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State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”,

Central block, room 302
Let’s Go Shopping

Nazaru Cristina, lecturer,

PSU “Ion Creanga”
In today’s lesson we shall:
• learn vocabulary items connected with
• learn and use in speech buying and
selling expressions;
• read and understand a text about
• listen to and understand several
dialogues which take place in different
types of shops;
• watch some videos in which people go
There are several English
words which are used to
denote places where we can
buy things
A supermarket / su:pəma:kit/ is a large
self-service shop/store that sells food, drinks and goods
used in the home. People choose what they want from the
shelves and pay for it as they leave.
A corner shop is a small shop that sells food,
newspapers, cigarettes, etc., especially one near people’s
A department store is a large shop/store that is
divided into several departments, each selling a different
type of goods
A shopping centre/a shopping mall is a large
building or covered area that has many shops/stores,
restaurants, play grounds, etc. inside it
A market is an open area where people send different
goods at special stalls
A specialist shop is a small shop or a department in a
bigger shop where you can buy products or goods of the same
or similar kind, e.g. fruit and/or vegetables, meat, dairy
products, shoes, toys, electrical equipment, cothes, etc.
Food selling shops clothes selling shops other goods/services
• baker’s • boutique/ ladies’ • antique shop
• butcher’s wear • book shop
• chemist’s/drugstore
• confectioner’s • children’s wear
• cosmetics
• dairy • footwear • electric shop
• fishmonger’s • knitted goods • haberdasher’s
• jewellery/jeweller's
• greengrocer’s • millinery
• ironmonger’s
• off-licence • textiles hosiery/ • news agent’s
• tobacconist's hosiery department • optician
• sportswear • pet-shop
• record shop
• tailor’s/ menswear •
toy shop
• stationer’s
Where to buy
what ?
What do we buy at a baker’s ?
• bread
• biscuits
• buns
• cakes
• donuts
• pies
• rolls
What do we buy at a

• beef
• mutton
• pork
• poultry
• sausages
What do we buy at a
• cakes
• candies
• chocolate
• lollipops
• other sweets
What do we buy at a
• butter
• cottage cheese
• cheese
• cream
• eggs
• milk
• yogurt
What do we buy at a fishmonger’s?
• fish
• sea food
• smoked fish
• tinned fish
What do we buy at
a greengrocer’s?

• fruit
• vegetables
• plants
What do we buy at
an off-licence?
• beer
• champagne
• scotch
• vodka
• wine
What do we buy at
a tobacconist?

