S7 - Q2 - Answer Key

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SY 2022-2023

Instructions: Read each question carefully and shade the correct answer in the
answer sheet provided to you. Do not write anything on this test

1. Which part of the microscope gives support to its entire weight?

A. Arm
B. Base
C. Diaphragm
D. Eyepiece

For item number 2, refer to figure 1 below.

Figure 1. Compound Microscope


2. How would you compare the coarse adjustment knob from fine adjustment
A. The coarse adjustment rotates the objectives while the fine adjustment
gives a sharp image.
B. The coarse adjustment holds the specimen while fine adjustment moves
the specimen up and down.
C. The coarse adjustment gives a sharp image, while fine adjustment brings
the specimen into general focus.
D. The coarse adjustment brings the specimen into general focus while fine
adjustment maximizes the detail of the specimen.

3. Dina has a difficulty viewing the specimen. She observes that the specimen
appears dark. What should she do?
A. Dina should replace the lens.
B. Dina should adjust the position of the slides.
C. Dina should adjust the mirror and diaphragm.
D. Dina should adjust the coarse adjustment knob.

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
4. In a Biology class, Liza and Arvin are tasked to view the specimen at 400x
magnification. They are currently using an eyepiece with 10x magnification.
What should they do?

I. Use the eyepiece with 10x magnification.

II. Click the objective with 40x magnification
III. Multiply the magnification of the eyepiece and objective.

A. I only
B. II only
C. I& II only
D. I, II & III

5. Leah viewed the animal cell under a compound microscope. She used the low
power objective and it was viewed as very clear. Then, she turned the revolving
nosepiece until it clicked to the high power position; as she viewed it, she
observed a blurred image. What can you infer from this situation?
A. Animal cell can only be seen in low power objective.
B. Animal cell can only be seen in high power objective.
C. Animal cell can be seen both in low and high power objectives.
D. Animal cell cannot be seen in both low and high power objectives.

6. Anna wants to focus the specimen clearly. If you were Anna, which part of the
compound microscope are you going to manipulate?
A. Use the inclination joint.
B. Use the revolving nosepiece.
C. Use the fine adjustment knob.
D. Use the coarse adjustment knob.

7. Glenda views the onion root tip under a compound microscope. She noticed that
there were marks on the lenses, she quickly wiped with her blouse. Did Glenda
do it right?
A. No, Glenda should use lens paper to remove markings on the lens.
B. No, Glenda should use satin cloth to remove markings on the lens.
C. No, Glenda should use paper towel to remove markings on the lens.
D. No, Glenda should use tissue paper to remove markings on the lens.

8. It is the ability of the microscope to make the specimen bigger.

A. Conduction
B. Resolution
C. Magnification
D. Resolving power

9. In preparing the microscope slides, it is important to have a cover slip or cover

glass over the specimen. What is the use of the cover slip to the specimen?
A. To reflect more light.
B. To hold the glass slides.
C. To filter the light that reaches the specimen.
D. To protect the objective lenses if they touch the slide.

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
10. Jen manipulated the compound microscope, she placed the slide at the center
of the stage and started to focus. What would be the direction of the image if she
move the slides to the right?
A. The image will move upward.
B. The image will move to the left.
C. The image will move downward.
D. The image will move to the right.

11. Chloe and Mario cut the roots of a “Mayana” plant for their microscope focusing
activity. Chloe sliced it very thin while Mario did it thick. Then, they will view it
under compound microscope. Who do you think will focus on a clearer view?
A. Chloe because the specimen is very thin.
B. Mario because the specimen will appear bigger.
C. Chloe because the light cannot pass through the specimen.
D. Mario because the light cannot pass through the specimen.

