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Research Paper

Individually unique dynamics of cortical

connectivity reflect the ongoing intensity of
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chronic pain
Astrid Mayra,b, Pauline Jahnb, Bettina Deakb, Anne Stankewitzb, Vasudev Devulapallyb, Viktor Witkovskyc,
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Olaf Dietricha, Enrico Schulzb,d,*

Chronic pain diseases are characterised by an ongoing and fluctuating endogenous pain, yet it remains to be elucidated how this is
reflected by the dynamics of ongoing functional cortical connections. In this study, we investigated the cortical encoding of 20
patients with chronic back pain and 20 chronic migraineurs in 4 repeated fMRI sessions. A brain parcellation approach subdivided
the whole brain into 408 regions. Linear mixed-effects models were fitted for each pair of brain regions to explore the relationship
between the dynamic cortical connectivity and the observed trajectory of the patients’ ratings of fluctuating endogenous pain.
Overall, we found that periods of high and increasing pain were predominantly related to low cortical connectivity. The change of pain
intensity in chronic back pain was subserved by connections in left parietal opercular regions, right insular regions, as well as large
parts of the parietal, cingular, and motor cortices. The change of pain intensity direction in chronic migraine was reflected by
decreasing connectivity between the anterior insular cortex and orbitofrontal areas, as well as between the PCC and frontal and
anterior cingulate cortex regions. Of interest, the group results were not mirrored by the individual patterns of pain-related
connectivity, which rejects the idea of a common neuronal core problem for chronic pain diseases. The diversity of the individual
cortical signatures of chronic pain encoding results adds to the understanding of chronic pain as a complex and multifaceted
disease. The present findings support recent developments for more personalised medicine.
Keywords: Pain, Individual connectivity signatures, Functional connectivity, Chronic pain, fMRI

1. Introduction First, seed-based analyses strongly depend on the selection of

Chronic pain is defined by lasting pain for longer than 3 months; 64 regions of interest, eg, a study on patients with chronic migraine
(CM) showed stronger connectivity of the amygdalae with regions
a large number of patients report pain for many years.41
Consequently, imaging studies on chronic pain conditions have in the inferior temporal, prefrontal, cingulate, as well as the
revealed altered functional connectivity (FC) by investigating precentral and postcentral cortices compared with those with
seed-based connections of 1 or more predefined brain regions,12 episodic migraine.12 Weaker connectivity was found between the
intrinsic cortical networks,14 and combinations of both ap- right amygdala and occipital regions in patients with CM
proaches.10,45 Overall, due to the variety of methods, the compared with healthy subjects. Chronic back pain (CBP) was
study-specific selection of seed regions, and the diversity of the associated with lower FC with primary somatosensory and motor
individual patient characteristics, the findings on the cortical areas (S1/M1) and higher connectivity with the left superior frontal
underpinnings of chronic pain diseases are also diverse.11 cortex.31
Second, studies on intrinsic networks often report altered
cortical processing in the default mode network (DMN)1,4 and the
salience network (SN).26,46 In comparison with healthy subjects,
Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed altered 3D network maps in CBP4 and altered oscillatory effects
at the end of this article. of the BOLD response in neuropathic pain1 have been found for
Departments of a Radiology and, b Neurology, LMU University Hospital, Ludwig- the DMN. Further studies investigated the impaired connectivity
Maximilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany, c Department of Theoretical between networks; decreased connectivity between the execu-
Methods, Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, tive control network and the left dorsal attention system has been
Bratislava, Slovak Republic, d Department of Medical Psychology, Ludwig-Max-
reported in CM.14
imilians-Universität München, Munich, Germany
Third, combined analyses related intrinsic network activity to
*Corresponding author. Address: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Neu-
rologische Klinik und Poliklinik, A: Fraunhoferstr. 20, 82152 Martinsried, Germany.
cortical seed regions and found patients with diabetic neuro-
Tel.: 149 89 4400 74826. E-mail address: (E. Schulz). pathic pain to show greater connectivity between the DMN and
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)10 compared with healthy
in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on controls. Patients with fibromyalgia were found to show greater
the journal’s Web site ( connectivity between the DMN and insular cortices.45 Patients
PAIN 163 (2022) 1987–1998 with CBP were found to exhibit a general reorganisation of the
© 2022 International Association for the Study of Pain DMN, with increased connectivity of the DMN to the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC), ACC, and left anterior insula.4,62

