Chapter 4

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This chapter presents the interpretation and analysis of data on the students knowledge, attitude,

perception and importance of integration of sex education; approach to healthy decision-making.

Students Perception on Sex Education

Table 1 presents the students perception on sex education.



1.I have been thought about sex education in 31 3.1% 8 0.8%

social studies lesson.
2. Are you scared of the consequences of 18 1.8% 21 2.1%
teaching sex education in senior high students?
3. Do you think sex education is helpful 32 3.2% 7 0.7%
towards preventing teenage pregnancy among
the youths?
4. Is sex education is an important subject 30 3% 9 0.9%
5. Students need sex education so that they can 31 3.1% 8 0.8%
grow to become responsible.
6. Learning about family life and sex education 21 2.1% 18 1.8%
will encourage student to have premarital sex.
7.Do you agree sex education affects students? 28 2.8% 11 1.1% is responsible for imparting sex 31 3.1% 8 0.8%

9.Do you agree that sex education help students 33 3.3% 6 0.6%
to grow and to become responsible student?
10.In general do think sex education is a good 33 3.3% 6 0.6%
Total : 288 28.8% 102 10.2%
The result presented in table 1 revealed the perception of social studies students towards sex

education. From table 1 Majority of the (students) 31 (3.1%) agreed that they have been thought

about sex education in social studies lesson while 8 (0.8%) disagreed.

Also the majority of the students 21 (2.1%) disagreed that they are not scared of the

consequences of teaching sex education while 18 (1.8%) of students agreed.

More over 32 (3.2%) of students agreed that sex education is helpful towards preventing

teenage pregnancy while 7 (0.7%) of students disagreed.

In addition majority of respondents 30 (3%) agreed that sex education is an important subject

matter while 9 (0.9%) disagreed.

The majority of the students 31 (3.1%) agreed that students need sex education so that they

can grow to become responsible while 8 (0.8%) 9f students disagreed.

Majority of the respondents 21 (2.1%) agreed that learning about family life and sex

education will encourage students to have a premarital sex while 18 (1.8%) of respondents


Majority of the students 28 (2.8%) of the students agreed that sex education affect students

while 11 (1.1%) of the students disagreed.

Majority of the students 31 (3.1%) agreed that the school is responsible for imparting sex

education while 8 (0.8%) of the students disagreed.

It is also shown from the table that majority of the respondents 31 (3.1%) agreed that sex

education help students to grow and to become a responsible students while 6 (0.6%) of the

respondents disagreed.

Lastly the table 1, shows the majority of the students 33 (3.3%) agreed that sex education is a

good thing while 6 (0.6%) of the students disagreed.

Table 2 : Students perception on sex education

Section N F P N F P

Diverse 19 141 7.4% 19 49 2.5

Desirable 20 147 7.35% 20 53 2.65

From table 2 it is shown the majority of the students in section diverse that 141 (7.4%) agreed

while 49 (2.5%) of the students disagreed.

Then lastly the majority of the students in section desirable 147 (7.35%) agreed while 53

(2.65%) of the students disagreed.

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