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Physiologia Plantarum 163: 414–431.

2018 ISSN 0031-9317

Functioning of potassium and magnesium in photosynthesis,

photosynthate translocation and photoprotection
Merle Tränknera,* , Ershad Tavakolb and Bálint Jáklic
Institute of Applied Plant Nutrition (IAPN), Georg-August University Goettingen, 37075 Goettingen, Germany
b K+S Kali GmbH, 34131 Kassel, Germany
Department of Crop Science, Section of Plant Nutrition & Crop Physiology, Georg-August University Goettingen, 37075 Goettingen, Germany

Correspondence Potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) are mineral nutrients that are required in
*Corresponding author, large quantities by plants. Both elements critically contribute to the process
of photosynthesis and the subsequent long-distance transport of photoassimi-
Received 15 January 2018; lates. If K or Mg is not present in sufficient quantities in photosynthetic tissues,
revised 22 March 2018 complex interactions of anatomical, physiological and biochemical responses
result in a reduction of photosynthetic carbon assimilation. As a consequence,
doi:10.1111/ppl.12747 excessive production of reactive oxygen species causes photo-oxidation of
the photosynthetic apparatus and causes an up-regulation of photoprotec-
tive mechanisms. In this article, we review the functioning of K and Mg
in processes directly or indirectly associated with photosynthesis. Focus is
given to chloroplast ultrastructure, light-dependent and -independent reac-
tions of photosynthesis and the diffusion of CO2 – a major substrate for pho-
tosynthesis – into chloroplasts. We further emphasize their contribution to
phloem-loading and long-distance transport of photoassimilates and to the
photoprotection of the photosynthetic apparatus.

include optimal nutrient supply. Potassium and mag-

nesium are essential mineral plant nutrients that criti-
Almost all plant species on Earth are autotroph and pro- cally contribute to the process of photosynthesis and the
duce complex carbon compounds by the process of pho- subsequent long-distance transport of photoassimilates.
tosynthesis in which solar energy is captured. The solar Among the mineral nutrients, nitrogen (N) is generally
energy capture is the basis for productivity and the net required in the largest quantity by plants, followed by
amount of carbon which is photosynthetically assimi- potassium (K), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca) and magne-
lated in 1 year by the vegetation, the so called net primary sium (Mg). Plants take up both mineral Mg and K only
production, is suggested to be 104.9 Pg (Field 1998) (1 in the cationic form (as Mg2+ and K+ ). High K concen-
Pg = 1015 g). The net primary production is considered trations in the soil solution inhibit Mg uptake and may
the available amount of energy that can be transferred induce Mg deficiency in plants (Salmon 1963, Heenan
from plants to other levels of trophic webs in ecosys- and Campbell 1981).
tems (Haberl et al. 2007), e.g. human consumption of Within plants, most metabolically active Mg is bound
agricultural commodities. Agricultural production is sug- or incorporated into cellular compartments (Waters
gested to grow by 60–100% in the next four decades 2011), with highest concentrations in chloroplasts (Kar-
(Krausmann et al. 2013), outlining the importance of ley and White 2009). A significant share of Mg in leaves
photosynthesis and ensuing processes. For unabated is bound as the central atom in the tetrapyrrole ring of
photosynthesis, optimal conditions are required which chlorophyll a and b molecules, which are the major

Abbreviations – APX, ascorbate peroxidase; GR, glutathione reductase; LHCII, light harvesting complex II; NPQ,
non-photochemical quenching; PPFD, photosynthetic photon flux density; PS, photosystem; Rca, Rubisco activase; ROS,
reactive oxygen species; RuBP, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate; SLM, specific leaf mass; SOD, Fe- and CuZn-superoxide dismutase.

414 © 2018 The Authors. Physiologia Plantarum published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
pigments for photosynthetic light absorption (Wilkinson However, it has long been recognized that adequate
et al. 1990). In contrast, K is not part of organic macro- K and Mg nutrition is required to maintain the pho-
molecules and exclusively present in its ionic form (K+ ) tosynthetic activity of crops (e.g. Cooper et al. 1966,
or in weak complexes from which it is easily exchanged Terry and Ulrich 1973, Peoples and Koch 1979). Below
(Marschner 2012). In cells, K+ is present in two major a certain threshold of leaf K, assimilation rates drop
pools, the vacuole and the cytosol. In the latter, K+ is drastically. The tissue K concentration that is critical
the most abundant cation. K and Mg are both mutually for photosynthetic functioning of crops (i.e. the tissue
involved in a number of physiological processes, includ- K concentration where net assimilation is 95% of its
ing the activation of numerous enzymes and regulation maximum under experimental conditions) is reported
of the cation-anion balance (Marschner 2012). K+ serves between 12.5 and 14.0 mg K g−1 dry matter in oilseed
as the most important inorganic osmotic compound in rape (Lu et al. 2016a), 13.0 mg g−1 in soybean (Singh and
plant cells, and thus, sufficient K supply is crucial for Reddy 2017), 22.3 mg g−1 in sunflower (Jákli et al. 2017)
the regulation of turgor-driven processes like stomatal and 26.0 mg g−1 in cotton (Gerardeaux et al. 2010) (crit-
movement (Fischer 1968) and cell elongation (Mengel ical values for Singh and Reddy (2017), Jákli et al. (2017)
and Arneke 1982). K facilitates the diffusion of CO2 from and Gerardeaux et al. (2010) are calculated from the
the atmosphere into chloroplasts (Jákli et al. 2017). K model equations presented in the respective publications
and Mg are additionally involved into phloem-mediated describing the relationship between leaf K concentration
sucrose transport and the distribution of photoassimilates and net assimilation). Critical leaf Mg concentrations for
within the plant. photosynthesis have not been reported, but concentra-
Both K and Mg play prominent roles in processes that tions of 0.7 mg g−1 leaf dry matter may be required to
are tightly associated with photosynthesis and photosyn- achieve 90% of maximum yield (Smith et al. 1985).
thate translocation (Fig. 1). So far, the role of K and Mg
in photosynthesis and associated processes has not been Restrictions in CO2 diffusion
covered in a comprehensive review. Many reviews focus
In the light-independent photosynthetic reactions atmo-
on the movement of K or Mg within plants (Shaul 2002,
spheric CO2 is fixed via enzymatic carboxylation. The
Gierth and Mäser 2007, Britto and Kronzucker 2008,
rate of CO2 fixation during this process not only depends
Szczerba et al. 2009), on the contribution of these ele-
on bio- and photochemical processes, but also on the
ments (especially K) to stress alleviation (Cakmak 2005,
quantity of CO2 that is available for Rubisco in the
Wang et al. 2013) or, in somewhat broader approaches,
chloroplast stroma. A number of resistances restrict
on their status in global agriculture (Römheld and Kirkby
the diffusion of CO2 from the atmosphere into the
2010, Cakmak 2013, Gransee and Führs 2013, Zörb
leaf-internal airspace and further through cell wall,
et al. 2014). Therefore, our main objective is to close this
plasma membrane, cytosol, chloroplast envelope and
gap by providing a comprehensive overview of the pro-
stroma (Fig. 1A).
cesses that are affected, facilitated and regulated by Mg
and K in photosynthesis, photoassimilate translocation
and photoprotection. Boundary layer diffusion
We will first highlight the role of Mg and K in the The first resistance against CO2 movement from the
light-independent and light-dependent photosynthetic atmosphere towards the leaf surface is posed by the leaf
processes including (1) CO2 diffusion through the leaf boundary layer. In this thin layer adjacent to the leaf
boundary layer, stomata and mesophyll, (2) chloro- surface, turbulent exchange is suppressed and the trans-
plast ultrastructure, (3) chlorophyll synthesis and (4) fer of molecules is characterized by diffusion (Schuepp
Rubisco activation and activity (Fig. 1A–D). Then, we 1993). The thickness of the boundary layer, and thus its
will evaluate the role of Mg and K in photoassimilate conductivity to CO2 diffusion, is determined by the leaf
translocation (Fig. 1E). Finally, we will highlight pho- energy balance (Woodrow et al. 1990) rather than by
toprotective responses, including non-photochemical biochemical parameters and is hence not likely to be
quenching (NPQ), scavenging of reactive oxygen species directly influenced by leaf nutrient status. Therefore, it
(ROS), photorespiration, chloroplast movement and leaf has been largely neglected in studies of nutrient effects
movement. on CO2 exchange. However, due to its osmotic proper-
ties, K deficiency causes a loss of turgor potential (Carroll
et al. 1994), and this can substantially affect leaf inclina-
K and Mg involvement in photosynthesis
tion of plants. Boundary layer conductance is a function
Rates of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation are stable over of both radiation interception and wind speed (Martin
a broad range of K and Mg concentrations within leaves. et al. 1999). A change in average leaf inclination under

Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018 415

Fig. 1. Localization of anatomical, physiological and biochemical responses in plants to potassium and magnesium deficiency that are related to
photosynthesis and photoassimilate translocation. 1) K deficiency alters leaf anatomy, and thus, mesophyll diffusion of CO2 . 2) Both K and Mg
deficiencies alter the ultrastructure of chloroplasts. 3) Mg is the central atom of the chlorophyll pigment and also required for its biosynthesis.
4) Both K and Mg reduce Rubisco quantity and activity and Mg additionally functions in Rubisco activation. 5) K and Mg are required for source – sink
translocation of photoassimilates, as they have important functions in apoplastic phloem loading of sucrose.

conditions of K deficiency may therefore substantially pose the first actively regulated resistance to the move-
affect boundary layer properties and thus change its con- ment of CO2 into leaves. The important role of K+ for the
ductivity to molecular diffusion, with effects on pho- regulation of stomatal guard cells and the efficiency of
tosynthesis, transpiration and water-use efficiency (Col- stomatal movement is well documented (Fischer 1968,
latz et al. 1991, Schuepp 1993, Bridge et al. 2013). This Humble and Raschke 1971). K+ is the major inorganic
effect appears to be unique to K deficiency and is not osmolyte, driving the changes in guard cell turgor that
likely to result from a deficiency of Mg, as Mg does are required for stomatal movement. Dynamic regula-
not contribute to osmoregulation. We are, however, not tion of stomatal aperture requires large quantities of K+
aware of any study directly relating K or Mg nutrition to be rapidly exchanged between apoplast, cytosol and
to boundary layer conductance, but its general concept vacuoles of stomatal guard cells (Roelfsema and Hedrich
should be considered when transferring results from leaf 2002, Andrés et al. 2014). Transport of K+ through the
chamber measurements – where boundary layer effects plasma membrane of stomatal guard cells is mediated
are largely avoided by strong air mixing – to the field. by voltage-gated inward-rectifying K+ channels, and is
accompanied by influx of counter-ions (NO3 − , Cl− ) and
synthesis of malate in the cytosol. Increased concentra-
Stomatal conductance
tions of ions decrease the guard cell water potential and
CO2 enters the leaf through the stomatal pores. Their cause an influx of water. As a result, guard cell volume
aperture is mediated by the stomatal guard cells, which increases and the stomata open.

