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Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

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Sleep interventions for children with attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder (ADHD): A systematic literature review
I. Larsson a, *, K. Aili b, M. Lo
€ nn a, c, P. Svedberg a, J.M. Nygren a, A. Ivarsson b, P. Johansson b
School of Health and Welfare, Department of Health and Care, Halmstad University, SE-30118, Halmstad, Sweden
School of Health and Welfare, Department of Health and Sport, Halmstad University, SE-30118, Halmstad, Sweden
Psychiatry Halland, Region Halland, SE-30231, Halmstad, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Objective/background: Healthy sleep is particularly important for children with attention deficit hyper-
Received 5 October 2022 activity disorder (ADHD), as sleep disturbances might aggravate disease symptoms. This review aims to
Received in revised form synthesize and report evidence on the effectiveness of sleep interventions in increasing sleep, quality of
21 December 2022
life (QoL), and ADHD symptoms among children with ADHD.
Accepted 24 December 2022
Available online 26 December 2022
Patients/methods: The systematic literature review follows the Cochrane Collaboration methodology
recommendations for literature reviews. Four databases were used based on the population, interven-
tion, control and outcome (PICO) framework. Controlled trials with minimum 20 children in each group,
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
aged 6e18, and published from 2005 and onwards were included. Results from the studies were reported
(ADHD) in forest plots and three of the seven review outcomes were synthesized in meta-analyses.
Children Results: The search identified 7710 records; of which 4808 abstracts were screened. After fulltext-
Effectiveness screening of 99 papers, eight papers from five studies were included. The studies included behavioral
Sleep sleep interventions and pharmacological interventions using melatonin and eszopiclone. For six of the
Sleep interventions seven outcomes, the effect sizes were small to moderate and the certainty of the evidence was low. For
Systematic literature review one outcome, sleep disturbances, the effect size was a moderate 0.49 standardized mean differences
(95% confidence interval 0.65;-0.33), with a moderate certainty of evidence for the behavioral in-
terventions for children aged 5e13 years with ADHD.
Conclusions: This review identified few and heterogeneous studies. A moderate certainty of evidence for
a moderate effect size was only obtained for sleep disturbances from the behavioral interventions. A low
certainty of the evidence for a moderate effect size was found for the total sleep time from the phar-
macological intervention using melatonin and one behavioral intervention, which indicates that these
sleep interventions impact sleep quantity and quality among children with ADHD.
© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction child [5,6] and the whole family [5,7]. Healthy sleep is a key factor
for e.g., school results and subsequent successful transition into
Sleep is crucial to health, well-being, and everyday functioning adulthood and working life, for all children, but particularly for
in children [1,2]. Healthy sleep, with sufficient sleep duration and children with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as attention
quality, contributes to increased attention, improved behavior, deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) [8,9].
cognitive functions, and physical and mental health [3,4]. Thus, ADHD is one of the most common disorders among school-aged
sleeping problems significantly impact everyday life, for both the children [10], with a prevalence of approximately 5% worldwide
[11]. Boys are about three times more likely to be diagnosed with
ADHD than girls [9]. ADHD is characterized by impulsivity, inat-
tention, and/or hyperactivity and affects many aspects of a child's
* Corresponding author. School of Health and Welfare, Halmstad University, Box
823, S-30118, Halmstad, Sweden.
well-being, including physical, mental, and social health, along
E-mail addresses: (I. Larsson), (K. Aili), with cognitive function, and thus also academic achievement (M. Lo €nn), (P. Svedberg), jens.nygren@hh. [9,12]. Therefore, living with ADHD has a substantial impact on
se (J.M. Nygren), (A. Ivarsson), quality of life (QoL) and daily function, which in turn entails a
(P. Johansson).
1389-9457/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

