 1 o Eiil.rv€ErorcoxErllE,dno6€D{vi€rdr. crv€EdQrlr(l distributior of the shedsamong rhc threeharboun is .lcrived

1rr0rov anro|lroro!AIpoo6!v!. anorc.noodD.Ilo.iltE:dFo! frcm ihe registers(ltasrdn,?a/d)
of itemshardcd over to nexr
)rarcrm q lptorl.rcnoilolt no),i,6v riL6!0r\,i(ljv !€oooiriov mI yed's overseeN.whichweredrawn npby lhe overseersofthe
€€p€ii{r)olqq:rc!oolxlg ror OitrovoE. OLrr^,tpoqoAL€q t r dockyard and ro which lnore extensive reterence witl be made
ro or'\,olrx6 oQr0p6ro|rlv rcro\rop1lr!r.y\r8oooil(Dvo10xSicr later Thxs,in the tisi of 330/329B we
C arenrformedihat there
/,q|l:tv|on€oEQlolxarano r(1SL.ryQdFpara (roiomdo&E no were 318 shedsbuilt and repaired,'th.)sein Muqtchia 8J, in
adboo!q ri4al,o0ig rori vo!ord(]Ao1r) ro! EmFri,Irdvio1r Z!,1 196 and in Cantharusp,/r 94".In Zea, rhe main trarbour
IE(JQiov, orcronoiaeo 0\,oQ€Qeoill€ sxie,6or0Qo noQordro. of the dockyards,which containedmorc rhanhalf rhe sheds.
ro 6d./QrxpJ{r ro! 330/329 n.X.,rrt)! Uoqn"\ruoQo we assune they were divided up into two groupsto lhe enst
QEi6il 1JJqQXilr!or.xo6op!!€!oL ror Lru.oa11]oo|lr.vor and west of the squareon aD intet in the bay, where rhe tack
378. \'torjftrr MoryqLdot33, tr ZEiaLt96, €vKay1Liaal),qtyl of slopesmade it difficuli but nor
impossibtero tocatefiem
91,.,atZta,n 1r.yret1t6 ),4dvr ro! vouo.ldo!o!,nor n€pl therc. This made fie of firding
lmblem spacefor the 196
).dpFo1'€ n€Qhrodr€QorlE c.r6ro1lgFrooiE,or!€rioooiorilrcw. sheds(width 6.50 In.) evcn more difficult on a coasra toral of
6roE ljno0610!tr€, loeaop.avoroE6io oF.d60E o\'crolftd xcrr 1.120In.long.Forlhisrcason,irappearsthatJudeichwas right
blitrd rlg nl.or€! l3Qroxdra!oro l|1]16ro! 16l,rri)!, when he a4ued that parLofthe sheds, particular
iD rhoserhar
6iro1J I orotioio x],ioE{rrdrover1r epordorooil rorq av 61r were rr rhe sreepestand thus nosr appropriate north easrern
i1bij.yall.ndvrorq€EoeET|.lid 6torol"I. To1'rordv€r or6p! side.were situatedin lwo successiverows wiLh one ship ried ne6pU$:rrlg €q€iQ€otE XrirQo!.r,nro!E 196 up behnrd rhe other. Apan tuom the arguncnt of rhe nscriptior
lgoooi%ol]E (ntrdrolg6,50p.) oEFio nxrAol,ioouro^Lliotj
t-|rl on fhe Arsenalwlrich descL;bes them as nedaikoi homotesei
xollqI 120p.Il(| xo 1"6./0 0!16 Qoilrsrcr6fl 6X€r 6i&o o Judeicn. (underthesame.ool,fo. rhedescdplioncoutdalsohavebeen
!noofllgi(o'yra!o-ft6.voprpogrot)E.o!.I,r€xQLJr€\,o atl1oino! retering to the oiher sheds,ln which rwo ships were housed
llQi.oxovro\roq! fto .rr()ropq, r1:l|1L(xro ),61o<rrt6 1l(rrii"ll under the sameroof, rhe exisrenceof iwo rows of shedswas
),6r€p11, ooQeLoi:tvorol|1iit nl,sued, iro! ronooEqpe1ror oE6to provcd by lracesofthem rhar were foLrndi! rhe tgth ceDrlr!
€nd)J,t).e!o€e6E,!l] ro 6v(IralAdpr rito0rori6 ro dl.lo. Exil,E in the Pasalimani,werenotedon Kaupeih
mat, and rpeated
on) io €nr1eiQlgrx rlg ovoVrataEror., oerctMotxoy oporty 6y by Judelch.Ourknowledgeof the shapeand dimensjonsofrhe
or!! €'rrypoQlqg:xflooi4q (otl:,QoxqAurlloE Oa[noaoio€ sheds,on whichto a largedegrcedctend borhthe calculations
v':r,1lllodQ€ror ror mouErnd),or.nor.lE reoooirorE,d:ror dio of ilre size of the triremesand hypothescsabour the manner
jr),oiapQtoJiol"rflL rdio tlr[(]pio orafl),I rjnoAEIB{roo€a6\, in which they were launctred,is exclusivelyderlved fron
!€orooir.r(,ldno6€flli€rft amrro iXlI ro!< no1,srorlrdertra\r group of 20 shedsthat wefe excavaredin t880 by D.agarsis
io\, ruAoou€\rool,(irvapl]oo oro Ildod.L&lrr.idL ol!€rdvorral and rccoded by Doeryfeld.'3on the easrenrside of Zea (a
oro XdQq ro! Kaupe (Jrou€narcr,otlgd\,€r.oJudeich). H Tvcirol sma11sectionof which is prese ed today in the basenenlof
Lrilg}.o rl LrcAQrl7,orr|E d|omdoEq rov rr(Doohrov c!n6flil aI apartmentbujlding oD rbe comer of Ajrti Moutsopoutou
oiloia €qoQid\aoros !rya).o p(reFo1600or tj]roi,o"/|,otLoi yr.l1 and Sirangioustreets)and the shedsofMunychia lvhich werc
ro F:leoof r{rv rQqA{iv,6l]0 xoLot !noe6o€|,E t[0 xov 1Q6rio knorvnfrom the part and recendydug up agaro
zo06].1!oitE ro!E oO€ilolror nJI.rr).€ffil)l,d oEllo oiroror.tro The shipslredswere in essencea nronuentai shettercon
20v€0rooi1io1,no! ov€oxd+Iooaro1880cJmro AQoldlol xr. sistnrgof a row of gablessupportcdby sronecolumns.The
a,.ror1jJ&ir0!xo! on6 ro\r Doerpfeldisml.vlll,orol|a! nl.EtjAdT].tE colonnadesdivided ihe shedsup nrto paratletco!,puulenrs,
7;t t , o u t , o o t F , o u , r f t r J / p o - / 1 & l I . o y , r o . r l - two undereach gable,thar were
are closed at the back by a
roL|raror.xicgmrl lroria rlg Axrlq Mouroorio.ll.orror -[Ig conhuous wall. Ofthe colonnades,all with
oloi :r'tQcl^/leior)rorrollq pooro1jEo:1rnnl"r.d, zuuovsourp on nrdividualcubicalbases,rhoserhai coficspondedto fte rop
$!ou: npooQfis,\,€(1)ooi)io!s rllEMolr\,[Iioq. of rhegablewerehigherand morc sparselyplaced,white thosc
Or vedroorxoronore).ot!, ororoorrrri. 61,ap\,IF€rdr6€E that bore the weight of the mof were lined up morc denscly
mElaorQo.r0! l0rQt(rrdrF€xrcvooxoqiEq oe noQid.l.!,!d6r_ with a bufress wall at the back. Thei archireciunl order is
aF€pioJr.{r&,1v4 6110xdicoo]16p.ro6iQQrXrI or6yl. ra onoic. unknownowntg to lhe lack of bases,but rhey are assumedLo


1'}"eirourriioo U€avs! o1jv€Iilioilo. Ari6 .iq xrcrooloqisq be Doric: nordo we kDow the exacrwa)' in $hich rlE Gpi*t\
6IrE !f, caQiip60rlolr!xio.veq ndlll) o€ tr€polorF€\,es xrpoEL lvereadtustedio the slopeof the walls The open$idri oi -irp
6€i! Bdo€L! 6ocEBr.\,ovrrororxoi! oIlt! xoQri(l)il qq o.i6llE compannents(iiom colum !o colLrn, was. in rhe t4- of
€i!or!VIi6ftp€E xar npo16r€Q€(,e16 or*E no! O6Aoll\,iol3d- Zca, 5.60 1n.(in Murychia 5 30), aDdthe lensrh ro s.a lelrl
p - rr. o ry' o . - / ( r ^ u ) t . o . r r | o L o . , r a was 42 m. The main pai of rhe shed was occupiedb\ dre
c\.rlpib':!ro! roilo! Ei\,oLdlvoml I poe+i, l.61roi:rnoloi(q sli! on which shils were hauledup or launched.wiih a stope
oo \ ' ! 0r ror ,\,r,o,r . ro ro urr p^ o roo]lo. rouoap of less than 107.. lhe edge o1 which should reasonabh,have
Uotitgror riLo\,0xp':!vi'rr orrt! x).io! rov roito!. To ,,€il]€po extcndeda tew metersinto the sea Ir Zca rhis consisledof
ri).droqro,! 6roU€Atopirov (on611116lo o€rcIolo)eirol o.irtv lwo parallelwalls 4 m. apaf ro whlch a woodeniloor was ar
ftQi"nroolrIE 26.195,60!..(mlt Moljlr.Xill5,30p.).€\,rbro l4xog tached(as could be cxpectedbut as alsoceftinedby the targ.
6Q€av€ rI1' e'iLgd!€|i1 qq oiil"ooooq ora 42F.TorclrO[1{6rpit nunber ofnails found in ihe excavarion.borl on ihis site and
10! tJniorsyox rord,irp0ole oxdao (,qoponLo,
!..r ! "/Lorlv in Munychia). which would be greasedalong (hc rxjs oler
o!tl,r!o{ra06}.'tlrort r0r! d,oiriv, gr lllo rliol 1-Li.xit6tep1 on6 which the keel would slide, flankedby the sidepieces tn the
107,,ro driQoqq onoicgLoIXd €o 6nQ€r€ !o €rn.i1,€ror tr€pLxd Munychia slredsdescribedby von Alten (Cunius. Kaupen
p"€tAo U€ooorl 0dioooa.)rI 260 alr1! orioi8l,€iroL on6 Siro Karten w n At t ika, *Ierternder Texr Heft (I, p. 14 t 5) which
tioQdl,l"l),d oEor6mool ,1l,l.ILlplld. roryio, rd\'!r oro oriri.r wereexcavatedrecently.the slip consistedofsionc slabswjrh
oiro.o\'oxol {6rr[DE crvoF.v!r0r,o}.1,i(x.rL6nog 'I|o,tom€i I [€, socketsin which io securethe woodenfloor The mooringand
'/dll rDoorrtrc iopQdv ror
Fa6€IX,1!orr! orooacoi 160(] hauling up. as well as thc launchingof su.h a large nunber
sx8i6|J0)ioroq Moljvrylo)afi] €iirvo 6dft6o, rron(1),€r+610! of ships in such a narow stace trarowef thar the presen.
pr linos. riord ul,lxoqrox dqo\,oroNorroio! ./),imAot€I xoQi1r( day one becausethe sea level has rjsen considerablrsince
(rpbrq) nloLorop!v! oii6-ra (Qo).dyyur,.:ro!q \rr.oooirorg ancienttimes).raiseserjousproblems,sincc the room for the
tq Mo!!r.Xi(x!,ror ireQL./pd4€r o vor Alten(CurriusKaupert, necessary,careful maroeulres was cxceednrglylinxted For
KartenvonAltika,ErlalterDder TertHeftI. o t 4,15)rflr l:r.y€orair this reason,lheassumptioD puLforwardby Ch. Tzalas.(7iop;r
4,Ioor ftaa,ooorlx,! ordpo orltlIetrlkor cno ),ier!egn)drr€Sf€ V . 1 9 9 9 , 4 2 9 , 1 5 4i)s v e r y l i k e l y ,i . e . t h a t t h e i ew a s a i x e d
!fioboxLol,rorI! oi€p6i'rolro! EiLro! ndrdrFo.roE O €il.r that every ship. wnen it affived in porMoLrld
U€\'tolroE rioLI o!a),x!oI, irroq ror ! lrde6Ir!oI. e1rdE 1600 be moor€di Jnedialelynr apredete nined position,opposjte
, /dlo nJ (Jtna.l" .or : vov .^oo rvoio-,ro-:Q^ri u o ils shed(Tzalasinierlrets the familiar pyramid-shapedstone
oru€arv6,xci€rlEr €tuldr8Lci1s 0r'),ooocsaxsrc\riperolpra- a chorsas "stonemooings", nost ofwhich cone from Zea)
vrr,rooro Tl't!cexororlrd) t6Ao e&ou! oopopdraoFl"ipi:lriI, whiclr would allow dre shi! to be safely hoistcdup. Then |he
, J e _ r o u u r l ] u ' o r o ) , o r . (, r o o , , , ! . , ' r o o'o' v . . . t u / crew would hanl the ship up wlth ropes passcdamund rhc
Bpegirov eloeerriir mpropurp!\,,r Eivorl'otl16 r@tririr06T prow ard the colrmns.
1t!ri'l]!q (X. TLdl.oE, Tp6'aEV, 1999,429 a54)r/taqv tmaql As appeaNfro'n tle layout of the Zra sheds,they n'ere of'
D1'6E oraeEaoiotx!{oBolio!, 6rorri,oft1ld6€n"\oio(])0d!olros ganisedln groupsoILen,scpara[d wit]i larritions, and se.\ed
oio l"ryilL \iGdtvfidr cU€orLrg o€ fLr.rnQoro[)oQrop€q, 6va\'Ir by an entnnce from an outsideconidor, in the middle of the
ro! r€oooazo!rotl, e6ol (orE €Qpllld€ro Tqdl.oqiq back wall (the entrancein Munychia has beenconf,rmed).
v . o - : . r € ! , c n p o r ' 5 . ) 6 . . , . . t / u a : Eo . r u o u r o oCr , , L ^
'co,ro c.Iao
0 l o r r ' , n o l / r u , ' o 0 u : I L - p , r Lt ' t The Atsenat of Phito
QI or6lxt|oit io!.:rI ou\,61en, ro lqorpa tqnpoi or to dt oio The partsand equipmert of the triremesthat were accommo
U€oIowKimQ(roptvatuqo om qv nl(irQlJ{or. irExol"6v€E. d"ed i rle hipned' rrl'rr
Ojt(oq4oi!€rl:trlxJI6r! 6r.dioE!ro! v€0rooi1'!rl qq 26.( duing thc wintcr monlhs.when shlppj|g lvas at a lo$' porni.
tlJroorEyn ilrolJoAyo\,0rir€\rc o€ofrd60glo! i0 !€(Dooix0rv,Xo- s e r e . . o e a . e t a. r e l ) " o r d " . | /
Qro$\,€E !€ ltp.ooxotlio xt sEllJqA€rotoo\i [€ eloo6o(oriodvor in the same sheds,the so-calledhaDgingequilment (sals.
€E{rftaft6Sd6AoUo)oiIF€oIro! nioorioixor (I €iooboEl|o- ropes. cabies,ienring to prcLecithe c.ew from waves and
rffi 6v€1r!rorr Molvrria). from eneny anows) was stofed in special buildings. calen


H tz€loqlxt tou OAM'E rtclr/,tekat. or arscnals.Arsenals

arereporLedfioln ihe |eriod
T,:1EEoAilFrl'ioror! ratltQdrv. no! OrJldoool,io!mo!( !€riJ the dockyardswere establishedearty in lhe 5th cenruryBC
oo.rorE rrlro rlx o|,l]o lpor0 no! u€oo).opoto0.v o\,a!€oa (in Aeschylus)and continuedto exisr even after ore ramous
orrE3nor0.r1ct3t 1l ri.lx(l10!q l€r.Lr,rvrdirxo!q ptirEg,61(,1I Arsenalof Fhilo was builr
1o!oLri),oioitrov cdivorlt, orioolxsiolrol, Xoelord:r0 Ei).1 The decisior introducedby Eubouius {o revive the Artre
1c'("orrrra,zmoerlo, o)ldkE, x.ln.) Froo oro!q (6,orqroljE nrans' raval power and pafticularty to bujld
a new afsenal
r8liroor.xo!q, io xpEfLoorcl l.El6prjlaox&Il (nd!rd, orcNUi, and shipshedscan be dared !o the ycar:147/6 BC when the
xdl3or,r6vr€q]ro ill npooxooi&ro! nJ.IQ6pcrog on6 ro xrl EponymousAJchon of Athens was Thenistocrc!. sranosor
loio r{ororo r.r €Iopr)id l]ih) o€EL6Lxd miAll1,rqori€tloelxss of dre grea! general.ard is of specialsymbotic significance.
:)r€rooir€q ova+,6Qovrc1r ,rn6 rI! €nol1jrl.tEroAuo€rrE ro! The plansweredrawnup by the g.eatcontemporaryarchirect
v.nJoxorjpo!orLqoOIaErorr501rn.X.lil6l orov Arolir),o)'(0l Philo, who peNonallyproposedro rhe ciry rhatit be apprcved.
oEcrol.o!(]oi! !a tlnnQ1o1r! xor f€ id rll1,icraorErlilqq n€Qi, Allhoughthe newArsenalbuildiig was no!completedh timc
QrtptE :)10!o0!! 4ihrvo!. to be trul], useful (it was nnished by LycLllgus.jusr belore
Eler oup.po).ni1 olpnoin ro .ye1ov6q6111 nmgcol :ro! erol ihe navrl batle of Anorgos). ii neverrhelesssucccededin
/10!ru o Ei13o!troq.t'or.rtvo\,o!aooIrIE a€11&irriE1,oljirriE achicving immortalrty. If DemosthcD€scomparisoDof ihe
li\'oAlq rar €6Lxd"/roi!v 6]sQolrIg vdo(:r{s!o0ixrtgror shipshedswith the Propylaca and the ParthenoDas wo*s
ro! \,0rrooil(D!,IQovoioy€iror. ir'l 1Qovrd(3,1?/6 rX.), drov the memory of whose beauty would constiturcan immorral
€Idv!UoEdAtlrv oiry A€iva ltov o oUnvl1|loq ertovogtou possession ofthe city ofArhens was poliric ly morivated.ihc
O8|1|oiori),1 o166|csxm\,I0ucrv oro ro p,rtalnoonfiQo- admirationof lhe Roman world for the luxury and elegance
!o aQxLrdxroro @itr0r.\,o.o omioEieooo]Itxd €FI1,iloTi€mo (inpensa et elegantia)af a functional building in rhe Arhens
blUo rt\' 6"/rQLoil io1,E.Toi6Loio xriQurqE vacrg)jxflo0rt- dockyafds.which had disappeafedas early as 86 BC (Pliny
rlq FioQDi1,otrt\, r6).e|,(ro€ 6yxoeo lolox)"rtQd)t)Ix€ ofl6 ro includesit among the wonders of the ancienrrvorld, along
A!)roiAyo,ii'l,o r{r'v on6q volpoli.r rIE ApoQyo{r), rbmsvd \rilh tire temple of Arremis at Eplesus, rhe Lighthouse of
XQro\r atLtteo.yqxLxd,ieruxt, aor,6ao- projtQofqrtxa dAd- Alcxandrla, and dre lydraulic olgarr ol Ctesjviut may orve
volrl Q!FI. Av I olrtxQrolnn6ro Arlpoood}r1row veoooirov more lo its lost monumenralform in the document which,
!.€ro llQonr),! IIcrQeEv6\,o,orq 6Q^/ov I p\riFI ro! according ro vitruvius. jrs crcator had dedicaled !o hm.
kr),;l.orqrov onoior ecrorl1rr€).oio€(ledlaro rrri!fl rorJbiFori Sometlringsimilar happenedin our $nes, wiih the discov,
arvA0tvil uv..r\.,1o)r-rno / vr-pfl.o0uu.laoFor.orrQot_,r- ery rr 1888 of the famous inscription lc II, 1668 with rhe
rxor rooFo! ]rortv no),rdl.€L& rorrlv )iopg6rlro (impensa er afchilect\ detailed speciflcations(the inscdption has 98
eLegantia) Ev6qtQtorDioi!rrAior ioii oolvoilioi \ror)mdeFo!. lines), which made ii possibleto recreatethe buildinS fu]y
jror EiI€Eqa4ovLoo8ilbl ro 86]I.X.(o Illivrcg ro o!yxcral.6./sr on paper!so that sincethcn it has beenconsideredone oftte
&\io|l€oaoro eoiFoic, ro! aQlolo! 16(Jlr0!.ro 106i$ E4,€ bestkrown buildings of antiquity even rhough,up uDtil rhe
oirq AQxtpbo!,ro OirQoqg A).elnr6peicE rSpnr),116 recenL(1988) discovery of its foundationsat rhe northwest
opl.r\rororJKrlofio!) oos ,€r11r. nr0ov6raro,mQroo6reQo corner ofthe Zea harbour,, not so much as a stonehad been
cr;r611 Xoplq pvlprnr! ror pQ41 oro oi,Y"/pop[(rrir! ro found of it. The excavationmade jt possiblc to fill in the
rd ror Brr0olljrc- eiIEo4)l€A6oEr or m16 o 6tluo!py6(,ro!. gapsleft by the jnscription, such as rhe measuremeDr or llre
Kd c.!o),oto orlvip! r(rr oro IA6\,Lrxgoq,ll€ qv o1,oxdl.!!r! foot that was used (0.32 11r.),and lhus its rrxe dimcnsions,
ro| 1888xI( mQi{IFIg En}aaOiEIcIf 1668tl!rE t€nroF€p€iq the auangementof th€ ffieze, irs triglyphs, and aboveall, its
irAoiLo/Qo+dS rou oQ/Lri)1rovo (I €ftryQclQi 6X€L98 orilord. position in the dockyards Sinnlarly, both the documentand
I onoio €niiQ€qr€ rlv rhiQl onrrordorool ro! oLro6opr}r.o the building itselfproye that the Arsenal of Philo ultimately
tog oio Xclpd,axor6orEotl16rc! l]€oQ€irol6xror€ rnq6\,0(!n6 owes ils poslhunous glory 1(]thc functionality ofits internal
r|( .aor'.rt€ac(
IitLroxdririAn t1g nprrr6rFog or rcL-6i,Jgr1v layout (ihe solxtion would be imilared by the arsenalbeside
:ra6oQcrt (ro 1988)cvoxd).!!nti0rve€ll-eli(D!iou oq BA yor, the Hephaestionir the Athedan Agora) and the simplebeauL)
. o' r . . / o. , c 7 . . " 6 '! , I , C r 0 'o u 1 / o D , a o r o , r . of the prcpodions and the masonry,the main bearerof the



H cr\,ooxo4i 8n€rQ€qr€!Urr).!pr0o1txo1,x€v6r ro! dotv€ building's aestheLics, on which there was a {oral ab*L- at
| €m'l,a(x4,!, onos €ircl| ro [rrQo ro]i nobd( no! IQfoLponor- architectrralornamertation.Thesewere tNo factori io *hici
r 0 , x l 0 r ' , , . o t 1 , r i _ r o t . r u r l v t o - r.ld r o o - f l o . t oj the Roman t€chrologically oriented spinr $,a5par,iculaCl
I r,o o: rr c L oopouI v -Qy^ue . yo . To^!u nrfoo..l sensitile, as is the modern ore A third factor. hose\ei.
06t;I rolr oxo\roioro€po. O:rogt6oo o:roq c,u.;.1puqrr1, ooo whlch rnrs! have been appreciatedby rhe Philo s fello\\
ror on6 ro i8rcro xliaro oroie0i\lr€rar,rI fr€Ioeo1,dT|o 66Eo crtlzens,was the emphasison democratictransparenc!ihai
'tl'tE :xEtioo!)it ro! 1I,iLorlo! r€),|1iiE.
I XQrDorder, or! ).€rioue- governsthe building s design.
./r',r6r!xoxrtq€o0ruAwlg6|,0AAnoluolq (rlt l,irol eo prFl0€iI In essenc€it rvasa long nanow building I30 x 18 rn. \'ilh
ori8lo01PI6ir .o oro H()cim€ro,orlt! o€Ivarxi Ayoail) r(L entrancesor both Mrrow sides; it wa.sdilided b] a double
q lrirt ofoaord iov avlliolr.dxrxar qg roryodoltioE. r.riQro! colonnadeof pie.s into thfee aisles:rhe side aisleswe.e d
Qop6o qq dtool iIE xo! rreio! cnri ro onoioctrorJofitlotl! rfl rangedinro 78 conpartments(34 oD eachside of the cenrial
.ro\r',n o.,/(i o u].5'o.nndar| tr y.oauooro,Xrro or t o roru aisle) which closcd with a low railing and door berrveenrhe
lroa rbloirEAo€rr&io(]]lto io r€Xvotro./r)d neooo\,.lrotuoF€lo ple.s.Intemally.eacbcompannenthad wooder shelvesin rhe
oiDFaixo, on|0gror,10ottAqo\,o,rw€irga.'E!o iQiro ororxsio, loflforropes, and bclow m the niddle ofthe wall and behind
bUn'E,no! |broirepo rrQan€L \'o !x irpioT{€ oni ror gorfurirliiEE eachpier, therewas x chestwhere lhe sailstbr a total of 134
ro! Oil(lrvoq,oiva'I 6p4ao1m1 6luoxqarrxilb|,(|qdrer.a ]Iirlj t.iremes were ke!t. We do not know whether this nunber
l6n€Lro oX€brc 10! )1ieio! contspondedto specilicneedsor to a speciflcprograrnrneof
OuoLomuid,nQo)isrrnr tLa iro pclripoorevo r qro. 6r,l1ord jncreasirg the lleet. The central aisle was usedas a condor
oeor l30 t l8 p. U€bFrlrt€ioo6oorq 6llr or€ldEn),srqig,flo! for the public, so thalany citlzenaI:ny momentcould inspecr
XoQiqsxsr g€ p|c 6fitri] n€ooooroqioo€rplLlrlirrl:ro rd.crivo ihc contentsof the dockyards.Theorieniaiionofihe building
i'tror bropoQooptvooE7&6|,(1U€piolloro (3,1€rior6Qo0 -rolj and thc provision of specialopeningsallowedthe areaIo be
1l,€vrAnoiiLo6a6!or),nolj 6'i),€rvo\r !.'6:voXot t),6xL"/r).i6o ' e n r l d e d a , d p r o r e . r e ar l - cl a D r i l r r u - l .
pd aor rroQrof€-roEirrlov n€oo(i'y.Eoor€ALxdxd(]s 6Lcu€Arota The lractical utility of this buildnrg was completel] cor
€iX€oro jr.rrdALEiirvoAdOt.l]rorcroloL!|,dxorrdxo,oq p€- |tary to the reputationit eioled. ft is alsoextremclydjfficult
or'jro1rroi1o! x':lr nior'r l1nord00 r13l](J6, .tn6 pio xoo6l"o}o tbr one to rccogniseit among the sloragc buildings Lhatart
fll 4i),oEI ro\r rorio! o!1'ol,Did134xQulQ6v, opr€tl6E ror 6[v refercd to iD contenporary dockyard inscriptions,such as
lv(oQilor|t€.rv 0!lroiorxoto€ oe o!"/rsxQqr€\,€E (rvdyz€g 1 oe Ihe " atsenal" 8ltd rhe "278 wood.n arsenaLsfot die tirekYs
o!"/x€rQrBilo]ra6tpapFoo{rqlortrrotl or6).ori.To ra€lxQ1)16€4ri,ne,l (possiblywoodenhutr or perhapsthe referenceis
1,|Iiroq XAIoiF!ri.oq 6d6QoUoElLa ro! r.16oFo.6xoL 6o-ierd0€ to the chestsfor kecpingthe hangingequipmer0which alpear
ro) r ' c \ o / i r o Q , z o 0 r , 1,rr . . ' ) 1 ' . , r o n p r , o p , v . .u on the registerof 330/329BC, or lvith ihe arcicr, afrlrar_-
r,It)mdeuo1,. O neooavoro).ropoq ro! aiaio!'I nA6plrlIl known asearly as370 :148BC (IG II'?1609, l62l). ]vlorecon
DdLr.idrv o'vor,/Jdior€nniQ€rii:rv on6rlv d).l.Id.erlQdio! €Eo€- vinclngis the idertliy with the inore recent(IGlP 1629.1931)
0Lopo rorq! nAooraoto ro\,!(])ooFdro! i:rr6rI iroiX)..r. " large buiLdinginlront af the8ar.r",in which ancho .charns
:. nlla! ctyrie€ol'iaoErr Oipr ro1]lnilaE€ I XAlorp6 and excessor unsuitablemateials werc kcpt, amoDgwhich
rlr.1 orlv nAdErtro! oLXo6opitporoE (rtl1ori.Ei\rclr,Eriiqq. were tfie broken 'eycs,,of thc trirernes,fragme ts of which
' ' o ' o r | r ^ 5 . x ) . ^ o r v r i T v , , u r rol l v r c . r . r l . . r o o were indeedfound tu thc excavadonofPhilo's Arsenai
o-o€ a. -"r/ o o r o u a r o q Q n v - oo r c o l ^ Q o v r - , 1 r'.
]Qo(|tq ro! vo!oxdopo!, on0rqEilaL(I ox€rro(]txl' ror or, The Hippodamtian Agon
278.ore!o0!xclr qnl.r!aromriror,rq(pou (nr,0r:rvrlg Ii),r.ves As mentiored prcviously. the nanow nilitary zone of ihe
riaadyx€E 1 pltnor € x4rb,t|,ay.o irt.pi),oEt io\, dockyardswas separatedfion1the rcst of lhe cit! b] a slecial
'("t .,o i,v o\, u! r.o' 'o. -o
Jq,o. rur ,ro 6ro7po,.r;o wall with litlle gales. Part of the wall of fie shipsbedsoi
330/329 n.X.,rc06q roL ! poori rtbl ffi610 370348n.X Munychla and a little gate were excavaledand can be seen
(IG II2 1609.1621)caxoio or(stlo€ixl nro mLorL)tii€ilor rl jn Tourkolinano behjnd the refugeehousing." A main SaIe
o t J , - o v , o T0 n I C f t t l C o l o r l i o 1 r t o . r ./ o ' o oppositethe Arsenal, known frorn the tou| nrarklng srones


:Tao!tois rDrl.orq,,6o! (1)rldooo.yrnv dl,rrpEq,0L! oi6€s)ior that have survived. constitutedthe morumental entrancero
it olr.rrdl"L!to r)iurd. p€ri:lqirr0r! orioior! the agora olrviouslythe Hitpodarneianor ".nii.,r'Da'idf,
l"the marltet in Piraeus" of the inscriprion)- whjch was rhc
oItoE, 0paell)1o\rorlv .r\rooriaoi rIq :r.floe!ntE ror Oi- cityt n1ainnarker, the lolitical c€nire ot fte deme and the
itwoq. ciry. Here one musi tlrerefore seck the sjre of rhe ancjent
Council building (.bouleuternn)whictr is mertuonedon an
H h tottip€to; Ayoett inscriptionfrom the period ofAugxslus, rhe rempteofHestia,
Ttl oterf orpatr.r,rur!!6q xo! volrordl]Folr16a(s, 6norq md other plrblic bulldings, such as ihar ofthe market
nQoo\rcr{6Qe!ru. on6 qv u6}.olm1:fuI1 6ro er6rr6rriloq p.e The specificationsof Phi10.accoding to whicn the Arsenal
:ruii6tg. Tpr.!pnrol rriXo!; rruv leoooixorvqE MorulioE nu L"*, +rn 'hr na t qoe . .o, t.. r.'. o. . ar.. \
rar prd mr).idoG!€or.rdolo.rv xor UnoQ€i!c|io6€rrov€Gmo Jron behindthe sheh world e,.oarr./", leavc ro uouo, as o
Toroxo),itrdvo. rdoo dn6rq n{ooor"/Lr6< rarouil8E.rM|,or€- rts srteon lhe llat grcund ofthe Z€a illet norrhofihepresenr
warrit '[Ubt on6volrr oq:xEroelx! (ro 61lpoorcna6n!t"o, day KanarisSquareup ioTsamadouSt ard the foor ofProfiiis
ior omio! orirao\tiar riooEAq 6Qo0([norE},oi osrI fLrllU€rdrb1 llias, a site for which Xenophon\ descrilttionofrhe bairle of
sioolo rIE (lyoQdqnAo+clldrrnp6xeLraL yrorlt! I]r'lo6dt1€rc! Munychllllso argues.ft is possiblethat thc mafKerwas uscd
.r'j dl"/oad!i6! 6lpo16v, {Ero",/a.l+L}idrEr (dtoodri avn€Lpd,- as the site f.jrrhnsLedngships crews.It was very likel)r,given
€t,) no! r]rov I ro\rrpr)il or/opdrorj nsrQoLl:l. ro mi"rrrro that the Hippodameianmarker,xs is known fron else$,lrere,
x6\"raoro! 31po! ric'-lIE n6l.tq.Eld, nQa7ior, orrend)!,v.o!11 was used occasionaliyas a place for narchalling rhe army.
hq0€iror! 06l]I ro! oQloio! 0o!).€!rtQior,nrtioro+6Qer ID this regard,an earlier hl,pothesisof Milchhbfer, reccnrty
ejrtr/QoQ! lls €rio1llqro! Alyoioro!. ro! r.€Qoir!S Eorioq, revisedby Siewert.'?L is of iDlerest:that the crews dlsembled
6muqrar ri,l"rLw lpooirov lrrrQlor\',,r.I.rou A.foQovoF€io!. Or by trittyesin specilc areasof the marketthat wcrc designated
irpoiro,/poQ6E ror Oliol'o(, oriF4or.v.r !.eiK onoi€gI:1is! b ) r h ec o - e . . p o n .JEi n d r \ i I g . o r e l h e l r , r .
oelrl (nA6nEr 1'o oaliler ori6 ro nQ6ft).o tE oyoQdgno! of which have in fact beenfourd nr Lhcregrcn.The possibte
orrovrdrornlr6g:ror 6p1€rorriio0roro ro1'Eou,ri€,/rk !e0l grouping of rhe shipshedsby |ens, acco iDg to triuyes, and
ooixorlg).be! ooli\rou' crp4,fo).i.r "/!o iI ronoeftIoll illE mo! the posslbledistribution of the tdftyes (and the tribes) over
€nins6oX6Qoror! $!Io1r iIE Zioq,06Aen ori6 q oIU€pL\'it the three ports, in a proportioDof 18 6 6 tritty€s (or 6 2 2
. 1 0, r i l ( o v u o r, ' ; , 1 . o b nt , . n ; 1 6 o r tribeo arein agreementwirh this hypodresis.Denonsthcnes
qo(|ltrl H).io,F|c eaol./\r onoioolr\r!,top€i r(oL! n€Qr proposalrcgatdin.ethc collective otganisationof the trireme
./aaoi orol 3€loQ6vro rtq
[i1Il]Exlq MowrridE.Eivorno].i comnmnd(15.22)refersro a similar schematicorganisatioDl
I n^,n 'o vor o rFfpd ,rt. ato(dc vo xQlort- | ug o ^uao! "1 sq that the Senerah should.lirid. tllr ..Io.:ki:aftlinh I.n
'| . vrQJorL Trv rt 10,1rc.uv/o r,u 1\ ' r orQo,-Uol sites,so as to cteate groups oJ30 shipslleds.And to alLocate
Toiio €h,oL no).i rir0ov6,6€bop:r'or6rr r1Imodirp-euAyoQti, 3a tircmes to eachgrout..Thenthesesite! will be selectedby
6noq Eivo|,,ror ffi6 o),Ioi yv0rm6,IQl't$itLr! s erJrcrQrorid o! Lotrcry b, the tribes dnd t|1eleadet a.fcach t.ibe wilt diride up
roirirqolyr€ma0rotEro1]oQoror. the .tit. that hdsfallen to his tibe dn.lthe |rirctuesiklo three
er neoxeLFro.v8lcroiQo!l nclor6I€0r lrrD€€oltro! pans, ahd rhenthe trit4)eso.fthe tribe will drdfl l.rt, to thal
Mdclhdfer. no! ftrove(10!)i€ nQoo4didonbro! Siewen.zr6rrro l!nallr edchtrib. ||ilL hdre one section(a lenth)ol the total nf
. t t - , . r u ov " a e o r l " o q d v r or -aor - , c . . o u l x . 4 C F \ . , S tlE docbd l, dnd ttu lrirrs will hav one thitd c,Jthal .
'. o^ . r F ^ op,rc.rro,iollnr-ov rrn po
"vr o-n troo6'no1ra. It would bepossibletointepret oDcaddltionalobscure x
' u . . o c o 0 r ' ' ! . . r n l ) o r o , r o r oour o i o ! . ' ^ o u \l o o J y ' o ofthe Piraiki lerrain,that of lhe zonedesignatedfor the public
lzd ljp€€Eimlvrlarc/'ll. M€ q1'!n60Eor lllrit o!F+|o\'€ixol ler.rai, or restinglites, as part oflhe sam€hypothcsis.
, 0 u \ | " J , \ " - . t . , ' t , , / v , ' u ' . . ) . u , v . ^ , ] \ ' / . , ! ^ , 'C, ' , , v
o;ft,rc)icirI erdeldp€MlJiaro\ropilrov xQrfiio\, (r(rl ro! 4ru).6\')
orc.rQicr iLUA!(i.tL€oaolotio t 8-6-6rArrd€Elr'j6 2 2 4,ul,aE). We idenriied a struclureexcavaledin 1989on NeorelonSt in
:€ uro ovirio./l] o'l1llrclxral oQ^/dvooll rx\,o(baQfior, €Ed,!),o!, Zea. righl behlnd the shipshedsas a lercr.. or resdrg place


