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Dancing is highly significant to the Filipino because it enhances the distinctiveness of

the Filipino culture. Dancers swayed to the rhythm of itik itik at their program
to celebrate the cultural roots of a Surigao people, and support nationalism,
emphasizing cultural pride. Sibay's dance to Dejado music is said to be the inspiration
for the dance that we know and love today. Sibay is a traditional bird dance that
originated in the Visayan Islands. According to what I've read, this traditional folk
dance was originally performed by a young lady named Kanang, who was considered
to be the best performer in the province of Surigao del Norte. This mimetic folk dance
has been passed down to generations. She was invited to perform the Sibay – another
popular Filipino dance – during a baptism ceremony because of her dancing abilities.
Sh e became inspired by the music and decided to choreograph the dance steps by
imitating the motions of a duck after seeing how the Sibay was performed. The dance
steps of this dance imitate the duck's movements; it includes the folding of the
dancer's hands to simulate the duck's wings and walking with their feet in a manner
similar to the duck's walk. 

The movements fit and bring a sense of wholeness, as the steps really do imitate a
duck's movement. To be honest, as a Filipino, that makes perfect sense to me. Others,
on the other hand, who are unfamiliar with the dance, may find it difficult to
understand what it genuinely implies on their first time of witnessing such folk dance.
But the duck's movement, along with its song lyrics make sense as a whole.

Despite the fact that each choreographer takes inspiration from a variety of sources
and often utilizes conflicting techniques, the majority of the dance works created by a
single choreographer have a distinctive style of movement.

One phrase lead approximately into the next since one of the most important features
of any choreographer’s style is the way in which movement material is connected into
dance phrases. In my opinion, it is an excellent dance since it has appropriate
choreography and emotions that is audience centric .

A good performance consists of more than merely following the procedures exactly.
Although I believe accuracy is important, I also believe that being present in the
moment is much more important. You might compare it to painting by numbers if you
simply pay attention to the counts, stages, and spacing. You haven't invested any of
your own personality into the act.

A good dance is something that an audience can feel by their heart, because the
dancers talked to the audience by heart through their movements. A good dance is
successfully conveying what you want to express through the movements and sway of
the body.
Face masks and personal protective equipment (PPES) are in great demand today
because of the pandemic we are now experiencing. These products are part of a
comprehensive plan of measures to reduce the transmission of the virus and protect

Fashion accessories are not essential in the same way that clothes are. However, since
many people were bored during the pandemic, and shopping online is one of their
coping mechanisms, this will serve the needs of those who want to purchase some
fashion items in the middle of the pandemic without having to leave or walk
outside their homes, exposing themselves to the risks of the virus.

Health experts recommend that individuals stay 6 feet apart during the COVID-19
epidemic, and massage requires close contact with the customer. Because of the
ongoing epidemic, we must avoid physical contact-to-contact engagement as much as
possible, which includes massage sessions and other non-essential activities.

For the same reason as the previous item, internet cafes are a closed environment and
most likely one of the places where viruses can spread from one person to another.
However, I still consider it because there are some students during this pandemic who
do not have access to computers and Wi-Fi to use to complete their school work or
attend their classes.

Despite the fact that this is a fundamental need, it may not be lucrative at this time due
to the social distancing policy and a large number of cases. But it may be a significant
help for some front-line workers or those who must continue to work throughout the
pandemic that does not have time to cook for themselves.


1. I often hear and read about sports injuries more than dance injuries, but I think that
both sports have a high risk for the possibility of being injured. Dance is a physically
demanding activity that involves performing repetitive movements for many hours
each day, which can increase the risk of injuries. The dance looks effortless compared
to rough sports and is often not taken seriously and frequently underestimated because
of its grace and fluidity. Despite the importance of grace, fluidity, and flexibility for
dancers, the general populace often disregards these talents. Dancers also demand a
high level of physical fitness, so an injury to a dancer can have severe consequences
for their career and their ability to perform at the highest level at which they compete,
like in any other field sport.
2. It's essential to look good when you dance, and the clothes you wear make an
enormous difference than you think. If you want to dance for a long time, you'll need
a lot of different things to keep you comfortable. In terms of clothes, there's nothing to
worry about; you just wear something practical and easy to move around in, whether
it's casual or fancy. When it comes to shoes, things are very different. Dancers need
their feet to be healthy and pain-free, so the shoes they wear are essential. Footwear
can help the dancer's movement and affect their body in many ways. Shoes are
usually chosen to match the costume, but they are worn for the dancers to be safe and
avoid getting hurt, so they are typically selected carefully. Having
appropriate footwear is designed to withstand continual and prolonged movement in
dancing. It's easier to dance better when you wear the right shoes for the dance form
you're doing. You'll have the ability to feel contact with the floor and effectively
touch the hearts of the audience.
3. Dancers are particularly susceptible to overuse injuries due to the repetitive practice
of movements that necessitate extreme flexibility, strength, and endurance in their
performance. One of the most effective ways to prevent a dance injury after a
particularly rigorous training session or performance is to rest the following day.
Dancers who work out two or three days a week must also rest for another two or
three days in order for their bodies to recover properly. Stress fractures and overuse
injuries can be avoided if they take advantage of this recovery period. Another thing
dancers may do to prevent injury is to warm up before their performances. A warm-up
aims to raise the heart rate, warm up the muscles, and mobilize the joints before
performing and should be a progressive process that is carried out in stages. It is
critical for dancers to warm up before class, rehearsal, or performance. Skipping a
warm-up can result in injury and make the situation worse.

Page 3:
Main idea: The main idea of the video interview is about the dance training that the
interviewee she engages in.
Notes: The interview is a doxology dancer of the church and their school before. She
is one of the dancers that often opens a school event through an opening dance
Summary: Regardless of the dance form, a dancer engages in, they must observe what
they are doing in order to reduce the possibility of being injured. Presence of mind,
being environmentally aware, warm-ups, and rest is a must for every dancer that they
should always have while performing and preparing for a performance.


What goes together better than coffee and books? They make a perfect pair. People
who know me know that I am a coffee and book novels enthusiast. My comfort food
is coffee, and reading is something that also comforts me. Combining these two is my
safe haven, and I know I am not the only one. I see many people who want to read,
and a lot of people want to drink coffee either to help them burn the midnight oil or
simply caffeine calm them. I also know that there are also people who would love to
be in a place where their two favorite things in the world will combine. It is a dream
to be where your two favorite things are in one place. And with this, I have always
been wanted to open a business in the future wherein my target people are coffee
drinkers, coffee shop lovers, and readers of different book genres. And ever since the
pandemic, people have become available at a lot of things. People have been open to
embracing new businesses that arose from the pandemic. Many people have been
open to trying new things during this pandemic. This business will still be profitable
during this time of pandemic as many people regard coffee as a daily necessity, and
this pandemic made people available to open themselves to try new things. And
reading is something that not many people could find enjoyment in doing, but as
boredom arose in these times, it will be the best way to open themselves in embrace
the hobby of reading in this shop. Books help us get deep into the minds and hearts of
people, And that’s important during a crisis like COVID-19 because we see the
human condition laid bare. We witness the character of people and the interaction of
all the different forces in society through books. It is a safe place with a wide variety
of books written for both young and mature audiences and therefore, regardless of
age, is a potential customer of this business. The shop’s menu does not only offer
coffee. It also provides a menu for people who wants to read or relax while drinking
their teas or frappes. Regardless of their drink of choice is a potential customers of
this business. 