significant burden on the individual [13], family [14], and society according to established standards [43]. To our knowledge, no
[15]. previous systematic literature reviews on sleep interventions for
Among children with ADHD, up to 70% experience sleep prob- children with ADHD include syntheses of data in meta-analyses on
lems [16,17], compared to 20e30% of healthy peers [18], with an selected outcome measures from high-quality trials. We thus set
even higher prevalence among girls with ADHD [16]. However, the out to perform a systematic literature review to compile evidence
majority of children with ADHD have transient sleep problems, and on sleep interventions for children with ADHD that would be
research shows that only 10% have persistent sleep problems relevant for healthcare professionals in diverse healthcare settings
throughout a 12-month period [19]. The most common sleep within high-income countries. Therefore, this study aims to syn-
problems are higher bedtime resistance, sleep onset difficulties thesize and report evidence on the effectiveness of sleep in-
[20], lighter sleep [21], poor sleep quality, fragmented sleep with terventions in increasing sleep, QoL, and ADHD symptoms among
periods of nightly awakenings due to restlessness or movements children with ADHD.
[5], and shorter sleep duration [5,22]. Research reports that chil-
dren with ADHD have between 30 and 60 min shorter sleep 2. Methods
duration and significantly more nightly awakenings compared to
healthy peers [20,23e25]. Sleep problems often lead to daytime 2.1. Protocol and registration
sleepiness, which affects health and well-being with a significant
impact on the children's functioning and QoL [26,27], and are likely The research protocol has been registered in the international
to exacerbate the negative behaviors associated with ADHD prospective register of systematic reviews, PROSPERO
[5,23,26,28]. Sleep problems are associated with impaired aca- (CRD42021191982).
demic performance, higher parental stress, and poorer parental
health [7,29]. To reduce the symptoms of ADHD and facilitate 2.2. Study design and research questions
everyday life, children are often treated with various types of
pharmacological therapy, which might further increase the risk of The design of the systematic literature review and meta-analysis
sleep problems [9,30e32]. was in accordance with the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic
Both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions Reviews of Interventions, including: selecting a research question,
are available for treating sleep problems in children with ADHD; determining inclusion and exclusion criteria, searching and
one pharmacological treatment is melatonin. The prescription rate selecting studies, assessing bias, data synthesis, and evidence
of melatonin in Sweden has increased in recent decades [33e35] as grading [43]. The study approach also incorporated the Preferred
it is considered safe and effective for children [36]. Nevertheless, it Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
can cause side effects, such as morning drowsiness, increased (PRISMA 2020) [44].
enuresis, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, rash, and hypothermia [37]. The research question was: “What is the effectiveness of sleep
When parents are allowed to choose the treatment for their chil- interventions on the outcomes of sleep, QoL, and functioning
dren's sleep problems, they primarily prefer non-pharmacological among children with ADHD?”
interventions [38]. Non-pharmacological sleep interventions are
often divided into parent-directed interventions and “other” non- 2.3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
pharmacological interventions [39,40]. The intervention design
can further divide the parental-directed interventions into three The inclusion and exclusion criteria, considering the research
different types: 1) Comprehensive tailored interventions that question, were based on an initial review of the literature and
involve the development of individually tailored sleep manage- several discussions between the authors, guided by the PICO
ment plans, along with parent training and ongoing support during (population, intervention, comparison, outcome) framework [43].
implementation; 2) Comprehensive non-tailored interventions See Table 1. Controlled clinical trials and intervention studies
that involve a “standard” sleep management plan with compre- examining sleep interventions among children with ADHD with
hensive content, including parent training and support during the minimum group sizes of 20 children in each intervention and
implementation; and 3) Non-comprehensive interventions, control group, original articles published in English after 2005 re-
tailored or non-tailored, which focus on a single subject area ported from high-income countries, i.e., members of OECD (to ac-
related to sleep management (e.g., sleep hygiene or behavioral count for different physical and psychological contexts between
strategies). “Other” non-pharmacological interventions include, for countries), were eligible for inclusion in the study.
example, weighted blankets, light therapy, dietary intervention, or
acupuncture [39,40]. 2.4. Search strategy
Thus, several treatment alternatives are available in clinical
healthcare work with children with ADHD and sleep problems. This literature review is part of a more comprehensive ongoing
However, there is a lack of high-quality evidence that reports the study that seeks to investigate the effectiveness and cost-
effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological sleep effectiveness of sleep interventions for children 6e18 years old.
interventions in children with ADHD [39]. In previous systematic Because sleep problems are widespread among children with
reviews on this topic, the authors argued that the findings need to ADHD, this sub-population was of particular research interest.
be treated with caution and highlighted the importance of rigorous The literature was searched in the following four electronic
and comprehensive randomised controlled trials (RCT) [5,39e42]. databases: PubMed, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health
Well-informed decisions in the clinical management of sleep Literature (CINAHL), PsycINFO, and Cochrane, including Cochrane
problems for children with ADHD require that high-quality evi- Database of Systematic Reviews and Cochrane Central Register of
dence on the effectiveness of sleep interventions is carefully Controlled Trials. The Halmstad university librarians searched the
compiled. Thus, the evidence base should be formed by high- databases without any date and language restrictions until 29 April
quality controlled trials with outcome measures that assess as- 2021.
pects of sleep that are of importance to the children and their The research team and the librarians jointly developed and
families. Finally, to increase transparency and clarity, and in terms formulated the search strategy based on the comprehensive study
of the strength of evidence, the review results should be reported objectives and preliminary searches. Medical Subject Headings
€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

Table 1
Description of PICO in this literature review.

P Population Children with ADHD diagnosis, aged 6e18 years, with sleep disorders according to validated objective or subjective instruments, but without physical
health disorders.
I Intervention Any type of sleep intervention, i.e. both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, implemented in non-hospital settings, including home,
institutional care, and treatment and diagnosis facilities, such as sleep laboratories.
C Comparator Any alternative sleep intervention, including standard care.
O Outcomes Sleep quality and quantity, using standard measurement instruments, including objective measures (polysomnography, actigraphy), and subjective
measures, including well-established questionnaires and sleep diaries. Health-related quality of life and functioning, i.e. symptoms of ADHD.

