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Soal Wh-Question Essay

Fill this blank with the true answer.

1. … table is this? It is aminah’s

2. … time did they go? They went nine o’clock morning

3. … did we see? we saw a snake

4. … old are You? you are forty years old

5. … do they stay? They stay in Makassar

6. … one do you want? The brown one

7. … make this bread? Farida and Faradilla

8. … is Amalia doing? Amalia is selling pens

9. … many cows does he have? He has five cows

10. … did he do last night? He wrote English story

11. … does Ani need? Ani needs a fruit

12. … countries did they visit? Vietnam and Korea

13. … did you throw? You threw stone

14. … colors are his house? White and pink

15. … long has Abdillah been here? Four months

16. … will they plant? They will plant a coconut

17. … far is to Surabaya from Malang? Maybe, 110 kilometers

18. … come to visit Rizal? Jamal and Hasan

19. … house did you rent? Aminah’s house

20. … did they see? they saw Rudianto

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