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□ □
the child enjoys...

bubbles legos

□ dolls □ kitchen set

□ cars □ balloons

□ dinosaurs □ water play

□ animal toys
□ jumping

□ watch videos
□ play chase

□ books
□ tickles

anything specific?
what are your expectations?

Which skill you prefer us to focus on?

□ □
the child can?
sing different songs point askd object

□ dance to the rhythm □ say favorite color

□ wash own hands

□ name 30 objects

□ wiwi or poop independently □ say 30 diff sounds

□ follow simple instruction □ write

□ tell letters or numbers

□ read CVC

□ sit for 10mins

□ color within the

please elaborate some skills or share something

any undesirable behavior?
how do you manage or deal with it?

□ □
are you okay with these methods?

token board task analysis

□ reward system
□ busy hand activities

□ play based teaching

□ schedule board

□ waiting time
□ no access to reward before

□ □
beginning of session

video as a reward child led activities

□ food as a reward
□ prompting

□ reading books
□ pairing

please share what are your preferences

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