(MeSH) terms were identified in the MeSH database National Li- comparator (C) could be any alternative intervention. The study
brary of Medicine (NIH) and converted to corresponding index design was controlled trials, and both intervention and control
terms in Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature groups should have a minimum group size of 20 children.
(CINAHL) and Psychological Information Database (PsycINFO) da- Randomization of participants into comparison groups was not
tabases. The overall search terms used in the literature search were required. Results with follow-up measurements that included
“child”, “adolescent”, “sleep wake disorders” and “controlled clin- fewer than 20 children were excluded. As no core outcome set was
ical trial”. The search strategy in each database included synonyms available for sleep interventions for children [46], seven outcome
combined with the Boolean operator “OR” to achieve sensitivity measures (O) that reflected sleep were selectively chosen during
within concepts. The concepts were combined with the Boolean the appraisal stage. Five outcomes on sleep issues were identified in
operator “AND” to ensure that each concept was represented in the the included studies: sleep quantity (total sleep time - TST) and
final search. After completing the literature search in the databases, sleep quality (sleep onset latency - SOL, sleep efficiency - SE, wake
a total of 7710 articles were identified, and 1876 duplicate articles after sleep onset e WASO, and sleep disturbances Children's Sleep
were removed. See Table 2. Habits Questionnaire- CSHQ), and one outcome each for QoL and
for behaviour, i.e. ADHD symptoms.

2.5. Study selection

2.6. Assessment of bias
The identified articles were delivered to an EndNote library and
were transferred into the abstract screening tool Rayyan [45]. The Two researchers (IL, PJ) independently assessed the risk of bias
study selection process was conducted in two screening phases: for each included study by using the Cochrane instrument for
first title and abstract and full-text. The search and screening re- assessing the risk of bias in RCT (RoB 2) [47], as all included studies
sults are reported in detail in a 2020 PRISMA flowchart, see Fig. 1. In were RCTs. Consensus on the assessment was reached by discus-
phase one, the titles and abstracts were independently screened sion. The risk of bias was assessed from five different domains: 1)
against the PICO and inclusion criteria by two researchers. Three randomization process, 2) deviations from intended interventions,
researchers were involved in phase one (IL, KA, PJ). The studies that 3) missing outcome data, 4) measurement of the outcome, and 5)
did not fulfill the eligibility criteria were excluded. In phase two, the selection of the reported result. The risk of bias was reported as
same researchers independently applied the eligibility criteria for “low risk of bias”, “some concerns of bias” or “high risk of bias”. The
the full texts of all potential studies identified after the first phase. global risk of bias was an overall assessment. The bias assessment
In both phases, any discrepancies in the selection process were results are visualized via the tool ROBVIS in Fig. 2. Studies with a
discussed between the three researchers until consensus was high risk of bias were excluded from the data synthesis.
The included population (P) was children aged 6e18 years old 2.7. Data synthesis
with ADHD. The included interventions (I) were both pharmaco-
logical and non-pharmacological sleep interventions, while the The study results are reported as differences in changes in mean

Table 2
Search strategy for selected databases.

Database Search strategy Date Number

PubMed #1 Adolescent[Mesh] OR "Child"[Mesh:NoExp] OR adolescence[Title/Abstract] OR adolescent[Title/Abstract] OR adolescents[Title/Abstract] 2021.4.29 1280

OR child[Title/Abstract] OR children[Title/Abstract
#2 Sleep Wake Disorders[Mesh] OR "sleep disorder*"[Title/Abstract] OR "sleep wake disorder*"[Title/Abstract] OR "sleeping
disorder*"[Title/Abstract] AND "controlled clinical trial"[Publication Type]
#1 AND #2
CINAHL #1 (MH "Adolescenceþ" OR MH "Child" OR MH "Child, Abandoned" OR MH "Child, Adopted" OR MH "Child, Gifted" OR MH "Child, 2021.4.29 371
Institutionalized" OR MH "Child, Medically Fragile" OR TI (adolescence OR adolescents OR children) OR AB (adolescence OR adolescents OR
children) OR MW (adolescence OR adolescents OR children))
#2 (MH "Sleep Disordersþ" OR "sleep* disorder*" OR TI "sleep* disorder*" OR AB "sleep* disorder*" OR MW "sleep* disorder*") AND (MH
"Controlled Before-After Studies" OR MH "Triple-Blind Studies" OR MH "Single-Blind Studies" OR MH "Double-Blind Studies" OR MH
"Randomized Controlled Trialsþ")
#1 AND #2
PsycINFO #1 noft(child OR children OR adolescent OR adolescents OR adolescence) 2021.4.29 3799
#2 MAINSUBJECT.EXACT.EXPLODE("Sleep Wake Disorders") OR noft("sleep disorder" OR "sleep wake disorder")
#1 AND #2
Cochrane #1 MeSH descriptor: [Adolescent] explode all trees OR 2021.4.28 2260
MeSH descriptor: [Child] this term only OR
(child OR children OR adolescent OR adolescents OR adolescence):ti,ab,kw
#2 MeSH descriptor: [Sleep Wake Disorders] explode all trees OR sleep* NEXT disorder* OR sleep* NEXT wake NEXT disorder*
#1 AND #2

€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

Fig. 1. PRISMA 2020 Flow diagram for the selection process of trials included in this systematic literature review
* Cochrane includes the databases Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR) (protocols excluded) and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL).