Page 4
It's critical to acquire the practice of constantly reviewing and reevaluating the prices
of the items and services provided to ensure that they remain suited to market

Promotion is required since it is the means of informing customers about the products
or services that will be sold to them.

It's essential to think about where the product or service will be sold. It's critical to
make it a habit to examine and reflect on the precise place where the customer will
buy their product.

It is critical to develop the habit of thinking about the people who are accountable for
every aspect of sales and marketing strategy and operations, both inside and outside
the company.

A tactical strategy that lays out the steps to succeed in the market is necessary. It can
be used for a variety of things, including the launch or re-launch of new products and
services of the company or brand or even the expansion of an existing product into a
new market.


Due to the rising cost of petroleum goods, a Pinoy engineer from Dasmarinas, Cavite,
is fueling his car with used cooking oil instead of regular gasoline products. It was
discovered in America and the Filipino engineer carried the concept to the Philippines
and modified it somewhat to suit the local conditions. The increase in the price of
gasoline adds to the burden of the Filipino people, particularly those who rely on
public transportation for a livelihood and those who travel by private car to reach their
destination. Fuel prices have continued to rise in recent weeks as a result of the
ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Additionally, the r ise in the price of
gasoline leads to an increase in the price of other items and services in the nation.
Several people have devised a variety of techniques to conserve money in the face of
rising gasoline rates.  Engineer Ed Guecenio from Dasmariñas tried using cooking oil
on his Toyota Fortuner. The engineer was just applying a basic filtering technique to
the cooking oil that was being used to prepare fried unli wings. Initially, the engineer
is combining "diesel" with cooking oil by calculating the ratio. The latter ultimately
tested a mixture of one part oil to two parts diesel, which worked quite nicely. He has
been utilizing it for more than two years already. Nowadays, the prices of crude oil
have a critical influence on the economy of the nation in which they are produced.
Pump price adjustments often have a considerable influence on the cost of goods and
services across the nation.

Page 6: Relentlessy growing of Plastic Pollution

1. Pollution is a major factor to a number of environmental problems. Plastic has
emerged as a vital component of daily life, with a wide variety of uses in daily
activities. We wanted to be a part of the global effort to reduce plastic pollution.

A new and generally ignored threat to human health has emerged from the COVID
19: the existence of potentially harmful microplastics in the environment, this time
due to the disposal of discarded personal protective equipment (PPE) that pollutes our
natural environment.

Personal protective equipment, notably face masks, has become a standard tool in the
fight against the virus. Single-use face masks are created from plastics and are
difficult to recycle due to the materials' composition, that pose environmental
risks and add to pollution problems.

The commonly used mask's outer layer is usually nonwoven polypropylene. A

hydrophobic polymer, polypropylene “fears water” and causes water to bead up on its
surface. Biodegradable face masks with taro leaf, as a substitute for hydrophobic
plastic, could help reduce PPE waste and plastic pollution.

In the event of a pandemic, pseudo-stem fiber has the potential to be an alternative

to plastic in many types of personal protective equipment. It contributes to a future
with less waste, and safer environments for people and nature, a combat to
relentlessly growing pf plastic pollution.
Written work 2
Writing a well-presented review of related literature (RRL) is essential as it serves as
the foundation of knowledge on the research topic and contains acquiring a
comprehensive overview of a particular subject's current state of knowledge to bring
clarity and focus to the problem. A good literature review must be well-presented in
order to demonstrate evidence of synthesis and comprehension of the subject matter.
There should be clear evidence of analytical thinking shown by the connections made
between the literature. A good scientific report should be written to identify existing
literature gaps to make certain that researchers are not simply repeating what others
have already done, suggesting future study areas, and achieving a successful and
better paper. Good literature reviews will not only summarize the information but will
point out weaknesses in the experimental methodologies as well as any theoretical
conflicts in the process of gathering the information in order to have an excellent
scientific report or paper to be produced.

Page 9:
A hypothesis is a preliminary answer to a research question that has been developed
in advance. When it comes to research, a hypothesis is a statement of prediction that
will be tested through investigation. It is the statement that the research study is
attempting to prove or disprove through its findings.

A research hypothesis is definite, clear, and testable that can be proven or disproven.
This statement should be tested to assess its validity and is valuable for further

A hypothesis is a statement that introduces a research question and helps establish a

relationship between the underlying theory and the specific research topic.

Research hypotheses are statements concerning an expected relationship between

variables in which one variable is referred to as the independent variable or 'cause,'
and the other variable is referred to as the dependent variable or 'effect' The link
between variables determines the method by which the accurate conclusions
will arrive at.

Page 13:
General: The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the efficiency of the leaf
wax of Colocasia esculenta (Taro) and Musa acuminate (Banana) as an alternative
hydrophobic surface coating for Banana Pseudostem face masks to help combat the
PPE waste plastic pollution and to seek answers to the following questions:
1. Is the extracted wax from banana and taro leaves effective as a hydrophobic surface
coating for the banana pseudostem face mask?
2. Which among the Colocasia esculenta and Musa acuminate is more effective in
terms of its hydrophobic ability?
3. Is the Banana Pseudostem face mask a good alternative to the common used face
1. The taro and banana leaf wax as an alternative hydrophobic surface coating for
Banana Pseudostem face masks does not help combat the PPE waste plastic pollution.
1. Extracted Colocasia esculenta (Taro) and Musa acuminate (Banana) leaf
wax is not an effective alternative hydrophobic surface coating for Banana
Pseudostem face mask.
2. There is no significant difference between the effectiveness of the
hydrophobic ability of taro and banana leaves.
3. Banana Pseudostem face mask is not a good alternative to the common
used faces masks.

Page 14:
Name: Picadillo
1 ½ lbs. ground beef
1 medium yellow onion minced
4 cloves garlic minced
3 to 4 tablespoons olive oil
1 14.5 oz. can diced tomato
½ cup raisins
1 cup beef broth
¾ cup Manzanilla olives
1 medium baking potato cubed
2 medium carrots cubed
¾ cup frozen green peas
Salt and pepper to taste
Start heating the oil in a cooking pot over medium heat, then sauté the onion
and garlic until the onion is soft and translucent. After that, add the ground
beef in small batches and cook until it is lightly browned. Combine the diced
tomato, beef broth, and raisins in a the pot. Then, s tir it, bring it to boil, and
then reduce the heat to low and cook for 15 minutes while the pot is covered.
After that, add the olives, carrots, potato, and green peas and simmer for
another 10 to 12 minutes, or until the vegetables are cooked. Season the dish
with freshly ground black pepper and salt and allow it to cook for an additional
3 minutes on medium heat. Finally, transfer to a serving plate and serve.

