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End-of-year Test Higher | Group A

Name: _____________________ Class: ____

1 Track 10 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi pięciu osób na temat podróżowania. Do każdej wypowiedzi
1–5 dopasuj zdanie A–F. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo.
A I swam in the river.
B I travelled in a canoe.
C I followed a fictional character’s route.
D It took thirty minutes to reach the destination.
E I didn’t see much of the trip because I was afraid to look.
F I enjoyed some art on top of a mountain.

1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ ___ / 5

2 Połącz słowa z ramek A i B, tak aby powstały wyrażenia. Następnie uzupełnij zdania powstałymi
A breaking capital live out of raise return

B audience focus letters money news ticket

0 Mary finds it rather stressful to perform in front of a live audience.

1 George bought a _____________________ because he was coming back the same day.
2 James and his band played a gig to _____________________ for the sick children in the local hospital.
3 The site is constantly updated with _____________________.
4 The post was written in _____________________, which I found quite annoying.
5 The photo was unfortunately _____________________ and we couldn’t see the details clearly.
___ / 5

3 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź a, b lub c.

1 What does a plane do when it takes off?
a it reaches its destination b it departs c it lands

2 What’s a synonym of the word ‘stunning’?

a pushy b gorgeous c straight

3 What’s another way of describing an overweight person?

a vain b skinny c plump

4 When do you need a tent?

a on a campsite b when you work out c when you run out of food

5 What can be really addictive?

a storage devices b copyright c computer games
___ / 5

4 Uzupełnij wyrazy w zdaniach. Pierwsza litera jest podana, a każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.
0 I love Lisa’s g i n g e r hair. The colour is exceptional.
1 I’d pack l _ _ _ _ if I were you. You don’t need so many clothes for a city break.
2 I really like the colours in the b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the painting.
3 The teachers in our schools are rather s _ _ _ _ _. They don’t give us good marks for nothing.
4 I find abstract art rather c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. I never know what to make of it.
5 Have you seen Rosa recently? She looks u _ _ _ _. What happened that made her so angry and sad?
___ / 5

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5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika w nawiasie.
0 How long have you lived (you / live) in this area?
1 My brother _________________________ (love) prawns, but now he hates them.
2 _________________________ (anyone / stand) on the platform at the time of the accident last night?
3 My classmates promised that they _________________________ (help) me with the assignment, but
they didn’t.
4 Karen won’t come up with a solution to the problem unless she _________________________ (know)
the whole truth.
5 Simon _________________________ (probably not make) an appointment with his dentist soon.
___ / 5

6 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika z ramki.

be have know paint read stay
0 On that day Maria said she still had one exam to take.
1 When the borders _______________ open again, we’ll go on holiday to France.
2 Ben _______________ up all night playing games if his parents allowed him to.
3 I _______________ this influencer for almost two years.
4 This picture of my grandmother ________________ in 1955.
5 Sarah _______________ the headlines on the news website when suddenly her laptop switched off.
___ / 5

7 Połącz początki zdań z ich zakończeniami. Dwa zakończenia zdań (a–h) zostały podane dodatkowo i nie
pasują do żadnego początku.
0 If you don’t know how to upload a photo, c
1 Before I set off on my journey, ____
2 I’m sure you are aware that I can’t stand ____
3 My mum has a friend ____
4 I really hope ____
5 I’m afraid nobody in the world ____

a watching commercial breaks.

b whose daughter is a model.
c ask your older brother.
d knows how to prevent this illness.
e I’d already bought a guide book.
f which lives in an impressive house.
g the experiment won’t take long.
h know where to find the missing girl.
___ / 5

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8 Z opcji A–C wybierz poprawne tłumaczenie fragmentu podanego w nawiasie.
1 I’d be grateful ___ (gdybyś przestał narzekać).
A if you stopped complaining
B if you would stop complain
C if you stopped to complain

2 ___ (Nikt nie zamierza) admit that they are unable to build a healthy relationship.
A Nobody won’t
B No one isn’t going to
C Nobody is going to

3 Eric says he loves performing in front of ___ (publiczność na żywo).

A an alive audience
B a live audience
C a life audience

4 ___ (Wszyscy muszą) leave the venue immediately.