Fig. 2. Assessment of risk of bias.

outcome values between baseline (pre-test) and follow-up (post- [48]. Some outcome values were transformed into standardized
test) for the intervention and control group, with 95% confidence mean differences (SMD). The calculation of treatment-control SMD
intervals estimated using pooled standard deviations from the was conducted by calculating the difference in change scores
intervention and control groups at baseline. The focus was thus on divided by the pooled standard deviation [48]. More specifically, we
assessing mean change due to treatment as compared to controls used the raw-score metric approach (i.e., using pre-test standard

€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

deviations) in the calculation of SMD. In comparison to the change pharmacological interventions with melatonin [57] and eszopi-
score metric approach, this approach is more conservative because clone [54]; . Melatonin doses used in one of the RCT [57] were 3 mg
it is not sensitive to heterogeneity in the correlation between pre- for body weight <40 kg and 6 mg for body weight >40 kg in fast-
and post-test scores. (For more information about the raw-score release tablets or identical-appearing placebo tablets in accor-
metric approach, see, Morris and DeShon, 2002 [48].) The results dance with previous research on effectiveness and safety in chil-
from included studies are reported in outcome-specific forest plots, dren [64,65]. Eszopiclone doses used in the other pharmacological
see Fig. 3. Only three outcomes, sleep disturbances, QoL, and ADHD RCT were 2 mg for children aged 6e11 years and 3 mg for children
symptoms, could be synthesized in meta-analyses, and the aged 12e17 years and was the first RCT evaluating the effectiveness
remainder of outcomes are reported narratively. A random effect and safety of eszopiclone [54]. Two studies [51,52] reported results
model was applied for the meta-analyses, with baseline sample from non-pharmacological, parental-directed, comprehensive in-
sizes as weights. All analyses were performed in STATA (version 16). terventions compared with usual clinical care. These interventions
involved parent information about sleep, sleep hygiene strategies,
2.8. Evidence grading and a behavioral sleep management plan tailored to the child's
sleep problem [51,52] see Table 4. One study [54] included children
In the final step of the review, the certainty of the evidence was aged 6e11 years as well as 12e17 years, while the remaining
assessed by using the grading of recommendation assessment, studies [51,52,57] only included children aged 5e13 years. The
development and evaluation (GRADE) framework, considering the proportion of participants on concurrent ADHD medication was
following domains: 1) risk of bias, 2) indirectness, 3) inconsistency, high in all studies except the melatonin study [57], only included
4) imprecision, and 5) other considerations (e.g., publication bias) participants without simultaneous ADHD medication. In the
[49]. GRADE guidelines were also used for the statements on the behavioural interventions [51,52], co-morbidity with autism spec-
certainty of evidence and effect sizes [50]. The assessments were trum disorder (ASD) was present in around 25 and 40 percent of the
performed independently by two researchers (IL, ML), with an participants, respectively. The follow-up periods ranged from 4
assessment consensus reached by discussion in the research group. weeks to 6 months.
The final review results are summarized in an evidence table
inspired by the GRADE framework (Table 5). 3.4. Results

