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162. Henpecked tk s: dk xqyke A man who dances to the tunes of his wife 163.

Honorary lEekulwpd
An office for which no salary is paid 164. Holocaust i w.kkZgqfr@vfXudk.M Large scale destruction by
fire 165. Heath c atj A flat waste land 166. Hymn Hktu A religious song 167. Hermaphrodite
mHk;fyaxh Creature having both male and female organs 168. Harangue yEck pk SMk ;k mxz Hkk"k.k
nsuk Loud talk or speech 169. Harem tuku[kkuk Place where women dwelled (Ancient time) 170.
Howdah gkFkh d s ihB dh lokjh Seat on elephant’s back 171. Hygienist vkjksX;’kkL=h A person who is
very careful about his health 172. Ignition Toyu Mechanism for starting combustion in cylinder of
motor engine 173. Innovator ub Z jhfr pyk aus okyk A person who introduce new things/chances
174. Irritable tYnh ukjkt gksus okyk Easily made angry 175. Invulnerable vHks+|] vt s; Immune to
attack; impregnable 176. Interlude v arjky@e/;k arj Interval between two events 177. Inn
ljk;]/keZ’kkyk Place which provides both board and lodging 178. Incomprehensible u le>us ;k sX;
Statement which cannot be understood 179. Invoice fcy esa fy[kuk List of goods with their price 180.
Innocuous vgkfudj Not injurious to physical or mental health 181. Instigate i zsfjr djuk] mdlkuk To
urge a man to do some evil 182. Infantry i Sny l suk Soldiers who fight on foot 183. Internment
utjcUnh] LFkkucU/ku Detaining and confining someone 184. Incarnation vorkj] vorkj.k Changing of
magic spells 185. Imbroglio vO;oLFkk A confused, complicated or embarrassing situation 186.
Inheritance i Sf=d laifRRk Property handed down after the death of a person, heritage 187.
Iconoclast fjokt rksM +usokyk One who break the establishment of tradition and image 188.
Inaugural speech mn~?kkVu] Hkk"k.k The lecture of a function for introduction 189. Incredulous
vfo’ouh; Not disposed or willing to believe, unbelieving 190. Incredible vfo’ouh;] vrqY;uh; Beyond
belief or understanding 191. Inundation ck< A rising of a body of water 192. Invocation vkgoku] i
zkFk Zuk A prayer asking god’s help as a part of religious Service (supplication) 193. Involution dke
dks ckWVuk Reduction in size of an organ / the act of sharing in the activities 194. Immortal vu’oj]
vej A person of enduring fame / not subject to death 195. Impurity v’k q) Without risk of punishment
196. Infallible xyrh u djus okyk Incapable of failure or error 197. Isthmus l a;k sx Hk wfe A relatively
narrow strip of land (with water both side) Connecting two larger areas 198. Intangible vLi"V] vewrZ
Incapable of being touched or seen 199. Inevitable vfuok;Z Incapable of being avoided or presented
200. Intelligentsia c qf)thoh oxZ Intelligent and educated class of society. 201. Ineradicable ftls lekIr u
fd;k tk ld s That which cannot be rooted out. 202. Itinerary ;k=k o `rk ar A film or illustrative lecture
on travelling 203. Instigate mdlkuk To urge a man to do some evil 204. Imperialism lkezkT;okn Policy
of extending a countries and influence

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