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Teacher Leadership Experience

● No Leadership Experience

Future Goals
#1 I will develop my leadership in student assessment.

GOAL: Use a variety of assessments to enhance student learning and achievement.

Also want to create common assessments for the seventh grade math department.

Short Term Objective: Attend one professional development session on formative

assessments and incorporate one new formative assessment next year.

Long Term Objective: Collaborate with colleagues to create a common formative

assessment and to regularly share data on student learning and achievement.

Rationale: Feedback is important for both teachers and students. Information from
assessments can be used to inform instructional decisions and strategies.

NBTPS: Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student

TLMD: Domain 5. Promoting the Use of Assessments and Data for School and District

Teacher Inquiry: I will develop my skills in developing and using assessment data
through teacher inquiry.

#2 I will develop my leadership in Curriculum for Math.

Goal: I want to ensure the selection of curriculum/textbook that is appropriate for our

Short-Term Objective: Serve on the school textbook selection committee for math next

Long-Term Objective: See the effectiveness of the new curriculum and compare it to
our current curriculum (GO MATH)
Rationale: Choosing an appropriate textbook is important because it has to align with
state standards, be rigorous, and still be coherent with the elementary school and high

NBPTS: Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those
subjects to students.

TLMD: Domain 4. Facilitating Improvements in Instruction and Student Learning.

#3 I will develop my leadership in Professional Development.

Goal: I want to grow in my leadership in professional development by contributing to

my colleagues during PLC/staff meetings and provide support for new teachers by
mentoring them.

Short-term Objective: Give a short professional development presentation to my

colleagues in the math department during PLC time

Long-term Objective: Become a master/mentor teacher for students that are in a

teaching program to become math teachers.

Rationale: Mentoring can be a great way to support new teachers, but also a great way
for me to continue learning and stay current with new research.

NBPTS: Proportion 5: Teachers are members of learning communities.

TLMD: Domain 3: Promoting Professional Learning for Continuous Improvement.

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