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Motivation Letter for Esmod University

Monica Theresia Br. Nadeak
Tj.Morawa,Jln.Bt.Kuis,Pasar 5,Gg.Perdana,No.8
Date : 20-07-2022

Esmod University
Jl. Asem Dua No. 3-5, Cipete Selatan, Jakarta, Kota Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Dear Esmod University,
Hello my name is Monica Theresia Br, Nadeak.I graduated from SMAS St,Thomas 1 Medan in
2021. At the university's admissions application, I chose a fashion design major. I've been
interested in the fashion world since I was 15. I also enjoyed drawing and looking designs on
media social. Based on the aptitude interest test, I was also advised to develop my talent in
fashion design.
I chose esmod because esmod is one of the most famous fashion campuses in Indonesia. I
believe that esmod was a private university with a qualified lecturer. Esmod is also in the nation's
capital, where its environment has good taste in fashion. I became interested in competing in my
studies later on.
It is my hope that I continue my education here, that I can develop my interests and talents and
get to know more about fashion. I wish I could be a professional designer in the future.I knew
esmod from my senior in highschool who was a graduate of esmod too. I think Esmod’s facilities
are very supportive in my program. I am convinced that I am a hard worker and with my
potential in fashion I can take college lessons and become an overachieving student. That’s all
my motivation letter. I wish I could be accepted to continue my studies at Esmod Univerity.
Yours Faithfully,

Monica Theresia Br. Nadeak

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