Thetun,1litr: ri?h al\r.n.n||ar!lotn rE rn l

E,tli)rda: t. lrtL,A ttirq atut ltapeti

'rorf naoroolt rolr a!uooetll YLClI o!),ioYLarloalo\r0rol rlq Ior rireme oflicers or hoplitcs gaihercdin Pirrcus dunns llre
.L Q,..( i.l- '|'1o r''r aooo prelaratiols for putinrgout to sea Its slrecialIcatL'felrcs m a
1n vE6p|.r (ro \rcliJora0po)o€ 66La rirjrorJ!.iror dror€).oi.l10 sericsotmeD's qualterslaid oulpossibly alon! two ndes ol r
irv.rr6v!o 6!$touQi,I€oir opid.E 10r! 30 !|]rDooila0r!KoL r.1 a mennerreniniscentol hstalbrions nrch
ot Ke'a
xoi.rl€iFo ur os 7c10 t o [d6o on6 rQ d!r.r'iptilp€rq E! otj1r€X€io rs at thc I'o,rye,o, (prccessionmarshalhig sitc)
' l
, .'ko \ r'l . r er,r , . , . o \ '.
va Ti,rtao€oir! ori6not ulxoi o€ Qtllirq l.cir o ralioQloq zo€€
q!^11 iolr 7or rt( stone with the inscriFion lesclrcctndunotian n'i?Jr' r!hich
Qrl,ric r,r pore{io.t ro! xorio rox i:/,trXtmll
ar the Hatziklti
inilial posiLLon
rpriteeLco€ raic $prt, ptrd rft xilQriiotL1.r !r0! oiG lpLtnrEc had beenfound earlier nr its
qq o1Jl,lq.arol tJor€ i!)'DId ]tdet 4t)11 !o' aX€t,!o rprlFo (r0 akio iI iion! of Lheentranceto the NaraLCadetsSchod i r
6ir?,aio)ro! o!!6io! 10! !o!oia1eUolr,ro! bD[apo!. r]lrloir ro righi behmdlhe shipshedsof Canftarxs ll1 this *ce theF n
rl IQtinr.)
':!.1IQrro \rl:110 €1€r. an xrteresdngtjecc of inforDation (Connnents'f Pr'clur nr
lvliol:t oio nl'sioro rltq ibtor r,x6otorl! 0o 11.1r l!!L!16 !s Hcsio.L,ttortr.ljne 491) rcgading lhe erisrerce ln Athen! oi
rQFlrDrr0.iird cloprl oxoi0w6 oll|r,!iorlla fl.aolxlr ionolpo 360 resLingsites,a llgure which corespondsroughh io $e
/'ro1i0r numbcrof Arhe|ian Lrremc$
Oioq,.r!xo 11t!oQ|o(]€qUi\!q idrllq 1(o! bI FooirD\'


.ri.,/.4' T H E M A N A G E M E NoTf r r ' r E D o c K Y A R D

:r pLcl).6(jI!,El.rrrJrr4Qro'r(D\ro!pe\rQop-0\ro\r oro\rn8ecrd The size of the flee! and its imponanceto the Athenian Rc
(r0rvoEnrForrxrlv)1r0r! orrl'rrdr!€n'lJar6! ro,v lublic nadc it necessaryfor its maDagementto be striciLy
lQ lQrir\i,
xord i! 6roQx€ux xolrofi6rrlou, organised.Fo. this reason,carc oI the fleet was one of the
ior! fiQosxorporor6lr
onoli6o!p€ iv(r orrob6pl[d](r! o\rorido! ro 1989orry066 most basic tasksofthe deme'sektl.$d or assembly which
NrorQ€l0r\',oiI Zl(r, uxQrFdEnio0]r:tnoro!g vsroooiro!9.H decidedon thc ship buildirg pfogramne. the repairs of lhe
rlrcpoaOio-ioljol]vioioio orlr mtrao!oiofuilqoeradE c\,6Adr facilities at the shipyards.aDdthe disparchof the fleet ard
viD!,8ror€iorptr!0r! 1lold trl.ioq nLrv6io r era6\r tu0o16r of the Aorle or Courcil. which oversaw lhe execution ol
U.!qp€ldllE or lltq, ri.rxdlQ6novnor e! piqlLe1,){aloordro€q,the decisions.In parricular,it was the Borl, that exercised
drioq,toljnolll€io! io! K€Qol€rxoir.rrM€ rlr €Ot tleio oljrit the direct supe ision of lhe docklarn zone (Arist. Co,rt.
ou,6torJFsro op6oIFo fri r!! e]ltypsQ!(I€(J16(r1 6€Fooior ,/Arrerr 5) and was responsiblefof car.ying out the ship-
noao. ,^! rl . llc l] r"ro.o, ao o lpvo mt nv/,^rtI u building progranme approvedby the conductcdan
e60!. oro XolqtJ.rrQrdrian, tuiQooraroflt! eiooboq! :Iol1tr annualnrspectionofthe fleet (Demosdi.51 4) and organjsed
Aorip.ow,611,ndr1 rrxpftbg nioortrn6 torg reoooirorg ror campaigns.assembhrgevery day at Chotna.. dre rorthern
Kdv0dQo!.E!6lo(|aQorI nQor!L!"e\'(Lr eler pro nll]QoooQlc pier of Cantharusor the lletioncia side, untl1 tle ships de
(:X6trroro! Ia6rlo! orov Hoiobo, Epto or. 491)"/rd11t! parted.:aThe effectileness of lhe work of the me,nbcn of
nnoAEtmI! At]il''o 360l€otdr'r,o oQGgo!rov onoiov dviL thc frrle, for which they were honouredat the end of their
orotx€im0Lrrolr o€ .11r1o\r
10r\,o01l1ro6! lQtrto0ra. tem, is proved by tbe successofthe Athenian ship-building
programnes.stating with Thenistocl€s'truilding20 riremes
per year (Diod. 1l.43.3), thanks to which, at the beginning
H A t A X E T P TT: H oYNAY;TAoMoY of the PeloponnesianWar, Atiens had a naval force of 300
To p€y€ooE T
ro! ox6lolr r(!r I olpooio ror ro q! oelvtririil tftenrs, nniqre iir all of Greece,the rcmafkablerebiilh oI the
5 r o r r o r r u ' : o . u v , \ ' . / ! o | | o o , o o , o - t o a / o v u o , l fleet in 411 and againin 406 BC, and finally the magnilicent
rrt! Sr{ll.iatolg ro!. H !€Arpvdt 'd ro oro),oonorE),€i.tro ro ship'buildingprogrammethat led t{r its tenfold growth wilhin
l6yo o!x6 d1'o(x16{o FoorrdlsQadQlo rIE €xxlloi.lq ro! filty years(377"327BC).
o J ^ . . r ^ o r . o o o r l " .I o - n o . y o o l p u\ t / , i . ' t u c . c - The adrinistraiion of rhe dockyardl5and the keepingof a
EnLox€!ag ro! !T {oraordoE0r1r roriNsoQio! ror. cnooio- registerof the ships and their equipment,ir ihe 5fi century.
irt oi6lor. ror it! Bo!llq. ro! rnlpl6neLrry errileol iov r pJ . J | | - h b l J . ^ r . p e . d . . , r r a . ) e l ' . r e a/ , o / o r . . r p .
''u'.: /"'"t t vo vcl,I iluurI j ou oo.r,r -t' .'r visors of the dockyard, who were assistedby a commrttee
or €noffi€ioqs Ed,lrtEior, !o!md€po! (Apffi. A0. no),. 5) of i0 quartefmasteA ]n the 4th centu.y, Lhe management
o.r" , \ ' p r r r o , r r r o r u t J r - o u n o o y p 4 l / a _ o r was also undertakenby a committeeof ten dockyard over
u.|],or..o -u ororobrrofco,L ^,o'.r,t, see$ (epineL.tai tou neoriol). widr one secretail and one
,,.. ,r q . u p l o . r o ^ r o A , . o o 0 I , { r ,or o } d r ' u . 1 l treasurer,while modtoing of thc constructronand .epam
rrE €xorQcr€i€!,o!!s60rdEoviar ro€IpearvdrEoio X(irpo, of the ships was undertakenby a colrrmitteeof l0 trireme
rI F60.Loono[]deaoro! K.rr0dQo!nQoqitv r),€!adrlg bxilden.
Hsrroleio!, doq6io1lo!oxoprlosrI 1:!rooiolil.rlTIv oro,i€ Every tine the ships were handedover to thc committee
, , r - o ,/ o , r o , . . 0 y ^ ' u ' l l o u l r u . 7 u r t \ o . o o o o l of overseersfor the following yclLr,the processwas accon
rLlriol,roL oro r6loEi!q 0lxeioExo1]q. ono6€ i\rliErI snUri1ii1 tanied by a lis! (dtagrarl,m) of ihe precisecontentsof the
- \ Jc,bo\\u' o0 ) . u \ : r o o t A o/ ro - r r v a 1 - 0 r . .
o o T r : o . r doc r o o J r o - o u O t r o , ^ ' ) t . / , l o. t ' . o o / u ' t
rrrtoi0rq20rAr!a6\r(ALob1L43.3).XdOt ort\r onoioI A€rt!.1 I.ea:tvi Atti : t. Kort;rt@ ttttoa nar nppa I
aro0dr€L oiltr oolilro! flelonowlorcrxoirnol.tpor; lLorn ^4rai2onrot (6pp Abaoli4q)
o :,, .r,. T.)..r,\u.^u ' v . 6 v o , r l0' v eu.or, cxo Pnaiki C.a$: oJth. aano,tun w.Ll
1f; 0.(!$.rorlq aroy6\,\,rlolqxo! o16tro!io 411rur nd),1-ro on Boikouxi bd, (Bd! aJAPhtodite)

.., l
,l:.:.. I

406ti.X..rtl.og1lr! Jr€"/o),6rT!oo! voririlt uroi nOoIQdppciog. dockyard.As sho\rn by the site on whjch tlre rclevantinscri|
ro! obrl1llo!oro! 6€korrtroorrop6 iol groo o€ p.n:ro!r1xo trors were tburd, Lheoverseerswcre iDsrailedncd the sheds
lToerio (377 327n.X). ofCantharus.atthe souihedgcof rheconmcrcia, IJor!,wlcfe
TI b|,lxt€iQrolt {ori 1'(lumiroporlJxor r1v r!p1o1 xnrnord_ the passengercustomsbuilding is tocaredtoday?6Ir is here,
o!(rgio1' ntroi(rvxor rou €Eod.Lolroirotlg €tlov oro.y50 oL. besidc the baseoi the dockyard ovefseers,if nor at Choma.
E16Lroi €ritorordAto.vr€g, orvsoQoi,iotlq ojllrio!EBot€oioelro that the milirary headquarrersepigraphicatlyknown as rhe
rjrLr.Qoritl0 iit4t€loLthar .ronrtuaioL.Ta\ 4a eL.:n16Lo.Xal strateqeionto en to ekxport, (Hesperia53.1981) shout.l bc
QLoIoor8l.! rjrrrolgDrito|&F.n\eon\tu)\ I0 ij t)I.rar rtir sought.obviouslythe seatofthe generalforPineus, who was
rr@plor,pr 6!0!lQlrpuaraoX[6vo.y roiriol rk,d responsiblefor the shlpy.rds from approxnnatelylhe mid 4th
i1l! €jl|11€^3rd 111!?0111ori€!iltr10r.I1Dv €nrrisudr\,lLdvfj"oio! ' F , l u r v r . A r ' \ . p u i l r h e . ' , o . , l d r t e i . e q , . r p n , evner r e
6t€rI €riL1Qonit iov 10rQLlponordw handedover to the tr;eme commanders.A readirg of these
H , " o J o , l o p c r o o ou, v , r l o u, m } r n - a o r 4 , J . " m b hig|ly deiailed lists is of special interest to the panicular
n1l16vio! DnoF€vq! lQolo! orrlo6€!6rov0JI6 Uorordoraol mind, as ls the nericulous spnir and transparencyof the
(6LdtAoppa)roN dxpfoig n€prsxoplvoriorJ vi:r!ordopor. demo.ratic bureaucracythat characterisesit, and provjdes
OnnrE6Eilv€ro I6QoErirQ€oltE i(!)! o1ftD{rbv€nLyQoQ6v, ol a most accuratepicturc of the statLrsof thc Seetdufing lhe
ejnll:].1r6!iFdv €]}1orso irlFtroLro\,rd ororJE !s6oowo!! ro! period covcring its rebirth to rhc end of the maritime power
KorvodQo!, oro lorLo 6QLoiol] sfrroQrro{r trlp.ovro!, ori,o!oI- ofAlhens (37716to:123/2BC).,rThc contentis classedundel
prAo ro r€l.ov€ioyr(r roriE0ril3dr€q.,6 E6dr,6trl"o thlee main topics: what we received,what we did what we
orr'tr66Qtrro! srirpeilr6v ro! v€('Qi.0\,, o\, 6Xroxo Xdrpd,
np6r.r vo dlohiIoei xor ro snLtpa$rxdrg 1\101016 (orQoi!- The fiN! topic conrairsl
l8ro! ro a! rQ aunopir,r,(Hesperla 53.1984) 371),rao+o\,r:irE a) A bLief (numerical) lisr of the slips and accessodes
n rdoo ou o-Con1/ -o, n po , . .u \. . o ru 11 that were received,and menrionstheir whereabourseirherin
proi:rr€aino! 1o! 4ou or r.X.. ilt! €roiv! iorv !€0raiov.:ro€areas-or on board the ships. e g. (IG II? l6tl ljnes
oI!.€i.o&!ro tLloro! rior lt iroadbool rirl, rloiorv rior rorv 1 22J:"Nutuberoftrircmes ||e rccefied, either hauled up or
oxetlarrro!q ololr! rQrIQdQXotq. H o!d,/\rool rL0v),EriroU€- outsidethe shipsheL ot at sea.Hdnded aver 283 (tri,emes).
Qdororo! olrrlv 6Lo./Qo!4diov 61sr6 lir€Qo s!8roQ6Qo! Nrnber oJ wo(Ien and hangingJ|ltings that ||e receired in
In ro l"€moi.6yo rw€tpo xorq 6|l1od\,€rc r!E SlporiQolrttg the shipshedsanrl in the arsenal, including thaseon board
tpoQfloxQorio< ro Xoa&rirtQi[€r,o],Id xarr!1rI! o(riAL the shipsrhdt hare tleparted(ute at sea)and by
plol.q r:r.x6ro t1q xardoroolEror 0161,0! rord qr neplo6o t h . a u t h o - i . ; Fo,4 d b ) t h , t 1 . 1 , a ". . * " o , d . , . 1 . , , . .. .
on6 flt! daoyrlv\rrtol6rDE ro t6loE qg vatlir.xflg6iivcplg rlg equippedwith oars 233,hissing E8l oa6 (i.e. the equiptnenl
Agtt\.ie(3'11 16tx't 32312 n.X )rr nou Sivori! To n€AtEX6 p:\ro Jor 5A tiftnes)" erc.,
oeoQdo€rpi.r poor.rid reod),o[o:I o rLnoQ(rl.dl3o$, 20 T|kll- b) the detailed list with rhe name of the ship, polt and
10I€,3ofl JmpadiSo!U€. cacgory of maintenance(first, second,third. exceptional,lbr
To rQ6ro mod).orc n€a .11!.13d\rer the more rcceni ones the darc ofcoDstrucrionis also given).
(o) rl o1jlonrrxrt(oprotqiftil) rordmoo! rov n).oio\rraL For thoseships that ttquire rcpairs,tbe namesofthe buildel
rtul €Ecprlpciro!Jtlrrnop€I!{i,0roav.oq! onolcrwo4,6a€rol and lhe responsiblerr;eme caplairN.the stateoftreservarion
rl €dol io!! eii€ o€ onol]ilrsq,€ii€ ira\,ororo ri),oia,n.X.Gc ot the shi! and its equipmcnrafe giv€n. Speciallnention is
IIl 1611or. I 22):
"AAroFdqr{rv raLla6! nor roQd,di3oB€, rcquired ofships tha! have beenrendereduseiessby w sor
ovEL'r1]ofL€\r€E 1 tq0r afi6 roug vsoooilio!E1 sv rr],o.fIoOCr- storms and for which ajudicial dischargeis requrredreleas'
o o e t z o . 2 8 . - o . o , r EA, , Je , l o rc- , E ^ r ' r n o , r Q . t - ! o u , ing the captah fron the obligation of rcplacnrg rhelll. Of
.:,o Lj \ o . r p c ( 1 . o f , .o' uo. r r cv , u o o r x nc n J r o | l parlicular historic interes!is jnformation aboui the origin or
oz o0it)it, orjtl]I€a .opFo1ou.6!r0v ot)rrir ro! ppioxo\,rol destinationof the lriremes.such as lhe repor! ofthe captured
:rirlo or( rrioio ror 6Xo!! ovoxrrQilo€r (BAiorovrft e! n),o) triremesof Chabriasand Timotheos (IG II' i606 and 1607,
od I,ov-o oro I r dp' c 4^, u .o ru c rQrl 3'71/3 f7312 BC). The repo|l of the state of preservation


AdAto!E:Tpritpsrq€Eon}"|oE\'Eg !.ercurLd 233,).ri:nour881 was supplenenlcd by that of the corespondins i'allt;,1

'rorrrd (6!1.(x6!I€i:n$I sqdallor 50rpl!adrv)',.r.ln., obligationsof the trireme caplains !o replace.ibr eraaple
(F)1r! crvcrl.lrr,at
hordorool (6voFo'i).oio!,irFi:|rrriaLr.:l (lG IIz 1618 lines 83 90): "N|me oJ sh!: Pttisteru. .\.e,js
rr opio brarlArtolr, lTa{n{or,
6€ireQoL, rQiroL.iEoiQsior,yrc repair. Name ol shipbuil.ler: Hegesias Respotltibie *e
paftnetship headed by Celsios lron Ttikatlnthos Mi\s-
poUQoil,ri:t,nLoio noti ov6poio ing fan the ship: aII the e4uiptnent.The Jollountp ore:
-uuv0oo/. oorl'u r'. I'r0 r' !ra'aoaluv.. Stephdnasby Euanymon: /r. rrat:s, r!dde,J'- etc . as s'ili
t v 1 ] '4
oi.rq 6La4O!o!<ro! rloio! rarro! €Eon),rciroi ro!. EdDr6E as the hisrory of the relcvant judicial conUictsbenveenihi
ftr'o4,apovror ro n"loi.rrn! 6lorv oxQloie!0€io iol' n6lsuotl successivetrireme captajus.
os '1oroLyioo xor'/ro r(1onoio lJnrQx€r6rxoorr.xilonol.),olil The secondtopic includesa lisi of the paynenls made ei
rJv rurl0oo{i v cl rr I lJ r.otr uof ctvr,norooroo tc ro c rhrrb) he.rr)o o) ne -"ne.rt:i. t -rle.1i <.djl..
loropw6q,|6Loir€a o €\,6|nQaporoeq ei\roror rd,!po(boOi€!}o or replacementof trircmesor equipmen!.In alrt eaeDt.a de
rrtv rao6l€lio! it xovra ooQLopox(l)lxQrtQdv,6noEr.I. rt Llvo- tailedllsiis gi'en ofthe riremes that \rerc repaired.wnhfie
r{ropdot|Etrrypcil"tureg rprilAq io! XdllAio! r.or.ror T+l)060! nxne of ihe boat, its builder, technicianand cosl of repaF.
T CI I l 6 0 6r d r 6 0 - . 1 - 4 . l1 - 1' r \ T , . v/ o d o r o o , o u rernarksat the end, e.g. in the evenl tha(
with the Decessary
. 1 / f t ee , - o o I J r o t A t o f ' u r r \ o u ! o u 6 . q l u u r r ' r v I p the repairs\rere rot completed.
. u,,lovoL/: - urola:uo: r. ru1 ,a'tc0uJvIro The thlrd topic consistsofthc protocolofianding over th€
onoaordorool,"/ronc]tQd3lrypo (IG Ill 1618or.83-90:Olopci cashbox, the storehouse(ships.matedals)and fie outsund-
.aLo\): EplorcQ.i., iXt:Ldvdyx, tiloxrlit, 6ropa va1)fl1'toi: ing liabilities.
"n, Ltttiq\rr r xoLva@aEtu@Nttpopia).nx€Octii< Wjrh regxrd to the cash-box.the iotal amountsv'ere re-
rtlqaroia: fpiotErdLo Killia Loqai@rttr TpLxbQ.rvqo . At&tro ported that were paid drring the yeario ihe pnblic collectors.
i .o[o]Einou nla n tEaaTiwr't . OQEnoliyoLEEiq:o t#- rhe balancein the treasuryreceivedby the overseersol the
Oawq (nturo EndrtrttorL<oxd.)..q, rd nlbd.).Lo,,,^to.qaa prcvious year, aDd that which was handedIo the nert ones
)rltrio roroQr'/16 ro\i ot€'n?r6vbrxcrorurdv6r€\,6Eeov u".rdEi The handjngoverthe (o.age areasincludeda generaltnvet
ro\, 6t.r3oX1L6\' ra Lltal1p1ro\,. rory of rhe ships,borh those laid up aDdLliosea! sea.whose
| 6, ! ' Qo ,{,qraL'!n1 a,Iot ftdv,| -qv roTo^-4or r 'l equipmentwas kelt in various storagearcasat the docklard
ril,lAopdv nor 6"/rvov€(r€oJllrrtv n6Lt, €ir€dn6 rorg taq- o. which had been ceded by decislor of the Council o be
Q o p / o U1J |.. tor.tI r\..v,'xo,a-no, n10 v rlsed on other public works, and finally a catalogueof the
rt lEop'qF{iio!.:E xi(O€mei:mooq6i!€ror n&h olohrr"o! land. furnishingsand even of the uselessmatefials, entlon_
; ) o 1 n . u v r o r q \ r o I r o ) . u o o l ] t ) t ot ,v - o o r ' o / a - t g ing in eachcasewhere they s,ere bcing kept.
I c I Q o( . , o uz o r ( o / 'u o o r l r. o 1 \ q f a u ' Claims included oxtstanding obligations on the parl ol
€rnor(€!!!r(r| oronoQoixiFeE mo xiloq flrQcqQlorq; ri.X.I|a tnreme captainswith respecttothe equipmenlthey pronrised
'rrv rrfQl'iioolt:ro! 6|L€r1€ ]tfu{E).!g to give or wlih which ftey wert charged.the noney irou
I €'noxEtll.
To rQiio x€(|dtrcroonoi0l,ri ro paymentsof ca.lier debts and from salesof equLpmentlbal
na{rr6rcD.o raadboolqro!
-u/r o . r.-o rorr.r<r'crI. u\ ufu).u1r1l}r were alreadypaid !o th€ public collectors and therefo.e io
ru\ l1ror1(r:uv
longer !r the cash-box.and ilDally lhe accouDtingdiffe.ence,.
Og]IQogro iaprio (vo$6Q.rGLro fllvo).o 1o\r rioodv ,ro! rvit| pfevious overseerswhich were fofmulaLedsomeNhai
xor€j3l,rlqoo! r.rr& q bdpnEroro! aro!! oro1]sdlUoor.olrq as fbllows (IG IIr 1629 line ,110rr.): "These ate nt debts
oLonpdxiops!.10 tapior, nnr n,rqt).aparu:rotorg af the overseersafthe shiplar& in the |ear oJ Antikle\.Jor
€jrry€Ilrf( rolr nQoltolr|lr]lo! 6ro!q x,{ atlto 'Ilr1lnopu66olv
mor! &16!€!lr!q.H ropd8ool xrts(t]iooirlc naQLtro[pd!€l itadlai Amt: tu k.,Lh&a r.1n< 61./ aauD a
rl't lEvrxrti:lrioyAo4,!
1011' rtroior\',o!tur€aftsppavoua!o!1(o! MaairoiitoL (6eua A qlaoAn 4ar'
ropon),toi1€lovroL olr(i)\, rri)! FAiolto\rrdr€\, r).0r,ror. lt!)v Pi, T)1L.!aJtheCanni.^ ^\11!
EEreqprio\ ro!q, nori+!).dooowoLoiLESrdOoQe< ono01tx€E on Baikou*t b.) (8.\ r'


ia-_- \L-i
TIF' 5a;t
' :r!l

TtlitLd rdr EaooL\t"r t1t Zia., ot rtuf.b aDl,aadoriaE. se.tiak ol Lhe $ d 7ta in the bo:en.nt of ah apaihlent bui!|n)e

H Ert:TPA'fEY:ir relelant nNcripiion says(IC ly 1629,I'18 f1): thc otetse.r!

To riaolloi,|L[l(r i6ooo! ]r|a L66oior X6Ao!./rorrls oaydll!)- oJ tl1edoclqard wilL hand over &ei \hipr dn.l equipnent in
otE ro! meoilroir vdrilid0por . 6ror rbota ro rig.oom rtr 6or, oe drcoftldnce with what rhe dene has provnl..1; the triftnte
eiol vo .lvr l(])l]otuj r! ier.rolqlin tor mry 4ioLg.1 o ./pi] calains ||ho hdre been appointetl ||iLl take then ips to
'i!q €:'ll,oiadrmortq,IEE6I€I irtEoroi./q
ei € ridrftDE
610r.Me qv Cno,"d lthc plcr on the lafge nofhern dock ir Cantharusl
orot[rro1 enrorputeloqg blordooslor I rmQdbool xov nloi0]v hiorc the te th ol th. nonll1 ol'MunychionnodJ to sdil" (Cl
xorrlrv or€!dr! rorE on6 rouE rmU€).!r6Eio! l8rDpicraoio!E Demosthenes51.4,50.5). There ftc nrspcctionwould take
rpL!QdeXo!9,or orioioLlrno1a€drlovror\ro r.r nclpo!oroootl1r place by the Council. which as long as pFparaLionsfor de
6iortro]to rov on6nl"orro€ olyzexAqrtlo o!lL€ioro! ri€lrprroi partufe wefe nnder way, would meet ar Choma.The rrireme
l,+r!oq xflr oE o,,]l1€riarfirl. xrr0oqr[69*1 p-srry omrfaorl, captails wlro werc lil'st rvith their ships would be rovarded.
Ono(I't8rlro oXsnxri
0GIr 162!,178 and those who were Dot prepdredon the detemined dat.
v..e.): ltr .ttrttr).Idqror v€apiar n inQ(rd6oa1)v rd rLl.oia would bc taken,bound. to Llrecourt.
',tdLroy EEon],Lottdrons oljp1nry(ipE arui na.Jma.ld oLoEo Parallelwith re harding over of the shiN to tlre tn.eme
6ipoq, oLde etiprtpxot.noL)tYoLr aQLoe€iua anryiool)r x.l captains.theCouncilkx and nayors would draw up lisrs and
ntroidno Xtitpo. (qr raap),ltc o11;n1dl"1l]6penomBd0po .J he.eimenvhouoll r ...oJ. . ,
oufovuo. u' n ontt6 n't' rn),\,!o rtt,-rrtto.Ja dre predeLermiDed
sitc for each dtrys in the Hippodameid

'narke! ard at the correslording siies in rhe orher hrfbours

m tle dockyards.alongsidcthc sheds,1lr odeL Lo board the
b i r c m e s( D e m o s t h1. 4 ,2 l )
Durlng the ferio.l berween Lhe marshalling of Lhe Reet
at Clmza ard iis dcpaflure, the sailors w.'uld be allocaled
tbc portion of gr'ouDdbarley due to them at dre Matl./ ,tr.zr
whjch. as we shall seebelow, was behnrdthe Crfiui ar rhc
searnen'smxrket in froni of it,r8 thc las! supplieswould bc
laid in.
he bulldings and inscfiltions thar prcvido Lheframervork
for lhe oporationof lhe dockyud come alive ln lle tcxls of
Arislopharcs ind Thucydides Thc picturc ofdre poft durhg
the lrepamrions i rle deparrurcot lhc llce( s given by
Aristophanesin lhe Acra,rlirrr, dcpicLsan Almosta,rnoying
lcvel of noise,movcmcntand snrells:"l l 1,.,rr,.r,1/t, ldrr./r
))aw thrce hutdrcd ships st .tight itrh the .\ca (1ndth.Rl
ttould bc ttis., thc t it))/ltLLef soLdiers,at the tcLectianwa!
bcitlg nade br thc trirem( captain and the \|a|c\ w.ftt b(inB
dititrihuted; \'ith gildin| ovar Lhcstatuesaf PdLkrsAthana,
the Mak)a Stou \ra ld bc resattndittgton the peapLeglth"
ercd thcrc, tha! wauL.lbe ':Listfib|tint truin, tlwe wo Ldbe
,acb, Lcatluttllbngs, thq,'d bq)jats oL^)e:i,gatli(, onion,
!I*|ti,dd: q Artptr]td1zi 4loo< ).hnet h tj!, lor'tl sR Ea,'land!,yudine!, thne.p\'ers, bLis.
tercd hands,o the allkt \idc lou I rce iL tlk \\rylurd tur\
7td onln2or (flQn. Arlpo$0 51 4. 50.5).Etri. Itr f ix)et€ntAEd. bemNrcraped tlril! b':!ns lrawnerccL,Leath':ltthone! bcing
AnoI uJ-,I)1I lJarll , I otui.a 600 6taQxEl\ rp a €raLLtcLo id tu t) hitched to the oarr, lrids r t18i,rt , lignalnu1 wllistlint, all
nti ,or aDrs,QLd.kLara Xl4tu Or tpLtpepXoLttor Aa O{ hdt\)ciing tugaI het.""'1
ao1.ninaatu 14 tdoitr rcrs eu f aul3t:rqoi1),tl'u t,ot dc1,€.haL The descfiption b y T h u . , y d c s ( V I 3 0 - 3 2 )o f t h e c l e p a r -
ixa LpaLorl1, xaqoAu4.tir1lt1!t0optr,tu a 6Iy ali)xnL.Jiopa I ot1 nrre ol rhe jll'fhred siciliAn expedition w0s a( orce lDore
nagnilice'u nnd nxrrc tragic Tlrerc musl lravebeena siDilal
IIdQal),il).o pe lrlv ficQdboo!'irrl' fi),oio\, ororE rQnlQdQ- although less irnfosing climaLc in the harborr each trme,
7o1r(,xalrar0rliovr.rLono ro!q Fou).r!r6( rurro!( SlpdOIo!g and thcrc wcfc lna y ti es. when ihe fleet w^s vLiling oui:
or rclrdtrolol r0[ iloIol!1or or!drjrsE, rTo! eo o!1,novrQonoir\, all tlLir, ahd aLtho Eh har the lunln|t had passc.L,
' - - v/, vu noru -p --rr c o-oJc fi.rr0oc. " v , . , th. ..xtedilion set a,t fot SiciLr...Th. Athentuh!, .in.l tlLote
| )
7o0., iQr1' r! I6ao!8, oif\r ImTo6dWLoAlo0d ]1GL orr( ci\rxl- al thr.I aLli.s v,)ho)tere in Athen!, cxne da||h to Piru.L!
ororXsge!our! lir! arl,l,ir\,)"Lpo\,r6\rlol w!ordepo!,linld on t cerLaindq at dawn and baakletl tl1. 3h1P\ih ordcr to
olou< rroooil'orq. rreo)t€t!.ro! vo Errp$oo0olr orq ia Lriafl.q derutt. With then, alrLost the entie pop kuion oJ the .itJ,
( A r l ! | o o 01 4 . 2 1 ) .:iti.ens ud t'oreigners,cane dawn tao.'Ihe Ath.niatlt bade
notl peool,oponoEan6 q orJ1ra\rlaorol io,l
Iro 6111ofl}Lo .fareweLlto their oM peopLe,.to,1. to lie (ls, tone to rcla
dlonou oro x6pII ro. ioc lrt! olr:txdralort 1t)! raolptllo- liw!, !., others to theu sons Th.l ||aLkedwtth hope and
ftroi,vro! oflt NlanQh:roi(, nori,6rioq €o loiF€ rioQcr.rro., becaus. while ol .our.\. ther ||orld
fleioz.ri:lr riioo dri6 io Xrbp.o.r16tovolri orolrE vciirrnEioll nake new onquests perhaps thq,wouldn t s.. theit loNed
oF o 11Qaoa : or n c o r ' ( l ) . o ]. o11 ones again, b.cause the)-conri.Lted the l.ngth oJ the Na,)
ft;oqd rrL)vlcrurlirr fto! frIoi\rer lnQooio ]qrr ]i1ro1rioroL age to be matle b! thos. Leding thei country... When all


