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Senate Bill No. 6: Technical Education, Training and Certification Act of 2022 seeks to create a
Department of Technical Education Training and Certification, which shall replace and absorb the
current Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA);

Senate Bill No. 7: BEESO Bill seeks to amend Republic Act no. 8759, otherwise known as the Public
Employment Service Office Act of 1999, to include entrepreneurship in the scope of the law, to rename
the present Public Employment Service Office (PESO) into the Public Employment and Entrepreneurship
Service Office (PEESO), and to establish the Barangay Employment and Entrepreneurship Service Office
(BEESO) nationwide;

Senate Bill No. 8: Pangkabuhayan Bill seeks to institutionalize the livelihood programs of different
government agencies for MSMEs under one umbrella program in view of pandemic recovery;

Senate Bill No. 9: Philippine Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (PENCAS) Law of 2022
seeks to institutionalize a Philippine Ecosystem and Natural Capital Accounting System (PENCAS) to
reflect environmental inputs and outputs in determining national income accounts; and

Senate Bill No. 10: Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) Remittance Protection Act of 2022 seeks to provide
adequate safeguards to further protect the rights and interests of OFWs with respect to their foreign
exchange remittances.

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