Page 17:
It is common for researchers to discuss the methods and procedures they
utilized in their research piece. Research plan refers to how a researcher
plans to carry out their research. It is significant as it helps researchers
illustrate several parts of the inquiry, such as what, where, and how data will
be collected and how the researchers will interpret the findings. A well-
presented research plan is vital for every Capstone project since it identifies
and helps define the researcher's focus, technique, and goals, as well as
defining the research project in detail. It is a vital part of research as it
provides a thorough systematic strategy that assists researchers in staying on
track and helping make the process smooth, productive, and manageable to
resolve a Capstone problem. At the same time, a well-presented research
plan is an important section as it gives the researchers the data collection
process and allows them to assess the study's overall validity and reliability. It
provides research credibility and aids in determining the success and general
quality and documentation of the Capstone investigation.

Page 18:
There are a variety of themes that can be chosen as a topic for a Capstone
project, including sciences, robotics, physical sciences, and other allied
subjects; however, it is critical to consider the proper method to be utilized for
the type of project that one is required to complete. The researchers are
expected to undertake a series of experimental procedures and collect
quantitative data as part of their Capstone project, to demonstrate the viability
and efficiency of the project and provide generalizable knowledge about the
causes of the occurrence. I believe that using experimental setups to acquire
data is the most appropriate strategy for a Capstone project. Using an
experimental research design entails developing a set of methodologies or
processes to test a hypothesis required for Capstone projects. In order to
successfully complete a capstone project, full and detailed descriptions of all
of the materials, tools, and methods used in the experiment are required,
something that experimental research design could offer.

Page 20:
Observations. A form of data collection known as observation involves observing
people in a particular setting or location at a specific time of day or night. Essentially,
researchers examine the actions and reactions of the people or environments they
observe and evaluate. Controlled, spontaneous, or participant-based research are all
possible approaches. Observing the effect of a risk factor, diagnostic test, or
treatment, for example, is one example.

Survey experiments are a type of data collection that can be used to evaluate causal
links in the same way that any other experiment can be used, except that the
experimental intervention and result measurement take place within the framework of
a survey. Survey experiments typically present a randomized stimulus in the context
of a survey question, or they may use variation in question-wording and question
order as their experimental manipulation.

Descriptive data gathering is a type of data collection utilized in the Capstone project
since it entails quantifying variables that characterize a target group. When
conducting a study to determine the abundance of specific phytochemicals in plant
fruits samples from the same species but at different ages, the results may reveal that
each target group has a different result that needs to be quantified in relation to the
variable under consideration, for example.

When it comes to experimental research, comparative data is another method used

because it implies the creation of a comparison between two or more variables being
experimented with within a study. For example, a sample of participants may be
identified and assigned to different situations for a specified period of time, after
which the differences between the conditions are compared.

Another method utilized in experimental studies is relationship data, which is

intended to illustrate trends, linkages, and relationships between different variables.
The expression of related data can be expressed by searching for potential
relationships between different variables.

Christian Living
 Just law is reasonable, studied carefully, and ordered by someone who has the
adequate knowledge and competent authority to legitimately implement it and put
them into effect by official proclamation for the true freedom of every person.
 Natural law is not in any book or code of law written by a court of judges, but
these rules of right and wrong are innately accepted and universally true for all
people and have remained unchanged throughout the centuries.
 Divine law is any law that comes directly from the will of God Himself and is
made known to man through revelation.
 Church law is a set of ordinances for governing the faith and practice of members
of a Christian community that profess the same faith and serves as the
expressions of the divine law.
 Civil laws are issued for the common good of all the citizens of a nation that
guarantees an ordered social coexistence in true justice promulgated by whoever
is responsible for the community.
 Laws affect me in a way that they help me be guided in living a life with true
freedom as it has limitations that do not only contribute to the betterment of me as
an individual but for the common good of all the people as well.

 Humans have an innate drive to eat, drink, and sleep. These activities are in
accordance with natural law for species to survive. Maintaining a healthy
sleeping schedule helps me have strong well-being and thus an example of
conformity to the natural law accepted by all. Having a healthy sleeping schedule
affects the person's behavior during the day. From my experience, sleeping late
makes me grumpy the next day. So when I started to change my sleeping
schedule into a healthy one, thus, helped me to be less irritable and be a better
person. Having a healthy sleeping schedule is something that all human beings
must do for a weekly task and a life-long natural law we must fulfill.

 In the ten commandments revealed by God to Moses and written in the Sacred
Scripture is the third commandment: "Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath Day."
Attending Sunday Mass is a Church law that helps me bring the words of God
with me always which serve as my guide not only for a week but also for my
whole journey here on earth. I do not only attend it because it is an obligation of
living Christians, but it is a necessity for me as it helps me be recharged
miraculously and allows me to live a better life.
 As the Holy week approaches, I participated in the discipline that the Catholic
Church has traditionally observed for the past decades, which was to refrain from
eating delicious food and reduce my food intake during this Lenten Season.
Because of these sacrifices, I'm able to focus on Jesus and free myself from
worldly distractions. According to Sacred Tradition, fasting is not a punishment
but rather a way to keep me from succumbing to the temptations of gluttony and
impurity in my thoughts, actions, and words, which will then help me be a person
living morally.
 In the Philippines, one of the most pressing environmental
concerns is the proper disposal of solid waste. So I always
observe that I am a law-abiding to the RA 9003 or the proper
waste disposal act. Not because I am afraid of the possible
punishment for those who will be caught because of improper waste
disposal but because I want to help our mother earth maintain its
cleanliness, freshness, and beauty.


1. C. St Thomas of Aquinas
2. C. Hedonism
3. C. Body and Soul
4. C. Natural Law
5. B. Knowledge, freedom, actual choice



Atheistic Existentialism/Philosophy #4
Philosophy #1/Oriental View of Man
Divine Law

1. Human acts are defined as activities that are performed consciously and voluntarily.
Human Acts (actus humanus) is  When we do anything intentionally and freely,  not
because of physical necessity.  Acts of man (actus hominis), on the other hand, are
accomplished without the involvement of intellect or the exercise of free choice.
Human acts include, for example, studying, praying, reading books, an act of love or
will.  In contrast, Acts of Man are the natural biological and sensual processes such as
breathing, digestion. As a result, acts of man are acts performed by all men in
common, while human acts are performed alone by human beings.

2. The question of how to acquire genuine freedom often arises in our minds, as every
human being's greatest overarching goal is to be in a state of freedom. Ignatius of
Loyola's combat wound at Pamplona changed his life 500 years ago, as his
amputation turned him into a wanderer seeking ultimate liberty. When he let go of his
expectations of himself, he found genuine freedom: the love that prompted him to
give up his life for others. Freedom doesn't come "overnight," as some may have
thought. True liberation requires a long and challenging path, like St. Ignatius of
Loyola's. To attain true freedom, we must act on our thoughts and behave according
to what is right and just, and not just simply doing anything out of our desire. As the
bible says, genuine freedom starts in the heart; not in the middle of our twisted belief
of freedom of merely doing what we like.

