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New Measures to Tackle Climate Change Announced by Government

The government has just announced a new set of measures aimed at tackling climate
change. Firstly, the use of fossil fuels will be reduced, and the country will shift
towards renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. This will be
achieved through the implementation of new regulations and incentives for
businesses to adopt greener practices.

Furthermore, there will be an increased focus on sustainable transportation. This

includes the expansion of public transportation networks, the promotion of electric
vehicles, and the creation of bike lanes in cities.

In addition, the government will invest in reforestation and conservation efforts to

combat deforestation and protect wildlife habitats. This will not only help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions but also preserve biodiversity for future generations.

Finally, the government will launch an educational campaign to raise public

awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. This will be done through
various media channels and partnerships with environmental organizations.

These measures, while ambitious, demonstrate the government's commitment to

addressing the urgent issue of climate change. By working together, it is hoped that
the country will be able to make a significant impact on reducing its carbon footprint
and preserving the planet for future generations.

In this article, transitional devices such as "Firstly," "Furthermore," "In addition," and "Finally" are used to
connect and organize the different measures that the government is announcing to tackle climate change. These
devices help to show the relationship between the measures and create a cohesive and coherent discourse for the

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

The Importance of Gun Control in America

The issue of gun control in America has once again come to the forefront after the
recent mass shootings in the country. While the right to bear arms is protected under
the Second Amendment, it is clear that something must be done to prevent these
tragedies from happening.

Firstly, it is important to note that the availability of guns in America is a major

contributor to the high rate of gun violence. In fact, the country has one of the highest
rates of gun ownership in the world, and this has led to a disproportionate number of
gun deaths compared to other developed nations.

Moreover, the current background check system is inadequate and allows for
individuals with a history of mental illness or criminal behavior to purchase firearms.
This puts not only the individual, but also the wider community, at risk.

Additionally, the lack of regulation on the sale of firearms, particularly those that are
classified as assault weapons, has allowed for these weapons to fall into the hands of
those who intend to use them for harm.

In light of these facts, it is imperative that the government takes steps to regulate the
sale and possession of firearms in the country. This can be done through stricter
background checks, the implementation of a waiting period for firearm purchases,
and the regulation of assault weapons.

Finally, it is also crucial that the country address the root causes of gun violence, such
as poverty, mental illness, and a lack of access to education and resources. By
addressing these underlying issues, the country can work towards a future where gun
violence is a thing of the past.

In this editorial, discourse markers such as "Firstly," "Moreover," "Additionally," and "Finally" are used to
connect and organize the different points being made about the importance of gun control in America. These
markers help to show the relationship between the points and create a cohesive and coherent discourse for the

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

The Great Gatsby: A Study of the American Dream

The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a novel that explores the decline of
the American Dream in the 1920s. The story is set against the backdrop of the Jazz
Age, a time of great social and cultural change in America. The central character, Jay
Gatsby, embodies the ideals of the American Dream, and the novel traces his rise and
fall as he tries to attain his heart's desire.

The American Dream

The American Dream is the idea that anyone, regardless of their background or
circumstances, can achieve success and prosperity through hard work and
determination. This concept was particularly prevalent in the early 20th century, and
was seen as the driving force behind American society. In The Great Gatsby, however,
the American Dream is portrayed as a illusion that is ultimately unattainable.

Jay Gatsby's Pursuit of the American Dream

Gatsby, born James Gatz, comes from a humble background and rises to wealth and
prominence through illegal means. He reinvents himself as Jay Gatsby and throws
extravagant parties in the hopes of winning back his lost love, Daisy Buchanan.
However, despite his wealth and success, Gatsby is unable to attain the happiness and
fulfillment he desires. This is because the American Dream, as represented by Gatsby's
pursuit of Daisy, is based on false ideals and is therefore unattainable.

The Decline of the American Dream

The novel shows the decline of the American Dream through the characters of Gatsby
and Daisy. Gatsby's rise to wealth is based on illegal and immoral actions, and his
ultimate downfall is a result of these actions. Daisy, on the other hand, represents the
moral decay of the American Dream, as she is unable to fulfill the promise of love and
happiness that it represents.

The Great Gatsby is a powerful critique of the American Dream and its decline in the
1920s. Through the character of Jay Gatsby, the novel shows that the pursuit of wealth
and success does not necessarily lead to happiness and fulfillment. The decline of the
American Dream is depicted as a result of the moral decay of American society, and
the novel serves as a warning about the dangers of chasing illusions.