3. Results 3.4.1. Sleep interventions may increase total sleep time, TST, among
children with ADHD
3.1. Study selection Two studies reported changes in TST measured with actigraphy;
one pharmacological intervention with melatonin, compared with
The literature search for the effectiveness of sleep interventions placebo [57], and a non-pharmacological intervention with sleep
for children resulted in 7710 records, see Fig. 1. After duplicates hygiene practices and standardized behavioral strategies,
were removed and the language and time period criteria were compared with standard care [52]. Both studies reported more
enforced, 4808 records were screened on abstract level. Of these, larger increases in TST in the intervention group than in the control
4709 were excluded, leaving 99 papers for full-text assessment of group, with a statistically significant increase in the melatonin
inclusion, whereof eight papers [51e58] from five studies study [57] of over 30 min at 4 weeks follow-up. In the non-
[51,52,54,57,58] were included in the systematic review. This pharmacological study [52], TST was increased by around 15 min
means that three papers (Hiscock et al., 2015; Sciberras et al., 2011; at 3-month follow-up, see forest plot TST in Fig. 3.
Sciberras, Mulraney, et al., 2020) were based on findings from the
same study and that two papers (Van der Heijden et al., 2007; 3.4.2. Sleep interventions with the pharmacological melatonin may
Hoebert et al., 2009) are based on the same study. reduce sleep onset latency, SOL, among children with ADHD but not
the pharmacological eszopiclone, but the evidence is very uncertain
3.2. Risk of bias Two studies reported changes in SOL measured with actigraphy
and polysomnography. Both pharmacological interventions, mela-
In the assessment of the risk of bias of the eight papers from the tonin [57] and eszopiclone [54], were compared with placebo. The
five studies, three papers from two studies were assessed as having study on melatonin reports a statistically significant decrease in
a low overall risk of bias [53,54,57], while another four papers from SOL of nearly 25 min [57] compared to placebo at 4-week follow-
two studies were assessed as having some concerns [51,52,55,56], up, while in the high dose group of eszopiclone at 12-week
see Fig. 2. One study [58] was assessed as having a high risk for bias, follow-up, the decrease in SOL was lower than in the placebo
and those results are not further reported. Bias due to missing group, leading to an increase in 8 min of SOL for eszopiclone [54],
outcome data (domain 3 in RoB 2) was the issue most frequently see forest plot SOL in Fig. 3.
encountered in the studies.
3.4.3. Sleep interventions with the pharmacological melatonin
3.3. Study characteristics increase sleep efficiency, SE, among children with ADHD, but the
behavioral intervention does not; however, the evidence is very
Four of the seven selected outcome measure included in the uncertain
studies were measured by objective instruments, i.e. actigraphy or Two studies reported changes in SE after treatment, one with
polysomnography: TST, SOL, SE, WASO, while three were self- melatonin compared with placebo [57] and the other on sleep
reported: sleep disturbances (CSHQ) [59], QoL (Pediatric Quality hygiene practices and standardized behavioral strategies compared
of Life Inventory - PedsQL, TNO-AZL Questionnaire for Children's with standard care [52]. Both studies involved children and
Health-Related Quality of Life - TACQOL-P) [60,61] and ADHD measured the outcome with actigraphy. The study on melatonin
symptoms (ADHD Rating scale IV, CBCL) [62,63], see Table 3. [57] reported a statistically significant increase of SE by around 5
All seven papers from the four studies that form the basis for the percent in the intervention group compared with the control
effectiveness evidence were performed as RCTs. Two studies, both group. The other study on sleep hygiene practices [52] reported no
double-blinded, placebo-controlled trials, reported outcomes from increase in SE, see forest plot SE in Fig. 3.
€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

Fig. 3. Forest plots.

Act ¼ Actigraphy data, CBCL ¼ Child Behavior Checklist, PedsQL ¼ Pediatric quality of life PSG ¼ Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (PDSS), TACQOL-P ¼ TNO-AZL Questionnaire for
Children’s Health-Related Quality of Life - Parent version

€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

Table 3
Included outcome measures, measurement methods and number of studies reporting the outcome.

Outcome Methods for measurements No. of included studies

1 Total sleep time (TST) Actigraphy 2

2 Sleep onset latency (SOL) Actigraphy/Polysomnography 2
3 Sleep efficiency (SE) Actigraphy 2
4 Wake after sleep onset (WASO) Actigraphy/Polysomnography 2
5 Sleep disturbances CSHQa, [59] 2
6 QoL (Quality of life) PedsQLb, [60]/TACQOL-Pc, [61] 3
7 ADHD symptoms ADHD rating scale IV [62]/CBCLd, [63] 3
CSHQ ¼ Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire.
PedsQL ¼ Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory.
TACQOL-P ¼ TNO-AZL Questionnaire for Children's Health-Related Quality of Life - Parent version.
CBCL ¼ Child Behavior Checklist.

