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On a day of life a man who is dashing and handsome named Awang Sukma. He is a self-man who is able
to live in the forest itself. He made a tree house in the middle of the Batara forest. After a long stay in
the forest, Awang Sukma became the ruler of the region. He likes to get around in the forest and enjoys
the air air, occasionally he stops on the magnificent river in the forest.

One morning, while walking around the forest, Awang Sukma heard a slaughtered voice.

* Awang Sukma: "I heard the laughter of the girls, are there any other in this forest? I'd better find a
source of sound to make sure" *

The laughter sounds more obviously when the Sukang Awang arrives on a river. From behind the
shrubs / hecta he saw 4 beautiful garments showers while having fun by the river. Datuk Awang Sukma
is tempted by them. Datuk Wangun Sukma did not know that these 4 girls were the Budadari of the
brother of the Kahyangan and he intends to mark one of them. with his desire he thought of a unlike

(Oh I know)

Seeing their shawl shawls on a stone he picked it up with one of the girls it would look for it and he
would come to his rescue.

* Awang Sukma: "Sophousing this owner of this shawl, he must be mine" *

When they return to the river side up, they realize the youngest scarves are lost.

The youngest daughter asked "Ouh how this" he panicked and searched for the round of that rock.

"It may fly your shawl" "ask one of the older brother.

"May be helping to look for it" said the youngest daughter.

How sad they are the youngest daughter can not go back to the Kahyangan because of the missed
shawls. They search for finding until the afternoon arrives and they have to go back to Kahyangan to the
goddess God is not angry.

"Take care of yourself either my sister" said one of them.

"Well the kak, I'll find the scarf" said the youngest daughter.

He went following the road that was near the river, shortly he went to see Sukang's suffz.

"Good afternoon of the princess, what are you here" asked Datuk Awang Sukma. "No mistake I took the
scarf" in the heart of Kekuk Awang Sukma.
"Good afternoon, my shawl lost I can not go back to the sophistor without a scarf" answer the youngest

At that time Datuk Awang Sukma knew that the youngest daughter was a bidada. Datuk Awang Sukma
kept his intention to restore the sharpening to the youngest daughter can not go home.

"I do not know anyone on earth, I do not know what to go" -biding

"Emm, the day is almost night, if the princess is pleased, come and live in my house for a while" - Awang

"I will be very grateful for the good you offer, but do not you mind?" -bidadari

"Of course not, he happily I will help the master to the princess find the scarf." Awang Sukma

"Thank you MrO" - Bidadari

Awang Sukma Smile, keep the angel of the bidadari, "Ayoo"

The days passed, the love of growing between the two. They are married and have a daughter.

One day, Awang Sukma go hunt as usual. While the youngest daughter keeps their child at home.

"I have to cook rice before my husband home, he must be starving"

(Clay rice runs)

"Geez, rice in the kitchen is up, I have to go to the cider pulde to go take some rice."

(Go to the pige clamp, take some rice to be shocked to the slick swallow between the rices)

"Huh? What's this?" (Take Selendnag)

"This is a kid who I've been looking for, how can there be here?"

With the feeling of anger, the youngest daughter waited for the supreme of Sukma's front in front of the

As: See, I get a lot of huel animals for our dining supplies!

PB: Good. But it looks like I will not eat the flesh with you guys (Judes)

US: Why?

PB: (tighten shawl) because I've found my shawls you stole

AS: (Cutte) How can you find it? "

PB: Evil once you suck a sukma, why did you make tuger like this?!
As: I'm sorry, I do not mean that. Let me explain it all

Pb: No, it's enough. I can not stay here again

AS: What about our children? He's still a kid, are you leaving him?

Pb: I'm sorry, please keep our daughter. I'll pay attention to you from a Know.

Pb: I'm guiding

The youngest daughter flew with his shawl, left the sukma awake that was crying full of regret.

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