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B10 AO y he ye o ‘t. BENEMERITA UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE PUEBLA Preparatoria Lic. Benito Judrez Garcia “Antologia individual para apoyar la materia de Lengua Extranjera Inglés VI.” SEXTO SEMESTRE 5 : » c ng 2 Bachillerato Universitario Plan 07 Bloque 1 Primavera 2023 Elaborado por : MTRA. ARIADNA GONZALEZ FLORES Student’s name: Ciclo escolar 2022-2023 indice Tabla de contenido Propésito Activity: Reading Stay Healthy... ‘Activity: Read the tex and then complete the chart about Vitamins and Minerals. 2. Gerund after Adjective + Prepos 3. Gerund after Noun + Preposition. 4. Gerund after Verb + Preposition. Healthy Project Chapter! Chapter Il iterature Review. Chapter Ill Methodology, Propésito u “ 15 15 7) 7 La Antologia individual tiene como objetivo alcanzar la etapa de comunicacién critica evaluando su competencia lingiiistica desarrollando diferentes actividades y ejercicios en los que potencialice su dominio del idioma. 10. CONTENIDOS TEMATICOS. Bloque: 5 Numerodeaecincog] Unidad de ama de 25 porae Ele] Compone | Contenido | Contenidos ‘Aprendizajes: Productos ntes | central __ _especificos esperados ios. ‘CONBCIMIENTO Soeccon de fenton felgconados a rabies am Salabls. senene Ebon pesemPEno comercial © spot | DESEMPENO verbo '* Verbos segues por | !@levisivo mediante | resuitados Leer, seavidos |* Sorndoomintvo. [el wo” de| megane, la cob tana |“rundio o|* Bare wniwe | estategas reocaony haoiar’ y| Vane |gerondo ©|* cSrgaonnor consed | eomuneaivas | apleacon de una cecuchar intro | | Gocapuiana "ce |uttzance shevesta’ sobre Para un| habtos saudades | aterertes medias | nabios a“ ces sroeesar | satudables (con ‘Slevaive Fabios saudables. | o°#cas) AESULTADO Eaborecon do un fetes para ign stati Activity: Reading Stay Healthy today’s hectic world people are clways searching for more ways of keeping fit and 1. (HEALTH). Running is an excellent exercise for achieving this goal. Before you start, however, you should warm up and (MOVE) that make ail your muscles work But be carefull I you _ (INJURE). Always wear _ (TRAIN) are (PRESS) on your knees, Staying (OCCASION) OK to go to bed late, but if you cut (REGULAR) it will have @ bad effect on your overall health, It will also. __ (APPEAR). Lack of sleep can couse acne or dry skin. Stay active during the — (SLEEP) all night Standing, sitting and walking badly can make you look TI. _ (HEAVY) than you really ore. Stand in front of the mirror with your feet apart: 12_ __ (STRAIGHT) out your legs and pull in ‘your stomach. Check that your ears, shoulders, hips and knees are in line with each other. You should be feeling and _- (POLLUTE) level. tf we got concentrate on slow 2 fn your muscles ore cold, you might actualy risk an 3. 4 (COMFORT) clothing and make sure your 5. in good shape. Wear good shoes that will put less 6_ healthy also requires enough sleep. t's? clown on yoursteep 8. atfect your 8 day. you don't get enough exercise during the day, you may end up 0. stretch looking better already! Most of us live in cities with « high 13_. fresher air we would look healthier and more 14_ _ (ATTRACT). A quick walkis one of the best things you can do for your 15___ (CIRCULATE) and looks. Walking slowly is 16. _ (USE) bute quick pace gets more oxygen into your ings. So dont just go fo @ pleasant weak, ry cand find a gteen area and get I7_ (MOVE), Many young people fee 18 - (Gui) about eating too many chacolates ond sweets, and some even admit an 19 (A001CT) 10 However, there is no 20. (PROVE) to support this, But chocolote does contain a ft of ft, and addicts ‘would do bottr to oat less your Get Is balanced, you need not feel guilty: eating chocolote 2. (14008RATE) sine but dont eot instead of o proper me amins and Minerals, Activity: Read the tex and then complete the chart about ‘The two substances all human body needs are vitamins and minerals. Many people think the substances are the same, but they are itforent, though both are necessary to keep the body functioning property, strong, and healthy. Vitemins are organic substences, ‘meaning they are made by plants ond animals. Minerals ore inorganic, which come from the soll and water and are absorbed by plants fond eaten by animals. Both vitamins and minerols come from the foods, But some foods have more vitamins oF minerals then other foods. For example, a ‘mineral called coicium is needed in larger amounts than anether mineral ion, which is @ trace mineral because you only need small ‘amounts