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Course: B2 - Upper Intermediate GRAMMAR SUMMARY Lessons: 11 to 15 Tense Review - Use - During/While/For - -ed or -ing Adjectives Tense Review Present simple Iwait Present continuous 1am waiting Present perfect simple Present perfect conti Past simple Past continuou; Iwas waiting Past perfect had waited Past perfec Thad been waiting 0 condition Ifit rains the grass gets wet 1 conditior Ifit rains the grass will get wet 2 condition Ifit rained the grass would get 3 conditiona If it had rained the grass wot wet Use Present simple Present continuous joment of speaking Present perfect simple past but has an impact on Present perfect continuous Emphasi ration of an action Past simple Finished in the past Past continuous Action going on at a certain time in the past Past perfect simple Action taking place before a certain time in the past Past perfect continuous Emphasising the duration of an action in the past Perfectly Spoken* Page 1of2 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved Course: B2 - Upper Intermediate GRAMMAR SUMMARY Lessons: 11 to 15 Tense Review - Use - During/While/For - -ed or -ing Adjectives 0 conditional A general truth 1 conditional A possible condition and its probable result 2 conditional A hypothetical condition and its probable result 3 conditional ition and its probable result in is used witha period to say how lo 19 goes on. Foris a prepos Ihave lived here -ed or -ing Adjectives Use -ed to describe how youare feeling / f Use —ing to describea situation Perfectly Spoken* Page 2 of 2 ‘All cours lessons and associated content i copyrightof Perfectly Spoken Limited ~ © Perfectly Spoken 2019. Alrights reserved

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