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1. List down 10 unfamiliar words you first encounter in reading 1 and find the meaning for each.

Paganism – (from classical Latin pāgānus "rural", "rustic", later "civilian") is a term first used in the fourth
century by early Christians for people in the Roman Empire who practiced polytheism,[1] or ethnic
religions other than Judaism.
Ambivalent – having or showing simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings toward something or
someone: characterized by ambivalence.
Heretic – a professed believer who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her
church or rejects doctrines prescribed by that church. Roman Catholic Church. a baptized Roman Catholic
who willfully and persistently rejects any article of faith. anyone who does not conform to an established
attitude, doctrine, or principle.
Anthropocentric – considering human beings as the most significant entity of the universe; interpreting or
regarding the world in terms of human values and experiences.
Bourgeois – As a noun, a bourgeois is a member of the middle class, originally a member of the middle class
in France. The word was borrowed from French, from Old French burgeis "citizen of a town," from borc
"town, village," from Latin burgus "fortress, castle." The derived word bourgeoisie "the middle class" is a
later borrowing from French.
Scholatism – Scholatism a philosophical movement dominant in western Christian civilization from the 9th
until the 17th century and combining religious dogma with the mystical and intuitional tradition of patristic
philosophy especially of St. Augustine and later with Aristotelianism.
Predecessor – one that precedes especially: a person who has previously occupied a position or office to
which another has succeeded; archaic: ANCESTOR.
Methodical – If you describe someone as methodical, you mean that they do things carefully, thoroughly, and
in order. Synonyms: orderly, planned, ordered, structured More Synonyms of methodical.
Eruditio – feminine noun• instruction/teaching/education; learning/erudition; taught knowledge; culture•
instruction/teaching/education; learning/erudition; taught knowledge; culture.
Humanitas – is a Latin noun meaning human nature, civilization, and kindness. It has uses in the

2. Visually present what you have understood from the reading 2 and in no less than 5 sentences write a
short paragraph in the text read in reading 2.

According to my interpretation, reading number two discusses the humanity and personality of every Filipino.
They discussed the various facets of Filipino individuality. I also realize that each component of our bodies,
including our external features and internal organs, has unique qualities. Each Filipino, with their unique
physical and emotional characteristics, contributes to the overall personality of the country. The use of words
with deep action meanings is also explained. They demonstrated how our physical characteristics contribute to
the distinctive Filipino culture and identity, as well as how our language use reveals something about who we
are. How Filipinos express their wills and consciences in various aspects of their lives.

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