oft each day. In adation there ore some vitamins found in certain foods though not in other foods, such as Vitamin A, which comes trom eating carrots its not found! in milk, which contains Vitamin All vtorins ond minerols support and boost the body's immune system, which protects the body from foreign substances, They also support normal growth and development and help cells ond organs do their jobs. Eating the right foods is important to receive the needed vitamins and minerats forthe body. {in eidition to the proper amount of vitamins and minerals (micronuttents) the body alsa needs the right belance of carbohydrates, protein, fats, ond colories (macronutrients). Some vitamins turn the macronutrients in the body into the energy the body needs. the ‘macronutrients and the micronultionts work together to Keep the body stiong and healthy. All vitamins and minerals have specific functions ond con be found in a wide variety of fod products such as vegetables, ult, meats fish, and more, Vitamins are divided into two categories fat soluble or water soluble depending on whether they dissolve best in elther lipids (another ‘etm for fats) oF water. The fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body, but the water-soluble vitarnins need to dissolve in water before they ore absorbed by the body, and they cannot be stored, The water-soluble vitamins can pass through your system and be lost ‘when @ person pees. fresh supply of water-soluble vitamins is neaded each day. In all, there are about 13 essential vitomins needed for the human body, four are fet-soluble and nine are water-soluble. There ore ferent scientific names for vitamins, but most are referred to by using the letters of the alphabet and numbers such as Vitamin C, several ifferent Vitamin B types, and Vitarrins A, 0,£ and K There are guidelines that have been determined by special medical groups ‘that recommend specific amounts of vitamins for people based on their age ond needs. ‘The two typas of minerals can be divided inte macrominerals er microminerats (trace minerals). Minerals cannot be broken down or ‘changed by your body and can form part of the structure of bones, teeth, nails, muscles, and red blood cells. There are several minerals the body needs including calcium, potassium, salt iron zine, phosphorous, magnesium, copper, chromium, fluoride, iodine, selenium, ‘manganese, sulfur, and molybdenum. As with vitamins the amount a body needs may dependion many conditions such as age, heath, ‘andl other conditions, Read again and answer the questions |. Which vitarnins come from soil and water and are absorbed by plants and eaten by animals? 2. _Allthe following are macronutrients EXCEPT 1. Corbohydrates Protein Fats 3. How many vitarnins re needed by the body? 4. Allthe folowing are types of vitamins ExCEPr: Vitamin Vitamin k © Vitamin A vitamin B 5. What the cliference between macronutrients and micronutrients in vitorning? 6. What are the two types of vitamins? 7. Whats trace mineral? 8. What are the functions of these nutrients? 8. Con minerols be destructibies? our wnipos winissejod wos winyie9, syes0uW y | 7 oy I sqyoueg Apog oy ul suonoung seaunos poo; 3s0g, uaa, swioyduuAs Aouatoyoq uw Gerund or infinitive Uses Gerunds are used: * As anoun: Swimming is a fun activity. After certain verbs: admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, continue, deny, go (for activities), imagine, mind, miss, quit, save, suggest, practice, prevent. Have you consider moving to a bigger house? After the verbs: fove, like, prefer, dislike, hate, to express, general preference. She prefers walking to work But for a specific preference (would like, would prefer, would love) we use to-infinitive, She would prefer to go to work by bus today. Alter expressions such as: be busy, it’s not use, it's no good, it's not worth, what's the use of, can't help, have difficulty in, have trouble. It’s net worth arguing with him After: spend, waste, or lose (time, money) He spends two hours exercising every day. After the preposition to with verbs and expressions such as: look forward to, be used to, in addition to, abject to, prefer (doing something to something else), He is looking forward to starting his new job. Aiter prepositions. He was nervous about meeting his new boss. Infinitives are used: To express purpose, He's joined the gym to get into shape. After certain verbs that refer to the future: agree, appear, decide, expect, hope, plan, promise, refuse. ‘She agreed to help them. After would like, would