re).€!roi€q naoUI0s|ts. the crews embarkedan their shipsand ereryhing tllat hd.l
Toxrip'a'.ro'or€Jr|1aoo6! ro! 6i!o!\i ro nldiourqq ).!roxQ to be tak n was lodded on, the trunpet soun.led.forsilen.e
, o r n r l ] u o l i r 0 L o iul o n , oJ t l d o ( . ' 1 , ^ 1 o h r . t - , \ o ' o u and the usuaLwishesbeforeere') journer wouLdbe uxered.
Apuro(i,dut x.1rior Oorix!6f6!. E\,oII1]ILki,ox€36v,on6 ro noI to eNe\t ship scparate4,,but to all of them logether,nl
{l6a!Po,' tv rir'!o! ri(r rq F.!p0r6#g ]Iirr onorivdll eh,crrl€G a rhrthn set b) a |Enld. Anang the lroops wire lnd been
/ o , o r o , r l ' F u v ^ i u ' . o o r o y ' r i u L7t . o _ , v o v o ,I a q o f - o U nixed in ktuters dnd the ojf.ers, as ||e|| as the ordindtj
m6),o! ni! bil8r o AO|,aioOdWE orout AX.!Q1itg: <o,l,l's!dlj( , o t d i p , \ ." r r t J r r r , t . b r t , u p .r : t h 6 0 d o r , t , , / . o " . a . . " .
rl qluxtioLotxaadEn oa( ot, qLif,aooe qilax€ atEryxat.0d On lan l tl? nuLtit^desoJcitizensand othe^ '|ha wrc therc
' ray AdAuBor tu)LLr€ia yLltiuttl u-nrorqoraa i)rEE,xaqdEAd becduseoI Jriendshipwiththe Athenians,all expressedthetr
ylrnturl nr QLIAtiAXoT I Exloyi )rdtptoed0a loipaEav xat. |'islBs. And ||hen the paean was sung and all tltc libations
'r'ayd)paxa0e I 0aPaiLk, oxoLi(E\- conpleted,th. shipsheadedJor the opensea,in singLeJileal
l.Qloordv1r<n a)J"d.6aq
vo.iror! MdxQd:xod)rLt rc ow.typtw nf,ieaq,tealaiaaEa) the be&innirg, but by the tine th.y got to Aegjnd, theJ wete
oftdat €xEi,aoxut.Ad. xav,|ao1)Iru)riaEE,/ xa'Lti 0' aybaa\ar, saiLinsalanssi.deedth otlter at a good speed."
.l|tiq, oxiaaa, xaoryi'Lal 0d xav oE6i["ra, A& ' .utEEExti T H E E M P o R I o N
oxt!dl/La, odadtl).€q,ar).ttxa[htq,*an !€ Qaxoxd).eq ar' The commercjalpoft ofPiraeus, the man pon or Caniharus,
r ),oltaoq qti' l "!:itE dro varnty€io xoLtndy& ElroL)y,w named pmbably from the shape of lhe pot bearnrg the same
, t u 1 0 L \, a
r D( ' " d ' " , , . o o , 1 ur 1 a . , a t o u \ a x o u r o l <name.
. is the la|ges!,rilostbeaulifulnaturalhaJbourin the Med-
oorptlljIL.L'a loJoirt, tu AaxuLolo4dxo.Ltulepa, oALAlyparu iteffanean.lts entrancewas identifiablefiom a long distance
! .rlorj!.,r?' (pr4,e.M A!y6aI). by two beacons.columnswith fire on top of lhem.s'hich have
M€y.rlorrAsnEorEplxclr oruQ6voq rQolLx! eiv(|rov iiooxo ! b@n preservedio tlris day, one to ihe ro|th, at thc fcftilizer
1p /A(qfu.o oOo /u65,r',/ L, /,-lcololrQ|or.,f( factory.and the otherto the soulh,atthe buildmgof lhe Mari
fLrrQlric!0r4oiQaftioqoq )r}l8l.ia. IloQ6loro, dv xcr lr./6r€A0 time AdnnnistEtionof dreAegean,resloredbesidethe precinct
€]n|])"$Lri,,na6n€r\ro Oovraooot!r ro )1).iU4olo l,rp6vr rdeE thar has been identifiedas the tomb oI Themistocles*+ The
4,opd, rclr iirav noff6< or OoQaqr(r! clloT,orpoioeo ox6l"oEi h . " o o J ri , e l f " r ' . r . l e i i r e d r h d nr l ' e! r
<MErd dw aL , xaL Evd €ix€TEadoEL ro ulod xaloxaiAl, Et enrarce waslimiled by the line (andthe chain)thatioinedthe
xL1tloE, .xotaaxEtu ylo. rtl Ztx tia. ... OL Aqryaiot x.u. 600l two towe$ betweenEetionciaandlhe oplosite coa-st.
i.e. il did
oljrya{ai nu; iodv mrv Aqivd xtnilJttxal) lLar aAoptrr pt nor iDcludcthe present-dayouterpolt, whrLerts northcrnmosl
Aa $ rytv aryi orcr llwad xaLljnlltdr ord xaadliLa yLa,,,.L point (which was mistakenlyidentified as the r.,/rr atire,)
4njyoLy. Kai1ryat paqi 6,os o7e64v o lquoptiE t4E rolnei- then constitutedtlrc mirshy region outsidethe walls. the dn
d(, tulkEE'nat Etlot. OI AeqwioL 'u-ol"alenouoLlyxoq 'Lxoljt ,alats p.lor.lhe sile oIa cemetery,as shownby a significrnl
rclt, dt Io Lxory Ailo1)q ro1)e,d)Ja r rouEoL,yyercG rcq, .lo L numberoI gl"ve sielaeand sarcophagiwhich werc unearihed
wrq yL1L,EroL)<. Bd6tav pE dtrLkq xdL 0Q41)a1)q $tti,ynxi. durirg its drcdging.and the electriciailway srationseafiont.
A,,p p l'",t.,-- ov'1o' .o)totou.6uousrcuqa s The Kaios Linen (zs can concludedfrom what I bclieveIo be
rru" o .l Joul t, \'ot'o da tto o t. lai. o" Milchhdfer's conect interpretarionof Pausanias\movernenls
(rELini tu 1,0& ixawr dooLiOt\yal, dl.6 rrty TLaxaaaro1)E. irr Xen. 2.1.31) was to the west of lhe Krommydarcusbay.
... Ora! Ertl3Lfriortlxar 6tu:Lxd it,tlpapara oxa xaQd.fllaxaL we wouid hrvc to go outside the pol1. beyond the beacon .a 6oa iryEr2 ra tuiQouv tt or0.nyya aiptue refenedto earlier as Demosthenes says,outsidedre poinl of
aLan\ xal dQlnar va )tilav@L oLoirlrlAopfu eqrQfl ari xtiq€ owEnponon in our searchfor tle lrro, Ltner or"Thieves'
raEi't euxtE,dXL6!aq oe x(iee xaQdBt.IaQLord,& doE61a Harbour",in which therewas no conlrol of any kind.
l o ' . t | n Q A t t a . @t b t t L a . x 4 p u < o c . Ln l a , r , t c o , u t o The functionof Canrharuswas not exclusivelyconnnercral:
t i o r o v l t t t . e ' J l t , . u r 1 v t / r t a t u t u t t ot v o . o a o \ o . the regionbetweenttrecuslomsand the outcr haJbour-and the
at onlktq, txawv oxnfiis p. ra1)od 4 aot l.t Lo.6oxeia.ArD opposiieshoreof EetioDeia,as pointedout edlier, belonged
rt orcald oLyEnxo'ruy x'rl ro ieoe ot tulir€E xal dool. ,lat to ihe dockyard.while Cirna. the pier oD the haJbourinlet.
ioay ExEi'.utLOnh reot TouqAAtlyaiouE.A,ou eayor\oay was usedto iltspccithe fleet so that the Emlorion was limited

' . r "il


: .
.' ....:,' ir*-:J.o.ry+4 _,

,'{iot"':r- : '"

l. _, .=

Ta1)xtud-vt ital rr:f,tiino(1ruq orar'lq awilrqxcLlj oro xtiTdyoq to the easlernshoreof Cantharus.The boundarymarkersof
trcLo1tq(irrd. orry auij pori 'LdrcETt,c ui iaE rrtv Airoa Empofion gjveits lrecise location.The city side ol fte corn'
rcad\y aLvavpExa|r tuxEot ldxlixtFa, (px.4a . A B]"64.,1r)
. nercial zonewas definedby a roadwith narking slonesalons
it, one of which. with ilre iisctipnor " Linit of the e"ryotian
andrrsel'was lound in its initial posirionat ihe interseclion
To EMnortoN of Kolokolroni and Sachtouri streels.lls Limits ou the sea
To eFJlopuiolq|dvr ro! Il€riill,ci, o MEydloE lrprt\, 1 o Kdl . r a ea r ed e \ r g n d r eb dr r h e " . " n J r k n . . r o r e o l L l e l e | r )
0acoc.onuc ,rr].)o' oro -o ol, /o -ou oropaqoro!.|,\o, o boat anchomge"at the north (Karaiskakissquafe) and soulb
0rQorci.Qo roL pY.rtr{JrcQo StroLX(' ).tprx1'r xlE M€ooy€io!.Tn' (Customs)endofthecorst.ThcEnporiontherefofe occupred
eioo66-ro!o!t1l]6€!01'ontrpcxprdor 6to +dAo! xo),6v€q!€ the coasialzoneoflresen! day Akti Miaouli fron Karaiskakis
/rr o orfv x.QUTlrouc.r.u o,',tovroxo o.ll,rQo. o I vol Squareto Customs(Telonio).and exlendedinland to a deptb
p6AEro. oro EQTooidoro rov .\ljroouorrrv,o dl"Io( v6rro,orl't of two blocks, approximalely!p !o Notara Sxeet. ludeich
No! xi ArctuIol Aqc(io!, avdoq),rdp€\roE 8ltd,ooror mpi- calculatedits afeaas about 1.5 sq. km.
polo, rio! r(rtl,IileioLfn iov id{o ro! O€prcronl"i.++ To i6ro The monxmental physiognomy of ihe place was dete.
ro l+o1r six€prxa6ftar axrool o'ro ro oIF€QL1'6, ro06q ! si miDed.accordingro our sources,by lwo factors.The6rstwar
oo66sxo! r6Qropr[iJrov fl]rirq "/aoppit{ror rrlv d1-!oi6c),ro! rhe Dia.eugna, a latqe pier in the middle of the Enrpoion,
i1'ov€iolE liio rirpl,orgoldF€oaontvHftL6\,flodriQox(rrrlv whereone could seethe"arrogancc"ofTheophrastus standing
a#1rolrLar'4.lE\r r€a|el.d$.1\,e3tlo6t -io oitp€aw6naol,r and boastingofhis incrediblebottomry,prcfits ald kxses o.
Ur!c, D16ro ll6Q€ur d1lQo tor (nor l"cronogevorcrrtiletnr pe ostentaliouslysendirg his sLaveto the bank (in the D"itDa
ro1'KroO6A+€!o) cffiore),oloe16r€I err6Ero'v x€qdrv€),661c opposite)to collectnon exislentmoney.Thc scco.d consisted
nEQi,oti,<6 ia dloiq q),6("'.l{irQoE\r8xQord+€io!. 6rtuE6si of Rve porticosaroundthe porr {annotationAristoph Ped.e.
Xv€L o (1pr0HoE
ortp,liltLr.ioE roorx6! md,(i)1, xor oaAxood./{r\r, line 145).Thc i.formation of the annotator,or ralher of hjs
rro! rrQo€QxeidL on6 xlr €)4jdo1jvoit rolr rar rI', ,rfrQd.icio! Hellenistic source is that these porticos, Logetherwith fte
T { r / r o , n u ,O K u d . . A . / i t u , r ' - o / , r p o r l , T o r o r . I t u o Q shipyardsand the temple of Aphrodite constitutcdthe nain
0rl ruorrl,o €QJrlv€io iov lirlToecov rox I-Io!o.r!io1rolol' E€\i. poinls ofCantharus,and is conlirmedby the known
2.1.31ondro! Michhdfetppror6ror6rrlx6repnotor 6ppo-r1E tion about the repair works on the harbour iha! took pLace
KQopprJboQoiiq, Elrirdqo or() io l"Luo!|,#all or{r ro (!o0o no! durjng the reign ofAugustus. which. as points of rcference
T o o r u I o u u u r , - t , l o ^ f L o o o\ ' t . , . u t u a 4 t 4 o , a u for identifying lhe prl,itzi (boatyardsfor repairing shlps).
tjtEriaol) i!tuaior".- xa&€' !o ovo(Nlori o O(!)a6!,\rpit!.it mentionsthe most significxrnrnonunelLsof the porL.In Lhis
Kl€Orolipovo.orD! 6€vlrnial€ rid1,€\,6q ri6o!E6l"EyIoS. insciptioD.p.ryit/di wcre locatedon eithcr side of the n1outh
O Ko\redQoq bfl llte.rmr]"€rmud €Fnop|x!).erro1)Alio: I oflhe port and betwce! them and the main harbour,which is
I€roEi lof i€),o!€io! xur ro! rrQol.LF\r0 n€Qr.oII. onlrg x.lL ! d e * b e db r l \ e { . . " . i o r J o n c f r l : e r o r e r . r . o h ' '
on€\'(nrlL0){1illlq Hexl,(l)l0i0c,i:rvilx.w,6ntoge1fl4, n{o!yo!- porion) of its most signincantmonuments:athe shipyards.rhe
f€!(D!.oro vo{rorooBo,svrbro X{ip ! anopd0Qooro puli) tenple ofAphrodite and the lorlicos.
rox hBovroiEXAIoitr€t)E lLcr tr €nL€e6Qlort rotl mo^o!, EioL If thereis unanjmity (Milchhnfer is the cxcep&n, on the
droxEro EFn6prc\r!o neQroQiE8ror orl1, ororofu.xilroQG),io posiiionand shapeof dre,ld:ergmd, the sane cannorbe sard
ro KJv0vuo | 1' u/A p' ou e,04 vou\-n oonort/ri,o,r lbr the five poriicos of the Emporion. about which Dot onlr
EFroaiolj.IIAoq qv flL€l]Ad qc ri(]IIE 11,rtrros|,Xi ldrvl 6p(e the poshion and shape,but even the numbe. is drsputedFor
6vogbA6JroE, U€oQootUarord plroq rolJ,6\,0(:tJI6 ro orloio, example,it is not known whetherthes€includedlhe famous
p-ex!\' r]i|"/eo4,i.aFnoaio!xdi 66oir6A0g,,Pp6etx€orl.tvoa Mafrra .troa locatedon the norih end. or the Drlgna Nhich
was in ihe middle ofthe EmporioD,oppositethe Di.r.c!j,
In pafticnlarregardingthe D?igr?a.lhereis somcdoubl as io
C H tiot&a: ira< atuj ox a.doonq rr< y ilrpas lrAoot.i atry n)ll whetherthis was in lhe forn of a por1icoor whetherit $1 a4
Eetianeiu:one .l Lhrfie^ t n the brid* ia front afthe qate. o,rr l p l . e . o . r . p l . . r , e L n J n d ". c i l d r'.(\


H t2ttuAi4t tua @ilaw<: \ ltdeid tioa'aq

The Ar:t.natol phit.: non,tln.Nun .

Trxitro! 0tot, oq 6tcloroiAoolrov o6drvKo).oxoradrqrol exrsrswrth respe io fte configuntion oI dre po.ticos. A|
:oXronp!. To i)ad I.,lJojr6rtv,r,E!Qh rls odLooooq6i).LL)
the more recenrrepresentatjorsof lhe poft lionr rhoseof
ro! ro 6! o 0060lU]lro]J.r./'1lpoFo).iorrurvnopt)!€i.D!
l(6QoE KaLrpcrrMilchhdfer in 1889 and Judeichin 1930,up to fie
daFo! no00U€ior,).rior llqi{)lxaa tr€ooorl 0d],oooo.!wi
more reccntonesby Travlosin 1969and HoepfDer Schwand
or0rlo oro loQcro(orrt1,rrtrorsioKoQoio,{ xol oro vorro ner h 1986 and 1994 agrec on thc postrlonjngoI four of
foro Tol,0r!Eio) driQoirtgrioAd.ioETo EJ'LlrcQto rcr€idd3ovc, flve porticosalong an absoturelysn?jghtEmpoflo! seaironr.
orrrtu,(, t1'rropoTlroz! E6v!.ir.tsortu€ar\r1tq.r,.rriq
Mrooil! This scems10 be, from rhe functlonat liewpojnt. atrsolnrely
crnorlr jri(lr€io KaQoiozdrt 6(0-( ro Toi,orreio,l,ioro€ l]dl]oq re&sonable.
and absolurctyconsisrenrwith the sotutjonofrhe
ol0 rErQ(tyrirvlL)!,a0rqr€pino! Try 066Noropd To spp(t6(rr Hippodamcianplan. Suctran ideal tayouLtroweverrs rn cor
roL,rrxoio./iirroJudeich oErr€Qiro!l,5 r.tttr lradlcnor to sone basicprerequisjtes
fbr aru fecorsrrucdoDof
Q. iQogr1ttrlrtt1€rcr?ll(])ro|o1,\,oU.i.1
rotl 16A0|. ollit ro0o the form ofrhe ancienrporL.sLrchas rhe obtigaroryaojusrmenL
aL:arc!olprl0w.n!€ nr qt6q puEcrrotir o oToLt€io:To nQdrio of the portjcosto the sfiapeof Ltrecoasrtjne.lvhcn as a rure
rti.r! ro .\Liliurt$l. o !.Etd],ogf6iog o.rl
!6ort iixQqro!ror ihey follow, and corespondenceto rhc piers.
Ltr"roqior,. njror.p),iro!tn rltri {oLo!o\jid, ro! O€6+Qoolorj Particularly useful dara jn iecrearirg Lheancienrform of


ro mi)rrLriaL\rc)iolrldrnr 1tll ro Qovroor|xd0ol,aoooStw€ro, Cantharusalj contairedin thc mapsmadebeioN;nr- ieix.ts

ro xaebl nor rrr [IFfq ioll ! !o oril"!€r Enr6€Lrrul.{x ro bolr was bored jn by the 19th centny ivha.tii '! fii \tnriie.:l rE
io iori orl! ipdn !o (oro on6!i:n AEi+Lo)tro\rc €LonedE€r of 1687r and that of Curtius in 1841.The an.ieoi io..:ii'.r
J.r.oo^o/0rrcru Tub 'rQo|a!^' , / ' r o , o , g I A u . " n b c r . . o n i t u L r J L a : , 1o n t h . o - . l , n e . i t h ( - o . . t r i " :
a.r610 J"LtrD.\t: dtklo,plroq,(o1ol,.AA|oro4,.Eei\rl ...-.alr r- lLreprt..ddL,) ....i ', i' r"u.",
or 1,15)H nl"IooOoQlo lo! oXohom!,1 $dLl.oriI! €ilryL owirrg to the ris€ in the sea level at the end of the pe.iod ca
. / r . , r / r . , o u . ^ i o r i , o c c r u r . c . r ' o+q r " v . . a ' vy i r . o antiquity.which is knowr from measurements of otberGR.\
A40o6iolo\,.clror€).oiioorxo )1iQrooltp-rioro! Kav(JdQo!. coasts.The picture is confirmed and supplenentedbt' ihe
r f , B . r r o ' , . o r oo I v ' o t : r l p c r e l t o - r , Q l o o L ! r , r layou! of lhe plers and the ancientruins that rre slill lisible.
ox€ljiq ro! ],rpor|,on, ro! 6./nro\r q! €noti]ro! Alryoioror, Wiih respecr!o lhe pieft (in this regardthe two or threepiers
6no! o! oll|t'lo o!o(])oQd!Trd ro! €vronrop6r0r! lrrxzpa! oD Cu(ius\ map arc of interest,which owing to their rize
(il1ooo!d60rvtlcl rt\r €nromr! ror n)"oiror)1p1ors:norvtcr and their conjecturedconsiNction, may bc daredIo dre clas-
oltpcv ri6irpo tl\ll|rfiolo! Lwo\ltoirOI Urjripc, ronoesroir- sicalperiod),it is self-evidentthat theirpositionand direclrlrn
lii:rr sxti racxaQo0€!ro!,1€10por,(1o! oroliori) xor tL€rclEi followed the logically ard functionally obvious layou( at
ox16\,x.rlio! xranDElru€ros,no! 'rEqrypd4,EroL ;Lcq 6'n6o right anglcsto the wharf in the harbour.On the other hand.
Xitcrrc)io.rpLorepd(H€rrdve|ll)nQoEro6rqrd(E|rJIoQrov) io! it has beenproven by excavatiorsrhat Roman buildings. as
olpavT|x6lratuvpvlll0iov 10!:r! rov \,€{raiov,ror '',oonrlq v e . l r . r h el J r g e- . l e , a b o J r
o l , , e - n ra : . . . e e
Al])aoSiqgxor rov orodn,. nol only obliged io adjust to the same tenain features,bul
Av 1Jndater opooorvio GEixlQeol cr(]re),eio Milchhofef) or! also followed then consciously,using Lhc foundarionsafd
JrQoc xI(]ao! ],iclrrIFoaQ!ro! ALolEirylrlrrog,ro iiroOE!ro1i€r n1aterialsof older, classicalbuildings, ln such a wal IhaI 'n
.0 o -r I r', r
u: . ro{ F/-lopoU. uv onouv oT l-ovo I the frequent changesof lheir direction thal can be.leally
e6(]l xlrr r1poa4)!,,rlld ox6po xor o oaroFoqoporopllxsiicrl. discernedon the map. we are obliSedto recogrise lhose ol
fLo n,4d6Eryuo.€ivordrprroroor oe o1riaE ?i€Qrlolpdleror I their classicalpredecessors
ri€at4,tFit Mcxad:rod. rio! roro0ri€iiormo Fop€ro dkQo.rtio The coresponding l.Lyout ot the Emporion pontcos rs cor
A, y,r,. ,1o I p oxoroJl]1f .r.' | F/ ,uviuu oI !ov'. oro finncd by the idenrrryofat teasttwo ruinsat drcsoLrthandnonh
"u -:
Aro",uyFo.| 6 .d - A., Lo ^tr!.ro[], i nr flv .lu'o end respectivclyofthe corixnercialseclorofCantha$s.
flile "1|lop{i] proqorodE1 ov .'iQ6r0ro "/to61l:lv tlnci€prcId,- Unlil recently,the only ruil] that has wrth ccrtarnly been
ao 6a0€oIq€U.rropE! uor!o!. identified with onc of the live porticos of Emponon is lhe
A!o).o oFepor6qrorlJroel€rxor orsnaoqrr iidioErtxor! coner of a building that lvas excavatedin the co.
orodrv.OIeg or ve6rrpegavow:lQoordoEr,s io! lrB(lrvroi,.116 ner of Notara and AJtemidosStfeets,as the lresent day Har.
Eisil'l iorr Kaupert Milchhoferxor 18891.1r1(r! Judeichro Trjkoupi St. was then knowD.The descriptionand the plan
1930.f0rgfiq !€arrep€g ro! TQi:rtll,oir 10 1969ror lcr! Hoepfner publishedby i. Dragaisisr)is clear ln terms of thc shapeand
- Schwandner. 1986xor 1994,o!F4o!oi\, ofl]l, JmadraElrov dainrgofthe buildirtg.It was a colonnadewith lhree stcPsin
rEoodQ(Dr it mm€ mo6l roxir tLrtroE tLrdq lxrohro E!01ryaop- which was a seriesof alnost squarerooms (lnternal.ltmer-
ptq raQo).ioq1.J!EF roAio!.Toi]io ooi\,etcLfLiotr€L1o!p]tx,1 sions:6 x 5 m.). The total width of the buildtugwas 15 55 m .
olo).tlIl:l loT it xor.on6],rirL1 onllooll lr! ro rnnobdplr.o01:6to the wjdth of the grcundwork 1.50m l'he rnasorty datesiI lo
),ir('rtM@r6rotar,3oa',1! 6,dxoE!6pX€raL 0rmooo,oEovii00ort fie late 5th centuryBC. tsut fie mosl intereshngtact 2boul
pr 13ooLx€q nQoirro06osLq rlle€, lvolil:!-ic1ott31ritg xl'tEUoQ4)!g lori this finding is !ha! (as shown by dre positionof the foadson
oQ1oio!l.rFrvrolr,or(Lr!YronoQdbEtllto €ilot ! 1lnoXQtt rlml Dragatsis'splan aDdconlirmed by its accidenialredisco\e.l
nQooappo.,rl ron' ototh mI poaoi q! rioQolioq.q\j onoio nr 1976i) the buildirrg is not, as has bccome geDe.all) a.
Streel and
ralir ao\r6voaxoiolrooiv. r.i.lL I rn'rLoioqionao! xLqnaopl!- cepted,positionednorthward,larallel to Notara
rEElJ14EqaeUtLg). to our modcrn quay, but on the conirary,halrng Artenndos.
r!! oQ- Har. Trikoupi SI at iis back arrd iti gradatedfacade lumcd
l6rl1ir€adlpitortrc oroq€iLrTrc|irl! orlo)1ordorlxol
tlrlq poaoi! ior Kolodpo! r€A|.tolr! or XdQr€E no! €It'',av ontoNotaraSl. it was oiented wesiwafdtowardthe Cusloms


ia'v arir rov slxrporro!6 rou )'4r,,!rciJ

U€o.,oli:rr'iQrrl66u0 i.e.whereth€southern "lrmtt aJtheretfiaat b.,.v'.was<)nce
1., ro' r9.', aL on6 rov Ev€1r'n6
xdprr 10! 1687'd,g €x.ilio siruared. Bv placingrt on lhc map,ard calcLiratrng
ro! Curtius, ro! l8,l, H .'Qtoio (xroyQ(g*! p-ropeiln ono- irs renSri
'ncraotooti p€ pdol anaiogously with thaLotthe stoaotAftalos(wilh whjchthere
to -orn0cp6 o' 6l.o19oltotg ro,,g areother
e.g.wro,'respectb uredrmensions o,
TdQTrs Jr'pilQo!'po r4g nopoiicrqxcr r:roroyilovzog r1v ttrest'opsana
trreaeptt itthcpo.lrco) ar r30m.,wecansce
,tioX(bQloitxlg or. o!'vdn€'orIE ./v{rorlq on6
!,€rQito€r. o€ rharlrs desig".orr"iona"a ro u rp.",irc flankiigplanh dre
Itol"rt e))"rvwd!noai,.i€E-&vi1'oo!E rrg oxdeFlgqg
0d- patternora;open rI ior thesrteor rtrecon,,'erciatpon.The
r''cooo!olo x6l"ogxrE clQx&L6irlosTtr €o{6\,0sn#€For6rfl
datawe haveabourtheinternalrayoutan.ldmcDsjons, posj
Irtrro! l'lrl"rp6veL I 6|tiroE! Ito! nao0),rrtb\, lr.rrrr oQxclior'r,rionandabovealtorientation (casrwest)ofthe sourirernnnst
oQEmio'v, ro1]ilrcrvdx6pltlrA(116. OEnao! rrq eoplitrEE €! of tlrc6veporicosofEmpofrum,coutd
nQott€t!"evo €!6roQ6gowoL6no! iaEq nAopllr€qior
XdQnt the s"*a, ro, *," o,1., pu.rrcos.whlch nay very posslbly
ro! curtius,no! 1.6'/(D loti B€"/600!g ror rrq ,I|eolol.o./oi)!-€\alqhavea sinitar geneLat tayour,wrtn oi counethe deviations
xa1(llrr1oulq rolg Eh,0rbr\ror6!0 i{po.vol"o.rr00t|1 olorq rii,o imposedby thecorespondence wnh rhelargepiers.
orxoriExQ.vo.,q EivoL .,.,1.'\'6110,dirr 06.'rn.r rrr{."'ie!'vor1 The nonhernco'nrerpaJtot the podco of Dfagatsiswas
lorrEororo!0loEq )'o!xd xfl )'errorallxd€m0al.)'6$jvl6d- lheso caled
Maba,trod,lvh1chwasrecentlyrderrijtedat thc
rah oeoaet '/ovic n{oEro xQlnibor,:tro! i,rl.r]l'vroi. Ano qv noihernendofEmpodon,al tre corneroflheAktiposlrkmos
d)"}'rntrflJQd, *vooroQLxdamdendetcr 6rLro pouoid rri andcounarisr. TheMarla Jrrd, whichis usuarlyidenrined
prd.6ftDq x.'Ll. urld)lq 6nr.'rg rru€rlrd 6Ql.','o!larolrEirq witrrthe Alphrpoltr (rhe
nane meansthe galleryin which
aQldrcrlroE,6ItF1'o rnoxQ€ii)o$id1, vrxnQoooQFooroi'v orr! alpl,id, i.e. grourd bafley,wassotd),wasrhecenrfeof rtre
i6rcge6c<fnigltopriroel6,olJ.dridt oro),oi0!ou1,orrorotro grnn emponunr.a basic
secrorot p'1aeustrade(it is ca]cu-
xelor|rnm(ilroq ro os$L|(r ttor to !111i6rov ridLdrcidQLDv.laredthatthereweresixgrainships unloadxrgcvefy dayin the
xl'lrorr6l'€'/rftoordo[ov, 6rlJ[6m€ oirEounr6Eol.],oytEorll! por) on whichthesurvjvalofArhcatargelydepended.
xoffir(J1j\'oir rorq. nr]l bLoriQivolror xoocQdoro xdpq, !o €i- the importedbarleyor corn was stored,at reastthal which
ptrorElfiola€o!€vot vo ololal,Qioo1ju€ Exaiv€q ril)! xtroourrirv wasnot transporte.l ro Alhcns."andirom thererheReetwas
Qo6p6Fovtolq provisioned bcforedeparure,andgrarnsotdto thepeoplein
Try ollimorn .orcr[1ro'v.1106!iou EproQ{o!€r!3s0ord) lheevenrofa grainsbotage.IntheknowndescrilrioD
l€fIrt inol r0r'€QELlirDv ror)dlorov 8io o106r,. mo vdrrcrcrL mobilisationin Aristophanes, Acha,nians,. thestadechoe.l
u6a€urowimorxn dxQoror E!'oa,roii rop{o ro,, Kovodao!. with the din oJ the nuhitude [i e. rhe seamen]as he par
To !n'o6ui6'oro, lnxar rrp6oodro€ir! rLlid Fxfla.- ions alba e!four werccounted'.i5 andt,on Demostheres
lrllo< 1c1!xfo0€i F€fLi(loni)rtq ntlr€ oloa! 1(r! E!""roAio!Eiror (34.37)wetealnfiar in difiicrrlttimes.irwastheMakruStad
! €voqxxelo!, rro\J( io 1886m! "/rovicr xoj1] andLheshilyardsiurowhich rheArhelianswoutdcrowdto
ob6v Noroad karAQr6u.6oq, om,Eovo!.o!6rdvi6ro 1oltr"€ buybrearrandbarley11our. This mayalsoexplaturhespecial
Arv! 066( XoQr.Lro!TQu{oiinl.H ri0QrTQs4,l ror ro ox66!o narureof rhe ponico\ iirernat layout Atorg genenllines,
m! blpooielJoeo l. AQolalolql tix'aLooQtlorgnQoq-r1pop rheconstruction andtosirroning areconsisLenL wirhtheponi
q! xor I X0o\rol6ylo!ro! rireto!. co describedby Dragatsis(colonradc with shopsat the ba.k,
Ilp6xError./trpo r.iLoloororyic $ rqeq pa0Bi6eq, ox1\romio havinga iotatwidth of about15.5m.)t wharis. bolvever, ot
Ltvoi./€Iflo€Ado/,e66!x€lQoytirvor' 6ogtxio! GL'ur.lLam 0x lireresrisrLrarelerlshoplhvehaveatreadybeerexcavated)
5 F.).To olvoILX6rrl"dro(xo! rlLQiou€iv(r[15,55p., ro r droq is diridedimrorwo areas,on€room6 x 4 m. andbesid€ii a
irt! xplniloE 1,50p. H ioqoio !.iir:EJItrQ 6r€Lr!\' ro]llr06rlot longnffrow storage area6 x 1.5m.,possiblyfor granr,which
ror oro!1lm38o50ar.rLX.ToJIl,o €\,6|,(r4)6po!oroL1elo ro! e! couldbe supplieddirectlyfrom lhe road(widrhabou!5 m.)
artlaroq €ilaL6rL(6noc6€inl i] 060Iro! bQ6povo io 0{€6|,0 thar separated the back of the porricofioln rhe city wall.
ror AQo./oro!ror €rulj€pairdftI rlr1c{o€rlrv€iQ€orl rori 10 Giventherole of rhet ttyesin organising thedeme,bothin
1916'i)rt x.(r€rer1'olro! )irL!io! 3E! Ei\,or,6noqtEvrro iI the Councilandin the mobilisation, e g. in mushallmgthc
'iireLaro6txr6,:rpo< ncadlUU rt! 1166 Notapd ror crews and allocaringthe sheds, it is perfectlyreasorable to
Bopqd ll!