416 Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018

Due to the osmotic role of K in guard cell regula- Mg-deficient Pinus radiata to reduced stomatal conduc-
tion, it is not surprising that stomatal conductance is tance – appears quite unlikely. The decline in net assimi-
frequently reported to decrease under K-deficient condi- lation that is commonly observed under Mg deficiency is
tions (e.g. Terry and Ulrich 1973, Zhao et al. 2001, Jákli rather caused by non-stomatal factors. This assumption is
et al. 2017). Nevertheless, and regardless of the impor- supported by numerous studies reporting no effect of Mg
tance of K+ in guard cell regulation, changes in stomatal deficiency on stomatal conductance or leaf-internal CO2
conductance do not limit photosynthesis predominantly, concentrations (e.g. Lasa et al. 2000, Tang et al. 2012,
even when total leaf K concentrations are below the criti- Yang et al. 2012). However, unlike for K (Lu et al. 2016a,
cal level for photosynthesis (Sen Gupta et al. 1989, Zhao 2016b, Jákli et al. 2017), a quantitative analysis of photo-
et al. 2001, Jin et al. 2011). The contribution of stomatal synthetic limitations in Mg-deficient plants has not been
limitations to the total limitation of photosynthesis was published so far.
estimated at about 15% in sunflower (Jákli et al. 2017)
and did not increase even under severe K deficiency. The
Mesophyll conductance
fraction of stomatal limitation even decreased from 55
and 50% to 36 and 20%, respectively, in two varieties of After entering the leaf through the stomatal pore, a
K-deficient oilseed rape (Lu et al. 2016a). series of resistances further object the movement of
There is evidence that the velocity with which stom- CO2 through the leaf mesophyll and therefore affect the
ata react to environmental or biochemical feedbacks is CO2 concentration in chloroplasts. These resistances are
diminished in K-deficient alfalfa (Lindhauer 1983) and aggregated as (their inverse) ‘mesophyll conductance’ to
olive tree (Erel et al. 2013). Erel et al. (2013) suggested CO2 diffusion and are summarized in a recent review by
that a functional substitution of K+ by Na+ might be Berghuijs et al. (2016). After diffusion through the leaf
responsible for alternations in the velocity of stomatal internal air space, CO2 dissolves in the apoplastic water
movement in olive, since the transport of Na+ through of the cell walls. Once in the liquid phase, CO2 is present
cell membranes is slow compared to the transport of K+ . as either dissolved CO2 or HCO3 − and further diffuses
Some reports indicate that under combined K defi- through the pores of the cell wall, the plasma membrane,
ciency and water-limitation, stomatal control may the cytosol, the chloroplast envelope and the chloroplast
be lost in perlite-grown sunflower and olive plants, stroma, where enzymatic CO2 fixation is taking place.
resulting in an inhibition of drought-induced stom- There is common agreement that mesophyll conduc-
atal closure (Fournier et al. 2005, Arquero et al. 2006, tance is reduced under low K supply, which is most
Benlloch-González et al. 2008, 2010). In accordance commonly associated with leaf anatomical changes.
with the general concept, the authors do not attribute Limitations to photosynthesis that originate from
their results to a loss of osmotic stomatal control, but to restricted CO2 diffusion are attributable to mesophyll
an inhibition of the ABA signaling pathway by excessive rather than stomatal conductance (e.g. Terry and Ulrich
ethylene production in the leaves. These results are not 1973, Jin et al. 2011, Battie-Laclau et al. 2014). Jákli
supported by findings of Jákli et al. (2017), who report et al. (2017) reported that the fraction of total photosyn-
decreased rates of stomatal conductance in K-deprived thesis limitation that results from mesophyll conductance
and PEG-stressed sunflower grown in nutrient solution, increased from 45 to 64% in non-symptomatic leaf area
and Erel et al. (2013), who did not find any effect of K of K-deficient sunflower compared to K-sufficient plants,
deficiency on stomatal conductance in drought stressed, and Lu et al. (2016a) showed an increase of mesophyll
perlite-grown olive. limitation from 28 to 50% in K-inefficient oilseed rape
The origin of this contradiction remains specula- under low K supply. They did, however, not find a sig-
tive, and the interaction effect of K deficiency and nificant effect of K deficiency on mesophyll limitations
water-limitation is still debated. For well-watered con- in a K-efficient variety of oilseed rape. Battie-Laclau
ditions, the general consensus remains that stomatal et al. (2014) could likewise not show an effect of K
functioning is well maintained even when leaf K concen- deficiency on mesophyll limitations in eucalyptus,
trations are below the critical values for photosynthesis. although absolute values of mesophyll conductance
Jákli et al. (2017) suggested that the reduction of stomatal declined, indicating species- and even variety-specific
conductance under K-deficient conditions is a reaction co-regulation between mesophyll- and biochemical
to low rates of CO2 assimilation in order to maximize limitations of photosynthesis.
water-use efficiency. Many variables affect the diffusion of CO2 inside
In contrast to K, Mg has no active function in stomatal leaves. Gaseous diffusion is largely determined by leaf
control. Therefore, the causality suggested by Sun et al. anatomical properties such as leaf thickness and the
(2001) – who attributed decreased CO2 assimilation in volume ratio of leaf-internal airspace to mesophyll cells,

Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018 417

which both affect the specific leaf mass (SLM). Numer- to Rubisco (Berghuijs et al. 2017). Increased leaf K con-
ous studies show that deficient K supply significantly centrations enhanced the activity of carbonic anhydrases
increases SLM, (O’Toole et al. 1980, Cakmak et al. in leaves of Brassica juncea (Mohammad and Naseem
1994b, Pettigrew 1999, Gerardeaux et al. 2010, Jin 2006), but a general evidence for the linkage between
et al. 2011, Lu et al. 2016b). SLM of K-deficient leaves carbonic anhydrase activity and mesophyll conductance
are enhanced by decreased leaf thickness (O’Toole under K-deficient conditions is missing so far.
et al. 1980, Battie-Laclau et al. 2014) and reduced To summarize the effect of K deficiency on mesophyll
leaf-internal airspace (Zhao et al. 2001, Battie-Laclau conductance, we conclude that a decrease in photo-
et al. 2014). Moreover, K is an osmotic driver of cell synthesis under K deficiency can be largely attributed
extension and K deficiency results in smaller mesophyll to an increase in leaf internal CO2 -transfer resistance,
cells (Mengel and Arneke 1982, Claussen et al. 1997). resulting in low mesophyll conductance. Increased sugar
Decreased leaf thickness, leaf-internal airspace and cell concentrations and SLM most likely contribute to the
size reduce the chloroplast surface area exposed to the overall decline in mesophyll conductance. A reduction
leaf-internal airspace (Giuliani et al. 2013) and, thus, in chloroplast surface area exposed to the leaf-internal
mesophyll conductance. In addition, Lu et al. (2016b) airspace and increased intracellular pathway length for
observed a greater distance between chloroplasts and liquid phase diffusion seem to be the most important fac-
cell walls in K deficient Brassica napus, increasing the tors limiting CO2 mesophyll diffusion. The contribution
overall pathway length for liquid phase CO2 diffusion of the different traits to the overall reduction of meso-
and, thus, mesophyll conductance. phyll conductance is highly species-specific (Tomás et al.
Besides being affected by anatomical properties, an 2013) and can also vary between varieties of the same
increase in SLM can also be attributed to an increase species (Lu et al. 2016a, 2016b).
in non-structural carbohydrates within K-deficient leaves In contrast to K, no study exists on the relation between
(Cakmak et al. 1994b, Gerardeaux et al. 2010). Ger- Mg nutrition and mesophyll conductance. We can hence
ardeaux et al. (2010) report that 15% of the SLM increase only speculate on possible effects of Mg on the dif-
under K deficiency was attributed to an increase in solu- fusion of CO2 through the leaf mesophyll. Similar to
ble sugar concentrations. Based on purely physical stud- K deficiency, increased SLM is reported for leaves of
ies by Carroll et al. (2014), Hölttä et al. (2017) suggested Mg-deficient plants (Cakmak et al. 1994b, Li et al. 2017),
that an increase in sugar concentration could decrease which is attributed to an accumulation of soluble car-
the rate of liquid phase CO2 diffusion. Increased concen- bohydrates as a consequence of impaired phloem load-
trations of sugars in the liquid phase of the leaf mesophyll ing (e.g. Cakmak et al. 1994b, Lavon et al. 1995). As
might therefore contribute to the reduction of mesophyll discussed above, increased concentrations of sugars in
conductance under K deficiency. the liquid phase of the leaf mesophyll might affect its
Mesophyll conductance is not only sensitive to leaf conductivity to CO2 diffusion. However, as mentioned
anatomical traits and solute concentrations, but might previously, a systematic limitations analysis is needed to
additionally be affected by the expression of proteins quantify the contribution of stomatal and mesophyll lim-
such as aquaporins that facilitate leaf-internal CO2 diffu- itations to photosynthesis of Mg-deficient plants.
sion. Kanai et al. (2011) demonstrated the importance of
adequate K nutrition for the functioning of aquaporins for
Chloroplast ultrastructure
water uptake and transport. There is strong evidence that
the transport of not only water but also of CO2 through The ultrastructure of chloroplasts is formed by the organi-
plasma- and chloroplast-membranes is substantially sup- zation of the internal membrane system. Part of the mem-
ported by aquaporins, and it is reported that decreased branes stack up into cylindrical structures, which form
expression of the tobacco aquaporin NtAQP1 can cause the so-called grana, while part of the membranes remains
a 20% reduction in mesophyll conductance (Flexas et al. unstacked, the stroma lamellae. K+ and Mg2+ both
2006, Uehlein et al. 2008). Although direct experimen- facilitate a well-structured organization of grana and
tal evidence is still missing, an involvement of aquaporin stroma lamellae, therefore support chloroplast integrity,
activity in the overall decrease of mesophyll conduc- the efficiency of light absorption, Rubisco diffusion and,
tance under K deficiency is possible. as a consequence, carbon assimilation. Under Mg and
Furthermore, CO2 diffusion through the cytosol and K deficiency damage of chloroplast ultrastructure was
the chloroplast stroma is likely to be facilitated by the observed as such that the lamella structure was irreg-
activity of carbonic anhydrases, a group of enzymes that ular, loose and partly dispersed in the cytoplasm and
catalyze the interconversion between CO2 and HCO3 − the amount of grana and lamellae was reduced (Hall
and might therefore increase the rate of CO2 delivery et al. 1972, Zhao et al. 2001, Jia et al. 2008). In contrast,