October 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 10 1987

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A. Mayr et al. 163 (2022) 1987–1998 PAIN®

Each of the previous studies can offer only a restricted were constantly increasing or decreasing throughout the pain
perspective because of data reduction steps (independent rating experiment, and 2 patients were unable to comply with
component analysis [ICA]), the use of specific methods, and the study requests. Pain experienced by 36 patients was recorded 4
preselection of certain seed regions. To overcome a potential bias times across 6 weeks with a gap of at least 2 days (CBP 5 9 6 12
due to seed region selection, some studies have used a whole- days, CM 5 12 6 19 days) between sessions. Pain experienced
brain approach.3,31 An important aspect is the perspective of the by 4 patients (2 with CBP and 2 with CM) was recorded 3 times.
patient; resting-state connectivity studies typically consider The additional pain in 2 patients would confound the analysis of
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underlying processes of chronic pain as stationary, although the cortical processing of chronic pain. Furthermore, a steadily
the analysis procedure is relying on variable fluctuations of cortical increasing time course of pain ratings is not suitable for fMRI
activity. To leap forward, in this study, we aimed to identify brain analyses. The exclusion is an important prerequisite for the
connectivity patterns of chronic pain encoding (CBP and CM) by statistical independence of the 3 entities that describe the
using an unbiased whole-brain FC approach. We specifically processing of chronic pain (see further). The study series has
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focused on the first-person dynamic experience of pain patients been preregistered at the Open Science Framework (OSF,
by relating the patients’ fluctuating endogenous pain to the
varying changes of cortical connectivity. Multiple recordings for
each individual enabled us to explore individual signatures of FC
2.2. Experimental procedure
in patients with chronic pain.
During the recording of functional magnetic reasonance imaging
(fMRI), patients rated the intensity of their ongoing pain for 25 minutes
2. Material and methods using an MRI-compatible potentiometer slider.57 The scale ranged
from 0 to 100 in steps of 5 with 0 representing no pain and 100
2.1. Participants
representing the highest experienced pain. On a light grey screen, a
The study included 20 patients diagnosed with CBP (16 females; moving red cursor on a dark grey bar (visual analogue scale [VAS])
aged 44 6 13 years) and 20 patients with chronic migraine (CM—18 and a number above the bar (numeric analogue scale [NAS]) were
females; aged 34 6 13 years). All participants gave written informed shown during the entire functional MRI session. The screen was
consent. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the visible through a mirror mounted on top of the MRI head coil. Patients
Medical Department of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München were asked to look only at the screen and to focus on their pain. The
and conducted in conformity with the Declaration of Helsinki. intensity and the changes of perceived pain had to be indicated as
Patients with CBP were diagnosed according to the IASP (The quickly and accurately as possible. To minimise head movement,
International Association for the Study of Pain) criteria,40 which foams were placed around the head and patients were told to lie as
include a disease duration of longer than 6 months (mean CBP: still as possible.
10 6 7 years). All patients were seen in a specialised pain unit.
Patients with CM were diagnosed according to the ICHD-3,25
2.3. Data acquisition
defined as a headache occurring on 15 or more days/month for
more than 3 months, which, on at least 8 days/month has the Data were recorded on a clinical 3T MRI scanner (Siemens
features of migraine headache (mean CM: 15 6 12 years). All Magnetom Skyra, Germany) using a 64-channel head coil. A T2*-
patients with CM were seen in a tertiary headache centre. weighted BOLD (blood oxygenation level dependent) gradient
All patients were permitted to continue their pharmacological echo sequence with echo planar image acquisition and a
treatment at a stable dose (Supplementary Tables 1 and 2, multiband factor of 2 was used with the following parameters:
available at The patients did number of slices 5 46; repetition time/echo time 5 1550/30
not report any other neurological or psychiatric disorders or had milliseconds; flip angle 5 71˚; slice thickness 5 3 mm; voxel
contraindications for an MRI examination. Patients who experi- size 5 3 3 3 3 3 mm3; field of view 5 210 mm. One thousand
enced any additional pain were excluded. For all patients, the pain volumes were recorded in 1550 seconds. Field maps were
was fluctuating and not constant at the same intensity level. acquired in each session to control for B0 effects. For each
Patients with no pain or headache attacks on the day of the patient, T1-weighted and T2-weighted anatomical MRI images
measurement were asked to return on a different day. Patients were acquired using the following parameters: for T1, repetition
were characterised using the German Pain Questionnaire time/echo time 5 2060/2.17 milliseconds; flip angle 5 12˚;
(Deutscher Schmerzfragebogen)9 and the German version of number of slices 5 256; slice thickness 5 0.75 mm; and field of
the Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS; Supplementary Tables 1 view 5 240 mm and for T2, repetition time/echo time 5 3200/560
and 2, available at The pain milliseconds; flip angle 5 120˚; number of slices 5 256; slice
intensity describes the average pain in the last 4 weeks from 0 to thickness 5 0.75 mm; and field of view 5 240 mm.
10 with 0 representing no pain and 10 indicating maximum
imaginable pain (please note that this scale differs from the one
2.4. Data processing—behavioural data
used in the fMRI experiment). The German version of the
Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS) was used to rate The rating data were continuously recorded with a variable
depressive, anxiety, and stress symptoms over the past week.34 sampling rate but downsampled offline at 10 Hz. To remove the
None of the patients were excluded based on their questionnaire same filtering effects from the behavioural data as from the
scores. A study on healthy subjects found similar results: a large imaging data, we applied a 400-seconds high-pass filter (see
sample of 1794 participants reported scores of 3 6 4, 2 6 3, and further). The rating data were convolved with a haemodynamic
5 6 4 for depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively.27 None of response function (HRF) implemented in SPM1248 with the
the patients in our study reported any psychiatric comorbidity. following parameters: HRF 5 spm_hrf(0.1,[6 16 1 1 100 0 32]).
Patients were compensated with 60€ for each session. In total, The poststimulus undershoot was minimised by the ratio of
9 screened patients were excluded: 2 patients developed response to undershoot and motivated by the continuous and
additional pain during the study, the pain ratings of 5 patients event-free fMRI design. For statistical analysis, the resulting

