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Employee Management System

Minor Project
Satyam kumar & Ajit Kushwaha
MCA III Semester
Table of Content

Hardware and Software Requirements

ER Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

Database Tables



Future Scope
 Employee Management System stores all the employee’s information in a
 It is an application developed in java GUI technology and database used in
 It is an easy to use application and has a user-friendly interface.
 This project is easy to use application which is created to manage the work
process and organizational responsibilities of human resources and other
departments. It helps managers and employees to work together and accurately
monitor, access, manage and efficiently utilize the working hours for better
business growth.
 It is totally built at the administrative end which means that only admin has the
access rights to change or modify any records. So this makes it safe and reliable
application to use.
Hardware and Software Requirements


• Minimum Windows 95 software • Operating System
• IBM-compatible 486 system • Java SDK or JRE 1.6 or higher
• Hard Drive and Minimum of 8 MB • Java FX
• Supported Database and library
• A CD-ROM drive that supports the database
connection with Java
• Mouse
• Keyboard
ER Diagram
Data Flow Diagram

 The goal of the initiative is to digitize personnel databases in

businesses and provide administrators access to computers.
Employees and administrators use software as an information
system. The user can store his or her database safe and secure for
an indefinite amount of time here. Adding, deleting, accessing,
and changing employee information is simple and easy using the
Employee Management System.
Future Scope

 The GUI and the features added to this system are the
basic ones. In future, there will be a better Graphical
User Interface and there will be more features added to
this system. If Graphical User Interface is improved
then this system will be more user friendly and more
features added will make this system a lot better and HR
will be able to perform more operations.
Thank You!

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