In this passage, the text is organized into sections with headings such as "Introduction," "The American Dream,"
"Jay Gatsby's Pursuit of the American Dream," "The Decline of the American Dream," and "Conclusion." These
headings provide a clear structure for the reader and make the information easier to understand and follow. The
use of section headings also allows the writer to present the information in a clear and organized manner, making
it easier for the reader to grasp the key ideas and themes of the novel.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

The Future of Work: How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Labor Market

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) is having a profound impact on the labor market. From
automating repetitive tasks to improving decision-making processes, AI is transforming the
way we work.

I. Automation of Repetitive Tasks

One of the biggest changes brought about by AI is the automation of repetitive tasks. This has
led to increased efficiency and productivity in a number of industries, including
manufacturing, finance, and customer service.

A. Manufacturing
In the manufacturing sector, AI is being used to automate tasks such as assembly line work
and quality control. This has led to increased production speed and improved product quality.

B. Finance
In finance, AI is being used to automate tasks such as data entry and analysis. This has made
financial processes more efficient and accurate, reducing the risk of human error.

C. Customer Service
In customer service, AI is being used to automate tasks such as answering frequently asked
questions. This has improved the speed and quality of customer service, allowing companies
to better serve their customers.

II. Improved Decision-Making Processes

Another way that AI is transforming the labor market is by improving decision-making
processes. This is being achieved through the use of machine learning algorithms that can
analyze vast amounts of data to identify patterns and make predictions.

A. Healthcare
In healthcare, AI is being used to improve diagnosis and treatment decisions. By analyzing
large amounts of patient data, AI algorithms can identify patterns and make more accurate
predictions about patient outcomes.

B. Marketing
In marketing, AI is being used to improve target audience analysis and personalized
marketing campaigns. By analyzing consumer data, AI algorithms can identify target
audience preferences and make more effective marketing decisions.

III. The Future of Work

While the rise of AI is having a major impact on the labor market, it is also creating new job
opportunities in areas such as AI development and maintenance. As AI becomes more
integrated into the workplace, it is likely that the labor market will continue to evolve in new
and exciting ways.

The rise of artificial intelligence is transforming the labor market in a number of ways, from
automating repetitive tasks to improving decision-making processes. While there are some
concerns about the potential displacement of jobs, the rise of AI is also creating new job
opportunities. The future of work is likely to be shaped by the continued integration of AI
into the workplace.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

In this passage, the text is organized into sections with headings such as "Introduction," "Automation of
Repetitive Tasks," "Improved Decision-Making Processes," "The Future of Work," and "Conclusion." The use
of subheadings such as "Manufacturing," "Finance," and "Customer Service" under the heading "Automation
of Repetitive Tasks" further breaks down the information and makes it easier for the reader to understand and
follow. This helps the reader to focus on specific aspects of the topic, making it easier to grasp the key ideas and

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

The Importance of Mental Health in the Workplace

In today's fast-paced society, mental health is becoming an increasingly important

issue. With the rise of stress and burnout in the workplace, it's crucial that employers
take mental health seriously and provide support for their employees.

The Negative Impact of Poor Mental Health in the Workplace

Poor mental health can have a profound impact on an individual's work performance
and overall well-being.

Decreased Productivity
Employees who are struggling with their mental health are often less productive and
less motivated in the workplace. This can lead to decreased performance and reduced
job satisfaction.

Increased Sick Leave

Employees with poor mental health are also more likely to take sick leave, which can
result in decreased productivity and increased costs for the employer.

The Importance of Employer Support

It's crucial that employers take an active role in supporting their employees' mental

Providing a Supportive Work Environment

Employers can create a supportive work environment by promoting a healthy work-
life balance, offering flexible working hours, and providing opportunities for
professional development.

Providing Mental Health Resources

Employers can also provide access to mental health resources, such as counseling
services and employee assistance programs. This can help employees to access the
support they need when they need it.

Mental health is an important issue that should not be ignored in the workplace. By
providing support and resources for their employees, employers can help to create a
healthier and more productive workplace.

In this editorial, the author uses a serious and concerned tone to address the issue of mental health in the
workplace. The use of formal language and the focus on the negative impacts of poor mental health help to convey
the gravity of the issue and the importance of employer support. The author also provides practical suggestions
for employers, demonstrating a solution-focused approach that provides the reader with a sense of hope and
positivity. The use of headings and subheadings helps to break down the information and make it easier for the
reader to understand and follow the key ideas and arguments presented in the editorial.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost

I. Introduction
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could

II. The First Road

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

III. The Second Road

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;

IV. The Decision

Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.