3.4.4. Sleep interventions may result in little to no reduction in two different instruments; CBCL in one study [57] and ADHD rating
wake after sleep onset, WASO, among children with ADHD scale IV in two studies [51,52]. In one study, melatonin was
Two studies reported change in WASO, one on eszopiclone compared with placebo [57], while in two studies, hygiene strate-
compared with placebo [54], and another on sleep hygiene prac- gies and behavioral sleep management plans were compared with
tices and standardized behavioral strategies compared with stan- standard care [51,52]. The two behavioral intervention studies re-
dard care [52]. Both studies reported modest decreases in WASO ported data at 3- and 6-month follow-up. The forest plot on ADHD-
after the intervention compared with the control group (i.e. pla- symptoms in Fig. 3 reports the data in SMD. Children receiving
cebo and standard care, respectively): 6 min for eszopiclone [54], melatonin experience a decrease in ADHD symptoms, but to a
and 1 min for the study on sleep hygiene practices and standard- lesser extent than the placebo control group children, leading to an
ized behavioral strategies [52]. No changes in WASO were statisti- overall increase in symptoms after the intervention [57]. However,
cally significant, see forest plot WASO in Fig. 3. the two behavioral interventions reported decreased ADHD
symptoms, with SMDs ranging from 0.02 to 0.40 [51,52], of
3.4.5. Behavioral sleep interventions probably decrease sleep which one study reported statistically significant decreases at 6-
disturbances among children with ADHD month follow-up [52]. The trend over follow-up periods is
Two studies reported sleep disturbances in the total score from different in those studies; one reported larger decreases at 6
the instrument CSHQ; both compare sleep hygiene strategies and months than at 3 months follow-up [52], while in the other, the
behavioral sleep management plans with standard care [51,52]. The decreases approach 0 at 6 months [51]. The two meta-analyses, see
data were reported in SMD at 3-month follow-up. Both studies Fig. 4, which combined the data from the two behavioral in-
reported statistically significant decreases in CSHQ scores for the terventions at 3 months and 6 months follow-up, respectively, re-
behavioral interventions compared with standard care, of 0.45 and ported a decrease in symptoms of 0.21 SMD at both follow-ups,
0.51 SMD, respectively. The meta-analysis, see panel CSHQ Fig. 4, which is generally considered a small effect size. However, at the
which combines the data from the studies, shows a statistically shorter follow-up, the effects were consistent in the studies, and
significant medium effect size of 0.49 SMD in decreases of sleep the meta-analysis result was statistically significant, while at the
disturbances. longer follow-up one study reported a greater decrease in symp-
toms [52] while the other reported no effect [51].
3.4.6. Sleep interventions may slightly increase quality of life (QoL)
among children with ADHD 3.5. Evidence grading
Three studies reported changes in QoL, where two studies used
the instrument PedsQL [51,52] and one study used the instrument In Table 5 the review results are summarized in an evidence
TACQOL-P [57]. One study investigated melatonin compared with table. Most of the review outcomes were assessed as having low or
placebo [57], while two studies compared sleep hygiene strategies very low certainty, mainly due to the differing types of in-
and behavioral sleep management plans with standard care [51,52]. terventions. The effect sizes were generally considered small to
One study reports two follow-up periods, 3 and 6 months [52]. The moderate. Only for the outcome sleep disturbances did the review
data in the forest plot in Fig. 3 is reported in SMD. The melatonin find a moderate effect size with a moderate certainty, which im-
study reported no increase in QoL in the intervention group plies that sleep interventions likely have some positive effects on
compared with the control group [57]. One of the behavioral the sleep of children with ADHD.
intervention studies reported a statistically significant increase in
QoL of 0.71 SMD in the intervention group compared with the 4. Discussion
control group, which is attenuated, to 0.43 SMD, at the longer
follow-up period but still statistically significant [52]. The other 4.1. Principal findings
behavioral intervention reported a more modest increase of 0.14
SMD at 6 months [51]. In the meta-analysis, see Fig. 4, the two This systematic review aimed to report the evidence on the
behavioral interventions are combined into a statistically non- effectiveness of pharmacological and non-pharmacological in-
significant change of 0.27 SMD at 6 months follow-up, which is a terventions in increasing sleep quantity and quality, QoL, and
small effect size. function among children with ADHD. Only four studies (two
pharmacological, and two non-pharmacological) fulfilled the in-
3.4.7. Behavioral sleep interventions, but not pharmacological with clusion criteria and could thus be included in the evidence base.
melatonin, slightly decrease ADHD symptoms among children with The four studies were heterogeneous; they included different types
ADHD, but the evidence is very uncertain of interventions, different follow-up periods, different measure-
Three studies reported changes in ADHD symptoms but used ment methods and survey instruments, and different age groups,
€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

Table 4
Characteristics of included studies.

Study Reference Country Age group No. of Type of design and intervention Outcomes Methods of measurement Follow-
participants (% boys; up
% ASD comorbidities,
% ADHD medication)

Hiscock et al., 2015, Children, 5e12 yrs RCT,Sleep behavior strategies compared with usual TST,SE,WASO,Sleep Actigraphy,CSHQ,PedsQL, 3
[52]},Associated I C clinical care disturbances,QoL,ADHD ADHD Rating scale IV months,6
paper,Sciberras et al. n (Total) 122 122 symptoms months
2011, 2020, Boys (%) 84 86
[55,56],Australia ASD (%) 23 27
ADHD 91 83
Hiscock, et al. 2019, Children, 5e13 yrs RCT,Sleep behavior strategies compared with usual Sleep CSHQ,PedsQL, ADHD 3
[51],Australia I C clinical care disturbances,QoL,ADHD Rating scale IV months,6
n (Total) 183 178 symptoms months
Boys (%) 75 75
ASD (%) 40 37
ADHD 80 81
Sangal et al. 2014, [54], USA Children 6e11 yrs, RCT (double-blind placebo),Pharmacological SOL,WASO Polysomnography 12 weeks
Children 12e17 yrs eszopiclone (2 mg for children aged 6e11 years and
I C 3 mg for children aged 12e17 years) compared with
n (Total) 160 160 placebo
n (6 86 85
e11 yrs)
n (12 74 75
e17 yrs)
Boys (%) 63 65
ASD (%) N/ N/
ADHD 63 69
Van der Heijden et al. 2007 Children, mean age RCT (double-blind placebo),Pharmacological TST,SOL,SE,QoL,ADHD Actigraphy,TACQOL- 4 weeks
[57],Associated 9 yrs melatonin in fast-release tablets (3 mg when body symptoms P,CBCL
paper,Hoebert et al. 2009, I C weight <40 kg [n ¼ 44] and 6 mg when body weight
[53],The Netherlands n (Total) 53 52 >40 kg [n ¼ 9]) compared with identical-appearing
Boys (%) 66 83 placebo tablets
ASD (%) N/ N/
ADHD 0 0

