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Smart Guess & Test Papers

Student Name ______________________ Father Name ______________________ Roll Number _______

Class: 1st /year -
English Marks :
30 Exam Format : Chapter Wise Test
Time : notespk.com_Nauman Sadaf |
Date _________________ Examiner Sig __________     Chapter#: 2

MCQ's S/Q L/Q Total

Objective Type

1. Encircle the Correct Option. (1 x 5 = 5)

1) And he had lived to __________ family of five children 
a) rise  b) arouse  c) feed  d) raise 

2) Many of the trees were sixty feet tall and the wild _________ had matted their tops together________
a) weeds  b) wisps  c) vines  d) saplings 

3) What did the Jess wipe from his face?

a) water b) sweat  c) mud  d) dust 

4) What did the Jess bring for his mother 

a) a basket of dishes  b) a basket of fruits  c) a gift  d) vegetables 

5) What did Jess's father make for Jess in his childhood ?

a) a gun  b) a sword  c) a wooden plough  d) a cart 
2. Choose the correct option in meaning to the underlined words and fill up the bubbles sheet . (1 x 5 = 5)
6) I wiped more sweat form my face as I followed him down the little path between pasture and the meadow
a) desert  b) valley c) waste land d) hill top

7) He took his pocket knife from his pocket ,and cut a wisp of alfalfa.
a) straw  b) tuft c) stack d) clump 

8) I saw the clearing in the heart of this wilderness right on the mountain top.

a) meadow b) eccentric c) forest d) uncultivated land

9) "I don't see a weed in this patch" I laughed

a) unwanted plant b) twig c) sapling d) wicker

10) This is the clearest patch I have ever seen 

a) House b) room  c) piece d) face

Subjective Type

3 Answer (in 3-4 lines/sentences) the following questions from Book-1( Short Stories) [Any FIVE]       (2 x
5 = 10)

i) What didn't the old man follow the advice of the doctor?
ii) What were the names of the vegetables?
iii) Why did the old man take the steep path?
iv) Did writer's father act upon the doctor's advice?
v) Why could writer not protest to his father against gong to hill point on a hot day?
vi) Where did the old man stop while going down the little path between the pasture and the meadow and what did he do
vii) What did the people say when the old man bought the little farm?
4 Translate the following passage into Urdu (Short Stories Book - 1) [Any ONE]       (5 x 1 = 5)
i) "I won't let em," he said."Now this is what I've been wanting you to see!""This is the cleanest patch I've ever seen," I bragged
."But I still don't see why you climbed the top of this mountain to clear this patch.And you did all this against your doctor's
orders!" "Which one?" he asked, laughing.Then he sat down on a big oak stump and I sat down on a small black-gum stump
near him. This was the only place on the mountain where the sun could shine to the ground. And on the lower side of the
clearing there was a rim of shadow over the rows of dark stalwart plants loaded with green tomatoes.
5 Punctuate the following extract form Book-1 [Any ONE]       (5 x 1 = 5)
i) i wont let em he said now this is what i ve been wanting you to see this is the cleanest patch i ve ever seen I bragged 

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