V. The Reflection
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

VI. Conclusion
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

In this poem, the use of sections helps to divide the poem into distinct parts and makes it easier for advanced
learners to understand the speaker's journey and decision-making process. The sections also provide a clear
structure that allows advanced learners to follow the progression of events and appreciate the speaker's reflection
on the decision he made. These elements of connected discourse help to create a memorable and thought-provoking
reading experience for readers.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

The Rise of Urban Farming

Urban farming has become a growing trend in cities across the world. With increasing
concerns about food security, the environment, and access to fresh produce, urban
farmers are bringing agriculture to the heart of the city.

The Benefits of Urban Farming

A. Improving Food Security

Urban farming helps to improve food security by providing fresh, healthy food to city
dwellers. This reduces the need for people to rely on imported food, which can be
expensive and often lacks the same nutritional value.

B. Promoting Sustainability
Urban farming is also seen as a more sustainable form of agriculture, as it reduces the
need for long-distance transportation and makes use of existing land and resources.

C. Building Community
Urban farming can also bring people together and create a sense of community. By
working together to grow and harvest crops, people can build relationships and
connect with their neighbors.

Challenges of Urban Farming

Despite its many benefits, urban farming is not without its challenges.

A. Limited Space
One of the biggest challenges of urban farming is finding enough space to grow crops.
Many cities are densely populated and have limited available land, which can make
it difficult to find suitable farming areas.

B. Access to Resources
Urban farmers may also face challenges in accessing the resources they need, such as
water, soil, and seeds. In many cases, these resources may be expensive or difficult to
obtain in urban areas.

Urban farming is an innovative solution to many of the challenges facing cities today.
By improving food security, promoting sustainability, and building community,
urban farming is helping to create a more sustainable and resilient future for city
dwellers. Despite its challenges, urban farming is a movement that is growing in
popularity and making a real difference in communities across the world.

In this news feature, the author uses cohesive devices, such as transitional words and phrases, to connect the
different sections of the text and ensure that the information flows smoothly. The author also uses parallel
structures, such as the use of bullet points, to clearly present the benefits and challenges of urban farming. The
author's tone is informative and balanced, providing a comprehensive overview of the topic and highlighting both
the positive and negative aspects of urban farming. The use of coherence and cohesion helps to make the
information easier to follow and understand, making the article an engaging and informative read for readers.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

"Pride and Prejudice"
Jane Austen

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good

fortune, must be in want of a wife. However little known the feelings or views of such
a man may be on his first entering a neighborhood, this truth is so well fixed in the
minds of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of
someone or other of their daughters.

The Arrival of Mr. Bingley

Mr. Bingley, a wealthy gentleman, recently took up residence in the neighborhood of
Longbourn. He is described as being cheerful and amiable, with a happy disposition.
His arrival sparked much excitement among the local families, who were eager to
make his acquaintance.

The Arrival of Mr. Darcy

Along with Mr. Bingley, his friend Mr. Darcy also arrived in the neighborhood. Mr.
Darcy, however, is seen as cold and aloof, and his haughty behavior quickly earned
him a reputation as being proud and aloof. Despite his initial dislike of Mr. Darcy, Mr.
Bingley remains friendly and tries to persuade his friend to engage with the local

The Impact on the Bennet Family

The arrival of Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy has a profound impact on the Bennet family.
Mrs. Bennet, in particular, is eager to see one of her daughters married to Mr. Bingley,
and she hopes that the family can make a good impression on the wealthy gentleman.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Bennet, the second eldest daughter, finds herself drawn to Mr.
Darcy despite his reputation and the feelings she has for him are complicated by his
behavior towards her.

The arrival of Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy has set in motion a chain of events that will
change the lives of those in the neighborhood forever. Through their interactions with
the local families, their true character is revealed, and the novel explores the themes
of pride, prejudice, and the power of first impressions.

In this literary passage, the author uses transitional devices, such as the phrase "However little known the feelings
or views of such a man may be," to connect the different sections of the text and ensure that the information flows
smoothly. The author also uses parallel structures, such as the repetition of the phrase "The arrival of Mr.
[Name]," to clearly present the different characters and their impact on the neighborhood. The author's tone is
satirical, using irony and sarcasm to criticize the societal norms and attitudes of the time. The use of these elements
of connected discourse helps to create a cohesive and engaging reading experience for readers.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

New Study Reveals Surprising Link Between Sleep and Productivity

A new study has found a surprising link between the amount of sleep a person gets
and their level of productivity. The research, conducted by a team of scientists at the
University of Washington, has generated a lot of interest among workers and
employers alike.

