2lph First Term Exam - Colours

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Ben Abdelmalek Ramdane High School –Staouéli Class: 2AS FL

First Term Test
Part one: Reading
Read the text then do the activities.
You probably know that colour can influence your mood and feelings, but did you know
that colours mean different things in different cultures ?
  In China, red is the colour of good luck and prosperity. Chinese brides are not dressed
in white; they wear bright red wedding dresses. On the other hand, in the Western world,
red represents danger, which is why warning signs and road signs are often red. 
  In the past, the Cherokee Indians of North America used to associate colour with the
four directions; that is, blue represented north, white represented south, red represented east
and black represented west. These four colours used to have other meanings too; blue
meant defeat, white meant happiness, red meant success and black meant death. 
  In fact, green is one of the few colours that most cultures view as being a positive colour.
In both the East and the West, it is the colour of health and life. For the ancient Egyptians,
green symbolised hope and the joy of spring.  
  Learning about what meanings colours have in different cultures is interesting and
satisfies our curiosity. It can also help to increase our understanding of other cultures and
help us avoid misunderstandings. 
Adapted from the internet
A/ Comprehension
1. Say whether the following statements are true or false (02)
a- Colours affect our way of dressing…..
b- Red is the colour of love in western countries….
c- The American Indians connected colours to directions……
d- Learning about colours is learning about diversity……

2. Find in which paragraph the writer says that a colour can give a feeling of well-being.
§…… (0.5)
3. Answer the following questions according to the text (03)
a- Why do Chinese brides wear red for their weddings?.............................................................

b- Who give different meanings to the same colours?...............................................................


c- Is learning about the meaning of colours in different cultures useful? Explain …………………
4. Find what or who the underlined words in the text refer to (01.5)
a- They (§2)…………….. b- These four colours (§3)……………………..
c- It (§5)……………………
B/ Text exploration
1. Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following (02)
a- affect (§ 1)=……………….. b-disagreements ( §5)=……………………
2. Divide the following words into roots and affixes (02)
Words Prefix Root Suffix(es)
3. Fill in the gaps so that the text makes sense. Use: going to – used to – will – might (02)

Olives and fruits such as oranges and peaches …………be brought across the Mediterranean
from Spain during an invasion in the 1500s. Sweet pastries from the Turkish Ottomans and tea from
European traders also made their way into Algerian cuisine around this time. Today, Algeria
produces most of its goods and …………….well export them to the rest of the world. The head of
state said in a speech, “we ………………to trade with the whole world and we ………….probably
become self-sufficient by 2025.”

4. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final ‘s’. (01)
Brides - represents - dresses - Egyptians
/s/ /z/ /iz/

5. Fill in the blanks with words from the list given (02)
now - holly - eating - traditional -

India has rich culture and its ……………….aspects are very remarkable .There are two main groups
of people in India: vegetarians and Vishnu. According to their religious beliefs, they think that
……………meat of animals is not right for  human for they consider them ……….. creatures of God
and worship them. Sweets and desserts are always part of their food. Yet, modern families of India
………..tend to eat  junk food offered by foreign food restaurants .

Part two : writing (04pts)

Topic: Imagine a world where everyone looks the same; speaks the same way or have the same interests, we
will certainly get bored. However, if we live with diverse people, we will surely benefit. Write a short article
of about 10 lines for your school magazine to explain why diversity matters in school.

You may use the following notes: grow open-minded, improve life experience, learn about other cultures,
build a colourful environment.

Ben Abdelmalek Ramdane High School –Staouéli Class: 3AS Literary stream

First Term Test

Part one: Reading (15points)

Read the text then do the activities.

The empire of the Incas flourished for only about 100 years, but it was one of the largest and richest
ancient civilizations in Mesoamerica. The Inca government was called the Tawantinsuyu. It was a monarchy
ruled by a single leader called the Sapa Inca. Its inhabitants used to be polytheistic. The primary god was
Inti, the sun god.
Life in the empire was organized by social rank. The emperor was obeyed without question as a living
god. Next in importance were the nobles. They were the government officials, engineers, and military
leaders. Slaves were usually at the bottom often offered as human sacrifice. Most of the common people
were farmers who cultivated the land and raised livestock.
Although travel was by foot, the Incas constructed roads to link the empire parts together. The Incas also
used to be excellent craftsmen. They were able to make beautiful objects from gold, which they called
"sweat of the sun". Besides , the Incas used to be smart traders. In the 1530s, the Spanish conquistadors
came to the empire in search of this metal. They conquered the Incas, destroyed their temples, and took
their gold and silver wealth. The great empire vanished forever.

Adapted from Jan Meyer. (2006). 25 Non-Fiction Passages.U.S.A: Scholastic. P.


A/ Comprehension (07 pts)

1. Complete the following table with information from the text (2.5)

Geography Religion Achievements Politics Economy Social Causes of

structure fall

2. Put the following ideas in the order they appear in the text: (01)
a. The different classes of the Inca society.
b. The fall of the Inca Empire.
c. Inca's golden age.
d. The Incas used to worship many entities.
3. Answer the following questions according to the text: (2.5)
a. Did the Inca civilization last long ? Justify from the text.
b. Who was considered as a living god for the Inca people?
c. Why did the conquistadors invade the Incas??

4. Say what or who the underlined words in the text refer to. (01)

a. Its ( §1) b. this metal. (§3)

B/ Text exploration (08pts)

1. Find words in the text words whose definitions follow

a- Developed and became successful (§1)
b- The leaders in the Spanish conquest of South America. ( §3)
c- Disappeared suddenly and completely (§3)

2. Complete the chart as shown in the example (01.5)

Verb Noun Adjective

To civilize Civilization Civilized
………………….. ………………….. excellent
to conquer …………………. ……………….
…………………. government …………….

3. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets (02)

As soon as the Spanish (conquer) the Inca empire, they captured the Sapa Inca. After the conquistadors
( seize) the empire, they sacked the area and ( convert) the Incas to Christianity. The empire was severely
weakened by civil wars and diseases when the Spanish ( arrive).

4. Fill in the blanks with words from the list given (02)
such - Mesoamerica - began - powerful
The Maya civilization …1…. as early as 2000 BC and continued to have a strong presence in…..2……
for over 3000 years until the Spanish arrived in 1519 AD. The Maya were organized into ….3…..city-states.
Over the course of Maya history, different city-states came into power …4….as El Mirador, Tikal, Uxmal,
Caracol, and Chichen Itza.

5. Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their final “ed” (01)
called - flourished - cultivated - organized
/t/ /d / / id /

Part B / Written Expression ( 05 points )

Choose only ONE topic
Topic one :
Studying the history of ancient civilisations can tell us how much risk our world is facing today.
According to what you have learnt in Unit I , write an article of 80 to 120 words for your school magazine
to inform your schoolmates about the serious threats that are endangering our world today.
● You may use the following notes:
-wars , famine , climate change , pandemics , corruption …

Topic two :
For thousands of years, people all over the world have developed, progressed, and eventually formed
civilizations. These early civilizations have made many contributions to society that have shaped the world
that we all live in today. As a member of your school cultural club, write a speech of 80 to 120 words to
praise the efforts made by our ancestors.

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