Report 2

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Report 2


To introduce you to the importance of good housekeeping in preventing most common accidents in the
workplace (we also think it will be good to implement in your homes and schools). The 5S, a Japanese
concept that aims to optimize time for production, is a very practical, simple and proven approach to
improving housekeeping in the workplace. Housekeeping is important because it lessens accidents and
related injuries and illnesses. It therefore improves productivity and minimizes direct/indirect costs of
accidents/illnesses. Housekeeping means putting everything in its proper place. It is everybody’s business
to observe it in the workplace.

Minimum Content of Report

• Explain the value of practicing good housekeeping

• Recall and explain the role of management, supervisor and employees in good housekeeping
• Identify and discuss good housekeeping practices


Originality of reports this includes the content, power point presentation-----------30 points

Delivery of reports-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------50 points

Promptness in the submission of report--------------------------------------------------------20 points

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