Military Leadership

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Military Leadership


Obiectives .,,ji

. ldentify the meaning of leadership




Relate how good leaders contributes to the progress , lii



. ;:i:::H desirabte attitudes and characte,iuucs or

a good leader

Basic Elements of Leadership

Leadership is the art of inducing others to cooperate toward achieving a common
goal. lt is exercised over the subordinates in such a way as to obtain their obedience,
confidence, respect, and loyalty at all times. While military life offers the young soldier
every opportunity for training and development as a leader, he must, at the start of his
service, possess the following basic prerequisites:

a. -
Character To be a leader, a person must be of good moral character. Some
indications of good moral character are honesty, good manners, industry, self-contrai.
and bravery.

b. tnteltigence- lntelligence is the abilityto grasp knowledge easily. lt !fir,,,;."j+s i:.r, ,

abiltiy and good common sense and judgment. An intelligent person is*,,.,,
in theArmed Forces because there are many new things which a soldie,i- l;6;;11 '
a leader, the soldier must continuously learn and be able to teach or impari fii-ri',!,i'i , .

to others.

C. Alertness -An individualwho does not look and observe around hii-:i.,,f liliiri.
plan for his future activities will surely find himself in difficulties. Alerli,*,a.i:r fi,1i.,..:
mental and physical. [Mental alertness means watchfulness, vigiia,icB. ;t,-rd
observance. Physical alertness refers to bodily movements whiclr slrcrt;1,; c,.: r',:nt
nimble and agile with stealth.

Qualities of a Leader
a. General - Ivlany individuals have risen as leaders of their fellowmen on acccl;i !i ,,
their inborn characteristics which they had at the start of their career encl 1r,r.r,,..
which they develop as they grow older. Some of their traits have been rr;quiret; Lr1,

l ---"-".

them in the service. These traits make leaders win the confidence, respect, and d Keep your me
cooperation of others; they are destined to lead others. his service or
cornmander s:
ItIilitary leadership can be learned and developed if the soldier, with reasonable
them in their jc
amount of basic qualities, is properly trained. Besides training, one should be
observant and study traits which are important to a leader. This means continuous
:e Sef an examq,
study, application of the traits of a leader, and hard work on the part of the individual. it in dress, ac
leader shou li
b Experience - With sufficient training, a young officer or an enlisted man during his
standard so ar
military service will gain experience that will be valuabe in his career. Participation
in combat and in other phases of military duties will develop his spirit of confidence f Be sure that
in being able to lead soldiers. leader shou lC
his men in 3c,.
C Relationship between superior and subordinafes A person who enters the
service of the AFP makes a solemn promise to owe faithful allegiance to the state g Train your mt
and to defend it against all its enemies and to obey all lawful orders of his superiors. within and arr
He is expected to be obedient, loyal, truthful, and courteous to his superiors' size. Individui
urnit. Hence e
On the other hand, officers treat their men just as a father treats his sons. The
cooperate wit
officers treat his men justly and fairly, exercise no favoritism, teach them and look
after their welfare, and recognize the important part that they play as members of h. Nlakes so un(
the organization. situation, a rri',
of order at the
Principles of LeadershiP the leader shr

The leader who is equipped with the necessary basic and acquired qualities and Develop res
characteristics of a good leader has to apply some principles or rules and techniques of su bord in ate s
leading men in order to control and guide the actions of his followers. Authority or command develops res[
over subordinates is not exercised by an individualjust to satisfy his whims. He should and hclding t
follow a certain method or system of application of his authority so as to attain all I
Employ you,
requirements expected from a leader. have a thorot
The following are leadership principles and techniques, which a leader applies, in must assign
his daily dealings with his subordinates: demands it, tl
avoid a hardr
a. Know your job - Aleader should be professionally and eulturally prepared to handle
his duties and responsibilties and the problems of his subordinates. k Assume res
that his unit
b. Know yourself and seek setf-improvement-An individual should analyze himself
disrespect fo
to determine his good qualities and recognize his weaknesses. He must strive to
learn and correct his deficiencies.
Ohjectives of a L
c. Know your men and look after their welfare - A leader should know very well
To have an c
each of his men and should positively act on their problems. lf he neglects their
task and will act in
welfare their loyalty and interests will decline.
the leader sees to