418 Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018

increasing Mg concentrations resulted in many distin- complex with ATP and Mg2+ . The subunit H binds to
guished stacked membranes (Rumak et al. 2010). Grana protoporphyrin IX and Mg2+ , and presumably contains
stacking mainly depend on van der Waals attraction the active site for chelation. The second step includes the
forces and electrostatic repulsion (Puthiyaveetil et al. Mg chelation into protoporphyrin IX that requires ATP
2017). Electrostatic repulsion is controlled by mem- hydrolysis. In vitro studies demonstrated that chelation
brane surface charges and the ion concentrations in the of 1 magnesium requires hydrolysis of 15 ATP, making
milieu surrounding the thylakoid membranes. Screen- Mg chelation an expensive reaction coupled to ATP
ing of net negative surface charges by K+ as a mono- hydrolysis (Reid and Hunter 2004). The activity of Mg
valent cation, and more efficiently Mg2+ as a diva- chelatase is sensitive to free Mg concentrations and
lent cation, reduces the electrostatic repulsion force. thus, depends on diurnal cycling. When illuminated, the
Puthiyaveetil et al. (2017) showed that at low K+ activ- free Mg concentrations in the chloroplast stroma can
ities, stacking is hindered because repulsive forces dom- increase up to 6 mM allowing a flux into the chlorophyll
inate. In contrast, at high K+ and Mg2+ concentrations biosynthetic pathway (Reid and Hunter 2004). Vicia faba
(>100 mM K+ and 5 mM Mg2+ ) grana stacking was well plants grown under Mg-deficient conditions showed a
developed. Furthermore, it is suggested that changes decrease in the transcript abundance of Mg chelatase
in the lateral micro-organization of LHCIIs and subse- subunit H even in tissues where the Mg concentrations
quent segregation of the two photosystems (PSs) occurs did not fall below the critical level (Neuhaus et al. 2013).
at low Mg2+ concentrations (Stys 1995, Stoitchkova et al. Hence, analysis of Mg chelatase H transcript abundance
2006). However, grana stacking require higher Mg2+ might function as an early indicator for Mg deficiency.
concentrations than the segregation of PSs (Stoitchkova The biosynthesis of chlorophyll primarily generates
et al. 2006). chlorophyll a. Part of the chlorophyll a is oxidized to
Grana formation enhances the stromal volume, chlorophyll b by chlorophyllide a oxygenase, but chloro-
thus generates more space for free diffusion of macro- phyll b can be reduced back to chlorophyll a. For chloro-
molecules in the densely crowded stroma (Anderson phyll degradation, chlorophyll b must be first converted
et al. 2008). Enhancement of stromal volume might alle- to chlorophyll a as chlorophyll b derivatives are not cat-
viate macromolecular crowding and thus, aid diffusion alyzed in the subsequent pathway. Thus, the ratio of
of Rubisco and facilitate high rates of carbon fixation both pigments is tightly regulated by the interconversion
(Anderson et al. 2008). of chlorophyll a and b (chlorophyll cycle) (Blankenship
2014, Sato et al. 2014). Chlorophyll a and b are related
Chlorophyll to the stability of the light harvesting complex II (LHCII)
and chlorophyll b is crucial for LHCII accumulation (Sato
Chlorophyll a and b are the major pigments for the et al. 2015). Degradation of chlorophyll b triggers degra-
absorption of light energy and synthesis of both pigments dation of LHCII and thus participates in the regulation of
requires Mg. A common response to Mg deficiency is the plant light-harvesting capacity and the suppression of
the reduction of chlorophyll concentrations as demon- photodamage. It also promotes nutrient remobilization
strated in numerous studies (Mengutay et al. 2013, Faust as LHCII is a highly abundant protein in the chloroplast
and Schubert 2016, Tränkner et al. 2016). However, con- and serves as a reservoir of nutrients under deficiency
sidering chlorophyll a and b separately, the response is (Sato et al. 2015). Thus, chlorophyll degradation under
not uniform. In sugar beet, chlorophyll a and b concen- Mg deficiency can function to release Mg and to protect
trations decreased under Mg deficiency (Hermans et al. cells from photodamage by triggering LHCII degradation.
2004). In coffee, the response is cultivar specific as there Similarly, the total concentration of chlorophyll has
were no changes in the chlorophyll a/b ratio in cv. Catuaí been frequently reported to decrease under K deficiency
(Da Silva et al. 2014) whereas in cv. Acaiá chlorophyll (Longstreth and Nobel 1980, Bednarz and Oosterhuis
a/b concentrations fluctuated over the experimental time 1999, Zhao et al. 2001, Lu et al. 2016b). It has been
without clear correlation with the Mg deficiency. suggested, however, that chlorophyll degeneration is not
Biosynthesis of chlorophyll starts with the insertion of a primary effect of K deficiency, but is rather attributed
Mg into protoporphyrin IX (Fig. 1C). The insertion of Mg to an excessive production of ROS (Cakmak 2005) that
is catalyzed by Mg-chelatase, an enzyme consisting of will be referred to later in the text.
40, 70 and 140-kDa subunits, designated ChlI, ChlD and
ChlH subunits, respectively. For the insertion of Mg into
Rubisco activation and activity
protoporphyrin IX, the catalytic cycle of Mg-chelatase
undergoes two steps (Masuda 2008). The first step is Magnesium is crucial for CO2 fixation as it is directly
the activation step where the subunits I and D form a involved in the activation and activity of Rubisco.

Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018 419

Furthermore, Mg is crucial for protein synthesis, which 1997, Portis 2003). However, the loss of the activator
affects Rubisco protein abundance and thereby, indi- CO2 and Mg ion can lead to tight binding of the sub-
rectly influences CO2 fixation. Under Mg deficiency, strate RuBP or other sugar phosphates without prior car-
protein concentrations were shown to be reduced in bamylation, inhibiting its activity (Taylor and Andersson
sugar beet (Faust and Schubert 2016), wheat (Mengutay 1997). Kim and Portis (2006) show that low Mg con-
et al. 2013) and maize (Mengutay et al. 2013). Lower centrations increased dramatically the rate of deactiva-
protein concentrations under Mg deficiency might be tion of Rubisco and relate this to decarbamylation of
due to the involvement of Mg ions in ribosomal sub- active sites and stronger binding of RuBP to the uncar-
unit association and activity (Yamamoto et al. 2010). bamylated form of Rubisco. The release of the bound
Furthermore, Mg is suggested to control the structural RuBP and other sugar phosphates is achieved by the
flexibility of numerous ribosomal proteins (Yamamoto catalytic chaperone Rca (Kuriata et al. 2014). Rca has
et al. 2010). More than 100 magnesium ions are associ- a hydrolytic ATPase activity, which is required for the
ated with the large ribosomal subunit (Petrov et al. 2012) Rubisco activating activity. When Mg was absent from
and part of the Mg ions form magnesium microcluster, the assay medium, enzymatic turnover was abolished
which contain two tightly associated Mg ions. Magne- in isolated tobacco Rca (Hazra et al. 2015). Similarly,
sium microclusters are suggested to provide structural the Rca activity was decreased in Mg deficient spinach
integrity to the large ribosomal subunit and assist in (Yuguan et al. 2009). Hazra et al. (2015) suggest that
maintaining the compact native structure of the assem- a second protein-based magnesium-binding site exists
bly (Petrov et al. 2012). The most abundant protein on which serves as a co-activator by mediating contact
earth is Rubisco, and about 30% of the total protein between the subunits. Thus, both Mg coordinated with
in a plant leaf (Jensen 2000) and approximately 40% ATP and Mg for promoting subunit assembly is required
of all stromal proteins is Rubisco (Hazra et al. 2015). and the fully activated complex is best represented by
By proteomic analysis, Peng et al. (2015) showed that Rca•Mg•ATP•Mg (Hazra et al. 2015). The catalytic acti-
the protein abundance of Rubisco and Rubisco activase vation of Rca is Mg specific, as a replacement of Mg2+
(Rca) was decreased under Mg deficiency in Citrus by Mn2+ resulted in a 32-fold decrease in turnover rates.
sinensis, indicating that Rubisco quantity and activity High-cytosolic sucrose concentrations in Mg deficient
are affected which agreed with an 88% reduction of leaves, which is a common phenomenon under Mg
assimilation rates in Mg-deficient leaves. However, the deficiency, resulting from reduced rates of phloem export
CO2 fixation is rather controlled by the amount of active (Cakmak et al. 1994a), are also supposed to repress the
Rubisco, than by the total amount of Rubisco protein expression of genes involved in photosynthesis (Neales
(Taylor and Andersson 1996). and Incoll 1968, Jang and Sheen 1994, Sheen 1994).
Rubisco activity is commonly measured in in vitro Likewise, K deficiency reduces Rubisco carboxylation
assays, whereas in vivo determination of CO2 assimi- activity in chloroplasts. This was shown by in-vitro mea-
lation rates can serve as a measure for Rubisco activ- surements (Weng et al. 2007, Hu et al. 2015, Zahoor
ity. Numerous studies show decreased Rubisco activity et al. 2017) as well as by estimations of the maximum
or CO2 assimilation rates under Mg deficiency in vari- Rubisco carboxylation velocity, Vc,max , from combined
ous plant species such as spinach (Yuguan et al. 2009), measurements of leaf gas exchange and chlorophyll flu-
citrus (Tang et al. 2012, Li et al. 2017), maize (Jezek orescence (Jin et al. 2011, Battie-Laclau et al. 2014, Erel
et al. 2015), sunflower (Lasa et al. 2000) and P. radi- et al. 2015, Jákli et al. 2017). It is sometimes stated that
ata (Laing et al. 2000, Sun et al. 2001). The Rubisco K deficiency inhibits the activation of Rubisco (Oost-
activity is sensitive to the Mg status as observed by erhuis et al. 2013), resulting in reduced rates of RuBP
a decline in CO2 assimilation rates in Mg-deficient carboxylation. In an early report on the subject, Peo-
sugar beet and barley already 7 and 8 days, respectively, ples and Koch (1979) clearly state that, in a purified
after onset of Mg deficiency in nutrient solution trials Rubisco extract of K-deficient and K-sufficient alfalfa, the
(Terry and Ulrich 1974, Tränkner et al. 2016). Rubisco ‘specific activity of RuBPc (=RuBP-carboxylase) isolated
catalyzes the carboxylation and/or the oxygenation of from severely K-deficient and K-sufficient leaflets was not
ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) and thereby initiates significantly different, suggesting that K does not function
the sugar producing or photorespiratory pathway. To in RuBPc activity’. In contrast, when measuring carboxy-
exhibit catalytic activity, a lysine residue in the active lation activity in a crude extract, the authors found sig-
site of the enzyme has to be carbamylated by an acti- nificantly increased activity of Rubisco extracted from K
vator, non-substrate CO2 molecule and the labile carba- sufficient leaves. They came to the conclusion that the
mate group is subsequently stabilized by an Mg ion prior biosynthesis of Rubisco was markedly suppressed under
to binding of the substrate RuBP (Taylor and Andersson deficient K supply. This was again shown in cucumber

