Survey Booking Form

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Insert your instructions in the box below e.g.

“preliminary bat roost assessment’ Insert the total cost we agreed in your quotation:
Bat Survey +VA
instructions £539

Check this box if you would like your work to begin within 14 Days. You must check this box if you have requested our ‘Rapid’ or ‘Next
Working Day’ report service.

Javed Shah
Invoice Name
Details Brictorian Oven Ltd

58 Clitheroe Road

City Manchester Postcode M130QU
Telephone Number Order

Payment Full payment is required prior to the release of your report. We will raise an invoice on receipt of your instructions to expedite this
process for you. Prompt settlement of your account will expedite the booking process and will be required for all urgent and next
working day reports.

Secure online payment: (All major debit and credit cards accepted)
Bank: Handelsbanken / Arbtech Consulting Ltd / Sort Code 40-51-62 / Acc. No. 80550861

342 Slade Lane

Your Site Site Address Manchester

Please provide site access details, or anything else you think we should know:
Please call 07459305912 prior to arriving, I will ensure someone is on site for access

Booking confirmation
I confirm that I am authorised to commission the works described above. I have read and understood your fee quotation(s), key facts document(s) and Terms
and Conditions of Business (, and I accept them. This is my written instruction to proceed with the works described
above. I understand that full payment is due at the time of my instruction and my report will not be released without it. I understand that if third party goods or
services are necessary to discharge my instructions they are not included within the quoted cost. I understand Arbtech requires free and unfettered access to my
site and Arbtech Consulting Ltd and its representatives will not be responsible for site security or keyholding.

Javed Shah
Print Name
Company & Position

Signed JS Date

What happens now?

1. Please scan or take a photo of your completed form and e-mail it to: Once we receive your booking form you will receive a
confirmation e-mail accepting your booking and soon thereafter, our invoice.
2. Same or next working day, one of our consultants will contact you. They may request additional information and will also confirm the date and time of your
survey and deadline for your report.
3. Once we are in receipt of payment, your report will be released to you.

Arbtech Consulting Limited is registered in England and Wales: 05678552. VAT: GB903660148
Ecology – Protected Species - Licensing – Arboriculture – Biodiversity Net Gain – Land/Topographical Survey

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