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Langue vr parole
langue is that part of lenguage wich is not complete in
any individual, but existonly in the collectivity
(saussurean, 1969).
Parole, on the other hand, is observable in the
behaviour of the individual . Accor sassurean , it is not

Synchrony vs diachrony
the first is that we can see language as it is at
a given moment. therefore, we could study
the syntax of American English at the
The alternative is to look at the way in
beginning of the 21st century. these are all
wich a lenguage develops or changes synchronous studies.
over time. in this way we migtht
consider the development of the
english verb system, or changes in
arabic phonology from the classical
period ubtil today. these are diachronic

Paradigmatic VS
Paradigmatic relationships
refer to the categories of words and their function in a sentence.
Verbal communication
Verbal communication is a simple yet essential pragmatic skill
Nonverbal communication
Adherence to social norms
Conversational skills
Active listening

Syntagmatic Relationship
is a type of sematic relations between
words that co-occur in the same
sentence or text (Asher, 1994).
Paradigmatic relation is a different type
of sematic relations between words that
can be substituted with another word in
the same categories

For example “The cow jumped over the
moon” (syntagmatic) together form one
meaning, but you could replace cow with
another word in the column (paradigmatic)
to form a different sentence with a different
meaning such as the “The fish jumped over
the moon. ” 19 abr 2016

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