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
October 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 10 1989

filtered time course was transferred to Matlab (version R2018a; 2.5. Data processing—imaging data
Mathworks) and downsampled to the sampling frequency of the
Functional MRI data were preprocessed using FSL (version
imaging data (1/1.55 Hz).
5.0.10),29 which included removal of nonbrain data (using brain
To disentangle the distinct aspects of pain intensity (amplitude
extraction), slice time correction, head motion correction, B0
[AMP]) from cortical processes related to the sensing of rising and
unwarping, spatial smoothing using a Gaussian kernel of full
falling pain, we computed the ongoing rate of change in the pain
width at half maximum 6 mm, a nonlinear high-pass temporal
ratings (illustrated in Fig. 1). The rate of change is calculated as the
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filtering with a cutoff of 400 seconds, and spatial registration to

slope of the regression of the least squares line across a 3-seconds
the Montreal Neurological Institute template. The data were
time window of the 10 Hz pain rating data (SLP—slope, encoded as 1,
further semiautomatically cleaned of artefacts with MELODIC.52
21, and 0). Periods coded as 0 indicate time frames of constant pain.
Artefact-related components were evaluated according to their
The absolute slope of pain ratings (aSLP—absolute slope, encoded
spatial or temporal characteristics and were removed from the
as 0 and 1) represents periods of motor-related connectivity (slider
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data following the recommendations in Refs. 22, 30. The average