M oautiprya, a.,0ailn a r ! ri Q.rq,td In nt

'ilt or]lQol!
U|EnQox!Urio,ol).d ov,ti0srodiL|Ixrar,61ovr.rq assumedre apllication of the samefdnc4rle nr thc dinribu
'i!! n).drl orry ob6 Aa#p6os / q Foi]u6o- o r . o ll r d r I r l i . a e . e \ . r ) l o p i o l l d b e d ' . ed o
q ro! nQ6oou oraopFt!! oqr olo NoioQir,xi:rr€!8!!orl:!v the storageand saleof the grain of otlc lritlys, whlch woL'ld
b]] TEi0rlEio, 6no!. 6rtio6i, €ix€paseeir..l,.rL6r!0(l presnpposel0 suchcollpartments,and a btal lcngth of200
o v6nD<<daoqd.!pan;tupdp.lor'. H rono061!ortqr orod! m., i.e. enoughto justify the nameof LheLoDg Sloa.The sig
XdArjt,z.rrd rtv onoioro pitrog!m)"olio0lr€ xor' oroioli., nificaDceofthc Stoa iD supplying lhe fleet a d its optorlune
.! l o u u u \ ' - d ' ) . o '1 , , \ . o u : r c ( Q \ ' r r / r , - o ' . posrtionai lhe front oflhe Chonatier, at ihe ponrLin Pi.aeo!
.ivcr).oi,i.q. r.).. b|aordoeLq xo\r !c.1,o[irr xor ro closest{o Ectioncia,cxplain thc decisionof rlre o}igarchsin
oeu ,:ouoc o_o 0r..^,.:.o||o.oLo - r\ I 4 l l B C i o i n . o r t o r a t ei t i l t o t h ea d j r c c n tw a l l ( a t a d i s r a n c e .
' Jv o : roI\2.,L.."bru , , r u o r : m o o ar / . as we have seen of jn( 5 m ) (ThucydidesVlIl 90). ft rs
Er6q&\'orXrotfi 1()! tdroo! rolr sgrroprxoir ir|L[\,oq.To oioL possiblethat lhe <seamen\ mafket,,.which lhe \!rner oi rhe
I€id. nor tXorp€ i,ro irtr roorepL11.t dLordqlt noL rLq6Loordorrs, 'qasein Denosth.52 liaces, as lve have !een, h Cld'ra. in
'irl 060! )1oL.r!Qioq,q! xciDi0!vot (olorol,rrd. 6!ind)q( front of fte Mdira Sroa,is idenLilicdwrth the .r,r?r./.r?i
vorror€Qll!cno IL{ nE!irioroa!rox EFnoSio!,flrlrQ€i\r'onoi€- ,"drtr€i' nentioned by Pausanias(1.1.3 dnd there \d5 .li€
l,iootlrrov 06!16\ir.rq\, o\loqixltollalr'l ru,!lljlor"oino!moiir!, Long Stoa. 1n rhi.:h ||.ts | tlEit rldrketpkL.e a, th.
ror onrrirr!irilcrrriolir Jlleoli I,trvrimorn telLrritSrdroq!.F! . T l . . . ' r^ . . . o r d r . . a . . o p , ' ) . . i . D u i . , :
1 c : 0 8 , \ ? . o ,, . l t : f r o - r l o n [ ] o r r . \ ' , n o , J . , i , o l that of the modcrn Pineus market.
XionQo(iL<!r,/a).sE jrQoDtritft.. The identificalion of the rcnLai ing porticos is mo.e dia-
To lj6p€rco!iioroLXo tq orodErorJAQoydrot dirors),oi ! r rir 'r'
oEI Moradrovouaq6lr€!!:rod, no! €vronio0rt,r€ r0do4,oi.1 ilr lhe seclion of ihe Enpodon south of the Did..usrir-


olo l3opsrodrQo ro! Epiopio!, mrl tolio xrlgAriiE nooer is deceiving. Verl fcw ciassicat ruins have been brought
dd1,oEt1€qv 066 foiJvoAl. H Morpd tuod, no! rolii(Erat to light by the anxious search in the Daiah of lhe sunken
.,\ b ./r.r\,4 , . , t , - v .' r o o r ' o u r o l ! , narbour under L-liefoundationsof the late Romar buildings.
]{q'edar,lIov ro
rtuionwo\rro.tldrra,6ll.(16!ro oleop€vo snrcethey werc eirherdestroycdby the Dewerones,of have
1.:, 8o _n or r,{our/ on n . fdorro I irlllr /ou uL o '.u disappearedunder the sea. Owjng lo the carcful mode of
flrrcoLo(r:mloyiloltar ot 6EL io o|1or,ortdd'oio ro! E€{6a constxction and on ihe basisof the dimensionskrow0 liorn
trov(r roorlprprvri mo Lpdv0, 016 ro1onoiooEu€yoloilc0po the portico of Dragatsis,nrainly ibe breadlh ol lhe ground'
.!oQid\no\, ! €nLFioo,t irtq Airu.'iE. EliEioro0l)1Fx6id!io work. which for lhe back waLlsnust havc exceededI 20 'n.
'eooy6p:ro and for the foundalionof ihe lr?p;r (sGircase)2 m , a'rother
xpr0riprilotdaL,6006€! u€to$€aorovo'[nr A01i-
vc,! r4(Lono €x€i1Lv61o! I eoQo6oololo! 016).0rnQn'on6 two ponicos were identified.The foundations(lcngth 15 m.)
' c v o r u o ' l o o L c n o I n ! ' " o I o r o ) o o . r T n i .r J o l of tlre back wall of the secondpofico were identified about
I I.
orrob€ioE. :q Ylororitr€QqQool qE €rLorpdMoIE oro!! 280 n. norlh of the porrico of Dmgalsis. at 70 Filonos Sr at
Axcrpleiqxo! AQLmo+dq 1 oroir ,r\.r11eiono to Borqrirrotr a disianceof aboui 40 m. sorth of lI MerarchiasSt,'" and at
n).!eo!! (E\,\'ror\'loriirlr) xo06! BsxpLot\aot oLF€pil€Ero I deplh of about 0.20 m. below sea leveL.\ahile a section 7
1laLodtre!po," x,rirono ro At|tooe6q (34.37) pdl](li!o!p€ orL n. long of the groundwork of the trep;r fof the nexr (tlrird)
o€6iorio),o]JE xolQoiqirol'md NE68Lo}.otq lvll]trpd:tod, porlico was fourd coveredupby harbourinstallsrionsof Late
6101,oLAolloior mprl|rl1\,o1'ro!yu:tvo l,o1rioor1ru.opi xor. Antiquity oLlAkti Miaouli,l75 m. north of the onelrevrously
'ipredl'Etlao. TonxosqT/.l iooE,t0[ rtv drcpoa+l.irlq eo0rl€- mentioned.rT ln contrastto the prcviouscases,it is difliculi !o
pLrlqSoppi0polq qg oiod!.:sytvt)t6qyQoFpEEI xdioora it attributelhe other classicaLrulns thaihavc beenunea'|hedat
rcr.q 6Ldrnll orglorei pflt orodio! Aoataro! (xrcloorot times in the alea beliveenthe four poiicos that hale already
lio !-. riio0rpalaf,rd, ou\ro).1n6.droEmQino! 15.50p.).ro beenconnrmedto any one paficulaJ ancientbuilding To this
.!dro4,aQo\', oor6oo,tlvor o rid0r $:!]oqi (axorvct\tooricoal caiegorybelong,e.g. the vestigesof a seies of al lcastthree
rtSfm!r€) lnadL€rol osSiroI6Qo!!,6!0 Stotrdrto 6 x 4 p. xot rooms (width 6.50 m. against5.50 ln of the ponico of Dra-
Sinlo avd! plxxp6or€loono0lxE1]iD6XdAo6 x 1,50F..r0.r galsis) aloDgFilonos Strcel betweenFilellinon and SkoLrze
r6rn'ratrt or.ranooixl,l onoicreo p1oQot1o€ !orpo+oboreilor. streets,lhe position and layout of which woold not preclude
zc|i€roEiovord ro 6Q6Fo(n).diorEmaino! 5 p) ro11ldratL€ the; being attributedlo a|olhef stoain the Enporion. lb onc
1!\' nlor! qq orodqan6-roreiloq ilq ]Iouq. Atbop"€vo! ro! ofihe buildingsvariously rcferredto bl iradition. possiblvto
061c)l ro! rAliliorv or!! oAydvorort 10! bltpo!,1600 mlv 0x sone sort of rcsting sile (, may have belonSedparl of
! \ r o c i o ^ i i . ! o - ' t v I q m o o " u L ' I .r . / m ] 0 u / ) t \ r a o l | \ a building excavatedslighdy southoflhe th'rd stoa.oppostLe
n),Iao$rloJl, '{or ortv',roiolo[4 ror lE0iooixt v. Eivornolir thc Dlarergnd. OD ihis site. lLtthe centfe of the pori was drc
Lopil 1 rr60eo1 1la qv €Qoapofl xtq i6wq opXitg'i,l:rolrl Det8,?a,tbe geographic:nd operaiing centre of Empofion
6Ld0oolrov ourlgrir :t irftdt q! malrlroolt xiil]€ Wl,oqi 0a This was an area (in the te{ts it is called simply tuP,s or
:rqoop(6r,rv 1nIry ,rno0ta€!o]t xclt ilt ijLdoEo!1o1roiior Urcr! place) fbr displaying samplesof impodcd nerchandise o!
,^,-rJo,.t'to\,crlo noour0,, l0 | ^ro6cFoo"ro'u./l the basisof which ransactioDswould take place and where
alo or\,oLrx6 plrcq 200 F.. opxEr6 yro vo€r rI! atl the banks ( or moncy change$ tables)w€re es
o r o w o o , c . c\ { o / Q 6 - : , o o . . H o l , r o o i o q . J o J u l 1 l v labLjshcd,a type ofconnodity exchangeand bankmgcent'e,
' o o Q o o o o c r r uo r o ) o 1 4 | n ' n u r 8 r0 . 0 1 I ( t n l o o l o o l r ' aslwe would call it today.and for this reasona log'cal targe!
anopd0oo,lo X6po, o,Io rilodoi€Qo oxry H€ntjrvEtoolF€io ior surpriseraids by lirates lrke TeleutiasandAlc{andras of
ro! tlslpcrld, eq1toi\' iI! (!]r6odo! xov ol"LloQxttltl! 1o 4ll
r.X. !c irl! slorDuoili)oo1]\'mo rsaoxsiutao (o€ on6o1.1ol
6r!D-.€i6ol|: pl'q 5 p.) ioi7o! (Ool1lt.O 90).Eivor n$o\'6\r 611 4.iaaq nr tiooa.l0! Kavq.iPar 1
dl 11/oQarov v(xri(i!,, no! o ortysoodoq rlq tlnoeao8trEolo I lpttutodld, Ituo!.iror )
\ r. .e :'-ono0 r .oiuc /60+.olo\rrl.Lroo,'r'rmr Rehnintol .otunh tt lk runh t Cornxu^
lv{ozAi{:1oo. iorriioiot tL€rlv ElrnQtlil o1o0o notio1'c(QsQ€l IDnpe te na.j,ni txu Jdclotr )

l':,i;. ' _-.$


,l*' ' E -


['1el.o Ilotlodvicrq(l.i.3j to.rr6a fllS olodq

fllq UitrlrQoq, avoa Pherai.To this famousbujlding mat be a(ribur€o
r.a0aorlxEv dyoQdroiEari.rllE0oidoortd.H edol,roe6),o!.irJ_ rne comer
of a sttucrurewith an inrernatcotonnade,rcfurbished
lora, o!Urirni€r!r durilrlE olr./lQoqgoryoQdgro! II0eo[bE. the Roman period. lvhich hxd beenexcavaredin lhe pasr.
Arono/,6x€Q!€i.vol! old,fvdQto! .i(r)1i on
tno^oln0r.yoro(jjv. F'ilonosSr.25 m. froln lhe intersecrioD
with IIMenrchias Sr,
H ;ruxrdr1ro rrov trrr]oxo+ rl\, .xQlBnrov, t6Loi1€Qo i.e. at some dislancelrom rc sear! The monumcntatnarDre
lprtpa ,io! EBrropio!voriog iot| ALoqEiTpcrxor, eil,drnooo ofthe site in fiont ofrhcreis,rr, in which copleswere usuaf
nLo\,Iruili.E)dlrmc, ei\rorro ri),ooL)ld €QEr,lro nor aXsrQaQsr ly erectedofthe votesofrtre deme,as taterofinpenat lcrten,
oro doq I otovd)8lE .r.voqlqot Fro(toro
l3o{jaroro! plor rs conhrnredby the basethar has beenlound ar rhe comcf of
our1rolr nrlovrorirdi0r ano ra o€!€llcl.ftD\r rJo.rEQoQorF.rixdrl Akti Miaouli and II MeErchias St, which probabtyborc rhe
rrLoAorr0!,xa06qorjrd Eir€riorooiQdQlriovcJmrl1\,€6€Ao, slele
ofPoseidon,aroundwhich rheofficesof rhe uaKers aDo
Ei{€EEo(boliorll1o! r.idxoojrbro udmbotlg odtoonrig.Xdpl of the person responsibte
for testjng the auihenticity of the
olov €7rqr€^r'Itrl€vo iQorrirriinclori€rilg )ior |r€ijdol rr.! lvormtg cons cifculating in the Enporion were arranged.r,
ofio1! olo(r ro! ap01.11oloLoordo€q, ril|Qioq1o jrJ.dloE 1r0v The reason why rhe innin rvhad fo. utoadnrS cargoes
oE!€l,ior,nor}yro rollEnioo roiXorg,rQ6r€r !o €€n€Qvorlos ro and thc centre of conrmercial rransactionswere buitt and
1,20!. xlrr yro xrlvriQ!ni6&ro 2 p., tLrr6Q0oov vq rfllrioooijl, maintainedfor a thousandyeats in rhis pa|tj{utar tocationnr
6!o ax6p1oro6g T,r 0E[d"ta(F!rcrq t5 p.) ro! nioo roixo! the port rs certairly
rts sjte, which cnsires prorection from
rtq 6si'i€Algoxodgro! ).rfinroi €\.ronioe!)iov oio 280 the south winds, to which on ihc conrrary its north side is
Lr poqeioqt1g orodEroti AQaldloll, orry 066 O0,0r!oq70 oE exposed,but alsothe proximity of rhe gares.Anorhersignili
orvroroolmoi ro ,{0}r.lo.rlorE 1!g o6oi Ae1jr6pog MEQdQXii{,16cant advantageofthe site. which has not beenpoinredour to
xo!oe0d0ogmQirrr0,20p....i(iior an610enlr€6oqq 0d).oooo!, date,is Lhepresencehereofan aburdanrvein ofundergrouDd
€\,r0rtLilpolr'Iiorg 7 p. qE 4tri&E qE €rro!€\atE(xAix!E)oxo- water which permitted
the easy provisjoning of shjps. Ar
dq IjA6€Ix€!of€!oon6 1|{).LU!vDi6E etroromdosL!rltg chaeolosi.alproofis pfovidcd by a nun$er offouDtdrs and
ior€QIq (rp1or6rlioq,oflt! Arnt Mroonl"l,175F Bope6.i€pa installalionsforpunping ware. which
beganin antnluity and
on6 xo nQol"/orllwo.rr:€ cl! orot n{oErr4n{o1tro![EvEEJljAF ended at the iamous Trcumpa (=pump),
to which the once
ni6o316,! djr66oo!oEavootlyxelipr.F€\,o cQloio disreputabledistrict ofrhe harbourowesits namc.On Filonos
xliQrorov urol"olrvr! rictorxdr! eqetrirovml 6Xour wnol ptrv Street,55n. froln the Dragatsisportico,a constructedcisten
e€i xclxit litltpoirt o.rl\r riepLolil crldUron orq SLanroti,r!trleg 4 x 7 nr. for groundwate/ has been found wiih a condnir
r6ooeQrE mo€(.:E oLrrilntvrorlyoQio ovil%oriv n.I. ro xclrd that was designedIo supply some fourtain. Unfo.runately
l,ouraU.loE o€LQoE ror).dIwlo! iQrdrv &ipoxirLr!(n].dro!<6.50 the desciltion is no! clear as rcgardseithcr the date or the
p. c.\,riro! 5,50p rIE orodqror AAotdro!) xord pi'roErlq olcration of the fotntain. so lhat it lnay have beeDliDked to
o6oi Oilorro!, f-€roEiOfi€D,ivro1'lroL:ro!(d. ! 06ll! rol! Hadrian's is however certain that lhe sameun
6droE! rLL)vomi0r! 8sv 0o omril,€Grlv or6Sooil ro! o€ frio dergroundstrcan was used larer !o supply a public fountain
0xoul orod 10! EFnoQio!. and the installationsof the late Roman complex of rhemal
:E d\,oon6 xixronitro o1'ooeQ6lr€\ro oil\r ndQi(bool nriQrd baths wlich occupied a laJge section of the block denarcated
tur firpdtprLrvovro lriOo lox EirxrcQio!, nt0cfl61',6tfttq 6Ei- by Nolara ll Merarchias (olokotroni and Skouzc strects,
tr€rI snr$l€rorrE rsroor.ieljlqrov roilov xoLxolJ l,lordoro! and perhapsalso the wells of fie nearby excavatedmode.n
6am6ou,oendmr.oltoxl o\.!x€rlrtllIxmeior no! ovoodQrt' building complex between LeosthenoLrs - Skouze Iroon

\rordr€Qdar6 qv lQir! oroo,ofi€\,ovrt610At(r!€xlln. Polytechniouand Filellinon (Rondiris Sqnare)

xs ).r.,/o
:rl060rl atlt!, oro x6\5Qoio! fu!o!ur{1rorceei€({ctr1o Aeil 1,8rDY8dor)6 }1 ernleLQloro)t6 x6lxQoxo! EuilirQiolr.
EnQo"srro./Lo avovX6Qo (oxo x€ill€1ro ovopde€xor, otildq 1o Ta Ndqrp&txb drdftrul)o lor ntAorixar at4r AraAi O1.1 a
ro() irll]solC 6€r1p.r1r(Lrr r('1r€|oaYoU€vor\r €pJIo0€tiBoro\] ljdo€l (Altdtoloy&a i\'1.@.toIleaatn)
- u . o i . u I v o v r u v o . o J v o ) l o Y c . o : r o . r /l Ir u vo' r l p v , J vot|'erelteloJPtltahik t tu ASatheThea
o;.8:oLia irir€(eq. 6vo€i6orXQItLolwiltQlotiEFrIoaflli ar0rrl.or IArch@o tasi.aLMtsru'| af Pn. eut

* i,,:



. ..r ,"- --r'


Zyedriypappa rcu Eptroglou:pt pil.e ypappri oqptubuetu 4 Sketchof the Emporion: the modernshorelineis drawn with a blue line; the
oiyypourl axtoypapprj, pe 6ad.r1(ya),tiln/xirptu4) q axtoypappfi coastlinebejorethe building o;fthe wharf is representedwith a cloubleline (bluel
rptv an6 r4u xaraoxeuri n1gxpqni\ag rou )l.pauoi, pt. xdxxLuq yellow); the classicalruins are shownin red and the Romanonesin green.
yaappi dftodidovralta x),aomdxat pe tpdow1 ra papaixd qeima.

rQoxrsqrxoix6vrQou,6rrog0a l,6ycpeof1pago,, ev6e8erytrr,evo

yr,c The restorationof the semicirculararrangementof porticos
ro ),6yo o,ur6 or6xo rtrlv o,LQvlbLovrrstQo,rrxdvem6goprilvrou on eithersideof the Diazeugmagivesthe Emporionthe shape
Tel.euda xo,rrou Al,eldvbqol rolv OsQ6v.Xto neqiQrlpocr.rto of a symmetricaloutline of the Dionysian drinking vessel
xriQro eo prroQoilosvo, o.fio6o0€iI yovio proEorxo8op,tEU€ (kantharos)to which to the port of Cantharusowes its name.
eo0lft Qr?.{,t
[x(0,,0,vovr(l)p€vlE orrl Q(t)u.oi]rf1enolf , nou On the other hand, the adaptationof such an arrangement
efle uvo,oxc,Qeino,l.oL6tegoorqv o66 @il"ovog,25 p. an6 v1 to the city's Hippodameianplan, and the need to isolate the
dLo,orarigoroq rnE o6oir Aeut6qcg Megaql(cg, os rtd,noro,, Oq- commercialsector,must have made it necessaryto build an
l"o611,on6o, aoq o,fio rI edtroooo.38To pvlpeLtirbl lagcxt{gc enclosurearound the Emporion. A portion of the enclosure,
rolj JrQorou A€(yp,oroEX6Qou,ofiou o'uvq0rL6ravvo, or{lvouv about 80 m. long, was in fact discoveredat that point and
avr[.ygaQcrov VqOLopdrcov rou 6flpou,6nolExo,LoQyoxcqo is noted on Judeich'smap. To it belongsthe foundationsof
r(Dvo,uroxQo,xoQrx6v enlorol,<ilv,enuBeBcr,rbveL
to Bd0po nou a wall 1.30 m. wide, of an extremely careful construction
Bp60r1xe otrl yovia t1g Anrfg Mr.aotl,rlxcuqg o6ot Aeut6qoE consistingof a courseof cubic blocks, which one can follow
Mepagllag, ro ono[o m0qv6 vo 6Qeqerqv oq],r1 rou flooel6d- for 30 m., on threecontinuouslots on Notara St. The wall is
vo:. i/irQolo,nornv ono[o (rcv eyxareoq;.rava ra, ygc,Qeiotrrtv contemporarywith and on the same level as the foundations
xcil.rou ooxrpootr] qg yvqoL6qroE roJv vopLopd- of the Dragatsisportico, but so close (ust 1.70 m. away) as
{clv rrol:xux},oQogoitoo,v oro Eprn6puo.3e to rule out attributingit (as v. Eickstedtargues)to a second,


O 1"6loqrlq oolDltq qryoxdolooit! xlrr 6KrialolE "/rcluio southwardstoaof the Emporion.Another paft oi \iali oj !i:
nrQino!ILtrFxior{E )r.€\]iQuilq onoFdoAd!s"+6pr{rolq rorv sameconstructionand width toundon its .is aboli l8O E io
€!.rrop uar0rv xr]tr-ro! xavreotl r0rv €!ropn6\r 01]\'l]).).(1,/6\, ' 1 . r o r f b e . o n g o. n e . a n e e i I . - r e . R e 9 d r d . e . b . . \ , \ -
mo ou/xerQrM1ro (1!16tdpo ror ),rg*og,rivor pipr:rLr:r 1 06o1 diency ofan enclosurcaroundthe Enporion sinile to ft:i s!
ror. :Irr e!,ro$,rLi!n qr :rpoorooioorrorollq vorLolqcvdFol1q. the dockyardsofZea and Munychia, many reservatroNn?\e
morq onololJq o\rxioeroelvoLerreoer,uerl 1 B6qei.a r "ergdto!, beenexpressed,as this latter was associatedi. the pan \i&
o ] ) " ) . a t r - f l t o t r r n u l u f v 4 o r L a , r " . n { . r Q , } ( i r o ' the hypothesisof a ftee customszon€ are
X6Qo!,no! 6tl i-)(!L6ro!rdrQosmortpav0ei.€ivorI naAol,oio€6d) nor. however.unknown in antiquity: they aremettioned siih
, \ . - ) o . u J l C o q o Q o 'JQ J t - a , . 1 uo - .U : 1 - a r r rl o v o v f r o respec!to Chalcis.Aegina,Seleuciaand the Tibef hdbou. in
.rv€$o6rcofo r(D! nloior. Try cet(lro),op t or66Eql naa€Xsl Rome. Hasebrockand StaDley,4r the most recentfesercheF
rr t o /
eL, r\;v ' ^o , viir.roroo, -' ov-).to'1. v. to . rlorr
l1o studying ihe linancial ofgltnisadon of the ton. arguelbr $e
I|L€Lonir flt! ,rpX1r6ll1{xror rrl"stri)vrLor{\, mQi4tu TQolrNro. functionalrole of the enclosufe.
o r 1 . u o u r , . o u o, ' o o \ J / o , l J r d \ \ o r .or-
" u " u q q r " q1ao
)1iilro! ).WIlvrci.Eni tgoSotOiiorroq.osordorool55 p. cni) The organisation of the linporion
r! mod ror daoy&q, l3aa(]rtrcr1lmi 8€Eouj:,\,ri{ 8|aoriroEol The Emporion.likc the dockyad, constitutedr vcry well oF
4, f.t- uyulo onucllrJq,a, l1' leoLdor,uo, c.Iorirn ganised,separatesectoroj rhe Lown.The manag€ment of nrch
:rpoop(6tov tpo<fobooidxdnoltrElipi1r'l(. Arlmr1drE,I an extensiveand aciiveisiie.wiih more than ten ships loadrng
ri€qrlrAaQrl 6r\10i\r{riooQiEo1ix0oE nQo(1I XQovol6}lo!. oixs and nnloading every dAy rvhile othe$ werc mooredoulsid€
or nQosl! i€r.louQllorI5 xai\4]q,orroq drm€1'11 trtv tLnrQ€i and waiting, with all the world of seanen and merchxnts.
vo onox).E|ooEi! qq
o"il!6€oil UEloAbQdl'sm!6po10ry€io. Ei nadeknown by oratorsand comedywriters,josdjngtogether
v , l i . o , ou. ' m o o n'.1 1 ' 1 ^ L / ' y o ' ^ r p u o : in the markel.tnd workshols in the halbour or tading e\e'\'
nQyo,po 70 ,fv eoq'o\ooiu / o. J tuo day xt fte De;gn, and afound the banksrequifed,nr addidon
t.rzGr(r(}Iclo.rd\irolr !m€aop0rpIlizo! oririaoni!ff oq 0€puri!, to the buildmgs we have described,specialisedjnstallations.
rJ'r.^r.^ohfior.t-, o.o t|n ro orrouoJxo ' -ao/uvou cranesand skilied operators.stevedores.boatmen.etc to sa)
U€IoEirov 0661 NoioQai Aflrr6Qc.q MoQoQXld<Kolor.ioxQdrwt nothing of seryicessuch as the tavefnsaDdbrothelslhat ue
a,]| :roriL6, ioog roL r0r! 'q"/ob'inr ro! nllloio1' crysoxoo61'ro! relatedto ihe entertainmentof sailors,for whom the pori area
ou.flQo1'o! ou{o6o$}loiolryiooxilFoxoq A€oo(]i!orrq :1or1 was the place in which, then as today.they necessanlyspetl
qi HQ6o! Ilo),!x€nr0io!1(orOL).€),1,1!o'v (nJ"ox€to PowitQ!). mostof thettime.All theseacdvitiespresupposeeff,cierl or
H o . u / o , u u o o r t - , , .r l t , / u / ) r / f 6 . c r o t -r , ' o , u ' ' / , 1 ganisationand poLicjng. l he authoritiesgovenrjngthc narker.
r6Ao0rv !ou ALcisllporo! ijivsroit [oQ(l)ilio! E]rnoAio!ro ihe city of Piraeus,and Sranrsaleshad the task of policing
orFtr.Eiplxo moiYpau1]ro! brov1]o|,l:txox olT€io!, oro ono(o the potr.eachone accordilg 10his j urisdiction.Fronthe nxd
Iooo-id ro 6\,olLdro! ro ).1$pLro! Ko\,ooQo!.Arid xrl! d).).I a l l . . 1 l l ) 8 . . l h e l e l O \ p ....tLptn.Ltu:t.t c- " a.,

n],E!AdI neoooQlo"tituoEriioroE b|cr(rqN oio r".Drobdptrc played ihe nair role. lt was thcy who monitored whefier
o,lJlr-f.rcl t..oru-ro tovol4{lonoLov otcrou Jrop\oU the merchantsaDdshipownerswere observingthe slrict liws
rorE.r.ra6i€r !o 6'{a',€olor,{oto rnr r.lroon€ril €r6qmaf6' governingimpolls and exports,eslecialty of grains bul also
lolr rou EFIoaio!.O r€Aipoios€hs,ftQdypoir, orrcxd),!Q0€i oio articlesof nililary importan.e.Thesamepeoplex liatedand
oll|L[io crii6 oEavo pilrcq rd\,(Lr ori6 80 p. ricxr o]lu€rdJ!€rormo directedthe rials taking place on related cases.\!e do not
XdOq xorJJudeich.:s o! 16\'rQ6rlr 1's .1\'it'/ouri(l 00!i).|o e\r6E know, howevef. whetherand to what degreelhey we.e also
'ioLlo! n).dro!s 1,30 EEae€r'xd€nL!€),IF€',!q x.lroor€ljitq, responsiblefof the organisationand proper operatjor oi fte
0]16|uo o€eo r!06ln0o! oroln UnoQ€i vo rr[lQoxol.ouorl complexport machinery.
rrEL]lorEiE o€6\rL1Fipioq 30p.,o€laia ou\r€XiJf€lo oft6m6o q(
o6oi Norcrpo.O xoiloEef\roro1rfiOo\,oq rorBQio,lEr(r[mo i6ro T H E C I T Yo r H t P P o D A M U S
€nin€bo|l€ro €eF€).|i1 rlq orodqro11AAotirrol. a .d 6E16l](r lf Fiaeus ones hs existeDceto Themistocles.ils fonn is tne
UXp! ondoioorl.trlolq 1J0 ]'l..doI€ vo o]rod€i€raLI on66ooil work (and this is one of its greatestahhoughfrequ.ntll foF


H m'dtna fueaE]tq< atiTnEroL n qatu.. TheHippotlanian skei.h.fnE ci.y aJ! nunbett

Ot apotol 'drtrott q Atu4 .Le.olq tuN aptjo\t@v: ikdicate the p.litian
in whi.h Ite hatkin!: wrt fond:

I ).ofuy dltloolar 6A0<(lihit .l thepubti. reiihe siks) 2. t;aron 64paoiar 6aas (tihit .f rheptutn bar) 3"4. tua1!.ior 6apo, [Ao< lhtu q h.
b.atbaJ)5 t!tuaia'di 6don .ieo< ltinit .l th? Earytion d"d :ne4) 6. . .66on (. !te4 i..iam dq ndat d6[. i aiotl tid. E, itr4raL tthe edne
reEianuptonLilE LbeL.lnst thecitr)3.?bdtio6.tiE6Aotton]Lt o<ntu awnonr imi(ronthx $re.t ta thepai ev.tthiry i::pubtt prapet4)
t liax4 don€ xi< d'a{ tfAe i Mautr,iaq tqi rijj.,6< leyerrt\i4 up to thn ntecLbet ns: b Munr.hid)

ror (]m! lrmmlQiE€rovonEicktedt)o0p(r 6€ir€Q!,i1]6fljiEpl Sottentitlet of the father of u$an planning. l-he pariicular
c'io voro\,,orod rori Eurroaio!.:iov i6rcn€aipolocr\nx!irc signiflcanceof Firaeusin ude.slandmg the urbal planning
oii,o rpittro roi1ori r6fo<roroor!1rit( rirxrnl.d.iollqrror pAiox0ior, corcepis ofHippodarnusls due to the fact rharthN city is his
o - o ro t o r . rr o ). a o - o J 8 0 / l ' , o u r r c h A cu.r 1 o : { o r n r ' o , t , ronly
l known work. The design of Thurji is attributedlo him
€!6( rreAtp6lorro! EFjrlraiolr.o1'riororyo!p€€xsivo! ro! Nalj solely becauseofhis p.tfticipalionin lhe esrabllshnlenl
of rhis
orlroFo! qE ZaoSxcuI]tE MorvryioE,€torJ\r6|0lurr0r6rinol),6q AtheDiancolony. while the plan of Rhodes,which was sei-
E:Il4,!).d!€r{,xd0drqorir6qErX€ ow6!0€i ?rr.rcxsQlrF€qv !rro0E- tled in the late 5!h certufy BC, is no longer attribu€d ro him
ot Uaq ftl,ol&crriE €).€!06AOq !d\llE. IIaa6For.€S xaroo]l.smd6 ahhoughit lras mnueflcedby hiin.
bEvEivor.ororaroo, dylomEEm$r oQlclor]l1oc(vo46povr(ryro Of the inilial forn (prior |o both Thcrnistoclesand Hip
rl Xai7i6o, rltv Ai rlvo, rI :rl.rili€ro xr1r. tro ro t"'(vr ro1]TirBr podamug of Cleisthenes'dene or the i,n" (village) that P(bul To lerlorQyL'i6a6),ororirsaqB6l,orxfloorlailotlv had precededit, there is neither archaeologi.alnor llterary
z.u or r€^€lIcror €p€1r\Tr8E xrl! or,1tovoFr.nlE oQ./dlorolEro! irr evidence while it is noi imposslblethai a large nunber of
irc\1oi.Hasebroek 7l11StarleyJ' its buildnrgswerc oblitcratcdby the Hippodameiancity. the


H opyti|o{,4 rox Eltzopi.ou absenceofeven ceramicsherdsto indicaierhe srteof rheotd..

OnoEo Naioi(,opoE.iror.)1arroEJfi6Qtovrjulor€Iolo€6\,ov setdementis nonethelcssstrlking.
nol"t oQ./o.vr0 U€vo,EE1.oarcr6, rou€oxI( r6],IE.H 6ra The ciq, designed by Hippodanus nunediatety aflcr ihe
IsrSrol evoq looo €xrEro!.€-vo! xar16lJ()bQoorilQro1] departurc of the PeFians followed rhe .egDtar pattem chrnc-
pError(D0116dtro xoQdl3ro ro E€QoAr6ror1' )icr va Ooardr tensticofall ciriesbujlt $om rhe begnrnjng,wherhercreek or
loriv xdoE!iec1, €vdrd),tr.ioAot!.avoriDQitr€1,ov lqo, 6lo.y Romancolonies,oflargeU.S.cities.Incortr:rr to old ciriesrhat
c11rro ro\r yvlr)ol6ono lorg btxi:rvrJioiE r0r lorrExolil,ioirg grew up mturaly, such asAthens, Spana or Corinft. wirh fteir
o!lyaoO€iE 16opo r0r1ilotl1ri! riol rorv sfnoQ.!oF6.vo!, labyinthine streersthar fottow ihe concureDces of the terajn
rior orllromrE6lovorlv oloQd lio| xo EQlooiilQnrro! l.rfa and propeny ownership. the iriegular squaresano lhe s.aneren
!rcn it orj!ol),ooo6r(1v riae! !€pnid oro A€iypandrfJQo orvl sacredandlublic buildings,rhe coloniesofMiletus, honeland
rrEraanE(lq,on0n€i n€paon6lq rlQroxaq uwoiuoroosrE of Hippodmn\ and the new cities of Masna cmecia are disrii
ro! mAryadl,op.E. €qErd[r1€1]Flr€! rEX!ix6gstliortro.idoEq. guishable by their sndghl roads. canonicat city btocks and dre
tspovoiq xor neoorrmxdeL6r,{(irr X€r.Q roiriv, 4,uqxorkqopro- centfalpositionof the squmewith the public bultrhrgsand rhe
rdrv,poaxdpl6{r\,,k }.Ji.,.I[tlva plv q\rc4,EQooiF€ o€ d}.).sq temple.The equai distrburion of colonisB. tors in ft new nome
: r 5 D , ot,_ . c . r , ,4 4 .. r / r r r r T o o cv t . o u | / o r v o ) . o , 1 1 . . . t . lends lhe new settlcmentsan nnage of democraric unifomxry.
l]ljIol/oy[a iov vo!1.r6!, ],rr xoirgonoiotlgI rr€QLoXil ro! Hippodamus.who continuedrbis tradition in piraeus,ei
l.lpovroi ipor o Xdrpog6ror sx tror ngclgarorr r6re 6nog presseda comprehensivephilosophcat viewpoint of rhe ra-
rlor oit!€Ad- noadlr€v&\r ruAroQr.ou€lor. O),o aljId riQoitrro tronal organisaiionof ciry life and lhe realisaton iI rhe urbar
06ro1j1' onoxEl€oporlril oQyd\,ool xar ooftv6irr!oI. TI\, contextof rhe idea of equaliryunder rhe 1aw,so that the ciry
oor|\lotL€lol lo! Ittauo! €ix.l\rlx!dl.o}(]F€rrq oQpoS[6rI, ofPiraeus becainea living lessonin raiion:rLurbanptanning,
16gror q oLnp1tg,oyopaipo r.xa,"aonv1pot"ror tktpctwg, humanrneasu.eand democraricequaliry.
x|l'rot oLro.l,lr,ctEt. An6 ro !€oo ro! 40! or. n.X. io! xiQto The successof the Piraeusplan, which had irs way paled
poto axou, oL l0 anrp€).llr6E roll €lrroQio!.Ervor orroi rio! by there'building ofMilerus a litde *rlier. can be rccogntsed
'i(rQo€Iq,tol)\,rlv iiQIoI 11116 y,0|s4)o
xouEU€yoi6FnoQo!g in the eieganceand effectiveness of the solutionsprovidedfor
n),La|iaOaixiltQorq) tuv crotlpt6v v6p.o!nor 6Lororvrr.q the cityt operationand in rhe quality ofits inhabirants,tiving
€Loo./0ryag )1orlrE€Eol()1,6g, rO|,c1i-rEQo rov ol'rlQ6v,o .d xi:rl conditions.Theconsistentapplicarionof the pyrhagofeanrhe-
ftr! orQorlyr.r!q olpooioE sr&b.v.Or i6rcre|,odl,orjv xar 6l ory of numben constituiedrhc rheoreticatbasisfor drawirs
e!eir\row rrg lir{eqno! aapoQort\r olj oXErL|rdE uno06o![. A€! the streetsand the open spaces,ihe harmoniousproportions
v uA Eo,u . uorono : uv no o :ro.otc,Ut^ ofwhich rcsultedin the feeling ofcalm rvelt beingcrcaredby
flU!!! tg oQyav|oolE aor ll"itE),erro1rQyioq rou '[o],tln)"o- musicalhannonyand classicalari in general.In addrrioD,rhe
xo! plxovrolrlr 1011 ^[]]]Ivro!. rational rrangemenr of the public areascrearedthe conditjons
requjredfor the smoothfunctioning of rte ciry. And finatiy.
H no^H Toy rnnoAAMoy social lrictions were mirimised thanks io the appticationof
A1 o Il€eo|ri( o4Ei].€rt.virioA€i 10! oro O€poio,!, ! loAQt the principle ofequality under rhe law to rhe form of rhc pi
r l . | o l " c . r n . o o v o I . r o r o o r o r . & r r v , irr f t r o r , LEU raeushouse.Newer citics rharlbllowed the modelofPiraels.
nlr.Qo!!, ov xo:roljlvd EExootrivo]JE dil.ol,q rlq) ro! na#Qo tc such as Thurii, Rhodes, and Abdc|a. essentiallyconsrjtule
u : Lo . r o r U -F l 1 6 a ' p- 4 o r L o n | / l , u u pn o: o v r o r r ] \ u , . n v just variationsor improvemenls(Priene)olihe denarcations
no).Eobopx6vcrlrd.ilJ€orvro! I?uro6dtrc!oQ€il"&ol,flr .ioiroL6, aDd proportionsof the Piraeusmodel. Consequenrlyit does
or0 f€yovog6rr I rio),! oxdl onor€l.€iro Uolo lvom6 6Qloro! . rol seemsrange that Piraeuswas rhe firsr city in hislory to
, rr r , . o , o ,ro r r , , ,), o, .v ur q . o u / . t x
f " o ) '6 L o , O o u A r ' , , u o be admned and recogr sed by irs contempofariesas a rrul)
roxlq io! oqv tdo]Jol rlq o0ryoifttq ono$iios,sr,6 6xr,nLdov, modemcrty and at ihe sametime as a major work
oro! i6Lool"ld mll ErTi6Qoo! rou ot|e0,Erirrroot66urqq p66o!, art, wofhy ofthe Acropolis buildings.
no! o!'vorxio€I?€ mo i6),ogiori 50! or.rr.X. How did Hippodanus proceedin practicein the dra\rjng
fro qv oAlrxrt(nAo0€|1lm6ntreLo xor j|ao-umo6dp€|0) [oQ, ofPiraeus?