Keep your men informed -A soldier who is well informed on matters pertaining to
his service or mission is more effective in his job than one who is uninformed. A
commander should give his subordinates every information necessary to guide
them in their job or mission, short or sacrificing the requirements of-security.
l' :"e Sef an example - N/en instinctively look up to their leader as a model to follow. Be
it in dress, action, or speech, the men foilow the example he shows them. The
leader should, therefore, strive to improve and maintain his personal and official
so as to set an example worthy to be emulated by his men.
f Be sure that orders are understood, supervised, and accomptished - The
leader should give clear and concise orders that can be understood. He supervises
his men in accomplishing the missions assigned to them.

Train your men to work as a teamT [\4odern combat invariably requires teamwork
within and among the combat and service untis, from the smallest to the largest
size. lndividual knowledge and action must be employed for the success of the
unit. Hence each man should understand that he has a job to perform and must
cooperate with the others in achieving the common objective.

h Makes sound and timely decrsions - The ability to make a rapid estimate of the
situation, arrive at a sound decision, and announce his decision in the correct form
of order at the pro.per time is essential to a leader. For any situation that may arise,
the leader should be able to act logically.
Develop responsibitity among subordinates - The leader should train his
subordinates to act in the absence of orders when the situation so demands. He
develops responsibility among his subordinates by proper delegation of his authority
and holding them responsible for the accomplishment of their missions.

Lj Employ your command in accordance with its capabilifies. - The leader must
have a thorough knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of his command. He
must assign objectives that are possible to attain. However, when the situation
demands it, the men must be forced to act beyond their normalendurance, so as to
avoid a harder or more costly consequence on their part.

k. Assume responsibility for your actions. - The commander is responsible for all
that his unit does or fails to do. Avoiding responsibility causes disloyalty to and
disr6spect for leaders.

Objectives of a Leader
To have an organization which will loyally and willingly accomplish any reasonable
task and will act in the absence of orders is the object of every leader. To attain this aim,
the leader sees to it that the following factors prevail in his unit.

a. Discipline- Military discipline is a state of order and peace existing in a command.

It involves a ready subordination of one's will and action for the good of the group.
Discipline is very important at all times because it is the foundation of the military
service. Without it, any organization will disintegrate. ob
b Morale- lt4orale is the mental and emotional state of an individual. When a soldier .E
has a serious problem or is stricken with fear, he cannot perform his job efficiently .l
because his morale is low. A high morale gives the soldier plenty of self-confidence,
willingness and determination to succeed. The leader, therefore, must guard his
unit against factors causing low morale, like hunger, injustice, fear or insecurity, A map is a ge(
and take steps to enhance the individual morale of his men. seen from above. lt
features on the grot
c. Esprit de corps - Esprit de corps is the mental and emotional state of a unit. lt is
the spirit that fires an organization to victory. Esprit de corps is indicated by the
men's high regard to their commander, great love for and pride in their unit, and
Conventiohsl I

determination to achieve success in their missions inspite of seemingly teri"ain features or v

insurmountable odds.

d Efficiency- Efficiency is the ability to accomplish successfully an assigned task in

the shortest possible time, with the minimum expenditure of effort and means. lt is
characterized by rapid action with coolness and confusion, accuracy , effectiveness,
plenty of good results, and with the least cost of materials and other means.

Open Pit Mine


1. What is leadership?
2. ldentify and explain the basic elements of leadership.
Horizontal Control I

3. List down the qualities of a good leader.


$ Tunnel Raiir



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