movement), changes of visual input (each slider movement changes
number of artefact components for CM was 40 6 6 and for CBP
the screen), and decision-making (each slider movement prerequi-
49 6 8. We deliberately did not include any correction for
sites a decision to move). Periods coded as 0 indicate time frames of
autocorrelation; neither for the processing of the imaging data nor
constant pain without the need to move the slider. We deliberately
for the processing of the pain rating time course because this step
kept the SLP and aSLP as categorical variables; a higher velocity of
has the potential to destroy the natural evolution of the processes
slider movement or a faster change of pain intensity is unlikely to cause
we aim to investigate (see PALM analysis further).
a proportional change in brain connectivity. The low correlations of the
3 entities (AMP, SLP, and aSLP) indicate the independence of the
vectors. The mean (6SD) correlation coefficients (Fisher z trans- 2.5.1. Regression and scrubbing
formed) for all subjects with CBP/CM for each of the variable pairs Outliers in the fMRI data are labelled based on the definition of
were as follows: framewise displacement (FD) and DVARS (where D is referring to
r(AMP, SLP) 5 0.007(60.04)/0.02(60.04); r(SLP, aSLP) 5 temporal derivative of time courses and VARS referring to root-mean-
0.06(60.2)/0.01(60.12); r(AMP, aSLP) 5 0.002(60.08)/ square of the variance over voxels).51 A volume is defined as an outlier
if it exceeds one of the following criteria:
The rating time courses were required to fluctuate at a relatively
FD $ 0.2 mm or DVARS $ (the 75th percentile 1 1.5 times the
constant level to mitigate potential effects of order (eg, in case of
interquartile range).
continuously rising pain). To ensure the behavioural task
Outliers are marked for each subject and then included in the
performance of the patients fulfilled this criterion, the ratings of
regression as a vector of zeros (nonoutlier) and ones (outlier).
each patient’s pain were evaluated based on a constructed
Each window in the sliding window analysis (see further) was
parameter PR (see Supplementary Figure 1, available at http:// additionally scrubbed for outliers using Grubbs test23; windows See Supplementary Figures 2 and 3,
with more than 2 outliers were excluded from further analysis, for the detailed rating time
including the preceding and following one. Windows with a
courses of each session for each subject.
correlation coefficient r . 0.99 were omitted because these high
correlations were mainly driven by outliers. The average
percentage of scrubbed time points for all region pairs was 0.3
6 0.6% for CBP and 0.3 6 0.4% for CM. Motion parameters,
squared motion parameters, their temporal derivatives, and the
squared temporal derivatives (a total of 24 regressors) were
included as motion regressors. The pain rating vector (AMP), the
rate of change vector (SLP), and the absolute rate of change
vector (aSLP) convolved with the haemodynamic response
function were also included as regressors.

2.5.2. Cortical parcellation

We pursued a whole-brain parcellation approach19 to assess every
cortical connection that contributes to pain relief. Glasser parcellation
subdivides the brain into 360 brain regions: 180 for each hemisphere
of the brain. An additional 22 subcortical areas were added for a
more detailed analysis. To investigate the role of involvement of the
cerebellum in pain processing, an additional 26 regions in the
cerebellum were added to the analysis (see Supplementary Tables 3
and 4 for exact Montreal Neurological Institute coordinates, available

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of a hypothetical 3-minute fluctuating time 2.6. Statistical analysis—imaging data
course of pain rating. The variable pain rating is colour coded in red (low pain) to
yellow (high pain). The balanced design ensures a similar amount of phases
2.6.1. Sliding window connectivity measures
with rising pain (change—red) and falling pain (change—blue). Phases of The time course of cortical activity for each of the 408 regions was
stable pain are highlighted in light green. Slider movements (grey) are neither
bound to pain amplitude (high, low) nor to change direction (rising, falling).
computed using a principal component analysis (PCA). The first
principal component was taken for further analysis. The ongoing

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A. Mayr et al. 163 (2022) 1987–1998 PAIN®

connectivity between 2 brain regions was determined by the Transform) from the original rating data, which were uncorrelated
Pearson correlation coefficient over sliding windows of 10 data to the original rating data but had the same autocorrelation
points (t 5 TR*10 5 15 seconds). For each of the pairs, and to structure as the original data.54 Using surrogate data, the entire
account for the potential delay and the unknown direction of the LME analysis was repeated 1000 times for the vectors (AMP,
information transmission, we have systematically shifted the SLP, and ASLP) with zero shift, resulting in 1000 whole-brain
second of the 2 of the cortical time courses from 24 to 14 data statistical maps for AMP, SLP, and aSLP, respectively. From
points (9 shifts). For a more detailed description of the shifting each map, the highest absolute t values of each repetition across
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procedure, see Supplementary Material (available at http://links. the whole volume were extracted. This procedure resulted in a right-skewed distribution of 1000 values for each condition.
Based on the distributions of 1000 values (for AMP, SLP, and
aSLP), the statistical thresholds were determined using the
2.6.2. Statistical model
palm_datapval.m function publicly available in PALM.69,70
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Using linear mixed-effects models (LME; MixedModels.jl package

