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STEREO INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER | KENWOOD | KA-5050R SERVICE MANUAL KA-5050R CONTENTS Nores. ACCESSORIES. REMOTE CONTHOL OPERATION. ADJUSTMENT/REGLAGES:ABGLEICH. WIRING DIAGRAM: PC BOARD, 7 SCHEMATIC OAGRAW. 13 EXPLODED WiEW. 21 PARTS List 23 SPECIFICATIONS 3 NOTES + Handle the power MOS-FETS carefully. They are easly destroyed by stale electric + When soldering, use. high-insulation soldering ton. + When soldering, solder the gat (6) frst + Wen replacing the power MOS-FET, there are dtferences according to the ranks, so please place Peh (or Neh) as a pal of lsentleal rank +The parts toc tor pats ofthe same rank as Poh {or Ne) some in packs of pais Wine "eedesng a quarity of, one pack {containing 2) will detvered in one bag. Pease odor an 25K 529.84, 28/200, ‘Thore sre neod9 adjust the ranks oth and Neh, and tere is no need fo adjust te rans ofthe lot han! and ight channel ether + Since the KASOSOR isa FET amp, even wih no ‘Sgnal neatly ae much heats goneated as for ‘maimun ovat ‘Wihon ping sets ontop of each ther. pu tis amp atthe fog Placing anyotherunt on tor ot is amp ACCESSORIES INSTRUCTION MANUAL ‘Accessories + sesh Se KA-5050R REMOTE CONTROL OPERATION for KENWOOD components connested by system control cords | [leur setecronee _}—| (rowan Voumeur( 3, ) OWN" Iheve ‘2014608: Bator cove KA-5050R ADJUSTMENT/REGLAGE/ABGLEICH aosustuENT Saar a SRE BE toon mono ; REGLAGES T guacene | veoysceoece | peotaagos | Bt a rear | wr | BR} Sa SRT Maa eon - | Apateicn ] ] EGE [AREE | eoancrn [ow "ena Pee SSRIS EST SP EAE | + fenremey) = vues | aptan | soe fw | KA-5050R KA-5050R WIRING DIAGRAM PC BOARD (Component side view) — preampuirien unit (x00-250x-xx) YoM_TYPE ot PHONO CO. TUNER AUX A Tee wm. / ADAPTORS 0230- AciO- Acz20- ACILO- eum Ree evay REC BLAVAN REG/OUT 1 miouascezow ison, SaSe ae al aialh t ak aE rt : be ac ourLeTs. aci10-1200/2200/280-240v~ '30700K ysurren® Sure Siri ad rae IH C. ome a = © 4000008 ahs | =| i TYPE OnLy ‘AC OUTLETS swircren °"Ungwitoyeo ‘Total ISow Max, OOW MAX U youume CONTROL a. a ° se EE PC BOARD (Component side view) — auoio unrr (x0s-s82%-xx) FRONT (@)IDLE CURRENT (6) IDLE CURRENT 10mv 1omv S 6 PC BOARD be ” (Component side view) ‘CONTROL UNIT (x11-3112-70) rao 3, 3h 2 PHONES TORE: CONT. ws sap Eat) XiBiKOK A78 70-0158-11 xu 8/4 * | KA-5050R sawn + || i KA-5050R° 1a KA-5050R KA-5050R EXPLODED VIEW ce 4 oe . 22 ‘er with We oxploded numbers ge hn 700 wnat appa ~ KA-5050R —-KA-5050R PARTS LIST PARTS LIST FASO eae Fe | estes | eafoerreeaeteey 4] is [58S SR-RRRESS | ESERER SORT ye ros Jag | gor-otz-or onus eseucuom | 4 RE iB] REECE |e | | : | Jese-oose2—fexmnacy cana ‘ 7 bea emer 7 PREAMPLIFIER UN (08-2870) 1 | oc1135228 Le caeebdsit [ED ery ate cegzeyausess e.oseup Wirecottne) gas ares Pree) Need tere , YWueesuoay RNa ate ee A. re ty te cova, 24 WuPESEace Rha Moher (A, eee ty ot eangnete KA-5050R PARTS LIST KA-5050R PARTS LIST oe | en ary | OS UT GSS Weare catia) Reged Borge 26 reac) eA Roe ee