WCI Welcome

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Dear Subscriber,

Welcome to Weiss Ratings Crypto Investor!

Before we introduce you to our work,

let's review recent events:

When we first launched our

cryptocurrency ratings, we told
investors not to buy the biggest and
most famous cryptocurrency of all:

Bitcoin's technology was slow and out-of-date. And it was grossly

overpriced. So we gave it a rating of C+.

The reaction from the crypto world was not pretty. They protested loudly.
They said our ratings were cockeyed. They even mounted a cyberattack on
our computer servers.

But we were right: Bitcoin crashed, and those who heeded our warnings
avoided big losses.

What's equally important is that our ratings guided investors to three of

the most technologically advanced cryptocurrencies primed for massive

We call them Super Cryptocurrencies, and we tell you all about them in the
free reports that come with your subscription plus the issues you will
receive each month.

Soon after we recommended it, the first Super Cryptocurrency rose 89%.
The second rose 166%. And the third surged by 255%. All in just one

Plus, last year, these same three Super Cryptos made investors even more

One jumped by 3,353% in three months. If you had invested $10,000 in

this cryptocurrency, you could have made a profit of as much as $334,300.

Another did even better. It skyrocketed in value, rising 5,849% in two

months. If you invested $10,000 in this super cryptocurrency, your profit
could have been as much as $584,900.

And a third did the best of all but took a bit more time to do so. It surged
12,391% in SIX months. If you had invested $10,000, you could have
made up to $1,249,100.

All told, just these three super cryptocurrencies alone could have made you
gains of more than $2,188,000.

So it's little wonder that our cryptocurrency ratings made such a big splash
and instantly set the crypto world ablaze. Social media went wild.
Hundreds of thousands of investors rushed to our website. Millions jumped
on our ratings in search for new profit opportunities. But we responded
with a warning:

Before you get carried away with the tremendous profit potential,
remember that not every year can be as good as last year.

Plus, you must pay close attention to RISK. In any investment, eliminating
risk is impossible. And that's especially true for cryptocurrencies.

That's why the SEC has also issued risk warnings. And that's why our
ratings are designed to zero in on the few cryptocurrencies that we believe
are the least vulnerable to sharp declines and the most likely to enjoy the
biggest rises.

Now, as a subscriber to Weiss Crypto Investor, you will receive investment

recommendations on the super cryptocurrencies we believe are the best of
the best.

Indeed, Weiss Crypto Investor is the only investment newsletter in the

world that can bring you this intelligence.

Here's a step-by-step guide of what to do next …

Step 1. If you haven't done so already, please read our Terms and
Conditions. This provides important, practical information about our
service — without all the legal gobbledygook you typically see in these
kinds of documents.

For example, we explain our money-back guarantee and our renewal

process. We tell you about the risks of investing and why we don't
currently recommend Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).

Most important, we point out that we are publishers. So we cannot tailor

advice to your individual situation. For that, you should consult with your
broker or personal investment adviser

Step 2. Login to the members-only Weiss Crypto Investor website.

There is a wealth of information waiting for you online. You can access it
immediately by clicking here. If you are already a member of the Weiss
Ratings family, you can use your current email address and password. But
if you are a new subscriber or do not remember your password, no worries!
Just click here to set up your new password.

Step 3. Download the special reports that come with your


Super Crypto #1: 20,000 Times Faster than Bitcoin. This

crypto's incredible speed allows for worldwide adoption,
across tens of thousands of different business applications, on
an unprecedented scale.

Thanks to its blinding speed, it will rapidly process stock and

bond transactions worldwide. It will replace millions of credit
card transactions … processing and settling them across the globe at a tiny
fraction of the fees that are currently charged by Visa and Amex. It will
manage every insurance policy, payment claim and insurance settlement in
the world.

And it will do all those things more privately, more accurately, faster and
more securely. Click here to download your copy of the report now.

Super Crypto #2: Thunder from the East. This is a

cryptocurrency very few Western investors are aware of right
now. And yet, it's perfectly positioned to dominate the
Chinese market.

It can perform thousands of business applications that Bitcoin

can't even dream of handling. Yet, it is tremendously
undervalued, with only 1/30th the market cap of Bitcoin.