in Julia6), we aimed to determine the relationship between
2.6.5. Analysis of individual and group connectivity maps
fluctuating pain intensity and the fluctuating cortical connectivity
separately for each pair of brain regions. The fluctuating We investigated the individual connectivity confusion maps of
connectivity of a particular pair is modelled through the time endogenous pain encoding separately for each participant across all
course of the 3 variables (AMP, SLP, and aSLP) derived from the of their recordings by using the same model formula. To assess
pain ratings (Fig. 1). For each connection, the model parameters whether the pattern of connectivity resembles the map of the group
were estimated by integrating the data from all subjects and statistics, we correlated the connectivity of the group maps with the
sessions. CBP and CM were analysed separately. The statistical connectivity of the single-patient maps. The data were restricted to
model was expressed in Wilkinson notation68: connections with an absolute value of t . 0.75*PALM threshold in
(1) Connectivity ; AMP 1 SLP 1 aSLP 1 (AMP 2 1 | session) 1 the group statistics. We normalised the group map and single-
(SLP 2 1 | session) 1 (aSLP 2 1 | session) patient maps with the following procedure: the preselected absolute
The included fixed effects (connectivity ; AMP 1 SLP 1 aSLP) t values were ranked, and equidistant numbers between 1 and 1000
describe the magnitudes of the population common intercept and were given to each included connection. Connections with negative
the population common slopes for the relationship between cortical t values were given back their negative sign. Separately for each
data and the intercept and these 3 variables. The added random patient, the analysis was further restricted to connections for which
effects (eg, AMP 2 1 | session) model the specific intercept the LME had converged. Spatial correlations using Kendall t (tau)
differences for each recording session (eg, session-specific coefficients were computed for each patient’s connectivity map with
differences in pain levels or echo planar image signal intensities). the group connectivity map.
Hence, the model has 4 fixed-effects parameters (common To visualise the connections between all significant region
intercept, AMP, SLP, and aSLP) and 234 (3*78) random-effect pairs, confusion matrices, as well as circle plots, were created for
parameters with related variance components of AMP random all 408 regions (NeuroMArVL, Brain Data Viewer, 2015). The
slopes, SLP random slope, aSLP random slope, and additive weblinks to each plot are provided in the figure legends.
unexplained error. Brain estimates of amplitude (AMP) should be
independent irrespective of whether a data point originates from
3. Results
rising, stable, or falling time points of the rating time course. In a similar
vein, each slider movement involves previous decision-making and In this study, we investigated the changes of cortical connectivity
motor-related connectivity. Consequently, these processes (SLP and in relation to different aspects of the perception of ongoing
aSLP) occur concomitant to the encoding of pain intensity (AMP) but chronic pain. We investigated whether correlated, anticorrelated,
are functionally, temporally, and statistically independent. For a or uncorrelated connections reflect the perception of high pain
comprehensive introduction into LMEs, see Harrison et al.24 states. Please note that we considered certain cases as
uninterpretable. In these cases, we would find changes of pain
perception were relying on the entire range of connectivity, eg,
2.6.3. Systematic temporal shifting to account for preceding
when low pain states were related to negatively correlated data,
processes and haemodynamic response function delay
middle pain states to zero correlations, and high pain states to
Each statistical model was computed 36 times along the time positive correlations. Consequently, we did not find any largely
shifts of the rating vector (215 seconds to 20 seconds in steps of anticorrelated connectivity to be significantly related to pain (see
1 second, see above). This procedure results in 36 t values for schematic overview in Supplementary Figure 5, available at
each modality (AMP, SLP, and aSLP) and connection. For each All findings were corrected for
modality, the highest absolute t values of the fixed effect multiple testings (PALM, P , 0.05).
parameters (for AMP, SLP, and aSLP) between 215 seconds
and 20 seconds were extracted. A more detailed description of
the shifting procedure can be found in the Supplementary 3.1. Connectivity pattern for the encoding of pain intensity
across all patients with chronic back pain (amplitude)
Material (eg, Supplementary Figure 4, available at http://links. Across all subjects and sessions, we found 2 connections to be
positively related to the intensity of the endogenous pain (Fig. 2).
These pairs of brain regions, consisting of connections between
2.6.4. Correcting statistical testing—surrogate data
cerebellar and parietal brain regions, showed higher connectivity
All statistical tests were corrected for multiple testing (connec- with higher levels of pain intensity.
tions, time shifts, and rating shifts) and autocorrelation in the In addition, we found 41 pairs of brain regions that exhibited a
behavioural data: we created 1000 surrogate time courses using negative relationship between cortical connectivity and pain
the IAAFT algorithm (Iterative Amplitude Adjusted Fourier intensity (Fig. 2). These pairs showed lower connectivity with

