PReads-G8 - Q4-WK3-4

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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Angeles City
Rafael L. Lazatin Memorial High School

NAME: ___________________________________________ DATE: _______________________________________

GRADE & SECTION: _______________________________ TEACHER: ___________________________________


Read the selection below and answer the following activities. Write your answer on one whole sheet of paper.

Supporting Biliteracy

There are many good reasons to learn a second language. A second language can improve your understanding of your
native language, open the door to new job opportunities, and help you learn about other cultures. Yet American students are less
likely than European students to study foreign languages in school. To address this gap, several states have begun doing more to
encourage biliteracy—the ability to read and write in two languages. California, New York, and Illinois are among the states that
have passed laws establishing a state "Seal of Biliteracy." A Seal of Biliteracy shows that a student has achieved proficiency in a
second language. Supporters of the seals say that they honor the importance of second-language learning. The seals also provide
colleges and future employers with evidence of students' abilities.

I. Circle the word or phrase that is most closely related to the word or phrase on the left. If necessary, use a dictionary to check
the meaning of the words that you do not know.

1. OPPORTUNITIES chances options
2. NATIVE mother tongue local
3. GAP discontinuity hole
4. BILITERACY ability to speak in many ability to read and write
languages in two languages
5. PROFICIENCY competence experience
6. HONOR give credit give favor
7. EMPLOYERS boss organization
8. ENCOURAGE comfort motivate
9. ACHIEVE attain complete
10. EVIDENCE proof statement

II. Find all the highlighted (bold letters) words/phrases in the story. Use each word/phrase in a sentence.


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