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Professional Learning Record due:

March 21, 2023

Name: Fatouma Yassin Professor: PED3150A: Sue Dauncey

Part of your development as a professional is to engage in learning beyond your coursework and your CSL/practicum experiences. One of the Standards of
Practice is the “Commitment to Ongoing Professional Learning”. After attending a professional learning community session at the Faculty or in your schools and
the community, take a moment to reflect on the learning that took place.

Date Title Location/Presenter Description* Learning: Key points

Sept. 13 Education Maura Lynch How to navigate Provided practical information about book loans, and
2022 Resource and use the renewals. Provided information on the type of material
Centre education that can be used such as audio books, journals, books, kits,
resource center. etc.

Using the Dewy decimal classification system because it is

the system that is used in schools. This will allow us to
become familiar with the system
Sept. 13th Ministry of Derrick S. Curriculum A good resource for teachers K-12
Education Resources
Breaking down the curriculum for both educators and
parents so that the parents can follow along too.

Provides teachers with resources for specific support they

are looking for. They can specify what type of resource
they are looking for in the search engine and it will provide
the teacher with more information.

Providing opportunity for enriching programs for their

students. There are a lot of specific subjects that can be
tailored to specific students. For example, there are
resources that focus on mental health, critical thinking,
and critical literacy, STEM learning, etc.

Sept. 27th, Ontario Ryan Alexander Reyes The importance of There are 72 school board. 60 English and 12 French
2022 College of OCT and its self- school boards
Teachers regulation
(OCT) Legislation of the OCT and highlights the responsibilities of
teachers through the OCT.
- Certifying teachers
- Setting ethical and practice standards
- Accrediting teachers ed programs
The information you can find on the OCT registry:
- Ability to find any registered teacher. You can do so by
looking up their name or the registration number
- You can see the date on when a teacher was first
registered, t
- their membership status and their status history
- A teacher’s post-secondary education and their

Ethical Standards & Standards of Practice

- Establishes for the core efforts of teaching that help
solidity the trust of students, parents, members of
community etc.

Teacher Federation: responsible for advocating for


- A public stamp of approval.
- Once getting the approval, it isn’t a one-time thing.
Your accreditation can be up for review every 5-7
- Although teachers aren’t working all hours of the day
24/7, teachers are still expected to keep a level of
professionalism as a whole. Off duty conduct matters
because it can interfere with the public’s trust in
teachers otherwise.

Mandatory Sexual Abuse Prevention training

- Increase awareness of child sexual abuse
- Help recognize the signs of sexual abuse
- Reduce the risk of sexual abuse because educators can
identify the red flags quickly.
- Requires a score of 80% to be successful in the training
- It takes about 3hrs to complete and doesn’t need to be
completed in one seating
- You can access this once you send your OCT

OCT Scholarship Program

- There are several different scholarships and are usually
opened up Jan/Feb and closes in the summer. This
available annually.
- Each scholarship has different criteria when applying
Sept. 27th, Principal Paul Gautreau, Megan What to Consider Throughout Teaching Career
2022 Panel Egerton-Graham, Taking initiative
Michael Curry, and - Jumping right in…
Jeremy Nowiski. - 2 teachers in the room- the teachers see that and the
students see that
Being Prepared
- Coming in early to prepare for the day.
- Legally you have to arrive 15 mins before but that isn’t
nearly enough time to grab what you need
- It is important to arrive early so you can have a smooth
transition for when the student come into the
classroom, and you are prepared for the day.

- Being able to reflect on your day and take a step back
and see what worked and what didn’t.
- This can be challenging sometimes because you want
to believe that what you did was great but there is
always room for improvement.

Risk Taking
- Keeping the students engaged. Sometimes (depending
on the age group) some students can be checked out.
Being able to recognize that and knowing how to pull
the children back in
- It is okay for the students to think that you’re a little
wonky but as long as they are engaged and
interested in what you are teaching and what they
are learning is ultimately the most important thing.
- Being involved in the school and taking imitative.
- This can look like being involved in the sports clubs,
introducing yourself in the cafeteria to the students

- You will be stuck with some subjects that you may not
enjoy but it is still your responsibility to effectively
teach that subject.

What Teachers/Principals Notice:

- Introducing yourself to the staff in the school and
involving yourself in the school community
- When introducing yourself and getting to know the
“life” of the school, you get a better understanding of
the students, their routine of how to get to school,
how they use the resources in the school etc.
- “Lovingly strict” where you have a routine that works
for the students and for the teacher. The
environment is comfortable, safe, and efficient.
- Being critical in a question/curious sense. Being open
minded and question them
- Learning style inventories.

Personal Tips:
Owning mistakes
- It is okay to make mistakes and it will happen.
- Acknowledge your mistake, own it, and move on. It
will most likely not be something the students will
remember and that it is okay

- Making sure you document all forms of
- This will help you to make sure that if anything comes
to question, you have everything written down
Personal Health
- Making sure you’re taking care of yourself
- If you aren’t healthy, then how can you expect to
effectively teach your student

Sept. 30th, uOttawa Saad - Coding is another form of communication. Coding is

2022 Engineering talking to computer through codes in order to get
Outreach results
Coding Coding and Curriculum
Workshop Algebra:
- Patters and relationships
- Coding
- Equations and inequalities (Variables expressions, etc.)

