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The pink dolphin is one of the emblematic species of the Amazon. It is

also called Boto or Bufeo and is the largest freshwater dolphin. It is
known for being friendly and noble, in Amazonian tribes it is common to
hear stories that these animals have saved people from drowning, taking
them to shore. The pink dolphin is a cetacean that is nothing like the
common sea dolphin, on the contrary, it has special characteristics to
survive in its habitat.

Although it is called the pink dolphin, its color varies over time, at birth it
has a gray color that with its longevity lightens and changes until it turns
pink. Male dolphins are slightly pinker than females.

They inhabit the main tributaries of the Amazon River, the Orinoco and
the Madeira. The Amazon pink river dolphin can be found in almost all
major rivers, canals, and rapid-flowing waterfalls. The drastic changes in
the mouth of the rivers during the various rainy and dry seasons can
serve to perfectly determine all the areas that they can occupy and the
availability of food that they can have.

1. What kind of animal is it?

The pink dolphin is a cetacean

2. How does it look like?

The pink dolphin is nothing like the common sea dolphin, on the contrary,
it has special characteristics to survive in its habitat.

3. Where does it live?

The pink dolphin lives in the basins of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers, the
only places where it lives in Colombia.

4. Why is it in danger of extinction?

The pink dolphin is a threatened species in danger of extinction due to
factors such as conflicts with fishermen and illegal mining in Amazonian
5. How can people preserve its life?
People must be responsible. Wild animals belong to nature. we must
protect the environment on which they depend to survive and always
observe them in their natural habitat.

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