420 Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018

cotyledons (Ohya et al. 1986). Generally, protein syn- affected by K and Mg nutrition (Fig. 1E) and a shortage
thesis appears to be sensitive not only to Mg but also of either of these elements may substantially affect the
to K deficiency, because K+ is involved in ribosomal efficiency of the long-distance carbon transport within
translation (Nissen 2000, Austin and First 2002). Hence, plants. According to the pressure flow hypothesis ini-
the concentration of soluble proteins in plant tissues is tially developed by Münch (1930), the movement of
reduced under K deficiency, whereas the concentration solutes in the phloem follows a hydrostatic pressure gra-
of free amino acids increases (Besford 1975, Cakmak dient that originates from differences in solute concen-
et al. 1994a, Li et al. 1997, Faust and Schubert 2016). trations. K+ is the most abundant cation in the phloem
As a consequence, the quantity of Rubisco is reduced and, together with sucrose and amino-N compounds, is
in K-deficient leaves. Lower Rubisco content (on a leaf the most important osmotic compound of the phloem
area basis) was also shown in K-deficient soybean leaves sap. It therefore contributes to the rate of phloem trans-
(Wang et al. 2015), but neither total soluble protein port (Lalonde et al. 2003), and K+ concentration within
nor Rubisco content was affected by K status in citrus the phloem sap of Ricinus communis was positively cor-
leaves (Lavon et al. 1999). The authors, however, report related with the level of external K supply (Mengel and
higher total amino acid content and Rubisco carboxy- Haeder 1977).
lation activity. Nonetheless, the effect of K on quantita- In apoplastic phloem loading, sucrose has to be
tive Rubisco characteristics appears to be dependent on actively transported against its concentration gradient
the species under study and the respective growth stage across the plasma membranes of phloem companion
(Osaki et al. 1993). cells and sieve elements by sucrose transporters. The
Apart from Rubisco quantity, K supply can indirectly necessary energy is generated by H+ -ATPases, which
affect Rubisco activity. Optimum chloroplastic K+ con- create a proton gradient across the plasma membrane
centrations (i.e. in the range of cytosolic K+ concentra- (Michelet and Boutry 1995). Low cellular Mg concen-
tions around 100 mM) induce a broader range of pH opti- trations can result in dissociation of the Mg•ATP com-
mum for Rubisco functioning than under K deficiency plex and in a decreased activity of plasma membrane
(Mengel and Kirkby 2001). Furthermore, downregula- H+ -ATPases (Hanstein et al. 2011). As a consequence,
tion of Rubisco activity may occur under low chloro- the transmembrane proton gradient cannot be estab-
plastic CO2 concentrations (Galmés et al. 2011), which lished, the rate of phloem export declines and sucrose
is a result of reduced CO2 transfer rates in K-deficient accumulates in the leaf tissue.
mesophyll tissues (Jákli et al. 2017). Comparable to Besides Mg, K is crucially involved in sucrose load-
Mg deficiency, reduced rates of phloem export result ing. A study on Arabidopsis akt2/3-1 knockout mutants
in high-cytosolic sucrose concentrations (Cakmak et al. revealed that the transmembrane potential established
1994a) that can cause feedback inhibition of Rubisco by H+ -ATPases is regulated by the inward-rectifying
activity (Goldschmidt and Huber 1992). AKT2/3 potassium channel (Deeken et al. 2002). AKT2/3
Additionally, Jin et al. (2011), Battie-Laclau et al. therefore contributes to the basic loading and unload-
(2014) and Erel et al. (2015) report reduced maximum ing of sucrose into and from the phloem. By multiple
electron transport rates (Jmax ) through PSs of K-deficient post-translational modification steps it can be converted
hickory, eucalyptus and olive leaves, respectively. Jmax to a non-rectifying channel, which facilitates a rapid
is associated with the ATP- and NADPH-consuming efflux of K+ from the sieve element/companion cells
RuBP regeneration (Farquhar et al. 1980), implying less complex (Gajdanowicz et al. 2011, Sandmann et al.
acceptor molecules for CO2 fixation. 2011). The established K+ gradient provides energy that
To summarize, there is no evidence that K+ is involved is used by other transporters for phloem loading. This
in Rubisco activation, but rather regulates Rubisco activ- mechanism, the so-called ‘potassium battery’, serves as
ity by affecting its quantity, its pH-optimum and substrate a mobile energy source to overcome local ATP-shortages
(CO2 and possibly RuBP) availability. and maintain the efficiency of the long-distance transport
system (Gajdanowicz et al. 2011, Dreyer et al. 2017).
An impaired source-to-sink carbon allocation under
K and Mg involvement
Mg deficiency was shown in numerous plants such as
in photoassimilate translocation
sugar beet (Hermans et al. 2005), maize (Mengutay et al.
Plant growth and metabolism require the translocation 2013), bean (Cakmak et al. 1994a) and soybean (Yang
of carbohydrates from photosynthetically active tissues et al. 2017). Besides sucrose, starch can accumulate in
into sink organs such as roots, flowers and seeds. Load- the chloroplast under Mg deficiency (Lavon et al. 1995,
ing of sucrose − the major transport form of carbo- Ceylan et al. 2016, Yang et al. 2017). The molecular
hydrates in plants − into the phloem is substantially regulation underlying carbon acumulation under Mg

Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018 421

deficiency is still ambiguous. In sugar beet, the transcript PSII or to an accumulation of reduced QA (Yang et al.
abundance of the specific H+ /sucrose symporter BvSUT1 2012). K deficiency induced a decrease of Fv /Fm in
was higher in Mg-deficient leaves, but sucrose contents two cotton cultivars (Wang et al. 2012), in rice (Jia
were increased (Hermans et al. 2005). In V. faba, the et al. 2008), olive (Erel et al. 2015) and in maize (Qu
transcript abundance of plasma membrane H+ -ATPase et al. 2013), whereas in Norway spruce and sunflower a
isoforms was decreased when plants were gown under decrease in Fv /Fm was not observed (Barnes et al. 1995,
Mg-deficient conditions (Neuhaus et al. 2013). How- Jákli et al. 2017). Two soybean cultivars being tolerant
ever, this was not the case for all examined isoforms. and sensitive to K deficiency, respectively, responded
One isoform showed slightly increased transcript abun- differently to K deficiency: the tolerant cultivar did not
dance under Mg deficiency and another isoform could show altered Fv /Fm values, whereas the sensitive culti-
only be found in the Mg-deficient treatment and was var showed a significant decrease of Fv /Fm (Wang et al.
absent under control Mg supply (Neuhaus et al. 2013). 2015). In conclusion, Mg- and K-deficiency do not com-
Similar to Mg, a shift in the partitioning of assimilates monly induce photoinhibition, which might depend on
–with increased concentrations of carbohydrates in pri- the magnitude of deficiency of Mg and K in the leaf tis-
mary leaves and reduced concentrations in roots – as sue, cultivar specific responses and environmental and
well as reduced rate of phloem export of sucrose were experimental conditions.
observed in K-deficient Phaseolus vulgaris (Cakmak et al.
1994a, 1994b). Likewise, sucrose concentration was
ROS scavenging
increased in functional leaves of K-deficient cotton (Bed-
narz and Oosterhuis 1999, Hu et al. 2015, Zahoor et al. The ROS species that are produced in the thylakoid have
2017). to be immediately detoxified before they diffuse from
These studies clearly show the strong influence of Mg their generation site and damage targeted molecules
and K on carbon assimilation and allocation. However, it (Asada 2006). Detoxification in the chloroplast is
remains ambiguous how Mg and K status, carbohydrate achieved by antioxidants such as ascorbate peroxidase
accumulation and carbohydrate-triggered feedback on (APX), Fe- and CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and
photosynthesis in physiological and molecular aspects glutathione reductase (GR). The interplay between ROS
are linked. formation and ROS detoxification is strictly controlled
and necessary for unrestricted photochemistry. Mg- and
K-deficiency induce commonly elevated ROS levels and
K and Mg involvement in photoprotection
enhanced ROS-detoxifying enzyme activity. Under low
As outlined in the previous paragraphs, K and Mg affect K and Mg supply, increased H2 O2 or O2 − concentra-
the photosynthetic capacity and a deficiency of either tions have been reported on numerous plants species
one of the two nutrients decreases CO2 assimilation such as Arabidopsis, maize, rice, cotton and coffee
(Fig. 2). Under this limitation of photosynthetic capacity, (Shin and Schachtman 2004, Weng et al. 2007, Hu
the absorbed light energy is in excess to what can be used et al. 2016, Da Silva et al. 2017). A K-inefficient cotton
in photosynthesis processes, leading to an enhanced cultivar increased O2 − and H2 O2 leaf concentrations,
production of ROS and plants suffer oxidative stress and increased activities of SOD and APX, whereas a
(Nishiyama et al. 2006, Takahashi and Badger 2011). K-efficient cotton cultivar only increased APX, but not
ROS inhibit the repair of photodamaged PSII, predom- SOD activity, and neither H2 O2 nor O2 − concentrations
inantly the D1 protein in the reaction center of PSII, were affected (Wang et al. 2012). Özgür Uzİlday et al.
causing photoinhibition (Takahashi and Badger 2011, (2017) showed the clear impact of the Mg status on
Järvi et al. 2013). Photoinhibition can be indicated by the ROS generation. When Mg was absent from the nutrient
chlorophyll fluorescence parameter Fv /Fm (Niyogi 1999), solution or supplied only with 75 μM, the H2 O2 con-
which describes the maximum efficiency at which light centration in cotton leaves was increased by 29 and
absorbed by PSII is used for the reduction of QA , the 33%, respectively, but when the Mg supply was raised to
primary quinone electron acceptor in PSII (Baker 2008). 150 μM, the H2 O2 concentration was increased by 13%.
Mg- and K-deficiency induce non-uniform responses in Similarly, barley leaves suffering severe Mg deficiency
Fv /Fm . In Mg-deficient Citrus and sugar beet, Fv /Fm was had up to 55% higher H2 O2 concentration compared
decreased (Hermans et al. 2004, Tang et al. 2012, Yang to control, though the activity of APX, GR and SOD
et al. 2012) whereas in Mg-deficient sunflower and Sulla were substantially increased. Under mild deficiency, the
carnosa, Fv /Fm was unaffected (Lasa et al. 2000, Farhat activity of APX, GR and SOD were still increased, but
et al. 2015). Changes in Fv /Fm under Mg-deficiency were the concentration of H2 O2 was decreased to the same
related to damage of the oxygen-evolving complex on level as the control, indicating that under severe Mg

422 Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018

Fig. 2. Effects of potassium and magnesium deficiencies on processes related to photosynthesis, photoassimilate translocation and photoprotection.
Primary effects are direct anatomical, physiological or biochemical responses to K and/or Mg deficiency. Secondary effects are immediate consequences
following primary effects and eventually inhibit photosynthetic CO2 assimilation. Tertiary effects result from the inhibition of CO2 assimilation and are
only indirectly related to K and/or Mg deficiencies. Complex feedback loops and interactions exist. Leaf anatomy, photoassimilate translocation,
protein synthesis, Rubisco activity, chloroplast ultrastructure and chlorophyll synthesis and abundance are directly affected by Mg and/or K deficiency.
Altered leaf anatomy impedes CO2 diffusion through mesophyll, and thereby decreases the chloroplastic CO2 concentration, which in turn limits CO2
assimilation either directly, or indirectly by affecting Rubisco activity. Impaired photoassimilate translocation results in an accumulation of sucrose,
which directly affects Rubisco activity via feedback inhibition, and indirectly affects mesophyll CO2 diffusion. A decreased Rubisco activity eventually
limits CO2 assimilation. Disrupted chloroplast ultrastructure and low-chlorophyll abundance reduce the overall photosynthetic capacity, again inhibiting
assimilation. As a consequence, stomatal conductance is actively adjusted to low rates of CO2 assimilation in order to enhance photosynthetic water-use
efficiency. Low-photosynthetic capacity causes excessive ROS production and photo-oxidation of, e.g. chlorophyll. As a consequence, photoprotective
mechanisms are up-regulated.