love, would prefer to express a specific preference. We would like to visit the most, After adjectives that describe feelings or emotions (happy, glad, sad, etc.) express willingness, unwillingness (eager, reluctant, willing, otc.) or refer to @ person's character (clever, kind, ete.) and the adjectives lucky and fortunate. It was kind of you to lend me the money Ineeded. Alter too/enough. Are you old enough to vote? In the expressions: to tell you the truth, fo be honest, to sump up, to begin with, etc. To be honest, | didn’t do my homework. * Use Bare Infinitives After “Let, Make, watch, see, heat, notice and feel" and Other Modal Verbs. Sometimes, we use infinitives without the word to. They ae called bare infinitives, and you'll find them after modal verbs like can, may, could, must, will, and more. For example! a. I might see you tomorrow. b. We should attend the event this Saturday. ¢. Elizabeth Bennett must visit Mr, Darcy after the dance. * help can be followed by either the to ~ infinitive or the bare infinitive = she helped him (to) learn English Activity 1. Complete with infinitive or gerund. Le is not allowed here. (fish oe ae (explode) zB _ very nervous. (be) z you - it was an accident. (tell) 2.1 heard the TV set _ 3. She appeared _ 4.1 keep _. 5. Jack is good at _ ceilings. (paint) 6. She wondered who _. = (ask) 7. tis difficult _. _ him. (understand) 8. She did not know what ___ from them. (expect) ‘9, My wife warned us _. _ the table. (not touch) 10. He refused _. me what all the fuss was about. (tell) 11. There's no sense in _ him. He's not at home. (visit) 12. Elephants are known _ a fantastic memory. (have) 13. Het her on with her work. (get) 14. Colin had no idea of how _. _ into the house. (get) rather _. in bed than go to work. (be) 16. | crossed the road without ~ - (look) 17, We advised her _ _ a year abroad. (net spend) Task 2. Complete the chart with Ver followed by GERUND Verb Definition Example Sentence abhor to hate ‘acknowledge | fo recognize what someone has done admit to say that you have done advise to give advice allow to permit anticipate | to expect appreciate | to be grateful for _avoid to try not to do = beworth | to be a good idea to spend the time on can‘thelp | to be able to not do celebrate | to party about confess | to. admit that you did consider | to think about defend to give reasons why ou did delay to postpone, put off detest tohate, despise discontinue | to stop doing, | providing discuss to talk about dislike tonnot like — dispute to say you didnt do dread to fear doing or | experiencing fends 10 go through enjoy to have a good time __| doing escape to got away from evade to avoid : explain to give details about faney tolike very much fear tobe afraid of “feign to pretend to do 7 finish to stop doing forgive tonot be angry at someone anymore keep to continue doing mention __| fo say in passing — to object to to want something, you don't have necessitate | to require doing omit to leave out, delete |_permit toallow picture toimagine [postpone _| to put off, delay | practice to do over and over again | [recall to remember | recollect to remember recommend | to tell someone they should do something report to tell about resent to not fke that something that someone does re to try to avoid doing resume to start doing again tisk to take @ chance on shirk to not do something you should do ee shun to avoid contact with suggest to say someone should do something support to help someone with words, thoughts, or money understand | to comprehend urge to suggest strongly ‘warrant to provide the reasons for doing “Verbs followed by Infinitive” Verb Definition __| Example Sentence | agree to say you will do appear —_| to seem to be = arrange | to put in some order 10 To inquire I to try to urgently ask for to permit to allow time for to have feelings for chance | to try [eheose | to make a choice claim to say is true ‘come to omrive at consent | to agree to dare to risk doing decide to make a decision | demand | to insist deserve | to merit determine | to come to the conclusion 7 elect to choose Z endeavor | to uy ‘expect to feel something should happen to not succeed toreceive to say will happen to not be sure about hope to want to happen _ hurry to-go to quickly incline | to tend towards learn to study and memorize manage __| to do with difficuty mean to intend = need to have to have/do — neglect | to not do something you should do offer to say you will do, give. provide pay to spend money on plan to think about the future _ ‘prepare | to got ready for pretend | to act as if a a to believe - to say you will do to say you will nat do | ~ to stay | — to ask for | to deciaie to do to tell someone to look for to appear shudder | to physically react to something, you do not like - strive to try hard to do — struggle _| to work hard to do swear to promise to do tend to usually do threaten | to say you will do a bad thing to someone _— volunteer _| to say you wil help wait to let time pass want Rovere eee |e wish to want to do wouldlike | to want = yearn to desire very strongly Verbs followed by a gerund or infinitive with NO change in meaning: Begin Like Gantt bear love [Cant stand Prefer Continue Propose Hate start a Verbs followed by a gerund or infinitive with a change in meaning: Forget ‘forgot to mest him (1 didiit mest him because forgot t dot) [forgot meeting him, (Idon't have the memory of meeting him before) Goon He went on to learn English and French. (He ended one period of time before this) He went on learning English and French. (He continued learning the languages.) | quit Sho quit to work here. (She quit another job in order to work here) = She quit working here. (She quit herjob here. She doesn't wark here anymore) Regret [regret promising to help you. (Im sorry that | made the promise) regret to tell you that we can't hire you. (im telling you now, andiim sorry) 2 profess —_| to believe promise | to say you will do refuse to say you will not do remain | to stay [request | to ask for resolve _| to decide to do say to tell someone seek 0 look for seem to appear : shudder | to physicaily react to something, you do not like strive to try hard to do struggle _| to work hard to do _ swear to promise to do tend to usually do threaten | to say you will do a bad thing to someone wolunteor [10 say you wilhelp a wait to let time pass want [10 desire t wish to want to do would like | to want yeam | 0 desire vey stronaly Verbs followed by a gerund or infinitive with NO change in meaning: Verbs followed by a gerund or infi Begin Like Cant bear Love Cant stand Prefer Continue Propose z [Hote start itive with a change in meanin, Forget [forgot to meet him. (Idicin't meet him because | forgot to do it) forgot meeting him. (i don’t have the memory of meeting him before) Goon He went on to learn English ond French. (He ended one period of time before this) He went on learning English and French, (He continued learning the languages.) quit ‘She quit to work here. (She quit another job in order to work here.) ‘She quit working here. (he quit her job here. She doesn't work here anymore) Regret {regret promising to help you. (Im sorry that made the promise) regret to tell you that we con* hire you. (Fm teling you naw, andtm sory) 2 [Remember | she remembered to visit her grandmother, (She didn’t forget to visit) | | Stop ly ‘She remembered visiting her grandmother. (She had memories ofthis time.) [istopped to call you. (interrupted anether action in order to call you) {stopped calling you, (stopped this activity, Maybe we had a fight) Ltried to open the window. (| attempted this action but dicint succeed) : [Teried opening the window. (This was one option | sampled. Maybe the room was hot) Gerunds after prepositions 1. Gerund after prepositions that stand alone After _. Before By in spite of on without 2. Gerund after Adjective + Preposition afraid of : angry about/at bad at/good at crazy about disappointed about/at excited about famous for fed up with fond of glad about happy about/at Interested in keenon proud of sick of sorry about/for as 3. Gerund after Noun + Preposi tired of used to worried about advantage of __. chance of choice between danger of difficulty in doubt about __. hope of _ idea of _ interest in _. method of opportunity of _ possibility of _. problem of __. reason for risk of __. trouble for __. way of _. 4. Gerund after Verb + Preposition accuse of ___ agree with __. apologize for __. believe in _. blame for __. complain about concentrate on _. congratulate sb. cope with de leagainst __. dependon __. dream about/of __. feel like _. get used to _ insiston__. look forward to prevent sb. from sth. rely on sth. succeedin specialize in __. stop sb. From talk about/of __. k about/of __ warn sb. Against _ worry about Healthy Project Chapter | 1.1 Title _ 12 Problem statement 15 1.3 Objectives 131. General 1.3.2 Specific a), Chapter II Methodology Introdu 3.2 Participants 3.3 Media description 3.4 Link 3.5 Questionary (questions) 18

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