Transferable Skills:
- Critical thinking and problem solving
- Communication
- Digital Literacy

Code Websites Used:

Microsoft Make Code
October Student Chantel Smith Student SATE is a 3-year project started in 2021.
11th, 2022 Achievement Achievement
Through Through Equity OCDSB Equity Initiative
Equity (SATE) Inquiry - Helping students become independent
(SATE) - A roadmap on how to address any inequities.
Inquiry - This helps identity where students need support to
ensure that all students have the same opportunity
to learn
- There is also a highlight on how to not only treat
students but employees as well
- Indigenous, equity & human rights roadman
- Valuing voices survey
- Employee resource group
- Student identity-based groups
 Spaces for students with different gender
identities, different ethnic background etc.
some of these are available online and
some resources that are available in person
and in schools.
- Equitable hiring process so that equity is part of
everything done in the district

- The issue in education is implementation. There are a
lot of “best practice” theories, but we don’t always
see it in the classroom because implementation it can
be challenging.

SATE Overview
- What can we do in the English based programs and
how can be build the compacity of the education
- To ensure there are using anti-colonial approach and
teaching from a multi-cultural lens
- Teacher’s come together for a common purpose and
discus how they can improve themselves and their
students learning experience
 Teaching is about impact and now about
how cool a lesson plan it.

- How to we create spaces where children feelings and

culture is valued and respected
- Continuously collaborating with parents to have them
involved in their child’s learning

Tier Program
- Tier 1 is the whole class and what you will do for
 We sit in tier 1 and in small group instructions.
 Really focused on small group instructions and
working with the small groups.
 Groups of 3 is the magic number because
children often gain the most when in groups
of 3.
- Tier 2
Book Recommendation
- Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain

October Ministry of Laura Christmann, Professional Primary Purpose of Assessment and Evaluation
11th 2022,Education: Grant Minkhorst, Development - Improving students learning
Assessment Debrorah Keefe Program Teachers
and Candidate 2022- Thinking about learning goals
Evaluation 2023 -
November Maintaining Bruno Counselling and What are Professional Boundaries
1st, 2022 Professional Member Service - Professional boundaries are the verbal, physical,
Boundaries emotional and social distance that an education must
maintain in order to ensure structure, security, and
predictability in an educational environment
- Things that you should keep in mind when interacting
with students. You can show that you care but there
are limitations
- Demonstrate to us and to others what is acceptable
behaviour and when an individual is crossing the line
- The duty of a teacher is established through the law
and if we aren’t completing the duties, then we are
breaking the law
- Employer, schoolboard, College of teachers, police all
have the ability to perform a form of disciplinary
action on a misconduct

Professional Interactions with Students

- Principals have no option but to send a teacher home
if the teacher is being accused of physically touching
their student. You will be asked to be sent home and
there is a possibility that you can be sent home with
- Can be investigated by children’s aid, college of
teachers, police, and the schoolboard.
- Appropriate student-teacher relationships. The
teacher is in a position of trust but the teacher isn’t
the students’ parents. Teachers aren’t the student’s
best friend.

High Risk Behaviour

- If a student share that they are being abused, it is the
teacher’s duty to report that to the Children’s Aid
- Must maintain professionalism and not get caught up
in the students’ personal relationships

Preventing problems
- Always make sure that the doorway is opened and that
you can be seen when having an interaction with a
- Sitting across student’s vs sitting side by side is best
- Throughout experience, you will learn different
strategies on how to position yourself in a
professional manner.
- When in a heighten state of stress, you are most likely
to step over the boundaries. You may not be aware
that you are crossing boundaries (i.e., Wanting to
move them or step around them) you may not realize
how much force you are using during that
- To help maintain a level of professionalism, you can
always request the students to call you by your last
name and not your first name. Sometimes allowing
students to call you by your first name can blur the
lines of the students looking at you as more than just
a teacher and a friend.

January Ministry of Chris Cully, Sue School, Climate, Context: Bullying

17th, 2023 Education Brown, Rana and Bullying - Bullying behaviours can take many forms including:
Nasrazadani Prevention oPhysical
oSocial/relational: spreading rumors, excluding

Impacts of bullying and cyber bullying

- Affect students learning sense of safety and overall
mental health and well-being
- Impact students’ attendance
- Create a negative environment at school/school
related activities for individual, group, or the whole

What does research tell us

- Long lasting consequences that can last well through
high school
- 21% of students reported being bullied at school and
30% of students reported being bullied over the

Schools have a unique role in bullying prevention

- Understand schools are in unique position to support
students and families. This is an essential tool to
ensure schools can sustain a positive school climate.

Reflect: Positive School Climate

- Involving students in school routine. i.e. students
participating in oh Canada/announcement,
extracurricular clubs
- An open communication and allowing students to
speak openly about their feelings without teachers
assuming what they mean. Modeling active listening
and providing reassurance as your listen to the

Positive school Climate

- Supports all students
- Everyone in the school community feel safe, included
and accepted.
- Equity and inclusive education are embedding in the
learning environment
oAssessment strategies of all the different learners
- Every student is feeling inspired and given the same
high expectations to succeed.

Key requirements
- Race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin,
citizenship, creed, age, marital status, family status,
disability, or other factors
oSchools share survey results because its helps
identify strengths and where schools need

Key Legislative and Policy Requirement

- Policy Program Memorandum 144 (bullying prevention
and intervention
oProvides updated guidance’s on how to support
students in schools.
oEnhances support in bullying and cyberbullying
oAligns with ministry of education views of equity,
school of code conduct etc.
oEliminates suspension with students K-
- Policy Program Memorandum 119 (developing and
implementing equity and inclusive education policies
in Ontario schools)

- The ministry of education provides funding for various
initiatives that help to promote a positive school
climate, support healthy relationships, build
empathy, and address bulling and cyberbullying.
Initiatives also combat sex trafficking and violence
against women.

*The description may be copied from the outline in the posting for this event.

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