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1.As school head , there are lots of responsibilities to do one of those is the learning environment.

the learning of the learners can be affected by the learning environment? Why?

2. As a school leader you are going to supervise the entire school, when can you say that instructional
leadership is effective?

3. The safety and security of the learners is the main concern of the school. How did you maintain a safe
physical environment of your school?

4. MOOE is one of the source of financial resources of schools but there are some school expenses or
even projects that are not covered by the MOOE budget for that year and not included in your AIP.
What other financial resources in your school that can support school expenses/project ? What are your
practices when it comes to financial transparency?

5. Every school have best practices and achievements. Can you tell to us some of your best practices and
achievements and how did you maintain or level up.

6.As a principal one of your duty is the school management and operations What are problems you
have been encountered in school management? Can cite some effective ways to solve the problem?

7.Parents and Community are school partner. Why is it that schools need to involve the parents and
community as a partner?

8. In the field of instructional supervision, one of the responsibilities of the school head is to ensure that
teachers are motivated and encouraged to teach and to deliver the learning competencies to the
learners. As school principal for how many years, did you encounter an ineffective teacher? How did you
motivate him/her to perform and become motivated to teach?

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