Importance of Learning English

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Importance of Learning English

Speaking English helps us to expand communication, opening doors to

diversity of cultures either personally and professionally. One of the reasons why
English is given so much importance is because practically anywhere in the
world you can find someone who speaks it or communicates in the language of
English. When we travel almost all tourist places their history is reflected in
English or the guides speak most of this language. It also helps us to get a good
job or position by having more knowledge since practically all literatures are in
English and communication becomes more accessible.
I worked for two years at the airport and helped me to give a good service; like
another thirteen years it was in the tourist area of the County and most of the
visitors spoke English and on many occasions I have had to be an interpreter for
other people who do not understand it.
If we apply it in the cyber world all programs and marketing "online" are made
in this language; that is why it is good to have a knowledge even if it is basic to
be able to understand and apply it. However, their interest goes much further,
because English is an official language or as a second language in 58 countries;
referring to the link that I was researching about scholarships from the Santander
bank that as a requirement you must know how to speak Spanish and English.
This for those of us who can no longer have scholarships favors us in large part,
because to apply you must do an essay in English and according to what is
presented evaluates to obtain the scholarship and continue studying. In other
words, English is the language of international communication.

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