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Student Observation 1

Student Observation

Angelina R. Muro

Spring 2023

Chico State University

Student Observation 2

This paper is a reflection of an observation of a student in the Atlas Case #888. The

classroom as a whole was doing an activity where the students were split into two groups which

were the inner and outer groups. The desks created one big circle which was the outer and one

small circle for the inner. The inner group were collaborating outloud and sharing their ideas on a

policy area and article that they were given. The outer groups were given the same pieces, but

their job was to listen to the inner group and comment on what they did good or bad while

sharing. For example, they could say that group one did well at referencing the article when

making their argument.

During this time, the student I was observing was sitting in the outer circle. Although

they weren’t instructed to do much, I found her fidgeting a lot in her seat and showing

disinterest. As the inner circle was collaborating this student was adjusting her hair, re-tying her

sweat pants, and chewing on her nails. She did seem like she was listening, but there were

moments where you can see her eyes drift across the room or her head fall into her palm when

she was tired. Towards the end of the inner circle's conversation, this student had her legs curled

into her chest comfortably. At this point the teacher asks for the outer group's comments on how

the inner group did. The student I observed raised her hand confidently and continued to

participate when it was her turn in the communication inner circle.

Though she does continue fidgeting and rocking back and forth in her chair, she didn’t

seem to be a disruption at all. This really put into perspective that students don’t necessarily need

to be completely still and we, as educators, shouldn't expect that. This student was an active

member in conversation and was participating when necessary although she wasn’t fully engaged
Student Observation 3

100% of the time. This is really telling when it comes to how long an individual can focus and

what’s most important in the scenario.

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