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
October 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 10 1991
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Figure 2. Connectivity pattern for the encoding of pain intensity (AMP) across all patients with CBP. Dashed lines indicate negative relationships with pain intensity;
solid lines indicate positive relationships with pain intensity (link). AMP, amplitude; CBP, chronic back pain.

higher levels of experienced pain. One pattern of connectivity is pain intensity (Fig. 3). These pairs of brain regions showed
related to the occipital cortex, where we found an overall increasing connectivity with rising pain intensity and include
disconnection within the lobe for higher pain states. Further interhemispheric and left-lateralised intrahemispheric occipital
disruptions of connectivity have been observed in limbic connections, as well as connections between right angular and
(hippocampal and parahippocampal), cingulate (BA23 and somatosensory regions. The confusion matrix for all connections
BA31), and somatosensory areas, as well as in the precu-
(AMP and SLP) for CBP is shown in Figure 4.
neus (BA7).
Most of the significantly connected brain regions exhibited a
Please note that all 43 significant connections exhibited pain-
negative relationship between cortical connectivity and change
related connectivity changes for positively correlated brain
of pain intensity (Fig. 3). These 35 pairs showed decreasing
regions, ie, the entire statistics largely relied on a sliding window
connectivity with increasing levels of experienced pain. In other
of positive correlation coefficients. There was no significant effect
words, increasing pain is predominantly bound to a progressive
for connections that relied on anticorrelated brain regions.
loss of connectivity. This applies to connections that involve left
Regions with more than 1 connection are listed in Supplementary
parietal opercular regions, right insular regions, as well as large
Table 5 (available at
parts of the parietal, cingular, and motor cortices.
Again, the entire statistics largely relied on a sliding window
3.2. Connectivity pattern for the encoding of the change of of positive correlation coefficients. There was no significant
pain intensity across all patients with chronic back effect for connections that relied on anticorrelated brain
pain (slope) regions. Regions with more than 1 connection are listed in
Across all subjects and sessions, we found 9 connections to be Supplementary Table 6 (available at
positively related to the direction of change of the endogenous PAIN/B576).

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A. Mayr et al. 163 (2022) 1987–1998 PAIN®
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Figure 3. Connectivity pattern for the encoding of the change of pain intensity (SLP) across all patients with CBP. Dashed lines indicate negative relationships with
rising pain intensity; solid lines indicate positive relationships with rising pain intensity (link). CBP, chronic back pain; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; SLP, slope.

3.3. Connectivity pattern for the encoding of pain intensity with decreasing levels of experienced pain, eg, between the anterior
across all patients with chronic migraine (amplitude) insular cortex and orbitofrontal areas, as well as between the posterior
We found 2 connections that exhibited a significant effect for the cingulate cortex (PCC) and frontal and ACC regions. The confusion
encoding of pain intensity in CM. Decreasing connectivity matrix for all connections (AMP and SLP) for CM is shown in Figure 7.
between left motor regions (6d and 43) and increasing
connectivity between the anterior insula and the orbitofrontal
3.5. Individual patterns of pain encoding
cortex indicate high pain intensity of CM (Fig. 5).
The correlation between individual maps and the group results were
calculated with Kendall t and listed in Supplementary Table 7 for
3.4. Connectivity pattern for the encoding of the change of CBP and CM (available at The
pain intensity across all patients with chronic mean correlation between the individual AMP maps and the group
migraine (slope)
AMP map for CBP/CM is
Across all subjects and sessions, we found 4 connections to be t 5 0.09/0.07, t 5 0.03/0.05 for the SLP variable, and t 5
positively related to the change of intensity of the endogenous pain 0.09/0.1
(Fig. 6). These pairs of brain regions, eg, consisting of connections for the aSLP variable. The pattern of significant connections for
between temporal regions with the left insula and the hippocampus, CBP and CM for each subject is shown in Figures 8 and 9, as well
showed increasing connectivity with increasing levels of pain intensity. as in Supplementary Table 8 (available at
In addition, we found 5 pairs of brain regions that exhibited a PAIN/B576). Owing to the large within-group variation and the
negative relationship between cortical connectivity and the change of finding that the group statistics does not represent a single
pain intensity (Fig. 6). These pairs showed decreasing connectivity individual, we refrained from computing any contrast between

