Critical Reading - Elmosta Azzam 1195030061

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Name NIM Class

Elmosta Azzam 1195030061 3B

Title Why own a 4WD
Writer McGregor
Type of text Persuasive Text
Place of publication None

Answers to critical 1. The advantages of having a 4WD car

questions 2. Mcgregor , to everybody
3. An employee of the car company
4. The poor are silenced and this text is adressed to rich people.
Because the writer thought that everybody can buy the car or he
thought that everybody is have a lot of money
5. The price of the car
6. Those who want to buy the car its mean the rich people and those
who stick to ordinary cars like the poor people . Because the writer
thought that everybody are be able to buy the car .
7. To buy that car
8. Disagree because the text has several points against us.
9. This text is persuade everyone to buy a 4WD car and is aimed
more at those who can afford it.

Personal experience Little bit amazed by kind of advantages that possessed by this car
(when reading) and surprised at its shortcomings.
Reaction & For me, the text is one of example of persuasive text. Why? because
Interpretation it contains a persuasion to buy something, a 4WD car. therefore, the
text tends to bring out the advantages of the car more than the
Relation to prior this text teaches us to carefully in understanding something. besides
knowledge that, this text also makes us thinks more critical in order receiving
information as in previous knowledge. We must know what the
author's purpose is, for this text it is intended and what benefits we
can take from it.
Questions 1. Why did the writer choose a WD car over the other cars?
2. Where can we get the car?
3. How's price is the car?
4. Are there other options for those who can't buy it?
Agree/ disagreement I disagree with the text because it focused on the rich personal sides.
on the judgement In case that on the text didn’t mention about the price so we as the
reader don’t know about it as detail as it could be.

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