• cigars
• cigarettes
• lighters
• matches
• pipes
What can we buy
in a boutique?
• clothes and accessories for women
What can we buy in a shoeshop/
footwear department
• boots
• sandals
• shoes
• trainers
What can we buy
at a millinery ?
• baseball caps
• berets
• bonnets
• hats
what can we buy in a
hosiery department ?
• socks
• stockings
• tights
what can we buy in a
sportswear department ?
• baseball caps
• swimming-suits
• track-suits
• trainers
• T-shirts
What can we buy
at a tailor’s
• clothes and accessories for men
What can we buy
in an antique shop
• antique furniture
• other rare antique items
What can we buy
in a bookshop?
• books
• maps
• newspapers and magazines
• textbooks
What can we buy
at a chemist
• tablets, pills and capsules
• thermometers
• tissues
• toothpaste and brushes
• soap, shampoos
• vitamins
• drops and sprays
What can we buy
at an ironmonger’s
• electrical supplies
• locks
• nails
• plumbing supplies
• tools
What can we buy
at a jeweler’s
• bracelets
• brooches
• ear-rings
• necklaces
• rings
What can we buy
at a newsagent’s
• magazines
• newspapers
• postcards
What can we buy
at a stationer’s
• erasers
• files and folders
• glue
• markers
• notebooks
• pens
• pencils
• paper
• paper clips
• rulers
Let us practice the new
You are going to listen to three
conversations taking place in
different shops. First listen and
then answer the questions.
• Where are the conversations
taking place?
• What does the customer want?
• Can the shop assistant/cashier
• How much does the customer
Useful shopping expressions
Shop Assistant Customer
• Can I help you? • I need ...
• What can I do for you? • I'd like a bottle of milk, please.
• Are you being served ? • Have you got souvenirs ?
• Sorry, we don't sell stamps. • Do you sell stamps?
• Anything else? • Where can I buy post cards?
• It's on offer. • Where can I get a film for my camera?
• Buy two for the price of one. • Where can I find newspapers?
• How much / many would you like? • I’m looking for a jumper.
• What size do you take? • It doesn't fit me.
• Sorry, we are out of bread • It doesn't suit me.
• Would another colour do? • I don't like it.
• Would you like to try it on? • It's too small / big /wide/loose/tight/
• The fitting room is over there. expensive.
• The dress suits you very well. • I'm size ...
• Pay at the cash desk /till, please. • Have you got this in another size
• /colour?
I'll take this to the cash desk /till for you.
• May I try this on, please?
• Here you are. / Here you go.
• • Where can I try this on, please?
You're welcome.
• How much is it?
• That's 20 euros/euro altogether
• That's all.
• You don't happen to have any change,
do you? • Where is the cash desk / till?
• We only accept Visa cards. • Could I get a receipt , please?
• How would you like to pay? • Could I get a (plastic) bag, please?
• Here's your change. • (I'm afraid/ Sorry) I don't have any
• Do you accept credit cards?
You are going to read an extract from
“Sister Carrie” by Theodore Dreiser. You
have five minutes to read the text. You
may read it more than once. After that
you are going to answer some
comprehension questions.
Carrie goes to a
department store.
Carrie reached Dearborn Street. Here was the great Fair store with its
crowds of shoppers. She thought she would go in and see. She would look
at the jackets. She paused at each article of clothing. How pretty she would
look in this, how charming that would make her! Then Carrie stopped at
the jewellery department. She saw the ear-rings, the bracelets, the chains.
But the jackets were the greatest attraction. She fixed her heart on a jacket
with large pearl buttons. It was in fashion that fall. She said to herself there
was nothing she would like better. Here she saw Drouet who was coming
up to her smiling. “Let’s go and look at the jackets,” he said as if reading
her thoughts. When Carrie got the jacket in her hand, it seemed so much
nicer. The saleswoman helped her on with it. It fitted her perfectly. It was
just her size, not a bit loose. She looked quite smart. Carrie turned before
the glass. She couldn’t help feeling pleased as she looked at herself. It was
so becoming. “Excellent,” said Drouet. “Now pay for it”. “It’s nine
dollars,” said Carrie, after she had asked the saleswoman how much it was.
She took out one of the bills and gave it to the cashier. From there they
went to a shoe department where Carrie tried on some shoes. Drouet stood
by and seeing how nice they looked told her to buy them. Then Drouet
advised her to buy a purse made of leather, a pair of gloves and stockings.
1. Carrie went shopping in
A. Fifth Avenue
B. Dearborn Street
C. Fair Street
D. Oxford Street
Carrie reached Dearborn Street.
Here was the great Fair store with
its crowds of shoppers.
2. Carrie wanted to go in

A. to buy something
B. to meet her friend
C. just to look
She thought she would go in and
see. She would look at the jackets.
3. Carrie first went to the
A. footwear department
B. ready-made clothes department
C. jewellery department
She would look at the jackets. She
paused at each article of clothing.
How pretty she would look in this,
how charming that would make her!
Then Carrie stopped at the
jewellery department. She saw the
ear-rings, the bracelets, the chains.
4. The action in the text takes
place in
A. winter
B. spring
C. summer
D. autumn
She fixed her heart on a jacket with
large pearl buttons. It was in fashion
that fall.
fall (Am.E) = autumn (Br.E.)
5. In the store she met her
• mother
• her girl-friend
• her boy-friend
Here she saw Drouet who was
coming up to her smiling. “Let’s
go and look at the jackets,” he
said …
6. The saleswoman didn’t
help her on with the
A. True
B. False
The saleswoman helped her
on with it.
7. Drouet paid for Carrie’s
A. True
B. False
She took out one of the bills
and gave it to the cashier.
8.What did they buy next?

A. a pair of shoes
B. a leather purse
C. a pair of gloves
D. some stockings
From there they went to a
shoe department where
Carrie tried on some shoes.
Home assignment
• Read and summarize the text “
Carrie Goes to a Department Store”
• Study Vocabulary Notes and
Topical Vocabulary
• Do ex. X, XII, XII, pp. 276, 277
• Don’t forget about your collective
and individual readings.
Thank You!
Good bye!

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