12. Albert is studying the specimen using the low power objective. He needs to
raise the stage to focus the specimen. If you were Albert, which part of the
compound microscope will you manipulate?
A. Eyepiece
B. Body tube
C. Coarse adjustment
D. Revolving nosepiece

13. Elsa focuses the “Bangka-bangkaan” leaf epidermis under compound

microscope. She was instructed to use the eyepiece and high power objective
with 10x and 40x magnification. After an hour, she reported that her computed
magnification is 400x. Are you convinced with her computation?
A. Yes, because the total magnification is the product of the magnification of
one lens only.
B. Yes, because the total magnification is the product of the magnification of
the two lenses.
C. No, because to get the total magnification you just simply double the
magnification of the two lenses
D. No, because total magnification is the result of the addition of the
magnification of the two lenses

14. Chelo views the letter “e” under the microscope and observes that it views in an
upside down position. Does she view it correctly?
A. No, because she moves the specimen.
B. Maybe, because it depends on its position.
C. No, because it should be viewed as letter “e”.
D. Yes, because under the microscope, the specimen appears in upside down

15. It refers to the basic structural and functional unit of living organisms.
A. Cell
B. Organ
C. Tissue
D. Organ system

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
16. It is a group of interacting organisms either in the same or different species in
a particular area and time.
A. Biosphere
B. Community
C. Ecosystem
D. Population

17. One rainy night, you are enjoying the sound of a group of toads and you even
count their numbers. If you relate the group of toad to a level of organization,
what level do they belong?
A. Biosphere
B. Ecosystem
C. Organism
D. Population

18. Life is organized from simple to complex level. Which of the following illustrates
the correct levels of organization?
A. Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Organism Population –
Community Ecosystem Biosphere
B. Cell Tissue Organ Organism Organ system Population
Community Ecosystem Biosphere
C. Cell Tissue Organ Organ system Organism Ecosystem
Biosphere Population Community
D. Cell Tissue Population Ecosystem Biosphere Organ
Organ system Organism Community

19. Which of the following statements best describes the importance of each level of
I. Level of organization is structured in nature.
II. Each level plays a vital role since they are connected to one another.
III. Each level plays a vital role but does not affect the biological
IV. Usually defined by a part-whole relationship, with things at higher
level being composed of things at the next lower level.

A. I only
D. I, II & IV

20. Romeo would like to compare all levels of the organization should function well.
He noticed that they are similar in this aspect. Which one is it?
A. The lower level does not affect the higher level of organization.
B. If one level will not function well it does not affect the next level.
C. All levels have a unique function that does not affect the organization.
D. If one level failed to function well, it will affect the whole organization.

21. Every recess time, Ana always eats junk foods and she seldom drinks water. If
you were Ana, will you do the same thing?
A. No, because it will damage my kidney.
B. Yes, because it will not affect my kidney.

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
C. No, because it can damage some organ systems of my body.
D. A & C
22. Which of the following organelles is characterized of a layered stack of
membrane- enclosed spaces in which proteins from the endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) are processed, sorted and delivered?
A. Golgi body
B. Mitochondrion
C. Cell membrane
D. Endoplasmic reticulum

23. Jelo viewed a cell that contains a nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplasts.
What type of cell does he observe?
A. A plant cell
B. An animal cell
C. A bacterial cell
D. A prokaryotic cell

24. Complete the Venn diagram below to show the relationship of the organelles in
plant and animal cell. Which of the following organelles would complete the

Plant Cell Animal Cell

Cell membrane
Chloroplasts 1.____________
Cell wall Endoplasmic 2.____________
Large vacuoles
Golgi body

I. Centrioles
II. Nucleus
III. Small vacuoles
IV. Endoplasmic reticulum

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. I and IV
D. II and III

25. What are the features that will help you in distinguishing a plant cell from an
animal cell? Why?
A. The centrioles in animal cell because plant cell do not have.
B. The chloroplast and cell wall in plant cell because animal cell do not have.
C. The nucleus and mitochondria because both are present in plant and
animal cell.
D. A and B

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
26. Marie discussed with her friends the difference between plant and animal cells.
She emphasized the following statements:
I. Animal cell has centrioles for cell reproduction.
II. Plant cell has chloroplast for photosynthesis while animal cell does not
III. Plant cell has cell wall that surrounds the cell membrane while animal
cell has a cell membrane alone.
IV. Both plant and animal cells have cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus,
Golgi apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum and cell membrane.

