.Coursework 1 BE486 Organizational Behaviour and HRM Moodle 2223

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BE486 Coursework 1 assignment brief

Write an essay in which you reflect on the importance of identity in how people are
managed in the workplace, using insights from the field of organizational behaviour.

In your essay, you should cover themes and readings from this module, along with
additional sources that you have researched independently.

Your essay must be between 2300 and 2500 words (excluding references) and
submitted via the regular way via FASER by November 17th, 2022 10am.


In submitting coursework online, it must be assumed that you have read and
understood the following guidelines about academic offences. Please note that all
coursework is being monitored by plagiarism detection software. All submitted papers
will be included as source documents in the reference database of the respective
software solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers.
The university regulations state that
“The University, the Students’ Union and the University’s Partner Institutions expect
all students:
- to behave with honesty and integrity in relation to coursework, examinations and
other assessed work;
- to be familiar and act in accordance with the conventions of academic writing
including appropriate referencing of sources and acknowledgement of assistance;
- to show understanding of ethical considerations and be compliant with the relevant
University Procedures.
A student who does not comply with any of these requirements (either intentionally or
by negligence) may be charged with having committed an academic offence.”
(Academic Offences Procedures)
“The following are some examples of academic offences and do not constitute an
exhaustive list:
a. plagiarism, that is, using or copying the work of others (whether written, printed or
in any other form) without proper acknowledgement in any assignment, examination
or other assessed work;
b. self-plagiarism, that is, using or copying one’s own work that has previously been
submitted for assessment, at the University or elsewhere, without proper
acknowledgement in any assignment, examination or other assessed work, unless
this is explicitly permitted;
c. false authorship, that is the submission of work for assessment that has been written
wholly or in part by a third party and presented as one’s own original work;
d. collusion, that is, submitting work produced collaboratively for individual
assessment, unless this is explicitly permitted and acknowledged;
e. falsifying data or evidence;
f. conducting research without obtaining ethical approval from the University where
such approval is required, or the unauthorised use of information that has been
confidentially acquired;
g. introducing, or attempting to introduce, any written, printed or electronically
accessible information into an examination, other than material explicitly permitted in
the instructions for that examination;
h. copying, or attempting to copy, the work of another candidate in an examination;
i. communicating, or attempting to communicate, with another person, other than an
invigilator, during an examination.” (Academic Offences Procedures)
“A student suspected of helping another student commit an academic offence may be
investigated and dealt with in accordance with the University’s Code of Student
Conduct.” (Academic Offences Procedures).
Marking guidelines:

The following criteria are used to mark the essay’s general qualities:

Excellent Very Good Weak Very Below

Good Weak Level
Comprehension ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Presentation ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Research ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐
Analysis ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

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