ASD ¼ Autism spectrum disorder.

C ¼ Control group.
CBCL ¼ Child Behavior Checklist.
CSHQ ¼ Children Sleep Health Questionnaire.
I ¼ Intervention group.
N/A ¼ Not Available.
PedsQL ¼ Pediatric quality of life.
QoL ¼ Quality of life.
RCT ¼ Randomised controlled trial.
SE ¼ Sleep efficiency.
SOL ¼ Sleep onset latency.
TACQOL-P ¼ TNO-AZL Questionnaire for Children's Health-Related Quality of Life - Parent version.
TST ¼ Total sleep time.
WASO ¼ Wake after sleep onset.

which led to a generally low certainty of the evidence. The excep- sleep behavior interventions appear to be a sound treatment choice
tion is the outcome sleep disturbances that was assessed as having for children with ADHD and sleep problems. The effect size of TST
a moderate effect size with a moderate certainty of evidence. As the was reported to increase over 30 min at 4 weeks follow-up for
outcome was measured by the instrument CSHQ [59], that is spe- children using melatonin [57] and around 15 min at 3-month
cifically aimed at describing sleep difficulties among children, this follow-up after a behavioral intervention [52], which is consid-
indicates that sleep interventions potentially increase the sleep ered as a moderate effect, although with low evidence. This
quantity and quality among children with ADHD, even though the conclusion is based on research showing that an improvement in
review results on other sleep related outcomes should be regarded TST rarely exceeds 30 min in sleep interventions [66,67] but is likely
as inconclusive. However, that result is obtained from two studies to increase linearly over time [67]. Two RCTs reviewed investigated
on tailored sleep behavior for children aged 5e13 at 3 months two types of pharmaceutical treatment. Melatonin [57] showed
follow-up [51,52]. As the instrument CSHQ aims to include a improvement in sleep outcomes but not in QoL nor ADHD function,
comprehensive range of sleep quantity and quality issues, tailored while eszopiclone [54] showed no effect in any of the included

€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

Fig. 4. Meta-analyses on selected outcomes.

sleep outcomes. As the eszopiclone study was the only study that the six month follow-up periods do not show sustained results
included children aged 6e11 and 12e17 years, we cannot report regarding QoL and ADHD behavior [51,52]. Evaluation of daytime
any evidence on the effectiveness of sleep interventions for ado- consequences over time is important besides sleep evaluation,
lescents. Although our results show some minor improvements in especially in children with ADHD, due to the bidirectional rela-
sleep quantity and quality and decreased ADHD symptoms for tionship between sleep and ADHD symptoms [68].
three months after interventions for the behavioral interventions, This systematic review included a specific search for health

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Table 5
Summary evidence table.

Certainty assessment No. of Effect Certainty

No. of Risk of Incon- Indirect- Impreci- Other Downrating due to Absolute,(95% CI) Size of
studies bias sistency ness sion considera- number of some concerns effect

Total sleep time (TST), in minutes

2 Some None Seriousa Seriousb None No 170 n.a. Moderate 44,Low
Sleep onset latency (SOL), in minutes
2 None Very Seriousd Some None No 428 n.a. Moderate 4,Very
seriousc low
Sleep efficiency (SE), percentage of total sleep time in relation to time in bed
2 Some Very Seriousf Some None No 170 n.a. Moderate 4,Very
seriouse low
Wake after sleep onset (WASO), in minutes
2 Some None Seriousg Serioush None No 385 n.a. No effect 44,Low
Sleep disturbances, measured as the total score of the instrument CSHQ, transformed into SMD
2 Some None None None Some Yes 605 0.49,(-0.65;-0.33) Moderate 444
Quality of life, (QoL) measured from several instruments, transformed into SMD
3 (2 in meta- Some None Seriousi Some None Yes 569 (464 in 0.27,(-0.02; 0.56) Small 44,Low
analysis) meta-analysis)
ADHD symptoms, measured from several instruments, transformed into SMD
3 (2 in meta- Some Some Seriousj Seriousk None Yes 705 (605 in 3 months: 0.21 (0.37; 0.05),6 Small 4,Very
analysis) meta-analysis) months: 0.21 (0.58; 0.16) low
Different types of interventions in studies.
Both studies report broad confidence intervals.
One study reported increases in outcome while the other reported decreases.
Different measurement methods in studies.
One study reported increases in outcome while the other reported decreases.
Different types of interventions in studies.
Different types of interventions in studies.
Wide confidence intervals in studies.
Different types of interventions in studies.
Different types of interventions in studies.
Broad confidence interval in meta-analysis at 6 months.

