Office of Person

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Office of Person

How did you, as a child of God, become subject to State statutes?

There is only one Source of power. There is only one Source of authority and that is from the
Heavenly Father. All other authorities are imaginary - they are imagi-NATIONS.

We wake up today and what do we find? The whole world is divided into nations. And inside those
nations are hundreds of offices created out of the imagi-NATIONS of men. These offices are designed
to license, regulate and control men. Those who hold these offices wield their power by making up
laws and then compelling others to obey them.

We are going to be examining the flow of power in these offices. Who set them up? How do these
offices gain control over us?

Let's start with a look at the Oregon Motor Vehicle Code. Hundreds of offenses are listed. One thing
they have in common is a "person" commits the offenses.

A person commits the offense of failure to carry a license if the person . . . (ORS 807.570)

A person commits the offense of failure to register a vehicle if the person . . . (ORS 803.300)

A person commits the offense of driving uninsured if the person . . . . (ORS 806.010)

Since only "persons"commit these State-created crimes, how do you become a "person" and subject to
State statutes? You become a State-generated "person" by taking up residency with the State and
stepping into the office of person.

The most common office held in the State is the "office of person." It is an office most people fill
without even knowing it. The State created this office as a way to control people. They cannot control
you just because you are a man or a woman. Why? Because God beat them to it. God created you and
by right of creation He owns you.

The way the State gets around God's control is by creating an office, such as "person,"and then
claiming that you are filling that office. You must hold an office within their government in order for
them to regulate you. First comes the office, then comes the control.

It is the nature of law, that what one creates, one controls. Law is the force that binds a creature to its
creator. God created us and we are subject to His laws, whether or not we acknowledge Him as our
Creator. Scripture tells us there is only one Lawgiver and Judge (James 4:12).
Legislators, in mischief, think that they can play God and make laws, too.
They create whole bodies of law, motor vehicle code, building code, compulsory education laws. And
then they create supporting institutions to administer these regulations.

Within these organizations are hundreds of state-generated offices from clerk to governor. But these
organizations cannot function properly unless they have subjects to regulate. The legislature obtains
these subjects by creating an office that nobody even realizes is a State office. They create the office of

Wearing the Mask

A look at Webster's dictionary reveals the origin of the word, "person." It

literally means "the mask an actor wears." That's its original meaning. What is the purpose of a mask?
It is a covering for the face to conceal or disguise one's true character or identity. Ancient Greek and
Roman actors wore masks on stage to identify a particular character. A mask is a false face.

What is an actor? It is the warm-blooded creature behind the mask. The mask was created by man. The
actor was created by God. The actor without a mask is directly accountable to his Creator, God. But if
an actor puts on a mask created by man, he is directed and controlled by the mask. Whatever the mask
is required to do in the "play," the actor must do because he is behind the mask. The mask cannot do it
on its own. The mask needs an actor.

The legislature creates the office of "person" which is a mask. They don't create real people, only God
can do that. But they create the office of "person," which is a mask. Then they persuade a flesh and
blood man or woman to put on the mask. Now the legislature controls the mask and the actor behind
the mask.

Resident = Office Holder

All State residents hold an office in the State government. The most popular office is "person." But not
everyone who is a resident holds the office of "person." Some residents hold the office of police
officer. Some are called "judge." Their role is determined by the mask they wear.
When these bureaucrats put on the mask of their office, they can take your money. They can throw you
in prison. They can seize your land and sell it out from under you. They can do all kinds of heinous
acts. How do they get away with it? As long as they wear the mask of their office, it provides a
covering for their wickedness.

The reason all State residents hold an office is so the State can control everything.The State must
mandatorily control anything that it wants to manipulate. The State is so deeply involved in controlling
everything, that it even tries to control those who belong to God. That is its nature. The State is in
competition with God.

Do you think you are a free man? They tell us, "all men are free." What they don't say is that by
holding a State office, a free man becomes a slave to the State.

The State is ever ready to entice us into the office of "person." Once we step into that office, we cease
to be free men under God. We are regulated creatures, created by the legislature. We hear about "free
men," but we never hear about "free persons."

If you build your house on an office created by men, it will be built on sand. The office is changed and
manipulated to conform to the whims of men. When you hold the office of "person," created by the
legislature, your office isn't fixed. Your duties and responsibilities are ever changing. Each legislative
session binds a "person" to more burdens and requirements.

on-resident Offices

If you look in the Bible, Jesus has set up various offices under the covering of the Kingdom of Heaven.
"For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office"(Romans

These offices are for citizens of Heaven. When we fill these offices, we leave no room for crafty men
to convince us to jump into the offices that they have set up. Look at Ephesians 4:11-14:

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and
teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the
body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God,
unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth
be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the
sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.

To establish a proper foundation, you want to hold an office that is built upon Christ, our Rock. In the
office of ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ, your office is fixed (see 2 Corinthians 5:20). You know
what Jesus Christ expects from you. Christ doesn't change that office. The requirement is simple, live
in righteousness. Love God and do to others what you would like done to you. Because that office is
unchanging, the foundation is like a rock and the burdens are light.