PE & Health:

1. How can dance improve our physical self?

Dancing has endless advantages, especially in terms of health. Whether it's salsa,
ballet, zumba, or hip-hop, dance is a great way to stay fit and active. All dancing
genres work to utilize all body parts to generate harmony and a graceful workout.
Dance actively engages the arms, legs, back, and even facial muscles to develop
oneness with the body. Dance can significantly boost one's endurance and stamina. It
is also a great cardio workout that can substantially reduce the risk of heart
disease, improve flexibility, provide motor and cardiovascular fitness, and be
advantageous in weight loss. The list of physical benefits of dancing is endless, but I'd
want to focus on the effects of dance on coordination and spatial awareness. Spatial
awareness is helpful in everyday life, not just in swaying fluidly and attentively to the
music's beat. Spatial cognition is beneficial in dancing as  it provides dancers with a
sense of stage presence, but it can also be helpful in math or physics lectures at school
and presentations in English class and the workplace. Finally, dancing is a fantastic
type of exercise that has numerous benefits that can be enjoyed by people who wish to
maintain a healthy lifestyle and those who want to improve in other aspects of their
daily lives.

2. What is the importance of wearing an appropriate footwear for a particular

dance form?
It's essential to look good when you dance, and the clothes you wear make an
enormous difference than you think. If you want to dance for a long time, you'll need
a lot of different things to keep you comfortable. In terms of clothes, there's nothing to
worry about; you just wear something practical and easy to move around in, whether
it's casual or fancy. When it comes to shoes, things are very different. Dancers need
their feet to be healthy and pain-free, so the shoes they wear are essential. Footwear
can help the dancer's movement and affect their body in many ways. Shoes are
usually chosen to match the costume, but they are worn for the dancers to be safe and
avoid getting hurt, so they are typically selected carefully. Having
appropriate footwear is designed to withstand continual and prolonged movement in
dancing. It's easier to dance better when you wear the right shoes for the dance form
you're doing. You'll have the ability to feel contact with the floor and effectively
touch the hearts of the audience.

3. Explain the difference between folk dance and ethnic dance?

There are several definitions of "folk" and "ethnic" dancing, most of which are
used to advance a strategic purpose. The term "ethnic" does not imply "non-white,"
and "folk" does not mean "rural." Ethnic dance is any dance form that originates from
an ethnic culture and expresses that culture's movement aesthetics. It represents all the
ethnic group's history, culture, and traditions, whether European, American, African,
Polynesian, Asian or Middle Eastern. On the other hand,  "Folk" dancing necessitates
not only a sense of ethnic belonging but also a sense of "participatory" and artistic
tradition. They are created by people to reflect the lives of the people in a particular
country or region. For example, the hula in Hawaii and the Mexican Hat Dance in
Mexico are examples of "folk" dances because they are part of the cultural fabric.

4. Explain how important dancing in our culture?

Apart from being a performance art, dance has long been a means of social
expression and intangible cultural heritage. As a component of culture, it signifies a
country's or a group of people's identity and plays a significant part in determining
culture. Tango, waltz, samba, cha-cha, and folk dance are all genres of dancing that
each represents a distinct culture on their own. Dancing, in my opinion, is very
significant in culture, as it always has a certain meaning determined by the cultural
setting in which it originates. Each culture can be distinguished by its dance. Dancing
is one of the most remarkable and long-lasting ways of passing down cultural habits,
as they represent the stories and histories of a given ethnic group.  Culture is not just
one singular style, but like dance, it is a collection of many cultures that danced
around different historical points and are bound to sway the traditions down through
the generations.


Business leaders are in charge of
everything that happens in their company,
from funding and strategy to how
DECISIVE resources are used. Being decisive does
not always imply possessing all of the
solutions. To be an entrepreneur, you
must have the confidence to make
difficult decisions and see them through.
Even if things go awry, the decision to fix
the situation is just as crucial as the
conclusion itself. An entrepreneur must
make difficult decisions and stick to them
to be successful.

The journey to becoming an entrepreneur

begins with an idea. They see
opportunities, solutions and communicate
CREATIVE their findings to the public. Creativity
enables the business to design strategies
that benefit the entrepreneurs. It is a
must-have ability for any entrepreneur to
generate creative ideas and make the
entrepreneurial process a success.
Exploring new niches and coming up
with fresh ideas leads to efficiency,
which gives an entrepreneur a
competitive advantage.

Entrepreneurship is commonly linked

with risk; thus, they must be willing to
take it.  Entrepreneurs must plan for the
unexpected to happen so that they may
RISK-TAKER make smart judgments that will benefit
them and their business. At the same
time, many things can go wrong while
running a business, and many things can
go well. Risk-taking is vital for
differentiating themselves from their
competitors and ensuring the success of
the company's business. Successful
entrepreneurs are willing to take some
risks in order to enjoy the benefits of their

The entrepreneur must have a clear vision

for his growing business to be successful.
The finest entrepreneurs have a clear
LEADER WITH A vision of what they want to achieve, how
they plan to achieve their objectives, and
VISSION whom they need on their side to succeed.
Their vision guides them in the direction
of opportunities that no one else has
explored However, many resources and
workers are required to make the vision a
reality. Leadership quality is critical in
this situation because leaders impart and
guide their colleagues down the proper
route to success.

Another characteristic of entrepreneurs is

their passion, which is what propels them.
Passion helps them enjoy what they do,
PASSIONATE which allows them to devote more time
to their initiatives. This enthusiasm or
desire helps keep entrepreneurs going
when discouragement could otherwise set
in. Knowing that their devotion may
motivate them to keep going when doubt
sets in or the business become difficult.
Passion is what keeps an
entrepreneur focused on their goal.
1. Potential Market
2. Penetrated Market
3. Packaging
4. Place
5. Entrepreneurship
6. Target Market
7. Available Market
8. Need
9. Product
10. Entrepreneur

1. Many individuals believe that if you start working on your business today, you will
become this wealthy person in three to six months. Numerous get-rich-quick
programs purport to show how to become a billionaire overnight. However, starting a
business requires more effort than it yields. Making money your sole motivation for
beginning a business might be one of the biggest blunders and first failures as an
owner. Start a business because it is your passion, something you want to pursue even
if the rest of the world is against you, or because you want to make a difference. Start
a business because you sincerely believe in yourself, not because others earn more
than you. Many people enter into business because they've seen it work for
friends, but all we see are the roses; we overlook the thorns. When starting a business,
one must recognize that earning money has little to do with the business itself. That
the foundation of a successful business is you and your passion to make a difference.

2. There are a plethora of reasons why people decide to start their own business at a
particular point in their lives. Starting a business is a huge accomplishment for
anyone, especially for young people. A significant advantage of starting a business at
a young age is the opportunity to gain valuable skills such as field problem-solving,
teamwork, critical thinking, invention, networking, self-discipline, and other vital
aspects of the corporate world for young people to see. All of these abilities can be
beneficial in school as well as later in life. It also equips individuals with the ability to
perceive commercial opportunities, self-esteem, knowledge, and skills necessary to
capitalize on those prospects. Though the majority of successful entrepreneurs are
middle-aged or older, there is still a chance for young people to realize their
entrepreneurial dreams and start to convert them into profitable ventures.

1. There are many components of a successful research paper, but the background of
the study is one of the most vital for the researchers and readers to understand. The
background of the study establishes a connection between the introduction and the
research topic and ensures a coherent flow of ideas, as it contains the discussion of the
problem statement, justification, and research questions. It serves as the foundation of
every researcher for their dissertation, as it provides them with important references
for their research process and can work to improve the quality of their dissertation in a
more substantial manner.  On the other hand, the background of the study may also
help readers understand the information researchers wrote about in their research
paper, as it includes background material that is both significant and relevant. A
sufficient amount of background information allows the readers to comprehend the
context and better understand the purpose behind the study.

