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OGL 220: Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations

Module 2: EI and Empathy Worksheet

Emotional Intelligence Instruments

1.Reflect on what you learned about the concept of emotional intelligence based on
what you read in your textbook and online. Based on your results with the EI tools,
summarize your results and discuss your strengths and weaknesses with respect to
emotional intelligence.

Then discuss the concept with a loved one, friend, or trusted colleague. What are their
perceptions with respect to your self-appraisal?

Your Answer:
We ostensibly need emotional intelligence in every area of life to be able to navigate life,
yet, I hadn’t considered that I was exercising emotional intelligence beyond my informal
(romantic, platonic, and familial) interactions. This module introduced me to the
different types of emotional labor. It could be said that I did not realize that I was
exercising emotional intelligence in the workplace because I was unaware that I am
generally surface acting at work (and this almost does not seem emotional since it is a
generic representation of the emotions that I would portray in each situation). Aside
from this, there is a professional persona that I maintain at work that is not a
representation of how I am outside of work. These concepts were eye-openers to what
I’m sure many people do to achieve success in different areas of life.
My strengths involving emotional intelligence are my ability to recognize my emotions
and read others’ emotions. I am not extroverted, but I still find myself in social situations
often and can take a backseat to listen and observe the words and body language of
others. I also manage my emotions well and do not feel uprooted from stressful
situations. I like to think before I speak and try to find opportunities to encourage others
when necessary and in a comfortable environment.
My weaknesses would be failing to recognize signs of flirtation. This is a weakness
because I could send the wrong signals by not being careful with this body language, or
by overlooking a potentially interested mate. Recognizing others’ negative emotions and
lacking the confidence and extraversion to be supportive in their time of need. Lastly, I
have a tendency of internalizing negative emotions from stressful events (hindrance
stressors, or interpersonal stressors) and failing to address them after the event has
passed (detaching and relaxing) which has physiological outcomes.

2. Radical Experiment in Empathy

What did you think of the "Radical Experiment in Empathy" video? Were you able to
“step outside of your thoughts and behavioral patterns” and reserve a part of your
mental capacity to “listen” to and monitor your internal reactions as a means of
gaining a deeper insight into the nature of yourself? What’s your perspective on this
notion of “self-awareness” in the present moment as a tool to learn more about
yourself? Was this “radical experiment” an effective one in terms of helping you
understand the concept of empathy?

Make some connections between the “Radical Experiment in Empathy” TED Talk and
the ideas you have been reading and learning about this week. Be sure to describe
your connections carefully and use in-text cites as applicable.

Your Answer:

The “Radical Experiment in Empathy” video was uncomfortable. As an American, it

makes me think about the privileges we have that we don’t realize the sacrifices of. The
video did a great job of getting me into the mindset of those that we deem “terrorists”
and depicting the duality of every situation. Using personal reflection or “self-
awareness” as a tool to learn about myself has been very uncomfortable but needed! I
value everyone’s opinion of me if we’ve spent a good amount of time sharing space and
understand that how I experience myself may not be how others will experience me.
Additionally, some people will blatantly tell you how they feel about you, some may feel
no obligation or motivation to tell you how your behaviors affect them, and others may
be too generous in their assessment. Nevertheless, I feel that having a first-person look
at things that others have pointed out to you and changing for your betterment and
because you value those relationships, produces a liberating effect. I feel that pondering
on the idea that empathy is a choice, made the video assignment more effective. We
often know that horrible things are happening at our expense because we’ve been
socialized not to care and choose not to acknowledge the heinous acts until things have
gotten out of hand.

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