Don't be deceived into taking up residency with the States. Take up your residency in the Kingdom of
Heaven. Find out what your gifts are and use them in Christ's Kingdom.

Flow of Authority

Where does the flow of authority come from? Let's look at John 15:4-6, "Abide in me, and I in you."
Does it say, "Abide in the State and the State in you?" No! It says Abide in me. Abide in Christ.
"As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide
in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth
much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:4,5).

That means if you start filling those State offices, you are abiding in the State and are cut off from the
vine of Christ. Apart from Him, you can do nothing. You have no life.

"If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast
them into the fire, and they are burned" (John 15:6).

The State has kicked out Jesus Christ. Any of the offices they have created are part of a vine that does
not receive its life from Jesus. All the branches on the State's vine will wither and die.

Return to the True Authority. Let Jesus Christ and His Kingdom be your covering. Why should we
perform for them! "Repent!" Take off that mask. Quit being a "person" beholding to their decrees.
"For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us" (Isaiah

When you remove the mask, you become directly accountable to God. Take up your office in the
Kingdom of Heaven. Let's fill the offices that Jesus created and do the works of God.

The other day Lydia was surprised to see a wolf putting on sheep's clothing . . . Lydia was sitting in an
attorney's office, looking for Godly counsel for her upcoming court date. The attorney sat behind his
huge desk and grinned, "Yes, I, too, am a Christian," he said. Lydia almost fell off her chair. Here sat a
man whose office required him to file lawsuits, swear oaths and seek vengeance. Yet he claims to be a
follower of Christ!

Lydia decided to give him a religious test. She pulled out a form for him to sign that declared, "I am a
citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven and I give my allegiance to Jesus Christ. I renounce all allegiance
and fidelity to every foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty whatsoever and to the world itself."

This attorney, who had already sworn loyalty oaths to support the state and federal laws, had no
qualms about signing this declaration. He proved himself to be a deceiver, for no man can serve two
masters. All he was doing was putting on a sheep's coat to gain Lydia's trust. He was not truly
renouncing the world or he would have to quit his job. He was not Godly counsel. He was a liar, a liar
from the beginning.

Many truths have been revealed to me while being in jail. I wish I had more paper to write them down.
Here is more information on the word, "person," as used in State statutes.

Who, specifically, is included in the subset of "persons"? Does it include everyone on earth, or only
residents, or even a special group? It turns out that it depends on who wrote the law and what elements
are in the statute. As an example, if a rule stated that all "persons" must be up in the morning at 6:00
a.m., then the "persons" affected would only be those under the control of the rule-maker. Does this
mean only residents? No. Even guests would be affected if they came into the control area of the
rule-maker. Foreigners could come under the jurisdiction of the rule-maker. This means a citizen of
Heaven could come under the jurisdiction of a world authority.

What if the State makes a statute that says all "persons" must have a driver license to use the highways
of this State. Normally, only State residents would be required to obtain a State driver license because
they have made the lawmakers their god. Could the State's jurisdiction also include other States'
residents? Yes, depending on how aggressive that State wants to be. This is done by compacts and
agreements with other States.

How about requiring a driver license for those who are not a resident with any State, such as citizens
of Heaven? Yes. The reason is that the State claims the highways as their own and grants privileges to
whomever they choose. Therefore, anyone who uses the highways in the State must have a driver
license from a recognized State. This means jurisdiction includes everyone in the universethat wants to
use the highways in the State.

Paramount Claim to Highways

Traveling without the State's permission looks hopeless, but not all bases have been covered.
Remember that the State "claims" the highways in the State and grants permission to use them. Where
does the State get the right to "claim" the highways? By the simple statement that the highways are
needed for State purpose.

Let's take a short diversion. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ established a Kingdom of Heaven
by being crucified. After His resurrection, He commanded that His followers, "Go to all nations." This
great commandment established the highways in the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus Christ claimed all
highways and byways. Even the paths leading to everyone's doorstep became highways in the
Kingdom of Heaven. How did Jesus get the right to "claim" the highways? By the simple statement
that the highways were needed for His purpose.

The States came into existence about 1800 years after Christ's Kingdom and also made claim over the
highways. Does the State's claim overrule Christ's claim? No. The State cannot undo what Christ did.
What does this mean? It means that there are two jurisdictions over the same highways. Actually, there
are many jurisdictions over the same highways. The United States of America claims the highways as
post roads for the purpose of moving the mail. The military claims the highways for the purpose of
protecting the people through the use of violence.

Purpose Separates Jurisdictions

Is there a conflict between the jurisdictions? Sometimes, yes, sometimes, no. There might be a few
squabbles, but most of those struggles have been resolved. How does one know which highway he is
on? It is quite simple. Even though the highways have the same street names in all jurisdictions, they
are discerned by the intended purpose of travel. All highways are established by "intent."