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
October 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 10 1993
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Figure 4. Confusion matrices for the encoding of AMP (left) and SLP (right) for all subjects with CBP. Confusion matrices for AMP and SLP for all 408 region pairs
given as t values: 1 to 180, left hemisphere; 181 to 360, right hemisphere; 361 to 381, additional regions (R); and 382 to 408, cerebellum (C). AMP shows
approximately 70% negative and approximately 30% positive significant t values; the confusion matrix for SLP shows even more negative (approximately74%) than
positive (approximately 26%) ones. AMP, amplitude; CBP, chronic back pain; SLP, slope.

both experimental groups because the meaningfulness and correlated brain regions but did not find any effect for
interpretability of such a contrast would be very limited. anticorrelated (ie, suppressing) brain regions. As a result,
distinct patterns of pain-related connectivity for CBP and CM
for the encoding of the magnitude of pain intensity, as well as for
4. Discussion the encoding of the (directional) change of pain intensity
In this study, we investigated the changes of cortical connec- (increasing vs decreasing pain), were revealed. Overall, our
tivity in relation to complementary aspects of the individual results resemble recent findings of reduced cortical connectivity
perception of ongoing chronic pain. We revealed positive and for higher pain states.56 The analysis of the repeated single-
negative relationships between pain perception and positively subject connectivity maps suggests a more complex picture,

Figure 5. Connectivity pattern for the encoding of pain intensity (AMP) across all patients with CM. Dashed lines indicate negative relationships with pain intensity;
solid lines indicate positive relationships with pain intensity (link). AMP, amplitude; CM, chronic migraine; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex.

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Figure 6. Connectivity pattern for the encoding of pain intensity changes (SLP) across all patients with CM. Dashed lines indicate negative relationships with rising
pain intensity; solid lines indicate positive relationships with rising pain intensity (link). CM, chronic migraine; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; SLP, slope.

indicating a unique pattern of pain-related cortical processing intensity–related disruptions are in line with the observations of
for each patient. The group findings will be discussed in a suppressed occipital activity through applied pain50,66 and the
traditional fashion, but the single-subject analysis suggests that finding of disrupted visual network connectivity in chronic
none of the group findings apply to the cortical processing of a pain.59 Similar to our results, disrupted connectivity between
single subject. The findings instead suggest a qualitative the PCC and parietal regions was previously reported for acute
difference rather than gradual and quantitative differences tonic and chronic orofacial pain.1 Furthermore, impaired
between patients with pain. parahippocampal and hippocampal functioning, as observed
in CBP, has been discussed in the context of depression,18,42
biased memory,5,49 pain memory,42,53 and the transition from
4.1. Connectivity pattern encoding pain perception in episodic to chronic pain.36,44
chronic back pain Besides disrupted connectivity, we also found a positive
4.1.1. Encoding of pain intensity relationship between cerebellar and parietal connectivity with
high levels of pain. The contribution of the cerebellum to the
Overall, we found a predominantly negative relationship between
cortical processing of pain has been discussed in various
cortical connectivity and high and rising pain in CBP. These findings
reflect the severe impact of chronic pain on perception and cognitive contexts.13 Consequently, experiencing long-lasting pain may
functioning and are supportive of previous studies reporting how the have caused structural changes in the cerebellum. For CBP,
experience of pain suppresses, inhibits, and impairs cortical alterations of the cerebellar grey matter density were observed
processes (reviewed in Ref. 8). in patients when compared with healthy subjects.35,65 Both the
We have previously reported lower connectivity in higher cerebellum and the connected parietal regions have been
pain states for regions that are known to be involved in the associated with a top-down attentional direction of pain
encoding of pain.56 Our current findings on intraoccipital pain intensity features.32

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October 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 10 1995
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Figure 7. Confusion matrices for the encoding of AMP and SLP for all subjects with CM. Confusion matrices for AMP and SLP for all 408 region pairs given as t
values: 1 to 180, left hemisphere; 181 to 360, right hemisphere; 361 to 381, additional regions (R); and 382 to 408, cerebellum (C). The confusion matrix for AMP
shows 25% positive significant t values and 75% negative ones compared with SLP, which shows more positive (approximately 58%) than negative (approximately
42%) ones. AMP, amplitude; CM, chronic migraine; SLP, slope.