rialqx(ip!(ror @onai0!r€
ujra(pXor\io{rreoQtorol.otrz6r. oijrr 4,riol.oyLr6!
'''d.. QtEq.A1
re.', u, o.r./oi"r.po.,.,dauv-^,,o.i,
rooraoq{{€ nn6 ]1,rr-nro6d$[(i rct!, E\,rinoq, r! roiro(,
:rpoza^€i1l clrmroi.r iorcLrriirnoriDr)ispo[€r,xri)1, .v6€iE€0\,yr.r
rrl 0aol ro! crQXoftrEQor orxrolLoir.
H noi,r1nor ldpcle o Inno6cgoqngrorogpmht ry uvcla;pr1o1
It0! IEAo6v €o orol,o!€loer,to)rcrvovrz6 o1i6roID! Xapox.ill
pi(€r61,€g q eqoQlir oEF€),Ltnpr\,€E,rtr)..l6, sir0ne6xsrror]Lo
-c. lr ,/, ,,.,,tror ,.r
iur/S.ol,.iF: r\ror-.,p
prr0\,Lri6s Fqd,o!]Io7,€LE :e ovrie€olnAoqrq nir,t€q,(])!oruir
,r!€rn!]Ur!€rn6),eq,6flDs ! Ae!!o,t:'irar! ilI K6Ar!0oS, |€
rolq 6orlai66eLf606uo!grrc!orioloreo& n5 orU-lliiro.rE flt!
FoQll)oT,otioE ro! €ldeolrqzlrrio\i rbrczqordrr!1( ordv6rL
or3(rTi.1xri8! rl,rLrc br€orrcpfrvo€6drrr.rsi reox.{rb!lnoLl], oronorxi€!qEMrlrtror, rora160!rou Imoidpo!,o 0r(
rcr oLvirgriol,eL! rIE lvl€yd),lqEild6o,(,drcrrQi1rovroL ylo io!g
Er€ntao[Fotlq600porg,ro ro\,o\,uidorxo8oUrdr€iQdt0rlo
ror r1l1're1xQuiloto! r!( doisioE ps ro 6!poo[oxriprd xlL
'io!glnoilg H io! ]i,(rIovoJLit rir! ziitQo! Uvofloir{o!oq va(1
r(r0i6o n{oo6i6sr,eE .io!, or|qaa€g €./ridicmdo€r(ro rl4o(
uoq oluozaoft t{tg ofrLopoaQtl:1E
h\rEXroir'tq orrit! xIE noAdboolE,o Inr66opoq0c.neo1lo
pitoEL c66 ortr noi'€o6oU1.1 6r.n rftoo1luasolox),IpoFrvlq
4'1"ooo0'xilgeio!,(./r.&xrt\roa0ol,o,/rxit oQTd!0roIro! llio!
qg n6l.Iq'torrI! 1,,lonoilo1oror ooln6 ipo qq L63ug qq
Loolo![c!.aior6('ir I jToil ror lleqnr.drri lireL 6vo[ovtnr6
|La€!|]aoQoo),oyuioi oX€iroop oi. ovoe0rni!o! tr€rQo!xnr 6!
oaaal!. ttq t;.a.1. 9ardtardruq1tu6t41rtuq. 5aadLaX
UoxA0rLlait! roontrsE
IAatah).yza M.!a.ia n.aad)
H €rt t(i.t roti ollr6io! ro! Il€rQoLd.rolr nQoeroiu.oo€ !{ n.n?aJnt rorkct,l.sibl\' th.Hitptrldniai,)atkd5th..ntB(
Lilo r11j,oL6ie0l clorxo66pto1tnls Mr,lro!,,r1rci,vr0Qiqexor
oitr xopg6rtro xqLflt! rlnoi€7"8olrrxLri6rtrLl rov ),{ro€ruv nox
nQoo{i)iQtr oq }.€|1o!A/cfltq ro}.Ig xilr orl! nor6rr]r.rqortq The Iational organjsationof lrban spacewhich, accordLrB
zor orjUlji.0rolE 'noro
iLLr\r irov. TI eEoAtrr.niFilol a6oof rt or, to Aistdle constitrted the hisioric conribulion of Hippo
!E..qq€O&apoi,il rrlE;i!eoy6Aat.1q 0€oAio(ro\r oQr0p6!o1l.t .lamN lo urban piarnillg. corsincd of thc basic sepamtron
' o':' r''6{uLrrrrr ' r r 1 , u 0 o r / o u . o ' , r Q L n ! ' / . of and clear deniarcaddrbcrwccDpublic.
ffivate and sacred
arclloi,ieg10r\ronoior!atour {rg onold},€otr.! rnr .rio0loll rll( deast "ll\podan"s, soh oJ Eurtphon oJ ltliletus, is tlte
ldllrl(rq €!€Eiog, notil,/€\r!d I poroLr.rit oQpovin1rcr.Ir) n1n wh., inrented the diNisiona.f.ities and who diNi.le.lPi
rilllt. yr\irxd An6 fltv ji).flad tEI oQeol,otr',ril 6rirxdEtro! /d.aJ" A nunber of narkins stones(rorri) hale beenfolrd
2or\otprtitro! 16Ao! 6rtFroiQyrto€ r|< nAorituoiroer.E Io irl1r which car be associarcdwith thc dmwing
o[a^rt i€irorptio Iltq r6ilq, c]d,t EEo!6er6alLrorl ro! xorlrLl ot P(aeus and shedlighl on the way h wlich Hippodamus
. ofi .:rr',c'l, \ u Q q o r , . , , . ! r o tto, . . C 4 r I dividcd Lhc city. Among dre oldest of these marking stones
Loo!o[\t(< o.i\ $oaqi qq ruraory,\q'\oxolai,us.NE51€aq'v)1,r€ are rhose lha\ sirnlly denarca|ed $e public area. lhar ftoni
:ror ,-rzoi.oirgtool -ionaorlnoror liEeorn.6nosor Ooiaror,\ rhe beginning- before fie i eFenlion of Hippodatnus !^s


P66oEror rfl ApEpcl, onoft).orvol]or.torLrir ontr6< roQolJ"o- destinedfof the installaiionsofihe Zea dockyad, suchas the
16!! pE).iunoEtg (IIp t!!) qs opro06rtotq r(lLr{r! (llc).ol,(i! one that says that "ton this streel on, eve\)thtut is ptbli.
rou n€Aoizoirraortrio!. AE!0aiv€1 'nedE€\rooxlrsr(i)q m! pr.terr)_", pc raps dlso the marking stonesof the depanments
o IIrecroq ci!.11rt nQdq n6l.! o t\, roroQiano! 0o!Famlr{€ or quarrersof the city, su.l1 ^s "the entire ftgion up to this
I olJ /vJcimt, oilo ( ouDto!. c.r'./.o 1.oYJo'.ro po strcet belongsto the .:ity", ot "up to this strcet eienris tl!
lr6pvo nou ror orJ1lQorororga\]oF€yd,otQyoiIE xl,softr]E region of Munrchia'. These were follo\ted by ihe narkrng
rfIvlq, ovrdqLoxov r.irrQlo!rt! AliQon6)"€!DS. stonesof the specificpublic :reas oI the dockyardsand the
M€ noLoarQ6ron0o16Ato€orl! nadEqo Inro6crpqxard'iI wlxch we haaealreadyrefcrcd.and lhoseofibe
){dQoEI ro! fI€LQord: Agora, obviously the Hippodameianmarke! (dsorar nrlrr).
H oQeoro/r1 oQtov o I orrooInuuX;Qou.noJnorcirov O f r n e . s o o r . . , t J b l c . e ' r u . , f . h e . i v . r h e r m p o r : o
AA|,o'ro#Uir:flrr6L€oE rlv roroQr.xit oridloiit ro! IMo6dFo! we haveseen.occuDiedthe certal sectionof the eastemside
o , r o l r u 6 o , , o1 , r , i m oo o , o l , o , { 6 6 o ) u A r , L o x or ,rlo c r - of Canlharus,while the shipyardswere spread our oD the
Qi oALoe6qol rrDv6!pooiorv,r6krru6! xo! r€Q(i Xd)Qo1':'?..r two small closed harbours(Zea, Munychia) aL the westem
lnr) ,,o o. t o f l l e o q o . o . l t t 4 l 4 ' 1 1 ' o , 6 1 6 , 6 q ard easternfoot of the fofified hill of Munychia and on lhe
ir.r .itudroE q aniaLol ltrr rd;$('v xeLXipur€ ro! nEAaLd, part of Cantharusthat was located between ihe Enporiorl
A||r+oflmfiil yro xo1rxp6riooQrc06rr1o1lE io! fl€rQcrrcr cmorov and the mouth of the polt. The internalaffangementof each
lrn63l1posilor lt o€La&r(!)vliervoa oa6olprr (6aoy),no! sector was adaptedto the coastline and consequeDtlywas
notrsrolas(l)wh iinoQoi! v(! o!\,6€eoov F€q ldaoh tS no' n o e p e n o - lo f r f e ' / / . , " p , d o p " ' a n u - b t n o J n n n g r r e n
).I9.Avdu€ocroiolE cQ1orox8Qol]g 6Qo!! €ivoroxroi or oniriol An enclosurewas usedto protect the 'solat€
roooQrlol' crr.drqro dlporo ltirpo nor o:mpXilE fiQoqS €mp the activities and bing this sector into the nrban plannng
l'uo cro Iuolo/nu rQ.onr:c-.rv Iro r c , /ro-ooTlro.,( fabric.To eachof the funclionsof the cily correspondsone ot
-o iruo'u0Ln\r,1./ro . E6 ovl/, JUuo, anDauto 'o lhe marketsreporiedby Pausanias,the <commercialmarket,
6a6!a xaLrzpa 6trdEi,,,dL 6tl,,6on ni !a": |o,|j\x&L@ aQaotq and the "Hippodameian".the political and military centreol
rrn nurg,ear.opdr0r! 1 orvo nJ\ xtEi614E,6flne: "d4 I xtta&). ihe city. Independentofthe Hippodancian plan were also all
'/"iioE '.o xo dpbpoari,€L orc dorb it <tuEaud rc dpbpa ihe strctures lhat were necessarilyadaptedlo ihe contourol
.. . tto n\vpto|4t4 '|4oul),a.. Avo],ouefoov-c,oAootuo rhe tenai!, such as thc wall with irs Sates(whose alignmenl
r0)vorlx€'/prf€!0r!llponLr! ldraor! -ior \,ol]ordoFo!1r0r'io! wilh the streetsis avoided,for strategicreasont.ihcares and
'r' urc . o-u oroio 1lt ovoq,aofxurr . )Lo,-'tc oyoq(:lc. nao older,ple existinSsanctuanes.
4,o\,(irq I'urold!€ta,( l.i/oAdE blqo(l.Ano rotlq 8io p(:lorl.'otg Nelertheless, the wofk of tlippodanus. apart iiom the
buooLorqiop€iq qg ?161.!g ro E$oarc\,0d x(lraldp&,6nrrq€"' demarcationof funciions. consisicd of crcating the urban
6ou€,ro 1i€\,xQoi6 iplpo olg o\roxol" il( fil,rllpd! io! Kol,edoo!, fabrici buildnrg roadsand,and parcelhrg out space
€\rdo \roimoe lloq f]' o\rorrlti1oEimo ito pxQd X)'rroiir lrw'vLc for houses,wiih which his name has historically been as
(26fl, MojrlrXio) oro1jqb!rHol'! x(rr ovoroturoii! ne6nob8g10! sociated.The restonlion of ihe theoreticalbasisfor the bnl
o1lQot tr6+o! q< MourxioE xor oro rpi pr1ro! Kl1lodpo! , 'rir! liant Hippodameianplan for Piraeusis owed to the Gema|
Fatormarp.€roEi ror Etfioaio! xar ror moFior rox l4rloq.H architectsW Hoepfner and L. Schwandnerwho. begiruxng
fou,.a x tSro-oEt,ioe:ro+ o I vo rraoooaLoo.r vl o1l /aoJ wiih the plansfof the houseof the Dionysiastesfound in the
pil rlg ncrQi]]},ioE ror o1r!Dn6! (t1'0EdQilrl ond io1r<r,"srobdFrLo, foundationsfor lhe Municjpal Theatre.'3recoSnisedthe ap
-1ol,eo6oFoid ktx6. mo0ol"oEXQl'to+r€irer tLo ntv nQoora plicationio the ciiy's urbanfabdc ofaPlthagorean pattemo1
simple mathenaticalpropofiors Accordmg to lhts pafiern-
liatq! a!ioEI rouiotLF.omo\rxioko6o4x6 rIJ16.:€xoe€Fd (1ro the residentialarea was divided u! into cily blocks 160 r
ra ),&xo!o"/legrIE nol"lE amrcroryd pi., dr6 rL! ovoQ€e6p€a€< 140 ft. (=40.37m. x 47.,10n1.),i.e. with the propo.rions6::
'r,rJ ov uQll,.1In'u,^v '.ryoctc.r'&turatx,toyaAcr'^at I which conslstedof eigh! plols of land (on the N/S arij l1ro
)rormQotu)flx6 )i&xQorIE JrrtrlE.Ave rows of four lots);*++ the dimenslonsof the typical1orlieF
"h:roddlEtoe, ,Ta|tx,tx6
qda'{ftE ofio io! mrobd$ro oXcbroofoEivor,Eniolq,6l€qor 40 x 70 feet or 20.31 x I] 87 n. = 241 nt). a lenslllqdl}



'the ulical Hipadanian'i4 l)t'tk (l o'ntht bo't L\ \r |ldt'ln{

T. fltuxa m[dlt.tu .dolotllxn rcre'faw lntu tu f$1in a'tu 1r'
s.hvnnt!"er, Hau: und Std! un kta$kchen Gtichenknn arl i S.h\rdrdtlu Hd^ Mn Slalti Lldsn(htnGtie'halLdrd
H.lpfie,ao|t Neub'atb'nms MuniLh 1991P 1118 J3)
ilefiedrh?iLt4, MtuchPn lq9'i.a ll)'

',uq"1:1U o o ] r u o ) o r J o o ' tr r o ' r ralio of 2:l Every live biocks on the N/S axis. and crety
.rn.poric,6'nD(o r.AtFo;,oqro! ieilpllr tll q ni1"8q(! s!o!lpdp'- sevenon ihe ll,^V axis. comtrised, as ive $ould say idla]'. a
oiAoq'lxol! district wiih rhe ovellll d mc sioir of 250 x 215 In . which
;um] trol oroli,\, perorg bp6$olrq .rwr4€ir"/ErtrtYrG
i,olorrg).ro f]adiQ.rrotlo oQlirl6ioQo.lIQoirncQloaro'L€pt! as the marking-stoneof Munycliia shows mav lossibll hi\e
To iglo ror InmSdpotr o!!io'i.rro, €! lotrtorE, rtQo otrc ql had a name.On the ground,lhe nxrdel sas rnadcby scttlng
olroeailort rru\,)..rorQ} 6v, orl 6! polaYio ion d'-ir'xot!|oioir up a syslem ot' roads,the wldth of which was fonnd b) the
''| .uo' xo r) ' rovr,,r rr\ /ordr/1orl ^ \' sinple proportions3:5:9 The ordirarv roadslhar delinedthe
t,ro t
qor.rrlg zaiotxio( . tr€ro! omrio,xraioq.6x€Lo!18€eEiurioQ|'ta ciiy blocks aDd seNed tmffic betweenthcm had an average
ro i,\'op.11or.H ('mJil:lrtrotool rlg 0sorQlrrx!( poolg ]{crrlox widlh of 5 tn. or 14 feet, which coffespondsro 3:5 ard l:l of
knor ror p€i/oiodlJoig tilro6dlrtlr! oXE6l,(ro[otro! IeQoul the width of the olher two caiegories l'he avetagewidih ol
.rpFii.Fr.! oro!! f8a|loloi( oQTrr6xroltE w HoeptnelLor L the main steets that definedand conneded the disLilciswas


Schwardner, oroTroior F€irQErlQio r(r oXa6ti1ilE owiaqxo\,Aur- 8.20 n. = 25 feet.The wide stfeers.Nith a b.e*dr oi t5 s
uroroorrbv,mc 0€$ji,r1ro! Atuorrlioii Ordreor,ar(:tl,apdaroov or 45 {eet,constituledtie mxin thorougifaresdrardeilaedaE
lrt\' 0OoQUo/tmov no),€obopln6ur6 rtE firUE €a6! 7rul]l:t"/o linked the sectors(Emporion. Dockyard, Marker) beNeen
psiorioItU&roEor .dr! loo1lu:lrLrdrr oloi,otLrbv.:tJulorlop€ themselvesand with the entrancesto lhe ci.v. Markils sioRi
0!16 io o1iFa o oLlrorr?6q X6QoS goedool}{eo€ orxoboprir rvereplacedon them.A specialplacemust hale beenheld rn
r€lpor/0r\'odnmdo€or\r160x l4Ono6(i! (=40,37 F. x 47.40p ) thcstr@tsystem,accordingto theMiletus model.b! a cenr-al
Srt cdl |L€ovd.oyi€E6:7,r.r onoid .!nor€).oir!icroJrcoarrDo|xo- artery,an exceptionallywide streetthar we assunrecross:d
rlba (mo\id\ovo Bn,l6nooEedgiov r€ootlQo!o ion€3or1,).*+*rhe city, connectingthe threeharboursofCa fiarus. Z.a and
Orbworrlo€r!ror nxio! on{orr6o!0ivor.40 x 70no6sE i 20,3l Munychia and lhe sanctuaryof Zeus Soter(whi.h Nas abo!e
i{ I1.87p.= 241x p ),I o\,o}.othpltxoug/n},&o1r! 2:l. Avd n€l''te the port) with Lhe Hippodaneian marke!, the sanctuarvoi
orxobourxdr€-reat{rlo(oror dEovaB/N)-xi1roro srro oro! Asclepiusand the sanctuaryofArtems. The tlring unifomri\
oEold A/A- orord.oir,.6noE€o 161.1!€ olll€aa, Ua orl\,otrio of this ideal plan was varied by the contourofihe grourd on
oljvol"lxri!btaordoao'r250x 275p.,I onotu,6nog 6rlXv€r'io the peninsula,whjch imposedgradatedconstruciionvinualll
oAoortpqS MolJvLXtcE, €ivor'It0a!6vorr,6O€aE xdlloro6vouo. everywhere.Tltis was particularlycharacterisricof fte slopes
:ro 6b.roogo rd\r\,ooog?rQallnronoEiror B€oo.!6( ormiFo- of Munycbia hil], where owing to the slope which exceeds
rog 6p6grr. ro nl.drl r0r\ronoiL0l'PQio)ro.vror. €riiolq. oe orL\jE 107o,the-houseswerc built on successivenaiural as \as
oroiotag 3i 5: 9 !"LrllqtrorJE. Or xilvovn{oi6Q6Uo!oljioi ro! the ScFoolofBusiress and Industry.seebclow orarincial
opiqoljvro o|,1loSoprdr€rp4ola xa! €gtlqagloiv flt.y t1! ,o
OoQio!€ioEi io!(,61o!v x.rrd p€oov6A06\r.1 ?r"dxoE 5 tL 1 i4
iro66v, rotl a\rnororX0ioro 3:5nclr1:3'ro! lli"orotlqrcd.vd),J,ol
biroxc(rl, oQlriw. ctp€ooE6pogro! rtrdxolqrrL)l,xewQL T H EP l l A E u sl t o u s b
zd,v6a6u(0!nru oaiLotjlrror o11!6ao1j! p€roEirrot)qxq oljrorxGE The Greekhousewas a very simple slructure,with one
Eilor8,20p. = 25Jm6ta,€'v6or n]"o-i€Gg o6oi,lrI &(l d"0roE15 centralcou yardaroundwhichweregroupedthelivmg and
p. 1 4s rlob|Ii)!, o'lirffl"oil rorrE)lE\irqDio{iq obftois dEo\'EE rx auxiliaryarcas.The businessspaceGhopsandworkshopt
oQilow x('| ouv66o1Jv ro]]r roll€iq (EJrv)Amv.Nanmflollo, Ato u p e r ' " Ju ' o r ' o r l . . L r e . , i r d J J q o a ! J ) , . " m 1 , .
Qd)Ferl:tE{iro1]qric/rf€ rq €o63orErlg ]m}.$. :€ oljIoirg iral' with the inierior. one variation of this basic type was rhe
ro]rr€JrLrvo |l] opoot/r : !"io,o I e,otoroouo.tLn i,,v typical Piraeot house which bas been attributcd to Hippo
6e6u!rvra6n€rvoEiX€.)r.11dronq6runo qg M tFori,ft|oxevipr
x! oaqaic, €Eoa€rDid!€",/dlo!ddiol]E, nor !no0iro!u€ 6xr, The demo..atic principle ofequality beforc thc law. s'hich
6dox'(€ irv n6l"t 0!\'660\11.1(icr rQio ),+{l!ur, ro! Ko!0dQo1r, imposedequality in the dhtribution of land, and tlie needto
qg Z6oErar rIE MorvrXiog,xcr io r€Q6io! Arog:rDrilQog(xrc! adaptthemain areasoftbe classicalhouseholdro LhetaJlicu
pQr,ordrov ndvrDond ro l,|Kn'0 F€ rlv Imroidlr€rcAyoeir,ro lar long, naffow rectangleof 40 x 70 feet or 20 3l r I I 87 m
Ao .Im€ioxarro r.EQ6qEAAxC|]l6or. (241mr) necessailyled ro the crcationofa characrerisricall\
Try ro1jQdoftxitouoropoAoio atnot 1.]! L6ourolrot€8iou shapedhouse,lvhich was repeatedevery tine wilh lhe tari
noixfi€I FoaQiro! Ebd:OolJE rlq Xeaoou]oo!, rt orcia sr€fjol"E, alionsrequfed by the posjlion ofthe dwelling on (he blo.k.
ox€66r,]mlrot q! oLxo66u4ort oEo!o0o€poiiE.A|r! 6Loi- It wxs to be expecledthat ihe urbanllanrer who dreN up de
rEpotaeoaI]tArlErrg 't}"otrigro! ).6Qo!qq Mou,LXioE.6no! steets, the blocks and the lots would deierminethe speciilca
- o v4 To t -v o tiolN of the houseas well.
) o 1 , , - . ] r ( ' t . . r o u E ". o / , r o l 0 % . , oo m T | f, o
oc €ridl,ULo4,ljoLr.{d 6noqoq BrcflXo\,oiit:XoI!, |3l.naeo- Various intervcltions in the internal layout. o\er \brcb
firo- it r€xuFo d!6la0. ,lc I.'( \da ,o.or -o.a,drlc..rer. .e.d'" inir'
To nEtlAiKo:trITI evolutjon of housingin the Hellenisdc lenod.Io *hrcb 'i.
To. 1.],r
vyo o,T-r'',r t-rorTolu .r v.
onlf o xobn/1..r_,r\. o'x.t shall.etun, havein many casesobscuredtlreoigrnal Picture-
o!).i.r.LrQo onoiI! ofioiooQyolrd\,ovxor orI6Qorrioroixlol! so that thc xssumptlonof a tlpical Piraeothousehs Eoi F
rcr o'ljoretrD'oixdraor. O Eno"/y€Uff'x6E riiraos (Fotoqd ffi ceived generaLacceptance.Howeve.. the basiceleir}en|i dE


€aloorrlQLc1) cloiY€xormo 6Q6po)ior6Ev.mta on'Lovai rid\rrole Iayout of the spacesand their dinensions seemio hale been
pr ro 0ooteQrx6. flaQol,tr(lT1] c1jroirro1]0oou{oririiroriorlrr6 conlirmedby excavations.This is sholvnby the repetitionof
iso€101!rfix6fleLQc(ax6 onirr,rrc! ornrlilErcrL oro! Irdiobolo the patte.niD about 15 housesthal hale beenexcavatedwith
H 81pnpclftx1oqli qq loolopioE,Tio!€mFoIDntv ro6rl arecognisablegroundplan.They irclude,aparLtrom the lour
,. o t\ .o-.\vo/f -u r o,^ep6uv.:o 4ovo1.1 poooor-o1i1r housesincorporatedinto the houseof the Dionysiasiesund€I
' ' , I - t o x . v I I . u ' r u u . l J o / o i v o r l o l J o uo) '- o o / n r 1 . r L the Nlu cipal Theatre:the housewLich ore can v;sit m the
vo lLoxQi,orrlo oQ0ololroior\,40x l0 rl()ij6v! 20J1x 11,87p. basementolAyia Triada,lhe now buried conplex of houses
1241i F.),o61flocrrtl]rola€lLrnxd orl blpotloyio sa6!iljJr|aoir at the School of Business,a housein I'erpsillrea(PerjkLeous
o)1p,u i,,!' . nnu novulou0a$ -o .too:drooo p tL,: o tu- 7) and ai leastanothefrhrechousesin Kallipoli (Salaminoma
p,rqreg, en!3eB\pseq o-'io1! iJaol'ilqooliogoro oDio6olul(6 choDard Iasonos,Salaminomachonand Flcssa,Frargiadon
rrpdy.rvo. rvlqnl.In16g.Eivl:lr11!oiL€\'6F€\'o 6rr o no),€o66prE 50 etc).a The mos! intercstingcaseis ihat of a housein Zea
turuna06purro1lg6p6llo!s,ro ,terQdyrovo xor ro orxom6oecr harbour.undertheA6e!al ofPhilo. one of the oldesthouses
o , r v , o ^ or,! y . v x : . r e 6 u l Q o q . ". o , ^ , 6 u r u - oo' n - r o u built with LheHippodameiansystem.and which, ii has been
Ad+oA€EerrEpFdo€r( orlv eoor€pr)r.!6roQQ1r0$rol, orl'tv argued,may be whefe Hippodamushlmself livcd
uroo 4 ro),rrrro6rvoo"ouo, y n r i ! ' r v : ; .
1/o."u o ?. /.- One ofthe basic featuresofthe Piraeushouse was die ar'
o , I q : q ) , q f f t ( o x ; o co " I r | \ 1 . 1 v o/rr 1 . .o X, .o - r co r n l rangementof the fooms on bolh *dgrofthe courtyard. lhe
q 0 o r r ' r r a o , r r . r r o r 'o , n u 1 ) ' . , . 0 living areato the nolth, thc busiress areato lhe south. The
r1! u!t..,t rovu. _ o r
' u : ' r 0 0 . ^ r' v
r o c- u t x o I L r p externalfacadeol lhe housc ras very simple. Ai lhe corner,
iroi orlrroir 1rr l tv rrl1€Lrlg./EvrxilEonoiotlE. goi6oo.lo or more rdely in the middle of lhe southem exterior wall.
\ 1 r , , { o r o } r ' , . l O r u r, l t r ' ' } r o ' { ' ^ r o , 5 o o r i ] oL. l o was rhe outer gate at the end of a narow ( l 50 ln widtn)

QLlil,olr(rlvo eralleElrolt,ir ovoo){oQurd.To{no 6ei7,ver 1 eru passage;beside it were storcrcoms and stables (with en
\ o ^ t p t r o J o / , J d r o ro r u r 'n J u l < o v o o ,' l t L , v l : t o r n - L t ur . r " | ^ r n l n e . o , | ) : rr d o l o o \ ^ v o - ( h . o \ ^ p e r i ' g
i , \ ' u o o t -r ) o u \ 4 ) o ' r . r r , A ' 4 olto v o vo ' r : r o r o onto the strcct. A comfortable courtya.d I I 40 x 4.80 5 50
rc rioo0pn o:rirrcrrlg orxio! ro\r ALouroLoordrv xdtrDoro ro m.llhese afe actral dimensionsthai have beenmeasufed!r
AI|rnrrz6 O6olAo:ro onirr no! prioQei vo €Jrtox€4,o€i liir:ltiE excavations)frequertly paved wilh stones or gravel, more
o , . u n y r o r 1 . 4 7 1 . , ^ n o c . - o ) rool L , \ u u o ^ 4 u l x p o r n - rarcly wiih flagsioncs, constituted the pubhc area ot the
by various additions
fLl:tolItrrdr oq BloBl ovLri :Io).1, ao o' rr orn' Tl]aue6o home. which was freqrenlly |a owc.l
(nepuiliorq 7) riar dns rQio,Iorll.dxlolov,orl! Kol l"irlol4 for auxjliary functions, such as storehouses oI ovens. along
(:ai.a$wofrct0r\'ror Idool'oq,:al.ap|votdxorvr'iorOtrdoo(|. the side walLs.Oppositc the entrance,on the noth side of
Oao./aLabdr! s0,r.1.n.")H r o €!6|l1o6po!oo mainio,oll!i!11l the courtyad. for better protecljo! againslthe north lvinds.
rlrril E!6qojllrroir mo ||J-rdlLqq Z6oq,xdl0r orTotI :liflrooiJ{rt \rere its basic areas.the house (ollor) and the men's apart-
'io! Oitrrovog.€!6r o'io n.r".trcrepa on(tro m! )i1[o0!1o\, tL€10 met\r landtun).Ihe cistern was also in lhe coullyard: rts
L;r,-roiScrp.r:rc o!or1pc, to oroio 6s1'ctrior'i).€i€1ctr, 6nurglnooi! nouth and purnp were frequently rear the enn,n.e t!.ll of
ai7,0!x€,!otivoLio onirtrotiibto! ror IrtlobdUnt|. r' nc 3 t , 3 r| , e r . o r n e . , / . . o r l o r J o a r e o r n r " I a
'u r rc ro jloorzoroCot<rlAulr xo ,' f ir tloi/ t- o r oc _ from tlre dust and sun.
rcu r16rdrn!1ror 8opotkD\rmLq8io nlflrefg'lt1<c1!l"rtq, oq The entranceto dre housewas protectedfrom rhe sun and
lloq€rcr Xrbpolr )loloi)tr]olE, orl volro 1o! am9ry{lrv rcL Iain, as well as ftom curious eyes,by a naLrov porch (about
, 1 : : u y.//'1x \lJr, ' H,'.1C,).to I ouon r^ , _ 2n1. wide), lhe so calledpdrrds,suPportcdon sinple wooden
IaLnol,rloaiLl.Xrrlvdnql ! ona\'6r€po oirt U€ort ro! v6tro! posts.The o;/..).t,a high slacious room abouL30 n2 in area
ElrrrrQrxoiroixo! i3Qiorerato€ €oo1it,oro pd€oE€a6Emsro{i was thc counte4rnnof today's 1iling rooln, lhe place where
naio!! l.50 p. 3Kr3a6|Lo!, 1 eEd,'Iopro ("1a"iluoq Ai pa), the falrily galhered around the nr€p1ace,the smokc ftom
bin;,oltqrirdQlo!! oroOtx€qr0[oid0t"or(!€ €ioobo|rlroxry which, sincetherewas no chimney.musthavebeendrawDoui
tt. t r ' r I o r r u u r r , . o , v r a y . r t r uI vvr o 1 ^ ,- r p t L ' v by someo|cning in dre roof. Bchind it $'ele usualll two aui
\ft.{ dvelrta]]i,rt6romdotov11,40 x4,80 5.50p.(orlroordoeq iiiary rcoms.The bedchambers. which nust havebeenon fie


; -.t7

' .-;:i-t+ :

Ar1ova.l:)t t4lia I n. e dd IBo ]LWdra,i qtNakid.

aB. alld ft arLtua L\.nrdh.nt at thL u^i.Bnt.l Pi|d.ut lJ.ttur t.r th! ]rr,t:!r
.J" a )nutnad di!it1!: th! rr. Ll.cLs:inllnt.t!
artl ltlulr'r): ntr) tlxt..:
ttto!.orn du tlaor2d arir Ld. aiaa di.ruatrzn onit ttE aidan h.rt.s,lcha\tl,. HAlariii. hats. rtl Ir dr !,r:

|, Q,le,.0 r / \ " . o [ ' L ' / . r ' oo ' ( u J . uppcr lloor. bui |otri.sht abovelhe rilor, rve.c scNed b\ in_
v,t tE:iiiaE! 1),oriflt, ona!|6rgpn; a76oreoq, o'ror€l€i teriof stairs.Thc foundaiionstor sucha starcaservefetound
' 1 uQo fc i n j r s t o n c h o u s es, o t h e r e s in u s t h a v eb e e nw o o d e n .
' qouu !. ^,"/r o /o['or0f')..:.' or,o],: olu.oro- T h e m e ! ' s q u a n e n . w h i c h w e r c b e s i d et h e . i t c r . ! : u
eitr€Ert Oolravor!,oii, ttitrcq i{t\i nldiliov roiXor\,Anivolrt ally at the ouLercorner of the housc, $,as a receptrcma.ea
.r' , o ^ , \ . . . - 1 [ o o :o , r oirl out t... ur.o \^l ir which the man oI thc houseconductcclhLssocial life. Its
)1o),i1€Q..npoorrjrr€!Ftlor (rJI6iou( FoQldbeq.ovoilolrat ot .gir.." ra.r! . p. )rlel ' ii ^ o d:
b!o DooLroitripoLirt!. o obioc'ror o o!60(i)1r.:,Illvor).rl €iI r'l o f t l e i l o o r sa n dt h e v a l u a b l ef u n i s h i n g s l n f r o n t d r e r . " a r
(]aol fltc oi6$o llvrilolq qE onoio!,./tctxc nr€a! a spaciors vestibule with a sinrply decoratedp.hhle norr
oo i] .- i ro l'o o.' vr ' .v r' v-" whi.h opcncdthrougha door from the corrrvar.i m:r'i
s t ? . o vt ^ o | u v
orovioilo rrtq 0106601l iorr flvbaLiroil io! oi1io1r. a p a r t m e ni tts e l f w a sa r o o n ra b o u I 4 . 5 0o r a n 1 s q u a r ea s ) - _
H .iooboq oror oixo jraoui rrui€ior c'r., ror ll'to zot q peoxil, '''. n !l-nl'. rol' L i

.r,la zsr ffi6 i(i oiLd)eLxa pl,6p1rr1to,

oflr uo cpo0it (nldxorq positionof Lhedoof.Along lhe lvalls \tere se\.. co!clt:: i..