2. It is common for researchers to discuss the methods and procedures they utilized in
their research piece. Research methodology refers to how a researcher plans to carry
out their research. It is a vital part of research as it provides a thorough systematic
strategy that assists researchers in staying on track and helping make the process
smooth, productive, and manageable to resolve a research problem. It includes what
data they're going to collect, where they're going to acquire it, and how they will
analyze it. It clarifies the research inquiry and why it is vital. The methodology is an
important section as it gives readers insight into the data collection process and allows
them to assess a study's overall validity and reliability critically. It provides research
credibility and aids in determining the success and general quality and documentation
of the research investigation.

3. The results section of a research paper is where it contains a description of the key
findings of a study. On the other hand, the discussion section interprets the findings
for readers and explains the relevance of the results. The results and discussion are
vital since it helps the researcher comprehend the problem from all aspects as it shows
the outcome of the study. In this section, the findings of the study are presented in a
logical order and are free of any preconceived notions of significance. It is important
because using what was already known about the study challenge, it analyzes and
discusses the findings' importance and clarifies any new understanding or fresh
insights gained from the results.

4. A good research project is one that is designed to expand on and utilize current
knowledge. Research papers include a Literature Review to support the research
topic. A review of related literature is necessary for it serves as the foundation of
knowledge on the research topic as it contains a comprehensive review of existing
literature related to a thesis. At the same time, the gaps in the study can be either
portion of the corpus of knowledge that has not yet been investigated or places where
research investigations have produced equivocal results that researchers might want to
consider focusing on researching. Carrying out a literature review is vital since it
prevents the duplication of studies and assists in avoiding difficulties that have
previously been experienced by other researchers who have already gone their way to
investigate the current research.

Capstone summative
1. (Grammarlied and paraphrased) As mentioned in the situation, Juan is the
brightest student in their room. Therefore he understands that his proposal to collect
data in their community is risky in times of pandemic, and what I think he must do is
wait till the restrictions lighten to conduct his research. After all, the pandemic is not
yet done, and the complacency of the people could still change in a matter of months,
and the topic he is interested in researching is not urgent; thus, it can wait.
3. Once the restrictions have been lightened, I think the best method he could use to
approach this is to gather data in both the technological and traditional ways. Because
of the restrictions imposed to prevent the upsurge of cases of the COVID-19
pandemic, there has been an increase in online survey-based research due to their
capacity to collect data more easily and quickly than traditional techniques. He could
approach the research by gathering data through this method. But since he aspires to
gather data on the entire population, and not all are technological people, those
households who could not answer the survey online must be surveyed the traditional
way while observing proper distancing and sanitizing.

The researcher selected multiple polluted seas as her sampling location and the
harmful effects of microplastics on it through the use of secondary data. Data
collected in this study are collected by someone else for it scopes a big variable that
the researcher could not gather primary.

Polluted Sea Negative Effects of Reference

Manila Bay, Philippines Deterioration of water PEMSEA (n.d)
Great Barrier Reef, Deleterious impact on Chatterjee S., and
Sharma S. (2019)
Australia coral reefs and increseas
pathogen transmission

Naifuru Islands, Maldives Transmission of harmful Verma (2020)

plastics to neighboring
Swedish Coast detrimental effect on the Chatterjee S., and
Sharma S. (2019)
survival rate of fish

Sea of Cortez imposed a great threat to Chatterjee S., and

marine animals. Sharma S. (2019)

Pacific Trash Vortex affects Human health Andrews (2012)

Figure 1: Different effects of Microplasctics to different polluted seas

The twentieth century was the revolutionary age of the plastics industry,
producing an excessive number of plastic-based items ranging from buckets to
automobiles. In that case, the twenty-first century is the time to deal with the
consequences of that revolution. When it comes to modern living, plastic has emerged
as a significant component of human existence, and its applications are numerous in
everyday activities. The table shows that various adverse effects of microplastics
affect not only marine animals but humans and their health as well.

As a result of its adverse impacts on marine life, the problem of plastic pollution
in the marine ecosystem is a source of concern these days. Immediate action is
required to prevent the unnecessary usage of plastics and their product. Plastics must
be strictly prohibited at both the national and international levels, and strict
enforcement must be implemented. There is an urgent need in this field to raise
awareness among the general public about the harmful impacts of microplastics,
which are becoming increasingly common. This would spur a variety of inventions to
reduce the use and consumption of plastic and its byproducts. The collection and
repurposing of plastic pieces are essential for reducing the amount of plastic entering
the ecosystem. To avert a future hazard, the best option is to stop further production
and research plastic products that are alternatives to those currently available.

4. Those who work in the physical sciences and a wide range of other fields are most
familiar with the type of study strategy known as experimental research design.
Experimental research is a type of study that strictly adheres to the design of scientific
research studies. It is the process of testing or attempting to prove a hypothesis
through the use of experiments. In my strand, Science Technology Engineering and
Mathematics, this study design is relevant since it is extensively employed in the
fields of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, etc. For example, experimental
research is performed to determine the most effective treatment for diseases such as
cancer. In this, researchers obtain a sample of bacteria from a patient's body, which is
then treated with the antibacterial that has been produced rather than directly
employing patients as research subjects. During the previous two decades, there have
been numerous new advancements in experimental design, which have been
accompanied by a significant increase in the number of engineering applications.
Another example is the process and product characterization, control, and stability
attaining variability reduction, process optimization, and developing processes and
products to create robustness are examples of typical experimental design applications
in the engineering areas.

Data Gathering Procedure
Phase 2.
Phase 1.
Asking permission
Asking permission from theschool
to the
Developmentand validation
and validation of of school directors to float the
questionnaire directors and preservice science
questionaire. approved set of questions for the
teachers for the data gathering.
data gathering.

Phase 4.
Phase 3.
Analysis and Retrieval of the survey
Floating of Interpretation
the questionaire

Figure 3. Flow Chart Data Gathering Procedure.

Phase 1. Planning the goal of the research and constructing and

validating a questionnaire concerning young people's knowledge, attitudes,

and perspectives around the COVID 19 epidemic in the Municipality of San

Marcelino through an online survey.

Phase 2. The researchers requested permission from the school

director to conduct a survey among youths in the Municipality of San

Marcelino to assess their knowledge, attitudes, and perspectives regarding

the COVID 19 pandemic, which was used for sampling procedures and actual

data collection.

Phase 3. Findings are studied by breaking it down once the research

survey was retrieved from the respondents, determining the implications,

significance, and conclusions of the data collected regarding the knowledge,

attitudes, and perspectives of youths of San Marcelino regarding the COVID

19 pandemic.
Phase 4. Determines whether or not the research goal has not been

reached or the desired results have been obtained that support the

interpretation of data and the development of actions and improvement of the

research project.