4.1.2. Encoding of the direction of pain intensity changes a disruption within the parietal and the cingulate cortices. The parietal
disruption may reflect the deviant processing within the default mode
We contrasted periods of rising pain with periods of falling pain. This
network, which has been previously reported.1,4,33
contrast controls for motor-related connectivity, the decision-
making processes, and the current level of pain because these
processes equally occur during rising and falling pain. As a result, we
4.2. Connectivity pattern encoding pain perception in
observed a widespread disruption of cortical circuits with rising pain; chronic migraine
the connectivity was significantly higher during falling pain for a
4.2.1. Encoding of pain intensity
number of cortical connections. This applied to the connectivity
between brain regions commonly associated with pain perception, For CM, the group statistics showed only 2 connections that
ie, insular cortex to perigenual ACC.63 In addition, we also observed represent the encoding of pain intensity. Among these connections,

Figure 8. Individual connectivity patterns. Circle plots for the individually specific encoding of pain intensity (amplitude) for each of the 20 patients with chronic back
pain. AMP, amplitude.

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Figure 9. Individual connectivity patterns. Circle plots for the individually specific encoding of pain intensity (AMP) for each of the 20 patients with chronic migraine.
AMP, amplitude.

we found increasing connectivity with higher pain intensities large number of connections were variable, we decided against a
between the right anterior insula and the left orbitofrontal cortex. direct comparison between patient groups.
The orbitofrontal cortex2,71 and anterior insular cortex66 have been To regard individual variations within sensory data merely as
consistently found to be involved in pain processing. The noise may in fact hinder our understanding of sensory process-
comparably low number of connections may represent the ing. Such noisy aspects of data may reflect pain processing, the
complexity of the cortical processing in CM.7,17 Indeed, most experience or pain, or even the individual coping strategies of the
patients who were included in this study exhibited unique patterns of patient, all of which may influence the success of chronic pain
pain-related cortical connectivity that do not match the overall treatments. Likewise, the importance of examining individual
pattern of the group statistics (described further). patterns of brain connectivity and structure has previously been
promoted.38 Other studies that address individual differences
and single-patient effects have also reported variability.20,21,37
4.2.2. Encoding of the direction of pain intensity changes
Although group statistics might suggest otherwise, individual
There are a number of connections that represent the rising and parameters such as gamma oscillations in tonic and chronic pain
falling pain in CM. We found an involvement of the right anterior reveal that pain is not encoded by gamma activity in all study
insula that is connected to orbitofrontal areas; one of these frontal participants.39,55 Such immense variability between individual
regions has been previously related to migraine attacks16 and pain signatures instead indicates qualitative differences between
placebo modulation (Fig. 2C).67 The pain-modulated connectivity patients with pain rather than quantitative differences.72 Varia-
between the anterior and the posterior cingulate cortex may tions in cortical processing are veritably in line with the clinical
reflect the activity of the DMN.1,4,15 picture of pain diseases; individual patients each express a
Superior temporal regions, which we found to be positively composite of characteristics unique to them.60 Yet, one must not
connected to the insula, have been shown to be affected in exclude the possibility that variables such as pain duration and
episodic migraine58 and pain memory.28 This may also apply to intensity, current medication, or indeed psychological parame-
the connection between the hippocampus and an inferior ters (see questionnaire scores) and subtypes of pain disease may
temporal area. Again, most of the regions exhibit disrupted modulate a number of aspects for a specific individual. For this
connectivity with rising pain. study, however, we have interpreted qualitatively different
patterns being modulated by such variables as improbable and
thus excluded relationships between behavioural and cortical
4.3. Individual patterns of pain intensity encoding in data. By assessing individual pain signatures, we may facilitate a
single patients
more accurate assessment of chronic pain conditions, which is in
The cornerstone of this study is assessing each patient’s pain line with recent developments to enhance and promote in-
processing profile. To examine these unique patterns of pain- dividually tailored treatments in medicine.43,47
related connectivity, each patient underwent repeated recordings It remains to be elucidated whether there is a similar variability
to create sufficient and reliable data. Individual connectivity maps across the repeated sessions. A future study is required to test
were generated for each patient, all of which varied significantly whether the single-subject processes we reported in this study have
from the connectivity pattern of the group. Indeed, because a occurred in each session. This question is best addressed using

Copyright © 2022 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
October 2022
· Volume 163
· Number 10 1997

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