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Name: Victoria Carranza

Account #: 61417905

Teacher: Mrs. Gloria Henriquez

Signature: World Literature

Date: December 10th, 2021


- Make a list of three themes you find important in Antigone.

1. Power
2. Mortality
3. Determination

- For each theme, write 2-4 sentences about how it is, or is not, relevant to your own
1. In Antigone, power is reflected in king Creon’s character. I can apply this in my own life
by understanding that power is not everything in life. It is important to keep a balance of
healthy power and power blindness. We always must hear other people’s opinions to
understand other people’s perspectives, not only ours.
2. Mortality is a strong theme in Antigone. The way I can apply this theme in my life is to
understand how a strong deception, frustration, sadness, and betrayal can take
someone to the bridge of dramatic decisions. To spread awareness about this issue
present today.
3. Antigone’s determination is strong in this drama. I will apply it in my life by learning how
to be confident and consistent with my beliefs and standards. To not let my surroundings
mold me to their unfair justice because of fear. Although I wouldn’t take such a harsh

- Compare and contrast the sisters Ismene and Antigone. Include their philosophies, way
of life, and reactions to others in the play.
Ismene and Antigone’s personalities are drastically different. I can define Antigone’s philosophy
as bold, independent, and confident. In contrast, Ismene’s philosophy is submissive and timid.
In difference to Antigone’s actions, Ismene’s ones are weak even though she knew that the
King’s decision was unfair, she decides not to do anything about it to avoid the consequences.

- Surely both Antigone and Creon have valid points. Which of the two do you feel has a
stronger justification for his or her actions?
I feel more acceptance for Antigone's reaction. She was strong in her feelings and very loyal to
his family and moral beliefs. Although I must say that I also find her decision to be a little selfish
because somehow, she knew that others would react the same way as she did.

- In your groups discuss your feelings regarding Creon's decree, Antigone’s defiance,
and Creon's intended punishment of Antigone. Decide whose because you are more
sympathetic to, Creon's or Antigone's, and list three to five reasons for this.
Creon’s decree is unreasonable because both are brothers, they belong to the same family, and
he knew this was going to create controversy between his own family and others. Antigone’s
defiance was brave, in comparison to other reactions. Others knew that the decree was unfair,
but only Antigone had the strength to stand up to the king. Creon’s intended punishment of
Antigone was drastic and showed no mercy toward his own family.

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