deficiency the extent of H2 O2 production exceeded the Non-photochemical quenching

scavenging capacity (Tränkner et al. 2016).
The non-photochemical dissipation of excess absorbed
In conclusion, K and Mg deficiencies induce oxidative light energy as heat, commonly determined as NPQ
stress indicated by increased H2 O2 and O2 − levels, but which is located in LHCII antenna, is an important pho-
in response the antioxidant enzyme activity is enhanced, toprotective mechanism (Ruban 2016). Thermal energy
which detoxifies part of the ROS. However, ROS cannot dissipation as a photoprotective mechanism can dissi-
always be decreased to levels comparable to levels in pate up to 75% of absorbed light energy (Niyogi 1999).
unstressed plants, depending on the stress level induced Plants increase the dissipation of energy as heat in
by K- and Mg-deficiency. response to Mg and K deficiency in order to protect

Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018 423

the PS from damage and to maintain photosynthetic absorption of CO2 from intercellular airspaces (Taka-
performance. In three Citrus cultivars subjected to Mg hashi and Badger 2011). In B. napus leaves, chloroplasts
deficiency (Tang et al. 2012, Yang et al. 2012), and two responded to K deficiency by increasing their distance
rice cultivars (Jia et al. 2008) and sunflower subjected from the cell wall (Lu et al. 2016b). Usually, chloroplasts
to K deficiency (Jákli et al. 2017), NPQ was increased. are allocated at the cell surface to absorb CO2 and
In contrast, in S. carnosa, NPQ was not affected even light. However, the study of Lu et al. (2016b) focuses on
when Mg was omitted from the nutrient solution (Farhat CO2 diffusion conductance in the mesophyll and does
et al. 2015). As Mg- and K-deficient plants have a lim- not consider light absorption. Nevertheless, it revealed
ited capacity to convert light energy to chemical energy, altered chloroplast organization under K deficiency, but
high-light intensities augment the formation of NPQ, as further studies are needed to describe this effect with
shown in Mg-deficient P. radiata (Laing et al. 2000). regard to photoprotection. The same applies for Mg,
where studies of chloroplastic movement in response to
Photorespiration Mg deficiency are completely absent from the present
Besides carboxylation, Rubisco catalyzes the oxygena-
tion of RuBP, resulting in photorespiration. Photorespira-
tion is considered an important photoprotective mech- Leaf movement
anism that can alleviate over-reduction of the electron
Paraheliotropic leaf movement is a mechanism by which
transport chain and thus helps to prevent photoinhi-
absorption of excess light and a resulting excessive exci-
bition and excessive ROS formation (Lima Neto et al.
tation pressure to the reaction centers is avoided. In
2017). In cotton, the response of photorespiration to
Robinia pseudoacacia, paraheliotropic leaf movement
K deficiency was variety-specific and resulted in an
resulted in an effective mean to alleviate high-light stress
increase of photorespiration in the K-efficient var. Liao-
on PSII (Arena et al. 2008). The level of Fv /Fm mea-
mian18, and a contrasting reduction of photorespiration
sured in the late afternoon was comparable to those in
in the K-inefficient var. NuCOTN99 (Wang et al. 2012).
the morning, whereas in leaves in which the rachis was
Absolute values of photorespiration also decreased in
fixed to prevent leaf and leaflet movement, Fv /Fm was
K-deficient leaves of alfalfa (Peoples and Koch 1979).
reduced in the late afternoon. The authors suggest that
Interestingly, photorespiration relatively increased from
the absence of recovery indicate a PSII damage assuming
26 to 34% of net assimilation, indicating a shift in the car-
that Fv /Fm is a good indicator for photoinhibition (Arena
boxylation/oxygenation specificity of Rubisco. A direct
et al. 2008). Similarly, in young soybean leaves, changes
involvement of K in photorespiration is questionable,
in the petiole and midrib angle reduced the light intensity
and alterations under K deficiency are most likely the
on the leaf surface and helped to protect leaves against
result of non-specific photoprotective reactions. How-
high irradiance (Jiang et al. 2006). Paraheliotropism was
ever, photorespiration did not respond to light intensities
shown to be a protection strategy against photoinhibition
above 400 μmol m2 s−1 photosynthetic photon flux den-
in water-stressed bean cultivars (Pastenes et al. 2004) and
sity (PPFD) in K-deficient olive, whereas it increased with
Vitis california (Gamon and Pearcy 1989). We observed
increasing PPFD in sufficiently supplied plants (Erel et al.
strong heliotropic leaf movements in sunflower grown
under K deficiency (unpublished data). We suggest that
beside the above-mentionned effects of leaf movement
Chloroplast movement
on microclimate, paraheliotropism might play a role in
Light harvesting complexes and PSs are located protecting sunflower leaves from excessive light. An indi-
in chloroplasts of mesophyll cells. Changes in the cation is that leaf areas showing K deficiency symptoms,
arrangement and structure of chloroplasts affect light are almost shaded from any light incidence. However,
harvesting and photosynthesis. The arrangement of in sunflower this phenomenon seems to be K-specific
chloroplast in response to light intensities was suggested as Mg-deficient plants did not show such behavior. To
by Kasahara et al. (2002) to function as a photoprotec- our knowledge, no study on paraheliotropism under K
tive mean, which was accepted in a review by Takahashi deficiency and its contribution to photoprotection exists.
and Badger (2011). At weak light intensities, chloro- Further research should be conducted to reveal whether
plasts accumulate at the cell wall in vertical direction paraheliotropic leaf movement is an active strategy of
to the light in order to absorb weak light efficiently. At photoprotection or whether it is a reaction to reduced
strong light intensities, chloroplasts arrange at cell walls turgor under K deficiency. In case it is an active strat-
in parallel direction to the light in order to minimize egy under low-cellular K+ status, leaf movement might
the absorption of excessive light and to maximize the be a preferred strategy as it is a turgor-driven and thus

424 Physiol. Plant. 163, 2018

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M.T. and B.J. conceived, proofread and formatted the D, Benlloch M (2008) K+ starvation inhibits
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sections related to Mg deficiency. E.T. wrote the sections 165: 623–630
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related to K deficiency. Fournier JM, Benlloch M (2010) K+ starvation inhibits
water-stress-induced stomatal closure via ethylene
Acknowledgements – We thank Klaus Dittert, Andreas synthesis in sunflower plants. J Exp Bot 61:
Gransee and Ismail Cakmak for their continuous support 1139–1145
and creative input to our scientific work. We acknowledge Berghuijs HNC, Yin X, Ho QT, Driever SM, Retta MA,
Dipl.-Ing. agr. Henrik Kierbaum of k1 mediendesign for Nicolaï BM, Struik PC (2016) Mesophyll conductance
customized development and production of graphics. and reaction-diffusion models for CO2 transport in C3

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