Plus, it pays the equivalent of 20% "dividends." No, they're not dividends
like companies pay, but the benefit to owners of this crypto is similar. That
20% dividend is seven times what you could earn with a 10-year Treasury
bond … 10 times more than the dividend of the S&P 500 … and 20 times
more than what you'd earn in a typical savings account. Click here to read
the full report.

Our Super Crypto Stock To Buy Now: A Legal Currency

Printing Press in your Basement.

As you may know, in order to create cryptocurrencies, you

have to mine them, and this little-known company is the
largest and lowest-cost crypto miner in the world. It mints
new crypto currency coins every day. Then, it sells just
enough of them to cover its operating costs. And the rest is pure profit,
which it stores. It builds up a stockpile of these cryptocurrencies.

So with this stock, you get a slice of a large and fast-growing pile of crypto
that could be worth a fortune as this crypto revolution accelerates. In
effect, owning this stock is kind of like having a legal currency printing
press in your basement. Click here to read the full report.

Facebook Killer: The Little-Known Cryptocurrency That Pays

you for Your Posts.

Facebook makes money from advertisers only because of the

content YOU provide. You do the work; they get the money.
But the new social media site I tell you about in this report is
based on crypto technology. And it pays you for your posts.

Thanks to this alone, we think it's going to attract millions of users, and
early investors could make profits that are comparable to the profits made
in Facebook. Click here to download this report now.

Step 4. Stand by for your

first issue of Weiss Crypto
Alert. The crypto world moves
faster than any other market
on the planet, and this alert
keeps you on the cutting edge
of all things crypto.

We give you the heads-up about up-and-coming opportunities. We warn

you about scams and misinformation. And we provide our unbiased
responses to the breaking crypto news of the day.

Look for Weiss Crypto Alert in your inbox every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday evening.

And in the meantime, to review the wealth of information on specific

investments of your choice, go to this page. Then in the right-hand column,
click on the topic or topics of your choice. Alternatively, at the top of the
page, type in the topic you want to search for.

Step 5. Take full advantage of our

Step-by-Step Video Course for
Crypto Investing.

This in-depth video course tells you

everything you need to know to get
started with cryptocurrencies: What
they are. Why they're so valuable.
And how to invest in them.

We show you, step-by-step, precisely how to open an account on a

reputable cryptocurrency exchange.

Investing in cryptocurrencies is surprisingly unfamiliar to investors

accustomed to stock investing. But once you're up and running, it's a piece
of cake. With this course, you'll just have everything laid out for you. Like
A, B, C.

Step 6. Get set for the investment recommendations in your very

next issue of Weiss Ratings Crypto Investor. It should land in your
inbox on the third Friday of every week. And you can also find it on our
members-only website at https://wci.weissratings.com/wrl/wci.

In each issue, we give you not just one, but two complete model portfolios
— one for cryptocurrencies themselves and one for crypto stocks.

How should you proceed if you're still unfamiliar with cryptocurrencies or

don't yet have the needed accounts set up? Simple: You can begin acting
on our crypto stock recommendations immediately.

These are select, forward-thinking companies that are jumping on

advanced cryptocurrency technology to transform their business. They are

companies that will benefit directly — or indirectly — from this technology

and change the world.

Yes, Bitcoin is a kind of digital money and it's limited mostly to that
function. But newer cryptocurrencies — like Ethereum, EOS, NEO and
others — are more like digital petroleum. They provide the fuel that can
run virtually anything you can dream of: mobile apps, social media sites,
stock markets, videogames, land registries, Fortune 500 companies, even

Many of these applications are still in development. But in Weiss Crypto

Investor, we will point you to companies already listed on major stock
exchanges. So you can buy them like any other stock.

Now Some Business Matters

Be sure to keep an eye on your email for your regular monthly issues. They
will be sent out on the third Friday of every month. We will also send out
Flash Alerts on an as-needed basis.

Important: To make sure you receive your email issues without delay, be
sure to add these email address to your list of safe senders:

• Weiss Crypto Investor: info@eml.weissratings.com

You can find specific step-by-step instructions on how to do so here:


In the meantime, if you have any questions that we haven’t yet covered …
or if you need some help logging in to the website … we have dedicated
Customer Care Representatives ready to help you get started. Just call 1-
877-934-7778. And be sure to keep this number handy, in case you have
any questions about your membership at any time.

We're excited to have you as a member of Weiss Crypto Investor, and we

look forward to a long, and potentially very profitable, journey together!


Juan Villaverde and Tony Sagami

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