economic evidence but found only one study that reported some process and results are those recommended by the Cochrane
health economic results of a sleep intervention for children with Collaboration. The use of forest plots and meta-analyses on selected
ADHD [51]. Due to the lack of details in the reporting of the cost- outcomes and GRADE tools lead to a transparent reporting of re-
effectiveness analysis and the inappropriate result reported, i.e., sults and ease of interpretation for stakeholders. The stringent
cost per percentage reduction in parent-reported sleep problems, methodology, however, leads to the considerable drawback that
the study was deemed to be of insufficient health economic very few studies are included in the review, negatively affecting the
methodological quality to become included in the evidence base. certainty of evidence. However, we believe the review methodol-
Our review could, therefore, not include any health economic re- ogy enforces scientific rigor in the results.
sults. Apart from effectiveness considerations, decision-makers Drawing conclusions from RCTs with different timeframes from
also need to consider the resource implications of the chosen in- 4 weeks to 6 months is a limitation in this review. There is a need
terventions. Very effective interventions might be too resource- for standardized time frames in the evaluation of sleep in-
demanding, i.e. too costly, to be possible to implement [69]. terventions in order to be able to compare the effectiveness of
Our results mainly confirm the results of previously reported different sleep interventions. The importance of longer follow-up
systematic reviews: for children with neurodisabilities, sleep in- periods is highlighted in our two separate meta-analyses on
terventions might positively affect sleep [39]. In particular, our ADHD symptoms; at 3 months follow-up, the results from two
results show positive effects from non-pharmacological behavioral studies are consistent and statistically significant. However, at the
interventions and sleep management programs as reported in 6-month follow-up, one study reports increased effectiveness from
previous systematic reviews [40,42]. Also, for the particular group the 3-month results and the other a decrease, leading to a statis-
of children with ADHD, sleep interventions may affect sleep [5], tically insignificant long-term effect.
including sleep hygiene practices [41]. These previous systematic Seven different outcomes are included in the review results.
reviews have included a wide range of studies with different study Most of the outcomes are directly related to sleep quantity and
designs, such as uncontrolled observational studies, inadequate quality, while the outcomes of QoL and ADHD symptoms were
numbers of participants, and unclear statistical analyses, which chosen as they might be indirectly related to sleep difficulties but
might have led to elevated and unknown risks of systematic biases. also are important factors for the child and family. There is no
established core outcome set, i.e., an inventory of recommended
4.2. Strengths and limitations outcomes for trials and systematic reviews, for sleep interventions
for children [46,70]. We therefore opted for a fairly large number of
The rigorous methods used in this review warrant that the re- outcomes, given that no study included all of them. The measure-
ported results are unbiased, as careful quality assessments have ment methods of the objective outcomes differed among the
eliminated studies that are not of the highest scientific standard studies, as did the subjective self-reported instruments, adding to
throughout the review process. The methodologies employed in the heterogeneity of the evidence base. In our review, sleep in the
the review and the tools used to report the systematic review pharmacological interventions was evaluated with objective

€nn et al.
I. Larsson, K. Aili, M. Lo Sleep Medicine 102 (2023) 64e75

measurements (actigraphy or polysomnography), while the non- formal analysis, M.L., and A.I.; data curation, I.L., K.A., M.L., and P.J.;
pharmacological interventions also included parent-reported as- writingdoriginal draft preparation, I.L., and P.J..; writingdreview
sessments with questionnaire data, such as the CSHQ and the and editing, K.A., M.L., P.S., J.M.N., and A.I.; project administration,
ADHD rating scale IV. A consensus on a core outcome set to use in I.L., K.A., PS., and J.M.N. All authors have read and agreed to the
intervention studies targeting sleep among children is warranted. published version of the manuscript.

4.3. Health policy implications Declaration of competing interest

Sleep problems significantly impact children's functioning and The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
QoL [26,27] and are likely to exacerbate the negative behaviors
associated with ADHD [5,23,26,28]. In the long run, sleep problems Acknowledgement
are also associated with impaired academic performance [71,72]. A
healthy sleep pattern for children is thus an important clinical goal. We would like to thank Luis Irgang Santos for his support in
However, this systematic review found only four studies with good screening the cost-effectiveness studies and the librarians Elisabet
scientific quality: two on pharmacological interventions and two Frigell and Anna Nistor.
on non-pharmacological sleep behavioral interventions. One of the
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