A PX A I O : N E \ P A \ A '

I p..;i.oiirirr)orod.ntv naoi.tda,U€on!d qnLr\'nunooqldrgx the host's friends who attendedthe syrnirosia.two on cach
ro O oizo<,i\,o rlrlL6.€ljei1orQo 60rt{1rro sFFoSot30mQuro! wall and one besidethe ertrance.
r.iL..Eh'or10 avdmorto1o! o!tL€QLlorl livingroom. o roiroEol T h e / p c o t d b o d eu e h i \ e d e . c .b ' , 1 . o L I d r o . " |
' . , r : .o o t J "n
f - o l o / v 0 ' I p u o n o r l v o - , 0 , o " ' T V . c n s unchangedover the centuries.Social and especiallyeconomjc
o r ' - a F . \ L 1 r f r . o r u v o S o . ? r1o, , , , p ' . y , & , r o r c r o u rdifferertiations oler lhe years left their marks on the form oI
a(rortUtl oill oaoQitIlioo c!oi./o!rd\ o!!ieo!,610 0o!0! rd the P;aeot house,as the classicaLperiod becameever further
o p o l 0 u n o \ ' . r J d . , l o u n A , t uo, l p r z o t o v o . o v o p o removed.Despitethe thcoreticalviews of Hippodamus.Lhc
Qo-fidl'roq 6Ir oxQf6E [cw(Don6 rov oixo €Errn]Qeloi!1o! evol]rtionwas ordainedby the heterogerouscomlosixon ol
lLstLnl€or0rrQr1iil oltdl,.l @€|rfl,roluoE16rorosoxdloE BQlolrio\r the populationin Piraeus\!here, aloDgsidea w€aldry class
[o!o os C\,oo]ftr, olo r.)noloLrirf{iru \ro illa! qirl,tq. of merchantsand shilowners, therc was the stro g lresence
O ov6p6r, mr! 0aloia$.ir 3i.nli:toro\roho, ourl€o,Eoqv eEo- of a mobile population.r large numberof whorn constituted
o, IpJrr o 0. , r o \ ' t o . m b o ' l c i o r / or u / x u v ihe 'zaral nrb' who. owing to fie seasonalnatureof ancien!
, r ' ' 1 l ] 0v o p u v - n u ' o x o r r r o l . T l o, r ' L ' i or o l J o Y o J L i shipping.wereobligedio be idle for at leas!six monthseve{'
ieL1 :rolmelimtpl Arrroot lol x!r'v6on€6ov,tc1L I nolirrlr1 year.Thismultitudecould not afford lhe comfortsofa Piraeus
sJrrrl,ool.MnQoorduraQletilog erpriloqognpoo 'opogp-e ,ilc'y ,\eo I |.on- .r,i
porontrcur6, crnld6Loxoog.rlg:vo, bdm6o.;rmxlr el p.snbpro iid, as ancientaparimenLbuildings,of ralher.coultyafdssur
(rn6t1v cruli1.O i6urgo or 6Qdr!Eilct prorEraolol1'], p€r^3r ao roundedby rooms, were called,about which we haveliterarl
mpiro! 4J0 5 p.,ol0otiofl or Unooit'rv,ro! (1vo,1'v0rQi(01ot onl and epignlhic ilformation that can onlv rdelv be confirmed
qv C,(rs\rrart06q qS oiraoEKord irll.oE ltov loiXtdr ljrlQlcv by excavations. The samewas nae for ihc <dens' lhat accorn
the ldge numbersof foreigncrs,thc qualjty ofwli'h
rind 'rliv€E and 6110os 7d08toixo rior.lo 6brlo mn' Eioodo modated
was deploredbyAristophanesar1dXenolhon At |heotherend
Yrc.iol! o!unootoo1.g4ilotlE iolr or"odEolJxrl was bl
of the socialscale.ealll iD the HelleDisticperiod'there
O ftnDq rlq'/c,ioudoq flrx maqAdvop{ 3€! 0o unoaono€ ofsrzc'
alotrioit loE [€oo o-iotigor'6!€EaroQoQorq contast a cleargrcwth trendin housing,bothin tems
vs xioAoU€ivla lots rnd in tetrns
with ihe purchasean.l mergingof adjoining
o€Gror\'n! 6E?1c1,liuQ l0r!.orTovo [rxiE 'lnrxlJtidrvolrlor ':
cflr q! o r , . e r ,\ ' O . l r e o r ' r J r o r J r a r r n i ' \ :
1p6uo,raotlg onopariptr\'6pdme picture ofthe evolition ol ihe
onttroii H eqlli'bl, t(xQd g 0EloQlrn€q Three excavationsgive us a
Lroodirori n€ao[1lo1] century to
iltcrv:rpo6uplpay'pt!r1f 61lano'qr Piraeushousefron the secondhalf of ih€ fourlh
eiouq IrrrtoS,:rf,or, nnefesl
"ou the Helleristic and ilie Roman leriod Of partr'rlar
oropoLo./c!il oii!0€ol io! ff QdilioiJntrIfuopoi, 6tr,tlxbiriL'l siie (now the
is {he ej(cavationof Lhe School of lndusny
oEfuod"oioi,GraE! .Fno0ol aor ECotlwrrir wlaI€ fr'1ovt1t] of one ol ttre
Unive|sitl oI Prraeut,'5 yhere' on two sides
io! ono;
turaoroio€\'6!lwoiF*olr rtll]uopo1J,F€Yd'oF€Qoq thc other'
qlr €m1r'xil central. cighLmet.e roatis. we ttate. one facing
or oro reloio€ (, tduadE til,Lo(, , ro! ofi6 lvle of house and ore
'r1qapTaioqva! iLlioslnolQs{,16to}o' oQlirxYr'o6vo'io!}'o examplesof a classicafHippodameian
of wh'ch one
ort6. m! 5€v[noao!o€ eafly Helleristic building iD the consft1lclion
Iroiov, eqdq\roro lab\,o To nl'il0og in rems
ouirrE,ro rt0o\'61€Qo wloie city block was used The great sjmilarities
rcrn\p,noeLrn' ,r.'eo1"lE n€Qcrtxilg at the
o[1rolrt.roF€lrl:r oE rdnorlx of the groun.l plan, with ihe houscof lLIeDionvsiasrcs
vor6 xuxoui,oloE tbeatre
oploi€q fio)tixoloLxitE Municipal Theaire. the p'oximitv of the Dlonvsrar
I xor''ljroQo ol
oricrqolopdiolxo! or, ofa sherdwith
((!l"aq tl€ ri0atoo6rEpolq -
0\rolxot)g) YLcr lr5 and Lhediscovery,right outsidethe building'
fLo!r0EE thal
xlr. EtnYao(pftnh0o(loai€q,ono\,[ooUrrq
6! the inscripiion "DionlsrJ' on it, make lhe hypo']es]s
a7o!fL!QttroioYr'1ig very likely'
ihis was the localion of a pivate Dionysus cull
To lSLoroliEr ]r'otlu1
tLloooirA[\,o lfllrriootrF€.lvooxcqtxdq walls of
rov nohdAr€[(rjv In piannirg this newer snucture,th€ basic divnlng
r: tlz(lsorirog{ rnobolilq
rofb./ a, qv tuL6qta I@v onaiav oLxliptLa Apu:iai6vl4E. the initial blocl were retained Tie southernhalf of the srte
naa, .at a 3€va.l)6v. trqr dlltt .tzarl ExaLvovlxia xlipaxdq ||as occDPied by z.aur'tyard sutoundecl o, hrce srdes by a
jrjgadon oi
fi!.{r. ,:r!ri0srcion6 1!\, opli i61 r1q eU.ryLorL,'ilgrcp166o!, colonnade,o. evenmore likety a gdder, for ine
o,:iqlt! rt laolt tLo i r Elii(1qg rtrroxiag.t6oo oe gt1e0og. which an outdoor cistern was provided Lo whlcr water was


F€llv €J1l]arr(llt <Ali),vnoo!,, Lidvouvnol"i fl,0olit'Iljv um(]e possiblybe rclaied !o the Macedonianpresencein lvlunychia
oll orr nor Dbrbaxo!!.€ tu.1Liroifit iclrp€io ro! drc\too!. :rI can be dcmonstratedby ils repetition on a number of other
o l J d , 1 , o \ ' ^ . J U i r J r o o x o . o r ' r J . / - o c o . r - r t4^v' r u l siies,anong which ofpaticulrr nrterestis tbe caseof a half
'oo tor 6 c,uorLr',o ro',nr'^r'(iul ,{o,io xodoF^our. rpo- ruined (obviously desroyed when Sulla set fire 1{rPiraeus)
]rlvo!. To v6rur!UolJ1o'rUdAo!xoro).ofpd1lrfrc n€aiorul,! houseat 168 PraxitelousSrreei.
(o,mxq e€L( nl,!l1Qi!)m],it 1 ro meov6rEQo xttiroE,qv dQ6 o! The type of the large house with a centrxl colonnaded
ror o:roiorefu:qqeroioe!.rornoi0ArobsEog€vit, ro! rAooo .ourtyard (atrium)that we met ai the School ofBusincss sire.
60ioto€ (lyoyo(on6 ro ).6ilor4g Moljvr1ioq. An6 qv rrierpd becameestrblishedduring the RomaDperiod, as proven by
' o u b A o F orU o ! z r , x "1 1 u , . ' r " . o u r . n o , , o r ' l the excavationofiwo reighbouing blockstu Ronxn Piraeus.
ivo |uxao6(i,0o.fo6u1p6A|o!r1 rorrt cl]Airlorart (nLd.iolJE 2 p.) which onecan visit at lrcon Polytechniou l-eosfienous Sk
' t u i l r . Ll " ^ u l r y ' . o - t r o n o t l ) . u r t o - o u l t , , . ! , . r . , / ouze- Filellinon (Rondirlssquale)46and inTerpsnheasquar€
Qi0rE orfiL To ibur'roonifl, nir! E,{rEiv€xot o€0},6 ,I.ooro p6Qrn (RalliosSchool).lnboth cases,theRonan houseoccupiesthe
ilpLo!xo! orxo6oBnotrErQoy6\,ou.6Ev ij{€r.r).60.'', riror€ ro areaof two classicalhomes.retaining ftom thc initial bkrck
rovo/. -olv o_on c,ro oro lo",.,Q/uo.oIur \ol only thc cxtc ral walis. the interior partition and the oider
r6po avon€plotrr).1o,ro ono[o]l:p$dl.].otrrr 60rFoxlo,!"EioEt cisterns.Along the road, and often projecting jnio rt. shols
ro\r onolo\, 61,lrF€ 11l1lQrbrLri6 6dris6o.Eivd olLoolff,iorl I and workshopsnow proiifefat€d(nr Loon Poly!€.hniouStreer
noQorilQltol (\r.Eickstedt)6rr, 6m,rEro r].corxd r€rpi:riri, oriirL wc had,e.g. a wo*shop where poryhyty was processed).
€ivoro nQobQo poqrA6jl:r! rr\'d ro! onl"ot olxo! rIE I'Igritllq, o. iDternallayout of the housesis idcntical.Entranccs,as fmm
crljId rIE Btoprllo\irxll! arcq,voQlE€ror o nrrroqior\, onlruirvrlq the roadihrougha nanow corrklor leadingto the atriurn(Nlth
A!tror OxtxomlQ|oo1jro6€vc.?ror€).€i p€lLoropeq neQrlwool, four coLumnsand the moulh of the.istern) onto which the
m! eo l]lloAoto€,€1b€Xop:rr4,r,n 61eLo16o11p 11 pamSovr roomsopenedoul, sonetimesbehinda nanowforch The use
ri naaotloio oq Molrlqio, ajI.b€rr\r{i[I.1i ord rrv €navdl'tuit ofthe rooms caorot be ldentjlled. apa.t from casesof fccep
ro! o€tLrco€LQix drl),o! orxon€illLrvF€rcrE{irrd1, o]mtov dlrii€po tion areasthat afe distinguishcdby thc painleddecoratroro!
*6|lxQ6Aouocl €ivorI rEAi'tlorol€!6gIHrr,oi! (rcicmQo06 the waLls(usually initation mairle) or st,Jrageroo11ls.
\'roqJrpooovdrq l4ord1o\'0pnQIoForo!fl€Aottbgoflnro:{r are no mosaics.One exception,in tefms of both design and
or irci orj]v odd nQoELd],olS168 1uxn.y,was the wealihy home buill in tlrc desolationof the
Ortroqro! U€yd],o!onrLoi tr"!r€ rrtQior!).ool0Qro, runredshipsh€dson theZei coast.Thesuccessron ot rcception
o u o ! c , v r i o ' J o - r B r o t t \ o v r r t : t . l t / u 0 ' v u v , r c /J - 1 areas.a spaciousvcstibuie wiih ihe Medusa mosaic (bday
aoFiri)otorotl, 6rioq oro6rrxvieL! o1rooro(])l61JorEriovr. in the Nation,LlAiihacological Mrseum) and thc polygonal
xri)vorrio6opLr6!im0a),dr1rr)\, iolr Qopciaoi llsrpord, nou aoium with Ionic columns lhat a.e flanked Lo thc riglLl by a
p-rooEi1,oEnroxE{0€ir'idr€igorry obo HprjrovIIo}.tl1EXIei- numberofreceptionroons with mosaicfloor and marble fxc
o! ,\soooilorq!Ei O €}'Iit!o\, (rilci€ic PovrilQ1)r6 ing. with fi6t, ro the left ofthe entrance,a l {urioLrslavaloq,
r.1roTr! rrlor€io T€aUrc6aE edn€rcs:xoli). Kor ofiE 6to wirh a litde founLinr,and to the lef! of that, a nrccessronol
nrALrn6o€r(ro p{rpot,r6or rr xorolapl]dr€r ro t6ao 6no bedrooms,whilc al Llreback there may lravcbeenbath chan-
rloofidi! oDidrv,brorta6vrdq on6 ro oa1rr6 orzoloFu{t) beff: thesearc fcaturesthat arguelbf tlrc interpretatronol a
r',ooy vJ rovo ou.,f,',rCa^. .^o..I ur^.o./o.
. u0 , ' ', 1c ,rqtr^nr Q.c 5,tltt v c. Kflru !,troc.xo ,.il
pr ',pop"o, flcpoL.u bqolul ro\)u,"\coroto\,oluooI r
pcrla(Ldrar.rc eplcrorilp|o(oirjr 066 HQdro!Ilolllietv€iori
Eir(ItL€ irt.6',& sai,ooxlArc€rr€EEp'r,,1oiog noa+naag).H €o0) Watcr supply was a subjectofpariicular coDccmlo the Pirae-
rapw! 6uppi0po1tor onmd]l eildLriavo[odrtl]q. Eioobog ots. SpringsaJemtmelrlioned. The lnap of abour300 cislerns
on6 qr nIEUpdro! 6a6uoulxocl (rno6vovoi€!6 6rd6Qo[o that havebeen excavaFdrileavesno doubl about how water
. \ , 1 , o r o o r e p o, r - , o o : p r : { r o v . c x o r or o r o / r o r f was suppliedlo houses,rvhile at lhe sametime giving usetul
o . o u - . m o o . o r o ! , v o l o / i o ' o 5 r / l 1 ro . . v i o - ,n i o o n o jndicationsof the extentofirabitation ofthe ancieDtcity. This




A.)r.a .1.fdn aaAao 'i,rftia. P.tttiptt: Tuina rrt. ae/\ia): .r2na.!r Ar.hddn gicui Prrl irr Rrnl'ij Squut. t'.!1.1tnrtur.1t.t|ir"
ratl tre4.,itun 'taaAirortut ala lE /t .a aalaizd orl|a tE aieeti au tErltontt h.n[:wnl o*trr trl a nrt .i:it11- ,rtutj', tltktr tuni !)jao< tla ),npa! Hada! D. ).rtEtrt l.,r Ldh& dtt...;etl dkhq ttr.n P.i\r!.hnrr\:',

9Lncrl3a€i] npoordbo.H xaltortrrrr bop(lrioa 6€asilor o!.. Lsconfirmedhistoricall) by thc inlornlaiior fron Thuc\d:J.t
t!(:r!iortflt,sxr6quno r q n.0Ljri6o0lqrurli0p!,r! rrrro6o{itc. (II48.2J aboutthepaDiccfeatedduirg the Pelotomejiarr
r(,r aiorailerr !rr.ico4rt,it5L.iz6oplort 10r!toixo! (oruill0)r bt the rumour that die enenrjcslrad (Llesr l(. rir
a phras rs thxt jnrpr.-
unopifrltol op€opoapnpoortr) rt i1!rieErotr0r fl€€io!!u!.T.l theretrere noJountutus)tt'. Prubabll
VtQ6(urli hirorr Erretdrq.EEciprol rooooq naoqro oIiln, Lhelarercrea!or of sone public lbLrntninsk is chamlrnj..
ji fr lt
,uu i' -rvu.r' o r. :o-: | .o' o. rln iha! thc nnage of Nlunychlagivcir by Snabo (9 I f-ir|ft|Qo oill1 r.!I!,r! €QtriotLivo\r.r,iooiTiDrorrl! pcDinsulalike hill tull of lrolloes and udergnnL.. !i\;i::
n4.t].Lt1rt1tzir.a H b|abolit r0rvl riia(,)1! nobolrtq-a!a( 011 b , r n J r . ' r ' r : " ' . " 1 e l " .1'

9!7urpo;:rpo0ir),upoq gr ro {l4,rbiDiortc Mi6o![iatt l l,.o .)

oio E0\'r"ai\0Xorol,ot|Io\'loroei0) raoL ro nol.N./o!txo(lilJ0r.o Piraeusantiquities.They wefe bell-sbatcd
T,ioreq nirljnirot(llovxdtb€Erooniro.LQdl0rFa- dinmctcrthai v.tncdfiom 2 Lo5 m . hc{n ont ol ft. illil i.
;r: Llrrrroiq
tF {tl])r6(rrd donibor ror oe0opno[(1a6ot1E f r c q ' r e n t Lc oy v e r e db ] h ) d . a u l i cn o a '
rilrv r-,rToboliiE
.t',etFtlqqq orLr66o!,6v4 ,.rno sorne
noi"r,re)'6; 3 nL.deep 1cd. ln the certre oI fie boit.4 it3:e ri: :
u! nelrro,oonrt€acr


'/oafrltpro pe
o|\'ra4Jo\rdA rnr ngrotrpd on6 6r.ci6o1rx6q
small hollow lof rhe sediment.Drinkjng wrrel
oELp€gzorrdlo!, r!ri niolr, oro doitofio. , 0crvu^oyo.!1,[or was pumped
ot out lrequcnrlyfrom a sepaaLewett. with foorhotds
&i0orio€Erlliv ),orrQdrv.
€ili:rro.ioqeianou olvlyoQol.vorllv of caNed out
its sides,rhat s,as the main crslern.
sQjrlr€ioro! oq €rdqnol,xtd,otqoircr trroli]g !? There
was usL'allya low stonestep around the nouth
of rhe welt.
Norls it fare ro finrjadvancedsystemswith rwo
or three(rnore
' crrI -\'i,re-.Iri
Yarey:tl r e i r r e r . o r c . e d v r . t I,p- .oi.,o
. achieverhe besrpossibleutilisadonoftbe waler.
H rl60E!o1l r-ivara.ya6tp&no! oraoX67,!o.dtl1ir€aorolq ll€r Evert,house
usually had its own system;iess tieqlent werc sysremsdrat
p.rd'r0s.lIt16s 6s\,o\,o(l)r"aorior. O tdQirg ro! 300ri€ai,io! supplicdwarerro
$oups ofhouses or partsofihc ciry, as car
crloolicr[p6\,ovlago$e\,6vas 6€! oo,]!eLop40ol,irq ]rcr ro! De sccr n the slsrem of rwo targe cisterns(diam.4.,10ald
rp6m i6Q€!on<lov om.itri\r, eldroq,IQ6log,ioQ4ertAto+ir 6.30 m.) on U1cwest side of Prolitls Ilias, whilL ,,La! nave
s1/68ilsLq ),lo rI! 6.fiool rlq roroirlolq q! oaloro! no^l!. becnprovidedto supply watef ro ihe Munychia garison, and
IoiopDidxoiio rrqisDo|(i) on6q! ri),tpoQoQia ro! Oor- pe.hapsone par! of the serLlernent. Thesc systernsof cinerns
zl]drdrt{Ll+ll.2l}|a ro! rallDlorrcr o)lopno€./orttq 6dpre|.l were fed by faiiwatef collectedtiom houseroofs, possibly
ro! nt"omwto.cro! mrl.iBo!! .fil$I 6n o,€IeAoi€ixd,bd.! .odunctior wnh drawlrg [p rhesubteraneancurrenLs or waief
qqroon.xoan dnio,ao€695.! !fliatd! da6p1l (ontu) ueiv€s. exfnng betweenthe ma.l and r|e timesione.
fudfllnoo1.tnorFdilov!mvo.ixl! €{ rov !ox6qo! 6t|llo!a.rid Togedrerwirh the cislems of rtris bell shapedtype, thcre
a{lnoLo! (nlFooio!) ral!6!. Xoaokqarm,zit .i!ar .!r6!d weie also builr rarks thar wefc fed eictustvely by troundwa-
1l! Mo|\,rxta! rlo! 6ilEr o:iadl]or (9.I .t 5): l.6oos
teaao\llor"d_ ter or subteraneancunenrssrch as the so-ca cd TsirkDcri,
ior\, , xoi. rcr},oq ./.o1. trrrrlo pog nrb) gpoq gi o€, xr xa., id.!!6€E. the mouth of whicir is in Freatida loday. To lhis caiegory
H [oaOillio! 6sEoE1'6! cftrd]! €i!or.olx€io or orcrcronrors belong the very fe\! public fountainsrhal we know, suclr as
iln doio l,i/o ooloho€l u€rrq meo'i'i6r oQIor6rlres. I1a6x€r_ thosetrotedearlier iD the
descriptionof the comnerciat pori,
ior lLn xotnoxe!€q F€ brdptlro nor nolti|LeL aDd the warer
lerhaps {rom rhe sde of which ihe priesrs of
ofto 2 io! 5 !1. oaoulr.lsq m\ B6qtd ra! Kt'.\\FUi!e!, o!$o. Bendis linmced the repnir ot rhc goddesss sancNary (tc Ilr
4 rbpr:111,|11,6 xoviapn, mLqonoi€qooltEi 6rl:l QQicp
0d(eol6 1 3 6 l . l i n e s 8 l 1 ) .
'r€Qirir! :l p.:ro ,i6!rpo rorr moprvc udplEr. prpl At solllemomcntin jrs hlsrofy.howevcr,Piraeusacquireda
loipo gr
'io xl]lrord€r. H
d\,il.loll xorj r/roLpor i6orog.r,i\rsror,,ruxvd, centralaqueduct.This was relored as earty as Virrxvius,
on6 XoAror6 mtldbr Ur noiilpoicr o'.idtLotr€vooir.( nrecL!E ro!
, the lracesoflt thar havesurvivedwere probabtycoDnecred to
ro oroio Err)lorlolEi tr.srl1 rraioE bsgollflil. yndAxtl, xard Hadian s aqueduct.Regzrdingihe o gin of rhe waren, rher€
no!o!.i. ava X0FI),6).i€Lvofu1(r66ftofo. A& oavlrrondvro ro is some doubt. Possiblesourcesare Koryda|os (E. Cul1jus,
e:€].ry$ro olroriporo 6!o it rQrb! (ono.,,rdi€Qoi€oodQov) AZ5, 1847,28), Mount Pames(VaJybombj,sceCode a per-
6eEolr€.y(ivno! .rirror!(Daoi\i lrrslir 1(116 ototoiq, aror
Jr: ropoulou,PeDtazos,,4nica. Epnneiro4, note20) andHynertus
rrrol€ v(] €nr 'fxr]v€icfl. ! xdirr€Q! 6tl1,clit €]ltL€r|i).].€!ol loa (,bld.note 8-19).Iris cerhin thar lhe branctrthat followed the
' dd -v :u tfruc Le. o. , | ) . o oir,i ro o, or.Fn
o n o v- line of the Long Walls canrefion i-rymet s via the Itissus ar
or.a.r lar,l'orror./r& l]1,o{Foro rio1,rQrl(Jiu€l(i!orl.y i6p€!o,.1 leasr
as appearsin the scriesofpj|ari buitLdurjng LheRoman
orpigoqldilDv r'l r1.orU€Qolqrl'lq nrJ).]]g.6r{rq n{6ri€rl(rr
lLo ro penod on the ruins ofirs morthemarm. Thc foute of rtremxin
or-oiqpa brlo gctdlov (8Lop.4y'o,{oL6,30p.) 6€Eo$j!6\, (nI .onduitofthe aqneducL which is shownor oldernaps (Milctr
orxrxt n/ ro! Ilao4i1r] Hlkr, rolr 6€v oftox]..i€ror\rorjreo hdler,.Judeich)follows nore or tessihc ddge of the jsilrmus
{ii6:rovrcrvy'l1qvtdqelrort ro! +porAio! rtE Morvryioq, iooq of Pimeus.A 4l meh: long secrionof it was oscovereo rn
zar €10! rFrl lL(ilog rolr oL,{roFolr. H xQo4,o6ooiorov o!orlKiro\, 1992,at a deprhof l0 m., atongthe no hern bLjitdinglire of
crrtirr ror 6elnpevdrr, ,r|,\,6rov!. ot o!,/ralrQrDol r{rr ollpQr0rv the
main sh€et Iroon Polyrcchniou,aL the inte,sccuonwrt|r
orlo rra orayE(.io! orL ol. !\,6ElolLrvoqo€ otllriljoofLo BouboulinasSr This consisredof a conduir L 80 m. high xnd
u€ I
trior€uol r,no./siov!lori!r0\, mp{!tLl]rrD!,,tu! o/,I[o.ri!o\"rl:tr 0.85 m. wjde without lining or a cenLul channel.aro
a scles
i1€rcii! qq [cpl,sq rclror aopaor6].$o!. of shattsai 30 netrc inre als, which werc usedfirsr to dig the



Aagolaftya aAan llatnia Pnttitr:. [r,2n, tp6!o. zut. AtclittL.lit.Ltart;l ll.rlnn Slutrt tu vlo a,rr
0n1ttt lrtu R.han ii\t.

Ila0airtt).o [€ rLEoi6prEgiol, xob0r\r6ortUr]! l1lrroi rirjro!, aqueductrnd ther ro rcpairaDdvertilareit.It sl)uklseenrilj

6, o_ . .u ro^,no..ou ,... .on. i the diggjnSofthe conduitbegaf simulLaneoush ffom iNo en.l
ao an6 rnot€r( rbaoQ6Alrorpiitlqlc A€irpoi(. irnDE shatts.and aI thc meetingpoirt. rt abour I5 m which Lsin the
ro^.ld$!o Torpl.oliQI,ro! ori$ao €r lldt)"!r orlt q,e€at1ntlr. mi.klle. the Decessafycon€cLioDwas made At dislanc.r ni
:E atliitv r v 11or!to0k1l1lrixor! oL€)"dtLoru!6ruoor.! ,ieji!€( I of 2 n. on tfie walls of rhe runncl,rtere nere sll]all ni(hei
nor tlopi!.,ufr, 6rr,rgdLrriq ro! ott€r6oapr: rpor lorttrr,r; iirr the lanlrs usedbt the lvotknrgpeopJenhen diggi.g ii Oi
oirta i!rari,!oQrt roLr€Anopraoi ird\,or. io0jq)1.r1ro!.Q6 cn6 intercstln dating the project is rhc fact thai ore sialt |as .u
rltv :ror^rjol rou ormior oLoetedllEq11t(B,.vai6o:XA!pl]ro6.r throughar older beLfshapedcistem lne erd oI rh. tqred!.r
r o r o o ! r l t \ ' € n r o z s r r i t r o r€ a o i r l t ! 0 l : d r( l c I I , t : t 6 t . o r S ) Inun te soughiir somccentralcistenrnr thc Pieada.egun rr;
Ka,-roLo orLtu.ilo.irllLmopi.iro! o II.LQoragnmri.irto. 6r.1ri€ Kailipoli. \vhich owes lls nanreio the modem manr resenn.
lrQrzo tlbQotolDio Tonro o!o4,6prror it6l oror BfipoirpLo rcr of fifaeus. Rcgrrding the brancles rhrcush nh ch .hr Dubii.-
oo(6llf,,r r7lrt ror- !6eot!,r./.io! olr66oridL,rroi6oo. tLd).7.or
U Io r.r : . d r . r - r n d ,q p l . . . , : r ' . . tl
ro\, Alor.lv6 Q: nrto!flt! nqoii, rorltror r"6iirorr:mpXrLr:rggr .ts weLl as the flambin: insrallationsln rhc house siih ri.
Foii(1.m€nvi< rt./iqliv.rLo Koetli\.riioq (E. Cudrs, AZ5. t847 Medusamosai. ln Zea, dre onl) cyiderce is pforrEiil b\ i:j
2El.rt Ihpvlu.r (Bdp!$ndArq |]i,. Kop6riLi{, Ill]T0oror_li,xolr discoveryof a condujt of the sameivpe unde. a rirl si!r-':


flrwdlog. AmLx!,En[perQo 4 o!p.20)roLo yplrrarqfu6.o!p. cisternat the intersectiorofAhti Miaouli and Mavrckordaou
3 l9).:iyotlao ondror Yl.qft6. |L€ooro! It rooorjnQo6Q/€ror
o streets.Tlrereis no doubt drat a nore carefulirspecLrD ofrhe
ziddoq no! ol,|ol,o!0orioExI\, rtuQ€iflrov Morcdrv T€qdv, 611.g variouswells xnd shaftsthat have becndis.overedh excavN
ro1rJ,{ilrolo!d€ixverI o€4d tcovmoodwml rrioeryor o.r1 tionscouldprovidemore dataabouttheaqueductsysten.Thar
Ao|t.iiril e'iolrtndvo ma aplino ror FoA€io!oxO.o1ls ro!. H it \i/asnot designedto se.velrivate homescar be trovcd by
roQ€ioro! xL'vrQl1lotctl{rloi xo! !6QoToysio!,I onoiaol!:dl the fact that ro! only were the older cistens kept in use .ud
ver{:rioro!( rioi,or6EQolqXdQ.nq (Milcllofe., Judeich) oko},olje€i naintained .egularly up to the late Roman period. as sholvn
iiyo-nol"i|rl Adfl ror ro(][onro! nEAaLd.'Ip!]rrro1llr}iorq by the represeniarions of ships on the cordLritof r cistem in
41 p. l]QdeIXe xo 1992,o€ Pd€oql0 p..r&rd ptroq ilq B6a€to! the comllex on Ircon PolytechniouSt (RondirisSquare).':bur
o'zobop'x!c]eoFuxtsiIs risraLalEl"Eo+6ao11 H0drovIIol.u that n€w oneskept being built.
r€Xv€io!, orl drl1orotQool t€ rry 06l) Mrio! tLriorJl"ilq Toiilo Draining rainwaterto the searcquircd the crcxtioDofducts
oflor€l,oilrov eno i!c.! oyoy6 inlioljEI .80p xc.rd,&orig 0,85p., on the axis of rhe tralerse roads (frcn nofh ro vruth)i the
XoQke7iav6!o!oiJi€xE1'rQ$i6 o!trdrit, rior tro o€Ad Qpsdro! o€ d r ' r . w e c o r ^ 1 l r d , r , r ! L r p r u . ( . J c r e , o e r n e
(lriooidoorq:10 [ p€ra€tiolrc.ror XQloiA€tlov oq 6d1'o€! nol tunnel-shaped(width 0,55. height I,10m.). Sewageendedup
mI ollvalfla oE gaioil:t Er.o)ls1rr]E
lor €EnEAtoUoi ro! !6Acyo- in sewcN by the side of the road, ard it was the duiy of the
y€io!. Onirg 4)di!€ror.,! 6rdvo€! ior olo.ron dplr!€ o1l1lp6.voq koproloeoi ta cle^n then.
c 6!() ovrioEra4A6ar{r,ort'|o ort|lliooljvdlrlortr or( t5
p. nori€iv.rlro U€oorlq 6n6popi1g-yN6rcv1 rtrnopcrirTq 5r.
6A00rot rrt! ]roa€idq.:s aro ardaEq t \ 2 p".ox.t xorfu)Wxaq, QUARRIEs
ortQff/.roi llJqpxovFr,lpaq ri6}1€qttr!r(r)"!ladptr/ro! spyoEo The monumentalform ofever private sLru.rrrcs,wnrcn suf
B!!ov ftt 6dvo44 i4<.Er6n{6poroa1!] q lpovoloporlr.or prjses and sometimesmisleads de arclaeologjst or visitof
falor €ilcr rt 6 :rnioroot 6rL6aaOp6..a6X€rxolp& Jr.r.o ro^or to Pil?eusantiqxities,is due largely ro the aFrial supptied
6i€al ftD6or6o U.I6€Eop::vi1. H 7atd1,1!r1ro!!6qayioleio! by the geologicaLcomposition of the region to the ancienr
lTpamrvo ovaElr1te€ioeridroro r€\.'iADr!8sElr!€t oirlv n€ploxil architectand buildef.The tenain ofl'imeus consisrs
qq ITlyddflSqq K,rj.Lno1,1g. no! o4,eil"er ro 6vogi t1g orl ox.r- natjngslopingstrataofporous limestoneand varioustypesof
raoq aewaLlli 6€E.r!€ariror llerprrui. OslpoE z166li:rdn6cioeq marl, oI s.eater or lcssercohesion,whjct wcre widely used
ror,,iroo iorr oroi{r.yxpooo6oron\.rd! or6ttoorE6]1Qiv€S rdr in construction,as .epored in ttre inscriplionsard prcved by
or040!€qro! K.rvodpo!.rrltd z.o or!6po!t n6E€yroroorrio€rs excavatrors(marl
mainly for foundatiors and the itltefjof oI
ro! ororl,onl',€ro 1,!Odor6 qs M66o!oosorl 260,q r h e d r l l . . tnF,c q u o . . ,n g . . u n p , , n e \ . J .
d\,de6l riop6x€lo e\aoJnog6g €.yo!d./rLr-yoi ro! djur! rlJm! rcr0r lematic and sometimesincidenrai.on rtrc gread paIt of Lhe
&rc p[0 r.oboaooXlFt de€olrvi oq 6|aoxonA{rorlfltq A,(riE Piraeuspeninsula.To date,nore ihan 200 quanjeshavebeen
Mr^1otl,! BEqv (136MffrQoxoabdro!. A€v tjJrl:tQxer oul,rpol"i.i excavatedjwith specjalfrcquencyon the pirajkiAkte (coasr).
6 nAoo€arn6r€Qoq 6teuoq r0r\,6tao60ov(lQ€! or.o_ on ihe westernsideofthe Munychia hill
and Eetioneja.,oThe
J1l,o"rd'rolTar o€ {rvooka46! o|,tr,o,;6o!. 0a lroQo{jo0 vo 6dro€r size ofthe qlanies varied.There
were sinail quarries,timired
rr€Qroo6ispo ororl€io l,Loro otorlpo rotl !6pd.f{ry€io!.Orr to lhe ncedsof one building.
Some of ihe flosi inpressive
(tl16,oor6oo.6€!itlov oI€6Ko!_e\ro
tLll.ntvEE]jqA6ntorl ro.v were thosewilh sysienntic quafiying over a large area.the
1611011116r omrd)!. dno6sfivieror onoro ys./o!d! orLoxr
[oro or tracesofwhich make it possiblero calculatethe dimensions,
no),or6rsQrE b€Eop€vag 6LofllQot1rTfl oel(plol xar ol)wlQoil and thus the final use of rlre srone blocks. Many of rhern
t'raLxcvowrd, dr4 rryvrjorsAl popni;.xr1 €no/1,6nor 6€ipow .rl1 (suchds thoseof rhe Piraiki coastand rhc regionof rhegatet
'po./p.r0iua.r.i nloio.v oror n1oryd$nq 6e!c$r 1sro u ol1+rpo must have been used in
building the wall and for exporL.
rrllaroq qq o6oi HQ60rvno).1lrslv8io!(rd,areiopovrl.tAl),a
oi,!o[./o!rcL ,4dr.riisq.
fro irtv (irrox6rs!oIrol oHBatovoq 0dtoooo naopl.6ro AAWio oaaiiat9A rrt1.ifar. oIry aiaftit t:eptiJLqtuq.a
wc! mo! dEovexcLra E./rd,Aor,r!
(!€ x(1Iene1]\,or
B-N)6a6!rdv. Antrent.iD bl.. t in turtrtte. Sttuart



'!,lrarr! |1]rrr rlflfinri, I n rJiriit.rjrr)tn.r!t(tr ,|,|lt!)