Page 6
1. Manpower, in my opinion, is the most vital of the 4Ms of operation
since it is the primary factor of production. Manpower affects every
aspect of business, from production to client interactions. Without the
skilled and capable people behind it, the concept of materials and
methods required to manufacture a product would not be possible. And
while machines speed up the process and boost production significantly, a
business can nevertheless survive without a machine. The relationship
between manpower and firm initiatives is relatively straightforward:
productivity is proportional to manpower. If a man possesses abilities and
competence, he can efficiently use the other 3Ms. All other Ms are
meaningless without the brain and expertise of man.
2. In my opinion, the Method and Materials in 4Ms are the operations to
improve if aiming for an improvement to the quality of the final products.
Materials refer to anything utilized as an input into production or
manufacturing, while methods refer to the steps that must be taken to
manufacture a product or service efficiently. Having good quality
products does not only refer to the materials used but as well as how the
product was produced. Therefore, both must be an operation to improve
for a better quality product.
3. As stereotypical as it may appear, the adage "Quality is better than
quantity" has always served as a helpful guide in the business world.
Improving your product demonstrates to customers that your organization
is committed to the long term. In my opinion, no, if improving only one
of 4Ms, we can not expect an overall product improvement. It is always
necessary for the manpower to develop their strategic solutions, abilities,
and competencies to expect an overall improvement in the product.
Machines used in manufacturing items, particularly those requiring large
quantities, must constantly be improved rather than being content with
mediocre. Materials and procedures should also be upgraded in order to
have a high level of quality while keeping costs, quality, and availability
of raw materials under consideration. All 4Ms must be upgraded in the
same way.
Reign Aiken M. Lara
Business Entrep Performance Task

Workers have a crucial role on the manufacturing floor, especially when
it comes to reaching the company's goals and objectives. Human
performance varies from time to time, depending on their aptitude and the
length of time at their current job. The manpower behind the hotdog
manufacture was the driving force for the production's feasibility and
success. From planning the ingredients to be used, machines that are
needed for production, applied methods, and the employees who assist
from trimmings until the final manual checking, all supervised by higher-
ups. Not only are the people who work in the manufacturing processes
are considered the manpower, but so are the directors, heads of
departments, and financial managers; everyone who contributes to the
production of goods for the general public is considered manpower, no
matter how small their contribution may be.

Meat is the main component in hot dogs. While pork is the most
commonly utilized, other meats such as beef, chicken, or turkey may also
be used. Some manufacturers mixed all of these for a better taste of the
product. The meat is combined with a curing solution during processing
to improve the flavor and extend the shelf life. Flour and salt are essential
components of this curing solution, as it makes the meat easier to work
with, improve the flavor, and prevent bacterial growth. Another
component of the curing solution is water. It serves a number of purposes,
including aiding in the formation of the essential meat emulsion and
increasing the juiciness of the meat. In addition to the meat and curing
substances, other elements are vital in the production of hot dogs. Sugar
and corn syrup are also added and used to give hot dogs their distinct
flavor and make hot dogs taste sweet.

It wasn't long before humans recognized that a butchered animal had
a lot of gristle and fat and offal that could be used for something. A
classic example of pre-cooked, processed beef is the hot dog. They are
made of beef, pork, and chicken. Trimmings are the first step. Trimmings
are leftover steaks or pork chops in various shapes and sizes. Trimmings
are ground the same way butchers grind meat: through a metal grate.
Processed chicken trimmings, food starch, salt, and other flavors are
added to the ground meat. These flavorings vary by region, as people in
different regions have varied tastes. Water and corn syrup or another
sweetener was then added to the mixture. Towards the end of the
procedure, extra water is added to the batter to achieve proper
consistency and make the hot dogs juicier. The batter is then pureed again
to a fine emulsion and the air is vacuumed out. The emulsified meat is
then poured into casings, and the dogs are baked in a liquid smoke
shower. The dogs are then rinsed in cold, salted water and, if using
cellulose casings, peeled. Finally, finished dogs are manually inspected,
and only "flawless" tubed meat is passed to another machine for packing.

Modernization of industries brought new technology to ease human
efforts in production lines where machinery assisted human labor.
Specially selected trimmings are crushed into small bits and added to the
mixer to make hotdogs. A machine regularly weighs formulas to
guarantee optimum ingredient balance. A high-speed stainless steel
chopper machine combines the meat, spices, and curing ingredients. A
stuffer receives the emulsion, and the filling horn is mechanically
positioned with cellulose casings using a machine. The emulsion runs
through the horn into the casing, linking the filled strands into hot dogs.
Onto the smokehouse conveyor system, it goes. The hot dog is cooked in
smokehouses machines, then hard-wood smoked for texture, color, and
flavor. After the smoke and cook cycle and a cool water spray machine,
the hot dog goes into the peeler. The protective cellulose "skin" is
removed in this machine, and individual links are transported to the
packing line. Finally, the hot dog is fed into vacuum packing equipment,
diverting off-weight franks. Separate packages of the correct quantity and
weight are wrapped in plastic film and vacuum-sealed to preserve the
freshness and flavor of the hot dog using a machine.
Feedback Thermoregulation
Type of Negative Feedback System:
Receptor Thermoreceptors are temperature receptor found in
the skin that sends information about body
temperature to the hypothalamus. These
temperature change receptors are found all over the
body, including the epidermisa. They communicate
with the control center by sending temperature
indications as they can predict changes in core body
temperature in response to changes in environmental
Control Center The hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates
body temperature, controls thermoregulation. The
brain's hypothalamus area serves as a "thermostat,"
responding when the temperature rises or falls above
or below the "set point" of 98.6˚F or 37˚C. It will
automatically transmit signals to the effectors if the
hypothalamus detects that internal temperatures are
becoming too hot or too cold, respectively.
Effector Muscles and sweat glands are the effectors of
thermoregulation, which means that they respond to
signals from the brain by shivering or, in the case of
elevated body temperature, sweating as a means of
cooling the body in order to regulate body


1. Ohm's Law is a fundamental concept in electrical and

electronic research used to validate the static values of circuit
components, current levels, voltage drops, and supplies. But,
more than that, Ohm's Law is applied to a wide range of
calculations in all types of electrical and electronic circuits—in
fact, anywhere that current flows. Ohm's Law is useful for
calculating the value of resistors required in circuits. It is also
used to know the current flowing in a circuit where the
voltage across a known resistor can be measured easily.

2. When the other two values of a linear electric circuit are

known, Ohm's law can be used to determine either the voltage,
current, impedance of the circuit, or the resistance of the circuit.
It also simplifies the process of calculating power. For example,
each of the electrical heaters we use in our lives is equipped
with a high-resistance metal coil that permits a specific amount
of current to pass through it in order to generate the heat
required. The amount of power to be delivered example would
be the resistors found inside electric kettles and irons that we
use in our everyday lives before leaving for school or going
to work. To ensure that the required quantity of heat is
produced in these types of equipment, the resistors control
the amount of current that can pass through them. Ohm's
law is used to determine the size of the resistors that are
incorporated in them.

Ohmic materials adhere to Ohms' law, which means their

resistance remains constant regardless of how much voltage is
applied. The V-I graph demonstrates a linear trend in this
particular instance, as shown below.