Was Marie’s discussion correct?

A. Yes, except statement II.
B. Yes, all statements are correct.
C. Yes, statements II & III are correct.
D. Yes, only statements III & III are correct.

27. The mitochondrion is one of the important organelles in an animal cell and is
essential for vital cellular activities to happen. Why is the mitochondrion known
as the “powerhouse” of the cell?
A. It has a flagellum.
B. It has double membrane structure.
C. It produces and transports proteins.
D. It produces energy through chemical reactions.

28. The cell is considered the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms.
Which of the following practices will you apply to yourself to give importance to
your cells?

I. I will get enough sleep.

II. I will drink more water.
III. I will eat more fruits and vegetables.
IV. I will refrain myself from drinking alcohol and smoking

A. I and II
B. II and III
C. I, II and III
D. I, II, III and IV

29. Cell membrane guards the organelles. Evaluate whether nutrients can pass
through the cell membrane and into the cell. Which one is a true statement?
A. Yes, because the cell membrane is fluid-filled.
B. Yes, because the cell membrane is semi-permeable.
C. Yes, because the cell membrane is not stiff and rigid.
D. Yes, because the cell membrane has embedded organelles.

30. Which of the following structures is NOT involved in sexual reproduction?

A. Gamete
B. Root
C. Stem
D. Tuber

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
31. Which is NOT a characteristic of sexual reproduction?
A. Gametes from two parents unite to form a zygote.
B. Offspring are genetically identical with the parent.
C. Offspring are different from their parents and sibling.
D. Genetic variability of offspring helps to ensure survival in changing
environmental conditions.

32. Which of the following differentiates asexual reproduction from sexual

A. Asexual reproduction requires gametes while sexual reproduction requires
body parts.
B. Asexual reproduction undergoes fertilization while sexual reproduction
undergoes binary fission.
C. Asexual reproduction does not require gametes while sexual reproduction
requires the union of gametes.
D. Asexual reproduction produces offspring which is different from the
parent while sexual reproduction produces offspring identical to the parent.

33. A farmer grew only one variety of corn plants. All corn died of the same disease.
What can you say about this corn population?
A farmer grew only one variety of corn plant. All of the corn plants died from
the same disease.
What can you say about this corn population?

A. The corns plants were genetically identical.

B. All of the corn plants were resistant to the disease.
C. Only a few corns were resistant to the disease.
D. The corns were genetically different from each other.

34. Lila observed that a pond with clear water was covered up with green algae
within a week. By which method of reproduction did the algae spread so rapidly?
A. Budding
B. Fragmentation
C. Pollination
D. Sexual reproduction

35. Why is the process of reproduction necessary?

A. The process of reproduction is necessary for the formation of
through the continuing of the cycle of life.
B. The process of reproduction is necessary so that the individual can
reproduce through the combination of two organisms.
C. The process of reproduction is necessary because it requires the
organisms to produce gametes that are necessary for fertilization.
D. The process of reproduction is necessary for the perpetuation and
preservation of species and to increase the number of members of species.

