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College of Arts and Sciences Education

General Education – Science

2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Big Picture in Focus: ULOc. The role of science and technology in

nation-building, present government policies on science and
technology, and its importance to the nation.


Below are the essential terms that you are going to encounter in the pursuit of ULOc.
Determine the early scientific development of the country. These will help you
understand the present development of the country.

Colonization - it is the action or process of settling among and establishing control

over the indigenous people of an area or the effect of appropriating a place or domain
for one's use.

Pre-Colonial – occurring or existing before the beginning of colonial rule.

The colonial period was the period in a country's history when it was subject to
administration by a colonial power.

Post-Colonial – it is the aftermath of colonization.

Principalia class - The Principalía or noble class was the ruling and usually
educated upper class in the towns of Spanish Philippines, comprising the
gobernadorcillo (who had functions similar to a town mayor), and the Cabezas de
barangay (heads of the barangays) who governed the districts.

Essential Knowledge
The development of science and technology in the Philippines has already come a
long way. There are a lot of significant inventions and discoveries that have been
accomplished by or attributed to Filipinos. It is commendable to note that they have
laid down a significant effect on the country until now.

The Philippines started its scientific and technological development
began at this period. Early Filipino settlers were already using specific
plants and herbs as medicines. There is an implementation of the
systems of farming and animal-raising. It also includes the development
of different modes of transportation this time.

- The rice terraces were the most magnificent complicated engineering

structures achieved by the early Filipinos in Cordillera. At present, it's still
functional, and it shows the natives’ innovative and ingenious way to
survive in an otherwise unfriendly environment.

1|P age
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Spaniards Colonization (1521-1898) – The Philippines were claimed in
the name of Spain in 1521 by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese
explorer sailing for Spain, who named the islands after King Philip II of
The construction of extensive infrastructures such as walls, roads,
bridges is used by engineering skills and tools brought by the Spaniards.
The Spanish government also developed health and education systems
that were enjoyed by the principalia class.

American Colonization (1898-1946) – American occupation

modernized almost all aspects of life in the Philippines. They established
a government the agency, the Bureau of Science, to nurture
development in the field of science and technology.

C. POST-COLONIAL PERIOD – the Philippines under different leaderships or

administrations pursue programs in science and technology. However, one of
the presidents who ushered in advancements in science and technology and
who saw that the key to nation-building is through science and technology was
Ferdinand Marcos.

Marcos Era – He amended the 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article XV,

Section 9 (1), he declared that the "advancement of science and
technology should have priority in the national development. Many
agencies in science and technology were established and strengthen
that includes PAGASA (Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
Astronomical Services Administration) in place of Weather Bureau and
the National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) which
reconstituted to National Science and Technology Authority presently
known as DOST (Department of Science and Technology). Roads,
bridges, power plants, schools, and hospitals are the most relevant
development in his time.

The progress in science and technology continued even after the dictatorial rule, and
the presidents after him left their legacies.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you
further understand the lesson:

2|P age
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

Vicente L. Rafael (2020). Colonial Contractions: The Making of the Modern

Philippines 1565-1946. Retrieved from

Let’s Check
Activity 3. The works of science and technology greatly influenced the development
of nation-building in the country. At this point, let us try to determine the extent of its
influence in the country. Please elaborate your answers to the questions below:

1. Discuss the traced development of science and technology from the pre-colonial
times up to the present.


2. Identify some achievements in the field of science and technology from president
Marcos up to the present administration.

A. Ferdinand Marcos




B. Corazon Aquino




C. Fidel Ramos



3|P age
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

D. Joseph Estrada


E. Gloria Arroyo



F. Benigno Aquino Jr.




G. Rodrigo Duterte




Name greatest scientific technological contributions of the colonizers brought in the

country that promotes nation-building.
Let’s Analyze
Activity 3. In this activity, you are required to elaborate on your answer to each of
the questions below.

1. What do you think are the significant contributions of science and technology
to the Philippine nation-building?

4|P age
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

2. What specific government policy do you like the most in contributing to the
development of science and technology in the Philippines?


3. How science and technology relevant to the development of nation-building?


4. What policies do you want the government to implement in the near future?

In a Nutshell

Activity 3. Science and technology have brought a significant impact on the

development of the country and changes the life of the society as well, particularly in
the colonization period. We’re able to promote and develop our technological
applications for nation-building. In this activity, again, you are required to draw
conclusions or perspectives from the periods affecting the country. I will supply the
first item, and you will continue the rest.

1. It’s right that the key to nation-building is the continued development and
application of science and technology. But perhaps, there must be policies or
laws to be followed to control and limit the might destructive effect on the
environment and to the people, just to achieve nation-building.

2. ______________________________________________________________

5|P age
College of Arts and Sciences Education
General Education – Science
2nd Flr. DPT Building, Matina Campus, Davao City
Phone No. : (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 134

3. ______________________________________________________________

Do you have questions for clarification?

Questions/Issues Answers

Pre-colonial period Post-colonial period

Principalia class Colonization
Colonial period

6|P age

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