The V-I graph of an ohmic material is a straight line that passes

through the origin of the material. Examples are nickel, copper,
In contrast to Ohmic materials, Non-ohmic materials, as the
name implies, do not obey Ohm's Law in its strictest meaning,
the resistance of non-Ohmic materials changes with the applied

In the case of non-ohmic materials, the V-I graph is a straight

non-linear gradual curving slope that does not pass through the
origin, for example, Thermistor, Diode, etc.
Submission on May 27

Page 2

1. Sylvia's mother admitted that even if she kept writing 'lol' on funny Facebook posts,
she was not laughing out loud, and her conscience made her admit that.
Initial Answer:
Conscience is an individual's inner voice that guides them between right and wrong
based on their moral philosophy.

Conscience is the part of our human spirit that serves as the standard for every
individual in choosing what to do, whether it is right or wrong, in situation.

A person's moral sense of what is good and wrong in any particular circumstance is
derived from their conscience, which is the voice of God within them.

Page 5
1. Communication Gap. The inability to communicate effectively can lead to an
increase in argumentative behavior and conflict amongst people who are involved in a
2. Being Disrespectful. Respect should serve as the cornerstone of any relationship.
Without it, there will be a division between the individuals that are involved.

1. Crab mentality creates unhealthy competition. Filipinos spend so much time

talking and backbiting instead of developing and having healthy competition amongst
their competitors.
2. Manana habit delays the most important things. People made it a habit to avoid
challenging activities until they had no choice but to do them instead of doing them
beforehand without procrastinating.

Page 9.
Perception of Man
Rigid masculine gender roles
Physical Attractiveness
Acting tough
Not aggressive man are unmanly and likely gay

Perception of Woman
Natural nurturers
Well behaved
Handles housework and childcare.
Page 10:
1. 25/27
2. For love and life-long commitment as they are emotionally, financially, and
physically capable of spending the rest of their lives with each other and making a
3. Never fading love, respect, lifelong compromising with good communication, and
being one another’s balancer serves as the pivotal behavior that keeps them together
after more than 30 years of marriage.

Page 18:
Fear Conscience
Fear conscience is defined as doing what is good based on the approval and
praise of the authority. Cpl. Cabrera is a 30-year-old Policeman from Asingan,
Pangasinan, and was given an award for his honesty. He did what he thinks is right
because of the fear of possible consequences if he will not let his honesty overpower
him— both as an average citizen, a server of the country, and a follower of the
Christian community.

Cpl. Cabrera's moral conscience urges him to do good and avoid evil. When he
thought about all of the things he could buy with the money, he still chose to do good
and avoid the temptation. He acted in accordance with the universal human principle
of returning stolen property and not taking ownership of something that was not his.
He does not only respects the rights of others but his right to choose as well -- and he
chose the right over the wicked.

Cpl. Cabrera acted according to his beliefs as a Christian and chose to follow the
voice of God inside him. He already has built a value system through exposure to the
word of God and can differentiate and decide what is right or wrong. His Christian
value-built system led him to honesty, and his relationship with God was not tainted.

Page 19:

The day that sin crossed the threshold has been retold
in stories that each religion claims as its own.
God created a man, and He called him Adam,
From his rib Eve was made, a woman.

One day Adam and Eve are in the paradise of the Lord, where awaits them is an
improbable joy,
The next day, the snake tried to lure them and won his ploy,
Though no one is deserving of His grace, nor the sacred land where we think is
the safest place,
He still forgives us, washes away our sins, and embrace.
Decades of dwelling far more on our brokenness and sins,
living in guilt and shame for years.
Anguish is bubbling up within us that makes our days blue,
Our Original sins are ingrained in us, but because of Jesus who set us free, a
new window of opportunity to see His glory once again shined through.

Page 21:

1. Pray
2. Set Boundaries
3. Avoid tempting situations
4. Modesty in dress, speech, and action
5. Know how to resist sexual pressure.

When we were growing up, it was vital to us that important people in our lives
respected us, for it taught us how to respect other people. Respect doesn't have to
come naturally – it is something we earn. In my opinion, respect is a quality that
everyone should exhibit beginning at a very young age. When there is respect in a
relationship, sentiments of trust, fidelity, patience, and commitment can develop. It is
possible to be faithful to one's spouse while lacking respect for their significant other
in regard to a variety of factors. It is also possible to uphold a commitment without
showing respect for the other party, and the same goes for other choices as well. 
Practicing respect will be beneficial not only to me in the here and now but also to me
and my relationships with others in the long run, especially during a marriage. Quite
often, we consider love to be the essential part of relationships. Indeed love is crucial,
but respect is even more vital. When two individuals get married, one of the most
significant things they should be able to give and receive from one another is respect.
When you respect someone, you accept them for who they are, despite the fact that
they may be different from you or that you may disagree with what they say.
Listening is a crucial skill, but many of us do not possess it to the necessary degree.
For me, listening is an act of respect that one must have at a young age and before
deciding to enter into married life; it denotes that one individual cares enough about
another to listen to what they have to say. Listening is an act of respect that one must
have at a young age and before entering into married life. Consequently, there is no
respect shown when there is a lack of listening.

Page 23:

A surprise pregnancy can be frightening and stressful, especially for her because she
is still young and without a solid support system from her partner. Even though she's
the only one who can make the final decision, there are many people who can help her
along the way. It is essential that she will not feel that she's alone in those times. As a
devout Christian and staunch pro-life advocate, I will encourage her to carry the child
to full term. She has already made a mistake, and if she ends up aborting the baby,
killing an innocent unborn child will only add up to her mistakes. It is not the child's
fault for her not to deserve to see the beauty of the world. Carrying a child in one's
womb is not a mistake but a blessing that women should not be ashamed of. She must
not think of what others might tell her but rather think of the unborn child inside her
womb. She does not need to drown in other people's judgment but delving in prayer is
what she needs, for I believe that when we go deep into prayer, the more that God will
provide for us, the more that He will guide and take care of us. Put her faith in Him,
and all else will follow according to His plans.


1. Making assumptions about clients, the market, competitors, or the systems that the
company uses can result in a waste of time, money, and effort when it comes to
running a business. It is necessary to allocate part of the available resources toward
the execution of marketing research in order to be in a position to make sound
judgments that will lead to the expansion of the company and the intelligent use of its
resources. Conducting marketing research is essential as it will look at the marketing
process rather than focusing solely on the consumers to whom the company intends to
sell its products or services. It entails a study of the demographics of the target
market, as well as the organizational structures within the company that compose the
marketing circumstances. It assists in determining issues and opportunities, improving
operational processes, and analyzing marketing strategy. Research on marketing helps
business leaders learn not only what their customers want but also how well their
company is able to reach and connect with those customers.

2. In all candor, prior to tackling this topic, my first thought was, "What does this
subject have to do with my strand?" However, in truth, the development of
entrepreneurial skills and education in STEM fields work hand in hand. For a student
like me who is majoring in STEM, the subject of entrepreneurship is still very
relevant. When young people like us, students, are exposed to entrepreneurship, it
helps us develop our initiative, which in turn helps us become more creative and self-
confident in whatever we do, and it also encourages us to behave in a socially
responsible way. The skills necessary to be successful in STEM fields, such as
creativity, problem-solving, foresight, and adaptability, are also applicable to success
as an entrepreneur. Indeed, entrepreneurship is not merely another academic
discipline; instead, it is a way of thinking that teaches students, such as myself, to
cultivate quick thinking in order to see issues and locate answers that produce value.
Because these analytical and interpersonal abilities are applicable in a wide variety of
settings, including the workplace, students like me need to have experience and learn
entrepreneurship at a very young age to prepare us for an uncertain future.


