Youth 8 Unit 8-Plan

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Level B1 Global Descriptor:

To understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in
work, school, leisure, etc. They can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area
where the language is spoken. They can produce simple connected text on topics where they are
familiar with or of personal interest. They can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and
ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Listening/Speaking: To express opinions on abstract/cultural matters in a limited way or offer advice
within a known area, and understand instructions or public announcements.
Reading: To understand routine information and articles, and the general meaning of non-routine
information within a familiar area.
Writing: To write letters or make notes on familiar or predictable matters.
Teacher’s name: Kleber Cueva
Program Level: B1+ Youth 8 Unit: 8 “Sports and health”
Term: First Weeks: 4-6 From : September 29th To: October 20th
Can-Do Statements: Listening: Students can listen and identify key information in a post about
outdoor activities. Students can listen and understand how pedometers help people to keep in shape
today. Speaking: Students can talk about sports around the world. Students can talk sport apps and their
influence in our daily life. Students can discuss different ways to keep active and healthy. Reading:
Students can read articles about new and strange sports, and more. Students can read an article about
apps that help us today. Writing: Students can write a sports report.
 To talk about sports.
 To talk about ways to get in shape.
 To talk about their favorite apps to get in shape.
 To describe some sports and how they are played.
 To give advice and talk about responsibilities.
 To use tag questions to check information.
 To understand readings about sport reports.
 To watch a video about what we do to get in shape.
 Tag questions.
GRAMMAR (Present, past, future, modals, perfects, continuous, etc.)
 Modals of obligation and advice.
(should/shouldn´t – can´t – have to/don´t have to)
 Sports.
VOCABULARY  Places and equipment for different sports.
 Obligations.
 Health and fitness verb phrases.

 Page 66: Guessing the Sport:

ONLINE Students read some clues on a PowerPoint presentation and try to guess the
LEARNING sport using this new vocabulary.

 Page 67: Speaking about sports:

The class watch different photos of sports and also watch a video about
fitness and then, they are divided into groups using breakout rooms.
Students have conversations about possible sports and fitness.

 Page 73: Writing sports report:

Students log in to their Edmodo account, brainstorm about popular sports in
Ecuador, choose some of them and write their own sports report.

 PRESENTATION: The students will talk about a sport in the world, they
are going to make a PowerPoint presentation including facts that they will
present to the class using the option share screen in the zoom platform.

 Student’s book
 Practice book
 Digital book
 Student interactive CD-ROM
 Audio Cds
 Internet (web pages)
 Notebook
 Zoom Video Conference Platform
RESOURCES  Electronic devices
 myOn reading platform
 Edmodo platform
 Santillana digital
 Kahoot
 Quizizz
 Islcollective
 Youtube
 Eslgamesworld

Diagnostic: Students are going to develop a speaking diagnostic test about sports
and fitness that they already know.
Formative: Class participation (describing pictures, role-plays, and discussions).
Online activities. Projects. Homework
Summative: Students are going to develop a Quiz in which the parameters are the
following: Quiz: oral section (CEFR rubrics; To express opinions on sports,
exercise and fitness) – written section.

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