Note: Instead of D the answer is letter A

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
36. A portion of a stem was cut from a plant and was placed in a cup of water. After
two weeks, roots were formed. Evaluate the method of reproduction demonstrated.
A. Budding
B. Regeneration
C. Sexual reproduction
D. Vegetative propagation

37. It includes all of the organisms in the community as well as the physical or
abiotic factors in the area like temperature, climate, salinity, and available
It refers to the communities interacting with each other and its physical
A. Community
B. Environment
C. Ecosystem
D. Niche

38. A plant needs water, sunlight, minerals, oxygen and carbon dioxide to live. This
statement exemplifies that an organism depends on which of the following?
A. Climate
B. Minerals
C. Biotic Components/factors
D. Abiotic Components/factors

39. Gab observed that certain plant get energy from chemicals or the sun, and with
the help of water, it converts that energy into useable energy in the form of
sugar, or food. This observation applies that a living organism depends on
which of the following?
A. Biotic components/factors
B. Abiotic components/factors
C. Symbiotic relationships
D. Carnivore-herbivore relationships

40. How are biotic and abiotic factors related to each other?
A. They are not related and do not interact.
B. Abiotic factors are stronger than biotic factors.
C. Biotic factors are stronger than abiotic factors.
D. Abiotic and biotic factors affect and influence each other constantly.

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
41. The accompanying graph shows data from a research study designed to test the
hypothesis that both abiotic and biotic factors can affect the distribution of
invasive Argentine ants. Using the graph below, identify the statement that
best supports the data.

Figure 1. Distribution of Invasive Argentine Ants

(Source: https://www.chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/question-16-2-pts-figure-shows-

A. Abiotic and biotic factors did not affect the distribution of invasive
Argentine ants.
B. Abiotic factors (e.g., soil moisture) only affect the distribution of invasive
Argentine ants.
C. Biotic factors (e.g., competition) only affect the distribution of invasive
Argentine ants.
D. Both abiotic and biotic factors interact to affect the distribution of
invasive Argentine ants.

42. It is a sequence of energy transfer among organisms to obtain energy and

A. Community
B. Ecosystem
C. Environment
D. Food chain

43. Bees fly from flower to flower gathering nectar and pollinate. The relationship
that exists between two organisms wherein an organism benefits and the other
is unharmed.
Bees fly from flower to flower gathering nectar and pollinate. The relationship

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
that exists between these two organisms.

A. Commensalism
B. Mutualism
C. Predation
D. Symbiosis

44. Liamme observes that the plants in the forest do not get as much sunlight
when they grow near tall trees. What type of relationship is this?
A. Mutualism
B. Commensalism
C. Competition
D. Parasitism

45. An interacting group of various species in a common location.

A. Community
B. Environment
C. Habitats
D. Population

46. Which of the following refers to plants?

A. Consumers
B. Decomposers
C. Heterotrophs
D. Producers

47. Which among the statements best describes the abiotic component of the
A. All of the animals in an environment
B. All of the bacteria in an environment
C. All of the living things in an environment
D. All of the non-living things in an environment

48. Kimmae set up a small freshwater fish tank. She placed water, fish, gravel, a
snail and plants inside the tank. Select from among the statements that BEST
evaluates an abiotic factor in this set up.
A. She feeds the fish twice a day.
B. She records the temperature of the water.
C. She observes the snail scrape algae off the gravel.
D. She measures the growth of the plants with a metric ruler.

49. A five-year research was carried out on a population of algae in a Lake Mainit.
The research found that the algae population was constantly decreasing in size.
Evaluate the cause.
A. An increase in the amount of oxygen present in the lake.
B. A decrease in the amount of oxygen released into the lake.
C. A decrease in the amount of nitrogen released into the atmosphere.
D. An increase in the amount of water vapor present in the atmosphere.

50. Select a situation that contains only abiotic conditions that might be found in a
pond ecosystem.
A. Bacteria, dissolved minerals in the water, temperature of the water.
B. Dissolved oxygen in the water, fish populations, insect populations.
C. Temperature of the water, green plant populations, dissolved minerals in
Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga
School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam
the water.
D. Temperature of the water, dissolved oxygen in the water, dissolved
minerals in the water.

Evaluated by:


Teacher III Teacher III

Test Curator: Lady Diana G. Daleon DepEd-Caraga

School: Cabadbaran City National High School Sukdanan
Email Address: ladydiana.garbo@deped.gov.ph Standardized Quarterly Exam

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