FinalQ2 ENGLISH10.exam

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I. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If not, change the underlined
word to make the statement correct. Write your answer on the line provided before each
number. (1 pt. each = 10 pts.)

__________ 1. A novel is a one-stanza poem of fourteen lines.

__________ 2. The first eight lines of a sonnet is called the sestet.

__________ 3. The last six lines of a sonnet is called the octave.

__________ 4. Caesura is a pause occurring between the beginning and end of a line of a

__________ 5. End-stopped lines are lines of a poem that end with punctuation.

__________ 6. A sonnet is a lengthy work of prose comprised of narrative fiction revolving

around a single main plot developed in several chapters.

__________ 7. Wordplay is created through artistic and humorous word choice.

__________ 8. Bias is a stance that a speaker assumes in favor of an idea, policy, or value.

__________ 9. Close reading involves quickly going through a material to locate specific
pieces of information.

__________ 10. Scanning involves looking at nuances, context, and purpose of a specific

II. Differentiate conceptual definition from operational definition. (2 pts. each = 4 pts.)


III. Match each literary term in column A with its description in column B.
(1 pt. each = 10 pts.)


___ 1. Metonymy A. a play on words in which double meaning is

created using words with a similar
pronunciation but different spelling and

___ 2. Synecdoche B. a combination of two contrasting words to

create new meaning

___ 3. Pun C. a memorable passage statement, expressing

a fact of life or a truth that is generally and
universally accepted

___ 4. Oxymoron D. use of a word or expression that replaces or

substitutes for a certain person, object, or

___ 5. Alliteration E. use of a part to represent the whole

___ 6. Irony F. words having the same beginning sound are

put together or aligned

___ 7. Foil G. sarcastic use of words or phrases

___ 8. Aside H. short section in a play where a character

addresses the audience instead of the
other characters

___ 9. Hubris I. a hero’s downfall as a result of blindness

caused by overconfidence

___ 10. Adage J. a character whose traits contrast those of the

IV. Write A on the line if the sentence has a word/expression that affirms or N if it has a
word/expression that negates. (1 pt. each = 10 pts.)

___ 1. My friend is certainly going through hard times.

___ 2. You should not forget these tasks.

___ 3. I will never agree to your illogical demands.

___ 4. Eager to know her son’s progress, Mrs. Cruz will definitely attend the parent-teacher

___ 5. The stars are clearly visible from the terrace of my house.

___ 6. Things turned out to be exactly the same as expected.

___ 7. Our family had hardly gone for a few miles when our car broke down.

___ 8. This sewing machine is scarcely ever used.

___ 9. Priscilla will surely be rewarded because of her dedication and perseverance.

___ 10. Because of this new policy, the students can hardly be controlled.

V. Encircle the subject in each sentence. Then, underline the correct verb that agrees with
the subject. (5pts.)

1. Boracay ( is, are ) a tropical island where you can enjoy beach life and watersport

2. There ( is, are ) day trips and activities for families to do in Boracay.

3. The Department of Tourism ( supervises, supervise ) tourist destinations like Boracay.

4. Many hotels in Boracay ( offers, offer ) delicious food and nice accommodations.

5. Happy Planet ( sells, sell ) souvenir items created by the locals.

VI. Underline the correct pronoun to complete each sentence. Then, encircle the
antecedent. (5pts.)

1. The Department of Education aims to achieve ( its, our ) goals by the end of the year.

2. Effective educators know how to motivate ( his, their ) learners.

3. As teachers, we must nurture ( my, our ) students with love and care.
4. Mrs. Lopez prepares ( his, her ) lesson plans regularly.

5. I always study ( my, your ) lessons in advance, so I can participate in class.

VII. Enumeration: (11 pts.)

A. Reasons Why People Speak/Purposes of Spoken Text (at least 3)


B. Three (3) Types of Claim in an Argumentative Essay


C. Elements of Plot (Drama)


VIII. Complete the chart below by putting the given words in the correct boxes. (10 pts.)

hook body conclusion main thesis introduction

summary counterclaim claim evidence rebuttal

IX. Observing coherence in point of view, answer the questions in a

paragraph form with at least 3 sentences. (5 pts.)

1. What is plagiarism? How plagiarism can be avoided?

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