The Study's Methodology

The study involved tracking the sleep patterns and productivity levels of a group of
500 workers over a period of six months. The participants were asked to wear a sleep
tracking device and complete a daily survey that measured their level of productivity
and alertness.

Key Findings
The study found that participants who got between 7 and 8 hours of sleep per night
were the most productive. Those who slept less than 7 hours per night or more than 8
hours per night had lower levels of productivity. The study also found that napping
during the day had a positive impact on productivity, as long as the naps were less
than 30 minutes in duration.

Implications for Employers and Workers

The findings of the study have significant implications for employers and workers.
Many companies are now considering offering flexible working hours and nap rooms
to help their employees get the optimal amount of sleep. Meanwhile, workers who
struggle with sleep-related issues may benefit from seeking help from their doctor or
a sleep specialist.

The study has shown that sleep is an important factor in determining a person's level
of productivity. With the right support and resources, workers can improve their sleep
patterns and boost their productivity, which can ultimately lead to better job
performance and job satisfaction.

In this news article, the author uses transitional devices, such as the phrase "The study involved tracking the
sleep patterns," to connect the different sections of the text and ensure that the information flows smoothly. The
author also uses clear and concise language to present the key findings of the study, making it easy for advanced
learners to understand the information. The author's tone is informative and objective, providing a balanced and
neutral perspective on the subject. The use of these elements of connected discourse helps to create a cohesive and
engaging reading experience for readers.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

Why We Need to Invest in Renewable Energy Now

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the world today, and the use of
fossil fuels is a major contributor to this problem. It's time for us to transition to
renewable energy sources if we want to ensure a sustainable future for generations to

The Importance of Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, have numerous benefits.
They are clean, sustainable, and do not produce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.
Furthermore, investing in renewable energy will create jobs and stimulate economic
growth, which will benefit communities and the wider economy.

The Consequences of Inaction

If we continue to rely on fossil fuels, we will face serious consequences, including
increased air pollution, sea-level rise, and more frequent natural disasters. Moreover,
the limited supply of fossil fuels means that prices will continue to rise, putting
pressure on the global economy.

The Path Forward

We need to invest in renewable energy now if we want to ensure a sustainable future.
This means providing financial support to renewable energy companies and
incentivizing individuals and companies to switch to cleaner sources of energy.
Governments must also set ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions
and provide the necessary regulations to support these targets.

The time for action is now. By investing in renewable energy, we can create a cleaner,
healthier, and more sustainable world for ourselves and future generations. Let's take
bold action today to secure a bright and prosperous future.

In this editorial, the author uses transitional devices, such as the phrase "They are clean, sustainable," to connect
the different sections of the text and ensure that the information flows smoothly. The author's tone is persuasive
and passionate, emphasizing the importance of the issue and the need for action. The use of subheadings, such as
"The Importance of Renewable Energy," helps to organize the text and make it easier for advanced learners to
follow the author's argument. These elements of connected discourse help to create a clear, engaging, and
persuasive reading experience for readers.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

"To Build a Fire"
Jack London

The man walked down the trail on a cold winter day in the Klondike, a region in the
far north of Canada. He was inexperienced and unprepared for the harsh conditions
he was about to face.

The Man's Arrogance

The man was overconfident in his abilities, thinking that he could make the journey
despite the warnings of the old-timers about the extreme cold. He disregarded the
signs of danger and continued on his journey, thinking that he was invulnerable to
the cold.

The Man's Struggle Against the Elements

As the day went on, the temperature continued to drop and the man realized that he
was in trouble. He struggled to build a fire, but his matches were damp and he
couldn't get it started. He tried to warm his hands by putting them under his armpits,
but this only made things worse.

The Man's Desperate Attempts to Stay Alive

As the man's situation became more and more dire, he began to feel hopeless and
panicky. He tried to use his knife to cut down trees for firewood, but his hands were
too cold to grip the handle. He tried to make a fire using his glasses to focus the sun's
rays, but it was too cloudy.

The Man's Demise

Despite his desperate attempts, the man was unable to build a fire and he perished in
the cold. The story ends with a reminder that nature is indifferent to human life and
that those who underestimate its power do so at their own peril.

In this literary passage, the use of subheadings, such as "The Man's Arrogance" and "The Man's Struggle
Against the Elements," helps to organize the text and make it easier for advanced learners to understand the
author's message. This clear structure also makes it easier for advanced learners to follow the progression of events
in the story and appreciate the dramatic tension that builds as the man's situation becomes increasingly dire.
These elements of connected discourse help to create a compelling and memorable reading experience for readers.

READING AND WRITING SKILLS | Text as Connected Discourse

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