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Construction Project - Practice ONLY

Name: Enter any name here

The Scenario
You are in charge of an imaginary construction project. It requires you to: install fencing; pour a concrete pad; s
the fenced area, around the concrete; and track the costs for the project in this spreadsheet. The picture below
the project site. Details are provided in the box above the image.

With your gathering group, use math skills, Excel formulas and cell references to find the missing measuremen
the amounts and costs of material for this project.

Gathering Practice Instructions

Enter a name in the cell C2 then press "enter".
Adjust the widths of columns C, D, H and any others so the text fits well within the cells. You may want to use W
Increase the font size of merged cell B1 (Construction Project) to at least 15, bold the text and adjust the row h
Enter formulas in the yellow cells to calculate the missing measurements and material amounts and costs.
Use cell references. Do not enter numbers into your formula from reference cells, just reference the cell itself.
If a yellow cell says "Use =SUM()" then you must use the SUM() function, not just add cells together (x+y+z).
Make sure that numbers in cells D36 through D51 are rounded to the nearest hundredth.
Make sure that the numbers in cells D54 through D57 are formatted as currency using the United States dollar.
Make sure numbers in cells H47 through H49 are formatted as a percentage and are rounded to the nearest wh
Select cells G47 through H49 and insert a pie chart in the space provided that shows the project budget percen
Edit the title of the pie chart to say Project Budget Percentages.

This spreadsheet is for practice only.

It is NOT the upcoming application activity. Do NOT submit this spreadsheet to the c

Material Costs per unit

Cost of fencing ($ per meter) $43.64

Cost of gravel ( $ per square $10.27

Cost of concrete ($ per cubi $121.04

Measurements of the project

a 5.50

b 6.74

c 10.40

d 21.38

e 8.02

f 11.71 Red line = perimeter of the project.

Blue rectangle = concrete pad.
g Grey part = gravel area.
Letters = the measurements.
h 11.71 I, II = section of gravel

Depth of concrete pad (meters) 0.16

Perimeter, Area, and Volume Calculations Percent of Total Cost taken by:

Fencing around project - red use =SUM Fencing

Area of gravel in rectangle 'I' (sq. meters) Gravel

Area of gravel in triangle 'II' (sq. meters) Concrete

Total area of gravel - grey ar use =SUM

Volume of concrete (cubic m

Materials cost

Total cost of fencing around

Total cost of gravel

Insert chart here. Adjust size to cover this area.
Total cost of concrete

Total Cost of Project: use =SUM

Budget $12,000.00

Budget Left Over

cing; pour a concrete pad; spread gravel inside
adsheet. The picture below is a top view of

nd the missing measurements and calculate

ells. You may want to use Wrap Text too.

e text and adjust the row height to fit.
rial amounts and costs.
ust reference the cell itself.
dd cells together (x+y+z).
ng the United States dollar.
rounded to the nearest whole number
s the project budget percentages.

e only.
his spreadsheet to the course.

otal Cost taken by:

cover this area.

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