The purpose or intent of traveling down a highway establishes who is god over that highway. Even
though the facts look identical, the purpose separates the jurisdictions. Scripture talks about this in
several places. Two houses look the same, but have different foundations. Two women are at a
millstone; one taken, the other one left. Two men are in the same field; one taken, the other one left.
The difference between all these situations is the foundation or intent. Two people can be doing
exactly the same thing and using exactly the same space and be under two different jurisdictions.

One man can drive down the highway and be under the State motor vehicle code and its regulations.
Another man can drive down the same highway without those burdens. The second man is using the
highways for the paramount claim of taking the Gospel to all nations. He is only subject to the light
burdens of Jesus Christ. The State is trespassing if it tries to hamper the free travel of this man. The
State cannot, without trespass; stop, detain, cite, arrest, imprison, or hear actions against such a man. If
this man is stopped by an officer of the State, his only obligation is to state his purpose of travel in
order to establish that he is using the highways of the Kingdom of Heaven. The State officer must then
desist from taking action against him. Otherwise, the officer is trespassing on Christ.

A declared intent would be something like, "I am an Ambassador of Jesus Christ of the Kingdom of
Heaven and I am using the highways in the Kingdom of Heaven in obedience to the Great Commission.
You are trespassing if you interfere with my duties and you have no jurisdiction on the highways in the
Kingdom of Heaven."

Struggle over use of highways

Jurisdiction is established by intent. Allegiance is one of those ways to establish intent. Signing
contracts is another way to establish intent. When we are baptized into the Kingdom of Heaven, we
have declared our intent and at that point the past is a bucket of ashes. Everything we do from that
point on is building on Christ's foundation. In the Spirit realm, intent is the foundation that actions are
built upon. The State cannot grant a privilege to use the highways in the Kingdom of Heaven. They
did not establish that foundation, therefore it is not theirs to manipulate. The State must convince us
that we are using the highways in their State in order to manipulate our use of the highways. As long
as we remain steadfast in Christ's Kingdom and stay on His highways, the State is barred from
intervening with our use of the highways. Our struggle is not over citizenship, but over the use of the
highways. The State might be able to use the police powers to regulate the highways in the State, but
they have no right to interfere with the free travel on the highways in the Kingdom of Heaven.

I hope all is well. Through my suffering, maybe we can reestablish the Kingdom of Heaven for future
generations. May Jesus be glorified in all these writings.

In Jesus' Name we pray,

Paul Revere, Pastor

We do not use a date-of-birth on a Kingdom of Heaven driver license because it is an invention of the
State. The date-of-birth is the day that a baby comes forth from his mother's womb. The doctor and
parents, being citizens of the State, witness the birth and register the child in the State inventory
records. Through the filing of a birth certificate, the State aggressively claims ownership over this new
human resource. Whatever the State creates, the State controls. Even if no papers are filed, the child is
still a citizen of the State because the baby's parents are citizens.
To those who have been born again from above,
a date-of-birth is meaningless. In Christ's government, baptism is the important event. This new date
takes precedence over the State-created date-of-birth. When an individual is baptized, he is a new
creature, old things have passed away, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). Through baptism, the
new creature is automatically removed from the State's claim.

Unfortunately, the State does not respect the loss of jurisdiction when an individual is baptized. This is
because most people are baptized by State churches. State churches are religious organizations that
have gained permission to exist through State incorporation. These churches are just another agency of
the State. They have lost their authority under the Kingdom of Heaven to perform true baptisms. When
they baptize a repentant soul, they keep him under the realm of the State. They do not baptize him into
the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the status of the individual does not change. He is still viewed as a
State citizen, not a citizen of Heaven.

True baptism is a cleansing or purging of the old. You can be baptized by water, fire, or the Holy Spirit.
Water baptism is also a public declaration of your new allegiance to Jesus Christ. As you pass through
the waters, baptism symbolizes the drowning of the Old Man, born of the flesh, and the emerging of
the New Creation, born of the Spirit.

The waters of baptism represent the escape from the world system, which is under divine judgment.
When we are baptized, we are baptized into Christ's death. Death puts an end to our relationship with
the world system, but baptism also represents a new birth into Christ Jesus as Sovereign Lord.

With the churches in the pocket of the State, baptism loses its political significance. The State does not
fear that their citizens are joining another government. Even if the new converts say, "Jesus is Lord,"
they mean Jesus is Lord underthe State.

The True Church is not to be yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). Its life comes from Jesus
Christ by eating His body and drinking His blood (John 6:53-58). The Church cannot serve both the
State and the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 6:24).

In order to overcome the State, we must come out (2 Corinthians 6:17) and be baptized into the True
Church (Matthew 28:19). This causes the State "date-of-birth" to become obsolete and removes us
from State citizenship. Let us therefore go forth as new creatures. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand
(Matthew 4:17).

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