A Everyone have to
B Everyone must
C Everyone musts

5 Doris promised that she ___ (nigdy nie udostępni) personal information again, but she did.
A would never share
B won’t share
C wouldn’t never share
___ / 5

9 Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby oddać sens zdania wyjściowego. Użyj podanego wyrazu.
0 Who composed this song? BY
Who was this song composed by?

1 I’m sure Jeff will find a way to solve this problem. UP

I’m sure Jeff ___________________________________ with a solution to this problem.

2 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. BY

Penicillin ___________________________________ Alexander Fleming in 1928.

3 My parents prefer it when a travel agency organises their holidays. PACKAGE

My parents like ___________________________________.

4 I finished the assignment and forwarded it to my teacher. HAD

After I ___________________________________, I sent it for assessment.

5 The last time my profile was updated was two years ago. FOR
I haven’t ___________________________________ two years. ___ / 5

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10 Przeczytaj tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie A–E. Jedno zdanie
zostało podane dodatkowo.

Hello Boston!
This is my first trip to Boston, Massachusetts, and so far it’s been an unforgettable experience. We’re here
for ten days, and then we’ll be going to New York for another five days before going home. There are lots
of things to see and do here – we’ve already been on the old town trolley* tour, which was a great way to see
the sights of the city. 1 ___ Tomorrow, we’ve got tickets to go on the harbour cruise. I had promised my sister
that we’d do the pizza tour of the North End of the city tomorrow afternoon, but I’m not sure if we’ll have time
now. 2 ___ I’m going to do that with him, and Mum and my sister are going to do a walking tour of the old part
of the city. The tour takes two hours and they’ll have the opportunity to learn lots about the history of the city.
We’re all looking forward to going to the beach at Martha’s Vineyard later this week. We take a bus to Cape
Cod and then take the ferry from there. Then at the weekend, we’re doing a photographic tour of Boston –
it’s a tour where you are taught how to take good photos. 3___
Then, just before we go to New York, we’re going to do a very different type of tour – it’s a chocolate tasting
experience! 4 ___ I can’t wait!
*trolley – a type of transport similar to a tram

A I hear you’re taken to six different places to try out different types of chocolate made in the city.
B My dad wants to go to a baseball match at Fenway Park and do a tour of the place, too.
C My mum has an amazing new camera and lens, so that will be a good opportunity for her.
D I’m not particularly keen on chocolate but I love pizza.
E This afternoon we’re going to visit Quincy Market to do some shopping and then have dinner there.
___ / 4

11 Przeczytaj tekst ponownie. Odpowiedz na pytania zgodnie z treścią tekstu.

0 What does Tom think of the trip to Boston?
He thinks it’s been unforgettable.
1 How did the family visit the old town?
2 What are their plans for this afternoon?
3 Why is Tom’s father looking forward to going to Fenway Park?
4 How are they going to travel to Martha’s Vineyard from Cape Cod?
__________________________________________________________________ ___ / 4

12 Uzupełnij dialog, wpisując dwa słowa w każdą lukę.
Laura: Ginny, can I ask 0 your advice? I’ve got these three photos and I don’t know which one to pick as
my Facebook profile picture.
Ginny: Let me see them. Well, 1 _____________________________ were you, I wouldn’t choose this one.
I don’t think 2 _____________________________ your passion for hiking, which I believe is
important for a profile picture. And your friends are 3 _____________________________
background and they may not be happy to see it.
Laura: OK, I agree. What do you 4 _____________________________ this one?
Ginny: Frankly, it’s a bit boring. It looks like a passport photo. You should add some life and emotion to
your profile.
Laura: So this one is the best, you reckon? It’s in the mountains, I’m smiling in it and there are no other
people around.
Ginny: Yes, of all these three, the third is the best.
Laura: OK. Thank you so much. Now, 5 _____________________________ I upload it? ___ / 5

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13 Właśnie wróciłeś/wróciłaś z młodzieżowego wyjazdu, gdzie nie wolno było używać gadżetów
elektronicznych. Podziel się swoimi wrażeniami na blogu.
– Wyjaśnij, dlaczego zdecydowałeś/zdecydowałaś się na taki wyjazd.
– Opisz, gdzie byłeś/byłaś i kogo poznałeś/poznałaś.
– Napisz, czym się zajmowałeś/zajmowałaś podczas pobytu.
– Poleć lub odradź czytelnikom taki wyjazd.

Użyj 100–150 słów, nie wliczając w to wyrazów już podanych.

Hi guys! Today I want to tell you …


___ / 12

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 70

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