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Brandon Judge Learning Styles

1. A 23. B

2. A 24. B

3. B 25. B

4. A 26. B

5. A 27. A

6. A 28. A

7. B 29. A

8. A 30. A

9. A 31. A

10. A 32. B

11. B 33. A

12. A 34. B

13. B 35. B

14. A

15. B

16. B

17. A

18. A


20. A

21. A

22. B
Auditory Learning Style: This learning style means that the student learns more through auditory

inputs like: lectures, music, oral directions, and other things that a person can hear.

Applied Learning Style: This learning style means that real world examples and concrete

examples help the student learn better.

Spatial Learning Style: This learning style means that the student can mentally visualize how

things work.

Independent Learning Style: This learning style means that the student prefers to work on their

own and are self-motivated to learn. They are also goal-orientated meaning that they work to

achieve stated objectives.

Creative Learning Style: This learning style means that the student prefers to learn through

discovery or experimentation.

Knowing how a student learns can help me as a teacher because it gives me different

avenues for engaging a student in the learning process. Especially with an ELL student it can

help me find different ways of helping the student learn my material without leaving them

behind. For this student I have five different ways of approaching them with my content.

Because they are an auditory learner, I could use a translator when I give them directions or

when I am explaining a topic. Furthermore, I could also find a video that explains the content for

the student in the students first language. Another, way I could teach this student is by using a

map and board game pieces for explaining how the Atlantic slave trade work in America. For the

students spatial learning I could have the student draw a diagram of what things were moved

where during the Columbian Exchange to show conceptual understanding. The best part is that I

could give the student all these examples independently and assess them independently to meet

stated goals. Lastly, for the student’s creative learning style I could have them do a research
assignment on the Columbian Exchange. Where they research further who benefitted from it and

where they were located and then present their findings to me orally later.

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