1. The natural tendency of humans is to concentrate on the results of their actions.
However, when my siblings and I were little children, our parents taught us that "the
end does not justify the means." In other words, a successful conclusion is not
something to celebrate if the means that were employed were dishonest or caused
harm to other people. The underlying message of the adage is that there is only one
thing that is more important than the result. And that is how we arrived at the
outcome, including the reasoning and processes that we employed to accomplish what
we did. If the means are unlawful, the result, however desirable, won't make the
means any less illegal. If the means are ethically questionable, the ends, however
good they are, will not make the means acceptable.
2. All individuals should be treated like one, regardless of who they are. My mom
always tells me that instead of trying to "repair" other people, point them to Christ.  It
has never been my or anyone's responsibility to alter the sexual orientation of another
person. My mission from God is not to "restore" persons who identify as LGBT to a
straight orientation, rather, it is my duty to love other people, make friends with them,
and journey with them. It is written in the bible that God created male and female and
nothing more, less, or anything in between, but it is also written in it how important it
is to respect all people, regardless of who they are, and not to discriminate them.
Regardless of who or what happened to them in their past, every person is
passionately and unconditionally loved by God. Each person was created with
tremendous dignity and value, and none is more important than the others.

Physical Education Test

1. Ballroom dancing is not only popular on stages, in movies, and on television, but
it's also a popular form of entertainment because of how it may be performed. People
who have just taken up ballroom dancing are surprised to learn about the significant
positive effects the activity has on their health. Participants in any kind of dancing are
expected to retain their flexibility. This could be developed for it is of the utmost
significance when it comes to ballroom dancing because of the numerous steps and
movements involved. In contrast to other forms of physical activity, Ballroom
dancing puts your general endurance to the test by constantly varying the dance kinds
and rhythms that you perform. Although building strength isn't something that comes
to mind when most people think of the immediate benefits of ballroom dancing, it is
an essential part of the discipline. To dance well, you must maintain a state of
continual movement while utilizing both your own body weight and your partner's
body weight. While you are learning, you might not be able to do many sets and reps
of barbell presses, but you will make use of your muscles in novel ways and improve
your total strength. In addition, you will strengthen your core, which is necessary for
preserving your equilibrium while doing the spins, dips, and turns that are
characteristic of all ballroom dances.

2. Dancing is an excellent physical exercise that also imparts such qualities as

elegance, grace, coordination, and self-assurance to its participants. Although it may
appear easy, dancing needs a significant amount of strength, flexibility, and stamina.
In addition to this, there is a significant possibility of getting injured for dancers are
also considered athletes. Preparation for professional dancers typically begins at a
younger age, similar to athletes' training before entering the professional ranks. The
training is rigorous, and participants are expected to put in long hours, which test their
mental and physical endurance. Overuse injuries, which occur when your joints and
muscles are used excessively, are the most prevalent type of injury sustained by
dancers. Sprained ankles are the most common type of traumatic injury suffered by
dancers. Injuries resulting from a traumatic event are distinct from injuries that are the
result of overuse. There is always the possibility of getting injured, and unfortunately,
some injuries are severe enough to put an end to a person's career. Dancing may be
highly taxing on the body, which can occur even in the absence of serious injury.

3. Ballroom dancing is a form of exercise that is both leisurely and soothing, and it
delivers a fantastic workout for the body in addition to providing a lot of advantages
for social interaction. Ballroom dancing is a complete form of cardiovascular exercise
that also works all of the major muscle groups in the body at varied degrees of
intensity, depending on the dance that is being performed. The upper body,
particularly the back and the arms, as well as the lower body, particularly the core
portion, as well as the legs and calves, require both muscular strength and muscular
endurance in order to be healthy and fit. A low-impact aerobic activity that can
enhance one's metabolism and burn fat, ballroom dancing is a great way to get in
shape. Dancing may burn between 200 and 400 calories in just thirty minutes, which
is roughly the same number as running or cycling would burn in the same length of
time. Ballroom dancing is one of those activities that can offer so much to your life
since it combines the best aspects of being physically active, being social, and being
mentally stimulated. Consequently, it is an excellent form of exercise that improves
not just the body but also everything else.

Answer Essay.

1. Researchers are able to manufacture vaccines by utilizing the production

capabilities of the world's tiniest factories, which are living cells (bacteria and yeast).
Genetic engineering help in the development of vaccines through the expression in
microbial cells of genes from pathogens that produce surface antigens capable of
neutralizing antibodies in the pathogen's host. For instance, the AstraZeneca vaccine
makes use of a harmless virus that has been genetically modified to include
coronavirus genes. When injected into human cells, these genes cause the production
of coronavirus proteins, which in turn stimulate the immune system to fight any future
infections caused by the coronavirus.

2. Despite the fact that genetic engineering may provide substantial benefits in areas
such as biomedical science and food production,  The potential for harm to human
health, damage to the environment, negative impact on traditional farming practices,
and the potentially "unnatural" nature of the technology are the possible ethical issue
related to genetic engineering and are valid concern that must be taken
seriously.  There is a possibility that genetically modified crops are harmful; for
instance, the pollen that the plants produce might be poisonous, which would be bad
for the insects that spread it from plant to plant and could affect humans as well. Also,
the introduction of genetic material from one species into another has the potential to
cause severe health problems for both human beings and other animals. There is a
possibility that new diseases originating in genetically altered animals could spread to
species that have not been subjected to the same process and possibly to people.

The term "mass extinction" refers to the disappearance of about three-quarters of all
species that have ever lived on earth during a geological period of time.  The majority
of the planet's species have been lost as a result of the repeated occurrence of global
extinction events that have occurred over the past 500 million years on earth. And
each time, life rebounded and went on to become more diverse and abundant in the
long run. After each and every major extinction, this pattern of recovery and diversity
occurred in the surviving specie, influencing the earth's history.

It is a common misconception that the lighter-colored exoskeletons of beetles serve as
a warning signal to potential predators. In reality, these exoskeletons serve as
camouflage to help insects better adapt to their surroundings and, most likely, survive
attacks from potential predators.

The Devil's Hole pupfish are reproductively isolated from other species of pupfish as
a result of allopatric separation, which is the mode of separation responsible for this
isolation. The Devil's Hole pupfish and other species of pupfish are unable to
interbreed due to the geographical barrier that separates them from one another.

Because of their continuous contact with the herbicide, the superweeds were able to
develop resistance to it. The variety of characteristics found in each circumstance has
played a significant role in the development of superweeds. Characteristics that have
disintegrated and been extinct have been replaced by those that are able to flourish
and reproduce, which has led to adaptability.

GQ 10:
The domain has the most and largest taxa in common among all
the organisms having few major similarities.

GQ11: Modern humans and Chimpanzees are almost the same in their
taxa, making them having more similarities than one other. Their domain,
kingdom, phylum, class, order, and family are the same, and they only
differ from their species and genus. In contrast, dogs and humans differ in
the taxa category of species, genus, family, and order.

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