'r if tAalLr)..:LNt; ti.Lti.ti UlQ.rr).
. t.,,.ii .ttt ua it\].)rt.ri,t:t!1trtt\er,tt.i:ttt:,l

ir-nr,r-r:I ixoi 11tr0io . ort! o ozotruilor or. pdr! rr.orr

lj ur i Ite qrafriLic. j r r s c r l c n i a r . dl r a L a r . , t r L
rr,!,-jt !ro0v i:rr.{1,55 | . !uor,: t.t0 u I T&[nrc )1./r!i,t.r,(r 0 1 - l r o r et r i o r i l l i o r . ! b L c m e r r - e s . lf o c k \ e r e D i n e ( . x n .
r: lrf ..!j: irrrlx (z( rl ro! L\QoLrLjl,llor .iXor iiln zor !(,n./ t h e r . r e n L r f sf i L n r $ i s x c r r u i \ t r e r c c o n e n l r r d n r g l ) h r g .
-'r!,i:or \ .jr zr.r!oi.rt,./.
Therenf. frertrentrcfcfenc.sro tcrs ng su.h opcrftjons.!
a s L h eq r r r i e s o i t h eA s . l e p i c i o oa, t s ot ( n o n nt i o r r . r c r " r L
: i . r \ r i ] . L n 7 r u . i ! r t i tf l ' 1 6 ! 1z L ( r 1 0 !r r l r l l ] r L . r roi r zl o o o p | ! r .
: r o r l r | n s , w h i c b f i n r c c d r h cs r . r i | t c s n r L r ct e | r D l . t h i r n a , r i
:: ' rrr-fL 4(::rcuro dooil nulrj .olriro1 r(1.rox,r(}ift
itro! s u p e r i ' . i a el r f l o i r a r r n rj r ! r a L j e dl e ! c l ! . r t i c 1 ( , n \ i I m o s l
:- j ir: iir-r tr r if. rur2i i1 .r17cr,rriFor,.ogri)+-rlLLrrol Lnrr .;cr
.rses abardolc(i (,he| ir hld rcilhed .he m.rrl sulnr rnd
r : , : . r , ,, , ' . i
r l . r r L -: fru 1 r, t i r L | l1 1l , r r o L r l L r i o i a r ( o r 1 l 1 ; : r e Q r o t h e ' rt h e
s i l . r l s 6 l l e . ll i r i ( | d . t r l s l r a b r j t r o i . r i \ j a n ] .


I]lq ?ioQ€i1€ mov oQxnioaQxrr6Trolol.rdr1o\rlu1oori€xaoxl. ofthese quanies,pariicularly rhe larger ones.nust

To neeoir6 abooosoror.l€iicrr c.r6€lot).ooootLrroEnl.r^l majnedopen,obsrruciingrmffic on slreets
and squaresor as
ut oredtlor(!rcadr8o!qooFEoro]noorj (rxrirl) ror bk1o6eo.,, dangeroussrnkhotes,tlrcarenirg rhe life of
, r u v u o u v c ( c .ol ,r o o r r U o o o , p U o . ! , 1 , r l c, o u l p l o did the quarries(llrrolrnier) in rhe regioDof fie ciiy -qates
porrcrctlvror Errptlrolo-oroq ovo+6QFncr. orrE€JltlQaod< xoL which wefe enorniousin areaand depth, whefe rhe enemies
ono8€rx\i{ieroL (l!Llo}lo(|LXdoxq ou{o6ol#!(I r!Qi- ofApollodorus, a client ofDenostheres', lay in wajr fof hirx
iiq, oio 0€!17,wXotoro Eoor€pwdxor rErx6a).Hj"fi6g€ro!, one eveningas hc leftforAthens. beaihin1soundly
and rnJe$
o],l"o,io!ox!parurit r(|| o).i,ote!xilerokit, xrd.t,ir€rro p"eyo- him in (Den. 51.17).It is posslble rhat the
!.isoners fiom
iir€ao U€poE qE neenirilE Xeaoolitoo!.'Exorjvovoo]{lt4)ei Sy.acusemay hale escapedffom rhis quarry (Xen 1.2..1)bl
B€tAI ortUlporiclo ono 200)"orop€io, Uxdroi.r€ptrrrr6qrc. digging a tunnel in rhe mari under rhe walls.
o t! n€eoi1al.q S'J1rxtnl.riod ro! 1600! rlq Mol]lrryi(lE
,!i1rrlv Hoi|(ir!€u:r.r0OE naogro p6.f€ooq ia ).l1rop€ia nirLro,
Lolr!. YndQ1o!\,prrpd ).oroU€i,1, iT€Qropro!€\io orrgovd,yxeq C E M E T E R I E s
Boq oLr.ioaolri6. M.Qki l1n6xcrnro E\,flJnjroroxd€i1'arolJrd ll€ The significanceof the rcads thar linked PiracuswirhArhens.
o!orlBolt].irlo€ ),(16F€!oI.roi1l'I i1lgonoioq€nLlQt Eoeotia and the Pelopomeseis tesrifledro by rhe cxLenrot
lIourTovljroiollou6 .IovirooidoEol],ou1€fti)(IrcrL 11'l!iD],fti] the PiraeuscemeteriesOf partcular brilliancc was me row (lr
Ia!! a!p6).reov. ol,Id {6r.(0qi1llrdqq rseoiliits ori!E gravemonunentsalongrhe carriageroadoursiderhenorthem
r1.i| tq rEArotrisr0r} rxu},6v)nQ6?isr. !o tAr]oilxj1]oo!orlv p:ut of the Inng Walls. It was on rhis road, wherc Pausanias
r{rrclori€lr!ro! i€ilorrgnor lro Eqofoi/!. Or noo6rlr€r irdv saw the cenotaphof Eurlpides aod rhe toinb of Menander.
xepdorl€s:lnol"€ror.6rr olvoiLxd €Eoaixrlxov 'ieAiro that someof the most impressivcmonumentrnr rhe Piraels
6lo exi]roppirprcr xrl3wd,. 'd),oyo6s lxrfl rorxo tooSoon6 Museun havebeer fouDd,suchas ihe sreleofPancharesand
aljdt q dQomIQL6qi(1. :!I!6E €ir'ororor.r4oQ€g o€U^r010o€rEthe lion of Moschato,which exceed3.5 m. high. andthe Nhu
qq €xUjrdl.l.Erolq,6m,rq.fro ndQdieLlUorc0v1./(roirbvxl1r soteumoflhe meticsNiceratosand Polyxenos,ar doublethat
(1vaoro4,[7,o Lt0oiou€iovio! Aox).I?itrio!,fln6rcloJrlrialp)l heighi, all in Llrercgion of ihe ancienrd.,r ofXypere.
Uoro6oroir,rcir, or.euoi:qmo €p6.nQ6k€Lri:rrt,t.r sJiprrd).tr s!orl A secondpa.allel road servedtnffic nrsidelhe corridor of
€nlq,o!€roxio€ [Jot)pi6€E, 'ro1roxlgrr€pLoo6r0Q€E neQurr6ocq, thcLong Wal1s.Thal this too was a carriageroadis coDfimed
6rov +edosroro pnQ.fclirdoladrpara,eyxorotr€in€ior lior.o by the wheel ls that havebeenfoundat variouspoinrsalong
IdrAoqiLrvl[drv€ror nor oDiobo !-€iror.Ilo).l"dl:tno xa toroU€io, its way.andatthe gateriSht in froni ofwhich Milchhiifer had
Lbroireeo Iu U€]ol,irsQo.na6mr,ooiooo.l'( 6p€aovllvoqrd, discened an irtersection Tomb erclosurcs,grouls oflonbs
egno6ilorrnqr1v rrrlrl"o+oQio o€ 6A6Bo!q rr n),oreiEq il oE or isolatedgraves.r'follow the full lengrh ofthe road.
€Jnriviri\,opdAcr0ao, (md.rir,rcrgt1 (to! rov rcrroixarv, dmos A sill1ilff sight must havebeenotrered to the visitor approach
or'rEpoorl€q oEaxi{1q xllr pdooEl"r0oroUeqqEn€proXitg xrr.v ing Piraeus from the Peloponneseor Bocotia by the norihem
oorodr\rriui,(ir!,ono! orEloaoiro! !oT1loljt1,6vl1 ljad61l rcp#pr €metery of Piraeus,on bothsidesof thepredecessor of today's
o1o1ATio),l"6ijr'rQo, 6vo! n€)drrtrotl Alfooe6v1l,r.{o0dr! o!i6q Thivon Si. This road has ncver ben excavared,with the excep
Etzrvoio€yro fl'tv A01tu1.rov !r),or6:qoor urr.tov n6ra[ov tioDof isolaiedgravesalongThivon St and its slderoadsin rhe
Ftoo(^Ip.53.17).An6 orir6xo ).orot1€io €i.vaLJneo!6v 6116Qo region of l,elki (the Dilaverjs factory).r, The gnvestones (sieldi)
nfr€!oo\,, fldpol1.rg orod mI pdQ,/oridr0ron6 xo r€iII, or thai wereinilialty collectedby tlre ownemof thc land.such,5
0rj(pd),c01or t! I crxoiioro r (ED!.1.2.I4). Meletopoulos.and conslrlutedthe coreof rhe Plaeus Museum
collection:r and the discoveryin 1985 of a large numbe. oi
gmvestonestiom the 5th and 4ih century BC in a nodem pir ar
T A N E K p of A 4 , E t a h e . n . e r * . r . ool l n \ ' 1 s , , l r l e 'ar -e'!..-inp
TI otpdoiil rov 5A6$11rorolv66owror Iler.pcr.d g.oqr A0i1 extent,richncss,nd mtiqujiy ofthe cemetery, ard consequendr.
, , . , ' B . , - r o r o ' r \ n t r o [ o v . . o nl n o n o r , ] , o o 1 - u v the significance of rhe road. The siie of the corespondmg Saie
1 p , 1 r r ^ r o r o o ' 1 J ! .l o n r , J o ) u . u r Q4l | , v t o . r r o u \ hasbeenhypoihesisedas b€ing berweenfie PoputarB anl bond


mg on Tsa$adou Sl and ihe Maka fie intertuiior of the

Akti Poseidonosand Gonnari Skeet. Here too. a5 at the n ddle
gaie.the spaccrighi in frort of the gatewasbisLllnsw'th grales
from the Roman pedod The cemeldl' extendedalong the enlrre
seationt up to Eeiioneia, as sholvn by the gravestonesfound in
the marsh (he preseni-day inside parr of dre harbour aloDg Lhc
Akti Kondyli. wlich has mistlkenly been identif,edwith the
K.lor rtne")is and the lnarbie sarcophagifforn the coastin front
of rheArl€ns'Piraeusmil$,aystation.
Tbe ceneteryoutsidetlreEetioneiagalewas smallerin.trcx;
herea rrdlz with anthennonwas found which is urique in rhe
preservationof its colours,and comnenorates a mclic fiom
Pynha in Lesbos.The high quality ard largennnber ofgrave
stoneslrorn the Plraeusccmeteries show the level of ihis urban
llopulationDd at thesametime prcvidesomeusefullnlbmation
aboutits compositio!,i.e.thepresen€ol meticsfrom Grcckand
foreigncities.Charactedstic of thelarge scalcIinancial&spaa
ries we havenotedin the evolutionoftbe Pi.acolhouseln the
late4th century,wasthe distance$at separated ihe m^gnificenl
mausoieums ofthe monumenlofKrllithea type ard the enclo
sureslhat flal1kLhcnajor roadsfro the poof plt like graYesthat
can be found behind,such as on the slopeof the hills wcst of
Thivon St.
ArA€poti @il4 €tut lt€loixar anl t4 ,1t6l3a atu xo r.apatub€k As the city shm.t durirg the Romanperiod,gravesbeganto
tl5 HttLorti1< lApr1olayHn nrLedni).
al pearlnsidethe walls, on the outskirtsof the inhabiiedarea.
slek eith rnlhtnnrt l'r 1 Lhe|ra!..l a netic fon I2sbot.
su.h as tu Kalipoli od on the sjte of lhe SchoolofBusiness
lirn tht E,i.heio cenvtetl (Ar.hae.bgi.tL Mrs.uh af lrruett
and lndustry on dre 'vesternside of Munychia. These \!crc
roou6\r plttr€io! no! o1j!6b€!a! rll oUoErrll066 0qoreaftd relativelyweahhychamberiombsin olderquancs, irrto{'hlch
xffd plrcq ro! 0o8€io1roritrolq Ii'rv MoxAdJl' TErX6!. Arir o1l eiiher one or two (circuld and squarc)chamber wc.e hewn
16ro 6A6|rn,6nr! o l:llroolicE€i6€lo re\'oidQtoto! ExAnlij! The poorcr pcople
tbat somelimesbeaf pairled decoratioil.J6
. o ' T o vr o q r u \ l \ o v b p o u .r l p o rp t r o r r o rJ / o } ; , 1 . r o i r o conrrnuedtobeburied outsidelhe ivallsinpjrlke$aves hewn
Evrlrrtuorr1ld pllpLici rolr Moljorlolj ll€Lpi:rrirE,ortuq I o'illlrl out of lhe rock, asin tbe ccmeteryoutsidethe E
io! IlolxdQolq ri.rrro lurlroQrio! Mool&o!, m! Esn€Avoir! DistomouSt,ordng into the ground.suchasthe gmtes bcsrde
ro 3 ,50p.. rciLio a LnidorcoEivos Mo!oor) Itrrl ffa :n'dr! re pon and outsidethe nofhcnr forlificatidr.
U€ioiror N|XrtQdro!r.tL floL!€€vo!. 6tro o ilv rlpto1il Trt A'7
uoLrriq E1)iLri:.
'E\,oq R E L t c l o u sL t F EA N D T H E s A N c r u ^ R l l s o F l l R A E U S r r
6€r]i€Qo(.noQili/'rtloq, 6p6po<elrqpetoioe r1v ri-
tor'l!-0ooono ro 6 SpotLortov paltadrvi€q6!. Orrri| atl1og l f e . r a r r ' r e - . 1e \ . r ) . r . ) ' l d r n o ' n .F ) h ' r o r' .
illov avo! dpaEri6,( 5a6|l]rqfloxonoroir! or aaFdraoxiuEno! flectednr jts religious worship. This aPpliesto Pifacusmore
Itffi|ordvolrraL oE 6rfl4,oQooIg€io rI! noQ€ioqio! rar orl\, lhan anywhcre else, and tlius lts religious cults can acl is a
iLr).rt,,1prorrstmQoold oqr oroict o Milchhoferlixo bl,Ci)iQt!.| guideto undcrstandingthis nrltifaceted city
gro Sroorrdp0rol (Eriaorot!) xo!E.To 6Q6Footlvob€to1]!xr€bdr From one poini ofview. tuaeus did nor.titlbr greatly from
6€ 6io ro fftxoq ro! io4,LrioimQiFol,or,o1]ord6esrd4ov ilt{ot the other Attic demes.I_Ierc,too, we encotrnlctthe common
rr peasanr vegetation cults, wlrere Denletcr, Dronylos and
u€FovLLr tril,orrd4,or


1(r!{rrtu i./.1Ltt ri< Mr|iatq lrr A/tu, ri) LaMoo|.lto,qti< cuL latue ai t te Matlt.r i 1h. ce\ ' t, - r!.,'-.
,7,: tu a-X.lfut1nlar9n Moro.iafittplr4). lth.dn tC t)trh4t.l'..n'.1 1tr.rr .r'aJ: il



: r , , . J ' r r/ ] | , , . [ ] i , t , , 1 r i a ,f' ,
l. : -:i. rir.,ls,,.1r l l . t . r ! t ) . t . \ t ) /tr r j . |t. 11..,1.i lTEitta ) r r.rr.1rrq.",.ni i]l,it:.,-i.!t.ti tl' ).tr;.i i't1rt t l


naaoUorcnQimr\ro!ro!ro o€LrUo ro! nQoo6O€A€ orol'roEr similar divinities predoninate lrs temlle oi De!R-.r. d.
6rlDTlt, o onoioqrrLlotoq€rov n€Aord ornrq! II€).o 6wloo tl Thesnopho, ion , ' hlch \r as locatedoutsideiie n alls ni .i!r
It Bomrio,ro l]6Arrc1'er.iQoroo€ioro! IeAoLiiq,l]166{iord.erJ city. in the ea of Halipedon. as the plain bt itF -.:z sai
paEro! rQobp6porJ rt! olll"€Arvrtq o6oiJOIBdrv.OnranrroE o l . o q n . w d r o n . o f i , . n ^ . ' c \ , \ . r . ' A i ! a d. "b
bpopoEorooxdQrlm rcr6, rry €qdA€ol !€tor,op€vov 1d4,{rv the Theare of Dionysos. As a member of the ldld..rzr!.
, r- ( urr.c r| . 060,O.. ur' all -,u\Ioooour'| 4-mlv LQ oirl i! also took part in the worship of dld Bel
fllg A€txtg (€ploordoLo AI),ol36At)52. OLefl.i{rpfL€qorl).€qro!,
ooXLZo, mAtoril"afloor'o'rc rorE 6rcxr1ftq xo! Idreor,6rftDg On theotlref hand,PiEeus was a uniqueexampleof a detr
o M8).er6riolioE, aoroiroi6),eonv to! :tupi]voqE htr).o/]g ro! with the size and fol.I| of a city, almoslequalto lhe mmn cril
MorJorio!n0r,QorLtr!,5r ro€rbgrolI ovslra€olro 1985p€tdl"o! ofAthens. This couid nor but influerrccthe forn of Pi.aeor
.roL0llon€rurtAFr(L)!oql.drv oflj xo! 5(rxor 40 frr.r.X.. oEoiry- culis, even tlrc nost traditional. Tlre Dionysia in Pi.aeus
XQovo)]1xaooro olu.€io 3L.1moi)Aoo!E rIS oSon('106! tr€flt could therefoE not have had anything iD conmon q,ith ihe
odruobAoB {l yaoplrt,! .tno6eor{ot)v rry 6rr.ro1.t. ro\, nl"oirro rural Dionysia of olher demes. In the calalogLre ofAthenia
r0[rllsQ1clrorlrorolj\rrrrQoioo€iori,otlv€rqmrrlolFl]oil:! festivals. LheDiorysia in Piraeusis nenrioned alon-qiviih
ro! 6Qd||o!.H odo! r'tg i1l,rioror/,lEnirllr nreilvo).o"/eixorp€ the urban Dionysia ofAthens and the Lenaia.Moreoler. rhe
raEr rlq AolxlS TadmEaE ofltv 016Toopoboi11,(r| q( Moledq theaire of Munychia. now 1ost,was comparableooh lrnh
:rodq, oq Itl1morjQoolAxtlg Iloorr.btilogpr qv o36loivn that ofAthens, not only jrr terms of size,the brilliance of iis
n l . O r . a , , o r l 6 , r u o o u n r . r . ' ' " ' 4 | o u o t r Q o - d t - r o . . . perfbrmancesand the stagingof new plays. but also tor its
p,laoordoqv flir),! kollnrexor &'ronuxv6gro$6qQopl'ni4E€ro- role as a politicat arcna.In the Hellenistic leriod as in all
Xltq.To voriQoicosio€x-!Ew6ro1' os o1,61r,tQlrl-v ]Iopd,ilx 6oq the capitals a largenumberof prjrate theatrecomlanjes, the
rlv HflLdrv€to. 6^Ldq d.fno!! oLxaQfta(or!trlq no! Bp60r1ro! Dionysian; or Dionyslastes,were establishednearrhe
mo 6).oq(to oltr€Qrlo€o0r'iEA|1t6 lpitfLoior iLpolrot rcio pit hc .. .o o' \\ rh vr \".c J-(.. cdd rc,d
)toErrq Atrit! Kovdlrlt), ro onoioeo(u].plvotaui(*or p: tor A typical cxampleofa Pnaeot cult. $,ith pan-Arhenia!to
K0rQ6A !!o:5xo' oruoap1pwes ooQxoodyorfftrqr ]r(pclto litical significaDce,was the worship ofZcus Soter(=Saviour
xo! orc0|Loiro! otdtQobQ6p,1) Aertvdrv-neest(i)E. MnQ6r€00 or Protecior).This was an old cult. which Aeschylusrcfers
o! arrllol €ircrro v€1tQoxoo8io d€oan6r$r rirl.! rtE Hnr(D\r€i to often in th€ O/erteta.In fact il nay have beencomected
aE,an6 o o! npo6Al€rorll1 Fo\'o6o{i1yro q 6|o4Alot rurv io the foundationofPiraeus - whoseproleclor god lvas Zeus
XaoFdrorl'o!(]€!.|orlmlb 0!6! s€roixou11716 rry I6QQGqq S o c . . l J r o r P ^ c i d ^ r .T h i a p e , o f z e u . . r . I o ' . r o :
\ , " 1 o . H u , t t I t , m t l rtrr ^ r o ' o u y o / o c u p , 0 J oic r a q \ , ' i . d I i . r ' r l o r e l r ' . 1 . . d v o j J g e s i l r l e . o ' r ' d :
oqldrv oro io mQoixd !€l'aoro4,.io beifloriv bcaJerof wealth (Adstophanes,Pllrrr llTl 90), earlains
ro DribIE6o ro! ooruo! olroi nl,l€wF{rn x orryIa6vorq6ivour his populairy ir a city rvhich dependedon the sea and on
rrrro c 1A.o,irc r).qpooop.,c I ,' n!\0,0f L"r.onuc,q.). InaJiriJneventures. The .ult of Zeusac.tuiredgreaterpres :e
1r0 xl\r n]Qorofo iov fLrxoiliorv €],].ryft6q],iorqa\leqmr).€rq. and r nililary olenore which was retainedwhen the god
Xl1AoxqAtorrritr0r! !€l,0rv oUao'vottl){d)\, 6Lo(|oaono(ororv, was associatedwith drc victory i the navai battle at Cnidus.
, 5 r o :
, - L i ' o . rxt -
o . q f ! , E , ) 1 ) t
, o 1 ,
o ! . 1 / o ' r o r r . o u ou This liclory helpedto sxveAdrcrs and securedthe rebifih oi
ra),rtro! 40! ot.,Ei\roL I onooioorlriolrloraiL€rrcrU€1otr6nes- democfacyiit was then drat x slatueof Coron was set !p rn
Jr| pdlroo).rlo ro! xlrriolrxo! M\rl$ior) 11lSKo),h06oEnorlorq lhe sanctuaryofthe god. The sameoccurredwith the cult oi
Da [ . ] . o c , x o u r l o o . o u r r o ) : / Aphrodile, a sanctuaryto whom nost likely thal founded
I'I. r,lcoJ^u..^,d'o
q - u ' x o- I o . . { o a b ,- , o O o J - . oo i , o | o, ,," r1 ! o ' r n r i o , . o - u c by Themisto.les was rcbuilt by Conon at Eelioneia.Tlis
nX. o!,1! orllilxol').64(0!blxDidxlq 060{r0!86\,. militaq' ovefione was further emlhasised nr ihe Rgure ol
M€ q oloQirrool xlq n6],lq oll Qopoix! enoIil orpliloll\, Athena Soteira, who, fron 330 BC, shared a lempls \'iin
!.l €pQLlviqovror {dQor,(or Froll mll r€ixr, on4 ril1a!(i6qro! Zeus. The cuLt of ihese ProtectiJrssoon became pl)puiai
lioxorl.ilpd1jor lri)QolJ,6fiog ox!! Ko),),irio1"! ror oro X6Qo especixllyanongst soldiers.The cult of Zeus ard ihe otk.
rlq BurplxorDiiE:toUE ort blJTrxilnllltrd qs MotllqioE. , u r . o P i r d P , .p l d , e aa ' i , o " ' . , o l e


temprsio recfeaterhe Athers of ThemisLoclesand Peicles.

na6xErrl:rL ",/rool.ruad rio).!r€),clq
oo),otn€rbeiE rd4olq no!
raoieTolIoLcrn6il bLixf6Q0oolnolaLdv).oro|rfi(lr1r, d).).or€ This was a great degree,o! Llierevival of Piraeus
(m jdeo
U i!a, dilorE U€6iro ft6 ror oQoordrvLo) 0oldForJq,xo lolilical and mjlitary role.and also on dre rcvival ofthe
pta OoAdionoyaool!€\'o!q.56 Or Sr0rt6rEaor EEclxoLo!0on! logical outlook of lhe golden age.It is characteristicihat the
vo 0d.0ovioL exr6Ero1' r€L1rb!os l"arrc€rbEiE rdQo!(,l,oEe! sacrificeto Zeus Sotcr (the nameof the feastrijrol€ria was
g€\rolqolo liadlo , 6rrur orlv n€QlrncLjo!iolr vrrQoloroDiorrroll nol known until thc 2rd century BC) was Listedfirst (334/3
'sknrs' (IG lr 1496),in which
flpiomrar6!t'ram q 6Ln|l!oo!n61!, ottv 066A$16pntl8, it 331/0 BC) in the catalogueof
o,(optLsfolqoro xri pc, 6nr0EoLrdool rro! €rr€irolror biirlo mo arc recordedthe proceedsfron the salesof the aninral skin
l,'paii'rJiaraqorllJIoiI [i6a€[oorirooor. ftom publjc sacrificcs.Oflhe live othcr sacihces mentioned
in thecatalogtre,threewere also locited inPiraeus(Mikalson
86). The ihift in emphasisof thc most impoftant culis fiom
H olH:KEyrrKI'l zoH KAI TA IEIA Toy nEIpAIA5, the Acropolis to the port. which look place at rnnlnd the
O 1oaox{ao! ndosno}.!q,6n0rqxfl xdoetrooir,L1\,rco'ox}diol s:rmeperiod. is conlinncd by lhe central role pla)ed by Lhe
m6l"orQeieq qg.Totro mproo6r€0o ori no!0€r'doiloll tol{i€t Pineot cults ofZcus soter. DioDysus.PoseidonPelagiosand
]rolov lleL€od,or loxQD[tg otrvEndrg,l Ammon in the sacrificesoflJf,epntaneis"Ior the he&lthand
ro! oroiou luroQoirv,
.rnoftI6oolv rov obl16./n t1v xnrav61o1qg notrirtrerplq protectionaJthecounciLdnd the tutne (lG II' 410.330 BC)
In the samcspilit was Lycurgus' organisatn ofdilhyramhic
Ario tio rfEl]ad o nt|{ords 6€16u1O6Q€r rxroroljg ljfiol,orloljE contestsin honolr of Poscidon(Plutarch.L,vei o/ft" O/a
arrHotg 6rl||o!q.Ilj\'c1'rEL€xor €6d io yv(')oi6ntrcloloto\r oll,Qo- rdru, 842A, Mikalson 42). The sanciLtaryof Zeus, which has
! A!plrao, o Dorbeer locatedand nuch ofth€ infomaLion about rt co'nes
tr,nri! Iatpeuirv r1g BldmtortE, 6no! r.ruQtc1pl(oir1'
Arburooq,i oro1lvooetg pEolrotq o€orltr€s. To O.op4J6Qto, from a later dare,was the only public buiLdingh Piraeusto
nor toro0errlrcr6!o arc rare(1, m1v nrpnfi tor AIuE6or, suNive the calasrophcof 86 BC and to become.accord'ngto
itr onord n o o\'opdord ilq Arrr],|rtq,ro i6u)rcr ro Aur\,rroti1kd Straboand Pausanias.the rnain atiractjonii the city. despLte
e6ora6ro!. oEFl'oE ro! Teraoxdrpo!o! u.p€rEix€, sEdMo!.ofltl the fitct that rheyboth agrcethal i!was a simpleprecinctwLth
ror\,r'lo€rlrl,loirq orrrxoirqiiito]Jq ]"drQ€irx io! FlQctLit. poflicos (Strabocalls then "llille stoas") wifi laintirgs and
An6 i$r d).U r ,€!Qd o IlEaordEotrcis?,Di fr1'o60il mQiTno
o1't€1,6s 6ifou rr€1la aaroort,iorflt r]]pQi uds noUc,Elvorlo The cult ofArtemis, w|o was wofshippedat thc foiilied
1 " C '.,, v, o uq o , . . u ,T ^ 4 , .b r . | . ^ vb v o r o , n/ t v : n A ,a o .I capeofMunychia, rbllowed asimjlar pattern'" Hers was one
1I Uoa4,rt i()\' mLacix(ir!IoxQedw,cr6u xor{rD!r ;o! nnQo of rhe oldcst Attic culls, adheren.eto which sprcadbeyond
6 o o L o /ru I - o r . r l 1 A l r 1 , o . . , 1" "n Q ^ r' 6 , \ . ^ o r , v o ) , the boundariesof Piraeus.The herc Munychos (one of lhe
0o BnoQoioavro 6Xo!\' riftoxoro riow6!r io zor' dTQoig mythical kings of Athens) was believ€d to hnvc fou ded
ArovioLi:! rov ir),).ov6ltU0!. :rov xoid).oyor0rr oeltvlxix{iv the cult, and the tenlh month of the Attic calendar was
0oprirl'oltloaQovrarUaqiU€ro Arc\,{roLo i! Aox€r.]ior, xo Arl naned aftcr his festival. Here. Artemis wrs wo.shippcd as
v.uo. crp6Uoro, ro UEldlo,Xo!€vordrpo,€6.r1po qE Mowrylo< a protcclor'goddessof naLriage and chjldren, a wel nurse
oul.{Airro. Jrovo L, ou o 'f. Aoflirc.oy,!r!o uc rraoc,o /, wirh llnks !o Brauron,as is indicatedbolh by ihe myth of rhe
te€oq, q loF,-ra6qro ro\, naaoordoeorl r.r ro olr6poolla r6rd! Ioundadon ofher cuLtand the custom ot lhe d/kld;.?,(lvhere
rAo1odLir!,aLtrdxlrr ro_< nQoqro A6l.()ro! og riol,Lflrol trijQo! . young girls would act as bexrs' tu her honour), and from
fira0r'ioriec r).Ioi1'oxvotry rll,$,rw! eno1i16ftoqoE6LE_< the votive offerings found in the ervrrons of her sancruarl.
rq n{oftrlo!o€g or6mrrftoi6rc\'rior.oroi 0ioooL. 6to onoroxE which was discovercdand excavaiedin the viciDity of whai
ojIoiorq!bI t vt!,aioap.€.
Tl,irr6 beilfa lroq rueoiraiE )'oxQ€iog U€riorc(olvoiril rioll
rrzitolpooio iIflor€).€i ! ).ara€iolou AdE:oiiaoE.H loiaEio
.i!c1rindLA, ovo4)6Q.rar orXl'doirdro'vAioxilo ort! OQ60l€Lo. n.Aaizi Axrii: Onaro<xal KararEi.u*4.rq a

As! anoxi€i€ior.Ud),r.orc, vo €a\,crl ol'"/xao\itU€rlr iSauo!r!! Pr'.iki C.a!: Po I oJth. lower in the Cahania,watl

' i i;-r'
, ''. 1,


roirl: rorrll€L{ord,ro! orrcio!cnJr6E ro[ 6Ir o I]oo€li6! eilrar ls now the Hellenic Yacht Club. The tcmplc itself, which is
0 n000T411!( O 100(lrx!0oExol A16(oEoo iilOo!orq liono- mentionedby Pausanias.must have been desioted during
i.rt jr€Qroldosr(, oro 0cl,oooLv6 raEi6r,6r('g 6womiQLc the constructionof the villa of Kounoundouros These vo
zu, o! 4,oa6anloiiror (Aaroio{},oiror lli3,90) EEIy€illt tive offtrirgs includeJnanyfeaiuresofthe Brarror cult,such
6rtporrx6rtrdro! o€ Fronr).I,I t]mpEl qS oro{oEBooil&crr as small katers, figures of childrcn and the leracotta dolls
oq 0oloooo lifl mq \'orrLr.{dE erllerQitoe{.IA6oe€r!oitl! fiar girls would dedicarebefore their $'eddings.We lerD
xdLf!o\r rooro\rLo$i\ro rio).€tr1io
loQoxI]lao.flo! 6ict1!a1lqx€ from Lysias (Asatar A8'latLs, 24.29,52)and Demosthenes
7cLmI o!v6l€r0 anixllo8 I ),niQ€ioXdQIont oi'!'63ol ro! 0r (18.107)ihat. becauseof its positioD,dre Lemplelvas assocr
oi tL€ rI \rixl mlro!Fo1iorlg Kvi6o! (rft€. €ilror,mr! mrlolffi ated lvith the nary as early as Lhe5dr certury BC. We also
oio rsQ6xo dtclpa ror K6\,(rrc).I orilJio€ELroSdIrc€ rI oorl- know thai, llke the allar of Eleos in the Athenian Agora. it
piorrlg A€ilcrs ko|iq! dlor6wlot rlg 6lFoxQoril19. To i6rc was usedas aplace ofrefuge for ihe captainsoftrifemes and
ol'adlLlro!djoiv€r ''oL A€q )"oraEiaqq A4oo5iflt<.io |Ea6 sailors who felt they had been wronged by the courts. The
rlq olio{oq rreo!6q c11]16 no! €iX€r6Ato€ro O€Boror.d.lqqo cult took on a more military toDewhcn il becane associated
lcrdE€ior ld,eo oro ro1 K6\,ov1xoqv Flfl'rbvEro.O nolspoi6s with lhe victory celebntions of the barde of Salards. ard
xe,lrriaos iovilErorax6|Ll'] riea'oo6iEaooq FoaQiT1]E A0I- with Lycurgus' inclusionofiL, along wilh rhaLofDcmocracy.
rarq:dri€[Qo!, ro! ep4ovileraroq o!,/vooqio! AL6EFo].Ero in his pfosramne for Arhenian rerival (Parker 24). This
i30 n.X. H ],crrQ€iq rcw:orilQrDr ffrorrd &or riotr"!oir\"rola tradition continued, despite the decline of rhe cull during
- v , I ' 6 ' t L o 4 0 , " .b o | , a o ! , - o E
, 1 . o ' a u 1 .- u \ . : r the period of Macedonian occupation.with the boat ftces
Z0]A|,o4 060! 0o 6I€r t ),orQEii:r
ro1] Adq :or toog,6n'rgr0r oL aroundKastella,and the proccssionand srcrifice to Artemts
ur6),olmE fireob{dg l.arp€i€q.olrl\r fiQoor#ro€nro! AtlxoiQ, Munychia.which was part ofthe overalleducxtior ofyouths
lor' tltr rI1' a!.l, €\'v!ol xIE Aertvrq ro! oe|lrmo .4 xoLiox in the Hellcnistic period.
n€aftMt,t onotct0a 0ao|,or€io€ |1[tirl.o0oe]ln m$, o\,o0iool Anotherequally importantclemeDrof Fineot religion was
10! mlr.rrxol ror orQoruD'ilxot Q61,or rotl neeo r(,oL),6ro! Asclepius and the healing gods in general (Agarhe Thea lrorn
rorJrb€otrolroi nQooo\rurol'|oUo{r rtr U€./d}.\qemliiq. Ei^'or Pythonikos' lotive offer'rng in the Piaeus Museum bciorgs
4ooolar qa'rino o.' l crorc r"u a,oc:ur1c.. /or TrirdQu here). as well as lhe heroes.These gods expressedihe urbrn
(314/3311/0nX.) rlv llQrlr,il0eo1oto! r,{artrtrolo tor <3eq population'sneedfor di\rinideswho \yerc closef io man and
gnruion, (Icllr 1496),6no! roxotQdoo\.lorro60060ano 11, his needs.The site dedicated!o suchdivinities occlrpiedrhe
i).!olt roa Sseu.drovrino rL{ €niollr! e!oi€g,€.viD xor on6 q ennresoufi coastof Kastella(wherc a se es of lotive nichcs
! )"or,-r:g #vre ololeg.nolrn!0rlou0dvo\.'ror, orovxffidtoro. hewn into the rock at vadous poiDtswere found sornetime
ot rQsLE rilcL n€eai'liE (Mikalson 86).TI oirfiAoq [€rdr6nr ago) ftom the exit of the port oI Zca as faf as Munychia,aDd
orl ron 'ti!Ipo! pdpols rov trorp€rtuon6 q' AxQ6?io),t mo a large sectlonof tlte wide road that conDected!h€ Hippo
Irp0\,1rooionorsi[€ iov r o J- 1,I]ruQrxo r86no o ]i€\r'iprxoEQ6 dameianAgora with ihe temple of Aftemis and Bendis.lhe
io!ror mallrx(i)l iorQ€r6vro! Ar6s:rrritQos,rotl Arovioou, sancluaryofAsclepius in Piraeus.builr at thc poirr at which
'io! IooEddrloq Isl"oyio! ri.irror AUrdloE
orrgoloie! 10r! Llregod disembarkedon his aflival tion Epidaurusin 420
rAud\re{fl r.rai
oorirtpias flt! Bor},11E r(li io! 6it BC beforegoing bAthens, was ofcenrral imporrance.Here,
tlou, (IGIl/4]0 ro! 330ri.X.).Mioo oro i6rorv€rjl1a€.vl,oeirar n A.jstophanes'Plutus rcgarred his sight, after having bcing
oQydv0roloni ro A!,{oirQyo6$!Qol$|,Xrbvq,61o.y ./t( rov IIo purified in the sea at Zea. The sanctuarywas ercavaredtast
o.r0i0!o(lllioxr.l Bior 66JioQlr6Qov 842A.Mikalson 42).Ooo centuryby Dragatsis.when the open-airTsochastleatre was
7r:1ro i6roro t!Q6ror A16g,:ro!6evl3pie1m,oLnl,rlpoQopleq beingbuilt. butlas sincedisappetu€d.rqIts precinctprobably
Errcro( €niro ntr€iorov[rrct y$,aoreQ€g, ,{oodjg.i1]I6poro on6
ro drlF6ort1 xrlp|(rrox n€eord €n€Eloe rr]ExorooxQo4,llE ro!
Il,ipyo< qq .X1ipaa4qtun aAon qa Aaipioq a
36f, X Io vclonoi€l.6o8r, arrox€,6r(rEOc{i\,€i(lr 16l]0on6 ro lN@ta6< Opio< Elltiloa, Kaarillt)
:rQrrFolo 6110 {or LUrl] ro! naljoovio..roxtQlo dErc06oror!(
Fanij.atkn ta||{ Jioft ttu sartuitj..' af Atani\ Mmtchrd
ro/.rl:, f,cQbr'.o irorJxo! or 6rjoo!por0\,o!voro Xopor11lQroF6 (H.lt2ni. YachtCLubKasah)


lof rr; €16:ffiioi leurro1]qF! oroi!1o:iadll!,r! rr<orroz.riri,

!(1. or.i, oroiSu) f!,ri!(uF!rorro ai,ouor.lilLW0rt)!.
IlopAiLrtT,rnoaEia0o iXerzor rl A0rrpL!,nor Lcra€i€irlr
oro ol!po ctrlQn)fl]0rc r1l: Nfou\'rlluqr! IIQ6xEriar,YL.i $la (in6
r|; oQ'toro i.!.1- .r11rrd!i(ri(,3if:, rt crrrtlroBoiio qq onoi.rqlri
jftQloirosro i)QLd rolr l lsteard.OErbA!iir lrtq e€t:raonrlaro
rl!o! MoilL7oq,! {1n6rorE Ur0Lzo{r! 0co ),ru6{ r(0vA0I.
!6! xllr rtr,oQritIi)r NIo!!L7ioa!i7€la0o€rro 6ropirqq oro\i
l0o orrLx6 L t!o. LI Aaretlt! €ilar €6Lirtro (Jedl0oordr6.i
rou i,duor xrlr 10r!n&bLdr1', Froroupo.06+oqor]trvrtc $i t
BAdlaolio.6r0i: l€i'tvour i6do o Fx0o!fltE ib()rort!rIS r{r-
iArioqrttr ro a04rorrtgaprrsiog 6l]0 ror ic {rr,(0itpdrorolr
n€erFol,o!ror- rDpoi,no! o\rooxaiorp€oio 16Qorori Norrl
"o O 6 .ooo..roollq
IIcuodli& nQinrL\r.i E|XD r.rlriorQ(0€i (1.,16 rl! a!i./rjporlfllq
' u , r r1 , , ( . ' . ' o o , - r. , - r ' r , . . ^. u i r L ' . '.
l]Auu0dr\tln! iolaDi.i!zp..rrtQioror xorcL6Lzd e6d,)"(ia(.o.
." , . rpo u
o1lrurGn6ro!50Lr. io lep6idlo rltE06o€!irEro! sLtEor!'
4.0.i B. ro valjlrl.t6. A116roA!oic. (xflrd Atoellro! 21.29,52)
rsrro Artpor'0i11(13.107)pciO,rilo!pe ofl o!i6, oi(u!o 00r|tt)q
ro! Ei6or rrtq o0rtloia!! AtoQdE.toltoipt!E rr( zorao!Yro
1.11orq rarrtAoa1orrc r1o|iorq lonre. no! nior€r11!6ir o6r-
zltlltattr oro 6rxoolripri.nro ooori nolEuLX6 tn,ooxritau0c
ncafr x|iL.,rirj I lor0.i.r 61e! eo drJl'b.0ri$ ici rnlia.e ntq
!d!troXiaqrIq:.rioti!n!, I]11o!gn€aJ,I+u€toro ro Ar
:.o'QIo ,r: ,, t. \lru/ , J r ' / ur |
,t0rxlq.rnorcrdoroort(r!0! A0!!rjrr (Parker 2aa) H ruerido
ol ar,d (]oiLilrrel0ri n(pi rrtvr(Q(iaui qE )..irpridEzord
1t br&prflo 11t!tnzelolnil! x(ioxits oir! letrllodeopieq ln
0(,)onorlv Koriri),i(, l! ;rotr,itro|il 0! oio oitv AQxdplo
NlorlrXio,ro! oriorrioir triooEqq al(lrtiqrLLrv €q)!porortv

