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Name : Athiyyah Zhafirah

NIM : S. 1610.2075
Course : Sharia Accounting
Title : Implementation of Acumatica Cloud ERP (Back End) and It’s
Integration with Moka POS (Front End) Case Study at PT. XXX.
This thesis discusses how Acumatica Cloud ERP (Back End) implementation and how it
is integrated with Moka POS (Front End) case study at PT. XXX.
This Study uses a qualitative approach using Application Implementation Methodology
(AIM) by PT. Vim Emineo Indonesia. Data from the research was obtained from
interviews with related sections, direct observation to the company as well as from
related documents.
Implementation Acumatica Cloud ERP at PT. XXX uses the System Development Life
Cycle (SDLC) method mapped with Acumatica AIM that consists of 6 stages. Started
from Preparation, where the Project Manager determines the scope, priority scale,
budget, team members, and makes a project schedule. It will introduce at the Kick-Off.
The second stage, Operation Analysis, where the Consultant documenting how PT. XXX
ran their business processes both before and after Acumatica implementation. The third
stage, Solution Design, where the Consultant configures and convert data according to
the relevant documents and then testing it in front of the Users. The fourth stage,
Integrate, where the Consultant designs the data integration flow between Moka POS
and Acumatica uses flowcharts and tables. Until 31 September 2020, Integrate has not
been completed. The fifth stage, Transition, where the Users perform an independent
test which refers to the practice questions made by the Consultant. The sixth stage,
Production, where Acumatica can be used to record transactions with the supervision
and assistance of consultants. The Consultant will conduct additional training if
Keywords: information system, cloud computing, erp implementation, general ledger,
cash management, receivables, integration, front end, back end.


Nama : Athiyyah Zhafirah

NIM : S. 1610.2075
Program Studi : Akuntansi Syariah
Judul : Skripsi ini membahas Implementasi Acumatica Cloud ERP
(Back End) dan Integrasi dengan Moka POS (Front End) Studi
Kasus PT. XXX.
Skripsi ini membahas bagaimana implementasi Acumatica Cloud ERP (Back End) dan
bagaimana integrasinya dengan Moka POS (Front End) studi kasus di PT. XXX.
Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan Application
Implementation Methodology (AIM) oleh PT. Vim Emineo Indonesia. Data dari
penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dengan bagian terkait, observasi langsung
ke perusahaan serta dokumen-dokumen yang terkait.
Penerapan sistem informasi berupa Acumatica Cloud ERP pada PT. XXX
menggunakan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) yang dipetakan dengan
Acumatica AIM yang terdiri dari 6 tahapan. Dimulai dari Preparation dimana Project
Manager menentukan ruang lingkup, skala prioritas, anggaran, anggota tim, dan
membuat jadwal proyek kemudian diresmikan saat Kick-Off. Tahap kedua, Operation
Analysis dimana Konsultan mendokumentasikan bagaimana PT. XXX menjalankan
proses bisnis mereka baik sebelum maupun setelah implementasi Acumatica. Tahap
ketiga, Solution Design dimana Konsultan melakukan konfigurasi dan konversi data
sesuai dengan dokumen-dokumen terkait kemudian diujikan di hadapan User. Tahap
keempat, Integrate dimana Konsultan mendesain alur integrasi data antara Moka POS
dan Acumatica dalam bentuk flowchart dan tabel. Hingga tanggal 31 September 2020
Integrate belum selesai. Tahap kelima, Transition dimana User melakukan pengujian
mandiri yang mengacu pada soal latihan soal yang dibuat oleh Konsultan. Tahap
keenam, Production dimana Acumatica sudah digunakan untuk mencatat transaksi
dengan pantauan dan dampingan Konsultan. Konsultan akan melakukan training
tambahan jika dibutuhkan.
Kata Kunci :
Sistem Informasi, Implementasi ERP, Integrasi, Front End, Back End, cloud computing,
general ledger, cash management, receivables.


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