KA-5050R PARTS LIST KA-5050R PARTS LIST KA-5050R PARTS LIST SOS A. ot tk KA-5050R PARTS LIST KA-5050R SPECIFICATIONS For U.S.A and Canada [Continuous ated power ouput (FTC) owen) wow aa) atic Rae sew 8c . ‘iit dow ores wo wa) 22080 Ha) Intermodusaion distortion Wows stanes 4s) Frequency response (MF'78) “TUNER AUXITAPEY, 2/00 PHOS "Aa respons, Maximum apt ve PHONO Rh oo 120 nV, 69% THLD. a AH PHONO Mc! 0 mv, 0.038 THD, st aR "PHONO matt 27 8 OME 8) 7946 Me 7) Prono a1. 5.46 IME 08) TUNER/AUX/TAPES, 2160 08 a INE) ‘0 a OME Ta) Input sensityinpedance "PHONO na 25 mvier Ka PHONO MC) o2mvrreon TUNERIAUXITAPEY, 2168 200 mV sk ADAPTOR 200 ma BASS tt 10 Theste ‘HogB et uel 'SUBSONC titer... He, 12 oot TWOLUNE e208 ve) 46 6810042) “ss roe) Output evasimpedance ‘TaPe Ret 200 3000 ADAPTOR GUT ‘200 v0 Gane For Cana. 3A Fors mieay aw ACoutiete ‘SWIToHED. Tota 200 W, 16 A mex) For Us itary ‘SWITOHED, (fot 2000 max) Dimensions z Wedd mm 70 He 147 mm SC 1.408 mm (159 7 1 olan ines "zg (265 For UK. and Europe (own iene, stach 96 W 95 ec Fromes Hts iase0He G7 TMD. ma. aewes tao Dynamic pom "os wie) swe Deming factor nn 20 (50H) ‘0.002% (1 ke 40W 82) Intermoduation ditorion ‘ons (0 W, 8 ‘Hone: 3 “TONER AUITTAPEY, 2160 SH 1004 0,-3.8 PHONG IAA’ respons 20 He ~ 20 Kz ‘W038, -03 08 Maximum inet ove ‘PHONO (id) 120 mV, 0.03% TD. at 1s ‘PHONO 7 0H 8) 70.8 M78) PHONO mG 3.8 Ine 20) ‘4.8 IME 78) TUNER/AUD/TAPES, 2160 ou tees 0a OME 70) PHONO ia 58 48101, 0 mW ouput) TUNER/AUR/TAPEY Zi60 5048 (DIN, 50 mv output) Input senstvtyrimpedance PHONO ( 2snvier PHONO (wo oueavnee a TUNER/AUM TAPE, 2/65 2obev/aD ‘ADAPTOR IN aooeevie? ka ‘rReBte = 'SUBSONIC ter 182-12 aB/oet VOLUME at-30 vet 608 (00 | ‘at (owe! Output evel inpednce ‘Tare nec 200/300 2 ADAPTOR G37" “hoor vis00 Power consump zm wiec) ‘swiToHeD. 2: (Total 200 Wimax) For Europe “SwiTGneD. 3 (Total 200 W max) Dimensions W440 mm 1147 mm Wight net neko 3 KA-5050R SPECIFICATIONS For other countries Continueus ated power otput Input sesivtyimpedance TIM rom 20 ro 2,000 He 04% TA. PHONO a 25mvsar ka pra wrap W+soW PHONO Ie) 9.2 mv/1002 ecine} From 63 Hat i200 He OH THD. TUNER/AU TAPE, 3/05 “oo mv ct san rego 30 W —_ ADAPTORIN vse 200 mt man. COUHSSWict35 W Tone contre Dyna pote nn $10 8 at 100 He S108 at Wars Damping actor. 20 150 18s, 12aB/oct Total naman dati oe isos “peaoo sow, 0a) 9 ints ‘iii Gowran) Output ivedimpedance Intermoduation deter cnn OO825 199 W, 853] TAPEREG srr 200 V0 2 nome: Tames tir barton SUF ne 300 Feequaney response (MF'78) “TUNER AURITAPE 2100 alan SH 1004s s0d6,-s45 General PHONG "WAR responce 20 He= 20a WEEGB, 308 Power consUMHN nnennBTOW Marlon input eel ACoutet PHONO Pi). 120mmV, 005% THO. at 1HHe For Austria PHONO Ic Omi, 008% TH. at TAKE ‘SWITCHED 111200 W max Signal to naae aio For otersourtias| HON aM 7a F's) ‘Switene 2: (Tota 200 0 mart Ya (ME'Ta) Dimensions nn I ato men PHONO IMC) nen a OME 1 i aa ME 7) Beat mm TTUNER/AUX/TAPES, 2/60 10868 (Ha) Weight it - 12s 30a (HE) KENWOOD CORPORATION

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