Nlio i(i),I, feioor ono!6aio. ni0rrpil ilq rileoi?,itq ea!-

''lo ,t. o / I r o o o _ Y o .L , r - o '
. , , r o , , o , r- .,. f.'
€....... -. ,A, r' o . . v r .I . o l
!8oi Lorpoi(rddro!lr€r ror l Aloel Ord ro! ovauipororro!
I1ueorixo!,io! ivlo!] IlEeorilq) rar or iAos: O Xrir0oq
..rourtrol (qrra0rp6!o. ou oNii! ric i].6irlirq z01.iid$por!
oi.67l,rtprt rI !oiLo orxitr!; Kooi6l'],c19, 6no! noioLor0Q.r.i
(r\,c(olporr)1dq Araq\!.tdb Ap),!n tar .r tni ro atL!.ita Ao rtut!)
Tcl s:rLorlpcneei oerpignno nolxiq orsp[tir8!
(Apttnia)'En Mar.1 b firQun)
,j! -(li.i.n ort[rio to! {]ad1ol.o:rdr1r i(o6o ro! iLptrog i,t<
x..il6q ror $rydio p!0oqrlq n).crrEi- v.ti* $atk.Jdtilt fidt lL \|nx:nu \ Dl Artl?t^ ir Prnc\t
Z!! rrt Nlotl1,r1irl. (Anl dui& i l\hy.un| .l Pn ulut )


Ara1nlarhn rottfl rQ, at ;nedortnI 1eafti7q yrrtiza. aan tu v.tir! nlb| tilh rerrevntunar ol a tutth b! 4 nerktl, i/,n itu \u1. td \
ataia.i Aai4aEi.,10l xX lApryrnn atn MoLo.L qttadLti) a.fAt.ktiu: ili Pitlts.4A uC lA /\nai Muvrnt al rraet!)

aq odoi. ror o|vabrE l! jnrroariffro Atoaai $r ro ||ra6r!< includcd a lemde, in lvhich Lhelarge. dran lili IlcllenisiL.
Aoriprboqror rlc BErli6o!. Krilrprx! €ior ncr€ix€, piPo|a. stalueofA\clepius of Munlchia would haveslood.The oLde.
Iir rltrQ(1ir6Am).Ijrrio, 6pru0!o l.Ilo o1tlrio.6ri0u o tlr6q crlt siaNe ma) be rcprcsenledin a feliefnow in the lvluseunl
(1nollildoirt)i€oro! !aIop6 ror l1n6r!! Erib.i!ao. naoroi olPiraens, shorvinglhe healiig ofa \rornan(latjng to a Litlc
.rri[]Erorrt! A0itlo,ro420 n X E6ir €ivo irolro oQroro{[(i!.1 b e f o r et h e s t a g i n go f A f i s t o p h a n e sp l a y i n 3 3 t B C ) ] l i i \
o! llnoiro< n€i1.t(E rt! oiroxordorootrrt( oQlroit(rolr, s(loii votile statuesfrom thc lalc 5!h to the latc:1fi centrn BC
neo!torE!rr( €Eo"ilioOrlzr orrt 0didooii rrt! ZloE. To LEp6 a l s oc a m ef r o m t h c s a m er e m p l e s. o n e o f w h i c ha . o f \ e i i
o!.1oxa4,!x|io! jrl.i!olt6!o Grold Gro io ,\Qol,rrol.lL€!r) high qualily and.trc now in lhe nmscumofAthens There ai:
r4orQia 11l!xGioonsuil ro1r!rcL0QiorJ 0€dlQor'lo6Xa.)t.rLor! alsosomelert good representations of snakc\ rnd a ser ei oa
j'O 'L.0illoioqftp J.dFFov!,nr€a!lrE. ngnres of ch dren, femmiscert of the chiklren afd .b.d.'
ox!ar€n €EuQc!io0txs
ivo! 106.6rou 0tl itrc,vorlfivoE o rr00.p!ow,6q !)irtrrorrz6q 'or Ar '.. VoP
d ../..-o. t \1 1 'o ^ f:u ^ Fultwinrg]cr\ theory (SitzB Ak. 18117,,106) Ihal rhe , fi
.eor6v 6r sfftroviLer(Loro (Lirondll:1i6teaoon6 ro l:1!60lr- A s c l c p i L r so o ki | t h e $ h o l e o f t h e N g g e d c o a s ro i K r . i : l l :
opll irtq'/LrpldbioEror Aeroro4)aivltro! 188 nX.) .r\rdl,irdo nrcluding the sanctua.iesof tlrc related ngurei .t Zr::
ro! Moro.ioLr ]IrLo.rdrq $ t! too! pro! lrlloixd: Aiio 10 Philios and Zeus lvlelichios(rhefe 's a superb(.ulDii!.. .': :
.8. I :
i6Lorp6 rQolQxo\/icr { .i\rLl€!}l.lrtxa{(v&Tl,r.ld ono ro , n a l ea ' " , e l o " r ' \ ' ' ' .
ro o rI L.i.o, rr Serangos.lndeed. it rna) be thal lhe so clrll.d Si13s.:fr' -l
alol)1 f!ro{r.a€.i oIlv,{e]t!o.
om,il1 rol,n x..i!q Jr.)16irtroq, mar-madeca\c decofated!\'tlh 0xr\aic-iimn ii: ::r ::::i:
rol,Laq noponidoclq .fL6nirv.xol]ir! z.u $a o€LQdon6 tioLbt- B' r'
" '
xar Uo0oiq no! er[i!or,r ru ]rdrbAr.rc 1oL IL! dplalo!g rol rl..or..dI A ,. .)
rooir qg BAorA6\,oq N36rtQ3Eo!ooro4,a! OcivlTcr !o ert rl- '..o e-. .l ..'l \' i.: -


A PX A \ O : N E \ P A \ A :

llEF.(ribvolrv rltv ur6eeol ro! Fudwaneler (SjtzBAk. 1897,406) A circular bathroom.and an old cistern remodeled,4pear
orr ro i6F€rogro! e€oi ftea dppolr, nQdyFcrr,oL6xUp! to be used by the worshippersof AscLetius.when rhc area
rr11c,ri6rQtp\rlo).tit xtr Kdoritrl,oE,rEQrx).€io1,rog rl:1|€Qd a.ound the shedshad closedofllhe approachro lhe seatioln
'i(01ouYl€lrurdrv poQQ611o! Od,iot raL M€ ,rlio! Ar6q($c tbe harbourof Zea.
Eqorp€rDrit noadoraol6Qsog!€ a46QLdoIoro Alo Med.illo The lnain characteristic of Piraeot religious lile was
poioa€rororo Brpolilo) rc/Lxo! ilQlroq:IQdylo!. A€! Ixno . . r eo r r o r ; ! r p 1 c J f 1 e w a n d t o r e i r| . o d . . o r ' t i r , I I
!./ .^ u o v u r , ' . J / r: u : 1 o o l 7 l o . p o - ) v rr ' nainly from places such as Pontus, Egypt, Syria.
oqid b|0xootrtp€!1t !€ UIQ[6ordio! aol] or. n.X.,iro! pa' aDd Cyprirs.These were with whichAldca had strong
l],{61{11oq d
ai(aro! ljad1or !o oror€],oiorrpitForo! LsQoir tlade connections,especially in 8rain, aDdfrcm which the
'io! Aor).IriLot. !nol]eo'rlpe r1l\roroi{r o1r$(l)orv€i rl siQ€ol majoriiy ofAthenian meLicsoriglrated Out of r tdal of 25
fv6q Bopo! (x4)l.oQopivo! 'o
orov Anol.),o AnorA6norc.:xo private (that is not public or city) culLsfor which lve have
rivrAo Bpioxtxor. ?1!r],uiii oi0oroa lol]iQ6!, ir"eloor€1,f epjgraphic evidencc. eleven. the total numb€r of fo.cign
n,1lo'dq6€Eo$viE(nr0or,6roro6\,06tllooro ]3o^al,erol, noll cuhs. were locatedin Piraeus.Tle establishmeniof fofeign
ber oroxleierorro Xa!orunnotoriliovon6 io!E ),.lrQsri.i6( io! cults is closely connected wifi AtheDian fo.cign poiicy
,\or).l7irc!, olcv, nL6o!,o mQigol.ogrrovrooooiro! EiX€ l1rir- and, especialiy in ihe 4th century BC. wirh the policies of
',rto€r,ilt\, naoon6L.rort rlq ed),oooo(oxoIrpr,rrIE Z6oE. Lyc|rgus. The first such cult, which \1as introducedduring
To aiaro Xaaoxxlawftx6IltE {]arox€lxuilqLo{lEro! n€L the PeloponnesianWar. was that ofBendis, a Thracian ver
Qar tiacij oorooo,I rorraitmaol]oi.(r 1o\,!io! xor.1(n! E61,or! sion of A(emis closely connecredto Ctb€]e, the Moiher oi
00!|!, zurir xtaF l6to on6mQrcXe! 6ricD( I Oaaxq.oI]6110r. the Gods.In conftasi wi!h lhe c,fticial cult of rhe Mother of
I Ai]!nrog,!:!pic.1itlrt KinQoq,irorio!\r6!ovrcr of€oo.!€ the Gods, with which lt is nor krown whether the Piftcor
1o r:lrlrao€urroarc, t6Loii€ol1 10 oLrEun6Qro, rloron,6rrc! nQo_ priests of lhe goddesshad a direct relalionshif. rhe cuit of
dQxrrorIr €rolrloio rr'r! mrrrrb! !.sloirlow.'Eror.onirrLq25 Bendis, fion iK official acceptancejn 430, was exctusively
droria€E(3!).o5i 6Xrsdolu€Eit ilUorr)dE)l"orA€i€q no! !ixa_ associatedwith Piraeus.6Thc fi|St sanctxaryto rhe goddess
rraoirlxdr eftYpo4,rxd. or lt no! aror€).oi!,r.l' ro orao].o was located near the tempie of Artemis Mun),chia.6rHere
rol fvooro! Etlov loro€Lrlv rono0€roivrdroro.vfl€renrd. u a h r d l e r c n J q n e oF r ' , 1 r u . t f
r i e r o r b r c ,r . . e . . . r l
H roroQioqg eyxdrdoraolgiov !a!ov l.aiQ€rovsn,llr.olEvo- ofAtheDians and
Thracians,the sacfifice. th€ torchia.e on
raio o1)lb€ijEFr\rl p: fll! &0!v&ilrl €EorsA,xilno),rrrnil,ior, horsebackand rhe night rine
rc\,ets. as descfjbedby Flato
t6rc(ir€Qd orov 4.) or. nX., B€itv rml.rI|.1{it rorr r\!. at the beginning of rhe Rep,,ltc The Bendrdcia .elebra
H oaXlt€iI€ ]i1,fl !"€flt! rro.lyo.fl, xotli rI 6rdQx€ri1 .ro! IIE- trons wcre
included in rhe public Athenian festivals, \rhich
ionovv!o|axo{ no),6po!,xov }.orQErdr\r xrtqBsv6i6oq.prac were funded by the srare.As evidencedby rhe .dtalogue or
$oQ4,tE (]Aorurll(AQriprdoq,rnLt1q orllevDrlg pr rry (skins, (where n is rncDlionedalong wirh rhe Dionysir in
trI MII€Q dqr(Lr\rOEdr\,.:s omiflro! U€rI\, €niot Fnl.crrQ€(o qg Piraeus),1lrisfestival reachednev heighrsundcr Lycurgus.
Mtx6AoErrov Oed!.F€rltv onoio6€! Eivor1,!0roro rioro rooo Thc votes which Lycurgus rnd his associates,rLtuouceo,
ot ri€|{arbregoQy€drveE rrtEoEdq6tot,11ldnorr!dp€ol otaol, granting the pivilcge ofestablishing the cults ofthe Egyp
rt ).oio€iortg Bsv6i6oE. on6 ilv.rifolpI 430, tian Isis6rand the SyrianAphrodite,6ashedmuch tighr on the
orJvba€rflL arirxl€ro.rUidjr€rov |]€ead.6iTo rAdrro€p6.qE role which foreign culrs played ln Lycurgus poticies.
i]€dq,drio! Iopgd\,€rrrijQoI maiolFit €oa4 p€q 6ur).ino- The positlonsof the sanciLraries of theseforcign cutrs are
lnl ro! Al]lvdior xcr r{rv OQllk(ir. r! 0roio, t1v 6Qmml useful in identifying lhe neighbourhoodsof the toreign meG
,r.(!"rro6!6poFio )iorrI! no\,urXi6o,mrnEQLlQd4)€r o II)d.ior.y ics. Unfortunately,none of the sanctuarieswhicn wc Know
ofltv c1oxitTltg no],r'i€ioE,Ila rox6rav r.rovrd oro urAd.ilgAara- from nrscriptionshas bcen fourd ard for some,such as Lhc
lLdoEMot)vrlios.61 Ta B0v6i6ru, nor mpr.l.o;r.i]drovrav otrg sanctuaryof Isis or thrt of ar.haeologicxl
!-jriorlU€qX0I!oro6oroi!€.',eg(1rdrtv ro).Lr€in,a0!voin€g evidencehasbeenfound. Even so, from rhe sireson lvhich rhe
roara( froQi(o!\', 6rft,rgdeLxl€ro r.{ord},o.foq ro! (6eQporl i n * r p r o r . q e r er o d r d .I i . t u r l ) c e r d n , i r 1 , . 1 { o r . } -
zor, (ono! o\joQraolrl:lrt(Ili Jr€rir Arcurororo evn€AoEi), perhapsall - of the foreig. cults were locaredin the wesLern


vaaoxp! orrt! €rolrt ro! AlllioiAto!.Iaroir€Qobrooorur.iDrt districtsofPiraeus,west ofTerysithea Squarcgoing tona.ds

y|l1r! e6ol no! fIo]l\, or larE! ).orQ€iEq oq! riolmx! rori ,\r Kallipoli, and west of Eetioneia.
]l,olrQyo! si.\'or, oporE,toEedrr0! lrto|opor{rv,ro! o i6rcrxot All traces of the sanctuaryof the Mother of lhe Gods.
o rd r ' l J , o , . o r l u u J r oy o r . t t J Q . r y r urno ur p o \ o l . J or r r- wlrich the French occupatioDarmy excavatedin the areaol
D/roxi.oioo!! ro\i LorQ.r,6v qg oq"umLdrls 11.orulg Pigada in 1855. have been lost.It is quite possiblclhat the
o!QLo}l.lq A1bQobiiIq.64 temple was not actuallydiscoveredat that time, and we can
l a r o o r ' r ' q v u v ) a r c , , f o 1 € o v o r o v . v r o r r o t .-t^, o only recons{rct it from a relief now n the Muscum of Pi
ro|aidq io! Ea!o! U€roixrDr.A uom16q,xcrlflo nn6I(:t €Qdiio! raeusaDdthe littleiemple ofCybele fromlvloscharonow also
,/\,oQi!o!ur l1iroI|4 E yQo<i6g 6er pp66rye,ra !€pftd td),roro in lhe Museun of Piraeus.Even if drcy did not come fronl
ono o!ro, o'I{ g 1,r.(l io t3o6rlq',lor6ogit to! a6q Aorppi(v6o!, th€ temple ilself, the splendid scriesof tiny votive lemples
4,1r'^rof 1 /o0 r ,5 r!r Q"rouu.o:ruc o"rX\,! ronocI rQ o4 found during drai excavation,supplementedby later flnds
r0rvo1€rrxdrv srryaa46!. €iror tli1llo! 06pour6iL or ma'l]06- from p.ivate housesjn the same region, must surely have
r€aeE iooq 6I!q E6!€E).atpoieqerrofiilorta, orrs 6!rrx6q been associatedwiih some widespreadp.ivate cult in !h(
ori\,oftGgio!IIee(r|d,6! '1dflts nJ,oftioE T€alnotrE ao( t!
Kll .iro).I.dnoe)ior6jrrwdqq Hnror!€ioE 'Ihe
nDmber of inscriptions found in the area between
Am to r.cpdt1q M1r€pn! i0 Oecir.fio! €ixeoxdv8rorl! Filellinon and Alkiviadou Streets, and Terpsilhea and
n:proXiln1qI11,1d.t!r:rq o 1ol).rx6EorQor6gxdroXiEior t855, Rondiris Squaresmake it very likely that the neighbourhood
iX0rXft(Jei adO€ixvoq,eivoi Bl]}'lm&Jtotri]o0(r!6vcl BI1,eLIe ofCyprlot traden ftom Salamisand KitioD was locatcdneaf
. r u o eI r o l o v r o c r r . 0 : u c . - rv r \ o . o r u . o t o . o U r l _ o here. Thesc inscriptions refer to a communlty of Salanin-
QoiA€povo1'rlonoridrooriloo!U€ B€l3dol aro ovdyl.!Ooxo! ians and !o the cults of Syrlan Aphrodire,Aphroditc Ou|ania
Mo!orio! nELOcLdjq r(rt id voioriofllq K!061.!qro! Moolriio!. and Eros Ouranios.A saDctudryof Sabazioshas also beer
T1 ).op4! ourpdtcovclaetgrl.tdrv va6xol' Dri€iutErlq o1'o located in Pigada, a litde fadher west. on the basis of a
oroort! or'JrlrbA6lori! \re6x€Qo €!Ailuard ori6 LdLuJroiCg oLr.{tsq sherd bear'ng ihe name of the god. It seems,again o tle
rlc i6urEmi!io n€proXilE. xo onoioara! ox6|lll6svIQo6e1ovrtll basisofepigraphic evidence.that t}e priestsofBendis were
an6 ro tep6,€ilor oi./o!Qo6rr or!66ow.rLpr r.(dno[o 6|,(rlE6o relocatedto lhe rvest coast of Zea. near the Tzanion Hos
f.DlI oxoxtut[c o!i6 ror II.LaordpoAOidnr ]ilE loraDtoc. p . r a ld. r e rr l e e a b r . h n e I o f r h eV . e d o n , ?| p a - r . o n.
Avxiororyo l o!Tx6\"rp0ro!oio td)Qop€rilEi ro'v 06( O "El", Munychia.65Atihe sane tine, a cell ofthe priestsofBendis
),1\,0rv Al,xfd6o! - n),m€io(T€QVr06oE kar n}.ffi€iaqPovriQt was establishedin free Athens The reunion of all lriesti of
t!6c oareuoirErlypao6v rio! ordO6aol'raroro rionr6ioa >o),o B e n d i si n o n e p r o c e s s i o nw, h i c h w e k n o w f r o m l G I I : 1 2 8 3 .
Uvilrv i or! l"orA€io r!< A(|QoiintE :laioE ri.rLO!Qo\,to< rcr at the sametime as the reunification ofAlhens and Ptaeus
uu f p " r " . O u o s v o u . . { o 1 o , i v . I A 't .v\ ,1v r o r o o - a o t o I in 26i BC. appearsto have beer an emotioDalevenl Con
yenovui 6i.n1"c- 6k).a rov Kl]nQt|Lll,€||Jr6a0r\, on6 r! )d.!tri ve6ely, we know vefy litde about the culLsassociated*ilb
!o norro Ki-iro!.Aln)i6r€Qo,oq! II11"/d6a nd],r,E\aonGerol the few sanctuafiesjn the region of which there lJe sone
ori66ra6orQ.rroU€rooloBcro! e€on ro t€poror )opolior. tnces, such as lhe srnall prostyle lempLepaftly heNDoui of
:rI blrrrit ndaoi.ii:tiIE Za(q,rcvrd oroTEdrv€rcNoooxoB€io.the mck in lvlahaonosStreetand the cacheof 200 oil ldrps
Ooiv.ror-pdo€rriolT&qE popxljQiaE rlov €rrr/QoQdrl' o. !€ on Neosoikon Street.
roxop(lo!! Arld rlv EY)iLrrdortrol IltE |o1106o!|rlE+Aotiad! The discoveryin 1866of five stonealta.s in rb. -a\ ir-- '.-i
oq Mourqio r.ioror oQls6\,€S qq Bev6i6oq.6s noAd),1'!h Jr€ r ' e o a l o K r o l m y d a r ^ u , .o , r h e c I o " i-ri;53r
r! 6lprolQyiosr6grropoAdpi'roEoqv el€to€al A011(1($o one of which has a dedication in Phoenrcia! io liF Sin
ou/'flr4lrtxit oiL|l/|otontv roropiiirrI( lvlrQ€iogeo onoff).6oeLI Baal, indicatesthat this wns the neighboufi,J{)doi hrts
otltlpolrt U€rlr €no\,.\iootqq A(]!!oq B€io!I]€eaLd,ro261 cian merchants.although rve cannol be su.e {hai i]tis ?Jr*
ri.X.. 6rooll r0r\roAy!6\io1 oEfu0 €\r|,oil:l rlourl. ror TvloAilotllr€ was included withnr the walls ol Pineu\ it &e :i'}3 ahe
o or'tvlCll r ' 8 1 ' A r o I J ) t r f " r . Q i r . n o p n ! , l o J r . ( I v u , -e. r. r, dc b f n e n l o . r o ' 9 1 . ' i d d l e c i r l ( m e 3 . ' ; . i { :
or tr&rp€lrgorlq onoiego1r!xa!ro s].dl|oxo€Qd1,t(rrc onoio metics in the westerndistricts of Pirasls dos lhri ,.!-q-se!r


I]/orlL€svdeE€qor!1,n€prol1l,6nog a\r.!prA6 ne6orllo €Q6 any kind of xenophobia

or thc .iesire to mafgijraljse for
rz.lp}l€€prL mo Dadxooflt! 066Moxdo\ro!xuL€\r0!|lrer eign sefilers.
Ihe peorr]c of pimers were cspeci.t|y open
Harli U 200).ri/vdoroorry o6dNsoooiJ{o!.
to fofelgn inUuences.'l'heiDxcriptj(rrs!rith lhe cautojtnes
,Al diol/.r oivorrd or lursQdop.rxo yLo.iovxorr^1
Dlxor(lordolq ol foreign cults and tJredescfiprjonsof conicnrlordres rD
rlJI Qorlix0r\'0Jr_rroQor. aftr nl! ulrllp€o!.ro L866,orl Q€porrd d r c a r er l r ee n t h u s l x s m
w j r h w h i c h r h e s et b f e i g nc n t t ! w e r e
ror 6pgorqq KQotipSopois,oro 6!ftx6 dlQontEH€.ir,rDveioq,
accepreo,an en rusrasmrvhich ofren tcd to lheir bejnSirte
!&q oeeirqni!i€ Li0rvorl3ogi,r,lLrrnlrlrov omiror 6vng
Fe gfated into local religious cusroDrs.Mouroler, rnany ot rhd
qorr'rarx!oerrporor.t oro! ts.rdi".0! zoL6s! €iljao.irjx(06).o! pfrests of ihe variotrs
cuhs were rndve piraeors The tlan
piF(rcr 6rLI reArc/t €zeill
Ijprox6ro!r6ir lvri,q ro! r€Ild,.,, showjnSdrcseforcign cults ard Lhenewcr, ivestern,drsrfrcrs
ror Il!e(lnirE.
o f P i r a e u sw
, h i c h a r e l h e b e s rp r e s c r v e ds, h o w i h e e x r c n t
O.vronrod! ro\, E6.vo!).arperiv,ouen6_cr10tr;geyrntn ^ l i . l r ,e
"'o-r.,. |., i) . . d L e . , , n e; , . ,
orooeo! ro\r E,!0rv!€roixoa, orrqbrjruiagorlvor rs ro! Ilruold t h e m e r c p o p u l a l i o na, f a c t r l h i c h
6er crroreT,ei b c u r g u s c o u t dn o r f a |
p::ravdvarrp6rroar6eGrqeroQopia( .irv na6
e€o! n€pruoproroirtolq rov Efaor!.Or [€rp.1161€q rtral, 6voq
lo6q dL.iirlQ.rcl,ortroEorq Ea\,!q snQQoaq. TdooorEnlAag€E
g€iorjq rolcl,oJo!( rt 1,,\r[QD!rdr,!, ooo ,,iclLoLmar.fQuo6!r{r1
orrlXpo\'o\r bero'i,itvori1,
ou4Llloiioyroro! e\,ooroLaopo |Lrrol
oflrtol|volraLbeliriEoLEiv{ orj.irs).arQEieq, €\,€o!o!1opo r.!
oollei o!/,ro mll1raQoNi(,oi ro!q. no loi ono sxrolq xoxg
opF{nrsElroro},!!. €Ed},},o!.r,. ono.iEl.oi\.rorofiox],e|orurd
.r'16lroJllo1rq.O XdQrl]grorvE'ivruv).nrqed;r,,6ftuqrar.r0rr \,60r
b! Z6v o!\,om.6! ro! llsLQaujrq, ror rirorror or )lc^lr1€Qo
dKiqA!!l.!e(, bEiJ€ro€nourI3o0Bt,I €rr€xr.rolqq noteoq!EoA-
rilotre .iro rry alEIoI iolr F.xorlruo! rit0roN ij. zdxrnol)til€
Emfltjrd!€r!6rto3!!oQdr!oiol]sII6Qo!Ex.rLoiyolrQo t0! ot!o

l ,t . : .
: : , . :: : : .
[-' ;lrortr r.r &tuon T.ito!( lerbnil: \t!r oirr W.r. r


:HMEIo:EI: FoorNorEs

I rn itv diopiu ro! nnaod lll,.X.@ tlori4ar, O tkAaEljs, aftawtlxlj I Fof fte historyolPn eus.seeHT Panxgls ftd.rJr rr,r,a.*'i!-.
2nttnoQc, tasra anntar aQxa@rdtu! tentuy !i/,or nL d,otrS,tapoladiE Ltt kt4tchltah hLittki4 kntitthgznr,lri. A,,un t,pira..\d.zi !s:! :rl
lrturpd.opld<, AortrcLI 948.2rtaz,6oof(t€ lo6aAu oror-isia1@iT! iomladQio edition (witb norc rc.enr inlormtiof oD lhe top.rrapb] dt ..onh{ lii" d
,ar lrlv o.aovo!ff]lor lo! n.aalir ari io! 'EooaoAarloiird f. rrdi'rd Pnaeuslron de Cdtuo. ofAntiquiriesG Sreidauer, 1995)R Cd:s.
oup. Alivar 1995)R G{lAnd,Th.Pitae6 frun th. Ffh io thef^t cotut] BC. 'Ih.
Piruer:li.n tl2 Filh to lE l:i6r Crnrr4 I'C, lrhaci. Nev lnrli t9.q-,
2 A.D.Ketunopotrlos, Plankine"(Apotympaiisriot,Alheis. L9ll
2. A.A (Epdtl.m!).oq,,{rorr4zar@/4jq, Aoiiv& 1921 3.IGIlrll0l lortheposirionalthesai.tutuyseA.Papagianopoulos Pd
:.lCI|1103 rr r]l €lor i!! Epon0I A fl@./'ororcllos aros.P,r,"d I (1920),p .1-11. P,L,,dr I (l947lp lT ll P,rdr,,I119j3 i9r.
lilrlrr I ( 3 (t94?),ol? !.., I1oiiFo! ? r]958-sq),o6264 pp 62 61, (1941)pp l? 52 G.R. Stantof. 'The trib?Lielom ol Kentrn.s L.F
(1947)p,o l7 52.C.R.srrdo. (1he!LbalreromolKleistheies theAlkmcoiid,, Alkmeonid , atTrr 14,1934,pp. l 4l
4 In apadicularlydifliculr pcriod,h 199 BC, the annml inrome lFm rh.
4 :. pa i6(irra( Morol! 399nX, ra s{o'a ioood dI6 qv penrekortecameto ju$ l0 taletrtslNhi.b hcais rhrt the aveBseturcvd er.
Ewtrooril dliQxond o. r0 tbrL6 rdiawd (nanl!4 nou or}&ivr itu . iqipoq
qlralond! iaxd po ra 13000!irL6ra) 5 EupoLn.CAFI n 48 p 269 (=PollrLx9 29)
5 Eidl'!CAFI n.43o 269(=I1oltb 9.29) 6 S e e S E C X X v l S 0 ( 3 1 0 / 2 9 ) w h e { t h o isci . e r d E n c e t o x p o r p r y r r d y a
6 ti SECtAV 180(lr0/29n.X) 6noudvd{iofrcriv(! (ip ileAoEi oia{nv tosidentln Pi,aeus.Miichhdlerli*s rhescdcpr$bns (dnrienrg,:ves.csss| ts.
maoloop!{lne Mrrdro dr@r(uua (oar.?.darcq,060a@! it Sa!cr() our {ells(phreda') with rhenaft Pkeatida and rh.lo.rion.,n}Lntdtys ol rlt
dtr o MLlchhdhr.ooro]la qE O@drn6o{ ror q oaq ro! oatdrorj, fl Cosffroi. an.ienl nulderes conn which, dc.ording to Arirtoile. passe{ljudeemenror
Qouon nftaoi'tpio!,roomio rorirorApmorilt lu((€ q aeq,/ooh! rdrd lhose exlled firr ti^t deg:ce rrder The prlceduE {vith the defeMatrt saidnig! 1d rloioro S6!0 H 6'd6'raoid(o 2orryoaon!.}oqoaaoyolqar in. bort to bsiiiy) nradeft po$ible lor nie rid ro be {irhour rhesrie
ntu pio lidanc) .ftr$m q bcqotolit q! lirf! roAG o €q6p'oror!d tuioa scting rooron the soilolAftica which wasprohibitedlorhin Thcsecnresnrrn
10otuloa.lrnvo or u!r6v ia({fo! i$ An'aiE OrearmalooEnei@ 'a iroy havcbccncirrmely Erj blt ihe pe.uliarirl'ol$is cour doubtle$.ordiburd
.qoaH'ft dnirv€!, rl 6'otoA4,id rou, i,pog,raaftr !n flvEril0o. o!|lauen orrt grcarly to the peDetuatioi ol ils nenoLy.
6&uiv'ortxI(pvtuq @iorl ror braoqalor I PW Wallace,tA?.rtd, 41,1972.451d.
7 PW Wrllxce, r'?qdrd 4t.l972.45 trr 8 C Sreinhauer,tucriptiotr{nonique du Ptrie", Alll.ttr .L 4r,?
8 C SGinhruff, (lnscLiprioi
agonioniquedtr Pildo,ax&r'r d?Cdr"f,rr,.r lp.nden e Hilleitlue )\8, 1994,pp. 51 68
tll&,iqrs 113.199,1.o 5168. 9.CR Culley,"The.esloEion ol saictuariesin Ani.C: laj If,1035. Hij
9 G R Culle y."Tbere$au 'atioiofMnctu"iesitrAti.r: lc l|,1035,,/tpclia
l0 E CrniN J.A Kauped, ,(aft,,l/ita. Eniitrte'ider lexr. Heri l.
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